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Saturday 5 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2017

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2017

COMPUTER    2017

Time: 20 Minutes     Max. Marks: 15

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

(i) Sound / Voice is a kind of:
  • Hard Copy
  • Soft Copy ✓
  • Light Copy
  • Photo copy

(ii) Bit is the short form of:
  • Binary decimal
  • Binary Density
  • Binary Digit ✓
  • Binary Disk

(iii) This transmission mode allows only one way communication:
  • Simplex ✓
  • Half Simplex
  • Full Duplex
  • Half Duplex

(iv) BIOS stand for:
  • Basic Instructions Out System
  • Booting In Operating System
  • Basic Input Output System ✓
  • Booting In output System

(v) It is a kind of System Software:
  • Operating System ✓
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Database

(vi) Computer Virus is a / an:
  • Program ✓
  • Hardware
  • Silicon Chip
  • Amoeba

(vii) This is wireless communication media:
  • Twisted Pair
  • Microwave ✓
  • Coaxial
  • Fiber Optic

(viii) This is the fastest communication medium:
  • Coaxial Cable
  • Shielded Twisted Pair
  • Un-shielded Twisted Pair
  • Fiber Optic ✓

(ix) This is a Scanning device:
  • Bar Code Reader ✓
  • Plotter
  • Mouse
  • LCD

(x) This is an internet protocol:
  • WNW
  • TCP/IP ✓
  • ISO

(xi) Bus, star and ring are types of:
  • Network topologies ✓
  • Operating Systems
  • Protocols
  • Viruses

(xii) CPU is linked to every hardware device in the computer system by:
  • Bus ✓
  • ROM
  • Printer
  • Operating System

(xiii) A software program that enable you to display web pages is:
  • MS Excel
  • Browser ✓
  • Windows
  • MS Word

(xiv) This type of printer produces highest quality print:
  • Laser printer ✓
  • Inkjet printer
  • Drum printer
  • Dot matrix printer

(xv) The device used to convert digital signals into analog signals and vice versa is:
  • modem ✓
  • gateway
  • router
  • bridge

COMPUTER    2017

Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes     Marks: 60

NOTE: Answer any 12 questions from this section.

2.(i) What is Data Processing Cycle? Show its steps with the help of a diagram.
(ii) Enlist any six features of an Operating System.
(iii) What will happen, if RAM is not available in a Computer System?
(iv) What is Protocol? Enlist four different protocols.
(v) What is Application Software? Name at least five Application Softwares.
(vi) What measures can be taken to save computer system from virus attacks?
(vii) Why is cache memory used in Computer System?
(viii) What is port? Enlist its types.
(ix) Write Full forms of the following: FTP, HTTP, USB.
(x) Draw labeled diagram of OSI Model.
(xi) How is secondary storage different from primary storage?
(xii) Define bit, byte and word.
(xiii) Why is ROM called non-volatile memory?
(xiv) What is network topology? Name any three.
(xv) Which layer of OSI model is responsible for routing information between computers?
(xvi) Define the term Bandwidth.
(xvii) List the benefits of LAN.
(xviii) Write the input device or output device in the given column.

Hardware Input / Output
 Joystick Input device
 Scanner Input device
 Mouse Input device
 Touch Screen Input device
 LED Output device
 Inkjet Printer  Output device

NOTE: Answer any Two questions from this section.
3.(a) Explain different types of Impact printers.
(b) What is System Software? Discuss its types.
(c) Discuss the major components of Computer System.

4.(a) Discuss the modes of transmission with examples.
(b) Differentiate between Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission methods.
(c) Describe instruction Fetch cycle.

5.(a) What is the use of Buses in computer system? Discuss the functions of any two buses.
(b) What is computer crime? How is the computer being used as tool of crime?
(c) Discuss the characteristics of Computer.

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