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Saturday 5 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2015

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2015

Computer Science Paper I 2015
 Time: 20 MinutesSECTION 'A' (Max. Marks: 15) 
(Multiple Choice Questions) - (M.C.Qs.)
(i) This section consists of 15 part questions and all are to be answered. Each question cairies one mark.
(ii) Do not copy down the part questions in your answerbook. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part.
(iii) The code number of your question paper is to be written in bold letter in the beginning of the answerscript.

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
i) A Network Topology that always uses central server is:
  • Bus
  • Star ✓
  • Ring
  • Hybrid

ii) FM stands for:
  • Frequent Modulation
  • Functional Module
  • Frequency Modification
  • Frequency Modulation ✓

iii) Daisy wheel is a type of:
  • Tape
  • Printer ✓
  • Scanner
  • Disk

iv) I Giga Byte (GB) is equivalent to:
  • 1024 Bytes
  • 1024 KB
  • 1024 MB ✓
  • 1024 TB

v) The full farm of SIMM is:
  • Single Interfacing Memory Module
  • Simple Inline Memory Module
  • Single Inline Memory Module ✓
  • Simple Inline Memory Mode

vi) The set of rides to send and receive data is called:
  • Ethernet
  • Register
  • Protocol ✓
  • Bus

vii) The electrical path that carries data from one place to another place is called:
  • Bus ✓
  • Modem
  • SIMM
  • DIMM

viii) Co-axial cable and fibre optics are the examples of:
  • Router
  • Communication Media ✓
  • Modem
  • Communication Mode

ix) The process of converting analog signal into digital signal is called:
  • Modulation ✓
  • Demodulation
  • Telecommunication
  • Compilation

x) A mode of communication that allows two way communication but not simultaneously is called:
  • Full duplex
  • Half duplex ✓
  • Half simplex
  • Simplex

xi) Extension of Microsoft Excel file is:
  • .doc
  • .xls ✓
  • .bmp
  • .ppt

xii) This is an antivirus program:
  • Internet Explorer
  • Torjan
  • Worm
  • McAfee ✓

xiii) This part of CPU performs all arithmetic and logic operations:
  • CU
  • MU
  • ALU ✓
  • ROM

xiv) A software that enables user to interact with computer hardware is called:
  • Operating system ✓
  • Application software
  • Database
  • Firmware

xv) This MS-Excel formula adds the contents of given cells Al, A2, A3, A4, and AS:
  • =Count (A1:A5)
  • =AVG (A1:A25)
  • =SUM (A1:A5) ✓
  • =A1+A5

 Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes SECTION 'B' and 'C'  (Total Marks: 15) 

Section "B" (Short-Answer Questions) (Max. Marks 36)
Note: Answer any Six part questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.
2.i) What is the function of MODEM? Define different types of MODEM.
ii) What is Computer Virus? Define different types of Virus.
iii) What are the functions of Router and Gateway in Data Communication?
iv) What is Internet? Define its components.
v) Write the full form of the following: HTML, ISO, IEEE, WAN, HTTP, ASCII.
vi) Define the following: Bus, Cache Memory, Bar Code Reader.
vii) Differentiate between Volatile Memory and Non-volatile Memory.
viii) Define Simplex, Half-duplex and Full-duplex modes of Data Communication.
ix) What is Operating System? Why is it necessary for a computer system?

SECTION "C (Detailed-Answer Questions) (Max. Marks 24)
Note: Answer any Two questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.
3.a) Explain any four LAN Topologies.
b) What do you mean by Protocol? Define any two types of Protocol.

4.a) What are Registers? Write the functions of any three Registers.
b) Explain Synchronous Transmission and Asynchronous Transmission.

5.a) Explain the different types of Impact Printers.
b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable.

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