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Saturday 5 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2018

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2018

COMPUTER    2018

Time: 20 Minutes   Max. Marks: 15

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

(i) This is the sequence of instructions:
  • Stack
  • Process
  • Program ✓
  • Flowchart

(ii) The network of networks is called:
  • intranet
  • Internet ✓
  • Extranet
  • instanct

(iii) In the word e-mail, 'e' stands for:
  • Extra
  • External
  • Electronic ✓
  • Easy

(iv) This technology is used in compact disks:
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Electro Magnetic
  • Laser ✓

(v) The transport layer on OSI model is:
  • Layer 3
  • Laver 4 ✓
  • Layer 5
  • Layer 6

(vi) The register holds the instruction for waiting execution:
  • MBR ✓
  • MAR
  • AC Register
  • Program Counter

(vii) This data transmission transmit data only in one direction:
  • Full Duplex
  • Half duplex
  • simplex ✓
  • Synchronous

(viii) Coaxial cable and Fiber optic cable are examples of:
  • Communication mode
  • Topology
  • Communication media ✓
  • storage device

(ix) CPU is linked to every hardware device in the computer system with:
  • ROM
  • BUS ✓
  • printer
  • operating system

(x) Ribbin is used in:
  • Laser printer
  • plotter
  • ink-jet-printer
  • Dot matrix printer ✓

(xi) During the normal PC boot process, his activates first:
  • CMOS
  • ROM BIOS ✓
  • Hard disk information

(xii) Sequence control register is also known as:
  • Program counter ✓
  • instruction counter
  • sequence register
  • controlling register

(xiii) Two dissimilar networks are connected with:
  • Server
  • Bridge
  • Router
  • Gateway ✓

(xiv) Computer data is transmitted block by block in this transmission:
  • Synchronous ✓
  • Full duplex
  • Asynchronous
  • Parallel

(xv) The network topology always uses central server:
  • Ring
  • Hybrid
  • Star ✓
  • Bus


Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes     Marks: 60

NOTE: Answer any 12 questions from this section.

2.(i) Write any three abuses of Internet.
(ii) What is a Search Engine? Name any three Search Engines.
(iii) Define control unit of CPU.
(iv) What are the peripheral devices? Name any three.
(v) List the three benefits of copyright
(vi) Give three main objectives of LAN.
(vii) Why is the data-bus called bi-directional bus?
(viii) Define Memory word.
(ix) Define Fetch cycte.
(x) Why is Modern called Moderator and Demodulator?
(xi) How is computer beneficial in Banks?
(xii) How is virus transferred from one Computer to another?
(xiii) What is the difference between command line interface and GUI?
(xiv) Write the full forms of the following: HTML, LED, OMR.
(xv) What is website address? Name any two websites.
(xvi) What are the elements of Data communication?
(xvii) Why is ROM called non-volatile memory?
(xviii) Write the input or output device in the given column:

 Monitor Output
 Keyboard Input
 Plotter Output
 OMR Output
 Touch Pad Input
 Drum Printer Output

NOTE: Answer any Two questions from this section.
3.(a) What are scanning input devices? Explain any two scanning devices.
(b) What is a computer register? Define its four types.
(c) Define data communication modes with diagram.

4.(a) What are the different types of Non-impact printers?
(b) Explain the OSI model with diagram.
(c) What is software piracy? Explain.

5.(a) Describe the various types of communication media used for data communication.
(b) Explain LAN topologies with diagram.
(c) What is language translator? Define its different types?

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