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Monday 13 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.15 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks:
1. Africa is the second largest Continent.
2. It consists of more than thirty-five independent countries.
3. Once Africa was called the "Dark Continent".
4. Nigeria is mainly an agricultural country.
5. Nigeria is the largest country of West Africa and it is also the most thickly populated.
6. Most of its inhabitants are farmers who live in villages.
7. A great part of Nigeria is covered with a dense forest.
8. There are no streets or lanes in a Nigerian Village.
9. Formerly a farmer's hut consisted of a single room.
10. Usually women look after the food crops.
11. Cocoa beans and powder are also a major exports of Nigeria.
12. In many parts of Africa, farmers cannot rear cattle.
13. Most people in Nigerian villages sleep on mats.
14. Men in Nigerian villages tend the cash crops like oil-palms and cocoa trees.
15. From the powder of cocoa beans chocolate is made.
16. In an African a kind of fly kills the cattle and causes sleeping sickness among human beings.
17. Women is Nigerian Village cook food in the courtyard.
18. The houses in a Nigerian village are scattered.
19. Earthenware means pots made of clay.
20. The roof of the hut in a Nigerian Village is made of Palm-leaves.

Sunday 12 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.14 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks:
1. This poem has been composed by William Ross Wallace.
2. This poem has been written in praise of mothers.
3. A mother's hand has been compared to a rainbow.
4. Mothers are the real ruler of the world.
5. "Natal sod" means Native land.
6. A prayer for mother is joined by Angles.
7. How divine is the mission of women.
8. A mother is the first guide of a child.
9. Rainbow is a sign that the storm has passed and the danger is over.

English X - Chapter No.13 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks:
1. The mother and children first of all went to the Mutton market.
2. .Beef is the meat of cows and calves.
3. Mutton is the meat of goats and sheep.
4. Mother bought one kilo of minced meat from the butcher's shop.
5. Last of all mother bought one kilo of dressed chicken.
6. Dressed chicken means cleaned chicken.
7. We measure milk in liters.
8. "Good Heaves!" is an expression of surprise.

Saturday 11 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.11 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks:
1. Bilal saw that the village was decorated with buntings and colourful flags.
2. The first thing that Bilal and Zubair saw in the village fair was a drum-beating competition.
3. Eight drummers were beating their drums.
4. Everyone was trying to do his best to get the first prize.
5. All types of goods from handkerchiefs to farming tools were being sold in the shops.
6. Girls were buying rings and bangles.
7. Women were interested in household goods.
8. A fight was going on between, the bear and three fierce dogs.
9. Conjurers, jugglers and acrobats gave great joy to the children.
10. The two friends returned homeward, tired but happy.
11. The most exciting of the sports in the village fair was tent-pegging.
12. The performance of an acrobats is very dangerous or risky.

English X - Chapter No.10 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks:
1. This poem has been written by Ellen M. H. Gates.
2. Hymns are the religious songs.
3. To the poetess her mother's hands are the most beautiful.
4. Ellen gates has written this poem in praise of her mother.
5. "Palms of victory" means an award for the victorious.
6. "And where the old are young again". This lines refers to the Heaven.
7. "Neath the daisies" means in the grave.
8. The mother's hand continue to work hard so that her children might be glad.
9. "Wrinkle hands" refer to the hands of an old person.
10. "Such beautiful, beautiful hands". "They are growing feeble now". The word "Feeble" means weak.

English X - Chapter No.9 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks:
1. This poem is written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
2. In this poem the word gold stands for material wealth.
3. Only men can make a nation great and strong.
4. "Who dare while other fly." In this line the word "fly" means to run away.
5. This poem was written in the 19th century.
6. They build a nation's pillars deep.
7. "To suffer long" means to face hardships for a long time.

English X - Chapter No.7 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In The Blanks:
1. This poem has been written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
2. His most famous novel is "Treasure Island" .
3. "Faster than fairies, faster than witches,". This line shows the high speed of a train.
4. The word "charging" means attacking.
5. Meadows are grassy fields.
6. In the wink of an eye means, in a second.
7. "All by himself" means alone.

English X - Chapter No.6 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In The Blanks:
1. The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907.
2. He was the second son of King Abdul Aziz Ibne Saud.
3. He received religious education from his maternal grandfather Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Latif.
4. He was made Governor of Hijaz, when he was only twenty.
5. He also served as the Foreign Minister of his country.
6. He became the Prime Minister in 1958.
7. He was made King of Saudi Arabia by the Council of ministers in 1954.
8. King Faisal was devoted to Islam.
9. He possessed great qualities of leadership and proved to be an able ruler.
10. He ruled the country wisely and justly.
11. The main source of income for Saudi Arabia is mineral oil.
12. Shah Faisal considered education very important for the progress of his people.
13. Shah Faisal  provided many facilities to the pilgrims.
14. He had a strong wish to unite the Muslims.
15. He was an. equal partner with Pakistan in holding the Islamic Summit Conference at Lahore in 1974.
16. King Faisal was a sincere friend and well-wisher of the people of Pakistan.
17. He was killed by his wicked nephew on 25th March, 1975.
18. The Muslims all over the world mourned his death.
19. The Muslims of the world will remember him as a noble and pious Muslim leader.

English X - Chapter No.6 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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A. Comprehensions:

Q.1 When was King Faisal born?
Ans. The Late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907. He was the second son of King Abdul Aziz Ibne Sa’ud.

Q.2 From whom did he receive his religious education?
Ans. King Faisal belonged to a noble and religious family so the received his religious education from his maternal grand father Sheikh Abdullah Bin Latif.

Q.3 When was Faisal made the King?
Ans. Faisal was made King after the illness of his elder brother King Saud in 1964. He was chosen by the council of Ministers because of his wisdom and intelligence. Before coming the king, he also served as Governor of Hijaz, Foreign Minister, Commander of armed forces and Prime Minister of Saudi Arab.

Q.4 How did Faisal rule Saudi Arabia?
Ans. Faisal ruled his county wisely and justly. Being an able ruler he possessed great qualities of Leadership.  Under his rule, Saudi Arabia made great progress because of his sincere leadership and love for his country. He did his best for the development of his country and made great progress in the field of health, education and industry.

Q.5 How did he developed his country?
Ans. Faisal took all necessary steps to develop his country. He spent a lot of money to promote education. He opened many schools and universities where students were not only given free education but also awarded stipends to meet other need. He also spread a wide network of hospitals and dispensaries. New factories and mills were set up and industry made great progress. Oil production was increased.  Vast areas of desert were irrigated and made suitable for cultivation.

Q.6 What were the feelings of King Faisal about Pakistan? OR What was his attitude to Pakistan?
Ans. King Faisal was a sincere friend and well-wisher of the people of Pakistan. He gave generous help to this country on several occasions by providing all-out metal and material support. He was an equal partner with Pakistan in holding the Islamic summit conference at Lahore in 1974. He was also unhappy  on the separation of East Pakistan, which is now called Bangladesh.

Q.7 Why was King Faisal against the State of Israel?
Ans. King Faisal was against the State of Israel, because of its enmity towards the Arabs. He strengthened the Arabs in their war against Israel He felt deeply grieved, when "Israelites set the Al-Aqsa Mosque on fire. He made every possible effort to get back the Arab territories under the illegal occupation of Israel.

Q.8 What did Faisal do for the Arabs in their war against Israel?
Ans. Faisal made every possible effort to get back the Arab territories and provided full financial support to Arabs. He never recognized the state of Israel and did not establish any kind of relation with it at any level. He was the one who introduce the Arabs as a community.

Q.9 When was King Faisal killed?
Ans. King Faisal was killed by a wicked nephew of his on 25th March, 1975. He was murdered by a skillful fabricated plan. The Muslims of all over the world specially Pakistani people , mourned his death. He lived like a soldier and died a martyr.

Q.10 How did the Muslims feel over his death?
Ans. The Muslims all over the world mourned his death. There was not a single house in Pakistan which did not mourn his death, they felt as if an elder of the family passed away. He lived like a soldier and died a martyr. With his death, not only Saudi Arabia but also the whole Muslim world has lost a sincere and bold leader. The Muslims of the world, who have great love and respect for him will remember him as a noble and pious Muslim leader and his name shall live forever in their hearts.

Q.11: What do you know about the character of King Faisal?
Ans: King Faisal was devoted to Islam. He was a good Muslim and lead a simple life. He did his best to make his people life according to the teaching of Islam. He was a pious person and was a bold Muslim leader.

Q.12: What make King Faisal a popular leader all over the Muslim world? Or What was his service to the Muslim world? OR What was the strong wish of King Faisal?
Ans: King Faisal had a strong wish to unite the Muslims of the world. He did his best to bring the Muslims living in different countries closer together. His services in making the Muslims conscious of the need for brotherhood can never be forgotten and made him  a popular leader all over the Muslim world.

Q.13: What do you know about the early life of King Faisal?
Ans: The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907. He was the second son of King Abdul Aziz Ibne Saud. He received religious education from his maternal grandfather Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Latif. After completing his education at an early age, he started taking interest in the affairs of the State and helped his father in governing the country.

Q.14: What did he think of education?
Ans: Faisal considered education very important for the progress of his people. He opened many schools where education is free for all. He set up several universities, where students are not only given free education but are also awarded stipends to meet other needs as well.

Q.15: What are the natural resources of Saudi Arab?
Ans: Mineral oil  and the vast desert are the natural resources of Saudi Arabia. Mineral oil is the main source of their income. He did his best do produce remarkable results out of these available natural resources.

Q.16: How did King Faisal help his people in the field of Medical?
Ans: King Faisal was a well wisher and well aware of the condition of his people, In order to provide health facilities he spread a net work of hospitals and dispensaries all over his vast kingdom. Now, a bedouin, living even a thousand kilometers from the capital, will find a hospital or dispensary not far from where he lives.

Q.17: What qualities did King Faisal possessed?
Ans: King Faisal possessed many qualities.
  1. He loved his people and ruled the country wisely and justly.
  2. He possessed most of the qualities of leadership.
  3. He proved himself to ba an able ruler.
  4. He was a great lover of Islam and Muslims.
  5. He was a soldier of Islam.
  6. He was very eager to see that all the Muslims are united.
  7. He was sincere friend of the people of Pakistan.
  8. He gave generous help to Pakistan and other Muslims countries.
  9. He lived like a soldier and died a martyr.

B. Write down the meanings of following words and use them in your own sentences:

Words / Meanings

S.NO. Words Meanings
 1. Late Dead
 2. Education Schooling
 3. Maternal Relating to mother
 4. Affairs Event, Incident
 5. Govern To rule 
 6. Later on After sometime
 7. Several more than two but not many.
 8. Gain Obtain
 9. Resign Leave
 10. Devoted Very loyal
 11. According to As stated by or in
 12. Progress Development
 13. Develop Grow, Advance
 14. Pilgrims Hajis
 15. Unity the state of being united or joined as a whole.
 16. Efforts Struggle
 17. Spread expand, grow
 18 Network System to connect people
 19. Assault Attack.


S.NO. Words Sentences
 1. Late Late Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah is a father of our nation.
 2. Education Islam makes it compulsory for all humans to acquire education.
 3. Maternal His maternal grand father was a chief minister of Karachi.
 4. Affairs He arranged all her business affairs before going on holiday.
 5. Govern He is not fit to govern his country.
 6. Later on The big stores will open later on Sunday.
 7. Several Several cities have been isolated by the heavy snowfall
 8. Gain She can only gain by further study.
 9. Resign He had resigned from his job due to low salary.
 10. Devoted He devoted his life for the development of his country
 11. According to Students are all put in different groups according to their ability.
 12. Progress She had made progress with her hard work.
 13. Develop He need to develop a positive attitude in the class.
 14. Pilgrims Millions of pilgrims go on Hajj at Makkah every year 
 15. Unity The dispute has destroyed unity among the workers.
 16. Efforts We should put more efforts to beautify our environment
 17. Spread The Corona disease has spread all over the world in 2020
 18 Network  A network of railways has spread over the province.
 19. Assault He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

C. Make noun from the following words:
Born, Educate, Resign, Move, Rule, Govern, Serve, Visit, Die, Develop

S.NO. Words NOUN
10.Develop Development 

D. Fill In The Blanks In The Following Sentences With The Words Given In The Lesson:
1. Faisal started taking interest in the affairs of the state.
2. He received religious education from his maternal grandfather.
3. He helped his father in governing the country.
4. He was made governor of Hijaz when he was only twenty.
5. Later on, he served as Saudi Foreign Minister.
6. He also, had the opportunity of holding the command of the Armed Forces of his country.
7. After the death of King Abdul Aziz, his eldest son Sa'ud became the King.
8. Faisal was made the Crown Prince and Prime Minister in 1958.
9.  Saudi Arabia was in serious difficulties at that time.
10. Faisal used his wisdom and intelligence to overcome these difficulties.

E. Composition:
Q.1: Write down ten lines on King Faisal OR What qualities did King Faisal possess?
Ans: The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907, and was the second son, of King Abdul Aziz Ibne Saud. He was chosen as the King by the Council of Ministers in 1964. He was a good Muslim and led a simple life. He did his best to see his people live according to the teachings of Islam. He possessed great qualities of leadership and proved to be an able ruler. He loved his people and ruled the country wisely and justly.
He had a strong wish to unite the Muslims of the world and did his best to bring the Muslims living in different countries closer together. His services in making the Muslims conscious of the need for brotherhood can never be, forgotten. King Faisal was also a sincere friend and well-wisher of the people of Pakistan. He gave generous help to Pakistan and other Muslim countries. This great kind died in an assault by a wicked nephew of his on 25th March, 1975. The Muslims all over the world mourned his death. He lived like a soldier and died a martyr.

Q.2: Write ten lines on King Faisal’s Efforts to Unite the Muslims?
  1. King Faisal had a strong wish to unite the Muslims of the world.
  2. He did his best to bring the Muslims living in different countries closer together. 
  3. His services in making the Muslims conscious of the need for brotherhood can never be, forgotten.
  4. He practiced, what he preached and assisted the Muslim countries of the world. 
  5. He was an. equal partner with Pakistan in holding the Islamic Summit Conference at Lahore in 1974.
  6. He strengthened the Arabs in their war against Israel.
  7. He felt deeply grieved, when "Israelites set the Al-Aqsa Mosque on fire.
  8. He made every possible effort to get back the Arab territories under the illegal occupation of Israel.
  9. He was the religious leader of the Muslims and the guardian of two holy places of the Makkah-al-Mukarramah and Medina. 
  10. He lived like a soldier and died a martyr.

F. Non Textual Exercise:
Earlier, Later, The earlier, the latest as adverb.
1. Earlier, he was made governor.
2. Later, he served as Foreign Minister.
3. Shops open at 9 o'clock at the earliest.
4. They close at 8 o'clock at the latest.

Insert one of the adverbs in brackets.
1. I can come by 6 o'clock at the  (earlier, earliest).
2. He must be back home by 6 o'clock at the (latest, later).
3. (Later, latest) They settled along the banks of rivers.
4.(Earlier, Earliest) they wandered from place to place.

G. Idiomatic Structures:
(i) Go into:
1. "She won't go into a dark place alone." means
She won't enter a dark place alone.

2. "They will go into mourning for a week." means
They will observe one week mourning.

3. Don't go into petty details." means
Don't inquire minutely about unimportant matters.

4. " Two goes into eight four time." means
Eight is four time two.

(ii)  Go through
5. " The gate is broad enough for the bus to go through." means
The bus can pass through the gate since it is broad enough.

6. "Your application must go through  the proper channels" means
Your application must be processed through the prescribed steps.

7. "He had to go through a lot of trouble." means
He had to suffer a lot of trouble."

(iii) Go together:
8. "This doesn't go together with the colour." means
This does not agree with that colour.

Monday 6 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.6 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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S.NO. Words Meanings
 1. Able Having ability
 2. According to As stated by or in
 3. Affairs Event, Incident
 4. Assault Attack
 5. Bedouin Normal Arab
 6. Conscious Aware
 7. Crown Prince The next ruler
 8. Cultivation Farming
 9. Devoted Very loyal
 10. Develop Grow, Advance
 11. Effort Struggle
 12. Enmity Hostility
 13. Education Schooling
 14. Gain Obtain 
 15. Generous Ready to give freely 
 16. Govern To rule 
 17. Grief  Sorrow
 18 Guardian Patron
 19. Illegal Unjustified
 20. Justly With Justice
 21. Late Dead
 22. Later on After sometime
 23. Maternal Relating to mother
 24. Mourn Express deep sorrow
 25. Network System to connect people
 26. Opportunity Chance
 27. Pious Noble
 28. Pilgrims Hajis
 29. Possess To have
 30. Provide To make available
 31. Progress Development
 32. Resign Leave
 33. Stipend Scholarship
 34. Summit Conference of the Heads of the Government 
 35. Several more than two but not many.
 36. Spread expand, grow
 37. Territory Area
 38. Unhappy  Sad
 39. Unity the state of being united or joined as a whole.
 40. Vast Large
 41. Wicked Scoundrel

Short note Or Summary on KING FAISAL

Shah Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907. He received religious education from his maternal grand father Shaikh Abdullah bin Abdul Latif. He had qualities of heart and head. He started his career as governor of HIjaz. Then he was appointed foreign Minister and Prime Minister. When his elder brother falls seriously ill he was chosen as king by the Council in 1964. He liked his people and ruled the country in very successful manner. He increased the produce of petroleum for development of his country. He established various factories in his country. He opened schools and hospitals. He brought vast area of desert under cultivation. As he was true Muslim, so his strong desire was to unite Muslims of the world. He tried his best to achieve that goal. He was against the state of Israel and helped the Arab countries in their war against Israel. King Faisal was sincere friend of Pakistan. He always helped Pakistan in difficult times. He was killed by his nephew on 25 March 1975. His death was mourned by the entire Muslim world.