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Thursday 23 July 2020

English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice

Definition Of Voice:

Voice is the form of the verb which indicates whether a person or a thing does something or something has been done to a person or a thing.
Voice is that form of a Verb which shows whether what is denoted by the Subject does something or has something done to it.

Verb can be divided into two ways. that is
  1. (a) HELPING VERB: (is, am, are, was, were, been, being, shall be, will be)
    (b) PRINCIPAL VERB: (eat, drink, see, play, go, run, ring, write. bark etc.)
  2. (a) TRANSITIVE VERB: In transitive verb, action passes from the Subject (Doer) to the object. In other words, a transitive verb requires an object.
    For example:- (i) You fly a kite. (ii) They play cricket. (iii) The cat killed a rat.
    (b) INTRANSITIVE VERB: An intransitive verb does not require an object.
    For example:- (i) I go to school. (ii) The dog barks. (iii)The sun shines.
A transitive verb requires an object: therefore, it has two voices. These are 'ACTIVE VOICE' and 'PASSIVE VOICE'
But Intransitive Verb has no object: therefore, it has only one voice i.e. Active Voice.

Type Of Voice

1- Active Voice:

When a verb form shows that the subject (person or thing) has done something, or, in other words, is the doer of the action. it is known as Active Voice. The Active Voice is so called because the person denoted by the Subject acts.
e.g.: I eat a mango

2- Passive Voice:

When a verb form shows that something has been done to the subject (person or thing) It is known as Passive Voice. The Passive Voice is so called because the person or thing denoted by the Subject is not active but passive, that is, suffers or receives some action.
e.g: A mango is eaten by me.

S.No. Active Voice Passive Voice
 1. Roma helps Harry. Harry is helped by Roma.
2. Sam loves them.  They are loved by Sam.
 3. The mason is building the wall. The wall is being built by the mason.
 4. The peon opened the gate. The gate was opened by the peon. 
 5. Some boys were helping the wounded man. The wounded man was being helped by some boys. 
 6. He will finish the work in a fortnight. The work will be finished by him in a fortnight.
 7. Who did this ? By whom was this done? 
 8. Why did your brother write such a letter ?  Why was such a letter written by your brother ? 


  1. A sentence can be separated into subject. verb and object.
    e.g.: Nabeel(S) writes(V) a letter(O).
  2. The object of the active voice must be turned into subject of the passive voice.
    e.g.: A letter(S) is written(V) by Nabeel(O).
  3. The 'be' form (is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been, etc.) must be used according to the tense of the verb and according to person and number of the noun in the subject position.
    e.g.: A letter 'is'
  4. Past participle of the verb must be used. (Principal verb will be change to its 3rd form)
    e.g.: A letter is written. ( write changes to written)
  5. Preposition 'by' must be added.
    e.g.: A letter is written by
  6. The subject of the active voice becomes the object of the passive voice.
    e.g.: A letter is written by Nabeel.

     Subject in Active Voive Object in Passive Voice
     Name of person or thing e.g Nabeel Name of person or thing e.g Nabeel
     I by me
     We by us
     You by you
     He by him
     She by her
     They by them

  7. A transitive verb is sometimes followed by numbers of objects In such cases, the sentence may have two positive forms. e.g.:
    Active Voice: The principal granted him the permission.
    Passive Voice:
    The permission was granted to him by the principal.
    Passive Voice: He was granted the permission by the principal.

  8. Certain verbs are always followed by prepositions. So a preposition after the verb must be retained in Passive Voice. e.g.:
    Active Voice: He laughed at her.
    Passive Voice: She was laughed at by him.

  9. Some ideas like commands/orders/requests may be expressed in Passive voice. e.g:
    1. Please post these letters. (Active)
    You are requested to post these letters. (Passive)

    2. Close the door. (Active)
    You are ordered to close the door. (Passive)

  10. Imperative sentences: (Sentences which have no subject and are expressed in order form):
    Imperative sentences are of two type:
    (i) "Do it" (Affirmative) and
    (ii)(Don't do it" (Negative)
    They can be turned into Passive Voice by using 'let'.
  11. Formula: Let +Object + Be + Verb (Past Participle)
    1. Post this letter. (Active)
    Let the letter be posted. (Passive)

    2. Close the door. (Active)
    Let the door be closed. (Passive)

    3. Help the poor. (Active)
    Let the poor be helped. (Passive)

    4. Don't do it again (Active)
    Let it not be done again. (Passive)

  12. Passive with Modal Auxiliaries: Modal auxiliaries or simple modals are 'will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must, have to, has to, had to, ought to, had better etc.
    Pattern: Modals + be + Verb (past participle)
    Active Voice: She can type the letters.
    Passive Voice: The letters can be typed by her.

    Active Voice: They should not do it.
    Passive Voice: It should not be done by them.

  13. We can omit the agent (the subject of the active voice) in the passive voice if it is a pronoun or it is unimportant)

  14. A few verbs in Passive Voice we followed by a number of prepositions. In such cases, 'by' is not used.
     A  B  C
     I. Astonished at 9. Disgusted with 17. Pleased with
     2. Annoyed at 10. Disappointed at 18. Rejoiced at
     3. Agitated at I I. Displeased at 19. Satisfied with
     4. Amazed at 12. Ground in 20. Thronged with
     5. Alarmed at 13.Interested at 21. Surprised at
     6. Contained in 14. Killed with 22. Vexed at 
     7. Covered with 15. Lined with
     8. Crowded with 16. Overgrown with

Active and Passive Voice Conversion Step By Step

Active Voice 
Nabeel writes a letter.
Subject + Verb + Object
 Passive Voice
A letter(1) is(4) written(3) by Nabeel(2)

 Steps change according to....

 Simple Continuous Perfect 1: object become subject
PRESENT Singular is
 am -(I)
is being
am being -(I)
 has been Nabeel - by Nabeel
I - by me
We - by us
You - by you
He - by him
She - by she
It - by it
They - by them
X - By X
 Plural are are being have been
PAST Singular was was being had been
 Plural were were being
FUTURE 1st Person shall be There is no
passive voice
form for future
 shall have been 3: Verb's past participle
 2nd & 3rd person will be will have been 4: Find 
 a) tense
 b) number
 c) person

Some other patterns are given here:

(a) For WH-Questions

1. Active Voice: Who teaches you French?
Passive Voice: By whom are you taught French?
By whom French is taught to you?

2. Active Voice: Who taught you English?
Passive Voice: By whom were you taught tnglish?
By whom English was taught to you?

3. Active Voice: Who has done it?
Passive Voice: By whom has it been done?

(b)Passive Sentences With Two Objectives

  • Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object.
  • When there are two objects after a verb, the first object is usually an indirect object or a pronoun and the second object is a direct object or a noun.
  • The subject of passive voice is often the indirect object.
  • Active Voice: He made her fool.
    Passive Voice: She was made fool by him.

  • Active Voice: He gave me a present.
    Passive Voice: I was given a present by him.

Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
 ActiveRajawrotea letterto me
 PassiveA letterwas writtento meby Raja
 PassiveIwas writtena letterby Raja

(c) Passive without subject

We use passive voice when:
(i) We don't know the agent.
(ii) We don't want to mention the agent.
(If a passive sentence does not indicate the subject, someone or somebody may be added to it or whatever is best suited.)
Pattern:  to be (form) + V (past participle)

1. A song is sung. (Passive)
Someone sings a song. (Active)

2. Letters were written (Passive)
Someone wrote letters (Active)

3. The thief is caught. (Passive)
The Policeman catches the thief. (Active)

4. This book has been studied. (Passive)
Students have studied this book. (Active)

5. By whom has it been done? (Passive)
Who has done it? (Active)

6. I have to write a letter. (Passive)
A letter has to be written by me. (Active)

7. The matter has to be solved. (Passive)
Somebody has to solve the matter. (Active)


  1. People know that he is a good swimmer.
  2. They say that Farhat is in hospital.
  3. They think that the children are in bed.
  4. People believe that the robber has worked in the bank.
  5. People believe that nuclear power stations are dangerous.
  6. His colleagues thought that he was on holiday.
  7. People know that cars pollute the environment.
  8. They suppose that the new product will came out soon.
  9. They found that the mission was impossible.
  10. They believe that she will win a gold medal.

Active / Passive Transformation
According to Tenses


Passive Voice Of Present Indefinite Tense
Active Voice: I  write essays. {I(S) write(V) essays(O)}
Passive Voice: Essays are written by me. 

  • There are 3 forms of "be" (is / are / am) in the present.
  • We use them according to the subject of passive voice.

Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative He takes a catch. A catch is taken by him.
Negative She does not like tea. Tea is not liked by her.
Interrogative Do you love books? Are books loved by you?
 Who knows it? By whom is it known? Or
 Who is it known by?

Passive Voice Of Past Indefinite Tense
There are two forms of 'be' (was / were) in the past. We use them according to the subject of passive voice.
Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative He dug a hole. A hole was dug by him.
Negative We did not do it. It was not done by us.
Interrogative Did you love books? Were books loved by you?
 What caused the explosion? What was the explosion caused by?

Passive Voice Of Future Indefinite Tense
We use them 'be' in the future tense of the passive voice.
Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative The police will catch the thief. The thief will be caught by the police.
Negative We will not do it. It will not be done by us.
Interrogative Will you not help her? Will she not be helped by you?
 How will you do it? What will it be done by you?

Passive Voice Of Present Continuous Tense
  • Here we add "being" after the form 'be' (is / am/ are) and before the verb.
  • Remove 'ing' from the verb and change it into past participle.
  • The form of 'be' (if am) than change it into (is / are ) according to the subject.

Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative I am writing letters. Letters are being written by me.
Negative He is not helping us. We are not being helped by him.
Interrogative are you not helping her? Is she not be helped by you?
 What is troubling you? What are you being troubled by?

Passive Voice Of Past Continuous Tense
  • Here we add "being" after the form 'be' (was / were) and before the verb.
  • Remove 'ing' from the verb and change it into past participle.

Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative I was watching a play on TV. A play was being watched on TV by me.
Negative He was not helping us. We were not being helped by him.
Interrogative Were you doing homework? Was homework being done by you?
 Who was teasing you? By whom were you being teased? Or
 Who were you being teased by?

Note : In Past Continuous Tense "I was" is correct and "I were" is wrong.
Passive voice is made for only two continuous tenses (i) Present Continuous and (ii) Past Continuous.

Passive Voice Of Present Perfect Tense
Here we add "been" after has or have and before the verb (past participle).
Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative I Have seen this film. This film has been seen by me.
Negative He has not helped us. We have not been helped by him.
Interrogative Have you got the visa?  Has the visa been got by you?
 Who has done it? By whom has it been done? Or
 Who has it been done by?

Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Tense
Here we add "been" after had and before the verb (past participle).
Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative She had visited Paris. Paris had been visited by her.
Negative He had not helped us. We had not been helped by him.
Interrogative Had you got the visa? Had the visa been got by you?
 Who had eaten my food? By whom had my food been eaten? Or
 Who had my food been eaten by?

Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense
Here we add "been" after will have and before the verb (past participle).
Type Of
Active VoicePassive Voice
Affirmative We will have completed the lesson by tomorrow. The lesson will have been completed by tomorrow by us.
Negative He will not have helped us. We will not have been helped by him.
Interrogative Will he have learnt this lesson in a week? Will this lesson have been learnt in a week by him?
 Who will have eaten my food? By whom will have my food been eaten? Or
 Who will have my food been eaten by?

Monday 20 July 2020

Important Short cut keys of Computer Software and PC Keys System - Prepared By Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio

Short cut keys of Computer

Keyboard Short Keys To Operate PC

CTRL Key Function

  • CTRL+A :- Select All
  • CTRL+C :- Copy
  • CTRL+X :- Cut
  • CTRL+V :- Paste
  • CTRL+Z :- Undo
  • CTRL+B :- Bold
  • CTRL+U :- Underline
  • CTRL+I :- Italic

ALT Key Functions

  • ALT+TAB :- Cycles between open applications
  • ALT+F4 :- Quit program, close current window
  • ALT+F6 :- Switch between current program windows
  • ALT+ENTER :- Opens properties dialog
  • ALT+SPACE  :- System menu for current window
  • ALT+¢  :- opens drop-down lists in dialog boxes
  • ALT+underlined letter  :- Opens the corresponding menu

SHIFT Key Function

  • SHIFT :- Press/hold SHIFT, insert CD-ROM to bypass auto-play
  • SHIFT+DRAG :-  Move file
  • SHIFT+F10 :- Opens context menu (same as right-click)
  • SHIFT+DELETE :- Full wipe delete (bypasses Recycle Bin)

Combination Of Key Function

  • CTRL+ESC :- Opens Start menu
  • CTRL+ALT+DEL :- Opens task manager, reboots the computer
  • CTRL+TAB :- Move through property tabs
  • CTRL+SHIFT+DRAG :- Create shortcut (also right-click, drag)
  • CTRL+DRAG :- Copy File
  • CTRL + F1 :-  Runs a spell check in Corel Word Perfect
  • Ctrl + F5 :- forces a complete refresh of the web page, clearing the cache and downloading all contents of the page again.

Other Keys Function

  • BACKSPACE :- Switch to parent folder.
  • ESC :- Cancel last function


  • WINKEY + D :- Bring desktop to the top of other windows
  • WINKEY + M :- Minimize all windows
  • WINKEY + SHIFT + M :- Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D
  • WINKEY + E :- Open Microsoft Explorer
  • WINKEY + Tab :- Cycle through open programs on taskbar
  • WINKEY + F :- Display the Windows® Search/Find feature
  • WINKEY + CTRL + F :-  Display the search for computers window
  • WINKEY + F1 :- Display the Microsoft® Windows® help
  • WINKEY + R :- Open the run window
  • WINKEY + Pause /Break :- Open the system properties window
  • WINKEY + U :- Open utility manager
  • WINKEY + L :- Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later)

Functions Keys Of Keyboard

  • F1 :-  Help
  • F2 :- Enter BIOS setup as the computer is booting
  • F3 :- Find all files or opens a search feature for many programs.
  • F4 :-  Opens file list drop-down in dialogs
  • F5 :-  Refresh or reload current window
  • F6 :-  Shifts focus in Windows Explorer
  • F10 :-  Activates menu bar options

Document Cursor Controls

  • HOME :- to beginning of line or far left of field or screen
  • END :- to end of line, or far right of field or screen
  • CTRL+HOME :- to the top
  • CTRL+END :- to the bottom
  • PAGE UP :- moves document or dialog box up one page
  • PAGE DOWN :- moves document or dialog down one page
  • ARROW KEYS :- move focus in documents, dialog, etc.
  • CTRL+ > :- next word
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ > :- selects word

Windows Explorer Tree Control

  • Numeric Keypad :- Expand all under current selection
  • Numeric Keypad + :- Expands current selection
  • Numeric Keypad – :- Collapses current selection
  • ¦ :- Expand current selection or go to first child
  •  :- Collapse current selection or go to parent

Special Characters

  • ‘ Opening single quote :- alt 0145
  • ’ Closing single quote :-  alt 0146
  • “ Opening double quote :- alt 0147
  • “ Closing double quote :- alt 0148
  • – En dash :- alt 0150
  • — Em dash :- alt 0151
  • … Ellipsis :- alt 0133
  • • Bullet :- alt 0149
  • ® Registration Mark :- alt 0174
  • © Copyright :- alt 0169
  • ™ Trademark :- alt 0153
  • ° Degree symbol :- alt 0176
  • ¢ Cent sign :- alt 0162
  • 1⁄4 :- alt 0188
  • 1⁄2 :- alt 0189
  • 3⁄4 :- alt 0190

File menu options in current program

  • Alt + E :- Edit options in current program
  • F1 ;- Universal help (for all programs)
  • Ctrl + A :- Select all text
  • Ctrl + X :- Cut selected item
  • Shift + Del :- Cut selected item
  • Ctrl + C :- Copy selected item
  • Ctrl + Ins :- Copy selected item
  • Ctrl + V :- Paste
  • Shift + Ins :- Paste
  • Home :- Go to beginning of current line
  • Ctrl + Home :- Go to beginning of document
  • End :- Go to end of current line
  • Ctrl + End :- Go to end of document
  • Shift + Home :- Highlight from current position to beginning of line
  • Shift + End :- Highlight from current position to end of line
  • Ctrl + f :- Move one word to the left at a time
  • Ctrl + g :- Move one word to the right at a time


  • Alt + Tab :- Switch between open applications
  • Alt + Shift + Tab :- Switch backwards between open applications
  • Alt + Print Screen :- Create screen shot for current program
  • Alt+Ctrl+F2 :-  opens the open document window in Microsoft Word and allows you to select a document to open in Word.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del :- Reboot/Windows® task manager
  • Ctrl + Esc :- Bring up start menu
  • Alt + Esc :- Switch between applications on taskbar
  • F2 :- Rename selected objects
  • F3 :- Start find from desktop
  • F4 :- Open the drive selection when browsing
  • F5 :- Refresh contents
  • Alt + F4 :- Close current open program
  • Ctrl + F4 :- Close window in program
  • Ctrl + Plus Key :- Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows Explorer
  • Alt + Enter :- Open properties window of selected icon or program
  • Shift + F10 :- Simulate right-click on selected item
  • Shift + Del :- Delete programs/files permanently
  • Holding Shift During Bootup :- Boot safe mode or bypass system files
  • Holding Shift During Bootup :- When putting in an audio CD, will prevent CD Player from playing


  • Ctrl + A :- Select all contents of the page
  • Ctrl + B :- Bold highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + C :- Copy selected text
  • Ctrl + D :- Font options
  • Ctrl + E :- Align selected text or line to the center
  • Ctrl + F :- Open find box
  • Ctrl + G :- Find and replace options
  • Ctrl + H :- Find and replace options
  • Ctrl + I :- Italicize highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + J :- Justify paragraph alignment
  • Ctrl + K :- Insert link
  • Ctrl + L :- Align selected text or line to the left
  • Ctrl + M :- Indent the paragraph
  • Ctrl + N :- Open new/blank document
  • Ctrl + O :- Open options
  • Ctrl + P :- Open the print window
  • Ctrl + Q :- Align selected paragraph to the left
  • Ctrl + R :- Align selected text or line to the right
  • Ctrl + S :- Save
  • Ctrl + T :- Hanging indent
  • Ctrl + U :- Underline highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + V :- Paste
  • Ctrl + W :- Close time
  • Ctrl + X :- Cut selected text
  • Ctrl + Y :- Redo the last action performed
  • Ctrl + Z :- Undo last action
  • Ctrl + Shift + F :- Change the font
  • Ctrl + Shift + > :- Increase selected font +1
  • Ctrl + ] :- Increase selected font +1
  • Ctrl + Shift + < :- Decrease selected font -1
  • Ctrl + [ :- Decrease selected font -1
  • Ctrl + Shift + * :- View or hide non printing characters
  • Ctrl + f : - Move one word to the left
  • Ctrl + g :-  Move one word to the right
  • Ctrl + h :-  Move to beginning of the line or paragraph
  • Ctrl + i :-  Move to the end of the paragraph
  • Ctrl + Del :- Delete word to right of cursor
  • Ctrl + Backspace :- Delete word to left of cursor
  • Ctrl + End :- Move cursor to end of document
  • Ctrl + Home :- Move cursor to beginning of document
  • Ctrl + Space :-  Reset highlighted text to default font
  • Ctrl + 1 :- Single-space lines
  • Ctrl + 2 :- Double-space lines
  • Ctrl + 5 :- 1.5-line spacing
  • Ctrl+F2 :- displays the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl+F3 :- lower cases any highlighted text.
  • Ctrl + Alt + 1 :- Change text to heading 1
  • Ctrl + Alt + 2 :- Change text to heading 2
  • Ctrl + Alt + 3 :- Change text to heading 3
  • F1 :- Open help
  • F4 :- Repeat last action performed (Word 2000+)
  • F7 :- Spell check selected text and/or document
  • F12 :- Save as
  • Shift + F3 :- Change case of selected text (from upper to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word)
  • Shift + F7 :- Activate the thesaurus
  • Shift + F12 :- Save
  • Shift + Insert :- Paste
  • Alt + Shift + D :- Insert the current date
  • Alt + Shift + T :- Insert the current time


  • F2 :- Edits the active cell
  • F4 :- switches between an absolute and relative cell reference
  • Alt+Shift+F1 :  Create a new worksheet tab


  • Alt + S :- Send the email
  • Ctrl + C :- Copy selected text
  • Ctrl + X :- Cut selected text
  • Ctrl + P :- Open print dialog box
  • Ctrl + K :- Complete name/email typed in address bar
  • Ctrl + B :- Bold highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + I :- Italicize highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + U :- Underline highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + R :- Reply to an email
  • Ctrl + F :- Forward an email
  • Ctrl + N :- Create a new email
  • Ctrl + Shift + A :- Create a new appointment to your calendar
  • Ctrl + Shift + O :- Open the outbox
  • Ctrl + Shift + I :- Open the inbox
  • Ctrl + Shift + K :- Add a new task
  • Ctrl + Shift + C :- Create a new contact
  • Ctrl + Shift+ J :- Create a new journal entry
  • Windows key+F3 :- opens the Advanced find window in Microsoft Outlook.

MS DOS or Windows command line ® SHORTCUT KEYS

  • F3 :- Repeats the last command entered

Commonly used ABBREVIATIONS - Prepared By Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio

about Commonly used

*Note: Actual full form of some words also given.*


  • ACER - Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection.
  • Aim - Ambition in Mind.
  • AMOLED - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.
  • AMR- Adaptive Multi-Rate.
  • APK - Authenticated public key.
  • APN - Access Point Name.
  • ATM - Automated Teller machine.


  • Bye - Be with you Every time.


  • CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access.
  • Chess - Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers.
  • Cold - Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.
  • COMPUTER - Common Oriented Machine. Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.


  • Date - Day and Time Evolution.
  • DELL - Digital electronic link library.
  • DIVX - Digital internet video access.
  • DLNA - Digital Living Network Alliance.
  • DNSE - Digital natural sound engine.
  • DTP - Desk top publishing.
  • DVD - Digital Video Disk.


  • Eat - Energy and Taste
  • EDGE - Enhanced Data Rates for Globa Evolution.
  • ESN - Electronic Serial Number.
  • etc. - End of Thinking Capacity



  • GOOGLE - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.
  • GPRS - General Packet Radio Service.
  • GPS - Global Positioning System.
  • GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications.


  • HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface.
  • HP - Hewlett Packard.
  • H.S - HOTSPOT.
  • HSDPA - High speed down-link packet access.
  • HSPA - High Speed Packet Access.
  • HSUPA - High-Speed Uplink Packet Access.


  • IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity.
  • IVRS - Interactive Voice Response System.


  • J2ME - Java 2 micro edition.
  • Joke - Joy of Kids Entertainment.



  • LCD - Liquid Crystal Display.
  • LED - Light emitting diode.


  • MPEG - moving pictures experts group.


  • News paper - North East West South past and present events report.
  • NFC - Near field communication.


  • OK - Objection Killed
  • OLED - Organic light-emitting diode.
  • Or - Orl Korec (Greek Word)
  • O.S or OS - Operating system.
  • OTG - On-the-go.
  • OVI - Ohio Video Intranet.


  • PAN - permanent account number.
  • P.C.O - Public Call Office.
  • PDF - portable document format.
  • Pen - Power Enriched in Nib.
  • P.O.I - Point of interest.
  • PPI - Pixels Per Inch.


  • QVGA - Quarter Video Graphics Array.


  • RAM - Random access memory.
  • ROM - Read only memory.
  • RSS - Really simple syndication.


  • SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.
  • SIS - Installation source.
  • S-LCD - Super Liquid Crystal Display.
  • Smile - Sweet Memories in Lips Expression.
  • SNS - Social network service.


  • Tea - Taste and Energy Admitted.
  • TFT - Thin film transistor.


  • UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.
  • UPS - Uninterruptible power supply.
  • USB - Universal serial Bus.


  • VGA - Video Graphics Array.
  • VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Siege.
  • VPN - Virtual private network.


  • WCDMA - Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access.
  • Wi-Fi - Wireless fidelity.
  • WINDOW - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.
  • WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network.
  • WVGA - Wide video graphics array.
  • WXGA - Widescreen Extended Graphics Array.



  • YAHOO - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.


Saturday 18 July 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - MCQs From All Chapters - By Adamjee Coaching Center

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Multiple Choice Questions
From All Chapters

By Adamjee Coaching Center

1. How many elements have been discovered so far?
  • 100
  • 110
  • 120
  • 150

2. Which of the following discovery resulted in a revision of the Mendeleev's periodic law?
  • The nucleus of atom by Rutherford
  • The elements polonium and radium by the curies
  • Atomic numbers by Moseley
  • X - Rays by Roentgen

3. Who classified the known elements into metals, nonmetals and their derivatives?
  • Doberenier
  • Al-Razi
  • Newland's
  • Mendeleev

4. In 1829, a German chemist,_____ made use of the idea of relationship between atomic weights and properties of elements for the classification of elements.
  • Doberenier
  • Al-Razi
  • Newland's
  • Mendeleev

5. The law of octaves was given by
  • Doberenier
  • Al-Razi
  • Newland's
  • None

6. "Physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic weight". This is called
  • Doberenier's law of Traids
  • Newland's law of Octaves
  • Mendeleev's Periodic law
  • None

7. Lother Mayer arranged the elements in order of their increasing atomic weights and found that

  • Physical properties of the elements were the periodic function of their atomic weights.
  • Chemical properties of the elements were the periodic function of their atomic number
  • Physical properties of the elements were the periodic function of their atomic number.
  • Chemical properties of the elements were the periodic function of their atomic weights.

8. Modern classification of elements is based on
  • Doberenier's law of Triads
  • Newland's law of Octaves
  • Mendeleev's Periodic law
  • None

9. Which property is same in elements of same group of periodic table?
  • Ionization potential
  • Electronegativity
  • Electron affinity
  • Number of valance electrons

10. The valency, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity of elements are related to its
  • Atomic weight
  • Properties
  • Atomic size
  • Family group

11. Which of the following is the set of most electronegative elements?
  • Na, Mg, Al
  • Ca, Sr, Ba
  • N, 0, F
  • Fe, Co, Ni

12. Which of the following elements has maximum ionization potential?
  • Mg
  • Al
  • Na
  • K

13. Each vertical column of the periodic table includes elements with chemical characteristics that are in general
  • Non identical
  • Similar
  • Different
  • Similar as well as different

14. Each horizontal row of the periodic table includes elements with chemical characteristics
  • Identical
  • Similar
  • Different
  • Similar and different

15. According to the Modern periodic law. the chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their
  • Density
  • Atomic number
  • Atomic mass
  • Mass number

16. The 3d transitional series contains elements having atomic numbers from
  • 22 to 23
  • 21 to 29
  • 21 to 30
  • 21 to 31

17. Elements in group IB, IIB through VIIB are known as
  • Rare earth metals
  • Transition elements
  • Lanthanides
  • Actinides

18. The fourteen elements following lanthanum are known as
  • Lanthanones
  • Lanthanides
  • Rare earths
  • All

19. Which of the following elements have the larger radius?
  • F
  • Cl
  • Br
  • I

20. Nitrogen is comparatively inert element because it has
  • Stable electronic configuration
  • Low atomic radius
  • High electronegativity
  • High dissociation energy

21. The trend of change in melting points and boiling points of elements in the period from left to right is graded
  • Increase
  • First increase then decrease
  • decrease
  • First decrease then increase

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.7 - Shorts Answers, Scientific Reasons And Text Book Exercise

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Chapter No.6
Introduction To Organic Chemistry
Shorts Answers, Scientific Reasons And Text Book Exercise

Short Answers

Q.1: Draw and labelled the orbital Structure of Ethane, Ethene and Ethyne.

Q.2: Give the mechanism of the chlorination of methane in the presence of sunlight.
Describe halogenation reaction in alkane.
Describe free radical chain reaction of alkanes with halogen.

Scientific Reasons

Q.1: Why alkanes are called "Parafins"?
Ans: In alkanes all the four valencies of carbon atoms are fully satisfied, they can take up no more hydrogen or any other atom. Thus "fully saturated" in respect of chemical combination, these hydrocarbons are classed as "saturated hydrocarbons.
On account of their feeble chemical activity, they are also called "PARAFFINS" (Latin - Parum affinis = little affinity).

Q.2: Why alkenes or alkylene are called "OLEFINES"?
Ans: Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons, containing a double bond. Since all the valencies of carbon of the carbon atom in alkenes are not fully satisfied, they can take up more hydrogen atoms are called unsaturated hydrocarbons.
The hydrocarbons of this class are frequently called olefines (olefiant = oil forming) as the first member of the class, ethylene reacted with chlorine to form an oily product.

Q.3: What is the qualitative test for unsaturation in ethene (alkene)?
Ans: The addition of Br2 to ethene (alkene) is frequently used as a qualitative test for unsaturation.
Bromine itself is a dark red-brown liquid, where as both the ethene (alkene) and the addition product are colourless. Thus to test whether a substance is an alkene, we add to it a solution of bromine in CCl4. If the substance is an alkene or an alkyne the bromine solution will be rapidly decolourized.

Text Book Exercise 

6. Describe simple chemical tests that would distinguish between:
(a) An alkene and an alkane
(b) An alkene and an alkyne
(c) An alkane and an alkyl — halide

(a) Chemical tests which are used to distinguish the alkane and alkene
The presence of the double bond in alkenes makes them more reactive than alkanes. This higher reactivity of the alkenes over alkanes distinguish them by following simple tests:

Experiment No.1: WITH BAEYER’S REAGENT (Hydroxylation):
Reaction with alkane: No reaction.
Reaction with alkene: In case of ALKENE, dilute and alkaline KMnO4 solution on addition at room temperature gives a dihydroxy alcohol or glycol. The PINK color of KMnO4 is changed to the brown precipitated MnO2 which show the unsaturaion in the molecules of alkene.

This reaction is called the Baeyer's test for unsaturation.

Reaction with alkane: No reaction.
Reaction with alkene: When ethene is treated with a brown solution of bromine water in CCl4 at room temperature, the bromine solution will be decolorized due to formation of vicinal dihalide (1,2-dibromoethane).

this reaction will occur for unsaturated compounds containing carbon-carbon double bonds.

(b) Chemical tests which are used to distinguish the alkene and alkyne
Terminal alkynes may be distinguished from other alkynes or alkenes because they react rapidly with:
  1. Cuprous ions and
  2. Silver ions
in alkaline solution to produce copper acetylide and silver acetylide respectively.

Experiment No.1: With Ammonical (Cu2Cl2)
Reaction with alkene: No Reaction.
Reaction with alkyne: When acetylene is passed through ammonical solution of Cuprous chloride, Reddish brown precipitate of copper acetylide are formed.

Experiment No.2: With Tollen's Reagent: (Ammonical AgNO3)
Reaction with alkene: No Reaction.
Reaction with alkyne: When acetylene is passed through ammonical solution of Silver nitrate, a white insoluble silver acetylide are formed.

(c) Chemical tests which are used to distinguish the alkane and alky-halide
Alkyl halide may be distinguished from alkanes because they react rapidly with base.
Experiment: With warm NaOH and Silver Nitrate:
Reaction with alkane: No reaction.
Reaction with alkyl-halide (R-X): The reactivity of alkyl-halide is due to its nucleophilic nature. As Halogen group is highly electronegative and it develops partial positive charge on Carbon-halogen bond and become slightly acidic in nature. On reaction with base it forms salt.
R-X + NaOH → R-OH + NaX 
Add silver nitrate and a precipitate will form:
NaX + AgNO3 → AgX ↓   + NaNO3
X= Cl - you get white ppt.
X= Br - pale tan color ppt.
X= I - pale yellow ppt. will formed

7. Which alkane may be obtained by the reduction of:
(a) 2 — bromo propane
(b) Sec — butyl bromide
(c) Isopropyl bromide

(a) 2 — bromo propane

(b) Sec — butyl bromide

(c) Iso propyl bromide {same as (a)}

8. Write equations for the formation of hydrocarbon by the action of N a metal on:
(i) Ethyl chloride
(ii) 2 bromo butane
(iii) Methyl iodide

(i) Ethyl chloride
When Ethyl chloride is treated with sodium matel butane is formed.
2CH3-CH2-I + 2Na ⟶ C4H10+ 2NaI

(ii) 2-bromo butane
When 2-bromo butane is treated with sodium matel 3,4-dimethyl hexane is formed.
2CH3-CHBr-CH2-CH3 + 2Na → (CH3)2-(CH-CH2-CH3)2 + 2 NaBr

(iii) Methyl iodide
When Methyl iodide is treated with sodium matel ethane is formed.
2CH3I + 2Na ⟶ C2H6+ 2NaI

9. A hydrocarbon, C4H6 absorbs two moles of hydrogen in the presence of platinum as a catalyst. The reduction product is inert towards bromine and potassium permanganate. Draw possible structures for C4H6. What further information is necessary in order to establish the identity of the hydrocarbon?
Answer: When 1 mole of C4H6 reacts with 2 moles of H2 gas, 4 moles of H atoms are added and then the hydrocarbon becomes C4H10. C4H10is the molecular formula of a saturated straight-chained alkane, which is inert towards bromine and potassium permanganate. It can be deduced that C4H6 would have 2 C=C double bonds or 1 C≡C triple bond.
Hence, there are 4 possible structures for C4H6.

10. What are the principal sources of benzene and its homologous?
Answer: Besides aliphatic compounds, large number of compounds were obtained from natural sources e.g. resins, balsams and "aromatic' oils from plants, whose structures at that time were unknown but had one thing in common, a pleasant smell and were thus classified as aromatic (Greek aroma = pleasant smell). These compounds contained a much higher percentage of carbon content than corresponding aliphatic hydrocarbons and majority of simple aromatic compounds contained at least six carbon atoms.
It was also discovered that when these compounds were subjected to various treatment they often yielded benzene or its derivatives. It was thus concluded that aromatic compounds were related to benzene whose molecular formula was found to be C6H6.
Benzene was first isolated by Faraday, in 1825 and was found to be one of the constituents of coal tar by Hofmann in 1845. Thus Coal tar and petroleum are the two main or principal sources of obtaining benzene and its derivative on industrial and commercial scale.

11. Draw the structures, of the following compounds:
(i) Benzene
(ii) Toluene
(iii) Ethyl benzene
(iv) Nitrobenzene
(v) P-bromobenzoic acid
(vi) O-dichlorobenzene


12. (a) What do you understand by the term "Aromaticity" and how will you explain the stability of benzene molecule?
(b) Draw resonance structures for benzene.

Answer: (a)


13. What would be the major monochloro product (or products) formed when each of the following compounds reacts with chlorine in presence of ferric chloride?
(i) Ethyl benzene, C6H5-CH2CH3
(ii) Trifluoromethyl benzene, C6H5-CF3
(iii) Methyl benzoate, C6H5COOCH3

(i) Ethyl benzene, C6H5-CH2CH3

(ii) Trifluoromethyl benzene, C6H5-CF3

(iii) Methyl benzoate, C6H5COOCH3

Tuesday 14 July 2020

English Grammar - Parts Of Speech - Exercise

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Exercise No.1

Name the part of speech of each italicized word in the following sentences, giving in each case your reason for, the classification:-

1: Still waters run deep.

2: He still lives in that house.

3: After the storm comes the calm.

4: The after effects of the drug are bad.

5: The up train is late.

6: It weighs about a pound.

7: He told us all about the battle.

8: He was only a yard off me.

9: Suddenly one of the wheels came off.

10: Mohammedans fast in the month of Ramzan.

11: He kept the fast for a week.

12: He is on the committee.

13: Let us move on.

14: Sit down and rest a while.

15: I will watch while you sleep.

16: They while away their evenings with books and games.

Exercise No.2

Study the words in these sentences and say what part of speech each is:-

1: I eat an apple.

2: Run quickly to the bazaar.

3: Lahore is a big city.

4: Afzal is a lazy boy.

5: The horse runs fast.

6: We help our friends.

7: He is wiser than I.

8: She went with her mother.

9: Hurrah ! we have a holiday.

10: He called on me.

11: They fought bravely.

12: The boys are in the room.

13: He went to school.

14: Nasir and Ajmal are brothers.

15: Ali is poor but he is honest.

16: She writes carelessly.

Exercise No.3

Say whether each word in italics is a noun or a verb:

1: He likes his work.

2: We work at night.

3: Let us go for a walk.

4: Walk quickly lest you should miss the train.

5: Do not talk too much.

6: I had a good talk with Ali.

7: Boys are fond of play.

8: We play in the evening.

9: I drink cold water.

10: Gardeners water their plants.

Exercise No.4

Say whether each word in italics is a noun or an adjective:

1: My cap is made of cloth.

2: He wears a cloth cap.

3: I have a horse.

4: He has a horse carriage.

5: Cotton is grown in Pakistan.

6: I bought a cotton suit.

7: My ring is made of gold.

8: She has a gold watch.

9: The rich should help the poor.

10: Ali is a rich man but Zia is a poor man.

English Grammar - Parts Of Speech

Parts Of Speech


Classes in which words are categorized (according to their function in a sentence: are called parts of Speech.
Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Part of Speech, according to their use; according to the work the do in the sentence.
The part of speech are eight in numbers.
  1. Noun
  2. Adjective
  3. Pronoun
  4. Verb
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection

1. A NOUN: is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing, etc.
  • Akbar was a great King.
  • Karachi is a big city.
  • The rose smells sweet.
  • The sun shines bright.
  • His courage won him honour.

Note: The word thing includes
(i) all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell; and
(ii) something that can we think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.

2. A PRONOUN: is a word used instead of a noun; as
  • John is absent, because he is ill.
  • The books are where you left them.

3. AN ADJECTIVE: is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun; as
  • He is a brave boy
  • There are twenty boys in this class.

4. A VERB: is a word used to express an action or state; as
  • The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.
  • New York is a big city.
  • Iron and copper are useful metals.

5. AN ADVERB: is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as,
  • He worked the sum quickly.
  • This flower is very beautiful.
  • She pronounced the word quite correctly.

6. A PREPOSITION: is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else; as,
  • There is a cow in the garden.
  • The girl is fond of music.
  • A fair little girl sat under a tree.

7. A CONJUNCTION: is a word used to join words or sentences; as,
  • Roma and Henry are cousins.
  • Two and two make four.
  • I ran fast, but missed the train.

8. AN INTERJECTION: is a word which expresses some sudden feeling; as,
  • Hurrah ! we have won the game.
  • Alas ! she is dead.

Some modem grammars include determiners among the parts of speech. Determiners are words like a, an, the, this, that, these, those, every, each, some, any, my, his, one, two, etc., which determine or limit the meaning of the nouns that follow.
All determiners excepts , an and the are classed among adjectives.

As words are divided into different classes according to the work they do in sentences, it is clear that we cannot say to which part of speech a word belongs unless we see it used in a sentence.
  • They arrived soon after. (Adverb)
  • They arrived after us. (Preposition)
  • They arrived after we had left. (Conjunction)
From the above examples we see that the same word can be used as different parts of speech .

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