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Saturday, 6 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2.6 (FUN) - Rain (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem Or Summary And Central Idea

UNIT 2.6 - FUN
RAIN (Poem)

Word / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Abundance A large quantity
2. Athwart From side to side of, At an oblique angle, Across
3. Blossom Yield Flowers
4. Churn A thing used to made butter from milk
5. Dearth  An insufficient quantity, or number.
6. Garland  A wreath of flowers
7. Gay Bright and pleasant
8. Humming A low continuous sound
9. Merriment Glad or happy feelings
10. Orchestra A group of instruments
11. Thatch Plant stalks used as roofing material
12. Vale A valley

Note: For having fun with language. Not to be formally assessed.
Recitation and Visual Presentation of a Poem

Exercise 1:
Here is one of Shah Latif's poems, translated by Elsa Kazi.
The rain pours on the desert sands
On hills and vales around;
At early dawn we rise to hear,
The churns soft, humming sound-

The hands are full of butter, wives
With merriment abound-
Each buffalo for milking brought;
Athwart the grassy ground;
In thatches here we never found
Mistress and mind so glad!

Season's Orchestra's in full swing,
Fresh showers ease the mind;
On mountain-side so green with grass;
Cattle abundance find;
Gay herdsmen's wives about their necks
Of blossoms garlands wind;

Cucumbers, mushrooms, vegetables
Food of every kind;
Lord! Days of dearth let lie behind,
Ne'er let them reach the earth.

Translation In Urdu
شاہ لطیف کی ایک نظم ، جس کا ترجمہ ایلسا کازی نے کیا ہے۔
بارش برستی ہے صحرا کی ریت پر
ارد گرد پہاڑیوں اور وادیوں پر؛
صبح سویرے ہم سننے کو اٹھتے ہیں ،
مدھانی کی نرم، گنگناتی آواز-

ہاتھ مکھن سے بھرے ہیں، بیویاں
خوشی سے بھری-
ہر بھینس دودھ دینے کے لیے لائی گئی؛
گھاس دار زمین کے پار
یہاں گھاس پوس کی چھتوں میں ہمیں کبھی نہیں ملا
مالکن اور اسکا خوش ذہن!

موسم کی موسیقی اپنے جوبن پر ہے ،
تازہ بارشیں دماغ کو سکون دیتی ہیں۔
پہاڑ گھاس سے ہرے بھرے ہیں۔
مویشیوں کو وافر چارۂ مل رہا ہے؛
خوش گلہ بانوں کی بیویاں اپنی گردنوں میں
پھولوں کی مالا لپیٹے ہوۓ ہے؛

کھیرے ، مشروم ، سبزیاں
ہر قسم کا کھانا؛
پروردگار! بدحالی کے دن پیچھے رہ جائیں،
انہیں زمین تک نہیں پہنچنے دینا۔

The poem "Rain" is a Shah Abdul Latif's poem, translated by Elsa Kazi.

Paraphrasing of Stanzas OR Summary of the Poem

It is raining everywhere. We wake up early in the morning to hear the soft sound of churns. The housewives' hands are full of butter, but they seem happy. The weather is on its full swing. Everyone is happy. Even cattle are happy because there is greenery everywhere. The wives of smiling herdsmen are wearing garlands of flowers. There are all kinds of food. 0 Allah! Keep the days of famine away from us.

Central Idea of the Poem

The poem is about how important is the rain for the people who live in Thar, where rarely it pours in a year. After a long period of time when rain pours, the people enjoy genuine pleasure. The main source of their living is rain water. So after it, everyone enjoy the blessing. Men enjoy while singing. Women play with buffaloes and churn milk for butter. The beautiful grassy scene after the rain in Thar is worth seeing. Which is the sole source of pleasure for the folk.

By Sir Ameer Chandio
(M.A. English Literature)


  1. On the second last line of poem translation it's پیچھے not پچھیا
    Kindly note that


    1. Education is the key to success3 March 2022 at 22:57

      We have corrected it. Thanks for your feed back.

  2. Replies
    1. Education is the key to success28 December 2022 at 08:56


  3. Please question answer

  4. Can you please explain these two lines: یہاں گھاس پوس کی چھتوں میں ہمیں کبھی نہیں ملا
    مالکن اور اسکا خوش ذہن!
    what is meant by these two lines? Also, You have mentioned Thar in the central idea. But Shah Latif did not mention Thar in the poetry. Can you explain plz?

  5. Education Is the key to success24 August 2023 at 22:42

    In thatches here we never found
    Mistress and mind so glad!

    Explanation: Mistress (unmarried woman) or woman lives in thatches seems so happy in rainy season than other days.

    This poem is written by Shah abdul latif Bhatai, who explained different aspects of sindh in his poem. The first line of the poem is "The rain pours on the desert sands" which shows that Shah Abdul Latif referred thar desert.


  6. Elsa Kazi translated this poem from which Sur of Shah Latif? Do you know that sindhi lyrics of Latif

  7. Education is the key to success18 December 2023 at 06:18

    The poem is taken from Shah jo rasalo which has 30 sur i.e chapters. But I don't know the exact chapter from which this poem is translated. JAZAKALLAH

  8. Athward here we never found explain in english?

    1. Education Is The Key To Success28 October 2024 at 07:01

      The term "athward" means oblique in position or moving here and there or across.

      The phrase "Each buffalo for milking brought; Athwart the grassy ground;" suggests a scene where buffalo are being brought across a grassy area for the purpose of milking. The use of "athwart" indicates that the buffalo are moving across or against the grassy area
      the buffalos for milking are brought into an area where the grass appears to be oblique, likely due to the effects of the wind.
      First one is more accurate according to village culture.
