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Tuesday 5 May 2020

General Mathematics For Class IX - Unit 10 - Exercise 10.3

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Unit 10: Geometry
Exercise 10.3

General Mathematics For Class IX - Unit 10 - Exercise 10.4

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Unit 10: Geometry
Exercise 10.4

General Mathematics For Class IX - Unit 10 - Exercise 10.5

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Unit 10: Geometry
Exercise 10.5

Monday 4 May 2020

General Mathematics For Class IX - Unit 10 - Exercise 10.7

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Unit 10: Geometry
Exercise 10.7

General Mathematics For Class IX - Unit 10 - Exercise 10.8

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Unit 10: Geometry
Exercise 10.8

English X - Chapter No.5 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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A Visit


A. Comprehension:

Q.1 Why were Mr. Ahmed’s pupil excited?
Ans. Mr. Ahmed’s pupils were naturally very excited because they were allowed a day off  to visit a Model Agricultural Farm.

Q.2 What surprised the boys when they reached the model farm?
Ans. When the boys reached the farm, they were surprised to see such a vast area of farm. They were also astonished to see mechanized farm.

Q.3 What is the name of the machine working in the wheat field? What does it do?
Ans. “Combine” is the name of the machine working in the wheat field. Its function is to harvest the crop and tied it into sheaves. With one sweep, it seems to eat up a large area of the golden crop which came out tied into a bundle at the other end.

Q.4 What does a thresher do?
Ans. A Thresher separates the grain from chaff. From one side of the machine, a golden rain of sweet smelling wheat comes out while from other end the chaff comes out.

Q.5 How are ploughing, seeding and harvesting done on the Model farm?
Ans. Ploughing, seeding and harvesting are done with the help of machines at the Model farm. Ploughing is done by tractor. the sowing machine is used for the purpose of sowing seeds without wasting. where as  harvesting is done by combine.

Q.6 How much work can one man do on the machine?
Ans. Machines have made the work easy for the farmer. That's why one man can do the work of almost hundred men with the help of machines.

Q.7 What is an average produce from an ordinary farm?
Ans. The average produce of an ordinary farm is 15 to 20 Quintals of wheat  for every hectare.

Q.8 What is the produce per hectare on the model farm?
Ans. The average produce of model farm is 60 to 70 Quintals of wheat  for every hectare.

Q.9 Why is there is difference in the output of the two? OR What is the difference between old and modern methods of farming?
Ans.There is a big difference in the output of the two farms because the old process of farming is done with ordinary tools requiring a lot of hard work and labour. Whereas modern methods are applied with latest machines and technology. It also requires less labour.

 Q.10 What do they do to kill germs and insects? OR How are the germs and insects killed?
Ans. They spray pesticides and insecticides for the prevention of germs and insects. This process includes washing of tree trunks with lime water and removal of wild grass and weeds.

Q.11 What do they grow on the model farm?
Ans. They grow wheat, maize, cotton and sugarcane. Moreover, they also grow vegetables and they also have a large orchard, where they grow mangoes and oranges.

Q.12 Why were the boys surprised on the vegetable farm? OR what surprised the visitors in the vegetable farm?
Ans. The boys were surprised on the vegetable farm to see the vegetable growing out of the season on the vegetable farm. They do it by the usage of chemical fertilizers; plentiful supply of water and by the help modern machine.

Q.13: What are the reason for the difference between the produce in the common farm and a model farm? OR How do they get such a high produce per hectare from the model farm?
Ans: The cause of high rate of produce per hectare are as follows:
  1. The use of various machines.
  2. The use of top quality seeds.
  3. The use of chemical fertilizers.
  4. The availability plenty of water.
  5.  The spray of insecticides.

Q.14: What did the Mr. Hassan tell the visitors about the diary farm?
Ans: Mr. Hassan also told the visitors that the farm had been doing so well that they had decided to add a dairy to it. There, finest cows and buffaloes would be kept. He surprised the visitors by telling them that the farm would use an electric milker to milk the animals. Modern machinery would make cream and butter and preserve the milk. He promised to invite Mr. Ahmad and his class when the dairy started working.

Q.15: Write a short note on Dairy farm?
Ans: A model farm is one, which is quite different from an ordinary farm. Here machines do farming. Better seeds and chemical fertilizers are used. A great care is taken of plants and crops. Insecticides are also used in order to protect the plants. At the model farm the agriculture products are three to four times more than an ordinary farm. It grows such vegetables as were out of season. It requires less labour and less time.

Q.16: How did Mr. Hassan entertain the visitors?
Ans: After showing them all around the model farm, Mr. Hassan, the manager entertained the visitors with fresh and delicious lunch. It was prepared with farm's own produce. He also offered boys fresh tomatoes and cucumbers which they ate with great delight.

Q.17: How do we be able to meet the needs of ever growing population of our country?
Ans: No doubt, It is a high time for all the nations around the globe. Population is such a factor which is always at rise. So, in order to meet the needs of ever growing population in the country we have to turn all ordinary farms into model farms. We have to educate our farmers and encourage them to make use of technology available. Their is a fear in their minds which has to be removed.

Q.18: Name some of the machines which are used in model farm?
Ans: Machines Used In Model Farm:
  1. Thrasher: separate the grain from the chaff
  2. Tractor: plough deeper.
  3. Sowing Machine: sows the seeds very fast and no seed goes waste.
  4. Combine: harvest the crop and tied into sheaves.

B. Write down the meaning of following words from the lesson and use them in sentences of your own:

planning, model, huge, harvesting, sheaves, fertilizers, enrich, irrigate, orchard, plentiful, harmful, delicious

Words /Meanings

S.NO. Words Meanings
 1. Planning organizing 
 2. Model Exemplary
 3. Huge Big
 4. Harvesting Cutting of crops
 5. Sheaves Small bundles
 6. Fertilizers a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility.
 7. Enrich To improve, Enhance
 8. Irrigate supply water to (land or crops) to help growth,
 9. Orchard Garden of fruit trees
 10. Plentiful In excess
 11. Harmful Dangerous
 12. Delicious Tasty


S.NO. Words Sentences
 1. Planning I am planning to take computer classes in the summer vacations 
 2. Model The engineer presented a new model of car in the seminar
 3. Huge In dubai, Burj ul Khalifa has a huge mall at the entrance
 4. Harvesting Each crop requires different harvesting time.
 5. Sheaves They bunched straw into sheaves.
 6. Fertilizers Fertilizers make the land more productive.
 7. Enrich Education can greatly enrich our life .
 8. IrrigateThe farmer has dug the canals to irrigate his land.
 9. Orchard We went to visit an apple orchard in the farm house.
 10. Plentiful I’ve got plentiful amount of money to spent on my new business.
 11. Harmful Corona is a very harmful disease for this world.
 12. Delicious The mango is a delicious fruit and I like it very much.

C. Complete these sentences with words from the lesson:

  1. The headmaster had allowed them a day’s outing.
  2. Mr. Haroon received them at the gate and showed them around.
  3. With one sweep it seemed to eat up a large area.
  4. The students watched the working of the machine with keen interest.
  5. No, certainly not.
  6. The sowing machine sows, the seed well.
  7. No seed goes waste.
  8. We use chemical fertilizers to enrich the soil.
  9. The visitors were surprised to see growing there such vegetables as were out of season.
  10. He offered the boys fresh tomatoes and cucumber.

D. Direct and Indirect Speech:

Indirect: Mr. Ahmad thanked him.
Direct: Mr. Ahmad said, "Thank you."

Indirect: Bilal asked Mr. Hassan respectfully if he got bigger crops that way.
Direct: Bilal, "Sir, do you get bigger crops this way."

Exercise: Turn the following passage into Direct speech.
Indirect: Mr. Hasan told the visitors that the farm had been doing so well that they had decided to add a dairy to it. There, Finest cows and buffaloes would be kept. The farm would use an electric milker to milk the animals Modern Machinery would make cream and butter.
Direct: Mr. Hasan said to the visitors “The farm has been doing so well that we have decided to add a dairy to it. Here, finest cows and buffaloes will be kept. The farm, will use an electric milker to milk the animals. Modern machinery will make cream and butter.”

E. Composition:

(i). Narrate in your own words how they get so much produce per hectare on the model farm.
Ans: The farmers are able to grow an abundant produce on the model farm because of the modern techniques. They use modern machines, which can perform the work of hundred men. Along with, fertilizers are being used on a vast scale in the farm, so that better and finer crops can be grown. Moreover, spray of pesticides/insecticides and non-stop supply of water has helped to increase the work output.

(ii).  Write the sentences to show whether modern methods of farming are better nor the old ones.
Ans: Machines and techniques have made the profession farming easy for the farmers. Modern methods are better than the old ones because they are more easy to operate than the old methods. They have increase the feasibility of work, because of mechanized means. In this way, one machine can do the work of hundred men. The old methods worked very slow and took a long time of the farmer. But today, the time is also saved and good crops can be grown. Today chemical fertilizers are being used in crops on vast scale, along with pesticides. These salts provide extra enrichment to the crops and protect them from diseases. In this manner better crops could be grown.

(iii). Write a dialogue between an Inspector of the Department of Agriculture and a farmer discussing the advantages of chemical fertilizers and insecticides sprayed on crops.
Instructor: “Hello! I m from the department of Agriculture. I’ve come here to guide you”.
Farmer: “How can I increase the production?”
Instructor: “You can do it by using chemical fertilizers in your crops.”
Farmer: “But how these artificial compounds can increase the growth?”
Instructor: “Actually these fertilizers are salts, which provide extra nourishment to the crops. In this manner you can grow better crops”.
Farmer: “OK! Now tell me any other advantage of these fertilizers.”
Instructor: ” By using these salts you can also grow the crops that are out of season.”
Farmer: ” Well I’ve another problem to discuss.”
Instructor: ” What is it?”
Farmer: “Last year my whole crop was destroyed due to some insects. Tell me any cure for it?”
Instructor: “Don’t worry Look! These are the begs of pesticides or you can call it insecticides.”
Farmer: “Please make it more clear.’
Instructor: “Sure, actually these pesticides serve as medicines which will kill the insects and prevent destruction of crops.”
Farmer: “Oh it’s very easy. you’ve provided me a useful knowledge. Thank You.”
Instructor: “No matter, its my job.”

F. Translation: Translate the following paragraph from the chapter:

It was a pleasant day in April when Mr. Ahmad and his class reached the Model Farm. Mr. Hassan received them at the gate and showed them around. The boys had no idea that an agricultural farm could be so large and interesting. It was the wheat harvesting season. The party saw a huge machine called the "Combine" working in the vast wheat fields. It cut the crop and tied it into sheaves. With one sweep, it seemed to eat up a large area of the golden crop which came out tied into a bundle at the other end. The wheat then went into "Thresher" which separated the grain from the chaff. From one end of the machine fell a golden rain of sweet-smelling wheat, while chaff flew out at the other. The students watched the working of the machine with keen interest. Mr. Hassan said: "The whole process of ploughing, seeding, harvesting and threshing the corn is done with machines on our farm. One man working with this machine can do as much work as one hundred men working without it."

Translation In Urdu:
اپریل کا ایک خوشگوار دن تھا جب مسٹر احمد اور ان کی کلاس ماڈل فارم میں پہنچی۔ مسٹر حسن نے ان کا گیٹ پر استقبال کیا اور انہیں ارد گرد دکھایا۔ لڑکوں کو کوئی اندازہ نہیں تھا کہ کوئی زرعی فارم اتنا بڑا اور دلچسپ ہوسکتا ہے۔ یہ گندم کی کٹائی کا موسم تھا۔ ۔ پارٹی نے "کمبائن" کے نام سے ایک بہت بڑی مشین دیکھی۔ جو کہ گندم کے وسیع کھیتوں میں کٹائی کررہی تھی۔ اس نے فصل کو کاٹ کر اسے گٹھوں میں باندھ دیا۔ ایک ہی جھٹکے میں ، ایسا لگتا ہے کہ یہ سنہری فصل کا ایک بڑا حصہ کھا رہی ہے جو دوسرے سرے پر ایک بنڈل میں بندھی ہوئی باہر آ رہی ہے۔ اس کے بعد گندم "تھریشر" سے گزرتی ہے جو اناج کو بھوسی سے الگ کردیتا ہے۔ مشین کے ایک سرے سے میٹھی مہکنے والی سہنری گندم کی بارش ہو رہی تھی ، جبکہ دوسرے پر بھوسی نکل رہی تھی۔ طلباء نے گہری دلچسپی کے ساتھ مشین کے کام کو دیکھا. مسٹر حسن نے کہا: "ہمارے فارم پر ہل چلانے، بیج بونے، فصل کاٹنے اور مکئی کو بھوسی سے الگ کرنے کا عمل مشینوں میں ہوتا ہے۔ اس مشین کے ساتھ کام کرنے والا ایک شخص اتنا کام اس طرح کرسکتا ہے جو اس (مشین) کے بغیر ایک سو آدمی کریں۔ "

G. Non Textual Exercise:

  1. It was a pleasant day.
  2. A large area
  3. An agriculture farm is interesting

Use Adjectives in your sentences.
  1. Pleasant – This perfume gives a very pleasant smell.
  2. Interesting – Physics is an interesting subjec
  3. Huge– Sun is very huge as compared to our eart
  4. Vast – Arrangement have been made on vast scale for the prevention of crimes in the country.
  5. Large – This exercise is very large.

The weather
  1. It is a peasant day.
  2. It's warm and sunny.
  3. It is fine.
  4. It isn't raining.
  5. It isn't cloudy.

Write five sentences about the weather:
1. It is hot day today.
2. It has been raining since morning
3.  It is cold and foggy day.
4. The sky is not clear.
5. It isn't bright.

H. Idioms:

1. Get rid of:
"We got rid of the mosquitoes by using insecticides." means 
We freed the place of the mosquitoes by using insecticides.

2. Get at:
"Protect the food so that the ants don't get at it." means
Protect the food so that the ants don't reach it.

General Mathematics For Class IX - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) From all Chapters

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Multiple Choice Questions
From all Chapters

English X - Chapter No.5 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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A Visit


 2.Cheer Feel happier
 5. EstablishSet up
 7.EnrichTo improve, Enhance
 9. Fertilizersa chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility.
 10. HarvestingCutting of crops
 11. HugeBig
 12. HarmfulDangerous
 13. InsecticidePoison for killing insects
 14. Irrigatesupply water to (land or crops) to help growth,
 15. ModelExemplary
 16. OrchardGarden of fruit trees
 17. PestDestructive insects etc
 18. PlentifulIn excess
 19. ProduceManufacture
 20. Protect Save
 21. Planningorganizing
 22. Quintal100 Kg
 23. Received Welcome
 24. SheavesSmall bundles
 25. SoilClay
 26. SpraySprinkle
 27. VisitGoing to a place, Meeting a person
 28. WatchObserve

Short note Or Summary on A VISIT

Mr. Ahmed was a school teacher. His class was fond of going on picnic. Mr. Ahmed’s class felt very happy, when their Head Master granted them permission to visit any important place in school bus for one day. Mr. Ahmed arranged the picnic to an agriculture Farm. Mr. Hassan the Manager of the Farm welcomed the boys at the gate and showed them around. The boys were very much surprised to see such big Farm. It was wheat harvesting season and a big machine was working there. It was cutting the crop and making bundles of it. Thresher was separating grains from the chaff. The boys learnt from Mr. Hassan that ploughing, seeding, threshing and other such works are done by machines on the farm. By adopting that method of farming they get much produce in comparison to an ordinary farm. Beside the use of machines they use chemical fertilizer and provide tube well water to lands whole the year. They spray insecticides in order to protect the crop from harmful insects and diseases. He told them that they grow wheat, maize cotton, sugar can, grams, vegetables, oranges and mangoes. On vegetable farm boys were surprised to see growing there such vegetable which were out of season. They were informed that farm management intends to add dairy to it. They would be invited when dairy started working. Boys were of the view that visit was very informative for them.

Sunday 3 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.19 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Arms Weapons
 2. Beyond Across
 3. Bales A large bundle
 4. Caravan A long line of travellers
 5. Conquerors A person who conquers a place or people, Winner
 6. Defended Try to save oneself
 7. Delicious Tasty
 8. Famous Well known
 9. Frontier A line or border separating two countries
 10. Mighty Powerful
 11. Mule trains Rows of mule
 12. Narrow Not Wide
 13. Obtain Achieve
 14. Post Pole
 15. Route Path way
 16. Spices A pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food
 17. Stretched Extend
 18 Zigzag Winding

Short note Or Summary on THE KHYBER PASS

The Khyber pass is a narrow mountain valley about fifty kilometres long. It has been famous in history for thousands of years. The Aryans crossed this Pass nearly four thousand years ago. After them came the Mongols and the Tartars, then Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi and other Muslim conquerors - Shahabuddin Ghauri, Babur and Ahmad Shah Abdali.
The Khyber Pass had been a famous trade route. About fourteen kilometres from Peshawar is the Jamrod check-post. It runs zigzag through the mountains. In these mountains live the brave tribesmen of the Frontier.  On the top of nearly every house was a tower with a long, narrow opening in its walls to be used for firing at the enemies. 
After covering about thirty kilometres, there is the highest place along the Pass called Landikotal.  From Landikotal, the road goes down winding through beautiful scenery. Parallel to the road, runs the railway line, passes through many tunnels in the mountains. This railway line was laid in 1925. Just below the road,  there is a track along which once travelled camel caravans and mule trains.  At a distance of  ten kilometer from Landikotal is Torkham the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where a chain stretched across the road and the Pakistan flag flying on a hill.

English X - Chapter No.18 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Fill In the Blanks
1. This poem has been written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.
2. Casabianca was the name of the boy who was standing on the burning deck.
3. "Yet beautiful and bright he stood", in the above live "He" refers to Casabianca.
4. Casabianca was a creature of heroic blood.
5. This poem describes the heroic deed of a boy.
6. Casabianca laid down his life but did not like to disobey his father.
7. His father was the captain of the ship.
8. Casabianca stood like a hero.
9. Casabianca was a gallant and an obedient son.
10. He did not flee away from the ship though it was wrapped in flames.
11. He shouted to his father asking him if he could leave his place.
12. But the noblest thing which perished there was that young faithful heart.