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Monday 13 July 2020

Sindhi For Class IX - سڀني بابن مان جملن - Sentences from all chapters

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سڀني بابن سان جملن

الفاظ - جملو

سبق نمبر۱: حجته الوداع وارو خطبو

مان مارڪيٽ کان ورندي ڪتاب خريد ڪيا۰  موٽندي  ورندي  1.
حضور پاڪ صلي الله عليه واله وسلم جن فرمايو ته پنھنجي ٻانھن جو خيال رکو۰ غلامن  ٻانھن  2.
قرآن پاڪ اسلامي احڪامن جو کليل پڌرنامو آھي۰ اعلان ,ظاھر, حقيقت  پڌرنامو  3.
ھر مسلمانن کي گھرجي ته ٻين جي لڄن جو احترام ڪري۰ عزتن لڄن  4.
قيامت واري ڏينھن الله اسان کان اسان جي عملن بابت پڇاڻو ڪندو۰  پوچھ گچھ, حساب ڪتاب پڇاڻو  5.
پاڻ سڳورن صلي الله عليه واله وسلم ڌڻي سڳوري جا پڇاڙي نبي آھي۰ آخر پڇاڙي  6.

سبق نمبر۲: حضرت سلمان فارسي رضي الله تعالي عنه

علامه اقبال برصغير جو نامور شاعر ٿي گذريو آھي۰ مشهور  نامور  1.
مسلمانن جو سڀ کان وڏو پيشوا حضرت محمد صلي الله عليه واله وسلم آھي۰ رھبر  پيشوا  2.
ڪرونا وائرس جو ڪارڻ سڄو دنيا خوف جو شڪار ھوندي آھي۰ سبب، وجه ڪارڻ  3.
  قرآن پاڪ اسان کي سڌي راھ تي ھلڻ جو ڏس ڏڻي ٿيو۰ پته ڏس  4.
اڄ موسم ۾ تمام گھڻو ڦيرو ويو آھي تبديلي ڦيرو  5.

سبق نمبر۳: حضرت امام جعفر صادق عليه السلام

حضرت امام حسين رضي الله تعالي عنه جو  نسبي سلسلو پاڻ سڳورن صلي الله عليه واله وسلم جن سان ملي ٿو۰ خانداني  نسبي  1.
حضرت امام جعفر صادق عليه السلام حضرت علي رضي الله تعالي عنه جي پيڙھي مان آھي۰ پشت، نسل  پيڙھي  2.
اسان کي بزرگن جي صحبت مان فيض حاصل ڪرڻ گھرجي۰ فائده  فيض  3.
 فاجر ماڻھن کان ھميشه پري رھڻ گھرجي۰ جھوٹا، گناہگار فاجر  4.
 فاجر۽ فاسق ماڻھن کان ھميشه پري رھڻ گھرجي۰ /  فاسق ماڻھن سان دوستي نه رکڻ گھرجي۰ بدکار، منافق فاسق  5.
اسان کي مستحق ماڻھن جي مڏ ڪرڻ گھرجي۰/ زڪواۃ مستحق ماڻھن کي ڏيڻ گھرجي۰حقدار مستحق  6.

Sunday 12 July 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.7 - Benzene (Reaction and Orientation)

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Chapter No.6
Introduction To Organic Chemistry
(Reaction and Orientation)

Addition Reactions Of Benzene

Benzene behave like a saturated hydrocarbon towards addition reaction inspite of the fact it is highly unsaturated hydrocarbon. The reasons of stability of benzene towards addition reaction are given below:
1. The formation of pi - molecular orbital cause the stability of benzene and stabilization energy of pi molecular orbital in Benzene is 36 K cal/mole.
2. This stabilization energy due to the resonance is so great that pi bond of molecule will normally resist breaking. This explain the lack of reactivity of benzene towards the addition reaction.

Orientations Of Benzene

Sunday 5 July 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.7 - Benzene (Preparation, Physical Properties and Structure)

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Chapter No.6
Introduction To Organic Chemistry
(Preparation, Physical Properties and Structure)

By Sir Asif Izhar (Anees Hussain)


Benzene is an aromatic compound, its molecular formula is C6H6 and molecular mass is 78. Benzene was first isolated by Faraday in 1825 and was found to be one of the constituents of coal tar by Hofmann in 1845. Coal tar and petroleum are the two main sources of obtaining benzene and its derivative on industrial and commercial scale.

Methods Of Preparation Of Benzene C6H6

Physical Properties Of Benzene

  1. Benzene is a colourless liquid having m.p. 5.5°C, b.p. 80°C with a peculiar smell.
  2. It is highly inflammable as aromatic compounds contain more carbon and less hydrogen.
  3. Benzene burns with a smoky flame.
  4. It is immiscible in water and contains 93.6% carbon.
  5. It is however miscible in ethanol and ether and dissolves fats, resins, sulphur, iodine etc.
  6. It is toxic compound and causes blood cancer.
  7. It is used for the manufacture of nitro-benzene, dyes and drugs.

Structure Of Benzene

Thursday 2 July 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.5 - Scientific Reasons

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Chapter No.5
d- Block Elements
Scientific Reasons

Q.1: Why most of the transition elements and their compounds are paramagnetic?
Ans: Most of the transition elements have their unpaired electron in d-orbital causing paramagnetic property i.e. attracted by the magnetic fields like Sc, V, Ti, Cr, Mn etc.

Q.2: Why H2O and NH3 act as ligand but H3O+ and NH4+ do not?
Ans: H2O and NH3 have lone pair of electrons donating to central atom and act as ligand, but H3O+ and NH4+ do not have any lone pair of electrons to form coordinate covalent bond.

Q.3: Why electronic configuration of Cr is 4s1, 3d5 instead of 4s2, 3d4, while that of Cu is 4s1, 3d10 instead of 4s2, 3d9?
Ans. In Cr and Cu one electron from 4s orbital jumps to 3rd orbital in order to gain the extra stability of lower energy orbital and single spin electron.
Hence Cr has configuration of ls2, 2s2, 2p6,3s2,3p6, 4s1 , 3d5
and copper has ls2, 2s2, 2p6,3s2,3p6, 4s1, 3d10.

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.4 - Scientific Reasons

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Chapter No.4
p- Block Elements
Scientific Reasons

Q.1: Why Sulphuric Acid is a sulphonating agent?
Ans: Sulphuric Acid has a sulpnonyl group (-SO3H). Wnen it reacts with an organic compound it replaces hydrogen with sulphonyl group Due to this property it is called Sulphonating Agent.

Q.2: Why Nitric Acid is an oxidizing agent?
Ans: Nitric Acid decomposes and gives atomic oxygen. which oxidizes substances.
2HNO3 ⟶ 2NO2 + H2O + [O]
That's why nitric acid is an oxidizing agent

Q.3: Why Graphite is a good conductor of electricity?
Ans: In graphite the outer most 3 electrons engaged in sp2-hybridization, whereas 1 electron remains free causing conduction of electricity.

Q.4: Why atomic radii increase down the group in the p-block element? OR Why the atomic size of sulphur is bigger than that of oxygen?
Ans: Atomic radii size increases down the group due to addition of a new orbit it shell. That's why Sulphur is bigger than that of Oxygen.

Q.5: Why the metallic character or electropositivity of elements increase down the group?
Ans: The metallic character of elements is inversely proportional to the factors.
  • a) ionization potential
  • b) electron affinity
  • c) electron population
Hence metallic character or electropositivity increases down the group as these factors decrease.

Q.6: Why diamond is the hardest known substance?
Ans: Diamond is the hardest known substance as its valence 4 electrons are strongly bonded due to sp3-hybridization. It has high C-C bond energy i,e. 347 KJ mol-1. It has high refractive index as well as melting point too.

Q.7: Why hydrogen Sulphide is a gas where as water is a liquid?
Ans: The hydrogen bonding affects the physical properties greatly. The effect decreases down the group due to decrease of electronegativity. Hence H2S is a gas having weak hydrogen bonding where as H2O is liquid having stronger hydrogen bonding.

Q.8: Why Aluminium hydroxide acts both as a base and an acid?
Ans: The substance which can react with acids as well as bases are called "Amphoteric".
Aluminium hydroxide reacts with both acid and base as shown below:
Base (neutralizing an acid): Al(OH)3 + 3HCI ⟶ AlCl2 + 3H2O
Acid (neutralizing a base): Al(OH)3 + NaOH ⟶ Na[Al(OH)4]

Q.9: Why graphite is more stable allotropic form of carbon than diamond?
Ans: The radius of graphite is greater than Diamond. Atoms inside graphite have the autonomy to move around its lattice, therefore it has more entropy and more stable at higher temperatures.

Q.10: Why diamond is lustrous whereas carbon is dull-colored?
Ans: Diamond has high optical dispersion ability i.e. to disperse light into different colours which makes it luster. Whereas other allotropic forms of carbon do not nave such ability, hence they are dull coloured.

Q.11: Why electron population of aluminium is less than that of boron?
Ans: Electron population is defined as the ratio of outer most electrons to the capacity of outer most shell.
In Aluiminium: 13Al = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p1
No. of outer most electron = 3.
Capacity of outer most shell = 18 (M-shell)
i.e. electron population is 3:18

In Boron: 6B 1s2, 2s2, 2p1
No. of outer most electron=3.
Capacity of outer most shell=8 (L-shell)
i.e. electron population is 3:8
Hence electron population of aluminium is less than that of boron.

Q.12: Why the viscosity and boiling point of H2SO4 are high?
Ans: Sulphuric acid has 2 hydrogen atoms form stronger hydrogen bonding with each other causing greater viscosity and high boiling point.

Q.13: Why ammonia is a stronger base than phosphine?
Ans: The hydrides of V-A groups are basic in nature, but in Ammonia, N has greater electronegativity as compared to P in Phosphine. Moreover. ammonia is more soluble in water but phosphine is less. Due to reasons NH3 is more stronger base as compared to the PH3.

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.2 - Scientific Reasons

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Chapter No.2
Scientific Reasons

Q.1: Why Ionic hydrides are true hydrides?
Ans. Hydrides are binary compound of hydrogen. Ionic hydrides are only one in which hydrogen has negative charge (H).

Q.2: Why position of hydrogen in modern periodic table is difficult to choose?
Ans. The position of hydrogen in modern periodic table is a puzzle because of the limitation of first electrons shell causing controversial properties of loosing, gaining and sharing of electrons. Due to the fact, its position is not definite. However, in most periodic tables, it is placed at the top of the periodic table.

Q.3: Why Be and Mg do not form Ionic hydrides?
Ans. Because we know that Be and Mg are smaller in size they have large charge density and has intermediate properties of ionic and covalent. Due to this reason their molecule gets polymerized and do not form fully ionic hydrides. These have partially ionic and partially covalent properties.

Q.4: Why nascent or atomic hydrogen is more reactive than molecular hydrogen?
Ans. Nascent hydrogen (newly born) occurs in atomic state has greater energy and needs to be stabilized by decreasing energy. That's why it remains ready to react with those substance which are not reacted by molecular hydrogen (already stabled).

Q.5: Why heavy water is heavy?
Ans. Heavy water has heavier isotope of hydrogen i.e. Deuterium that's why it is called as heavy water. It has formula D2O.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Essay On - Rights Of Women In Islam / Professions Of Women / Status Of Women In Our Society / Female Education / Importance Of Female Education / Education For Women / Careers For Women / Women And Employment / Place And Status Of Women In Islam

Rights Of Women In Islam (OR)
Professions Of Women (OR)
Status Of Women In Our Society (OR)
Female Education (OR)
Importance Of Female Education (OR)
Education For Women (OR)
Careers For Women (OR)
Women And Employment (OR)
Place And Status Of Women In Islam

Islam gives great laws about social system. In Islamic rules, the rights of individuals arc kept in first place. The Quran declares that the best act is good treatment to women. According to Quran and the sayings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) the status and the rights of women are cleared.

(i) And the believers. men and women are protecting friends. (Sarah Toba)
(ii) The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) says ''God commandeth you treat women well, for they arc your mother, daughters, sisters and aunts."
(iii) Allah says in the Holy Quran, 'This is the duty of every Muslim man and woman to acquire knowledge and educate."

Woman in Islam is highly respected as wife, mother, daughter and sister. Before Islam, birth of a female child was highly resented and repented. They were buried alive. In fact it is Islam that has presented the idea of women honour and rights. To secure strong economic position for them, Islam has given full property rights to women. Islam has given all the social rights to women like freedom, choice of partner, good education and inheritance.

Education is equally important for both boys and girls. Basically education is n universal need, rather right of every citizen. Education is an equal right of women. Girls are said to be the light of home. If they are educated, they will carry the light wherever they go. If the women are educated, they can prove themselves as better mothers and wives. They can educate the children and have great influence on them. They can teach them the respect for the elders, superiors, the teachers and the laws of country. We should pray to God that a time will come when everyone without the difference of gender learn the advantage of education.

In limitation of the west, our women too have demanded equal rights with men in every field of life and are even trying to adopt the fashions of men. They want equal seats in assemblies, equal number of posts in the government service, equal chance of freedom and movement and even equal rights in domestic life. Many of them shun the responsibilities of motherhood and prefer to remain unmarried. They arc working in factories, offices and even in the army. Thus the whole Eastern concept of "Womanhood" is being revolutionized and the new ideas are being represented to us in the name of progress and civilization. Islam recognizes the equality of both genders well but equality should not be understood to mean the tasks of the two genders are alike.

After the final examination, there are three responsibilities in case of girl students to study further, to stay at home or to launch out into a career. The girls who want to adopt a career, many avenues are open. Advertising is a field that can appeal to girls with imagination. There are unlimited opportunities for commercial girl artist in this field. For the girls with a passion for books, a library would be the ideal place to work. Basic training is requited but the pay is very handsome. If a girl has the ability to put down her thoughts in word, journalism can prove a rewarding career. For science students who want to make use of their knowledge, research would be good idea. Laboratories and research institutions welcome them.

There are many other professions open for girls. They can become hostesses in some airline. They can work as Family Planning officers. They can serve in the field of Insurance as Field Officers. In short education and career orientation is also necessary for women, because the bright and energetic women as a mother can build a strong nation


Click below link also For an essay on
Status Of Women

Essay On - The Value of Advertising (OR) The Importance of Advertisement

The Value of Advertising (OR)
The Importance of Advertisement

The word 'Advertise" means to bring something to the public attention. In our times advertising has become a big business. There are cores of large companies, employing thousands of writers and artists and other experts that specialize in the field of advertising. These firms design and write advertisements and manage publicity for everything.

Early in the morning when you open a newspaper, a lady showing all her teeth advises you to use a particular brand of tooth paste, another young woman tells you that her beautiful complexion is the gift of this or that toilet soap. The film advertisements, with scantly dressed women cover many full pages of almost all the newspapers. Radio and Television also broadcast such type of advertisements.

Advertisement in a way is useful. They keep public informed about the products. It is also claimed that advertisements help to improve the standard of things they introduce and promote. The importance and value of advertising can be described as following.

(i) They help to improve the trade and the sale of different products.
(ii) They provide charming, glamour and mental refreshness.
(iii) They provide information about the opportunities of jobs.
(iv) The advertisement helps in selling or purchasing of different things and property.
In the modern period advertising has become very fast and wide due to the use of the computers.

Essay On - Cleanliness


The high value attached to cleanliness is expressed by the proverb which says that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". Indeed in some religious, cleanliness is regarded as a part of godliness and is prescribed as a religious duty. In the Law of Moses the priests were required to wash their persons and their clothes, when they had to appear before God, and the tradition of the Jewish elders rigorously enforced the washing of hands before meals. Hazrat Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) prescribed frequent ablutions which, if water could not be had, were to be performed with sand.

Such ordinances are in part due to the recognition of the close connections between personal cleanliness and moral goodness. It is not without reasons that while raiment and ceremonial ablutions have been as the symbols of the purity of soul that is expected of the priest and his congregation, when engaged in the solemn worship of God. Even in our ordinary everyday life we see that a dirty man in dirty clothes is apt to lose that feeling of self-respect, which is one of the best safeguards against dishonesty and vice.

Another reason why the founders of religions prescribed frequent ablutions, was because they recognized the immense importance of cleanliness from a sanitary point of view. The best means of avoiding infection is continual washing which prevents the germs from remaining lungs in the body. Unfortunately immunity from disease cannot be secured by being clean oneself. A scrupulously clean person may catch disease from the dirty persons with whom he comes into contact. Therefore, the rich and intelligent must, in their interests, provide their poorer neighbors with the means of keeping themselves clean.

Essay On - Annual Prize Distribution Function At Your School

Annual Prize Distribution Function
At Your School

The annual prize distribution function is a red — letter day in the life of a school. It comes only once in a year. This generates new enthusiasm in the school. The students begin the preparations for the function many days before. The teachers help and guide them.

Like other years this year to the function attracted hall packed audience consisting of parents and invitees. The prize giving function of the school was held on the 4th April. The director of Education was invited to grace the occasion as the chief guest.

It was in the nick of time that the chief guest arrived in his car. He was given a warm welcome by Principal, Madam and the senior members of the staff. The school band was playing in his honor as he entered the hall, all the students and the invitees stood up as a mark of respect. The chief guest was profusely garlanded by the Principal. As soon as the chief guest occupied his seat, there was a pin-drop silence in the hall.

The function has started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. It was followed by the Hamd and Naat. Then the Principal broke the ice by giving the brief introduction of the life sketch of the chief guest. Later he read the Annual Report of the school, giving an account of the past achievements of the school. Then the chief guest gave away the prizes, certificates, cups and medals to the students who had made remarkable achievements in various fields. Brilliant students, outstanding debaters, sportsmen and prefects were awarded prizes in never-ceasing noise of cheering and clapping.

The chief guest delivered a short but impressive speech wherein he admired the performance of the students and also encouraged them to participate still more enthusiastically. He also praised the sense of discipline imbibed by the students and guests during the entire function. Then the Principal thanked him for his kind visit to the school. Than, the function came to an end. All of us returned our home cheerfully.