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Saturday 19 March 2022

Energy Sources and Transfer of Energy - Physics For Class IX (Science Group) - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) , Fill in the blanks and Concept Map

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Physics For Class IX (Science Group)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) , Fill in the blanks and Concept Map

Section (A) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Tick mark (✓) the correct answer:
1. If force of 6 N displaces an object 2 m in the direction of force, then work done will be:
(a) 0
(b) 12 Joule ✓
(c) 3 Joule
(d) Both b and c

2. If a body of mass 1 kg is moving with velocity of 1 m/sec. then K.E of the body will be:
(a) Joules
(b) Joules
(c) Joule
(d) 1 Joule
(Note: Here numerical values are missing in the textbook. Answer will be 1/2 joule ✓)

3. If a machine performs 20 J of work in 10 sec. then it power is:
(a) 200 watt
(b) 20 watt
(c) 2 watt ✓
(d) 0.2 watt

4. A body of mass 1 kg is lifted through a height of l m. The energy possessed in the body will be: (consider g = 10 ms-2).
(a) 1 J
(b) 10 Joule ✓
(c) 100 Joule
(d) 1000 Joule

5. The energy released during fission or fusion reaction is called:
(a) Solar energy
(b) Geothermal energy
(c) Tidal energy
(d) Nuclear energy ✓

6. Which is the renewable source of energy?
(a) Solar and wind ✓
(b) Coal
(c) Natural gas
(d) Petroleum

7. The ratio of output to input is called:
(a) Energy
(b) Work
(c) Power
(d) Efficiency ✓

8. Work done per unit time is called:
(a) Efficiency
(b) Energy
(c) Power ✓
(d) Force

9. Coal, gas and oil are all examples of:
(a) Tidal energy
(b) Nuclear energy
(c) Fossil fuel energy ✓
(d) Biomass energy

10. ______ is not a renewable source of energy.
(a) Solar energy
(b) Coal ✓
(c) Wind energy
(d) Geothermal energy

11. When a force makes something move, in Physics, it is called:
(a) work ✓
(b) power
(c) kinetic energy
(d) efficiency

12. The S.I. unit of work is:
(a) foot
(b) pound
(c) erg
(d) joule ✓

13. 1 joule = ____.
(a) 1 Nm-1
(b) 10 Nm-1
(c) 1 Nm ✓
(d) 10 Nm

14. The ability to do work is defined as:
(a) power
(b) energy ✓
(c) efficiency
(d) potential energy

15. The S.l. unit of energy is:
(a) joule ✓
(b) watt
(c) foot-pound
(d) erg

16. Mathematically, kinetic energy is represented by:
(a) mv2
(b) ½ mv2
(c) mgh
(d) ½ mgh

17. The energy that a body possesses by virtue of its position, shape or state of a system is known as:
(a) kinetic energy
(b) potential energy ✓
(c) gravitational energy
(d) geothermal energy

18. Mathematically potential energy is given as:
(a) mv2
(b) ½ mv2
(c) mgh ✓
(d) ½ mgh

19. Water stored in a dam is an example of:
(a) kinetic energy
(b) potential energy ✓
(c) chemical energy
(d) geothermal energy

20. Fossil fuels have stored:
(a) potential energy
(b) geothermal energy
(c) solar energy
(d) chemical energy ✓

21. This kind of energy is stored in the Earth as its natural heat.
(a) Geothermal energy ✓
(b) Chemical energy
(c) Nuclear energy
(d) Potential energy

22. Wood, organic material, garbage and sugarcane are sources of:
(a) geothermal energy
(b) chemical energy
(c) biomass energy ✓
(d) solar energy

23. Which one of the following has no unit?
(a) Power
(b) Work done
(c) Energy
(d) Efficiency ✓

24. Efficiency is:
(a) (output / input) x 100 ✓
(b) (input / output) x 100
(c) (input/ 100) x output
(d) input x output

25. The rate of doing work is known as:
(a) energy
(b) efficiency
(c) power ✓
(d) kinetic energy

26. The amount of energy transferred per unit time is called as:
(a) energy
(b) efficiency
(c) power ✓
(d) kinetic energy

27. Power is a:
(a) scalar quantity ✓
(b) vector quantity
(c) Both 'a' &'b'
(d) None of these

28. Unit of power is:
(a) joule
(b) watt ✓
(c) Nm
(d) erg

29. Joule /sec = ______:
(a) Nm
(b) watt ✓
(c) erg
(d) pound

30. 1 hp = _______.
(a) 103 watt
(b) 106 watt
(c) 100 watt
(d) 746 watt ✓

  1. Work is the product of force and the distance. 
  2. W = F . S or F x S
  3. The ability to do work is called energy.
  4. SI unit of energy is Joule (J).
  5. Energy possessed by an object due to its motion is called as Kinetic Energy. 
  6. K∙E =  1/2 mv2
  7. Energy due to position of an object is called Potential Energy 
  8. P∙E = mgh.
  9. Energy exists in many different forms such as nuclear energy, heat energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, light energy, etc.
  10. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy and hydroelectric energy are the examples of renewable sources of energy.
  11. Wood, coal, petroleum, natural gas and Uranium are examples of nonrenewable sources of energy.
  12. The ratio of output to the input is called efficiency.
  13. The work done in unit time is called power.
  14. SI unit of work is Watt.


Thursday 17 March 2022

Chemistry For Class IX (New Book ) - Chapter No. 5 - Physical States Of Matter - Numericals


Chapter No.5- Physical States Of Matter
Text Book Exercise


1) Convert the following units:
(a) 100 °C to K
(b) 150 °C to K
(c) 780 K to °C
(d) 170 K to °C

a) 100 °C to K
  • Temperature in Celsius (C) = 100 °C
  • Temperature in Kelvin (K) = ?

K = 273 + °C

K = 273 + 100 = 373 K Ans.

(b) 150 °C to K
  • Temperature in Celsius (C) = 150 °C
  • Temperature in Kelvin (K) = ?

K = 273 + °C

K = 273 + 150 = 423 K Ans.

(c) 780 K to °C
  • Temperature in Kelvin (K) = 780 K
  • Temperature in Celsius (C) = ?

°C = K - 273

°C = 780 - 273 = 507 °C Ans.

(d) 170 K to °C
  • Temperature in Kelvin (K) = 170 K
  • Temperature in Celsius (C) = ?

°C = K - 273

°C = 170 - 273 = - 103 °C Ans.

More Numericals
Examples From Text Book

Examples 5.2: The 700 cm3 of a gas is enclosed in a container under a pressure of 650 mm of Hg. If the volume is reduced to 350 cm3, what will be the pressure then?

  • V1 = 700 cm3
  • P1 = 650 mm
  • V2 = 350 cm3
  • P2 = ?

P1 V1 = P2 V2

Examples 5.4: A sample of Hydrogen gas has a volume of 350 cm3 at 40 °C. If gas is allowed to expand up to 700 m3 at constant pressure. Find out its final temperature?

  • T1 = 40 °C = 40+273 K = 313 K
  • V1= 350 cm3
  • V2= 700 cm3
  • T2 = ?

Chemistry For Class IX (New Book ) - Chapter No. 6 - Solutions - Numericals


Chapter No.6- Solutions
Text Book Exercise

More Numericals
Examples From Text Book

Example 6.2: How would you prepare 500 cm3 of 0.20 M NaOH (aq) from a stock solution of 1.5 M NaOH?
  • M1 = 1.5 M NaOH
  • M2 = 0.2 M NaOH
  • V2 = 500 cm3
  • V1 = ?

Concentrated Soluiotn = Dilute Solution
M1 V1 = M2 V2
1.5 x V1 = 0.20 x 500
= 66.67 cm3
Ans: Take 66.67 cm3 of concentrated NaOH and placed in a measuring flask and dilute it by adding water up to the mark. It will become 0.2M solution of NaOH.

Example 6.5: 20 gram of salt is dissolved in 500 cm3 of a solution. Calculate the molarity of that solution.
  • Mass of solute = 20 g
  • Molar mass of NaCl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 g/mol
  • Volume of solution = 500 cm3
  • Molarity (M) = ?

Ans: The molarity of that solution is 0.683 mole / dm3.

Example 6.7: A sample of sulphuric acid has the molarity 20 M. How many cm3 of solution should you use to prepare 500 cm3 of 0.5 M H2SO4?

  • M1 = Molarity of given H2SO4 = 20 M
  • M2 = Molarity of required H2SO4 = 0.5 M
  • V1 = volume of concentrated solution needs to be diluted =? 1
  • V2 = Volume required in H2SO4 on = 500 cm3

M1 V1 = M2 V2
V1 = 12.5 cm3
Ans: 12.5 cm3 of 20 M is used to make 500 cm3 aqueous solution to form 0.5 M H2SO4.

Monday 14 March 2022

ENGLISH (Compulsory) - Solved Model Paper - For Class IX (Science Group) - 2021 and Onward


Englsh  (Compulsory)
For Class IX (Science Group)
Model Papers 2021 and Onward

Q.2 Answer any 5 of the following questions in two to three sentences each. (10 Marks)
i. What do you know about the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai?
Ans: Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai was a poet of the people, so he wrote in the language of the common man. The qualities of Shah Latif's poetry are simplicity and moving music. In his poems he writes mainly about Sindh and its neighbouring regions. His spiritual and mystic poetry carries a message of love, brotherhood, equality of men and pleasing God, which makes it universal and acceptable to entire human race.

ii. What is Hijra? When did this event take place?
Ans: Hijra means to migrate to a safer place for the safety of life and faith. The bitter opposition or Quraish and their aggressiveness caused the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) to migrate to Yathrib (Madina), a city 320 km (200 miles) north of Makkah. He (صلى الله عليه وسلم) left Makkah and stopped at a place called Quba, he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) built mosque there on 28th June 622 A.D. and then On 2nd July, 622 A.D. entered Yathrib. This event is known in history as hijra. It marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

ii. What happens to the poet when he lies on his couch?
Ans: When the poet lies on the couch in a vacant or pensive mood, he recalls the beautiful scene of the daffodils before his eyes. His heart than fills with pleasure and dance with daffodils. His loneliness than becomes a great joy.

iv. Why is Miller happier than the king?
Ans: The Miller is happier than the king because no man envies the miller. Miller had no worries and led a happy life, on the other hand King’s life was full of worries and anxieties.

v. May the world's darkness disappear through the life of mine? What does the poet mean by this?
Ans: This line is taken from a poem 'The Child's Innovation' written by Sir Muhammad Allama Iqbal. The poet means that the child wishes to be a lighted candle so that the darkness of the world disappear because of his light. He wishes to enlighten the world with his knowledge.

vi. "Barrages are so important in avoiding flood". Support this statement.
Ans: A barrage is a kind of wall constructed across the river. It has gates through which water passes in a limited quantity. A barrage controls the flow of water in floods and thus protects life and property.

vii. How can one achieve his/her dream? Highlight some factors.
  • Ans: Some of the factors that can help me in achieving my aim are:
  • Make a commitment to myself
  • Need dedication to fulfill my dreams
  • work hard
  • Focusing on my goal
  • Take big steps with confidence and accept the challenges.

Q.3 Do as directed. (as instructed in) (20 Marks)
(i) (Insert article)
a) She is an M.A.
b) The boy you met last night, is my student.

(ii) (Use preposition)
a) The books were distributed among the students.
b) There are large number of mangoes on the tree.

(iii) (Change the Voice)
a) He hit the ball out of the park.
Ans: The ball was hit out of the park by him. (Passive Voice)

b) Let them not be called.
Ans: Do not call them. (Active Voice)

c) Are you writing this article?
Ans: Is this article being written by you? (Passive Voice)

(iv) She inspires one and all with her performance. (Change into Interrogative)
Ans: Does she inspire one and all with her performance?

(v) They could not handle the situation. (Change into Affirmative)
Ans: They could handle the situation.

(vi) I do not play cricket well, ___? (Add a correct Question Tag.)
Ans:  I do not play cricket well, do I?

(vii) (Change the Narration.)
a) She said to me," I was waiting for you."
Ans: She told me that she had been waiting for me. (Indirect speech)

b) I ordered him not to interfere.
Ans: I said to him,"Do not interfere." (Direct speech)

(viii) You would get good marks, if you (work) hard. (Use Correct form of Verb)
Ans: You would get good marks, if you worked hard.

(ix) (Punctuate)
a) tuba said i have bought books copies and pen
Ans: Tuba said,"I have bought books, copies and pen."

b) is pakistan the largest country of asia
Ans: Is Pakistan the largest country of Asia?

(x) (Use Prefix)
a) Obedient
Ans: Disobedient

b) Healthy
Ans: Unhealthy

(xi) They have applied for this post. (Change into Future Continuous.)
Ans: They will be applying for this post.

(xii) He will look into the matter. (Change into Present Indefinite.)
Ans: He looks into the matter.

(xiii) They called me many times. I did not reply them. (Change into a Compound sentence.)
Ans: They called me many times, but I did not reply them.

Q.4 Indicate the part of speech of the underlined words: (10 Marks)
i. She always tries to work efficiently.
  • She: Pronoun
  • efficiently: adverb

ii. Pakistan is a wonderful country.
  • Pakistan: Proper Noun
  • wonderful: adjective

iii. She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.
  • at: preposition
  • likes: verb

iv. Oh dear! I don't know what to do about this mess.
  • oh dear!: Interjection
  • know: verb

v. He bought three eggs but did not take any in breakfast.
  • three: adjective
  • but: conjunction

Q.5: Translate the following paragraph into Urdu / Sindhi

ایک بادشاہ نے ایک ملک پر حکومت کی۔ ملک میں وافر مقدار میں پانی تھا ، مٹی زرخیز تھی ، اور مویشیوں کو چرانے کے لۓ کافی ہریالی تھی۔ باغ میں پھل دار درخت تھے۔ اس کے باوجود ، بادشاہ ناخوش اور افسردہ تھا کیونکہ اس کی حکومت میں اس کے لوگ خوش نہیں تھے۔

Daffodils Poem - Unit 8.6 -FUN - English IX - Chapter No.6 - Words-Meaning, Questions / Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Unit-8.6 FUN
The Daffodils (Poem)
Questions and Answers

Difficult Words and Comprehensions


S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Wandered Walked here and there without purpose.
2. Vale Valley, space between hills or mountains.
3. Host Great number or Groups.
4. Daffodils Beautiful yellow flowers.
5. Fluttering Housing in breeze.

Questions and Answers

Q.1 What was the poet doing?
Ans. The poet was wandering aimlessly in the country side.

Q.2 What did he see?
Ans. He saw a host of Golden Daffodils fluttering and dancing beside the lakes.

Q.3 Where were the daffodils?
Ans. The daffodils were beside the lake and beneath the tree.

Q.4 Describe the scene in your own words?
Ans.  When the poet is walking all alone in the English Country side. He saw thousands of Golden Daffodils are growing beneath the trees and beside the lake. In the strong breeze the daffodils appear to be doing a brisk lovely dance. They stretched in a never-ending line. they were in very large numbers and look like stars on the milky way.


S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Continuous Going on without a break.
2. Milky way A bright belt of stars in the sky.
3. Bay Small part of sea or lake.
4. At a glance Quick look
5. Tossing Rising and falling.
6. Sprightly Lively, brisk.

Questions and Answers

Q.1 What does the poet compare the daffodils with and why?   (KHI Board - General group 2010)
Ans. The poet compares the daffodils with the countless  shinning and twinkling stars. The daffodils stretched along the margin of a bay in a never-ending line like the stars spreads on the milky way.  The daffodils fluttered in the breeze while the stars twinkle in the sky.

Q.2 What resemblance did he find between the stars and the daffodils?
Ans. The poet found resemblance between the stars and daffodils in some way.
1. the daffodils stretched along the margin of a bay in a never-ending line like stars on the milky way.
2. The daffodils fluttered in the breeze, while the stars twinkled in the sky.

Q.3 How many flowers were there?
Ans. There were numerous flowers in a way that the poet saw ten thousand daffodils at a glance.

Q.4 Where were the flowers?
Ans. The flowers were stretched along the margin of the bay.


S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Out did Past tense of out do – did better than.
2. Sparkling Shining.
3. Glu Happiness
4. Journal Gay, lively
5. Gazed Looked with wonder.
6. What wealth Here, what happiness.
7. The show The scene (of the daffodils dancing and fluttering)

Questions and Answers

Q.1 Which of the two danced more: the waves or the daffodils?
Ans. The daffodils danced more than the waves.

Q.2 What did the poet feel looking at the daffodils? 
What kind of poetry did William Wordsworth compose? What is the theme of the poem "The Daffodils"?  (KHI Board - Science group 2014, 2015)
Ans.  William Wordsworth is known as the poet of nature. He describes beauty in his poetry. Once he came across a large number of daffodils. They were bloomimg and tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The scene of the daffodils filled the heart of the poet was filled with great joy and he felt happy. This beautiful scene is the theme of the poem "The daffodils".

Q.3 How can wealth come to the poet by looking at the scene before him?
Ans. William Wordsworth was a poet of nature. He loved natural beauty. When he looked at the beautiful scene of  golden daffodils fluttering and dancing in the breeze.  He valued his happiness as a wealth.


S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Oft Often, many times.
2. Vacant Free hours, leisure time.
3. Pensive Seriously thoughtful.
4. Flash Sudden bright light.
5. Inward eye Deep looks power to see the past experience in mind.
6. Bless of solitude Great job of being alone.

Questions and Answers

Q.1 What happens to the poet when he lies on his couch?
Under what condition the poet of the poem " The Daffodils" recalls the scene of the daffodils?
What does Wordsworth see when he lies upon his couch in a pensive mood?   (KHI Board - Science group 2006, 2013, 2016 General group 2006, 2008)
Ans. When the poet lies on the couch in a vacant or pensive mood, he recalls the beautiful scene of  the daffodils before his eyes. His heart than fills with pleasure and dance with daffodils. His loneliness than becomes a great joy.

Q.2 Mention the two moods of the poet.
Ans. The two moods of the poet were:
Vacant Mood
Pensive Mood

Q.3 How can the heart dance?
Ans. The memory of the flowers, filled the heart of the poet with pleasure and it begins to dance with the dancing daffodils.

Q.4 Has this ever happened to you?
Ans. A good thing always remains in one’s memory, it reacts when one thinks of it. It is a case with every one and so as well as with me.

Q.5: Write the message or Central idea of the poem? (KHI Board - General group 2012) Ans: Beautiful things especially nature's beauty is a great source of happiness.  A beautiful memory scene stays in the memory for a long time. Whenever such scene flash back in our memories, they fill us with pleasure. The message of the poem is" The natural scenes gives us great pleasure as they are great source of beauty."

Essay On - Summer and Winter


The four seasons are like a decoration to the earth, it makes nature more beautiful. Sometimes, people's daily activities depend on the weather. The habits and style of life change as the seasons vary. Summer is the hottest season whereas winter is the coldest one. People will carry out their daily activities based on the weather. These are a few ways of how different seasons affect people's daily routines in terms of their food, clothes, and activities.

First of all, the type of food people consume varies during summer and winter. In summer, because the weather is so hot, people would prefer to eat cold food like ice-cream to keep them cold. However, during winter, people will prefer to eat hot and spicy food which would help them to keep themselves warm like steamboat food, hot soup, tea, coffee, laksa and more.

Besides that, people's way of dressing also tends to change because of the different seasons. During winter, people will normally wear thick and warm clothes which are the most appropriate attire to keep themselves not so cold. On the other hand, during summer people will usually wear casual clothes like jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and sleeveless tops to keep them not so warm.

There are also different types of activities that can be carried out during summer and winter. Summer is the time where people will usually go travelling and it is also the best weather for outdoor activities. It is easier to go sight-seeing in summer compared to winter. During winter ice-skating is one of the most favourite and popular sport that can be carried out especially in the western countries.

As a conclusion, food, clothes, and activities of people will be affected by the different seasons. Summer and winter have their characteristics. People have a different style of life during these two seasons. They enjoy the hottest of summer and the coldest of winter.

Essay On - Autumn versus Spring


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. But when it comes to culture and practices, one often sees two seasons receiving more attention than the others. These two seasons are spring and autumn. In many parts of the world, the arrival of these two seasons is celebrated in various ways. However, there are obvious differences between the two seasons.

Spring is the time of the year when the weather is considered as absolutely perfect, because the air is still cool, yet, it is pleasantly cool, a coolness that allows one to enjoy the weather, without getting cramped due to the cold or exhausted due to the heat. The spring season is also associated with rebirth. This is the time of the year when winter comes to an end and activity begins in plant, animal and human life. One can see new leaves on plants and colourful buds on trees that slowly change to green. Animals that sleep or slow down their activities in winter, start becoming more active, searching for food and preparing for an active summer life. Humans also become more active, with some getting the land ready for growing crops, and others doing work that has to be done before the heat of summer drains their energy. Along with work, many people also find time to enjoy the lovely spring weather.

Autumn, on the other hand, gives the signal that summer is over. lt is the time of the year when preparation for the winter starts. The leaves of the plants start changing colours once again, but this time they change into different shades of yellow, brown and red, and begin to fall off. The trees, instead of getting fully covered, as in spring, start shedding leaves and, ultimately, become barren, with a few leaves or none left at all. The animals start hoarding their food in preparation for the winter. The people have to work faster to get home quicker, as the days get shorter and night falls very quickly. Those working in the fields get busy reaping their crops and selling or storing their crops. In some parts of the world, people gather around fires and have fun.

All in all, spring gives the signal that winter has ended, and autumn gives the signal that summer is over. With spring comes the message of a new beginning, with green plants and trees. With autumn come the falling green, red and brown leaves and barren trees. Spring is a call for action, and autumn announces more resting time, with longer winter nights about to come.