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Saturday 5 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2016

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2016


Time: 20 Minutes     Max. Marks: 15

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

(i) A Compiler is a / an:
  • Part of a computer
  • Language translator program ✓
  • Source program
  • Object program

(ii) Data transmission, in both directions simultaneously, is:
  • Simplex
  • Full duplex ✓
  • Half duplex
  • Synchronous

(iii) This term is used to describe the data handling capacity of a given media:
  • buffer
  • routing
  • bandwidth ✓
  • cache

(iv) Bar code reader is an example of:
  • Processing device
  • Input device ✓
  • Output device
  • storage device

(v) A software, which enables users and applications to interact with the computer hardware, is called:
  • Operating system ✓
  • Application softWare
  • Browser
  • Data base management system

(vi) This MS-Excel function computes the average of given cells: Al, A2, A3, A4
  • Sum (Al : A4)
  • Average (Al, A4) ✓
  • Min (Al, A4)
  • Count (Al: A4)

(vii) In a fiber optic cable, the core is surrounded by a second layer of glass called:
  • yoke
  • cladding ✓
  • cap
  • outer pipe

(viii) This register holds the instruction awaiting execution:
  • MBR ✓
  • MAR
  • AC register
  • Program counter

(ix) The intersection of a row and a column, in an Excel spread sheet, is called:
  • Formula
  • Cell ✓
  • Macro
  • Function

(x) The special software, needed to view the webpage, is called:
  • Newsgroup
  • Web browser ✓
  • Firewall
  • Antivirus

(xi) Daisy wheel is a type of:
  • Scanner
  • Printer ✓
  • Plotter
  • Tape

(xii) The shortcut key in MS-Word, for saving a document, is:
  • Ctrl + S ✓
  • Ctrl + C
  • Ctrl + P
  • Ctrl + B

(xiii) Illegal copy of copyright software is called:
  • Hacking
  • Software privacy ✓
  • Theft of services
  • Theft of hardware

(xiv) Memory, which stays unaffected when the computer system is powered off, is:
  • ROM ✓
  • RAM
  • Cache
  • Register

(xv) This is not an operating system:
  • Unix
  • DOS
  • Compiler ✓
  • Windows


Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes     Marks: 60

NOTE: Answer 6 part questions from this section.

2.(i) Define the following terms related to screen display: CRT, Pixel, Resolution.
(ii) List the various functions normally performed by the Operating system.
(iii) Define Ring topology and give, its advantages and disadvantages.
(iv) Define Search Engine.
(v) State the uses and abuses of Internet.
(vi) What are the benefits of developing a Computer network?
(vii) Define ROM and its types.
(viii) What are the full forms of: EEPROM, GUI, DHTML, BIOS, OSI, BMP
(ix) Define the main components of CPU.

NOTE: Answer Two questions from this section.
3.(a) Describe the OSI model with diagram.
(b) What is System Software? Define its different types.

4.(a) What is Secondary memory? Define its types.
(b) Define different types of Scanning devices.

5.(a) Define Antivirus and its different types.
(b) Define Microwave system. How can it be useful in communication system?

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