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Saturday 5 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2019

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2019


Time: 20 Minutes        Max. Marks: 15

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

(i) Dot Matrix is a type of:
  • Impact Printer ✓
  • Non- Impact Printer
  • Scanner
  • Plotter

(ii) DOS Linux and Unix are the types of:
  • Operating Systems ✓
  • Viruses
  • Translators

(iii) This is a computer crime:
  • Formatting
  • Backup
  • Restoring
  • Hacking ✓

(iv) This software is stored permanently on the ROM chip by the manufacturer:
  • Spyware
  • Firmware ✓
  • Hardware
  • software

(v) Telephone line is an example of:
  • Simplex Mode
  • Half-duplex Mode
  • Half-simplex Mode
  • Full-duplex Mode ✓

(vi) This software enables the user to interact with computer hardware:
  • Operating System ✓
  • Application Software
  • Firmware
  • Malware

(vii) A bar-code Reader is an example of:
  • Input Unit ✓
  • Output Unit
  • Storage Unit
  • Processing Unit

(viii) This number of bits or bytes that a microprocessor can manipulate as a unit is called:
  • Word ✓
  • unit
  • byte
  • string

(ix) It is used to transmit data from memory to microprocessor and vice versa:
  • data bus ✓
  • address bus
  • control bus
  • central bus

(x) It is also known as Memory Data Register:
  • Memory Address Register
  • Memory Buffer Register ✓
  • Instruction Register
  • Program counter

(xi) FM stands for:
  • Frequency modification
  • Frequency modulation ✓
  • Functional module

(xii) It is the most common network used to connect two or more computers which are lying in the same office or building:
  • GAN
  • MAN
  • LAN ✓
  • WAN

(xiii) The physical layout of a LAN is called:
  • link
  • layer cake
  • contention
  • topology ✓

(xiv) This is the fastest data communication media:
  • Coaxial Cable
  • Twisted Pair
  • Microwave
  • Fiber Optic ✓

COMPUTER     2019

Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes       Marks: 60

NOTE: Answer any 12 questions from this section.

2.(i) Define Protocol and name any three.
(ii) Define any two of the following: * Bridge * Router * Gateway
(iii) Which mode of Data transmission is suitable for communication from a computer to a printer?
(iv) Write the full forms of the following: * HTTP * URL * SIMM
(v) Define Ring topology and give its advantages.
(vi) Differentiate between Volatile memory and Non-Volatile So memory.
(vii) Define Impact Printer and Non-Impact Printer.
(viii) Define Analog Signal and Digital Signal.
(ix) Draw the block diagram of a Digital Computer.
(x) How is Internet useful in the field of education?
(xi) Why is an Address Bus called unidirectional?
(xii) Why is an operating System necessary for a computer?
(xiii) What are the components of LAN?
(xiv) What are the basic hardware needs for internet?
(xv) Name any two Full-duplex devices.
(xvi) What is Computer crime?
(xvii) Draw the layer cake of OSI model.
(xviii) Match the terms of column A with those of column B.

 Keyboard Operating System
 Non-Volatile Firmware
 Byte LAN
 BIOS 8 bus
 Local Area Netware Input device

NOTE: Answer any Two questions from this section.
3.(a) What is Internet Browser? Describe its various types.
(b) What is a Computer Virus? What preventive measures can be taken to protect our computer from its attacks?
(c) Define the term Bus. Describe the functions of any two Buses.

4.(a) State Copyright law. Give its advantages.
(b) What is Stack? Explain its operations with examples.
(c) Define System Software and explain its three categories.

5.(a) Define Synchronous and Asyndronous transmissions with diagrams.
(b) Explain the important features of an Operating System.
(c) Who is meant by Primary and Secondary Storages? Define any three types of secondary storage.

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