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Thursday 27 October 2022

Muneer Niazi ( Muneer Ahmed) - منیر نیازی (منیر احمد) کی شاعری پر تبصرہ

منیر نیازی (منیر احمد) کی شاعری پر تبصرہ

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

Sabaq No. 40: Hasrat Mohaani (Syed Fazal Ul Hasan) ki Gazal (Hisa-e-Nazam) - الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Class XI (1st year) For All Groups

سبق نمبر 40: حسرت موہانی (سید فضل الحسن) کی غزل (حصہ نظم)
الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

سبق نمبر 39: حصہ نظم (داغ دہلوی - غزل نمبر 1) - الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Cass XI 1st Year) For All Groups

سبق نمبر 39: داغ دہلوی کی غزلیں (حصہ نظم)
الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

سبق نمبر 39: حصہ نظم (داغ دہلوی - غزل نمبر 1) - اشعار کی تشریح - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Cass XI 1st Year) For All Groups

سبق نمبر 39: داغ دہلوی کی غزلیں (حصہ نظم)
اشعار کی تشریح

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection - Social Media - Reference To Context

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Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection
Reading Comprehension
Social Media
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)


1. With the advent of internet, the world has become a global village.
  1. Name the lesson and the book from where these lines have been taken.
  2. What is the lesson about?
  3. What do you understand by the term global village?
Ans i:
Lesson : Social Media
Book: Secondary stage English book 2 For class X

Ans ii: The lesson is about the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media.

Ans iii: The term global village means the world is viewed as a community in which distance and isolation have been dramatically reduced by social media.

2. However, while on the one hand, one can think of innumerable benefits of the social media, one is often reminded how it has negatively influenced many aspects of people’s lives.
  1. Name the lesson and the book from where these lines have been taken.
  2. What is the lesson about?
  3. How has social media negatively influenced people’s life?
Ans i:
Lesson : Social Media
Book: Secondary stage English book 2 For class X

Ans ii: The lesson is about the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media.

Ans iii: The social media has negatively influenced people’s life by reducing the family time as screen time have been increased. Social Media has affected the relationship of people very badly. Students have Incomplete school assignments, show tardy work and poor academics. People get cheated by fraudulent companies.

Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection - Social Media - Words / Meanings

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Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection
Reading Comprehension
Social Media
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Words / Meanings

S.NO. Column A Column A
1. Accessibility Easy to reach
2. Addictive Habit -forming
3. Consequences Negative results
4. Deterioration Slowly becoming worse
5. Detrimental Harmful
6. Devasting Highly damaging
7. Disproportionately Not in the right amount
8. Fantasy Imagining of impossible things
9. Fraudulent Dishonest, Cheating
10. Inconvenience Trouble
11. Injudicious Unwise
12. Materialize Happen or take shape
13. Mitigated Made less severe
14. Obesity Being over weight
15. Prudent Caring for the future
16. Revolutionized Changed completely
17. Self-portrayal Showing off oneself
18. Stupendous Extremely great
19. Tardy Late submitted
20. Vistas prospectus

Sabaq No. 38: Mirza Asad Ullah Ghalib ki Gazalein (Hisa-e-Nazam) - الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Class XI (1st year) For All Groups

سبق نمبر 38: مرزا اسد اللہ خاں غالب کی غزلیں (حصہ نظم)
الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection - Social Media - Reading Comprehension - Question Answers and Text Book Exercise Unit 4.1

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Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection
Reading Comprehension
Social Media
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

Question Answers

Q,1: How has social media revolutionized the concept of communication?
Ans: Social media has, undoubtedly , revolutionized the concept of communication in numerous ways .Providing the ease of connectivity is one of the biggest contribution . Whether it be business purpose or family communication has become simpler, quicker and easy . Communication to the distant relatives can be done without hindrance . Skills and talents can also be communicated through social media . Business dealings and communication do not consume time now. In short any one from any part of world can be contacted easily The world has truly become a global village due to the revolution social media has brought in communication.

Q.2: How is social media assisting students and professionals in their respective fields?
Ans: Social media is also assisting the students and professionals. It has opened new vistas for them . The professionals can easily and quickly interact with their counterparts in any part of the world and exchange their views on matters of mutual interests. More over the professionals can be benefited by get the guidelines, ideas and views about specific task on social media.
The students can easily interact with teachers and researchers in any part of the world. They can easily gain knowledge on any topic. They can also be benefited by on line lectures and notes from different platforms.

Q.3: How can a business be initiated on a virtual platform?
Ans: Social media has remarkably made initiating a virtual business very easy . A business can be initiated through the touch of a button . Businessmen can post and advertise their products and invite the buyers from anywhere in the world . They can interact with their customers on case to case basis and readily respond to their queries, comments and can fulfill their needs.

Q.4: How can employers hunt the right candidates for their job positions?
Ans: Social Media has also given the opportunity to the skilled and talented persons to promote their skills, talents and capabilities in a very effective way . This in turn gives an easy access to the employers and enable them to hunt for the right candidate for any particular job position .The employers can also advertise for any vacant post through their social media pages and invite the applications on line . This helps the employers to short list the right candidate and hence saves time as well.

Q.5: Why can people easily have a constant connection with relatives in distant parts of the world?
Ans: People can easily have a constant connection with relatives in distant parts of the world through social media .Gone are the days when going of a near one abroad meant the loss of touch and lack of communication. Social media has not only contributed to maintain a constant connection with the distant relatives and friends but has also enabled to establish contact with lost friends . It has played a vital role in strengthening the bond of love and care among the family members by keeping communication easy and alive.

Q.6: How is social media affecting the relationship of people?
Ans: Social Media has affected the relationship of people very badly . Man is a social animal and for the strengthening of social bond physical sharing of moments of joy and grief is important . Increased screen time has decreased face to face communication. Relationships are compromised as people are spending more time on social media. Good wishes and condolences are sent through social media now which has compromised personal visits in moments of grief and joy. The social media has weakens the relationships.

Q.7: How has social media affected you and your family?
Ans: Social media has affected me positively and negatively in numerous ways.
  • It has helped me a lot in my studies and improving my writing skills.
  • I can easily understand any difficult topic through lectures available on you tube. I can remain in contact with my teachers as well.
  • But on the other hand it has made me very lazy . My sitting time has increased. Addiction to on line games has reduced my physical activity.
  • As a whole our family time has been compromised. Everyone keeps watching things of their own interests on social media.
  • Face to face communication has been reduced to a great extent.

Q.8: What are the benefits you have gained from social media?
Ans: I have gained a lot of benefits from social media like:
  • Participation in training, exchange programs, competitions, social community service programs.
  • I have improved my skills of digital marketing.
  • I am improving my study skills as well.

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Text Book Exercise
Unit 4.1


1. Look at the picture and guess what you are going to read about.

Ans: The picture shows that we are going to read about social media.

2. Do you know what is meant by social media?
Ans: Yes, Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on communication. They are refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Whatsapp etc are some social media applications or websites on internet.

3. Do you think that social media is a good thing or a bad thing?
Ans: There are both positive and negative impacts of social media on society as well as on individual and their communities and businesses. So Social media is both good and bad depend on its use.


Work individually and circle one of the options to fill the blanks. After completing the exercise, compare your answer with your partner.
1. According to text, social media is a ______.
a) Good things
b) bad things
c) neither
d) both (a) & (b) ✔

2. The social media is something that is used by ____.
a) Old people
b) young people
c) people of all ages ✔
d) children

3. In conclusion , the writer says that the social media should be:
a) Ignored
b) used with care ✔
c) given up
d) used everyday


Work in pair. Read the text and underline the following words. the meaning of all these words are given in the exercise below. Find out the word which has the given meaning and fill in the blanks.
revolutionized, stupendous, vistas, fantasy, accessibility, injudicious, tardy, detrimental, fraudulent, materialize, deterioration, consequences, disproportionately, addictive, obesity, devasting, mitigated, self-portrayal, inconvenience, prudent
1. The meaning of detrimental is harmful
2. The meaning of deterioration is slowly becoming worse
3. The meaning of stupendous is extremely great
4. The meaning of inconvenience is trouble
5. The meaning of obesity is being over weight
6. The meaning of materialize is happen or take shape
7. The meaning of prudent is caring for the future
8. The meaning of tardy is late submitted
9. The meaning of Revolutionized is changed completely.
10. The meaning of disproportionately is not in the right amount
11. The meaning of self-portrayal is showing off oneself
12. The meaning of addictive is habit -forming
13. The meaning of accessibility is easy to reach.
14. The meaning of fraudulent is dishonest, cheating
15. The meaning of vistas is prospectus.
16. The meaning of Consequences is negative results.
17. The meaning of devasting is highly damaging
18. The meaning of injudicious is unwise.
19. The meaning of fantasy is imagining of impossible things
20. The meaning of mitigated is made less severe


Work individually. Skim through the text and identify the paragraphs that give the following information. Write the paragraph number in the given blanks. After completing compare your answer with your partner and make corrections where necessary:
  1. Lack of quality communication. 5
  2. Promotion and identification of skills and talents. 4
  3. Basic rules for minimizing the harmful effects. 12
  4. Becoming a part of global community. 2
  5. Impact on mental health. 10
  6. Using the social media prudently. 13
  7. Advent of the internet and social media. 1
  8. Psychological disorders. 11
  9. Negative impact on studies. 6
  10. Effects on physical health. 9
  11. Use of the social media for business purposes. 3
  12. Fraudulent companies cheating people. 7
  13. Connecting friends and families. 8


Read the text and mark the statements as true or false. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.
S.NO. Statement True False
1. The social media has not affected the world in any major way.-False
2. Some vendors on the social media cheat their customers.True-
3. Use of the social media does not have any disadvantage.-False
4. Professionals do not use the social media.-False
5. Increase in the use of the social media has affected relationships adversely.True-
6. Students can contact teachers from nay part of the world and learn from them.True-
7. People use the social media to showcase and promote their talents and skills.True-
8. Employers do not use the social media to look for people whom they want to hire..-False
9. Disproportionate use of the media has devastating effects on physical health.True-
10. A careless user can get the benefits from the positive aspects of the social media.-False


The following sentences have wrong information. Work in pairs. Read the text and write the corrected sentence in space provided.
1. With the social media , one has become a part of the regional community.
Correct Sentence: With the social media , one has become a part of the global community.

2. The speed with which the social media users are increasing is slow.
Correct Sentence: The speed with which the social media users are increasing is stupendous.

3. The extended family members are not important in the Pakistani family structure.
Correct Sentence: The extended and immediate family members are not important in the Pakistani family structure.

4. The social media is a major cause of weakness in children and teen agers.
Correct Sentence: The social media is a major cause of obesity in children and teen agers.

5. Rumors travel very slowly on the social media.
Correct Sentence: Rumors travel very fast on the social media.

6. Posting selfies can lead to physical disorders.
Correct Sentence: Posting selfies can lead to psychological disorders.

7. Using the social media has neither pros nor cons.
Correct Sentence: Using the social media has both pros and cons.

8. One needs to see how one can maximize the harmless effects of the social media.
Correct Sentence: One needs to see how one can maximize the harmless effects of the social media.

9. The ills of the social media can be reduced by following all the rules.
Correct Sentence: The ills of the social media can be reduced by following certain rules.

10. Giving up the social media may be the only option we have today.
Correct Sentence: Giving up the social media may not be a realistic option we have today.


Work in pairs, read the text and write down the positive aspects and negative aspects of the social media with respect to the following. Also write down what needs to be done to reduce the negative impact, as stated in the text.
Positive Aspect: Post their products and invite buyers, readily respond to customers queries.
Negative Aspects: Misuse by fraudulent companies.
Reducing negative impact: One should be discreet when selecting on line products or responding to online offers of job and opportunities.

Positive Aspect: Interaction with researchers and educators any where, online lectures.
Negative Aspects: Incomplete school assignments, tardy work and poor academics.
Reducing negative impact: Careful use of social media by following basic rules.

Positive Aspect: Constant connection with distant relatives , strengthening of bond of love and care.
Negative Aspects: Deterioration in frequency and quality of face to face communication.
Reducing negative impact: Spend less time on social media and give priority to close ones.

Positive Aspect: effective advertisement of skills and capabilities.
Negative Aspects: may get cheated by companies or may face physical harm by going to fake interviews.
Reducing negative impact: care should be focused while sharing personal data with any one.


Answer the following questions:
Ans: See above in Question & Answers section - Q.1 - Q.6


Work in groups of four. Ask each other the following questions and write down the responses. Try and give a different response to each member of a group.
Ans: See above in Question & Answers section - Q.7 - Q.8

Unit-3 -Practicing Positive Work Ethics - King Bruce And The Spider (Poem) - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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Unit-3 - Practicing Positive Work Ethics
Reading Comprehension
King Bruce And The Spider (Poem)
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
1. Eliza Cook was born in ____.
(a) 1817
(b) 1818 ✔
(c) 1888
(d) 1889

2. Eliza Cook was died in ____.
(a) 1817
(c) 1888
(d) 1889 ✔

3. The poem "King Bruce and the Spider" is written by:
(a) Eliza Cook ✔
(b) Charles Mackay
(c) Thomas Moore
(d) Felicia Dorothea Hemans

4. "He flung himself down in a low _____,
As grieved as man could"

(a) hope
(b) despondency
(c) despair ✔
(d) mood

5. "Till ap and down, now fast, now slow,
_____ brave attempts were counted'

(a) seven
(b) eight
(c) nine ✔
(d) ten

6. "Bravo! Bravo! The king cried out,
All honour to those who _____,'

(a) work
(b) fight
(c) try ✔
(d) dare

7. "Steadily, steadily, inch by inch,
Higher and higher he _____.

(a) flew
(b) climbed
(c) rose
(d) got ✔

8. "Again it fell and swung below,
But again it quickly ____,

(a) rose
(b) climbed
(c) mounted ✔
(d) stood

9. Eliza Cook has written the poem:
(a) Speak Gently
(b) King Bruce and the Spider ✔
(c) The voice of God
(d) The man who wins

10. King Bruce was a:
(a) poet
(b) general
(c) king ✔
(d) poor man

11. King Bruce was the King of:
(a) Denmark
(b) France
(c) Netherland
(d) Scotland ✔

12. King Bruce wanted to make his people:
(a) fighter
(b) educated
(c) glad or happy ✔
(d) active

13. To succeed, King Bruce:
(a) did not try
(b) read some books
(c) contacted people
(d) tried and tried ✔

14. King Bruce saw:
(a) a spider ✔
(b) a dream
(c) a ghost
(d) a man

15. The spider hung by a:
(a) rope
(b) cobweb ✔
(c) twig
(d) piece of cloth

16. The number of the attempts made by the spider was:
(a) two
(b) ten
(c) nine ✔
(d) fifteen

17. The spider succeded in the ____ attempt.
(a) eight
(b) ninth
(c) tenth ✔
(d) eleventh

18. King Bruce considered the spider:
(a) a wise insect
(b) a foolish thing ✔
(c) a beautiful insect
(d) nothing

19. All honour to those who:
(a) read
(b) think
(c) try ✔
(d) play

20. Seeing the success of the spider the King decided:
(a) to postpone his programme
(b) to go home
(c) to sleep
(d) to keep his struggle up ✔

Fill in the blanks:

1. This poem is written by Eliza Cook.
2. King Bruce was the king of Scotland.
3. King Bruce became very sad because his effort has failed.
4. He was as grieved as a man could be.
5. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw a spider fallen from the Cobweb.
6. He had decided to give up his mission.
7. The spider made altogether ten attempts.
8. When the spider reached to cobweb, King Bruce cried out "Bravo! Bravo!". All honour to those who try".
9. King Bruce said that the spider was a fool because it had made nine attempt but failed.
10. "Pondered" means thought.

Sunday 23 October 2022

Unit-3 -Practicing Positive Work Ethics - King Bruce And The Spider (Poem) - Reading Comprehension - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Unit-3 - Practicing Positive Work Ethics
Reading Comprehension
King Bruce And The Spider (Poem)
English For Class X (2022 and Onward


Q.1: Who has composed the poem "King Bruce and the Spider"? What does the poetess teach the reader though this poem?
Ans: Eliza Cook has composed / written the poem "King Bruce and the Spider". The lesson the poetess teaches to the reader is that one should never lose their hope they should keep up their struggles till they succeed.

Q.2: Who was King Bruce? why did King Bruce decide not to give up his effort?
Ans: King Bruce was the king of Scotland. When the King saw a spider struggling constantly to reach its destination and after many attempts finally succeed in it, he was impressed. So he got a lesson from it and decided not to give up his effort.

Q.3: Why did the spider keep trying? What did the King learn from it? OR What lesson did the King learn from the spider?
Ans: The spider wanted to reach its destination so it kept trying and succeed at last. The King learnt from it that never lose hopes and a man should keep up his struggle till he succeeds.
The persistent tries of spider gave a positive spin to the thoughts of King Bruce and taught him that one should never lose hope in spite of odds and difficulties. One should be persistent and bold to achieve the aim of life. Continuous struggle to the main aim always produces a favourable result. one should try hard without caring for the resistance and circumstances of life. This lesson of courage and hope brought victory to the King.

Q,4: What did King Bruce want?
Ans: King Bruce ruled over Scotland. He wanted to do a great deed for his people to made them happy.

Q.5: What is the message of the poem King Bruce and the Spider?
Ans: The message of the poem is that one should never lose hope in the facing of difficulties. One should go on trying to get their aim. Those who defy despair are always successful.

Q.6: How did the spider reach its cobweb?
Ans: The spider had fallen down from its cobweb in the ceiling. It was hanging from a fine silken thread. It tried nine times and failed. However, it did not lose hope and in the tenth attempt it succeeded in reaching its cobweb.

Q.7: How did King Bruce appreciate the spider?
Ans. King Bruce cried bravo, bravo at the spider's success. He said that all honours are to those who try. The spider defied despair and conquered. King Bruce also learnt the lesson of success from the spider.

Q.8: Why did King Bruce of Scotland hide himself in a cave? OR Why was king Bruce so sad?
Ans. Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland under the rule of English king. He wanted to make Scotland a free country. He fought many battles but he failed each time. He fled from the battlefield and hid himself in a cave to save his life. He had no more courage to fight another battle. He had given up all hopes.

Q.9: What do you know about King Bruce of Scotland? Or Write a short note on King Bruce of Scotland?
Ans. King Bruce was the king of Scotland. He was a very generous and patriotic emperor. He fought with the British Army who wanted to make a British colony in Scotland. He had been defeated by his enemies several times. The repeated defeats had made the king greatly disappointed. He had decided that he would try no more. But his observation of the spider filled his heart with hope and courage. Being encouraged, he tried once again and that time he did not fail.

Q.10: Why did King Bruce decide not to give up his efforts? OR What lesson did he learn from spider?
Ans: After watching the struggle made by the spider, King Bruce changed his mind and decided not to give up because the success comes up with one's will. He learnt to keep on trying till the end.

Q.11: What is meant by poetess when she says that “a great deed”?
Ans. The poetess has used the words “a great deed” for the King Bruce. He had been trying hard to protect his domain from the contaminated hands of enemy. As the protection of country keeps a very high rank among the man’s priorities of life, that’s why the poetess called it “a great deed”.

Q.12: What resemblance, does the poetess find between the King Bruce and the Spider?
Ans. The points of similarity between the King Bruce and the spider were that the aim was quite far away from both of them. Both of them were having a very slightest hope to achieve success i.e. the spider had a single thread to reach the cobweb and the King Bruce also had a very tiny hope to win over his enemies.

Q.13: Why did the King Bruce or poetess call the spider “Bravo! bravo!”? How did King Bruce appreciate the spider?
Ans: The poetess or the King Bruce called the spider bravo because it was very persistent and tried hard to complete her task. Although she suffered several failures, but she did not show any grievance on the disappointment of its fate. It went on making attempt and at last its succeed to put it into the cobweb. This encouraged the King Bruce and he also learnt the lesson of success from spider.

Q.14: Write the moral of this poem?
Ans: This poem teaches us that we should not be disappointed and discouraged by unfavorable circumstances. We should keep on trying again again inspite of failures. We should not forget that failures are the pillars to success.

Q.15: How many attempts were made by spider?
Ans: Nine brave attempt were made by spider, and it was successful on the tenth attempt.

Q.16: Was the king Bruce happy or unhappy?
Ans. The king was unhappy because after the English repeatedly defeated his armies, the famed King of Scots was forced into hiding.

Q.17: What attracted King Bruce attention, as he was thinking?
Ans: As he was thinking,  a spider attracted his attention that attempting to reach his web. The spider tried and failed over and over.

UNIT 3.1


Q.1: Have you seen a spider? Are you afraid of?
Ans: Yes, I have seen it. I afraid of it.
Yes, I have seen it. No, I do not afraid of it.

Q.No.2: Can a spider hurt us?
Ans: Yes, If it bites, it may hurt us.

Q.3: Can spider teach us anything?
Ans: Everything in the universe is created for some purpose. If we have observation we can learn many things from our surrounding. So yes, spider also can teach us. We learn from spider to work hard and never give up to achieve our goals. Keep trying unless we succeed to achieve it.


Read the poem silently and answer the following questions?
1. Was the king happy or unhappy?
Ans: The king Bruce was the king of Scotland. He was unhappy becuase he had been defeated by British army. The repeated defeats had made the king greatly disappointed. He had decided that he would try no more.

2. What attracted his attention as he was thinking?
Ans: When he (King Bruce) was thinking, a spider at the corner of the cave was attracted his attention. The spider had fallen down from its cobweb in the ceiling. It was hanging from a fine silken thread. It tried nine times and failed. However, it did not lose hope and in the tenth attempt it succeeded in reaching the cobweb.

3. What lesson did he learn from what he saw?
Ans: King Bruce learnt the lesson of success from spider. After watching the struggle made by the spider. He changed his mind and decided not to give up till he succeed because the success comes up with one's will. He learnt to keep on trying till the end.

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)


Column A has words from the poem, underline these words in the poem. Column B has the meanings of these words,but they are jumbled up. Work in pairs and try and find the correct meaning of each word and write the answer in the Answer column. The first one has been done as an example.
S.NO. Column A Answer Column A
1. Flungc a) Fall with arms and legs spread out
2. Monarchm b) Challenged
3. Deedh c) Threw
4. Despairk d) Climbed
5. Ponderedn e) Fall suddenly
6. Divinei f) Walk carefully
7. Endeavorg g) Work hard continuously
8. Sprawla h) An action
9. Treadf i) Workout an answer
10. Mountedd j) Prepared to do something difficult
11. Toill k) Hopelessness
12. Tumblee l) Attempt
13. Defiedb m) King
14. Bracedj n) Thought


Read the poem and find out which of the following statements are correct and which are not. For correct statements put a tick (✔) and for incorrect one put a cross (x). After completing, After completing correct your answers with your partner.
  1. The poem is about a war. (x) False
  2. King Bruce cared for his people. (✔) True
  3. He was in a happy mood. (x) False 
  4. When he saw the spider, he decided to kill it. (x) False
  5. The spider stayed on the ground when it slipped down. (x) False
  6. After trying for sometime, the spider felt weak. (✔)  True
  7. As soon as it felt better it went up again. (✔)  True
  8. It made more than 20 attempts. (x) False
  9. It moved up very slowly when it was near its home. (x) False
  10. It did not succeed in reaching its home. (x) False
  11. The king decided to follow the spider’s example and try again. (✔) True


The following statements give a one-line summary of each verse. Work in pair and try to find out which statement is the summary of which verse. Write the number of the verse in the blank.
  1. But the spider went up again and this time it was just one foot away from its home. 11
  2. Once it felt better it travelled higher although the journey was tiring. 8
  3. King Bruce, though a king beginning to lose hope. 1
  4. Inch by inch it kept moving up and finally succeeded in reaching its home. 12
  5. The king thought that, falling again and again, the spider would now give up. 10
  6. The story goes that King Bruce tried again and succeeded. 14
  7. He had tried to do everything to make his people happy, but he had failed. 2
  8. It began to go up but soon slipped down again. 6
  9. The King realized that those who try, succeed; like the spider, he also could succeed. 13
  10. It was very far from its home, and the king could not work out how it would reach it. 5
  11. In a state of hopelessness, he decided that he would give up. 3
  12. Again and again, it tried; it went up and slipped down nine times. 9
  13. Just then, a spider dropped down, and the king looked at it to see what it would do. 4
  14. Without complaint, it ran up again, but due to weakness it felt still lower. 7


Answer the following questions.
1. Why was King Bruce so sad?
Ans. Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland under the rule of English king. He wanted to make Scotland a free country. He fought many battles but he failed each time. He fled from the battlefield and hid himself in a cave to save his life. He had no more courage to fight another battle. He had given up all hopes.

2. Before he saw the spider, what did he decide to do?
Ans. Before he saw the spider, he decided to give up his efforts.

3. Why did King Bruce think that the spider would not be able to reach its home?
Ans. King Bruce thought that the spider would not be able to reach its home because the spider tried to go home many times but failed. The spider would fall down again and again. Bruce thought the spider was tired and could no longer get home.

4. Did the spider climb at the same speed all the time or at a different speed?
Ans. No. The spider's speed was not the same all the time. Each time she made a new attempt, her speed changed.

5. How did the spider finally reach its home?
Ans. The spider kept rising, inch by inch. At the last moment, she ran bravely and went home.

6. Why did the king decide to try again?
Ans. While lying in the cave, the king saw a spider on the wall climbing to its home. The spider climbed a little but fell down. The spider made nine attempts, but it could not succeed. As he was thinking, he again saw the spider making another attempt. This time the spider was successful in reaching its home. This successful attempt of the spider gave a ray of hope to the king. Therefore, he decided to try again.


Details about writing a summary of a poem are given in section 3.4. Work in pairs and write a summary of the poem. You may begin writing the summary by first giving a general introduction. This can be followed by a brief summary of all the verses. The one-line summary of each paragraph is given in Exercise 5. Explain each verse by adding some more details, using the answers in the previous exercises. Lines 1-3, 4- 8, 9-12, and 13-14 can be grouped together to form different paragraphs. The final paragraph should have the conclusion and moral oh.
You may begin as follows: poem King Bruce and the Spider is written by Eliza Cook. It tells us how

This poem is written by Eliza cook (1818-1889).

The poem King Bruce and the Spider is written by Eliza Cook. It tells us how to rise again after after defeat and achieve success in our life. King Bruce,though a king, was beginning to lose hope, and became disappointed after defeated from his enemies. He had tried many times and do everything to make his people happy but he couldn't succeed. He was hopeless and also very upset. After deep thinking he decided that he would give up.
Just then,a spider dropped down with its fine silky thread, the king stopped thinking in the middle and looked at it to see what it would do. Spider was very far from its cobweb and was hanging by a rope. The king could not work out how it would reach its home.It began to go up with strong endeavour but soon slipped down and became close to the ground as it was before.
It did not stop even a second for complaint and ran up again, but due to weakness it fell still lower than ever. Once it felt better it travelled higher and that time it covered a half yard higher. Its rope was delicate and the journey was tiring. It tried again and again, went up sometimes slowly and sometimes fast, but every time it slipped down and in this way it made nine brave attempts.
The king thought that it was her foolish attempt, falling again and again after struggle. The spider would now give up and not try anymore. But the spider went up again and this time it was just one foot away from its home, this was an anxious moment and it made king hopeful if the spider would lose or win. It kept moving up inch by inch, At last it ran boldly and thus succeeded in reaching its home.
The king cried out with pleasure and realized that those who try, succeed; like the spider did. He also could succeed, if he tried. Than the king changed his mind and tried again and succeeded.
The moral of the story is that after watching the struggle of a spider, King Bruce thought that this spider made so many attempted to reached at her home and failed but it did not lose hope and succeed in last. King Bruce got motivation from the spider and tried again with the hope that he would not give up till he would achieved success and he succeeded.
King Bruce learns from a spider the lesson of success. He wanted to do a great deed for his people. However, he failed each time. He had given up all hope. He saw a spider that made nine attempts to reach its home. It was not successful in its nine attempts. King Bruce thought that it would give up its attempts. The spider made one further attempt and this time it succeeded. King Bruce also decided to try again and succeeded in his mission.
 The poetess has expressed the true sense of life in this poem. Solution to the problems of life and key to the success are being preached in this poem in a dramatic style. This poem tells the story of the king Bruce of Scotland. Once he was defeated by the English men. He took refuge in a cave. Due to his repeated failures, he was very grieve. King Bruce mentally accepted his defeat from the English men.
One day, he was pondering at the point of his defeat, he watched a spider who was trying to reach to her cobweb. Thread was the only pathway for the spider to reach her destination. Spider started her voyage with great anxiety and force. But the spider come down to the initial stage where it had started her journey. King Bruce was showing security on the foolish attempts to reach the destination that spider will not try again. However the spider succeeded in the 10th attempt to reach its cobweb.
After the success to spider the King Bruce sounded in a optimistic order. “All honour to those who tries persistently.” King Bruce resolute in heart to try once more in order to get the win over on his enemies.” At last he succeeded.


Work in groups of five and prepare a brief role-play on any story with a moral. Here are the steps to follow:
Step 1: Think of some stories with a moral and discuss these amongst yourselves.
Step 2: Decide which story you want to act out.
Step 3: Develop the dialogues by writing them down.
Step 4: Decide who is going to play what role.
Step 5: Rehearse the role-play a couple of times.
Ans: The Lion And The Cows
Once upon a time there lived four cows in the forest everyday they used to graze together in a particular spot. They were all friends. One day a Lion saw the cows grazing together.
The lion wanted to eat them so he went to catch them. When the cows saw the lion all of them fought with him. The lion had to run away.
A few day passed and the cow quarrelled between themselves and started grazing separately. One by one the lion killed all of them.
Moral of the story: unity is strength.

Lion: I am hungry I want to eat some meat.
Cow 1: We are good friends and always graze together in a field.
Cow 2: You are right but I want to go far away for grazing.
Cow 3: We can go far away but there is a lion who wants to eat us.
Cow 4: I am afraid from lion so that is why we will have to avoid this.
Cow 2: I am not afraid from lion and I don't want to eat same grass all days.
Cow 4: If you go far away so you will do silly mistake.
Cow 2: I am not silly You both are silly.
Cow 3: I also afraid from lion but I don't want to go far away.
Cow 1: Don't fight with each other. We all graze separately after today.
Cow 2: Yes, cow 1. You are right we all are graze separately and tomorrow I will go far away for grazing.
Lion: What a lucky day! it is a golden chance for me and I will eat all the cows today because they are grazing separately.

For More Short Stories CLICK HERE

Saturday 22 October 2022

Unit-3 -Practicing Positive Work Ethics - King Bruce And The Spider (Poem) - Reference To Context

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Unit-3 - Practicing Positive Work Ethics
King Bruce And The Spider (Poem)
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context.

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X 
Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)
Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess: Eliza Cook (1818-1889)

1. King Bruce of Scotland flung himself down
In a lonely mood to think;
Tis true he was monarch and wore a crown,
But his heart was beginning to sink.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Who was King Bruce? Or What do you know about King Bruce ? Or Why was King Bruce sad?
(iii) What does 'to flung oneself down' mean?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) King Bruce of Scotland was a very generous and patriotic Emperor. Once he fight with the British Army who wants to make a British colony in Scotland, but he was defeated. As he wanted to defeat his enemy, that’s why he made several attempts to get back his domain but he failed.
(iii) Flung oneself down means to throw oneself violently on a bed or on the floor,

Words / Meanings
1. To fling oneself down: to throw oneself violently on a bed or on the floor,
2. Monarch: king.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that King Robert Bruce of Scotland had been defeated in the battle field. Flung down himself on couch in despair, he was feeling very sad. He began to thing. No doubt he had been crowned as a king but the pressure of difficulties faced by him made him lose the heart.

2. For he had been trying to do a great deed,
To make his people glad;
He had tried and tried, but couldn't succeed,
So became quite sad.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What do you know about poet?
(iii) What is meant by poetess when she says that “a great deed”?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii)  Eliza Cook (1818-1889). Born in London she was the youngest of eleven children. She was entirely self-educated and wrote verses from the age of fourteen. Her first volume being published at seventeen. In 1849, she edited and published "Eliza Cook's Journal." Her work is simple and highly moral. In this poem, she teaches the reader what she always practiced in her own life: to keep on trying and never to be discouraged
(iii) The poetess has used the words “a great deed” for the King Bruce. He had been trying hard to protect his domain from the contaminated hands of enemy. As the protection of country keeps a very high rank among the man’s priorities of life, that’s why the poetess called it “a great deed”.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that King Robert Bruce had been trying to gain freedom for his country. He had fought many battles but he was defeated. He had been doing his best to make his people happy. Due to continuous failures he was disappointed.

3. He flung himself down in a low despair,
As grieved as man could be,
And after a while, as he pondered there,
"I'll give it all up" said he.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What does 'in a low despair' and 'pondered' mean?
(iii) What is the message of the poem?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) In a low despair means downhearted; discouraged.
Pondered means thought.
(iii) (iv) This poem give us message that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success. 'Try try try again until you success."

Words / Meanings
1. In a low despair: downhearted; discouraged.
2. Pondered: thought.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that King Robert Bruce threw himself down on couch in disappointment. He was stricken with grief. He thought over again and again and decided at last to give up the struggle.

4. Now just at the moment a spider dropped,
With its silken cobweb clue,
And the King in the midst of his thinking stopped
To see what the spider would do.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Give the meaning of 'cobweb' and 'clue'.
(iii) What is the moral of this poem.
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) Cobweb means fine network of single thread made by a spider.
Clue here it means a thread.
(iii)  This poem teaches us that we should not be disappointed or discouraged by unfavorable circumstances. We should keep on trying again again inspite of failures. We should not forget that failures are the pillars to success.

Words / Meanings
1. Cobweb: fine network of single thread made by a spider.
2. Clue: here it means a thread.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells just at the moment, when King Bruce was thinking to give up struggle, a spider fell down with his fine thread cobweb from the roof, the King stopped thinking and began to watch the movements of the spider.

5. ‘T was a long way up to the ceiling dome,
And it hung by a rope so fine,
That how it would get to its cobweb home
King Bruce could not divine.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What does 'ceiling dome' mean?
(iii) Explain 'King Bruce could not divine'?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) Ceiling dome means rounded roof
(iii) Here divine means to make out. In above lines the poetess says that King Bruce could not fore tell that what would happen and how would spider reach his home.

Words / Meanings
1. Ceiling dome: rounded roof.
2 To divine: to make out.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that the distance between the spider and the round roof of cave was great and the thread of the cobweb was very fine that King Bruce could not fore tell that what would happen and how would spider reach his home.

6. It soon began to cling and crawl
Straight-up with strong endeavour;
But down it came with a slippery sprawl.
As near to the ground as ever.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Explain line 'down it came with a slippery sprawl'?
(iii) What is the message of the poem?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) In this line the poetess says that when the spider took hold of cobweb thread and began to climb up to the roof but it came slipping down along the wall and hung in an awkward position.
(iii) Robert Bruce was a King of Scotland. He tried many time to free his people from the English.  Due to his repeated failures, he was very grieve. He was sitting in a cave. Suddenly he saw a spider who was trying to reach to her cobweb. Spider tried nine times but it failed. King Bruce thought that the poor creature would try no more. However the spider succeeded in the 10th attempt to reach its cobweb. This poem give us message that we should not be disappointed by failures.  After the success to spider the King Bruce sounded in a optimistic order. “All honour to those who tries persistently.”

Words / Meanings
1. Down it came with a slippery sprawl: came slipping down along the wall and hung in an awkward position.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that spider once took hold of cobweb thread and began to climb up with difficulty. It made an effort to go right up to the roof but it slipped and fell down on the earth as close to the ground as before its climb.

7. Up, up it ran, not a second, could stay,
To utter the least complaint,
Till it fell still lower, and there it lay,
A little dizzy and faint.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Give meaning of dizzy.
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) Dizzy means giddy; having a feeling that everything is turning round.

Words / Meanings
1. Utter: to speak.
2. Dizzy: giddy; having a feeling that everything is turning round.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that after falling the Spider at once rose from the ground without waiting to complain and began to climb on. But it fell down again very badly. Its head began to whirl round and lay there for a while. This time he became dazed and unconscious.

8. It's head grew steady again it went,
And traveled a half-yard higher;
T was a delicate thread it had to tread,
And a road where its feet would tire.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Give the meaning of  'head grew steady' , 'delicate thread' and 'tread'?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) Head grew steady means came to its senses; here it means gained balance.
Delicate thread means of fine texture
Tread means to walk

Words / Meanings
1. Head grew steady: came to its senses; here it means gained balance.
2. Delicate thread: of fine texture
3. Tread: to walk.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that the spider recovered its senses and climbed half a yard higher than before. The thread however, was very delicate and there was a constant danger of its breaking down. There fore it was difficult and tire some for the spider to climb.

9. Again it fell and swung below,
But again it quickly mounted,
Till up and down, now fast, now slow
Nine brave attempts were counted.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) How many attempts were made by spider?
(iii) Give the meaning of mounted.
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) Nine brave attempt were made by spider, and it was successful on the tenth attempt.
(iii) Mounted means to climbed

Words / Meanings
1. To mount: to climb.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that the Spider once again fell down and it was hanging in the air. But without losing any time it moved up again. Some times it went up, some times it fell down, some times, its progress was fast, some times slow; and in this way, it made nine bold attempts to reach its cobweb.

10. "Sure," cried the King, "that foolish thing
Will strive no more to climb,
When it toils so hard to reach and cling,
And tumbles every time."
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What resemblance, does the poetess find between the King Bruce and the Spider?
(iii) Give meaning of 'strive', 'toils' and 'tumbles'?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) The points of similarity between the King Bruce and the spider were that the aim was quite far away from both of them. Both of them were having a very slightest hope to achieve success i.e. the spider had a single thread to reach the cobweb and the King Bruce also had a very tiny hope to win over his enemies.
(iii) To strive means to struggle, to try hard.
To toil means to work hard.
To tumble means to fall over.

Words / Meanings
1. To strive: to struggle, to try hard.
2. To toil: to work hard.
3. To tumble: to fall over.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that the King Bruce said to himself that as spider had fallen for so many times. It must have found out that it could not reach its destination and would not make a further attempt at climbing. Because inspite of his hard labour and brave efforts it could not succeed.

11. But up the insect went once more-
Ah me! 'tis an anxious minute
He's only a foot from his cobweb door'
Oh, say, will he lose or win it?
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Why did King Bruce decide not to give up his efforts?
(iii) What is the message of the poem?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) After watching the struggle made by the spider, King Bruce changed his mind and decided not to give up because the success comes up with one's will. He learnt to keep on trying till the end.
(iii) This poem gives us  message that we should not be disappointed or discouraged by unfavorable circumstances. We should keep on trying again again inspite of failures. We should not forget that failures are the pillars to success.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that the King was surprised to see that the spider was making another attempt. It was critical time for the king, he was not certain whether the spider would succeed or fail. Although it was only a foot away from its cobweb.

12. Steadily, steadily, inch by inch,
Higher and higher he got,
And a bold little run at the very last pinch
Put him into his native cot
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Describe above lines?
(iii) Give meaning of 'last pinch' and 'native cot'?
(iv) What lesson did King Bruce learn from spider?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) In these lines poetess tells that the spider went on and inch by inch it covered the distance. The spider made an attempt at last moment of extreme difficulty. Finally it succeeded in getting into the cobweb.
(iii) The last pinch means the last little bit of distance.
Native cot means his own home; here the spider's web.
(iv) King Bruce learnt a very important lesson from the spider. He learnt that one should never lose hope in spite of hopes and difficulties. One should always remain strong and firm in will-power. This lesson of courage and hope brought victory to the King in the long run.

Words / Meanings
1. The last pinch: the last little bit of distance.
2. Native cot: his own home; here the spider's web.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that the spider went on gaining ground slowly and surely inch by inch. It covered the distance and it made an attempt at last moment of extreme difficulty. At last it succeeded in getting into the cobweb.

13. "Bravo! bravo!" the King cried out,
All honour to those who try!
The spider up there defied despair-
He conquered, and why should not I?"
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Which insect gave courage to the King? and why?
(iii) Why did the King cry out with joy?
(iv) Why did the King Bruce or poetess call the spider “Brave”?
(v) What does Bravo! mean?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) The Spider, gave courage to the King. Because it made to many failure attempts to reach his destination and did not give up. Finally it was succeed and reached to its cobweb.
(iii) King was pleased very much on the success of Spider and cried out with joy, because it encouraged the King. The King said if a spider can succeed by endurance, there is no reason why he should fail
(iv) The poetess call the spider brave because it was very persistent and tried hard to complete her task. Although she suffered several failures, but she did not show any grieve on the disappointment of its fate. It went on making attempt and at last its persistent tries put it into the cobweb.
(v) Bravo! means well done

Words / Meanings
1. Bravo: well done.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that at the success of the Spider, the King was pleased very much. He appreciated the efforts of the spider by saying well-done. He said honour and glory falls to the lot of those who are never discouraged by failures but they try again and again. The spider did not mind disappointment and at last succeeded in reaching his cobweb. The King said if a spider can succeed by perseverance, there is no reason why he should fail.

14. And Bruce of Scotland braced his mind,
And gossips tell the tale
That he tried once more as he tried before
And that time did not fail.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Which insect gave courage to the King?
(iii) Why did King Bruce decide not to give up his efforts?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?
(v) Give the meaning of 'Braced his mind' and  'Gossips tell the tale'?
(i) Poem: King Bruce and the Spider
Poetess:  Eliza Cook.
(ii) The success of the Spider, gave courage to the King.
(iii) After watching the struggle made by the spider, King Bruce changed his mind and decided not to give up because the success comes up with one's will. He learnt to keep on trying till the end.
(iv) This poem gives us  message that we should not be disappointed or discouraged by unfavorable circumstances. We should keep on trying again again inspite of failures. We should not forget that failures are the pillars to success.
(v) Braced his mind: determined.
Gossips tell the tale: people talk about it.

Words / Meanings
1. Braced his mind: determined.
2. Gossips tell the tale: people talk about it.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “King Bruce and the Spider” written by Eliza Cook.
In this poem poetess explains that one should not lose his heart if he fails in his struggle once or twice. He should continue his struggle till success.

In these lines poetess tells that King Robert Bruce resolved to fight against the enemy once more and the story teller tell that he tried once more and this time he won a brilliant victory over his enemies.

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