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Sunday 3 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.18 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension

Q.1: Write a short note on Casabianca? OR Who was Casabianca? OR What do you know about Casabianca? 
Ans. Casabianca was a young boy and a brave soldier. His father was the captain of the battleship. He had ordered his son not to move from his place without any further order from him. During the battle, the ship caught fire. Casabiamca asked his father again and again if he could leave his place in order to save his life. But there was no reply as the captain was dead. Casabianca proved himself to be very obedient and faithful son and a disciplined soldier. He laid down his life in carrying out his duties but he did not disobey his father.

Q.2: What do you know about a battleship from this poem?
Ans. As the poem was written in the 19th century, in these days ships were made from wood. The battleship has many things in common with a civilian ship. It has a deck with different parts like mast, helm, pennon. Moreover cannon balls are also fixed on it for destruction purposes.

Q.3: Who has written the poem "Casabianca"? What do you know about poet /poetess?
Ans. This poem is written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1793-1835). She was born at Liverpool, but the family moved to Wales where she was brought up. She was quick in mind and had a fine memory. As a poet, she has been compared to Longfellow. Like Cowper, she loved the pathetic, and there is great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral values.

Q.4: How has the Felicia Dorothea Hemans been compared to other poets?
Ans. Felicia Dorothea Hemans has been compared to Henry Long Fellow and Cowper. She had the same pathetic and there is a great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work like the other poets. She also stressed moral values.

Q.5: What does the poetess mean by saying that “Lone Post of Death”?
Ans. The poetess is describing the death scene of Casabianca through the phrase. It means that when the fire was near to engulf him and his death time had arrived, he felt his heart on his forehead and in waving hair. He stood quite and calm and looked around him with bold heart though he was disappointed.

Q.6: Why does the poetess call the Casabianca “A Gallant Child”?
Ans. The poetess calls the Casabianca “a gallant child” because he stood like a rock and fearless in the fire and the enemy’s shelling. He was despair in the moments of death and danger. When his body blown into bites and he was defeated by the death, his spirit was not overpowered and he remained as a brave and valiant soldier.

Q.7: What lesson do we learn from this poem? OR What is the message of the poem?
Ans. From this poem, we learn the lesson that we should obey our parents under all circumstances and at all times. We should be ready even to sacrifice our life for our parents. 
In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.

Q.8: What is the noblest thing referred to by the poetess in this poem?
Ans. The noblest thing that was burnt by fire in the battleship was the young noble heart of Casabianca. The poetess calls it the noblest thing because this heart was obedient, disciplined and faithful.

Q.9: What quality did the boy in " Casabianaca" possess? OR Casabianca shows the true spirit of soldier comment?
Ans. Casabianca was a young and brave soldier of his country. He was a born hero and was loyal, disciplined, obedient and true patriot.  The entire poem revolves around excellent scene of dutifulness and responsibility. He kept waiting for his father's permission and never left the duty post. He sacrified his life for his life for the sake of his country.

Q.10: Why did the Casabianca not leave the burning deck?
Ans. Casabianca did not leave the burning deck because his father, the captain of the ship, had told him not to leave the deck without his permission. Though he kept on asking for his orders, he did not know that his father lay unconscious. He preferred death, but did not defy the orders.

B. Words / Meanings

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
1. A bannerA flag or standard
2. The battle's wreckThe ship had become a wreck after being damaged in the fighting
3. To boomTo make a deep, echoing sound as of guns.
4. ChieftainA chief: a leader
5. The deckThe floor of a ship
6. GallantBrave
7. HelmWheel for steering a ship
8. Heroic bloodThe blood of great and noble people; the boy had inherited greatness and nobility from his forefathers
9. The mastA thick tall pole of wood or metal to which a ship's sails are tied
10. A pennonA narrow flag flown from the top of the mast
11. A shroudOne of the ropes stretching from the mast to the side of a ship
12. StrewedCovered with small pieces
13. UnconsciousUnaware; Not knowing
14. WraptWrapped

C. Non Textual:
1. Forming of questions:

Example: "This is the correct time." (Change into question)
Is this the correct time?
Exercise: Change into question
1. You were present yesterday.
Ans. Were you  present yesterday?

2. You are eating in the class.
Ans Are you eating in the class?

What are you writing?
Where are you going?

Exercise: Complete the following questions by adding:
Who, What, Where, When, Whom

1. What are you saying?
2. Where are you going?
3. When are you coming?
4. Whom are you calling?
5. Who are you?

2. Short answers:
Did you come by bus?
Yes, I did.

Did you come walking?
No, I didn't.

Exercise: Answer the question by using "Yes" or "No" with a short reply.
1. Are you a student of Class X?
Ans. Yes, I am.

2. Do you study in Class VIII?
Ans. No, I do not.

3. Do you have many students in your class?
Ans. Yes, I have.

4. Do you pay fees?
Ans. Yes, I do.

3. Question tags:
It's easy, isn't it? (Positive form)
It isn't easy, is it? (Negative form)

Exercise: Write the positive forms of the question tags below:
Negative form: I can't come, can I?
Positive form: I can come, can't I?

Negative form: You didn't go, did you?
Positive form: You went, didn't you?

Negative form: He doesn't live here, does he?
Positive form: He lives here, doesn't  he?

Negative form: She doesn't cook, does she?
Positive form: She cooks, doesn't she?

Negative form: You didn't lose it, did you?
Positive form: You lost it, didn't you?

4. Must
Example: I must go now

Exercise: Use must instead of "obliged to"
1. A man is obliged to pay his debts.
Ans. A man must pay his debts.

2. A citizen is obliged to do his duty.
Ans. A citizen must do his duty.

5. Want somebody to do something:
Example: I want to suggest a colour scheme for my house.

Exercise: Join two sentences into one:
His parents force him. They make him study two hours daily.
Ans. His parents suggest him to study two hours daily.

6. Have to:
Example: We have to wear our uniforms every day.

Exercise: We must eat wholesome food to stay healthy.
(Use "have to" instead of "must")
Ans. We have to eat wholesome food to stay healthy. 

7. Ought to:
Example: We ought to be kind to the poor.

Exercise: Use "ought to" instead of "should"
We should show sympathy to those who are sick.
Ans. We ought to show sympathy to those who are sick.

8. Try to:
Example: He tried to escape from prison.
Exercise: Use "try to" instead of "made an attempt to."
He made an attempt to save her from drowning.
Ans. He tried to save her from drowning.

Thursday 30 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.17 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill in the blanks:
1. Azam and Moazzam had inherited a date-palm tree, a cow and a blanket.
2. Moazzam was cheated by his elder brother because he was simple and contented.
3. Moazzam fed the cow but Azam got the milk.
4. The blanket was of no use to Moazzam.
5. On the advice of the old man, Moazzam taught a lesson to his elder brother.
6. Azam the elder brother was very greedy, selfish, and dishonest person.
7. Azam the elder brother was very greedy and clever.
8. In the long run, Azam gave up cheating to his younger brother.
9. Their mother had died in their childhood.
10. Azam suggested that they should divide the property left by their father.
11. We shall just divide it verbally.
12. Moazzam was delighted with the generosity of this elder brother.
13. It shall be mine only from sunset to sunrise.
14. He did not offer even a single date to his younger brother.
11. Azam enjoyed a deep sleep under the warm blanket.

English X - Chapter No.17 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension:

Q.1: What property did the two brothers inherit from their father?
Ans. After the death of their father, the two brothers inherited his property which consisted of a cow, a date-palm tree and a blanket.

Q.2: what was the suggestions of Azam about the division of property? OR how did Azam cheat Moazzam? OR How was the property divide between two brothers?
Ans. The property was divided verbally between the two brothers. Azam, the elder brother was greedy and clever.  While Moazzam, the younger brother, was simple and trusting. Azam suggested that the rear part of cow, the upper part of the date-palm tree and the blanket from sunset to sunrise would belong to him. Where as Moazzam was allotted with the front part of cow, the lower part of the tree and the blanket for the day time. which was surely of no use to Moazzam.

Q.3: Why did Moazzam agree to the division?
Ans. Moazzam was innocent and simple boy and agreed to the division because Azam had cunningly presented the useless part of the property as the better ones. Furthermore he believed that whatever his elder brother will divide, it will beneficial for both of them.

Q.4: Who fed the cow and who got the milk?
Ans. According to the agreement between Azam and Moazzam, Moazzam had to feed the cow as the front part belonged to him and Azam got the milk as the rear part was his. He would not give a drop of milk to Moazzam. Instead, he would praise Moazzam for looking-after the cow and feeding it so well.

Q.5: why did Azam not give dates to Moazzam?
Ans. According to the division, the top part of the date palm tree belonged to Azam.  When the dates were ripe, Azam picked all the fruit. He did not offer even a single date to Moazzam, while Moazzam regularly watered the date palm tree. 

Q.6: Was the blanket of any use for Moazzam?
Ans. Moazzam had no use for blanket, because it was hot during the day. At night when it grew cold, he would shiver, while Azam enjoyed a deep, comfortable sleep under the warm blanket.

Q.7: What did Moazzam do when Azam was milking the cow?
Ans. Moazzam started hitting the cow's head with a short stick. The cow started moving about and Azam was unable to milk the cow.  Moazzam told Azam that he would do what he liked with his part of the cow. Azam agreed to give half the milk and to share in the feeding of the cow.

Q.8: What did Moazzam do when Azam began to pick the dates?
Ans. Moazzam started cutting the trunk of the tree when Azam climbed the date-palm tree to pick ripe dates. When Azam asked Moazzam what he was doing witha n axe. Moazzam replied that he was only cutting his part of the tree. Azam agreed to give him half of the dates and to share in the watering of the tree.

Q.9: What did the Moazzam do to the blanket?
Ans. Moazzam soaked the blanket in water during the day, so Azam was unable to sleep under the wet blanket at night.  Azam agreed to share the blanket with Moazzam at night.

Q.10: What did the Azam say to the Moazzam about the blanket?
Ans. Azam asked Moazzam why he had made the blanket wet. Moazzam innocently replied that the blanket was his during the day-time, so he could do with it what he pleased. Azam had to agree to share the blanket with Moazzam at night.

Q.11: How did Moazzam teach the lesson to his elder brother? OR What three things did Moazzam do on the advice of the old man?
Ans. After advising by an old man, Moazzam wisely foiled Azam’s tricks as: 
  • When Azam was milking the cow he started hitting the cow’s head with a short stick.
  • When Azam had climed the tree to pick ripe dates, Moazzam started cutting the tree with an axe.
  • When Azam had found blanket wet at night, as Moazzam soaked it in water through the day.
In this manner, Moazzam was able to teach the lesson to his brother.

Q.12: Give the character sketch of Moazzam and Azam? OR How was Moazzam different from Azam?
Ans. Moazzam, the younger son of the poor farmer was a very simple and trusting boy. He never hesitated in doing hard work. He respected and honoured his elder brother.  Being obedient and innocent, he always believed his brother to be generous to him. 
But Azam, the elder son of the poor farmer was a greedy, clever and selfish person. He had an ordering style. He was always in the favour of cunning and false hood. Laziness was also their in his character.

Q.13: What is the moral of the lesson “The Inheritors”?
Ans. The moral of the lesson is that falsehood have no ground bases to stand. We should be pragmatic in our dealings and we can answer cleverness by wisdom. We must obey our elder’s advice because their advice is as good as gold.

B. Write down the meanings of the following words and used them in your own sentences: 

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Advise Suggest
 2. Axe A tool used for chopping wood
 3. Cheat Deceive
 4. Clever Smart
 5. Consist Comprise
 6. Content Satisfied
 7. Date-palm A sweet, dark brown oval fruit containing a hard stone,
 8. Delighted Happily
 9. Divide Separate or be separated into parts.
 10. Division Dividing
 11. Disturb Interrupt
 12. Fair Just
 13. Generosity Unselfishness
 14. Greedy Hungry / Glutton
 15. Guess Estimate
 16 Inherit Receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
 17. Milk Dairy product / A white liquid obtained from female mammals for nutritional purpose.
 18. Pick Collect, Choose
 19. Property A thing or things belonging to someone
 20. Rear Back, The opposite of front
 21. Ripe Mature (of fruit or vegetable)
 22. Share Divide, Contribute
 23. Striped Lined, Banded
 24. Suggest Advice
 25. Verbal Oral
 25. Whisper Speak softly


S.No. WordsSentences
 1. Advise The doctor advised his patient to give up the bad habit of smoking.
 2. Axe He was splitting logs with an axe.
 3. Cheat Aslam was cheated by Ikhlaq through his foolishness.
 4. Clever Ahsan is young, clever and rich too.
 5. Consist The air is consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen
 6. Content Slaman is not content with his present salary.
 7. Date-palm Muslims break their iftar on date palm in the month of Ramdan.
 8. Delighted Sana delighted herself on her success.
 9. Divide Scientists divide animals, plants and rocks into different classes.
 10. Division The plan for the division of sub-continent on 14th August 47 is known as 3rd June Plan.
 11. Disturb Please don't disturb me while I'm working.
 12. Fair Truth may have fair leaves, but bitter fruit.
 13. Generosity Generosity is a part of good character in a person.
 14. Greedy She looked at the gold with greedy eyes.
 15. Guess Ahmed could not guessed the mystery.
 16 Inherit We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.
 17. Milk I bought 5 litres of milk from the shop to make the milk shake.
 18. Pick The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads.
 19. Property The property of former Manager of the company was captured by the Government because he was found indulge in crimes.
 20. Rear The thief had entered in the house by the rear door.
 21. Ripe The mangoes are ripe for harvest
 22. Share I share a bedroom, with my sister.
 23. Striped There is a striped sofa along the wall.
 24. Suggest I suggest him to take admission in summer fall crash courses.
 25. Verbal The job applicant must have good verbal skills.
 25. Whisper She dropped her voice to a whisper to share her secret with her friend.

C. Fill in the Blanks in the following sentences by choosing the words from the list given below:
greedy, divide, suggested, left, simple, trusting, enjoyed, offer, content, milk, feed, sunrise, sunset, delighted, generosity, clever, childhood

1. Their mother had died in their childhood.
2. His younger brother. Moazzam was simple and trusting.
3. Azam the elder brother was very greedy and clever.
4. Azam suggested that they should divide the property left by their father.
5. We shall just divide it verbally.
6. Moazzam was delighted with the generosity of this elder brother.
7. It shall be mine only from sunset to sunrise.
8. Now moazzam would feed the cow and Azam would milk it.
9. He did not offer even a single date to his younger brother.
10. Moazzam was quite content with it.
11. Azam enjoyed a deep sleep under the warm blanket.

D. (a) Make noun from the following verbs and use them in the sentences of your own:
die, advise, divide, suggest, agree, feed

S.No. Verb Noun
 1. Die Death
 2. Advise Advice
 3. Divide Division
 4. Suggest Suggestion
 5.  Agree Agreement
 6. Feed  Food


S.No. Verb Sentences
 1. Die He has lost his balance of mind due to the death of his father.
 2. Advise We must obey our elder’s advice
 3. Divide The plan for the division of sub-continent on 14th August 1947 was presented by Lord Mountbatten.
 4. Suggest He did not accept any suggestion about his matter and suffered a heavy loss.
 5.  Agree An agreement of undertaking was signed between Pakistan and America on the basis of Kashmir.
 6. Feed  Proper food is not available in our remote villages .

(b) Make noun from the following adjectives:
clear, greedy, generous, stupid, innocent, simple, young

S.No. Adjective Noun
 1. Clever Cleverness
 2. Greedy Greedy
 3. Generous Generosity
 4. Stupid Stupidity
 5. Innocent Innocence
 6. Simple Simplicity
 7. Young Youth

(c) Complete the following sentences by using the proper tense of the verb / verbs placed in brackets against each sentence:
1. Azam guessed that somebody had advised his young brother. (guess, advise)
2. My guests had gone before I returned. (go, return)
3. When he came out of the cinema house, the rain had stopped. (come, stop)
4. The train had left before he reached the station. (leave, reach)
5. Ajmal was ill yesterday, so he could not attend the school. (to be, can, attend)
6. Moazzam was simple and was easily tricked by Azam. (to be, trick)

(d) Fill in the Blanks with suitable prepositions
1. He is fond of reading books.
2. Najma is not interested in games.
3. Ajmal is good at mathematics.
4. He is not fit for this job.
5. The baby is crying for its mother.
6. The nurse looks after the patient.
7. The patient has been cured of his disease.
8. He has given up smoking.
9. I am used to taking tea without sugar.
10. We should be proud of our country.

(e) Change into Passive Voice:
1. The old man advised Moazzam.
Ans. Moazzam was advised by the old man.

2. Moazzam fed and looked after the cow.
Ans. The cow was fed and looked after by Moazzam.

E. Composition:

Q.1 How did Azam cheat Moazzam?
Ans. Being greedy, selfish and clever, Azam took advantage of Moazzam’s simpliciity by taking every beneficial part of the inheritance. Azam suggested that the rear part of cow, the upper part of the date-palm tree and the blanket from sunset to sunrise would belong to him. Where as Moazzam was allotted with the front part of cow, the lower part of the tree and the blanket for the day time. which was surely of no use to Moazzam.

Q.2: What was the effect of the old man’s advice on Moazzam? OR Who helped Moazzam to get his due share in the inheritance?
Ans. The old man of the village noticed that how the younger brother was being cheated by the cleverness of his elder brother. The old man gave Moazzam a wise advice. Being obedient, he accepted the advice of an old man and answered the cleverness of his brother with his wisdom. In this way he got his due share in the inheritance.

Q.3: Why did Azam give up cheating?
Ans. Azam was a clever boy. By Moazzam's behaviour, he guessed that somebody has advised his younger brother to fight for his rights and fair share in the inheritance. When Moazzam followed an old man's advice, Azam found himself helpless and decided to give up cheating to his younger brother. 

Wednesday 29 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.17 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Advise Suggest
 2. Axe A tool used for chopping wood
 3. Cheat Deceive
 4. Clever Smart
 5. Consist Comprise
 6. Content Satisfied
 7. Cheerfully Happily
 8. Date-palm A sweet, dark brown oval fruit containing a hard stone,
 9. Delighted Happily
 10. Divide Separate or be separated into parts.
 11. Division Dividing
 12. Disturb Interrupt
 13. Fair Just
 14. For instance For example
 15. Generosity Unselfishness
 16. Greedy Hungry / Glutton
 17. Guess Estimate
 18 Inherit Receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
 19. Inheritors One who inherits or receives
 20. Innocent Sinless
 21. Milk Dairy product / A white liquid obtained from female mammals for nutritional purpose.
 22. Pick Collect, Choose
 23. Property A thing or things belonging to someone
 24. Rear Back, The opposite of front
 25. Ripe Mature (of fruit or vegetable)
 26. Share Divide, Contribute
 27. Striped Lined, Banded
 28. Suggest Advice
 29. Strike To hit
 30. Stupid Foolish
 31. Trusting Reliable
 32. Verbally Orally
 33. Whisper Speak softly

Short note Or Summary on The Inheritors

Azam and Moazzam inherited a cow, a date-palm tree and a blanket from their father. Azam, the elder brother was greedy and clever. He cheated his younger brother Moazzam by taking advantage of simplicity and had made his clever division of the property. According to unfair division Azam got the milk because the rear part of the cow was his while Moazzam fed the cow. Azam got all the dates because the top part of the tree belonged to him while Moazzam watered the tree. Azam slept under the blanket at night because it was his for the night. Moazzam taught lesson to his elder brother and got his due share on the advice of an old man of the village. Azam than agreed to share the property with Moazzam fairly and equally.

Educational Jokes

English Teacher

Monday 27 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.15 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension:

Q.1: How many independent countries are there in Africa? What was it called first?
Ans. After Asia, Africa is the second largest Continent and it consists of more than thirty-five independent countries. It was once called the "Dark Continent". Because its northern parts have had relations with Europe and Asia for many centuries but very little was known about other parts till the middle of the 19th century.

Q.2: Where is Nigeria? 
Ans. Nigeria is in  West  Africa. Nigeria is the most thickly populated of all the African countries. It is also the largest country of West Africa.

Q.3: What sort of country is it? OR Give a brief account of Nigeria?
Ans. Nigeria is mainly an agricultural country. It is the largest country of West Africa and is the most thickly populated of all the African countries. Most of its inhabitants are farmers who live in villages. A great part of Nigeria is covered with a dense forest which thins out into bush in the north. The bush consists of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth in the form of thick bushes and grass.

Q.4: What is the bush area made up of ?
Ans. A great part of Nigeria is covered with a dense forest which thins out into bush. The bush area is consisted of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth in the form of thick bush and grass.

Q.5: Where do most Nigeria farmers live?
Ans. Most of the Nigerian are farmers and live in the villages or farmer's settlements which are scattered in the bush where they cultivate the land. They construct huts and live in those huts. These Nigerian villages may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts.

Q.6: What is the roof of farmers hut made of?
Ans. The roof of farmers hut was also made of thatched which is a thick layer of straw, grass, reeds, or palm-leaves. Some of these are circular in shape while others may be square or rectangular. A narrow opening was left for entrance on the side toward the sun. 

Q.7: What is the centre of activities?
Ans. The courtyard of the house is the main  centre of all activities. Women do all types of work including cooking and washing and the children play there.  They only use rooms for resting purposes.

Q.8: What are their food crops?
Ans. The crop, which is edible and we use as food are called food crops. The main food crops of Nigeria are plantains, potatoes, yarns, ground nuts and pepper. 

Q.9: What are their cash crops?
Ans. The crop which is export to other countries are called cash crops and the  most important Nigeria’s cash crops are palm oil and cocoa. The products of these crops are the major exports of Nigeria.

Q.10: Who tends the food crops?
Ans. Food crops are usually tended by the women.

Q.11: Who tends the cash crops?
Ans. The cash crops are tended by men.

Q.12: What is made from cocoa beans?
Ans. From the fruit of cocoa tree, yield beans which are grounded into powder which forms chocolate.

Q.13: What is yield from palm trees?
Ans. From the palm trees, palm oil is yield. When the oil from the trees is passed through the chemical processors, the palm oil is obtained in pure form which is filled in drums.

Q.14: Why was continent Africa called “Dark Continent” once?
Ans. Continent Africa was called “Dark Continent” once because the habitats and civilizations of the people of this continent was not known to the world. Due to their backward living styles and old fashioned traits, this continent seems to be the dull part of this world.

Q.15: What do you know about Nigerian villages?
Ans. A Nigerian village may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts. The farmers’ settlements or villages are scattered in the bush where they cultivate the land. The African villages are being introduced to the modern facilities of transport and communications.

Q.16: How is the life of Nigerian farmer differ from Pakistani farmer? OR Describe the settlements of a Nigerian village? OR How is Nigerian Villages are differ from Our villages?
Ans. The life of Nigerian farmer differ from Pakistani farmer in many ways. Their agricultural style is quite different from our’s. A Nigerian village may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts which are separated from one another by cultivated patches of land. There are no streets or lanes. They are joined by bush paths which may lead to other villages in the same bush area.  Many Nigerian farmers cannot rear cattle on account of a kind of fly whose sting kills the cattle and causes sleeping sickness among human beings. Their daily routine of life also differs from Pakistani farmers.

Q.17: Why can't the Nigerian farmer  rear cattle? OR Why can't the Nigerian farmer keep the cattle? OR What do you know about the African fly?
Ans. The Nigerian farmers can not keep or rearing cattle on account of a kind of dangerous fly (Tse-Tse), whose sting kills the cattle and causes sleeping sickness among human beings which cause death.

Q.18: How do the Nigerian protect themselves? OR Why the bush-dwellers use woods for lighting and heating purpose?
Ans. The bush-dwellers still use wood for lighting and heating purposes, since electricity has not reached these remote villages. A large pile of wood is lighted in the middle of the courtyard which gives them light and protects them from cold, mosquitoes and wild beasts.

B. Write down the meanings of the following words and used them in your own sentences:

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Activity Being active, A thing that a person or group does or has done.
 2. Agriculture Farming
 3. Aluminium Light silver white metal
 4. Beans An edible seed
 5. Century One hundred
6. Compounds An area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings
 7. Consists Composed of
 8. Continent A very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries. .
 9. Courtyard Compound
 10. Cultivate To grow
 11. Dense Thick
 12. Earthenware Pot made of clay
 13. Electricity Power, Energy
 14. Export A product or service sold abroad.
 15 Facility Convenience
 16. Furniture Furnishings
 17. Grind Break into powder
 18. Groundnuts A type of peanuts
 19. Inhabitant People living in a place
 20. Introduce Acquaint
 21. Lanes Narrow street
 22. Mosquito A small insect
 23. Patch Apart of something marked out from the rest
 24. Pepper A hot tasting powder used in food
 25. Plaster A soft mixture of sand, cement and sometimes lime water, for spreading on walls, ceilings etc
 26. Plantains Bananas
 27. Pots Pottery
 28. Reed Tall grass
 29. Remote Distant
30. Separate Different
31. Settlement Area inhabited  by people
 32. Sting A small sharp-pointed organ of insects
 33. Scatter Disperse
 34. Tend To look after
 35. Thatch Cover (a roof or a building) with straw or a similar material.
 36. Transport Conveyance
 37. Utensils Cooking-pots
 38. Yield Produce
39. Yam The edible starchy tuber


S.No. WordsSentences
 1. Activity She always participates in all school activities.
 2. Agriculture Pakistan is an agricultural country.
 3. Aluminium Stainless steel utensils are much better than Aluminium  for cooking purpose
 4. Beans Addition of red beans make the salad more delicious.
 5. Century Computer is the most amazing invention of this century.
6. Compounds Video cameras scan every part of the compound around the building.
 7. Consists Pakistan's exports mainly consists of rice, wheat, cotton and sugar.
 8. Continent There are seven continents in the world
 9. Courtyard Mostly children play in the evening in their courtyards.
 10. Cultivate Modern methods of agriculture are being used to cultivate the fields.
 11. Dense Amazon forest is mainly covered with dense vegetation.
 12. Earthenware He cooked his meals in earthenware pots.
 13. Electricity The electricity failed and the whole city was blacked out.
 14. Export Rice is the major export of Pakistan.
 15 FacilityInternet facility is available in any shopping malls.
 16. Furniture She has bought a new furniture to update her house interiors.
 17. Grind The wheat will grind down into flour
 18. Groundnuts Consuming groundnut is very beneficial for our health.
 19. Inhabitant London has over seven million inhabitants.
 20. IntroduceVarious new features are introduced in new apple iPhone in 2020.
 21. Lanes The side gate of my house opens onto a small lane.
 22. Mosquito A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.
 23. Patch We sat in a patch of shade under a tree.
 24. Pepper He put some black pepper and salt on his egg.
 25. Plaster The plaster on the walls was cracked and flaking.
 26. Plantains Cooked plantains are nutritionally good for health.
 27. Pots He has decorated few plants in the pots in his window.
 28. Reed The side of the field is covered with reeds and bushes.
 29. Remote The severe earthquake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages. 
30. Separate This apartment is separated into two main buildings.  / The children sleep in separate beds.
31. SettlementThe cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement.
 32. Sting A small sharp-pointed organ of insects
 33. Scatter The shelling of the police scatter the crowd.
 34. Tend We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.
 35. Thatch The thatch was badly damaged in the storm.
 36. Transport The museum is easily accessible by public transport.
 37. Utensils Stainless utensils are good in cooking purpose.
 38. Yield Mango trees yield plenty of mango in our area.
39. Yam Yam is rich in high nutritions.

C (i). For each word in list ‘A’ find a word or phrase of similar meaning from list ‘B’.
1. Courtyard – Compound
2. Link – Join
3. Dense – Thick
4. Explore – Search
5. Introduce – Acquaint
6. Century – One Hundred
7. Majority – More than half
8. Cultivate – to grow
9. Facility – Convenience

(ii). Find in list 'B' word or phrases opposite in meaning to words  in list ‘A’ .
1. Dense – Thin
2. Majority – Minority
3. Remote – Near
4. Major – Minor
5. Independent – Dependent
6. Interior – Exterior
7. Export – Import

D. Study the following sentences: 
Thin out
1. Dense forest thins out into bush which consist of scattered trees and thick undergrowth.
2. The center of activity has dense population, but it gradually thins out as we move away from the center.
3. The gardener has planted the flowers close together. I have asked him to thin them out.
4. A large crowd was watching the match but it began to thin out after half-time.

E. (i) Fill in the blanks with:
Shall, Will, Should, Would:
1. I think I shall go to the Karachi next week.
2. You should not tell a lie.
3. We shall fight to the last men.
4. This office will remain open till midnight.
5. I shall be grateful if you kindly grant me a pass.
6. The train would have arrived now.
7. Should our motherland need it, we will lay down our lives for it.
8. You should respect your elders.
9. Had you been there, it would never have happened.
10. They should not violate any condition of this contract.

(ii). Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1. Please introduce me to your father.
2. He is not acquainted with my parents.
3. This machine is fitted with automatic control.
4. You are not fit for this job.
5. A round nail does not into a square hole.
6. He has passed the examination and is not looking for a job.
7. The police are on the look out for the robbers.
8. Look for the meaning of this world in the dictionary.
9. He promised to look into this matter.
10. We look up at you to solve our problems.

(iii) Change into Passive Voice
1. A road links his village to the town.
Ans. His village is linked to the town by a road.

2. A snake in the grass stung his barefoot.
Ans. His barefoot was stung by a snake in the grass.

3. He cannot rear any cattle on his farm.
Ans. No cattle can be reared by him on his farm.

4. Their father settled the dispute between the brothers.
Ans. The dispute between the brothers was settled by their father.

(iv). Change into Active Voice
1.This lamp was lit by the servant.
Ans. The servant lit this lamp.

2. The soldier was ordered by the officer to report to him.
Ans. The officer ordered the soldier to report to him.

3. By whom was this blanket patched?
Ans. Who patched this blanket?

4. Was this land cultivated by the land owner himself?
Ans. Did the Land owner cultivated this land himself?

F. Composition 
Q.1: Describe in 70 to 80 words the huts of a farmer in Nigeria? What do you know about the huts of Nigerian Villages? OR Describe the building style of Nigerian farm?
Ans. Nigerian village may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts in different styles. 

The types of huts a farmer built in past:
Formerly a farmer's hut was a single room. It was built very simply. Thick branches of trees were stuck in the ground in a large circle. These branches were joined at the top and bound firmly together. Thus a cone-shaped room was made. The spaces between the branches were filled up with straw, and the roof was also thatched with a thick layer of straw, grass, reeds, or palm-leaves. A narrow opening was left for entrance on the side toward the sun. 

The types of huts a farmer built in these days:
Now, bigger and better huts are built and more modern building methods and materials are used. A farmer's house may now have two or more rooms. It is built round a compound. Some of the rooms have four walls with a door opening on to the courtyard, while others have only three walls with a veranda. The walls are made of wood and are plastered with mud. The roof is still thatched with grass, reeds or palm leaves. Some of the houses are circular in shape while others may be square or rectangular.

Q.2: Describe in 100 to 110 words a day in the life of a Nigerian farmer and his wife?
Ans. The life a Nigerian villager is a model of hard work. Farmer usually does all the work related to agriculture. They cannot rear cattle on account of a kind of fly whose sting kills the cattle and causes sleeping sickness among human beings. In the absence of cattle, the farmer has to plough the fields with his hands, carry load to the market and walk long distances. They tend cash crops. 
women do the household work. Their courtyard of the house is the center of all activities where women work and cook food. they look after their children. They also look after the food crops

Q.3: Describe the changes that are coming or likely to come soon in the life of the bush dwellers in Nigeria. OR State the changes and developments made in Nigeria?
Ans. Nigeria is still in process of progress. The bush-dwellers are being introduced to the modern facilities of transport and communications. Once their small villages are linked by road with towns and cities, buses and cars, electricity and tube-wells, radios and televisions, schools and hospitals would come within their reach.

G. Idioms:

1. To shed crocodile tears: to weep insincerely, or hypocritically
Example: Don't be deceived by that beggar's crying. They just shedded crocodile tears.
Exercise: They were not all sorry when he died. They just pretended to be crying.  (Substitute the idiom)
They were not all sorry when he died. They just shedded crocodile tears.

2. To feel like fish out of water: To feel out of place
Example: I was the only one who spoke English and felt like a fish out of water in that group.
Exercise: Being the only educated man in that village, I feel out of place there.  (Substitute the idiom)
Being the only educated man in that village, I feel like a fish out of water there.

3. To nip in the bud: To stop evil in the early stages
Example: Bad behaviour in children must be nipped in the bud.
Exercise: The plot to overthrow the government was detected and crashed before it could be realized.  (Substitute the idiom)
The plot to overthrow the government was detected and nipped in the bud.

4. To turn over a new leaf: To reform, to behave better
Example:  The criminal promised the judge that he would turn over a new leaf.
Exercise: The teacher pardoned the boy on the condition that he promised to behave better in future.  (Substitute the idiom)
The teacher pardoned the boy on the condition that he promised to turn over a new leaf.

Saturday 25 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.15 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Activity Being active, A thing that a person or group does or has done.
 2. Agriculture Farming
 3. Aluminium Light silver white metal
 4. Beans An edible seed
 5. Beast Wild-animals
 6. Bush-dwellers People living in bushes
 7. Century One hundred
 8. Compounds An area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings
 9. Consists Composed of
 10. Continent A very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries. .
 11. Courtyard Compound
 12. Cultivate To grow
 13. Circular Round in shape
 14. Dense Thick
 15. Earthenware Pot made of clay
 16. Electricity Power, Energy
 17. Export A product or service sold abroad.
 18 Facility Convenience
 19. Furniture Furnishings
 20. Firmly Strongly
 21. Forest Jungle
 22. Grind Break into powder
 23. Groundnuts A type of peanuts
 24. Inhabitant People living in a place
 25. Introduce Acquaint
 26. Independent Free
 27. Lanes Narrow street
 28. Link Relation, Join
 29. Mosquito A small insect
 30. Patch Apart of something marked out from the rest
 31. Pepper A hot tasting powder used in food
 32. Plaster A soft mixture of sand, cement and sometimes lime water, for spreading on walls, ceilings etc
 33. Plantains Bananas
 34. Poultry Hen and ducks etc
 35. Pile A large quantity
 36. Protect To save
 37. Pots Pottery
 38. Remote area Distant area
 39. Reed Tall grass
 40. Remote Distant
41. Separate Different
 42. Settlement Area inhabited  by people
 43. Sting A small sharp-pointed organ of insects
 44. Scatter Disperse
 45. Space Vacant Place
 46. Tend To look after
 47. Thatch Cover (a roof or a building) with straw or a similar material.
 48. Transport Conveyance
 49. Utensils Cooking-pots
 50. Undergrowth Bushes under big tree
 51. Yield Produce
 52. Yam The edible starchy tuber

Short note Or Summary on AN AFRICAN VILLAGE

Nigeria is the largest country of West Africa. A Nigerian village may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts. Formerly a farmer's hut was a single room. Now, bigger and better huts are built and more modern building methods and materials are used. A farmer's house may now have two or more rooms. Close to the farmer's dwelling is a patch of land for growing food crops which include plantains, potatoes, yams, groundnuts and pepper. Usually, women look after the food crops while men tend the cash crops like oil-palms and cocoa trees. Cocoa beans and powder is obtained from cocoa fruit which are also the major export of Nigeria. In many parts of Africa, farmers cannot rear cattle on account of a kind of fly whose sting kills the cattle and causes sleeping sickness among human beings. He may, however, keep a goat for milk, and poultry for eggs. The bush-dwellers are being introduced to the modern facilities of transport and communications. They will soon be connected by road with towns and cities.

Friday 24 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.14 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

Questions / Answers:

Q.1: Why does the poet compare mother’s hands to a rainbow?
Ans. The poet find resemblance between the mother’s hands and a rainbow because “rainbow” is symbol of peace, pleasure and happiness. It appears in the sky after rainstorm and indicates that the storm has passed and trouble is over. Similarly a mother is a symbol of pity and pleasure who creates a peaceful and loving atmosphere for the whole family.

Q.2: What is guided by angles and how?
Ans.The strength and grace of mothers is guided by angles. No one can destroy the spirit of the true mothers because it is protected by the holy angles. They bring God blessings to the mothers which help the mothers to struggle with the hard routine of life.

Q.3: Explain how the poet gives the credit for all great achievements of people to their mothers?
Ans. The poet gives the credit for all great accomplishment of people to their mothers because all the great personalities are prominent in the world due to the careful bringing up to their mothers. It’s only the result of mother’s caring guidance and training that the world is passing with the periods of  great successes.

Q.4: What is the divine mission of women?
The credit of all great and outstanding achievements of people goes to their mothers. She is one who lives with divine mission. She bring up the children with love and dignity which later becomes the source of winning the true trophies of life for them. In reality, the real and ultimate source of success, progress and prosperity is the mother only.

Q.5: Describe the role of a mother as brought out in the poem " The hands that rocks the cradle.....?
Ans. The role of a mother is very important for the future of her children. She brings up and trains the children with her great pain and efforts. She is the first guide and teacher for her children to developed in them a high moral character. Mother also able the children to know the difference between good and evil. So a child is virtuous or his bad character depends upon the guidance of mother.

Q.6: Why does the poet compare infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain?
Ans. The poet compares infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain because childhood is just like a sophisticated and dedicated fountain which can be led to any stage of life i.e. good or bad. It is only a mother who can guide a very young child to build  his destination successfully.

Q.7: What does it mean by “Sunshine streamed or evil hurled.”
Ans. Sunshine is a symbol of goodness and virtue. This phrase means that the structure of a man’s character depends mainly upon the mother. If the training of mother is good it mean that she has infested a high moral character in her children. But if the guidance is not good than the child’s character will spoil by evilness.

Q.8:  Why does the poet say that the prayers for mothers on earth mingles with that said in heaven?
Ans. We all believe that the prayers said on the earth get mixed with the prayers said by the angels  and saints in heaven. These are the prayers which lead the people to heaven, where no evil storm can destroy or worsen anything. Similarly, the poet says that fathers, sons and daughters are praying loudly for the blessings of God on the hand of mothers which mixed with the sacred song sung by angels. She is one who wipes away all the worries and anxieties from man’s mind and encourages him to face the dangers with grace and dignity. In real sense she is the ruler of the world.

Q.9: Describe the poetic diction of William Ross Wallace?
Ans.William Rose Wallace composed patriotic songs during the civil war which became popular. He was a friend of Edgar Allen Roe whom he resembled both in temperament and habits. He possessed a splendid imagination as well as poetic diction.

Q.10:  How can the mother keep the young heart open and for what?
Ans. Mother has a very divine task to complete which starts right from the beginning of the child’s life and continues till the end. She keeps the young heart open in such a way that the child can understand and accept the divine commands of Allah.

Q.11: Write a few lines on William Ross Wallace?
Ans. This poem is written by William Ross Wallace, (1819-1881). He was born in Lexington, Kentucky. His first poem appeared in 1837. He was a lawyer by profession, but spent more time on literature. He composed patriotic songs during the civil war which became popular. He was a friend of Edgar Allen Poe whom he resembled in both temperament and habits. He possessed a splendid imagination as well as poetic diction.

Q.12: Describe the theme of all the four stanzas of the poem?
  1. The first stanza is in the form of a prayer asking God's blessings on mothers.
  2. The second stanza describes the work of a mother.
  3. The third stanza is addressed to mothers.
  4. The fourth stanza quotes, in the first line, a prayer said by all mankind in honour of mothers.

Words / Meanings  

1. Hovel: a poor man's hut.
2. Rainbow: the coloured arch made of seven colours which appears in the sky after rainstorms. In English literature, it is said that treasure lies at the end of a rainbow. It is also a sign that the storm has passed and the trouble is over.
3. Unresting: always working.
4. Natal sod: land of one's birth.
5. Trophies: a shield or cup given as a prize for some great achievement, sometimes decorated with pearls.
6. Mingled with the worship in the sky: the prayer said on earth is also said by the angels and saints in heaven.
7. Where no tempest darkens, rainbows evermore are hurled: in the heaven there will be no more sufferings. It will be like the relief we feel after a storm.

Thursday 23 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.13 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension:

Q.1: Why did mother ask Najma and Ajmal to go with her for shopping?
Ans. Mother asked Najma and Ajmal to go with her for shopping because their father was on tour and they also have run out of groceries and provisions.

Q.2: How much fare did the taxi driver demand?
Ans. The taxi driver demanded twenty-five rupees for the market.

Q.3: What did mother tell the taxi-driver?
Ans. The mother was shocked by the demand of taxi driver because the fare he asked  was too high as the distance was hardly two kilometre.  She further said that she would pay him fifteen rupees only or he drove them to the traffic sentry there. 

Q.4: Where did mother and children go first for shopping?
Ans. Mother and children went to the mutton market first.

Q.5:  What is the difference between beef and mutton?
Ans. Beef and mutton both are meat. The beef is the meat of cows, calves and buffaloes. While mutton is the meat of goats and sheep.

Q.6: What did mother buy at the butcher’s shop?
Ans. Mother bought one kilo of leg and one kilo minced meat at the butchers shop.

Q.7: Where did mother go after making purchases at the butcher?
Ans. After making purchases at the butcher’s mother headed towards the vegetables and fruit market.

Q.8: How did the mother buy bananas and apples?
Ans. Firstly mother inquired about the price of fruits than she bought ten bananas at a rate of fifteen rupees and one kg apples at a cost of twenty rupees.

Q.9: What did mother buy last of all?
Ans. Mother made purchases from a poultry shop last of all. She bought two dozen eggs for thirty rupees per dozen and one kilo of dressed chicken at a rate of ninety rupees per kilo.

Q.10: How far is the market from the house of Najma and Ajmal?
Ans. The market was not so far from the house of Najma and Ajmal. It was about a distance of two kilometres.

Q.11: What did mother ask the children to do when they reached back home?
Ans. Mother told Ajmal to polish his own and Najma’s shoes and told Najma to iron the clothes. While she herself went to the kitchen to cook food.

Q.12: When do we use Metre, Kilometre, Kilo and Litre? OR In what units do we measure milk, cloth and meat?
Ans. The following  measuring units of different quantities are:
1. Metre is used for measuring Length.
2. Kilometre for distance.
3. Kilo for weights and 
4. Litre to measure liquids except with those of high viscosity.

Q.13: Give the reason why polythene bags are not being used all over the world? or What is / are the harmful effects of polythene bags?
Ans. Polythene bags are not being used all over the world because they are major source of water pollution. They lock the sewerage pipes and when the drains are chocked, the dirty water spills all over. There is no suitable way of disposing these bags.

Q.14: Why were Najma and Ajmal excited? OR Why do you think Najma and Ajmal enjoyed the shopping?
Ans. Both, Najma and Ajmal were excited because first time they were going on shopping. It provide them a chance to get a lot of information about new and interesting things in daily life. So they enjoyed it a lot.

Q.15: How can we call the mother a vigilant customer? OR How did mother bargain for the price at the butcher’s shop?
Ans. We can call the mother a vigilant customer because before buying anything she seemed to be very conscious for the price and quality of goods. At the butcher’s shop, she firstly inquired about the price. When she knew the price, she insisted on charging less rupees because the prices were exceeding the price list. The butcher started telling stories but finally he agreed on the low rate which shows the vigilance of mother.

Q.16 Why did Taxi driver demand 20 rupees for fare?
Ans. Taxi driver demanded 20 rupees for the fare because he wanted to make more money than the fare. As the meter of taxi was also out of order, by taking the advantage of this situation he wanted to charge 20 rupees.

Q.17: From where do we buy fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken and groceries?
Ans. To buy these items, we have special places, such as fruits are bought from the fruit market, vegetables from the vegetable market, meat at the butcher's shop in the meat market, chicken at the chicken shop, whereas the groceries are purchased at the general stores.

B. Write down the meanings of the following words and used them in your own sentences:

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Beef Meat of a cow, calves and buffaloes
 2. Butcher Dealer in meat
 3. Cabbage A kind of green vegetable
 4. Calves Young ones of a cow
 5. Carton A cardboard box, usually large
 6. Cauliflower A green vegetable with a white top
 7. Chilies Dried pod of capsicum
 8. Choked blocked
 9. Dressed Slaughtered, Ready to cook
 10. Freezer A chilled unit
 11. Gulped Swallowed very quickly
 12. Grocer Dealer in domestic stores
 13. Hire Employ a person on wages
 14. Kilogram 1000 grams
 15. Kilometre 1000 meters
 16. Live Undressed (Chicken)
 17. Meter 100 centimetre
 18 Mutton Meat of goats and sheep
 19. Onion A swollen edible bulb used as a vegetable
 20. Potato A starchy plant tuber, used as a vegetable
 21. Poultry Birds kept for their meat and eggs
 22. Provisions Household goods
 23. Spices Strongly favoured seeds
 24. Spinach A green leaf vegetable
 25. Turnip A round root with white or cream flesh which is used as a vegetable 


S.No. WordsSentences
 1. Beef We have cooked beef steak for dinner yesterday.
 2. Butcher There is a big butcher's shop in our area.
 3. Cabbage We grow fresh cabbages in our garden.
 4. Calves Calve meat is more tasty than cows and buffaloes.
 5. Carton This carton of soap contains 100 cakes of soap.
 6. Cauliflower My mother also add cauliflower in Chicken Shashliks
 7. Chilies Chilies gave delicious taste in eastern meals.
 8. Choked The drain pipe is choked up by the rubbish.
 9. Dressed My mother brought dressed chicken from the market to make Chargah for dinner.
 10. Freezer We keep frozen food in a freezer
 11. Gulped The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup.
 12. Grocer His father has a big grocer shop in the super market.
 13. Hire Aslam hired a taxi to reach the station.
 14. Kilogram Apples are sold by the kilogram.
 15. Kilometre After running half a kilometre, I began to feel tired.
 16. Live I live in Karachi for two years.
 17. Meter We should not harm our gas and electric meters.
 18 Mutton She had roasted mutton leg for dinner
 19. Onion There is too much onion in the salad.
 20. Potato The potato is the most popular vegetable in Pakistan.
 21. Poultry My uncle has big poultry- farm in his village
 22. Provisions We buy provisions every month from the Sunday Bazar.
 23. Spices Spices add delicious taste to the food.
 24. Spinach Spinach is a valuable source of iron.
 25. Turnip Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and turnip are the main vegetables.

C (a).  For each word in list ‘A’ find a word of similar meaning from list ‘B’.
1. Frightened – Afraid
2. Hail – Greet
3. Buy – Purchase
4. Carton – Box
5. Provisions – Supplies
6. Pointing – Hinting
7. Threaten – Warn

C (b). For the word in list ‘B’ the opposite of list ‘A’.
1. Swim – Drown
2. Alive – Dead
3. Float – Sink
4. Front – Rear
5. Start – Stop
6. Boil – Freeze
7. Part – Whole
8. Buy – Sell
9. Agree – Differ
10. Reject – Accept

D (a).  out of order, out of date, in force, in order, up-to-date, to date
With the help of the phrases given above, Complete the following sentences:
1. The old system of weights and measures is no longer in order.
2. You must revise your book and bring it up-to-date.
3. The Shopkeeper told him that their weighing machine was out of order.
4. I have received no letter from him to-date.
5. This rule is in force, we must follow it.
6. That book was published ten years ago, it is completely out of date.

D (b). with cake, bar, jar, packet, carton, bag, roll
Complete with the following using the words given above:
1. A carton of soap contains 144 soap cakes.
2. Please bring a jar of Swat honey for me.
3. What is the price of one bag of flour?
4. The price of a cake of soap has increased by one rupee.
5. The shopkeeper charged me ninety rupees for this roll of cloth.
6. This chocolate is cheap at three rupees a bar.
7. This packet contains 25 biscuits.

D. (c). Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1. The driver brought the taxi to a sudden halt.
2. He took off his old coat and put on the new one.
3. Please turn off the radio and turn on the T.V.
4. Before leaving the kitchen she put off the fire.
5. She turned out the cat and shut the door.
6. My friend turned up late from the cinema.
7. The watchman turned out to be thief.
8. The plane took off at 10 o'clock.

D (d). (i) Change the following into Active Voice
1. He was robbed and beaten by some unknown persons.
Ans. Some unknown persons robbed and beat him.

2. The field was ploughed, the seed was sown and the crop was harvested by the farmer himself.
Ans. The farmer himself ploughed the field, sowed the seed and harvested the crop.

D (d). (ii) Change the following into Passive Voice
1. She brushed, cleaned and ironed her coat.
Ans. Her coat was brushed, cleaned and ironed by her.

2. I brought this news to him.
Ans. That news was brought to him by me.

E. Composition
You go shopping to buy a cloth for your School uniform Write a dialogue with the shopkeeper.

Me: “Hello sir, may I have a cloth for the school uniform?”
Shopkeeper: “Sure, wait a second.”
Me: “Is this purely cotton?”
Shopkeeper: “No, it is paper cotton. But assure you that it will last longer?”
Me: “OK! But how can you say that the colour of trouser will not fade?”
Shopkeeper:It is my guarantee that the colour will not fade otherwise you can have your money back.”
Me: “Alright, how much it costs?”
Shopkeeper: “First tell me how much do you want?”
Me: “I need about 6 meters of the cloth.”
Shopkeeper: “Actually, the real price is 200 rupees but as you are our regular customer, you can have it at a cost of 18 rupees.”
Me: “It’s too expensive. Can’t you be more flexible?”
Shopkeeper: “No my son, because if I do so I will deprived of my profit.”
Me: “OK, take these 180 rupees and pack the cloth.”
Shopkeeper: “No problem.”

F. Idioms:
1. To have the lion’s share: To take the biggest share of something.
Example: The stronger person generally gets the lion's share.
Divide the cake into equal slices and don’t  keep the biggest part for yourself. (Substitute the idiom)
Divide the cake into equal slices and don’t  have the lion’s share.

2. To same something for rainy day: To keep for some future necessity which may arise.
Example: Don't spend all your money. Keep something for a rainy day.
He wasted all his savings and has kept nothing for any unforeseen need which may arise. (Substitute the idiom)
He wasted all his savings and has save nothing for a rainy day

3. To cry over spilt milk: To grieve over something uselessly.
Example: There's no sense in crying over a spilt milk. If the glass is broken, just buy nother one.
The damage has been done, but instead of wasting time feeling sorry, do something to repair. (Substitute the idiom)
The damage has been done, but instead of crying over spilt milk, do something to repair.

4. Its high time: The moment has already come.
Example: The movie will start in fifteen minutes so it's high time we left.
The exams begin next month so you should have begun studying seriously by now. (Substitute the idiom)
The exams begin next month as its high time by now.