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Saturday 3 December 2022

Unit-7 - Praising Nature - Reading Comprehension - My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station - Question / Answers And Text Book Exercise Unit 7.1

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Unit-7 - Praising Nature
Reading Comprehension
My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

Question / Answers

Q.1: Why did Asif's parents decide to take him to the Gorakh Hills for his birthday?
Ans: Asif's parents decided to take him to the Gorakh Hills for his birthday because they knew his love for travel.
Asif's Parents decided to take him to the Gorakh Hills Station because they wanted to celebrate his birthday party . That's why they broke the news before two days of his birthday.

Q.2: What do you know about Gorakh Hills?
Ans: Gorakh Hills Station is situated at an elevation of 5,690 ft. from the sea level and is the highest summit and a holiday resort in Sindh.

Q.3: How did they travel to Gorakh Hills?
Ans: They travelled to Gorakh Hills in an air-conditioned bus with a group of 14 tourists.

Q.4: Where did they have breakfast?
Ans: They had their breakfast at Almanzar Hotel on Kotri Barrage.

Q.5: Write few words about Kotri Barrage.
Ans: The barrage was a colossal bridge-like structure, constructed over the mighty Indus River.

Q.6: Whose shrine is in Sehwan?
Ans: In Sehwan, there is a shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, a highly revered Sufi saint.

Q.7: How far is Gorakh Hills from Sehwan?
Ans: The Gorakh Hills are a good four hours' drive from Sehwan.

Q.8: What was served for lunch and where was it served?
Ans: On leaving Sehwan, lunch was served. The lunch comprised spicy fish caught from the Manchar Lake with sugarcane juice.
On leaving Sehwan Sharif , they were served lunch , in nicely packed lunch boxes, on the bus. The lunch consisted of spicy fish caught from the Manchar Lake which is situated close to Shewan Sharif.

Q.9: Where is Manchar Lake located?
Ans: Manchar Lake is situated close to Sehwan.

Q.10: Why did they have to leave the bus and take the jeep to reach the top?
Ans: They had to leave the bus and took the jeep because there would be steep, uphill drive to reach the summit.
At the foot of the Gorak Hills , they were transferred to a jeep for a steep , uphill drive to reach the summit, that's why they had to leave the bus and take the jeep to reach the top.

Q.11: Why did Asif and his family have to sleep in a tent?
Ans: Unfortunately, all rooms were occupied, and they had to rent tents for their nightstay.
When they reached the Gorakh Hills Station, they could not get any hotel there because all rooms were occupied and they had to rent tents for their night stay to sleep.

Q.12: How did the author enjoy his night of stay there?
Ans: Under a canopy of stars, they lit the bonfire. They played Baetbazi, Chinese whisper, sharing funny stories, and all sorts of childish games that they could think of.

Q.13: What did Asif appreciate deeply about his parents?
Ans: Her parents cut the cake for her birthday and arranged breakfast for all. Things had been planned to the last detail; a beautiful rug had been spread out for the cake cutting ceremony. He was deeply touched by his parents' love and meticulous arrangements.
Asif was still admiring the beauty on Hill Station when he heard people singing "Happy Birthday" behind him, turning around, he saw his parents and friends carrying a huge cake with candles on it. He was touched by his parents ' love and meticulous arrangements.

Q.14: How was the return route different from up journey route?
Ans: In up journey route, they took Motorway and crossed Jamshoro, Hyderabad, and Kotri Barrage. Then they took the Indus Highway to Sehwan and they travelled from Sehwan to Gorakh Hills.
In return route journey, they travelled from Dadu-Moro Bridge and crossed Hala, Matiari, and Bhit Shah. Finally, they crossed through the city of Hyderabad and reached the Motorway which they had travelled the day before from Karachi.
When they were returning back , they took a different route and travelled from the "Dadu Moro Bridge" because the guide announced that, from there they would cross the Indus river to go to the other bank to continue their journey.

Q.15: Which two saints are mentioned in the text?
Ans: Two highly revered Sufi saints, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar and Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, are mentio in the text.
The great saints mentioned in the text are Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai , whose shrine is at Bhit Shah in Hala Haveli and other is Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar , whose shrine is in Shewan Sharif.

Q.16: Why is Gorakh Hills a good place for holiday?
Ans: Gorakh Hills is a good place for holiday because Gorakh Hills is cold because of the height. Its views are beautiful and wonderful.
Gorakh Hills Station is one of the most exciting holiday resorts of Pakistan , which is situated at an elevation of 5690 feet from the sea level and is the highest summit and holiday resort of Sindh , which is four hour away from Sehwan Sharif.

Q.17: What did Ibn Battuta say about the journey?
Ans: Ibn-e-Batuta said that travel leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller.

Q.18: How was their visit to Schwan Sharif?
Their visit to Sehwan Sharif was an incredible experience, as people from all walks of life come to the shrine of Saint Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, to pay homage. It is commonly believed that a visit to this shrine can provide healing for all types of illness. The spirited atmosphere, the aromatic fragrance of incense and red roses and the colorful spreads took them to another world.

Q.19: What did this journey give to Asif?
This journey gifted him with new friends, abundant excitement and fun. Overall, it was a once in a lifetime experience. How true was Ibn-e-Batuta when he said, " Travel leaves you speechless and then turns you into storyteller".


1. How many of you have been travelled?
Ans: Yes, I have travelled.
No, I don't. But I will travel.

2. Where you have been?
Ans: I have travelled to different cities or hill stations (or where ever you have travelled mention name of that place) in my country. Or Yes, I travelled abroad.

3. Read this quotation and state what you understand by it: " The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." ~ Saint Augustine.
Ans: I understand with this quotation that if we travel differnt places around the world and explore new things and gain knowledge.

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

UNIT 7.1


After reading the text, select the best option for the following statements.
1. Their final destination was:
a) Jamshoro
b ) Schwan
c) Gorakh Hills
d ) Hyderabad

2. Starting their journey from Karachi , they reached the Gorakh Hills:
a) in four hours
b ) in less than four hours
c ) before sunset
d ) after sunset

3. The trip lasted for:
a ) one day
b ) two days
c ) three days
d ) four days


Work in pairs. First look at the word in Box A. Then, read the paragraphs 1-5. underline the words given in column A in the text. Then, find their meanings in Column B and write the answer in Column C. Do the same with Box B and write the answers in Column C. Do the same with Box B, paragraphs 6-10.
BOX A: Paragraphs 1-5
S.NO. Column
1. Summit a) deeply respectedg
2. Resort b) a substance which when burnt gives out a sweet smellj
3. Awesome c) extremely largef
4. Glimpses d) having a pleasant smellh
5. Detour e) pay respect publiclyk
6. Colossal f) highly impressivec
7. Revered g) highest point of somethinga
8. Incredible h) a brief viewi
9. Pay homage i) almost impossible to believee
10. Aromatic j) a place that people go to for holidaysd
11. Incense k) take a roundabout routeb
BOX B: Paragraphs 6-10
S.NO. Column
12. Rugged 1) slowlyu
13. Vantage m) holding one's attention completelyq
14. Canopy n) breath takings
15. Stand still p) coming downwardsw
16. Gradually q) a place providing a good viewl
17. Descending r) showing attention to detailp
18. Spell binding s) a covering over somethingm
19. Tranquilized t) a thing kept as a reminder of something / someonev
20. Meticulous u) rough , naturalr
21. Awe-inspiring v) have a calming or sedative effectn
22. Souvenirs w) having no movement t


Below is a brief summary of places mentioned along the route. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the names of these places. After completing the exercise, compare your answers with your partner.
The journey began from Karachi. After crossing the toll plaza got on the Motorway. First crossed Nooriabad and then Jamshoro. Could see some glimpses of the river Indus on the right. According to the GPS Hyderabad was across the river. Went to a hotel on Kotri Barrage. After that got on the Indus Highway, which was on the right bank of river Indus. The next stop was Sehwan. Had lunch on the bus that comprised spicy fish caught from the Manchar lake. Finally reached the Gorakh Hills.
On the way back, took the Dadu-Moro bridge route. Stopped at the Hala to buy souvenirs. Glimpsed Matiari in the distance. Passed close by Bhit Shah. Finally, crossed Hyderabad, got on the Motorway and reached Karachi.


The statements given below very briefly describe the main points of each paragraph. Find out the paragraphs that have the following key points. Write the paragraph number in the space provided.
a. Travel to the top 6
b. Stopover for breakfast 3
c. Activities at night 7
d. Birthday trip to the Gorakh Hills 1
e. Morning scenes and event 8
f. Shrine description 4
g. Good memories 10
h. Start of the journey 2
i. Places on the trip back home 9
j. lunch on the bus 5


Read the text again and circle the right option. After completing the exercise, compare your answers with your partner.
1. The Gorakh Hills are the highest place in:
a) Pakistan
b) Baluchistan
c) Schwan
d) Sindh

2. The guide explained the route and gave ___ to everyone.
a) lunch
b) breakfast
c) flyers
d) directions

3. Asif used his mobile phone to look for:
a) the route
b) information
c) instructions
d) new places

4. The text states that many people visit the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar to seek:
a) fulfillment
b) material benefits
c) blessings
d) healing

5. For lunch they had:
a) fish and chips
b) sugar cane juice and rolls
c) fish and sugarcane juice
d) sandwiches and sugar cane juice

6. At night they could hear the sounds of:
a) dogs barking
b) wolves howling
c) water flowing
d) many animals

7. There were more greenery on ____ of the river.
a) the right side
b) the left side
c) the bank
d) both sides

8. According to Ibn e Batuta, ___ makes one a good story teller.
a) reading
b) Listening
c) not speaking
d) travelling


Work in pairs and write three sentences about the following. After completing, exchange your work with another pair and read each other's work:
1. Gorakh Hills Station:
  1. It is the largest summit of Sindh
  2. Its height is 5,690 ft Or 
    Gorakh Hills is situated at an elevation of 5,690 ft from the sea level.
  3. It is a very beautiful resort of Sindh

2. Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar:
  1. Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar is in Sehwan
  2. It provides healing to the visitors OR
    It is commonly believed that a visit to this shrine can provide healing  for all types of illnesses.
  3. People from all walks of life come to pay homage on his shrine

3. After dinner activities:
  1. All sat under open sky and lit bonfire OR
    Under a canopy of stars, the bonfire was lit.
  2. All children shared stories
  3. Bait Bazi and Chinese whisper were two other activities.
  4. Had great fun indulging in activities  such as, Baetbazi, Chineses whisper, sharing funny stories, and all sort of childish games that we could think of. 
    (Note: Either write (ii) & (iii) point OR (iv) )
  5. The sparkling golden hues of the fire, the cracking of the wood, the bright stars above, and the warmth of friends gathered around the fire made time come to standstill.

4. Spell–binding experiences:
  1. On the station, the travellers could easily touch the floating clouds
  2. The smell of fragrance of herbs tranquilized Asif’s senses
  3. The bleating of sheep was also impressive
  1. The sparkling golden hues of the fire, the cracking of the wood, the bright stars above, and the warmth of friends gathered around the fire made time come to standstill.
  2. A sunrise is one of that one would witness in a painting or a movie, and the clouds were descending all around.
  3. It was spell-binding to see floating clouds, which one could touch, to smell the  fragrances of different herbs, which tranquilized senses, and to hear the distant bleating of sheep grazing around.

5. Birthday breakfast:
  1. Birthday breakfast was started with huge cake
  2. All the participants were served cake
  3. Later the Halwa Puri was served as birthday breakfast
  1. Carrying a huge cake with candles on it, author's parents and friends sung 'Happy Birthday' to him.
  2. Things had been planned for birthday party, a beautiful rug was spread for cake cutting ceremony.
  3. The cake cutting was followed by halwa puri for all.


Answer the following questions.
1. Which two great saints are mentioned in the text?
Ans: See "Q.15" in Question & Answers section above.

2. Why did Asif's parents decide to take him to the Gorakh Hills for his birthday?
Ans: See "Q.1" in Question & Answers section above.

3. Why is Gorakh Hills a good place for a holiday?
Ans: See "Q.16" in Question & Answers section above.

4. What was served for lunch and where was it served?
Ans: See "Q.8" in Question & Answers section above.

5. Why did they have to leave the bus and take the jeep to reach the top?
Ans: See "Q.10" in Question & Answers section above.

6. Why did Asif and his family have to sleep in a tent?
Ans: See "Q.11" in Question & Answers section above.

7. What did Asif appreciate deeply about his parents?
Ans: See "Q.13" in Question & Answers section above.

8. How was the return route differtm the up journey route?
Ans: See "Q.14" in Question & Answers section above.


Work in groups of three and describe a place that you would like to go for a holiday and why do you want to go there? While discussing, jot down the main points and decide who is going to say what, as all three of you will have to come and share your choice with the class. You can use any of the clustering, points collecting, or mind mapping technique to gather your points.

Friday 2 December 2022

Four letters words From U & V - Scrabble Game Valid Vocabulary From All Dictionaries

Scrabble Game Valid Words From All Dictionaries
'4' letters words From U & V

Four Letters Words

Note: Words in red are not valid in some Scrabble Game Applications


Wednesday 30 November 2022

Unit-7 - Praising Nature - Reading Comprehension - My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station - MCQs

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Unit-7 - Praising Nature
Reading Comprehension
My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
1. It is a way of reconnecting with nature and, most importantly, with ourselves.
(a) Reading
(b) Thinking
(c) Travelling
(d) Praying

2. The Gorakh Hills are the highest place in:
(a) Pakistan
(b) Baluchistan
(c) Sehwan
(d) Sindh

3. From the sea level, Gorakh Hills is situated at an elevation of:
(a) 5,500 ft
(b) 5,690 ft
(c) 5,740 ft
(d) 5,980 ft

4. The guide explained the route and gave ____ to everyone.
(a) lunch
(b) breakfast
(c) flyers
(d) directions

5. Asif used his mobile phone to look for:
(a) the route
(b) information
(c) instructions
(d) new places

6. Whose shrine is located in Sehwan?
(a) Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai
(b) Lal Shahbaz Qalandar
(c) Abdullah Shah Ghazi
(d) Data Gunj Bukhsh

7. The text states that many people visit the shrine of Lai Shahbaz Qalander to seek:
(a) fulfilment of wishes
(b) material benefits
(c) blessings
(d) healing

8. For lunch they had:
(a) fish and chips
(b) sugarcane juice and rolls
(c) fish and sugarcane juice
(d) sandwiches and sugarcane juice

9. Their final destination was:
(a) Jamshoro
(b) Sehwan
(c) Gorakh Hills
(d) Hyderabad

10. Manchar Lake is situated close to:
(a) Sehwan
(b) Jamshoro
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Sukkur

11. Starting their journey from Karachi, they reached the Gorakh Hills:
(a) in four hours
(b) in less than four hours
(c) before sunset
(d) after sunset

12. On our way back, they took a different route and travelled from the:
(a) Kotri Barrage
(b) Dadu-Moro Bridge
(c) Sukkur Bridge
(d) Daddu Barrage

13. There was more greenery on of the river.
(a) the right side
(b) the left side
(c) the bank
(d) both side

14. The trip lasted for:
(a) one day
(b) two days
(c) three days
(d) four days

15. To buy some souvenirs from roadside shops, they stopped at:
(a) Sehwan
(b) Jamshoro
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Hala

16. Whose shrine is located at Bhit Shah?
(a) Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai
(b) Lal Shahbaz Qalandar
(c) Abdullah Shah Ghazi
(d) Data Gunj Bukhsh

17. According to ibn-e-Batuta _____ makes once a good storyteller.
(a) reading
(b) listening to good stories
(c) not speaking
(d) travelling

Unit-7 - Praising Nature - Reading Comprehension - My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Unit-7 - Praising Nature
Reading Comprehension
My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station

Words Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.NO. Words Meanings
1. Abundant Plentiful
2. Aromatic Having a pleasant and distinctive smell
3. Awe-inspiring Breath taking
4. Awesome Extremely impressive,  highly impressive
5. Bleating Crying of a sheep, goat, or calf visible features of an area of land
6. Bonfire A large open-air fire
7. Bullock A young male cow
8. Canopy Cover-shade, A covering over something
9. Celebration An important day or event
10. chimney A vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke
11. Colossal Extremely large or great
12. Cracking The sharp sound
13. Descending Moving or sloping downward, Coming downwards
14. Destination The place where someone is going
15 Detour Go a different or less direct route to a place, Take a roundabout route.
16. Disposable Intended to be thrown away after use
17. Elevation Something being raised upward
18. Flyer A small handbill
19. Fragrance A pleasant, sweet smell
20. Gradually Slowly
21. Glance Take a brief or hurried look
22. Glimpse A momentary or partial view, A brief look, A brief view
23. Herb Any plant parts used for food, medicine, or perfume.
24. Homage Special respect shown publicly
25. Hue a colour or shade
26. Incense  Substance producing a sweet odor when burned
27 Incredible Almost impossible to believe
28. Indulge Involve in
29. Landscape Visible feature of an area of land
30. Leg A section or stage of a journey
31. Meticulous Showing great attention to detail
32. Pay homage Pay respect publicly
33. Peak The pointed top of a mountain
34. Reconnect Connect back together
35. Resort Tourist spot, A place that people go to for holidays
36. Revered Deeply respected
37. Rugged Having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface, rough, natural
38. Rumble A loud low dull continuous noise
39. Shrine Any place devoted to some saint
40. Souvenir Something kept as a reminder, A thing kept as a reminder of something / someone
41. Sparkling Shining brightly
42. Speechless Unable to speak
43 Spellbinding Holding one's attention completely
44. Spicy Containing or abounding in spices
45. Spiritual Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul
46. Standstill A complete cessation of movement, Stop, Having no movement.
47. Steep Slope
48. Summit The highest point of a hill or mountain, Highest point of something
49. Teenager A person aged between 13 and 19 years
50. Tranquilize  Have a calming or sedative effect on
51. Uphill Towards the top of a hill
52. Vantage More favorable position, A place providing a good view
53. Whisper  Speak very softly
54. Zigzag  Crisscross

Short note Or Summary on
My Travel Diary: Journey To The Gorakh Hill Station

The author's parents plan to celebrate his birthday at Gorakh Hills, Sindh's highest summit and holiday resort. They start their journey by bus early in the morning with other tourists. The guide tells them the details of the journey and the route. When they cross Jamshoro, they see the Indus River. The city of Hyderabad is located across the river. At Kotri Barrage, they stop at a hotel for breakfast.
They reach Sehwan while traveling on the Indus Highway. There they pay a short visit to the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, a highly revered Sufi saint. On leaving Sehwan, they are given a lunch of fish caught from Manchar Lake along with sugarcane juice.
At the foot of the Gorakh Hills, they have to travel in a jeep to reach the top. At the top they enjoy beautiful views. Unfortunately they do not get a room in the hotel so they rent tents. At night a bonfire is lit and everyone sits around playing childish games.
The author gets up early in the morning and enjoys the scenery. The author's parents and friends carry a cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to the author. The cake cutting was followed by halwa purl for all.
On the way back they travel from Dadu Moro Bridge. They stop at Hala to collect souvenirs. They pass near Bhitt Shah where the shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai is located and they cross through the city of Hyderabad and reach the Motorway on which we had travelled the day before from Karachi.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Four Letters Words From Alphabet 'W' - Scrabble Valid Words From All Dictionaries

Scrabble Game Valid Words From All Dictionaries
'4' letters words From W

Four Letters Words

Note: Words in red are not valid in some Scrabble Game Applications

Monday 28 November 2022

Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities - Reading Comprehension - Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life - MCQs

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Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities
Reading Comprehension
Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The text is about the importance of ____.
a) traffic rules
b) civic sense
c) helmets and seat belts
d) driving safely

2. Among other things, helmets can save us from _____.
a) body injury
b) head injury
c) knee injury
d) foot injury

3. Wearing or not wearing a seat belt can be a matter of ____.
a) life and death
b) personal defeat
c) no concern
d) little importance

4. Two _____ that if undertaken by people can protect them.
a) decisions
b) measures
c) policies
d) commitments

5. Both riders and riders should wear helmets.
a) companion
b) passenger
c) pillion
d) traveller

6. Not wearing a helmet increases the chances of _____.
a) damages
b) accidents
c) loss
d) severe injuries

7. Brain injury in a motorbike accident can lead to permanent ______.
a) forgetfulness
b) disability
c) problems
d) ill health

8. Those not wearing helmets are ____ times more likely to suffer from head injuries.
a) ten
b) five
c) two
d) three

9. Wearing a seat belt is like enclosing between _____.
a) comfort and pain
b) ease and unease
c) safety and security
d) life and death

10. Fastening your seat belt can save you from getting _____.
a) under the car
b) thrown out
c) crushed
d) head injury

11. Putting on your seat belt requires ______.
a) a little effort
b) a lot of effort
c) a little patience
d) a lot of patience

12. If you wear seat belt you will ____.
a) always be safe
b) never be safe
c) never be in trouble
d) mostly be safe

13. Every time you get into your car you make a ____.
a) choice
b) decision
c) promise
d) mistake

14. One of the key reason of road accident is:
a) bad condition of vehicles
b) Unexperienced driver
c) over speeding
d) disregard for traffic rules

15. They are the most widespread cause of death in motorcycle accidents.
a) Heart attack
b) Head injuries
c) Chest injuries
d) Shoulder injuries

Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities - Reading Comprehension - Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life - Question / Answers And Text Book Exercise Unit8.1

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Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities
Reading Comprehension
Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life

Question / Answers

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Q.1: What are the main causes of road accidents?
Ans: One of the key reasons for road accidents is over-speeding, the other is the disregard for traffic rules.

Q.2: What two important safety measures can save people's lives?
Ans: Two important safety measures that can save people's lives and protect them from disability are wearing helmets for bikers and fastening seat belts for car drivers.

Q.3: Why is a helmet an important safety gear?
Ans: A motorcycle helmet is a crucial safety accessory not only for the rider but also for pillion riders. Helmets minimize the risks of serious head injuries, the most common cause of death and disability in case of a crash. Helmet absorb the impact of a crash or fall. Non-helmeted motorcyclists are three times more likely to sustain head injuries in a crash as compared to those wearing firmly strapped helmets.
Wearing a helmet is very beneficial for saving riders from fatal and disabling head injuries , and adding their comfort while riding. That's why a helmet is considered safety gear for bikers.

Q.4: Which vehicle has more road accidents and subsequent injuries?
Ans: There are, proportionately, more accidents and subsequent injuries while riding a motorbike than while travelling in a car or other such vehicles.

Q.5: What makes a motorcycle vulnerable?
Ans: The size and structure of the motorcycle make it vulnerable to losing balance, particularly when indulging in high-speed and disregarding other traffic rules.

Q.6: What is the most widespread cause of death in motorcycle accidents?
Ans: Head injuries are the most widespread cause of death in motorcycle accidents. Moreover, traumatic brain injury can result in permanent disability.

Q.7: How can not wearing a helmet change the life of bike riders and their families forever?
Ans: Accidental death or disability of a bike rider changes the life of the bike rider and his family forever. Nothing stays the same.
Not wearing a helmet means increasing the risks of fatality and disability due to head injury, and harmful impact on your eyes . It ensures maximum safety in case of a crash . Protect yourself, save your family from undue suffering. Wearing a helmet the minute you start your motorbike ride.

Q.8: How can motorcyclists prevent death and serious injuries?
Ans: Death or serious injury can be prevented with a motorcycle helmet as it absorbs the impact of a crash or fall.

Q.9: Why don't people wear helmets while riding a motorcycle? OR What are the reasons people give for not wearing helmets?
Ans: People do not wear helmets because their hairstyle gets messed up. Some say that helmets make them feel uncomfortable, that they cannot put up with the heat. Others complain that helmets cause too much sweating, and this irritates them. Some, however, have no specific reason for not wearing helmets except that they are sure that they will not get injured.

Q.10: What things are harmful to the eyes while riding a bike?
Ans: The sharp wind, strong sun rays, and dust particles can lead to severe discomfort and inconvenience, hindering our vision and resulting in untoward incidents. Moreover, extended exposure to such damaging factors can lead to major eye issues that can ultimately affect our health.

Q.11: What are the problems faced by motorcycle riders in winter? And how can these difficulties be prevented?
Ans: Winter brings in an additional set of challenges for bikers. The piercing cold wind not only causes discomfort but also distracts the vision. Additionally, wearing a helmet while riding in winter can save us from the cold wind, thereby preventing our ride from becoming uncomfortable and risky.

Q.12: What if we don't fasten our seat belts?
Ans: If we are not wearing our seat belt, we can easily change seats and quickly slide out of the car.

Q.13: What happens when a car stops suddenly?
Ans: If for some reason, somebody ahead of us applies brakes suddenly, it is very likely that the driver of our car will not have time to stop. The car that we are travelling in will crash into the vehicle in front. While the brakes or crash can make the car stop suddenly, the same does not apply to our bodies. The car brakes will stop the car, but our body is still travelling at the speed of our car. Our bodies will move forward and our heads will hit the windscreen. If the blow is strong, we may fall out of the car.
When a car stops suddenly , it is very likely that the driver of the car will not have time to stop. The car that you are driving will crash into the vehicle in front . While the brakes or crash can make the car stop suddenly, the same does not apply to your body.

Q.14: Can wearing a seat belt prevent death or serious injury?
Ans: Wearing a seat belt does not make us invincible. We can still get hurt or killed while wearing our seat belts. But wearing seat belts minimizes our chances of getting killed or seriously injured; it has proven to be safer than driving without them. We are much less likely to be killed in a car wreck if we are wearing seat belts. We are much less likely to get seriously injured if we are wearing one. We are likely to have a lesser financial burden.

Q.15: How is the click of a seat belt button insurance?
Ans: The click of a seat belt is insurance that safeguards our safety and survival. We can lose our life and limb, or waste our time and money, or both, by not wearing our seat belts.
Seat belts save lives and this is a fact. The click of a seat belt is an insurance that safeguards your safety and survival. You can lose your life and limb or waste your time and money or both if you do not wear a seat belt. Every time that you get into a car, you must wear a seat belt for the safety of you and your family.


1. How we hear about road accidents do we hear about road accident, i.e., accidents in which people die?
Ans: We hears about road accident every second day and often hears two to four accidents every month in which people die.

2. Have you heard or read about a fatal road accident recently?
Ans: Yes, recently I have heard a fatal road accident. A motorcyclist was hitten by bus so badly and died on the spot.

3. How can people protect their lives and limbs while riding a bike or travelling in a car?

Ans: People can protect their lives and limbs while riding a bike or travelling in a car by following traffic rules. People must have control on their speed and they should wear helmet while driving a bike and fastening a seat belt when driving a car.

UNIT 8.1


Read the text and circle the right answer for filling the blanks. After completing, discuss your choices with your partner.
1. The text is about the importance of ____.
a) traffic rules
b) civic sense
c) helmets and seat belts
d) driving safely

2. Among other things, helmets can save us from _____.
a) body injury
b) head injury
c) knee injury
d) foot injury

3. Wearing or not wearing a seat belt can be a matter of ____.
a) life and death
b) personal defeat
c) no concern
d) little importance


I. Read the text and underline the words given in column A, in Boxes 1-6. The meanings of all these words are given in column B in a jumbled manner. Find the correct meaning and write the corresponding letter in column C.
S.NO. Column A Column B Column
1. fatal a) additional thingd
2. measures b) not paying attention toi
3. crucial c) facing possible harmf
4. accessory d) causing deatha
5. pillion e) unexpectedj
6. proportionately f) very importanth
7. vulnerable g) doing something for pleasurec
8. indulging h) when compared in numbersg
9. disregarding i) steps or actions taken for a purposeb
10. untoward j) a passenger on a motorbikee

II. Read the text and underline the words given in column A, in Boxes A-F. The meanings of all these words are given in column B in a jumbled manner. Find the correct meaning and write the corresponding letter in column C.
S.NO. Column A Column B Column
1. option k) slidingm
2. cumbersome l) totally secure or safe u
3. tough m) choicep
4. anchored n) putting at risks
5. skidding p) difficultk
6. implications q) something clear but not clearly statedq
7. limitations r) protectst
8. invincible  s) firmly held in placel
9. safeguards t) inability to performr
10. exposing u) unnecessarily slowingn


The titles in the following table represent one box each. Read each box and select which title represents which box and write the box number in the given column.
S.NO. Title Box No.
1. Avoiding head injuries3
2. Does wearing a seat belt guarantee no harm?E
3. Helmet: summary6
4. Brakes for saving your bodyB
5. Seat belts: summaryF
6. Fun and safety in motorbike riding1
7. Comfort or harm, what is a better choice? A
8. Challenges voiced against wearing helmets4
9. Is wearing a seat belt an option?C
10. Why wear helmets?2
11. Cost in terms of moneyD
12. Helmets and eye protectionS


Circle the right option.
1. Two _____ that if undertaken by people can protect them.
a) decisions
b) measures
c) policies
d) commitments

2. Both riders and riders should wear helmets.
a) companion
b) passenger
c) pillion
d) traveller

3. Not wearing a helmet increases the chances of _____.
a) damages
b) accidents
c) loss
d) severe injuries

4. Brain injury in a motorbike accident can lead to permanent ______.
a) forgetfulness
b) disability
c) problems
d) ill health

5. Those not wearing helmets are ____ times more likely to suffer from head injuries.
a) ten
b) five
c) two
d) three

6. Wearing a seat belt is like enclosing between _____.
a) comfort and pain
b) ease and unease
c) safety and security
d) life and death

7. Fastening your seat belt can save you from getting _____.
a) under the car
b) thrown out
c) crushed
d) head injury

8. Putting on your seat belt requires ______.
a) a little effort
b) a lot of effort
c) a little patience
d) a lot of patience

9. If you wear seat belt you will ____.
a) always be safe
b) never be safe
c) never be in trouble
d) mostly be safe

10. Every time you get into your car you make a ____.
a) choice
b) decision
c) promise
d) mistake


Read the text and answer the following questions in your notebook. After completing, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.
a. What two important safety measures can save people's lives?
Ans: See Q.2 above in Question and Answers.

b. Why is a helmet an important safety gear?
Ans: See Q.3 above in Question and Answers.

c. How can not wearing a helmet change the life of bike riders and their families forever?
Ans: See Q.7 above in Question and Answers.

d. What happens when a car stops suddenly?
Ans: See Q.13 above in Question and Answers.

e. How is the click of a seat belt button an insurance?
Ans: See Q.15 above in Question and Answers.


Work in pairs. Complete the statements given in column A with their respective parts in column B and write the alphabet of the respective part in the answer column.
S.NO. Column A Column B Ans
1. Wearing a helmet can provide a) a motorbike ride comfortable and safe.i
2. Wind, sun rays, and dust particles can  b) you can end up paying a finef
3. Long term exposure to eye damaging factors can c) depending on how serious the injuries ared
4. In winter, the cold winds can cause d) result in major eye related health issuesh
5. Wearing a helmet in winter can make e) can also affect one's earning capabilitya
6. Wearing a seat belt can save you t) hinder vision leading to unexpected problemsj
7. Not wearing a seat belt can lead to  g) high medical expenses due to injuriesg
8. Medical expenses can be long term or short term h) discomfort and also affect the visionc
9. Injuries resulting from not wearing seat belts i) multiple benefits to the ridere
10. Breaking the law by not wearing the seat belt  j) from unnecessary expensesb


Work in pairs. Read the boxes indicated, and write the reasons in each case.
HELMETS (Boxes 1, 2 & 4)
Reasons why people should wear helmets Reasons why people don't wear helmets
 *To save one self from head injuries *It causes heat
 *To save one self from dust , sun rays and rough wind  *It seems uncomfortable
 *To follow traffic rules  *It causes too much sweating and this irritates rider.
 *To save oneself from getting fined by the traffic police  *It effects hair style
 *A motorcycle helmet is a crucial safety accessory not only for the rider but also for pillion riders. -
 *A helmet is an important safety gear that can save us from a life and limb threatening and injury. -
Reasons why people should wear seat belts Reasons why people don’t wear seat belts
 *To control movement. *To change seats .
 *To save oneself if car skids. *It seems uncomfortable
 *to oneself from serious injuries. *It effects the pressing of dress
 *The click of a seat belt is insurance that safeguards our safety and survival. *It cramp their style
 *We can lose our life and limb in serious accidents. -
 *Lesser financial burden and save time. -
 *Minimises our chances of getting killed or seriously injured. -


Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right - Reading Comprehension - Dignity Of Work- Chapter With Urdu Translation

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Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right
Reading Comprehension
Dignity Of Work

Chapter With Urdu Translation
Dignity Of Work

Akhtar came home late from school one day. He was feeling cross and looked untidy. When his mother asked him the reason, he did not answer. Everybody was surprised to find him so cross. As the family sat down to lunch, the children's favourite uncle, Mr. Inayat, came to visit them. The children were very happy to see him because he had been to many countries and always told them interesting stories.

Translation In Urdu
محنت کی عظمت
ایک دن اختر اسکول سے دیر سے گھر آیا۔ وہ غصہ میں اور گندہ نظر آ رہا تھا۔ جب اس کی والدہ نے اس سے وجہ پوچھی تو اس نے کوئی جواب نہیں دیا۔ ہر کوئی اسے اتنا غصے میں دیکھ کر حیران تھا۔ جیسے ہی سارے گھر والے دوپہر کے کھانے کو بیٹھے، تو بچوں کے ہر دلعزیزانکل جناب عنایت ان سے ملنے آگئے۔ بچے انھیں دیکھ کر بہت خوش ہوئے کیونکہ وہ بہت سے ممالک میں جا چکے تھے اور ہمیشہ انہیں دلچسپ کہانیاں سنایا کرتے تھے۔۔

Akhtar's sister, Rukhsana, told Uncle Inayat that Akhtar had come home unhappy. Uncle Inayat looked at him and asked him what had happened.
Translation In Urdu
۔اختر کی بہن رخسانہ نے انکل عنایت کو بتایا کہ اختر ناخوش گھر آیا تھا۔ انکل عنایت نے اس کی طرف دیکھا اور پوچھا کیا ہوا؟

Akhtar: Uncle, we are having a social service week at school, so we all have to do the work of servants and gardeners. Today, the teacher made me dust the cupboards and desks.
Uncle: Is it work that makes you cross?
Akhtar: Should I not be cross if I am made to work like a servant?"
Uncle: Did your teacher do anything himself?

Translation In Urdu
اختر: انکل، ہم اسکول میں سماجی خدمت کا ہفتہ منا رہے ہیں، اس لیے ہم سب کو نوکروں اور باغبانوں کے کام کرنے پڑتے ہیں۔ آج، استاد نے مجھ سے الماریوں اور میزوں کی دھول صاف کروائی۔
انکل: کیا کام نے تم کو خفا کیا ہے؟
اختر: کیا مجھے ناراض نہیں ہونا چاہیے، اگر مجھے نوکر کی طرح کام کرنے پر مجبور کیا جائے؟
انکل: کیا تمہارے استاد نے خود کچھ کام کیا؟۔

Akhtar: Yes, he did, After taking out the desks and chairs, the teacher swept the room and emptied the dustbin. Even the headmaster cleaned the bathroom, which made us all feel ashamed.
Uncle: Is it a matter of shame to clean what we make dirty?
Aktatar: But think of a gentleman cleaning the bathroom. Shouldn't the sweeper do it?
Translation In Urdu
اختر: ہاں، انہوں نے کیا، میزیں اور کرسیاں باہر نکالنے کے بعد استاد نے کمرے میں جھاڑو دی اور کوڑے دان کو خالی کر دیا۔ حتی کہ ہیڈ ماسٹر نے غسل خانہ صاف کیا جس سے ہم سب کو شرمندگی محسوس ہوئی۔
انکل: جس چیز کو ہم خود گندا کرتے ہیں اسے صاف کرنا کیا شرم کی بات ہے؟
اختر: لیکن باتھ روم کی صفائی کرنے والے شریف آدمی کے بارے میں سوچیں۔ کیا یہ بھنگیوں کو نہیں کرنا چاہیے؟

Uncle: Is the sweeper not a human being?
Akhter: (softly) Yes, he is.
Uncle: Aren’t our servants human beings like us?
Akhter: I should say, they are.
Uncle: Then, we should treat them as we treat ourselves and should always be ready to do some of the chores that we ask them to do for us.
AKhter: But it looks so odd.

Translation In Urdu
انکل: کیا بھنگی انسان نہیں ہے؟
اختر: (دھیرے سے) ہاں، وہ ہے۔
انکل: کیا ہمارے نوکر ہماری طرح انسان نہیں ہیں؟
اختر: مجھے کہنا چاہیے، وہ ہیں۔
انکل: پھر، ہمیں ان کے ساتھ ایسا ہی سلوک کرنا چاہیے جیسا کہ ہم اپنے آپ سے کرتے ہیں اور ہمیشہ ان میں کچھ کام کرنے کے لیے تیار رہنا چاہیے جو ہم ان سے اپنے لیے کرنے کو کہتے ہیں۔
اختر: لیکن یہ بہت عجیب لگتا ہے۔

Uncle: Yes, perhaps it does. However, this is because we have forgotten the noble example of our last Holy Prophet (نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم). He would never ask anyone to do anything that he, himself, would not do. He loved doing work for himself and for others. He repaired his own shoes, mended and washed his clothes, and swept his room. When the mosque was being built in Medina, he carried mud and building material, just like all others. During the battle of Khandaq, he joined his companions in digging the trench outside Medina.
Translation In Urdu
انکل: ہاں، شاید لگتا ہو۔ تاہم یہ اس لیے ہے کہ ہم اپنے آخری نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم کی عظیم مثال کو بھول چکے ہیں۔ وہ کبھی کسی سے کوئی ایسا کام کرنے کو نہیں کہتے تھے جو وہ خود نہیں کرسکتے تھے۔ وہ اپنے لیے اور دوسروں کے لیے کام کرنا پسند کرتے تھے۔ وہ اپنے جوتوں کی خود مرمت کرتے، اپنے کپڑے خود رفو کرتے اور دھوتے اور اپنے کمرے میں جھاڑو دیتے تھے۔ جب مدینہ میں مسجد کی تعمیر جاری تھی، تو آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم دوسرے تمام لوگوں کی طرح گارا اور تعمیراتی سامان اٹھا کر لاتے تھے۔ غزوہ خندق کے دوران آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم مدینہ کے باہر خندق کھودنے کی مہم میں اپنے صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے ساتھ شامل ہوگۓ۔

Rukhsana: Were his companions also like him, uncle?
Uncle: Yes, Rukhsana. Hazrat Abu Baker ( رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ) not only did his own work, but he also fetched water for widows and neighbours who were very old and had no one to do the work for them. Once, Hazrat Omar ( رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ) carried a large sack of flour for a needy family on his shoulders. Hazrat Ali ( رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ) Laboured in the garden of a Jew and gave away his wages in charity.
Translation In Urdu
رخسانہ: کیا آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ وسلم کے صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ بھی آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ وسلم جیسے تھے، انکل؟
انکل: ہاں رخسانہ، حضرت ابوبکر رضی اللہ عنہ نہ صرف اپنا کام کرتے تھے بلکہ ان بیواؤں اور پڑوسیوں کے لیے بھی پانی بھر کر لاتے تھے جو بہت زیادہ بوڑھے تھے اور ان کے لیے کام کرنے والا کوئی نہیں تھا۔ ایک دفعہ حضرت عمر رضی اللہ عنہ ایک ضرورت مند گھرانے کے لیے آٹے کی ایک بڑی بوری اپنے کندھوں پر اٹھا کر لاۓ۔ حضرت علی رضی اللہ عنہ ایک یہودی کے باغ میں مزدوری کرتے تھے اور اپنی مزدوری خیرات کر دیتے تھے۔

Rukhsana: I'm sure there must be many such other examples in our history.
Uncle: You are right, Rukhsana. Hazrat Fatima ( رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ) fetched water, ground corn, and swept the house. Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz refused to him a servant to help his wife. At the table, Caliph mamun-ur-Rashid served himself and his guests. Sultan Nasi-ud-din earned his living by making caps, and Emperor Aurangzeb by transcribing the Holy Quran.
Translation In Urdu
رخسانہ: مجھے یقین ہے کہ ہماری تاریخ میں ایسی اور بھی مثالیں ضرور ہوں گی۔
انکل: تم ٹھیک کہہ رہی ہو رخسانہ۔ حضرت فاطمہ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہا پانی بھر کر لاتی، مکئی پیستیں، اور گھر میں جھاڑو دیتی تھیں۔ خلیفہ عمر بن عبدالعزیز نے اسے اپنی بیوی کی مدد کے لیے نوکر رکھنے سے انکار کردیا تھا۔ دسترخوان پر خلیفہ مامون الرشید اپنے اور اپنے مہمانوں کے لیے خود کھانا لگاتے۔ سلطان نصیر الدین ٹوپیاں بنا کر اور شہنشاہ اورنگ زیب قرآن پاک کی کتابت کر کے اپنی روزی کماتے تھے۔

Akhter: But Uncle, all these are stories of the past.
Rukhsana: I guess, it, not a matter of past or present. Recently, I read in a newspaper the story of a business tycoon who does not have servants for doing his work He does all the work himself.
Uncle: Precisely, It is normal practice in an developed. countries, even today. They understand and appreciate the dignity of work, while we have forgotten it. In China everyone has to spend some time each year working in the fields or in a factory. Even the Prime Minister and his wife do this work. They believe that everyone ought to work, hence, no wonder, they are making such quick progress.
Translation In Urdu
اختر: لیکن انکل، یہ سب ماضی کے قصے ہیں۔
رخسانہ: میرا خیال ہے کہ یہ ماضی یا حال کا معاملہ نہیں ہے۔ حال ہی میں، میں نے ایک اخبار میں ایک بزنس ٹائیکون کی کہانی پڑھی جس کے پاس اپنے کام کرنے کے لیے نوکر نہیں ہوتے وہ سارے کام خود کرتا ہے۔
انکل: بالکل درست، ترقی یافتہ ممالک میں یہ آج بھی معمول کی بات ہے۔ وہ کام کی عظمت کو سمجھتے ہیں اور اس کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتے ہیں، جبکہ ہم اسے بھولا چکے ہیں۔ چین میں ہر ایک شخص کو ہر سال کچھ وقت کھیتوں یا فیکٹری میں کام کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ حتی کہ وزیر اعظم اور ان کی اہلیہ بھی یہ کام کرتے ہیں۔ ان کا ماننا ہے کہ سب کو کام کرنا چاہیے، اس لیے اس میں کوئی تعجب کی بات نہیں، وہ اتنی تیزی سے ترقی کر رہے ہیں۔

Akhtar: Well, China Is a different type of country.
Uncle: Agreed. But what about the USA? There, I once stayed with a high government official, as a guest. His son, who was just as old as you are, went out early in the morning deliver newspapers, I asked him why he did so. He said it was simply because he wished to be independent. One day, when he was ill, his father went out deliver the papers so that his son would not lose his customers. Once, the President’s son took the job of white washing rooms in a hotel.
Translation In Urdu
اختر: ٹھیک ہے، چین ایک مختلف قسم کا ملک ہے۔
انکل: متفق ہوں۔ لیکن امریکہ کے بارے میں کیا خیال ہے؟ وہاں میں ایک مرتبہ ایک اعلیٰ سرکاری افسر کے ہاں بحیثیت مہمان ٹھہرا۔ اس کا بیٹا اتنی عمر کا تھا جتنے اب تم ہو، صبح سویرے وہ اخبار بیچنے جاتا تھا، میں نے اس سے پوچھا کہ وہ ایسا کیوں کرتا ہے؟ اس نے کہا کہ یہ صرف اس لیے کہ وہ خود مختار ہونے کا خواہشمند ہے۔ ایک دن، جب وہ بیمار تھا، اس کے والد اخبار پہنچانے گئے تاکہ ان کا بیٹا اپنے گاہکوں سے محروم نہ ہو۔ ایک بار صدر کے بیٹے نے ایک ہوٹل میں رنگ کا کام کیا۔

Rukhsana: Well, this is, indeed, very inspiring.
Uncle: In fact. in many countries today, people doing all kinds of jobs are respected and treated equally, and no person is considered superior or inferior just because of their job. Many heads of states, successful business leaders, and celebrities follow this philosophy.
Akhtar: Thank you, uncle. You always teach us something useful. Indeed, these examples are extremely motivating. They have really made me think. I was wrong to be upset about cleaning my own classroom. Now, I have learnt that no work is menial or low as long as it is honest, and all workers should be respected without discrimination. I will now never feel ashamed of doing anything, even if it means doing cleaning work or sweeping the floor. Respect for all honest work will be the motto of my life.
Translation In Urdu
رخسانہ: ٹھیک ہے، یہ واقعی بہت متاثر کن ہے۔
انکل: درحقیقت، آج کل بہت سے ممالک میں، ہر قسم کی نوکری کرنے والے لوگوں کا احترام کیا جاتا ہے اور ان کے ساتھ یکساں سلوک کیا جاتا ہے، اور کسی بھی شخص کو صرف اس کے کام کی وجہ سے برتر یا کمتر نہیں سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ بہت سے سربراہان مملکت، کامیاب کاروباری رہنما، اور مشہور شخصیات اس فلسفے کی پیروی کرتے ہیں۔
اختر: شکریہ انکل۔ آپ ہمیں ہمیشہ کچھ مفید چیز سکھاتے ہیں۔ بے شک، یہ مثالیں انتہائی حوصلہ افزا ہیں۔ انہوں نے واقعی مجھے سوچنے پر مجبور کر دیا ہے۔ میرا اپنی کلاس روم کی صفائی کے بارے میں ناراض ہونا غلط تھا۔ اب، میں نے یہ سیکھ لیا ہے کہ کوئی بھی کام اس وقت تک معمولی نہیں ہوتا جب تک کہ وہ ایمانداری سے کیا جاۓ، اور تمام کام کرنے والوں کی بلا تفریق احترام کیا جانا چاہیے۔ اب میں کبھی بھی کوئی کام کرتے ہوئے شرم محسوس نہیں کروں گا، چاہے وہ صفائی کا کام کرنا ہو یا فرش صاف کرنا۔ تمام ایمانداری سے کیے گۓ کام کا احترام میری زندگی کا نصب العین ہوگا۔

Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities - Reading Comprehension - Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities
Reading Comprehension
Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life

Words Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.NO. Words Meanings
1. Abide by Obey
2. Accessory A thing which can be added to something, Additional things
 3. Anchor Fix firmly and stably, Firmly held in place
4. Beneficial Of use
5. Considerably Significant
6. Constituted To form and make something
7. Cramp Contraction
8. Crucial Decisive or Critical, Very Important
9. Co-traveller Travelling with someone
10. Cumbersome Burdensome, Unnecessarily slowing
11. Disability Physical or mental unfitness
12. Disregard Pay no attention to
13. Distract Divert
14. Exposure Experience
15. Exposing Putting at risk
16. Extended Prolonged
17. Fatal Causing death
18. Fatality Casualty, Death
19. Financial Monetary
20. Former Preceding in time
21. Headgear A covering or protective device for the head
22. Hindering Obstructing
23. Impact Collision, Crash
24. Implications Consequences, Something clear but not clearly stated
25. Impose Enforce
26. Inconvenience Troublesomeness
27. Indulging Doing something for pleasure
28. Injuries Physical damage to the body
29. Insurance Protection against future loss
30. Invincible Incapable of overcome, Totally secure or safe
31. Irritate Annoy
32. Limitations Restrictions, Inability to perform
33. Measures Steps or actions taken for a purpose
34. Messed up Spoiled
35. Minimise Make small or insignificant
36. Minor Lesser in importance
37. Option Choice
38. Piercing Penetrating
39. Permanent Indefinitely
40. Pillion riders A person who travels  in a seat or place behind the rider of a motorcycle or scooter, A passenger on a motorbike
41. Proportionately To a proportionate degree, When compared in numbers
42. Protective Able to keep safe
43. Safeguard Precautions, Protects
44. Seriousness State of being serious
45. Skidding Slipping, Sliding
46. Strapped Prevent some one or something from moving with a strap
47. Subsequent Following in time or order
48. Survival Existence
49. Sustain To give support or relief to
50. Sweating Perspiring
51. Thrilling Causing excitement
52. Tough Difficult
53. Traumatic Deeply disturbing or distressing
54. Two-wheeler A vehicle with two wheels
55. Ultimately Eventually
56. Undue Unnecessary
57. Untoward Unpleasant, Unexpected
58. Widespread Widely circulated
59. Windshield A windscreen
60. Wreck Wreckage, Destruction (of a ship)
61. Vulnerable Open to attack or damage, Facing possible harm

Short note Or Summary on
Safety Measures That Can Save Your Life

We hear about fatal road accidents every day. One of the causes of road accidents is over-speeding and disregard for traffic rules. But if people wear helmets while riding a motorcycle and seat belts While sitting in a car, losses of lives and disability can be avoided.
Riding a motorcycle is not without risks, especially when we are not wearing a helmet. Helmets are an important safety accessory for motorcyclists that can protect us from head injuries in the event of an accident. Police also impose fines for not doing so, but people still do not wear helmets.
Motorcycles are more prone to accidents than other vehicles because of the structure and size of the motorbike, it loses their balance easily.
Helmets minimize the risks of head injuries, the most common cause of death and disability in case of a crash. Non-helmeted motorcyclists are three times more likely to sustain head injuries in a crash as compared to those wearing firmly strapped helmets. Helmet laws are constituted to save the lives of motorbike riders. Those who abide by the laws not only save their own lives but also protect their families from unnecessary harm and suffering.
If you have ridden a motorbike, you know that this can be tough on the eyes. Moreover, extended exposure to sharp wind, strong sun rays, and dust particles can lead to major eye issues that can ultimately affect your health. The piercing cold wind not only causes discomfort but also distracts the vision.
Not wearing a helmet means increasing the risks of fatality and disability due to head injury, and harmful impact on your eyes. Don't drive anywhere until your seatbelt is fastened. If you are not wearing your seat belt, you can easily change seats and quickly slide out of the car. The car brakes will stop the car, but your body is still travelling at the speed of your car. The thing that can save you from serious injury or even death, is your seat belt.
Some people think that seat belts are not necessary. Consider what you and your family will suffer in case you are badly injured or, God forbid, you die just because you did not fasten your seat belt. Also, let us not forget the financial loss due to limitations that your injuries may impose on your earning ability, both long term and short term. The police can fine the driver, particularly on a motorway, if you and your co-traveller are not wearing the seat belt.
Wearing a seat belt does not make you invincible. But wearing seat belts minimizes your chances of getting killed or seriously injured. Seat belts save lives, and that's a fact. You can lose your life and limb, or waste your time and money, or both, by not wearing your seat belt.

Friday 25 November 2022

Sunday 20 November 2022