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Saturday 5 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2014

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2014


Time: 20 Minutes    Max. Marks: 15

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

(i) One Kilobyte is equal to:
  • 1000 bytes
  • 1024 bytes ✓
  • 1MB
  • none of these

(ii) A microprocessor contains:
  • ALU and CU ✓
  • ALU and MU
  • RAM and ROM
  • none of these

(iii) OSI model has:
  • six layers
  • Two layers
  • seven layers ✓
  • no layers

(iv) Dos, Unix, and Linux are the type of:
  • Operating systems ✓
  • Computer games
  • Translators
  • Viruses

(v) A Computer virus is a:
  • Bacteria
  • Hardware
  • Signal
  • Program ✓

(vi) The shortcut key in Ms Word for saving a file is:
  • ctrl-s ✓
  • ctri-z
  • ctrl-v
  • ctrl-c

(vii) In full duplex transmission, data travels in:
  • one direction
  • Parallel direction
  • two directions simultaneously ✓
  • two directions but not simultaneously

(viii) The physical layout of a LAN is called:
  • Link
  • Topology ✓
  • Ethernet
  • Router

(ix) A dot-matrix is an example of:
  • Plotter
  • Impact printer ✓
  • Non impact printer
  • none of these

(x) Extension of Microsoft Word document is:
  • .ppt
  • .xls
  • .bmp
  • .doc ✓

(xi) This software is used to detect and remove viruses:
  • Utilities
  • System software
  • Application software
  • Antivirus ✓

(xii) Another name of Secondary storage is:
  • Memory
  • Auxiliary ✓
  • Density
  • Main memory

(xiii) The software that enable to view web pages on internet is called:
  • Browser ✓
  • HTML
  • Ms Word
  • e-mail

(xiv) This is a volatile memory:
  • Rom
  • Hard disk
  • Buffer
  • Ram ✓

(xv) UPS stands for:
  • Universal Power Supply
  • Un-interrupted power supply ✓
  • Universal Power Socket
  • None of these


Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes     Marks: 60

NOTE: Answer any 6 part questions from this section. No answer should exceed 6 to 7 lines.

2.(i) Define Bus topology with diagram.
(ii) Differentiate between Application software v/s System software.
(iii) Define Impact and Non-Impact printers.
(iv) Define different types of System Software.
(v) What are the benefits of LAN?
(vi) What are the main steps of System development? Define them.
OR Define social media. What are its uses and abuses?
(vii) How are computer useful in the field of education?
OR Define CPU registers.
(viii) What are the main functions of Ms Excel and Ms Word.
(ix) Write the full forms of the following abbreviations: BIT, EEPROM, BMP, DPI, DHTML, VGA.

NOTE: Answer any Two questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. (24)
3.(a) Discuss the role of CPU. Also describe its components.
(b) What do you know about Modulation and Demodulation?

4.(a) Describe OSI reference model with diagram.
(b) What is Data communication? Define any three Communication media.

5(a) What is Computer Security? What security techniques are use to reduce risks?
(b) What is Internet Browser? Describe the different properties of a browser.

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