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Tuesday 2 July 2024

PRESERVATION OF NATURE - "Once More to The Lake" by E.B, White - English (Compulsory) For Class XI - Words Meanings

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Unit 1.1: Reading Comprehension
Once More to The Lake
by E.B, White


S.NO. Words Meanings
1. Accumulated Gathered
2. Anchor A heavy metal object
3. Bait Small amount of food
4. Bay Coast
5. Breeze Gentle air
6. Canoe A light narrow boat with both ends sharp
7. Chucking Throwing
8. Convinced Persuaded
9. Creepy Scary / Terrifying / Frightening / Nervous
10. Debris Filth
11. Desolated Isolated / Barren
12. Dual With two parts
13. Enchanted enjoyed / Fascinated
14. Except Without
15. Existence the fact of something / somebody existing
16. Extend Expand
17. Fluttered Moved fast
18. Gesture Movement of hand, arms or head.
19. Grooves Channels / Furrows / Trench / A long and narrow space
20. Guess Speculate
21. Illusion Deceptive appearance / Unreal / Hallucination / False idea / Imagination
22. Imperceptible Unable to feel
23. Inconvenience Troubles
24. Ingredient Constituent
25. Insubstantial without reality / Unreal
26. Irritable Petulant
27. Jarred Produced sound / To have a harshly disagreeable or disconcerting effect
28. Jollity Cheerful / Lively / Enjoyment / Happiness
29. Lumber Wood
30. Marred Spoiled / Ruined / Damaged / Deface
31. Minor Small
32. Mirage Illusion
33. Moss  A flowerless plant / Very small green or yellow plant
34. Motionless Still
35. Owned Belonged to
36. Partitions Portions / Parts
37. Persisted Continued to exist
38. Petulant Bad tempered / Easily annoyed / Ill-tempered
39. Pines Evergreen Tree
40. Rented Hired
41. Ribs Iron chain
42. Rowboat A small boat
43. Sedative Inducing sleep / Causing sleep / A drug in calm a person / Promoting calm
44. Sensation Feelings
45. Sheltered Covered
46. Shore Edge of the sea
47. Sneak (out) Move secretly / Move or go in a furtive or stealthy way
48. Spinner Fish bait
49. Spot Place
50. Sprinkled To make wet
51. Squirrel An animal
52. Stirred Mix / Blend
53. Stream small river
54. Sustain Support
55. Tarred Covered with tar / Carpeted / To describe someone in a negative way
56. Transposition Transmutation
57. Throbbed Pulsate steadily. / Felt pain
58. Unique Unusual
59. Utterly Completely
60. Worms Insects

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