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Electricity Crisis In Pakistan

Sunday 1 March 2020

English X - Chapter No.26 - Reference To Context

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The Man Who Wins
Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X
Poem: The Man Who Wins
Poet: Anonymous
Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)

1. If you think you are beaten you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Explain line 2 and 3 from above stanza?
(iii) write down the meaning of word 'beaten'?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?
(i) Poem: 'The man who wins'
Poet: Poem is anonymous
(ii)The poet has conveyed a very powerful message through these lines that if you have good facilities to do something but if your thinking is negative, you will fail to do it. If your thinking is pessimistic and less practical you will get the result in the same way.
(iii) Beaten means defeated
(iv) This poem gives us the message of self-confidence and self-reliance. If we want to win but at the same time, we think that it is impossible, then surely nothing will fall into our pocket. On other hand, a good person who may not be in position but still he is determined will surely get success because it all is in the state of mind.

Words / Meanings
1. Beaten: defeated

Reference to Context:
These lines haven been taken from the poem “The Man Who Wins” written by an anonymous poet.
In this poem poet explains that we should always cherish good and high thoughts in our mind. Due to strong will, firm confidence and high determination we will succeed in our lives.

In these lines poet says that success or failure is always in our mind. If we think that we are defeated certainly we will be defeated. If we think that we will not be defeated surely we will not. If we want to win but we think that we can not win. It is sure that we will not win. Because thoughts are driving source behind our victory or defeat.

2. If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
(i) Name the poem and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken.
(ii) What does mean ' out in the world'?
(iii) How does success begin?
(iv) What do you mean by "Anonymous"
(i)Poem: 'The man who wins'
Text Book:Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X
(ii) Out in the world means in our experience
(iii) Success begin with a person's will.  Will-power plays an important role in achieving success. It is all the thinking one carries and the way one works on it.
(iv) This poem is anonymous. Anonymous means that the name of the poet is not known.

Words / Meanings
1. Out in the world: in our experience.

Reference to Context:
These lines haven been taken from the poem “The Man Who Wins” written by an anonymous poet.
In this poem poet explains that we should always cherish good and high thoughts in our mind. Due to strong will, firm confidence and high determination we will succeed in our lives.

In these lines poet says that a person loses only when he thinks that he will lose. Because in our world we see that success of a persons starts with his will and determination it is the force of thinking that drives us towards action. Because failure or success resides in our mind.

3. If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess ?
(ii) What are the results according to the poet brought by high thoughts / think high? Or How can you rise high in this world?
(iii) Do you agree with the message of this poem? and why?
(iv) what does 'outclassed' mean?
(i)Poem: 'The man who wins'
Poet: Poem is anonymous
(ii) The poet has explained the advantages of high thoughts in a very convincing way that widening of thoughts provides spiritual power to us. Strength of mind and integrity of thoughts are the real rewards of high thoughts. If a person thinks high he can rise and win even the battle of life.
(iii) Yes, because The poem “The Man Who Wins” discloses the secret of success in life by telling the importance of good, thoughts and will power. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the gems of perfect personality. By thinking high a man can win even the battle of life.
(iv) Outclassed means proved inferior to another

Words / Meanings
Outclassed: proved inferior to another

Reference to Context:
These lines haven been taken from the poem “The Man Who Wins” written by an anonymous poet.
In this poem poet explains that we should always cherish good and high thoughts in our mind. Due to strong will, firm confidence and high determination we will succeed in our lives.

In these lines poet says that if we think that we are not better than others, certainly we will not be better. If we want to make successes in our lives we have to think for a rising high. If we want to participate in a competition we should have self confidence. Without self confidence we can never win a prize.

4. "Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!”
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess?
(ii) Who win the battle of life?
(iii) What is the message of the poem?
(i)Poem: 'The man who wins'
Poet: Poem is anonymous
(ii) A person who thinks and believes that
(iii)This poem gives us the message of self-confidence and self-reliance. If we want to win but at the same time, we think that it is impossible, then surely nothing will fall into our pocket. On other hand, a good person who may not be in position but still he is determined will surely get success because it all is in the state of mind.

Reference to Context:
These lines haven been taken from the poem “The Man Who Wins” written by an anonymous poet.
In this poem poet explains that we should always cherish good and high thoughts in our mind. Due to strong will, firm confidence and high determination we will succeed in our lives.

In these lines poet says that it is not necessary that the decision of life’s battles always go in favour of stronger or faster man. But sooner or later only that person is crowned with success who has full confidence in him self. It must have power to think that he can do every thing in this world.

Saturday 29 February 2020

English X - Chapter No.3 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Q.1: What was the first word of Revelation?
Ans: The first word of Revelation was "IQRA" which means to read.

Q.2: How did the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) teach his followers?
Ans: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) taught his followers not only by his words but also by practicing all the good deeds in his daily life. He was real and effective teacher with strong impact over all the ages to come.

Q.3: Where are God's word written?
Ans: God's word are written :-
(a) On the human 's hearts.
(b) In the nature.
(c) In the Holy Books of God.

Q.4: Why do people in the East have great regard for teachers?
Ans: The people in the East have always had a very high regard for teacher because of their personal and professional qualities. People in the East have always taken teacher next to their parents and also consider them as their guide.

Q.5: What is the difference between fresh water fishing and marine fishing?
Ans: Fresh water fish are caught from fresh water such as rivers, lakes, streams , canals and pounds. They are usually small but good at taste. They are sold locally at high prices. Marine fishing is done in the sea with a lot of risk involved.

Q.6: What is being done by the government in order to improve the fish industry?
Ans: The government has taken much interest in improving and modernizing the fish industry
1. Fishermen are given loans to buy bigger and better boats and trawlers.
2. Fishing nets are made available to them at low price.
3. Fish harbors and fish markets have also been set up.
4. Weather stations have been built along the coast and on off shore islands.
5. Some boats are now fitted with wireless receiver sets,
6. The Fisheries Training Institutes and Fisheries Technological Laboratory have also been established at Karachi.

A. Comprehension:

Q.1 What does “Akhund” mean? OR What does the Sindhi word "Akhund" mean?
Ans. “Akhund” is a Sindhi word derived from a Persian word “Khandan” which means “to read”. It is the best word to express the teacher dignity and status.

Q.2 How does a teacher fulfill, God’s command?
Ans. God has commanded us in the Holy book "to read". The teacher fulfills God’s command by acting upon the first revelation i.e. “to read” (IQRA). Teacher observes God’s Law by reading from the human heart, the nature and the Holy book. He also makes others to read and understand God's word.

Q.3 What are the qualities of a teacher?
Ans. Teacher possesses some personal and professionals qualities and gaits.
1. He/she loves and appreciates his /her profession.
2. He/she prefers the welfare and the progress of the students.
3. He/she always remembers the students.
4. He/she has thirst for knowledge.
5. He/she has reverence for all sort of knowledge
6. He/she is ready to learn from every source and also to apply practically what he/she preaches.

Q.4 Why is fish so important for us?
Ans. Fish is so important for us because it is an important source of our food. Several by-products are obtained from fish i.e. glue, manure, liver oil. Catching fish is one of the most ancient and common profession of the world due to which a large number of people are engaged with this profession. It is also a flourishing trade.

Q.5 What are the different forms or modes of fishing in Pakistan?
Ans. There are two different modes of fishing.
1. Fresh water fishing :- Freshwater fishing is done in rivers, Lakes, streams, ponds etc
2. Sea or marine fishing:- Marine fishing is done in oceans, sea, coastal areas etc.

Q.6 Why do people like fresh water fish? OR How are fresh water fish caught?
Ans. People like fresh water fish because of its good at taste and it is expensive as well.  They are of very small size and easier to catch rather than marine fishing. It is usually caught from rivers, lakes, ponds, canals etc. with the nets of various sizes. Sometimes no boats are needed at all.

Q.7 Where is marine fishing done in Pakistan?
Ans. In Pakistan, marine fishing is done in the Arabian sea along the coast. The hazards of marine fishing include prolong stay of the fisherman in deep sea. The other danger is sudden change of weather, which can result in the loss of many lives.

Q.8 What are the dangers of marine fishing?
Ans. Sometimes, the weather turns rough without any warning. At that time these boats are at the mercy of the storm against which they are quite helpless.

B. Composition

Q.1: Explain any one quality of a teacher. OR What is the most important quality of a teacher?
Ans: The most elegant quality of a teacher is that he takes keen interest in learning from every source. He does not hesitate in capturing knowledge from every point in life. He does not keep himself committed to the books only. But tries to gain knowledge from any and everyone. even those younger or less gifted than himself. It means that he remains student forever. So, the good teacher is one who is enthusiastic for gaining knowledge from every source of life.

C. Fill in the Blanks

with suitable words from the list given below:
tasty, by-product, reservoir, carefully, hobby, off-shore, modernizing.

1. The teacher examined each student carefully.
2. River Indus is an important reservoir of water for irrigation.
3. Stamp collecting is a good hobby.
4. The lunch was very tasty.
5. They are modernizing their mill by importing new machinery.
6. Manora is an off-shore island.
7. Coal-tar is a by-product of petrol.

D. Change into active voice:

1. Freshwater fish are caught from rivers. (Passive Voice)
Ans : They catch fresh water fish from rivers (Active Voice)
(begin with They.....)

2. This is done with nets of various sizes. (Passive Voice)
Ans : They do this with nets of various sizes. (Active Voice)
(begin with They.....)

3. Fresh water fish are considered more tasty. (Passive Voice)
Ans: People consider fresh water fish more tasty. (Active Voice)
(begin with People.....)

4. They are sold locally as well as sent to nearby towns. (Passive Voice)
Ans: Fisherman sell them locally as well as send them to nearby towns. (Active Voice)
(begin with Fisherman.....)

5. Fisherman have been given loans to buy bigger and better boats. (Passive Voice)
Ans: The Government has given loans to fisherman to buy bigger and better boats. (Active Voice)
(begin with The Government.....)

E. Put verbs in parentheses into correct tense.

1. I (stay) here until he (come) back.
I shall stay here until he comes back.

2. If you (speak) the truth, I (not punish) you.
If you speak the truth, I shall not punish you.

3. When he (reach) the station the train (arrive).
When he reached the station the train had arrived.

4. I (find) the book which I (lose).
I found the book which I had lost.

5. If you (not hurry) you (miss) the train.
If you do not hurry, you will miss the train.

6. If it (not rain) we (go) out for walk in the evening.
If it does not rain we shall go for a walk in the evening.

7. If he (study) regularly he (pass) the examination.
If he studies regularly, he will pass the examination.

8. He (go) to the market and (buy) two exercise books yesterday.
He went to the market and bought two exercise books yesterday.

9. I (go) abroad for higher studies as soon as my result (announce).
I shall go abroad for higher studies as soon as my result is announced.

10. The teacher (punish) the boys who (not do) the home work.
The teacher punished the boys who had not done the home work.

F. Use of “Since” or “For” in the following sentences.

1. It has been raining since morning.
2. They have been playing foot ball for an hour.
3. I have been living in this house since January.
4. She has been suffering from fever for two days.
5. I have been preparing for the examination since Sunday last.
6. He has been building a house for six months.
7. The girl has been making a doll since noon.
8. He has been studying in this school since 1984.

G. Idioms:

1. To back out of something:  To withdraw from an agreement.
Sentence: You gave you word that you should help. Don’t back out of it. / Once you have made an agreement, you should not try to back out of it.

2. To beat about the bush: To go around the topic in order to avoid the point.
Sentence: Say exactly what you mean and stop beating about the bush. /  If you've got bad news, don't beat about the bush come straight to the point.

3. Bone to pick with someone: To have a grievance about something.
Sentence: I have a bone to pick with you. / He has a bone to pick with you.

4. To break the ice: to overcome shyness and put people at ease with one another.
Sentence: Both persons kept quiet, each waiting for the other to break the ice. /  Each felt shy to talk till one of them offered tea to the other and thus broke the ice.

H. Idiomatic Structures explained:

1. The rain came down steadily" means "The rain poured steadily."
2. "Prices never come down" means "Prices never decrease."
3. "He came down from Quetta" means "He arrived from Quetta."
4. "Folk stories have come down to us from our ancestors" means "Folk stories have been handed down to us by our ancestors."
5. "Stop day dreaming and come down to earth" means "Be realistic and stop imagining things."

I. Write down the meaning of the following words and use them of them in sentences of your own.

Source, engaged, hobby, individually, recognized, spoilt, marine, various, tasty, locally, warning, keen, modernizing, available, off-shore, institute, by products, obtained, glue, liver oil.


1. SourceOrigin
2. EngagedBusy
3. HobbyLeisure activity
4. IndividuallySingly, Independently
5. RecognizeIdentify
6. SpoiltDestroy the value or quality of /
Past and past participle of spoil.
7. MarineSea
8. VariousDifferent
9. TastyDelicious
10. LocallyWithin a particular area or place
11. WarningAlert
12. KeenEager, Interested
13. ModernizingRenew, Update
14. AvailableObtainable or Accessible
15. Off–shoreAway from or at a distance from the land
16. InstituteAn organization set up for a specific purpose,
especially research or teaching
17. By–productSecondary product
18. ObtainedAchieved
10. GlueGum
20. LiverA large organ in a body that
cleans the blood


1. SourceOranges are a good source of vitamin C.
2. EngagedWe tried to call you back but the line was engaged.
3. HobbyMy hobbies include tennis, music, and photography.
4. IndividuallyThe teacher talked to his students individually.
5. RecognizeI didn't recognize you in your uniform.
6. SpoiltOur camping trips was spoilt by bad weather.
7. MarineSeals and whales are marine animals.
8. VariousRice is grown in the various parts of the world.
9. TastyMy mother cooks a very tasty meal.
10. LocallyMeetings were held locally and nationally.
11. WarningDoctors issued a warning against eating any uncovered food.
12. KeenShe's very keen to learn about Paksitani culture
13. ModernizingIf the technologies doesn't modernize our country will not progress.
14. AvailableSugar is not available market because of its shortage
15. Off–shoreManora is off – shore island.
16. InstituteShe is studying in an Arts institute.
17. By–productButtermilk is a by-product of making butter
18. ObtainedKnowledge may be obtained through study.
10. GlueShe mended a broken vase with glue.
20. LiverHis liver has failed to produce blood

J. Select word from list A which are similar in meaning to the words in list B.

1. ReflectionImage
2. Enshrinedpreserved carefully
3. Divine of God
4. Dignityhonour
5. Par excellencethe best
6. Cultivatingdeveloping
7. Professionalconcerning one’s job
8. Regardopinion

K Choose the right meaning from the bracket.

1. Reverencing – (reversing, paying respect to, referring)
2. Appreciates – (thinks, pays money to values)
3. Inscribed – (demand, written, described)
4. Decree – (certificate, command, temperature)
5. Ponders – (thinks about, wanders about, swims about)
6. Gifted – (rewarded, talented, indebted)
7. Sources – (influences, wounds, fountains)
8. Strives (groups, tries hard, sleeps)
9. Incorporation – (put an end to, make part of , make a role of )
10. Status – (a country, position, property)

Thursday 27 February 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.5 - Questions And Answers

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Chapter No.5
d- Block Elements
Questions And Answers

By Sir Asif Izhar (Anees Hussain)

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.5 - Tables And Figures

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Chapter No.5
d- Block Elements
Tables And Diagrams

By Sir Asif Izhar (Anees Hussain)

Bessemer Converter Used in Extraction Of Pure Copper

Occurrence Of Transition Elements
In Pakistan

Electronic Configuration Of First series 
Of d-Block Elements

Physical Properties Table

Naming Of Transition Elements

Monday 17 February 2020