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Sunday 2 February 2020

General Mathematics For Class IX - Unit 5 - Exercise 5.5

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Unit 5: Ratio, Proportion, Inheritance & Partnership
Exercise 5.5

Saturday 1 February 2020

English X - Chapter No.26 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea  and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
1. AnonymousUnknown
2. BeatenDefeated
3. Be sure ofTo have confidence
4. CertainSure, Definite
5. DareHave courage
6. FellowPerson
7. Out in the worldIn our experience
8. OutclassedProved inferior to another
9. State of mindMental condition
10. To lose heartTo give up hopes
11. WillDetermination

About Poet

The poet is Unknown.

Central Idea

The poem is anonymous that is the poet's name is unknown.
Central Idea
Though the poet for this poem is anonymous but it breathes out the moral that we should produce in us a strong will power, self-confidence and positive attitude towards life. Once we decides upon an objective and has the will to do something suiting our natural aptitude and use our energies in attaining it, we can work wonders and will surely achieve it.
The poem “The Man Who Wins” discloses the secret of success in life by telling the importance of good, thoughts and will power. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the gems of perfect personality. By thinking high a man can win over the battle of life.
Confidence and a strong will are necessary to success. Where there is a will, there is a way. A strong will is the key to success.


This poem emphasizes upon the importance of good thoughts and will power. It is written by an anonymous poet. It is rightly said that man who thinks can win. Conversely, if your thinking is optimistic and less practical than it will give negative impression on your deeds. If you want to do something but your thinking is negative, than you will left behind in the race of life. Our way of actions, way of efficiency depends on the thinking. We always find this rule every where. According to the poet the germs of a personality are the power to get rid of any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence. Life is a kind of war. You have to fight every time while you are living your life. A man with strong will and good thoughts can win over this battle. Strengths of mind and integrity of thoughts are keys of success. “One can never achieve anything lasting in this world by being irresolute.”
We can win all the battles of life with our will. One should be confident and optimistic to achieve high aims in life. If we lose hopes, we are defeated. The man who wins is the man who thinks he can. Therefore, one should always be confident and optimistic to be successful in life. A positive approach to life makes us unbeatable in every fields of life.

English X - Chapter No.24 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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1. AcknowledgeAdmit
2. BeatenDefeated
3. Cannon-ballsShells fired from guns
4. CertainSure
5. DareHave Courage
6. FellowPerson
7. Good timeUsually means a short period of enjoyment; here it means an era of
happiness which will possibly last forever, An age of joy and peace
8. GlistenShine
9. Glory's sakeTo win fame and honour
10. ImpulsePush, Urge, here direction
11. Monster of iniquityGross injustice
12. OutclassedProved to be inferior
13. RayA beam of light
14. State of mindMental condition
15. SupersedeTake the place of
16. SlaughterMurder, Kill
15. To lose heartTo give up hopes
15. WillDetermination

About Poet
Charles Mackay (1814-1889)

This poem is written by Charles Mackay (1814-1889), a Scottish song-writer. He was born in Perth. His mother died while he was an infant. He went to school in Brussels in 1828 and began writing verses in both English and French in 1830. He returned to London and worked for the "Morning Chronicle" till 1884 and then became editor of "Argus". Besides his extremely popular songs, some of which still live, Mackay wrote books on travel, history and biography and was a good all round journalist.

Central Idea

This poem is written by Charles Mackay (1814-1889), a Scottish song writer. He was born in Perth. His mother died while he was an infant. He went to school in Brussels in 1828 and began writing verses in both English and French in 1880. He returned to London and worked for the “Morning Chronicle” till 1884 and then became editor of “Argus”. Besides his extremely popular songs, some of which still live, Mackay wrote books on travel, history and biography and was a good all round journalist.
Central Idea
The Central Idea of this poem is that an era is to come with there will be no war because there will be a radical change in the outlook of people and nations. The poet Charles Mackay is optimistic that in future nations will agree to code of national behavior humanity will emerge from the dark nights of wars and destructions and hail down of a new better era of peace and prosperity.
The world is going to be a peaceful and happy place to live in. There will be no wars, no injustice and no fear. Happiness will prevail in the world.
“Hope Sustains the World.”


This poem is written by an Scottish poet Charles Mackay. This poem exhibits the strong assurity of the poet, being optimistic and religious that there once will day when everyone will enjoy the basic rights. The good time will prevail. The whole world regardless of area. Destructive weapons which are used to prove the truth shall be replaced by the good thoughts. The power of pen will exceed the power of sward i.e. the power will be used in positive spin. Everyone will be free to enjoy his basic rights. The people will be respected on the virtue of their worth. There will be no extra support to walk over the ladder of life. Moral values like merit, privileges will hold the ground in that time. It would be such an ideal time that no body will praise the wars to protect the material comb. The people will disgust the war because of unfairness and injustice. In the end the poet has tied the hopes with humanity that by working together we can revolutionize the whole world and can bring the ideal future closer.
The wars will come to an end. The injustice will vanish from this world. People will be civilized and educated. there will be happiness all around the world. However, everyone will have to contribute to making the world a peaceful place to live in. It will take some time. There is a good time coming. The poet is optimistic about it. He urges to work for it and to wait for it patiently.

English X - Chapter No.22 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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1. AnonymousThe poet's name is not known
2. AdversityMisfortune
3. ClipTo cut off
4. DeficiencyReduced size
5. DimVague and clear
6. LustreShining light, Brightness
7. ManuscriptDocument written by hand
8. PerfectComplete
9. ReedA pen made from a dried reed
10. TrimmingCutting, The point of the reed needs to be sharpened from time to time
11. WickA bit of cotton or thread in a lamp on which a flame is lit

About Poet

The poet's name is not known

Central Idea

The poem is anonymous that is poet's name is not known.
Central Idea
Adversity is the mother of our noblest virtues that teach us patience, perseverance fortitude. Self help and sympathy and bring us nearest to Almighty creator. Adversity is a gift from God. Seeming ugly and dark but actually messengers of sweetness and light.
Adversity has its own uses. people do better in adversity, Adversity is also good as it makes you tough and competitive.
As Francis Bacon says “The virtue of Adversity is fortitude, which is mortal in the more heroic virtue.”


Adversity has its own merits. It helps in making things perfect. For instance the reed pen writes better on cutting. Similarly the light becomes bright on trimming the wick of a lantern. We should not be afraid of any misfortune. It is good for us in many ways. We can perform much better rather than in prosperity.
In this poem, the poet teaches us not to lose heart in the face of difficulties. The poet says that adversities also have their values and uses. These difficulties come to us in order to make us more efficient. The poet clarifies his point with the help of an example of a pen. When it is clipped, it writes faster and clearer. Similarly, when the branches of tree are trimmed, they start growing faster. Therefore, we should not be disappointed with the hardships in life.

English X - Chapter No.20 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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1. A sunderInto separate pieces
2. BardA poet and singer
3. BraveryBoldness
4. Bring his proud soul underThe enemy defeated him physically but could not conquer his spirit
5. ChordsThe strings of harp
6. FoemanEnemy
7. GuardProtect
8. GirdedWorn around the waist
9. HarpA musical instrument
10. MinstrelA singer
11. SullyDefiled, Touched by impure hands, Disgrace on
12. ToreBroke
13. WarriorSoldier
14. WildViolent

About Poet
Thomas Moore (1779-1852)

This poem is written by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) an Irish poet. He was born in Dublin where he studied at the best school. He was admitted to Trinity College at the age of 15 years. He became an enthusiastic Irish patriot. In imitation of Lora Byron, who was his friend, he wrote poem on an oriental theme called "Lalla Rookh." His patriotic feeling is well expressed in this poem.

Central Idea

This poem is written by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) an Irish poet. He was born in Dublin where he studied at the best school. He was admitted to Trinity College at the age of 15 years. He became an enthusiastic Irish Poet. In imitation of Lord Byron, who was his friend, he wrote poem on an oriental theme called “Lalla Rookh”. His patriotic feelings is well expressed in this poem.
Central Idea
Brave and patriotic people defend their homeland. Such people hate slavery. They prefer to die to maintain their freedom than to live in slavery.
In this poem, Thomas Moore has shown the patriotic feelings of a boy. He was a singer and musician  who once went to the battlefield in order to fight for his country. His harp was hanging on his shoulder. During the battle, the boy was wounded. When he feared that he might be killed, he broke the strings of his harp because he did not want the song of freedom to be sung in slavery.

“Patriotism is not a short out burst of emotions but the tranquil and steady dedication of lifetime.”
“Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul into great things"


The poem “The Minstrel Boy” has been written by a famous Irish poet Thomas Moore. He has expressed his patriotic feelings in this poem. The poem is in the praise of a minstrel boy. He was a great singer who used to sing songs on the time of his harp in the peacetime. But when the wartime came on his country, he joined the army of flight for his country. Actually he was continuing the legacy of his fore fathers i.e. to fight for their country.
He fought bravely, with his sward and sacrificed his life for the protection of his motherland. When he was near to death, he tore off all his belonging because he wanted the enemy to realize that people like him would never allow him to touch their beloved homeland.
In the end the poet has show his patriotic feelings in a convincing way. He says that the enemy might defeat the minstrel boy physically but they could not conquer his spirits. The minstrel boy’s harp was destroyed by the minstrel boy himself because it was meant to sing in peace not in slavery. The extreme limit of patriotism is exhibited by their action.

English X - Chapter No.18 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
1. A bannerA flag or standard
2. BurstExplode
3. The battle's wreckThe ship had become a wreck after being damaged in the fighting
4. To boomTo make a deep, echoing sound as of guns.
5. ChieftainA chief: a leader
6. CreatureLiving beings
7. The deckThe floor of a ship
8. FledRan away
9. FragmentsParts
10. GallantBrave
11. HelmWheel for steering a ship
12. Heroic bloodThe blood of great and noble people; the boy had inherited greatness and nobility from his forefathers
13. Make wayTo advance
14. The mastA thick tall pole of wood or metal to which a ship's sails are tied
15. A pennonA narrow flag flown from the top of the mast
16. PerishedDestroyed
17. Roll onMove on
18. A shroudOne of the ropes stretching from the mast to the side of a ship
19. StrewedCovered with small pieces
20. SplendourExcellence
21. StreamWave
22. ThunderLarge sound
23. UnconsciousUnaware; Not knowing
24. WraptWrapped

About Poetess
Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1793-1835)

This poem is written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1793-1835). She was born at Liverpool, but the family moved to Wales where she was brought up. She was quick in mind and had a fine memory. As a poet, she has been compared to Longfellow. Like Cowper, she loved the pathetic, and there is great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral values.

Central Idea

This poem is written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1973-1835). She was born at Liverpool, but the family moved to Wales where she was brought up. She was quick in mind and had a fine memory. As a poet, she has been compared to Long fellow. Like Cowper, she loved the pathetic, and there is great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral values.
Central Idea
The central idea of this poem is the the noble characteristics like chivalirism, obedience and morality demand the impossible, the obsolete and the death which itself transfigured into eternal life. Deep-rooted faithfulness is majestic and unmatched which makes a man rise above all personal affiliation.
“A man of courage is full of faith.”
“Patriotism is a great virtue that makes people forgive their selfishness.”


This poem is written by an English poetess Felicia Dorothea Hemans. Casabianca is not purely fictitious story. It is a story of brave and innocent boy. The poetess has depicted a scene of sea battle. Where a ship is own ablaze with Casabianca standing on the deck. During the battle when every part of ship was gutted with fire, most of the crew members had died and the live ones had runaway to save their lives. But Casabianca kept standing, fearless of fire and enemy’s shelling where he was in obedience of his father’s order who was the captain of the ship. When the ship was burning with fire, Casabianca’s impatient nature made him ask the permission to leave the battle field but there was no reply as his father was dead. In the last three stanzas, the poetess has described the scene of Casabianca’s death when the flames of fire engulfed him, the ship was also blasted and his body blown to bites. But in reality his spirit and moral was not defeated. Till his last breath, he stood like rock facing death and danger.

English X - Chapter No.14 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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1. CottageA small house, hut of a poor man
2. GraceSmooth movement
3. HovelA house in a very bad condition, A poor man's hut
4. HurledShouted insults
5. ImpearledDecorated with pearls
6. MingledMixed with,
7. Natal sodLand of one's birth
8. PalaceOfficial home of a king
9. RainbowThe colored arch made of seven colors which appear in the sky after rainstorms,
10. SacredConnected with God
11. StreamletsPuts children on a working track
12. TenderSoft, Gentle, Mild
13. TrophiesA shield or cup given as a prize for some great achievement,
sometimes decorated with pearls
14. TempestA violent storm
15. UnrestingAlways working

About Poet
William Ross Wallace, (1819-1881)

This poem is written by William Ross Wallace, (1819-1881). He was born in Lexington, Kentucky. His first poem appeared in 1837. He was a lawyer by profession, but spent more time on literature. He composed patriotic songs during the civil war which became popular. He was a friend of Edgar Allen Poe whom he resembled in both temperament and habits. He possessed a splendid imagination as well as poetic diction.

Central Idea

This poem is written by William Ross Wallace, (1819-1881). He was born in Dexington, Kentucky. His first poem appeared in 1837. He was lawyer by profession, but spent more time on literature. He composed patriotic songs during the civil war which became popular. He possessed a splendid imagination as well as poetic diction.
Central Idea
The Central idea of this poem is that the first, noblest and most sacred mission of the mother is to bring up children. Mothers are the real builders of our nation, in the sense that the character of a children made or marred by the mother. It is said that: “Educate women or mothers and the Nation will take charge of itself.”
A French ideologist Charles force said: “One could judge the degree of civilization of a country by the social and political possession of its mother.” OR " Hands of mother are blessings for all."


This poem is written by famous American poet William Ross Wallace. The poet is paying his homage to the mothers because of their holy and sacred task. The mothers bless the palace, cottage and poor man’s equally and make them colourful. Mother’s carry out a great sacred responsibility of bringing up the children. In this world, which is full of evils and vices, a mother is a mark of guidance and protection. Mothers are the actual trainee of the children. Her affection enables the children to recognize divinity and obey command of Allah. A child’s character depends directly upon the mothers. Behind every success of accomplishment of the great people is the hand of their mother. Due to the caring guidance which is given in a dedicated and caring manner, a mother can mold the character of a child in good shape. Mother’s words are so sanctimonious that they are sure to accepted because they are strengthened by the worship of angles. So it is true that a mother’s hand that brings up a child is the same that governs every sphere of life.

English X - Chapter No.10 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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1. AgedOld
2. BeneathUnder
3. ClaspHold in hand, Take hold of
4. CrystalTransparent, Clearer
5. DaisiesFlowers
6. DistantFar away
7. FairBeautiful, Good looking
8. FeebleWeak
9. FormShape
10. HueColour
11. Palms Of VictoryThese were given to a soldier or an athlete who was victorious, Prize
12. ScarcelyHardly
13. ToilingWorking hard
14. WearyTired
15. WrinklesFurrows on the skin

About Poetess
Ellen M. H. Gates (1835-1920)

This poem is written by Ellen M. H. Gates (1835-1920). She was born in Torington, Connecticut (USA). She wrote religious songs (hymns) like "The Home of the Soul" and "Eternity" for well-known magazines. Collections of her poems were published in 1897 and 1910.

Central Idea

This poem is written by an American poetess Ellen M.H.Gates. She wrote religious songs. Collection of her poems were published in 1987 and 1910.
Central Idea
Mother’s hands are the symbol of Love. A mother is a pivot, around which the whole family revolves. She relieves the tedium of life, sheds the divine light in the darkness, alleviates distress, does her duties by her children makes them happy, healthy and intelligent citizens of tomorrow. The progress of a nation depends upon the care and skill with which mothers rear up their children.
The theme of this poem can be expressed in the words of Napoleon that:
 “Give me good mothers, I’ll Give you good nation.”
“The hands that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”


Poetess praises the hands of the mother for their spiritual beauty. She says that although these hands are neither good looking nor small and one can think that they were beautiful ones. She has seen these hands they were the imagination of an artists. For her they are still attractive. Further she says for the pleasure of children these hands worked very hard instead of sorrows and worries. Poetess is sad for these hands because they are growing weak with the pace of time. The marks of pain and old age are on fore head, heart and hand. She feels that her death is fast approaching and one day these hands would be buried under the daisies. But she is hopeful that beyond this world of sorrows and sins lies beautiful and eternal world and her mother’s hands would be victorious there and after death she would get an opportunity of holding her mothers hands.