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Friday, 14 August 2020

Physics - Class X - Chapter No.4 - Fill In The Blanks and MCQs


Fill In The Blanks and MCQs

Fill In The Blanks:

1. Motion cannot be produced in a body without force.
2. No moving object can be stopped without applying force.
3. The property of the matter by virtue of which it resist any attempt to change its state of rest or of uniform motion is called inertia.
4. When an external force acts upon a body then it produces an acceleration in the body in its own direction.
5. The acceleration produced in a body under the influence of an external force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force.
6. The quantity of matter in a body is called its mass.
7. The force with which the earth attracts a body towards its center is called weight of the body.
8. Every action has reaction, which is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
9. The product of mass and velocity is called momentum.
10. When one body slides over the surface of another body then unevenness of the surface result in friction that causes the obstruction in the motion of the body.
11. Rolling friction is much less than sliding friction.

Multiple Choice Questions — [MCQs]

1. The S.I. unit of mass is ______.
a. kilogram
b. newton
c. gram
d. Slug

2. The quantity motion contained in a body is called:_______.
a. force
b. weight
c. torque
d. momentum

3. The S.1. unit of force is: ______.
a. kilogram
b. newton
c. watts
d. joule

4. Mass can be measured by: ______.
a. thermometer
b. physical balance
c. ammeter
d. all of them

5. Rolling friction is always less than:_____.
a. static friction
b. sliding friction
c. fluid friction
d. contact friction

6. Sliding friction is greater because the area of contact is:______.
a. smaller
b. greater
c. equal
d none of them

7. Newton's 2nd law of motion helps us in the measurement of:______.
a. mass
b. weight
c. force
d. pressure

8. The force acting along a string is called:______.
a. power
b. mass
c. tension
d. energy

9. The quantity of matter in a body is called its:______.
a. mass
b. force
c. weight
d. Power

10. The product of mass and velocity is called:_______.
a. acceleration
b. speed
c. velocity
d. momentum

11. The maximum force of friction which just stops the body from moving is called:______.
a. rolling friction
b. sliding friction
c. limiting friction
d. none of these

12. If F = 4N, a = 2ms-2 then m is:_______.
a. 2g
b. 8kg
c. 6kg
d. 4kg

13. If m = 30,000kg, v = 3.5 ms-1 then momentum will be:______.
a. 10,5000 Ns
b. 105 Ns
c. 8571.42 Ns
d. 1000 Ns

14. The law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum of an isolated system is always remains:_______.
a. greater
b. lesser
c. constant
d. zero

15. The resisting force between two surfaces before the motion starts is called:______.
a. static friction
b. kinetic friction
c. rolling friction
d. sliding friction

16. The friction during motion is called:______.
a. static friction
b. kinetic friction
c. rolling friction
d. sliding friction

17. The force with the earth attracts a body towards its center is called:______.
a. weight
b. mass
c. tension
d. friction

18. When an unbalanced force acts upon a body, it produces:_______.
a. weight
b. momentum
c. acceleration
d. friction

19. It is that characteristic of a body due to which it resists against any change in its state:______.
a. momentum
b. force
c. weight
d. inertia

20. By applying equal forces on sphere of plastic and iron, of equal volumes, greater acceleration is produced in the plastic sphere because its mass is:_____.
a. more
b. less
c. more but it is less
d. less but it is more

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