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Friday 4 December 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 1 - Ethics Character builder - Text Book Exercise 1.4 - 1.6


The Last Sermon Of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)



Descriptive Essay:

A descriptive essay describes a person, place or thing. It includes important details about the person, place or thing in such a manner that the readers can create a picture in their mind about the object being described.

General description, moving from general to specific.Physical description and characteristics of an object/ place, moving from general to specific.
Detailed physical description of face, build, clothes, expressions, etc.Finer details of size, colour, shape, texture, structure, etc.
Personality trait e.g. habits, attitudes, behaviour, etc. Atmosphere of a place/ qualities of an object

Use appropriate adjectives and adverbs for vivid effect.
Write the details in an appropriate order.

Exercise 1
First. individually, read the following essay. titled 'Deserts'. Notice how the introductory and concluding paragraphs are written. Also notice how the topic sentence and the other details are linked in each body paragraph.
Next. discuss the following aspects with your partner.
Discuss the introductory paragraph. Is the thesis statement at the end of the paragraph given in one sentence or two sentences? The thesis statement should contain all the key ideas that are covered in the essay.
Ans Thesis statements are given in two sentences (2nd and 3rd sentences) in first paragraph:
Sentence 1: A desert is a vast plain of sands and stones, having some mountains and hills of various sizes and heights.
Sentence 2: They are usually without roads or shelters. Sometimes, deserts have springs of water, which create green, grassy spots, with a few trees.

• Underline the topic sentence in each body paragraph.
Ans: Highlighted as blue in given paragraph below .

• Discuss how each topic area is explained with facts, examples, ideas, opinions, etc.
Ans: Following topics are explained in below paragraph:
  1. Desert: vast areas of sand with no tree and no water. Examples are Sahara desert and Amid desert.
  2. Oasis: A small area in desert with springs of waters, few trees and grass. 
  3. Travelling in desert is difficult due to lack of water and no shelter of tree or greenery.

• See how the closing paragraph is written; underline the signalling closing word or phrase used. Also discuss how the paragraph briefly brings together the central idea, all the supporting ideas. Underline the concluding statement does it give an idea, suggestion, recommendation, etc.
Ans: Concluding statements are bold and underlined in last paragraph below ☟.

It is difficult to imagine what a desert looks like without having seen one. A desert is a vast plain of sands and stones, having some mountains and hills of various sizes and heights. They are usually without roads or shelters. Sometimes, deserts have springs of water, which create green, grassy spots, with a few trees. One of the most remarkable deserts of the world is the Sahara Desert.
Springs of water are usually few and far apart in deserts. Where such springs are there, an oasis is formed. An oasis is an area in the desert where there is water and where plants grow. It is a place where tired travellers and their animals quench their thirst and find a shady place to rest. Were it not for these small springs and shady places, no human being could cross the vast stretch of burning sand. To be thirsty in a desert, without water, exposed to the burning sun without shelter, is one of the greatest sufferings that a human being can be exposed to.
One of the most remarkable deserts in the world is the Sahara Desert. This desert is a vast plain, but is slightly above the sea level. It is covered with sand and gravel, with a mixture of sea shells, and looks like the basin of an evaporated sea. Amid the desert, there are springs of water and oases. There are thirty-two of these that contain fountains and date palms; twenty of them are inhabited. They serve as stopping places for the caravans.
To conclude, a desert has vast areas of just sand, with no trees or forests. The only places where a few trees and some grass can be found are the oases, where the tired and thirsty travellers can rest. Travelling in the desert used to be, and sometimes still is, very risky and lack of water can lead to suffering and death. However, modern technology, including satellite phones and advanced modes of transport, have greatly reduced the risks and sufferings.

Exercise 2:
Now, work in pairs and write a descriptive essay of at least four paragraphs on one any of the following topics:
  1. My village/ town/ city.
  2. A historical place
  3. A scenic place
  4. School playground
Note: Click on topic to view essay

Here are the guidelines that you should follow:
  1. Brainstorm for ideas
  2. Select the ideas to be covered in the essay
  3. Write an introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. The thesis statement should contain all the key ideas that are to be covered.
  4. Use a separate paragraph for each topic area.
  5. Write a clear topic sentence for each key idea.
  6. Include evidences (facts, quotations, etc,), examples (analogies, anecdotes etc.).
  7. Add a closing or summary paragraph with a signalling closing word or phrase (to sum up, in the end, etc.), brief summary of the main points discussed in the essay, and a general concluding statement giving an idea, suggestion, recommendation, etc.
  8. Follow grammar and punctuation rules.
  9. Edit your work to see that you have covered points c — h, given above.

Formal Letters

Exercise 3
First, individually read the following letters to the editor complaining about a problem/issue. Note the layout and the vocabulary, style and tone used.

Letter (1)

Letter (2)

Next, work with a partner and analyse these letters by discussing the following aspects:
a. To which newspaper's editor were these letters written?
Ans: Letter (1) is written to the editor of Daily Dawn), while letter (2) is written to editor of Express Tribune.

b. Are these letters addressed to a man or woman?
Ans: Letter (1) is addressed to man (Editor of Daily Dawn), while letter (2) is addressed to woman (Editor of Express Tribune).

c. What problem has been identified in letter 1 and in letter 2?
Ans: Letter (1) is about the causes of Traffic accidents occur on road in Pakistan, while letter (2) is about to banned plastic bags due to its fatal affects on earth.

d. Which of these letters gives reasons for the problem?
Ans: Letter (1) gives reasons for the  daily road or traffic accidents.

e. Which of these letters gives suggestions?
Ans: Letter (2) gives suggestion to banned plastic bags because of its bad affects on earth.

f. Do we know who wrote both these letters?
Ans: Yes, the name of the sender is written at the end of each letter, as:
  • In letter (1) sender did not mention his name rather he represent himself as 'A concerned citizen from Multan.'
  • In letter (2) sender name is Munir Altaf from Turbat.

g. Why is the name of one writer missing?
Ans: In letter (1) the sender or the writer name is not mentioned because this letter is written to the editor of newspaper for publication and the purpose of the letter is to bring government concern about traffic accident problem.

Exercise 4
Work in pairs and write a letter to the editor complaining about a problem / issue, of the letter given above.
  1. Follow these steps:
  2. Brainstorm for ideas
  3. Select the ideas to be covered in the letter
  4. Decide the name of the newspaper and the gender of the editor
  5. State the problem in paragraph 1.
  6. List the possible reasons for the problem in paragraph 2
  7. Give ideas/ opinions/ suggestions to the concerned body in paragraph 3. g. Use the appropriate format, layout, vocabulary, and tone.
  8. Edit to check for points c — g stated above
Ans: Formal Letters - To the editor of newspaper.
Note: For Formal Letters Click above link.


Note: For acquiring additional language skills. Not to be formally assessed.
Editing adds quality to your work. Edit everything that you write before you send / give it to anyone, even if it is a two-line email. Editing helps you look critically at your work and it makes you think of the rules of language that you have learnt. If you are not sure whether something is right or wrong, check it from someone who knows, or from the internet, or even from your books.

Exercise 1:
One of the students wrote a story and gave it to the teacher. The teacher underlined the parts where there were errors and returned it back to the student to correct it and then submit it again. The story is given below. Work in pairs and read the story. It contains many types of errors, grammatical, punctuation, capitalization, spellings, wrong words and so on. Correct all the underlined errors, first orally and then rewrite the corrected story in your notebooks.

The Wise King
A rich man was on his death bed. He told
her sons to dig the ground under his cot and share the buried wealth, after his death. when he die, the sons starts digging. one of them find a vessel full of jewels and parls, another a vessel full of gold and silver coins, the third one a vasel full of bones, and the first a vessel full dust. The last two quarreled with the first three and said that the riches shuld be shared equally amongst them? the first two did not agree
Finally, all four decide to put their case before the king. The king listened to their storey and decided that the on who got the jewels should kept them and the one whose got the coins should also keep them. The other two brothers felt very said when the heard this.
Then the king looked at the other two
daughters, and said that the one who had the vessel full of bones was to be owner of the cattle left by her father, and the one with the vessel that has dust was to get all the land owned by the rich woman.
This decision by the minister was liked all the brothers. They amazed at the kings wisdom. They was all satisfied and happy with the decision.

Ans: The Wise King
A rich man was on his death bed. He told his sons to dig the ground under his cot and share the buried wealth, after his death. When he died, the sons started digging. One of them found a vessel full of jewels and pearls, another a vessel full of gold and silver coins, the third one a vessel full of bones, and the fourth a vessel full of dust. The last two quarreled with the first two and said that the riches should be shared equally amongst them. The first two did not agree.
Finally, all four decided to put their case before the king. The king listened to their story and decided that the one who got the jewels should keep them and the one who got the coins should also keep them. The other two brothers felt very sad when they heard this.
Then the king looked at the other two sons, and said that the one who had the vessel full of bones was to be the owner of the cattle left by his father, and the one with the vessel that had dust was to get all the land owned by the rich man.
This decision by the king was liked by all the brothers. They were amazed at the king's wisdom. They were all satisfied and content with the decision.

Exercise 2:
The following story also has similar errors as the story in exercise 1. First, work individually, read the story, and try to find out the errors in this story. Underline the portion where the error is and write the correct form above it.
Once you have done this, work in groups of three, and discuss your work. After discussing make the necessary changes in your book. Finally, write the corrected story in your notebooks.

The Four Seasons
There was a man who had four son, he wanted his sons to learnt not to judge things too quickly. So he send them each one of them, one by one, to go and look at pear tree that was a greet distance away.
The first son went in winter, the second on spring, the third in summer and youngest son in autumn. When they had all go and come back, he called them together to describe what they had see. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted the second son said no if was covered with green buds and full of promise. The three son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and look so beautiful, it was most graceful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed all of them; he said it was dropping with ripe fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his son that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the trees life. He tell them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season or on the basis of knowing about only one aspect of his life. So, don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Dont judge life by one difficult season or people on the basis of one bad example.

(Hint: Exercise 2 has twenty errors in all; five each in the first and third paragraphs and ten in the second one.)

Ans: The Four Seasons
There was a man who had four sons, he wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So, he sent them each one of them, one by one, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer and the youngest son in autumn. When they had all gone and came back, he called them together to describe what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. The second son said, "No, it was covered with green buds and full of promise. The third son disagreed; he said that it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful. It was most graceful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed all of them; he said it was drooping with ripe fruits, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life. He told them that they could not judge a tree, or a person, by only one season or on the basis of knowing about only one aspect of his life. So, don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season or people on the basis of one bad example.

Thursday 3 December 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 6 - Gender Equity - Lesson with Urdu translation


The Role Of Women In Pakistan's Creation And Development

Lesson with Urdu translation

پاکستان کی تخلیق اور ترقی میں خواتین کا کردار

Sana was sitting silently on the last bench of her classroom. Aliya was sitting next to her, and noticed a confused expression on her face. She asked, "Sana, what are you worried about?"
"Aliya, I don't have a computer! How will I gather the information for our social studies assignment, 'Important Women of Pakistan'?" Sana replied.
"Don't worry! All of us will sit together during the recess and divide the task amongst ourselves. You can bring the information from the school library."
"Yes! I can do that!" Sana nodded. Aliya smiled.
During the recess, the members of Sana's group took their lunch boxes and sat under the tall, shady, Neem tree, which was their favourite spot. The group leader, Aliya, started off like an expert planner.
"Do you remember our science teacher taught us a problem-solving tool, called IDEAL?"
Everyone replied, "Oh yes, we do. But it is used for science."
Sameer said, "No, it's a tool for solving all kinds of problems and for planning too."

Ahmad explained, "First of all, we identify what the problem is. Then, we define what exactly we want to do to solve the problem. Next, we try and find out as much as we can about how to solve it. After that, we take the best possible action to try and solve it. Finally, we look back to see whether the problem has been solved or not."
"So," said Hania, "Our problem is doing the assignment for which we need to find information from different sources."
"Exactly," said Aliya. 'We also need to decide who will do what and then prepare and give our presentation."
Next, Aliya told everyone to brainstorm and make a list of the women that they would like to work on. Everyone took out a sheet of paper and wrote many names. The list was very long. Finally, after a lot of discussion, they agreed on six names.
Sana said, "I will bring information on Fatima Jinnah from the library books."
Sameer said, "My elder brother, Waqar bhai, has a laptop so I can bring information from the internet."

Aliya suddenly realized that Razia was sitting quietly and had not shared her opinions with the group. So she asked, "Razia what about you, which source can you access?"
Razia replied shyly, "My father sells newspapers. I will ask him to bring old and new newspapers for this assignment."
'That would be great!" everyone exclaimed simultaneously.
"I will use my uncle's smart phone to gather the required information," said Ahmad.
'What is a smart phone? How will you search information on a phone?" asked Sana.
"It's a mobile phone that has a touch screen instead of a keyboard for performing different tasks and we can use internet on it also," explained Ahmad, with actions.

Aliya informed that her mother had a big collection of magazines — she would use them for this assignment.
Hania said that she would get information from some journals and books.
Finally, they divided the list of the famous women amongst themselves and agreed to meet again with the information on the following Monday.
In the next meeting, they shared their material and rehearsed their presentations. On the project day, they gave marvellous presentations because the group members had done their jobs very well.
Below is the information that they had gathered through the various media sources.

Some Famous Pakistani Women

Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah (1893-1969)
She was Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's younger sister. She helped him in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan. She left dentistry to live with her brother and support him. Her support continued for about 28 years, including the last nineteen, tiring years of his life.Through her, the Muslim women of the sub-continent were able to interview Mohammad Ali Jinnah and seek his guidance. The grateful nation gave her the title of Madr-e-Millat which means 'Mother of the Nation'.
Resource used for gathering information: Library Books
Presenter Sana

Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan (1905-1990)
She worked as an honorary secretary and typist to her husband, Liaquat Ali Khan, because at that time the Muslim League could not afford the salary of a secretary. She arranged meetings of the Muslim League women with the wife and daughter of the Viceroy so that they could explain to them the issues and problems related to Muslim women. She also organized the Muslim voluntary service and, later, the women's National Guards, consisting of three battalions, with 2400 girls, in which, she herself held the rank of a Brigadier. She is also the founder of the All Pakistan Women Association (APWA).
Resource used for gathering information: Internet (laptop)
Presenter: Sameer

Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz (1896-1979)
She represented the Muslim women at the three Round Table Conferences held in London. She was the first woman to make a speech in London's Guild Hall. She also travelled widely and explained to the people of other countries, why the Muslims in India wanted a separate state.
Resource used for gathering information: Newspapers
Presenter: Razia

Professor Anita Ghulam All (1934-2014)
She was a popular newscaster of the English news and a well known teacher of her time. She also wrote several articles and books. She served twice as the Sindh Minister of Education, in addition to being the Minister of Culture, Science and Technology and Youth and Sports. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was also the founding manager of the Sindh Education Foundation, Government of Sindh. Under her leadership, the Foundation played a remarkable role in promoting quality education and in bringing many out of school children to school, particularly in the rural areas of Sindh.
The government of Pakistan recognised her tremendous contribution to the cause of education. She was awarded the Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-Imtiaz for her life time contribution to Education.
Resource used for gathering information: Internet Smart Phone
Presenter: Ahmad

Bilquis Bano Edhi (1947)
She is a philanthropist who is also trained as a professional nurse. She is the widow of Abdul Sattar Edhi, who was a renowned social worker. She now heads the Edhi foundation which provides nationwide support and care to the public, such as shelter homes and ambulance services.
She has received Hilal-e-Imtiaz from the Government of Pakistan in recognition of her tireless efforts for the betterment of the society. She has also been named the mother of Pakistan.
Resource used for gathering information: Magazines, journals and books
Presenter Aliya

After the presentations the teacher appreciated the effort the students had put in and invited everyone to comment on the presentations. Sadia stood up and commented that the information about these women had inspired her to dream big and to work for the nation. The teacher then asked a few students to share their future dreams with the class.
Maryam shared that she wanted to be an educationist like Anita Ghulam Ali, and her grandmother, who was also an educationist. She expressed her wish to work for the improvement of female education. Next, Hira told her class fellows that she wanted to be a philanthropist like Bilquis Edhi and wanted to protect girls from all troubles. Daniyal added that, like Abdul Sattar Edhi, he would like to help all human beings in trouble.
The teacher was very happy to see the enthusiasm of the future leaders of the country.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 6 - Gender Equity - Words / Meanings and Summary


The Role Of Women In Pakistan's Creation And Development

Words / Meanings and Summary

Words / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1.Access Approach or enter OR Be within reach for use.
2.Appreciate To admire greatly
3.Assignment A task or piece of Work
4.Betterment Improvement
5.Brainstorm To consider or investigate
6.Character Qualities that people show in their behaviour.
7.Contribution Participation
8.Dentistry The branch of medical science which deals with the treatment of of the teeth and gums
9.Educationist An expert of education
10.Enthusiasm Eagerness OR A strong feeling of excitement.
11.Establishment The act of forming
12.Honorary Conferred as an honour
13.Inspired Give an idea or feeling OR To develop a feeling or aim in someone for doing something.
14.Journals Periodicals or magazines
15.Marvelous Amazing
16.Nod Shake head
17.Opinion A belief or view OR Thoughts and ideas
18.PhilanthropistA person who seeks to promote the welfare of others OR A person who supports good causes, especially by giving money.
19.Recess A temporary cessation
20.Recognition Acknowledgement
21.Rehearse To practise OR To practise privately what one is going to say or do.
22.Remarkable Worthy of attention; striking
23.Renowned Famous
24.Rural Relating to village
25.Shyly Bashfully
26.Sight A person or thing that looks bad or untidy.
27.Simultaneously At the same time
28.Tireless Showing great effort or energy OR Working without showing any signs of being tired.
29.Tiring Exhausting
30.Tremendous Enormous
31.Voluntary Acting of one's own free will


A group of students is given a social studies assignment at school entitled 'Important Women of Pakistan'.Group members distribute their work for the assignment and collect information from different sources. On the project day, they give a wonderful presentation. They collect the following information:
Mohatarma Fatima Jinnah was the younger sister of Quaid-e-Azam. She left her job to help his brother and continued to strive for the establishment of Pakistan with her brother for 28 years. The nation gave her the title of Mother of the Nation.
Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan worked as a secretary for her husband. She conveyed the voice of Muslim women to the Viceroy's wife and daughter. She established the Women's National Guard and was also the founder of the All Pakistan Women's Association (APWA).
Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz represented Muslim women in all three Round Table Conferences and spread the voice of Indian Muslims to the people of other countries.
Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was a newscaster and a teacher. She wrote many articles and books. She served twice as the Education Minister of Sindh. She was one of the founders of Sindh Education Foundation which worked for education in rural areas of Sindh. The Government of Pakistan recognized her services and awarded Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-lmtiaz.
Bilquis Edhi is a philanthropist and the head of the Edhi Foundation. In recognition of her social services, the government of Pakistan has awarded her Hilal-e-Imtiaz.
The group's presentation filled the students with enthusiasm and they were determined to work for the nation in the future.

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 5 - Healthy Life Style - Text Book Exercise


Health Problems Caused by Mosquitoes

Text Book Exercise

Work in groups of three and write down at least three health-related problems that people in your area face. Also, list down what steps should the people take to protect themselves from some of these problems. Write these in your notebook in the format given below.


Problem 1. Cold

People who are sick with cold often feel some or all of these symptoms:
  • Low grade fever
  • Mild cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose (Congestion)
  • Mild fatigue (tiredness)
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Itching eyes, Nose or throat
  • Mild headache and muscle aches

Steps for Protection:
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Get plenty of bed rest.
  • Wash hands
  • Cover your cough
  • Avoid close contact with people especially who have a cold.
  • Disinfect and wipe contaminated objects, toys and surfaces.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Use honey, Joshanda and Vitamin C rich diet.

Problem 2. Type 2 Diabetes

The most common symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:
  • Polyuria
  • Excessive thirst
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Excessive hunger
  • Numbness, tingling or feeling of pins and needle.
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Vision changes.

Steps for Protection:
  • Lose weight
  • Take balanced diet with low carbohydrates
  • Take low and healthy fats
  • Eat non starchy vegetables
  • Daily exercise
  • Give up smoking

Problem 3. Obesity

The primary symptom of obesity is an excessive or abnormal amount of body fat, that can lead to other symptoms and concerns, including:
  • Bulging tummy
  • Extra weight
  • Feeling out of breath
  • Increased sweating
  • Snoring
  • Fatigue
  • Back and joint pain
  • Low confidence and self-esteem
  • Feelings of isolation
  • Depression
In addition, obesity can lead to other health problems including: 11. hypertension
  • High cholesterol level
  • Type 2 diabetes, and stroke.

Steps for Protection:
1. Weight loss is the primary objective of obesity treatment.
2. The first line of treatment for obesity daily exercise. 3. Following a balanced
4. Eat more vegetables
5. Take low cholesterol and low carbohydrate diet.
6. Sleep Well

While Reading
Exercise 1:
Tick the right answer. The text is about:
a) The life cycle of a mosquito
b) Different kinds of dangerous mosquitoes
c) Diseases caused by mosquitoes ✓
d) Use of pesticides for mosquito control

Exercise 2:
Circle the diseases mentioned in the text
tuberculosisdiphtheriacholera>yellow fever
hepatitisdengueinfluenzacerebral malaria

Exercise 3
Read the text. Find the following words and underline them. Next, work with a partner and try to guess their meaning from the context. After you have discussed the meanings of all these words, check your answers from the glossary given at the end of this book.

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1.Antibodies Proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response. OR Substances in the blood that fight against diseases.
2.Chills Feeling of coldness during high fever
3.Clot A thick mass of coagulated liquid, especially blood. OR A lump formed in the blood, which stops or disturbs the flow of blood.
4.Constipation  A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually with hardened feces. or Not able to discharge solid waste from the body.
5.Contagious Transmissible by contact. OR A disease that can spread by touch.
6.Disorientation  Loss of sense of direction
7.Display To present to view. OR To put up something in a place where people can see it easily.
8.Dysfunction Abnormal function of a - body organ or system, OR Problem in the working of some part of the body.
9.Fatal Causing death OR ending in death,
10.Immune Having resistance to pathogen. OR Cannot be harmed by a disease because the body has developed the ability to fight it.
11.Inflammation Swelling. OR A condition in which a part of the body is red, swollen and sore.
12.Intense Very great or severe.
13.Nausea  A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit. OR A feeling of wanting to be sick.
14.Parasite An organism that lives in or on an organism of another species. OR An animal or plant that lives on or in another and gets its food from it.
15.Pronounced Strongly marked; distinct. OR Very noticeable
16.Respiratory  Relating to or affecting respiration. Breathing related.
17.Saliva Watery liquid secreted into mouth by glands. OR Liquid produced in the mouth that helps one swallow and digest food.
18.Stagnant  Not flowing. OR Standing in one place, not flowing or moving.
19.Transfusion Transfer of blood. Putting of one person's blood into another person's body.
20.Transmit Pass on. OR To pass something from one person, place or thing to another.

Exercise 4
Work in pairs and see how many of these words you can use in your own sentences. The pair that will make the most correct sentences will be the winner.

S.NO. WordsSentences
1.Antibodies Antibodies fight off infections and viruses. Or The body makes a specific antibody for each disease we encounter.
2.Chills She got a fever with chills. OR The wind really chills me to the bone. OR The longer this salad chills, the better the flavour.
3.Clot He underwent surgery to remove a blood clot on the brain.
4.Constipation A recent study links childhood constipation with low fiber in the diet.
5.Contagious Not all the infectious diseases are contagious.
6.Disorientation The hospital environment can bring anxiety and disorientation to patients. OR Symptoms may include fatigue, headaches, fever, memory loss, disorientation, insomnia, and loss of coordination.
7.Display Those books were on display in the window. OR The display of fireworks on New Year's Eve is a fine spectacle.
8.Dysfunction Your screen is still frozen, blank, or dysfunctional in some way. OR The major cause of the renal dysfunction are kidney infections and high blood pressure.
9.Fatal The slightest mistake may lead to a fatal disaster. OR Hepatitis is a potentially fatal disease.
10.Immune Everybody is immune to smallpox nowadays. OR The immune system is our body's shield against infection.
11.Inflammation An extreme allergic reaction causes rapid inflammation. OR SElf medication can cause inflammation of the liver.
12.Intense He shielded his eyes from the intense flash of light. OR He was sweating from the intense heat.
13.Nausea Some people experience nausea when flying. OR He experienced nausea after over eating.
14.Parasite Many diseases are caused by parasites.
15.Pronounced She speaks with a pronounced French accent.
16.Respiratory Smoking can cause respiratory diseases.
17.Saliva Saliva dribbled from the baby's mouth.
18.Stagnant Few fish survive in the stagnant waters of the lake.
19.Transfusion Without a blood transfusion her chances of survival were very less. OR She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.
20.Transmit The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer. OR The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal.

Exercise 5
Read the text and select the correct answer from the options given.
1. It is important to find out what the exact disease is so that
a. the patient can rest
b. we can tell everyone about it
c. it can be treated properly ✓
d. the patient can decide what to do

2. The malaria parasite attacks the
(a) white blood cells
(b) brain
(c) stomach
(d) red blood cells ✓

3. Once the dengue virus enters the system it affects the
(a) immune system ✓
(b) digestive system
(c) circulatory system
(d) nervous system

4. In severe cases of dengue, bleeding may occur in the
(a) eyes and ears
(b) brain
(c) stomach and intestine
(d) gums and nose ✓

5. Chikungunya patients usually have fever with
(a) shivering
(b) rashes ✓
(c) bleeding
(d) chills

Post Reading
Exercise 6
Read the text and complete the following table in your notebooks.

DiseaseSource(s) of
Organs / cells
Malaria Infected mosquitoes Red blood cells, liver, brain High fever with chills, sweating
Dengue Infected mosquitoes
blood transfusion
mother to child
 White blood cells, immune system High fever with body pain, Pain behind eyes, Respiratory difficulties, Headaches, skin rashes, Bleeding form gums and nose
Chikungunya Infected mosquitoes Muscles, joints, skin, connective tissue, nervous system Fever with skin rashes, Headache, nausea and vomiting, severe joint pain, loss of taste

Exercise 7
Discuss the following questions with your partner and write down the answers in your notebook.
Q.1: What are the most common diseases caused by mosquito bites?
Ans: The most common diseases caused by mosquito bites are malaria, dengue and chikungunya.

Q.2: Which specific part of the body becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria?
Ans: Brain becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria.

Q.3: What can lead to severe liver infection when one has malaria?
Ans: The malaria parasite infects the red blood cells until they burst. Then, the newly developed plasmodium from the burst red blood cells spreads and infects more red blood cells throughout the body, thus killing all the cells. This can lead to severe liver infection.

Q.4: How is the immune system affected through dengue?
Ans: Once the dengue virus enters the body it circulates around the body, attacking white blood cells and other antibodies, thus affecting the immune system.

Q.5: How often can one get infected with chikungunya? Why?
Ans: One can get infected with chikungunya only one time. Once one recovers from this infection, one is immune to it for the rest of one's life.

Q.6: Which two of the three diseases have similar symptoms? What are these?
Ans: Both chikungunya and dengue have almost identical symptoms and disease processes. The symptomms of these disease are fever, skin rashes, body pain, and headaches.

Q.7: How often does one have fever and chills when one has malaria?
Ans: After one has infected from malaria, these symptoms i.e. fever and chills usually occur every two days.

Q.8: How do all these diseases affect our life?
Ans: All these diseases affect a person's health. They affect the quality of one's work because it takes some time to recover from the weakness caused by them.

Q.9: How can we protect ourselves from these three diseases?
Ans: There are no vaccines or medical ways to prevent these diseases, we can protect ourselves from these diseases by taking precaution.
  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans, or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or any one of the natural repellant products.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Q.10: What should we do if we want to recover quickly from these diseases?
Ans: If we want to recover quickly from these diseases, we should seek immediate medical help when we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Exercise 8
You have heard on the news about the spread of malaria, dengue and chikungunya in the nearby villages. You talk to your classmates and all of you decide to launch a campaign in your area to create awareness about these diseases. What will you do? Work in groups of three. Each group should develop a flow chart of one disease: malarial chikungunya/ dengue that will help you create awareness amongst your friends and neighbours about the diseases. You can follow the flow chart given below.

Malaria Flow Chart


  • Malaria is caused by Plasmodium, a single-celled parasite,
  • Often transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.

  • High fever (102 °F - 104 °F) with chills / shivering, sweating,
  • Patients may also suffer from constipation, kidney dysfunction and disorientation.

  • This disease is preventable and curable.
  • It is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible, if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Dengue Flow Chart


  • Infected mosquitoes
  • Blood transfusion
  • Organ donation
  • Mother to the child

  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.

  • High fever with body pain
  • Pain behind eyes.
  • Decrease urine output
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Bleeding form gums and nose

  • Virus of this disease attacks on white blood cells, thus affecting immune system.
  • But this disease is preventable and curable.
  • It is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible, if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Chikungunya Flow Chart


  • Infected mosquitoes
  • Non contagious

  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.

  • Fever with skin rashes
  • Headache, nausea and vomiting
  • Muscles weakness
  • Severe joint pain
  • Loss of taste

  • This disease affected Muscles, joints, skin, connective tissue, nervous system
  • This disease is preventable and curable.
  • It is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible, if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Focus: Express satisfaction/ dissatisfaction (fully and partially) politely
Exercise 1:
Work in pairs. One student should take the role of Shama and the other that of Ahmer. Practise the dialogue given below orally; do not read it. After practising it two to three times, switch roles and practice again. Add one more dialogue of your own.
Ahmer: Are you satisfied with the way the teacher explained the poem today?
Shama: Well, to tell you the truth, I didn't really understand what he explained. I still have a number of things to ask him. What about you?
Ahmer: No, I'm dissatisfied. I don't think the teacher was prepared. But yesterday he explained the vocabulary very well. What do you say?
Shama: You're right. The class was fun. I loved the way he made us all get up and move around to find the right meanings.
Ahmer: Yes, it was fun. But again I have problem to solve questions and answers of the poem. specially I do not understand the moral and central idea of the poem, which he has given us in homework today. Do you understand it?
Shama: Yes , I have fairly understood it and when he was explaining, I copied it in my notebook too. But we will ask teacher to explain this poem again, in our tomorrow class.

Expressing satisfactionExpressing dissatisfaction
 I'm/ I was extremely happy with.........  I'm not/ I wasn't happy with.........
 I really enjoyed........ I am/ was very disappointed with......
 I loved the way in which.........  I don't/ didn't like the way........
 I am / was very satisfied with........ I am/ was very dissatisfied with .........

Exercise 2:
Work in pairs. Use one of the contexts below to practise expressing both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Discuss what each one of you will say and practise dialogue. Each pair will be asked to role play their dialogue in front of the class. Each one of you should speak 3-4 sentences.
You may use the phrases given in the boxes or use any other expressions to show your satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. Both of you should express your views.

1) Sharif and Rayan took a train to Multan. They had reserved seats in the air conditioned compartment. Mostly, things were very good and the seats were comfortable. However, when the train started, they found that the air conditioning wasn't working. They called the caretaker and told him about their satisfaction with some of the things and expressed dissatisfaction with the air conditioning.

2) The power supply system in your area is generally good. When you have a problem and complain, the issue is solved in a timely manner. However, there has been a power breakdown around your neighbourhood for 48 hours and the problem has not been solved in spite of repeated complaints. You and a group of neighbours go to the electricity department to complain. A spokesman has been identified from your group for talking to the person at the complaint centre. Remember to express satisfaction with things generally and dissatisfaction currently.

3) You are a teacher in the school. Your student, Khalid, usually does very well in all the tests. But in the last couple of tests his performance has been unsatisfactory. Call him and express your satisfaction with his work generally and dissatisfaction with the way he has been performing lately. Ask him how he feels about his own progress.

Exercise 5:
The following exercise has some statements, exclamations, wishes, hopes and promises in direct speech. Change them from direct to indirect speech and write them in your notebooks. Once you have completed, discuss your answers with your partner.
1. "I have many friends and I have to invite all of them tomorrow," said Abid.
Ans: Abid said that he had many friends and I had to invite all of them the next day.

2. Reshma said, "I hope I will get admission in the medical college this year."
Ans: Reshma hoped that she would get admission in the medical college that year.

3. "I wish I had ten hands and a hundred fingers to do all this work," said Feroza.
Ans: Feroza wished that she had ten hands and a hundred fingers to do all that work.

4. The student said, "I promise I will do my homework regularly from today."
Ans: The student promised that he would do his homework regularly from that day.

5. 'They want to buy a new car," said the lawyer, "but they don't have any money."
Ans: The lawyer said that they wanted to buy a new car but they did not have any money.

6. 'We hope we will be able to get permission from our parents," said the children.
Ans: The children hoped that they would be able to get permission from their parents.

7. "I never thought that a son of mine would get such bad marks!" said his father.
Ans: His father exclaimed with sorrow that he had never thought that a son of him would get such bad marks.

8. The blind boy said, "I wish I could see this interesting match on the television."
Ans: The blind wished that he could see that interesting match on the television.

9. "Next week, we promise, we will clean the whole house," the children said to their parents.
Ans: The children promised their parents that they would clean the whole house the following week.

10."Our team has won the champion's trophy here for the first time!" said the coach.
Ans: The coach exclaimed with joy that their team had won the champion's trophy there for the first time.

Exercise 6:
Work in pairs, read the following story and put all the direct speech sentences into indirect speech. The story has statements, exclamations, wishes, promises and hopes. Make sure you follow the rules related to changing these different types of sentences.

Avoiding Criticism

Nasrudin and his son were travelling with their donkey. Nasrudin preferred to walk while his son rode the donkey. Soon they passed a group of bystanders, and one of them said, "This boy is so selfish. He is riding on a donkey while his poor old father is forced to walk alongside."
"This is so disrespectful," said another man. "What a horrible and spoiled child!"

Nasrudin and his son felt embarrassed, so they changed places — this time Nasrudin rode the donkey while his son walked. "I hope I am doing the right thing now," he said to himself.
Soon they passed another group of people. Seeing them, one of them exclaimed, "The poor young boy has to walk while his selfish father is riding the donkey! He is a heartless parent!"
Nasrudin was upset to hear this. "I wish people would mind their own business," he said.
Since he wanted to avoid any further comments, he decided that both he and his son would ride the donkey at the same time. As they both rode, they passed another group of people. "That man and his son are so cruel," one bystander commented. "They are forcing that poor donkey to bear the weight of two people. They should be put in jail for this act."
Nasrudin heard this and told his son, "The only way we can avoid people's comments is that we both walk."
"I suppose you are right," the son replied.
"I promise, nobody will be able to say anything to us as we are doing the right thing this time," said Nasrudin happily.

So they got off the donkey and continued on foot. But as they passed another group of people, they heard them laughing. "These people are so stupid that both of them are walking in this heat and neither of them is riding the donkey," they said. 'What foolish people they are!"

Ans: Nasrudin and his son were travelling with their donkey. Nasrudin preferred to walk while his son rode the donkey. Soon they passed a group of bystanders, and one of them said that the boy was so selfish. He was riding on a donkey while his poor old father wass forced to walk alongside.
Another man exclaimed that was so disrespectful and he was a horrible and spoiled child.

Nasrudin and his son felt embarrassed, so they changed places — this time Nasrudin rode the donkey while his son walked. he said and hoped that he was doing the right thing then.
Soon they passed another group of people. Seeing them, one of them exclaimed that the poor young boy had to walk while his selfish father was riding the donkey. He was a heartless parent.
Nasrudin was upset to hear this. He wished that people would mind their own business.
Since he wanted to avoid any further comments, he decided that both he and his son would ride the donkey at the same time. As they both rode, they passed another group of people. One bystander commented that man and his son were so cruel. they were forcing that poor donkey to bear the weight of two people. They should be put in jail for that act.
Nasrudin heard this and told his son that the only way they could avoid people's comments was that they both walked.
The son replied hopefully that he was right.
Nasrudin happily promised that nobody would be able to say anything to them as they were doing the right thing that time.

So they got off the donkey and continued on foot. But as they passed another group of people, they heard them laughing. They said that those people were so stupid that both of them were walking in that heat and neither of them was riding the donkey. They exclaimed that they were foolish people.

Monday 30 November 2020

Essay On - School Play ground

School Playground

Playgrounds are part of every school for the mental and physical development, because physical activities, exercises and games all are quite essential for the good growth, health, body fitness and development of a personality. Having this in mind schools authorities have chosen a playground to make it ideal in many respects.
In our school, there is a quite big playground, which is located after school building. So the students have the opportunity of walking to the playground. It has a huge boundary wall. We play all types of games in the playground. Even in the evening the students find it pleasant to go to the ground and play. It has green grass looking like green velvet all around the ground. There are green shrubs that are beautifully trimmed. A school peon look after it and work as gardener to water it. Our playground has several big trees under which we sit and talk on matters of interest to us.

Our school gives special importance to games. Our physical training master encourages all students to play the games they are interested in. He teaches us the games with great interest. Being young he is able to play with us. Our school Principal also encourages all students to play one or the other game. Our physical training master conducts classes on daily exercise, body-building and Karate in the playground himself.

Our playground has an ideal location. We play hockey, football, cricket and basketball. It has a tennis-court as well as Squash court. Next to Tennis court, there is also a football court. The students can play cricket in the space allotted at the center of the ground with beautiful pitch. We do long jump and high jump and run till we get tired. Our physical training teacher let every student to play all games. He teaches both boys and girls all kinds of games. There is an indoor stadium in which some of the students play chess and carom.
We have very strong Cricket and football teams of players. Our school is particular in taking part in the inter-school competitions and various inter-schools matches are held on our school playground. Our teams have won many prizes in sports and games. Our school playground has produced many great players. They play at the national level.

There is a small swimming pool by the side of the playground. But the students are warned not to swim in the river. The students who want to become swimmers are given training by some expert swimmers. It is a pleasant sight to see all the students at play. Sometimes the teachers join the games. At that time, there is a wave of joy and happiness everywhere. All look bright happy and jolly. I am proud of my school playground.

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 5 - Healthy Life Style - Questions And Answers


Health Problems Caused by Mosquitoes

Questions And Answers

Q.1: What are the most common diseases caused by mosquito bites?
Ans: The most common diseases caused by mosquito bites are malaria, dengue and chikungunya.

Q.2: Which specific part of the body becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria?
Ans: Brain becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria.

Q.3: What can lead to severe liver infection when one has malaria?
Ans: The malaria parasite infects the red blood cells until they burst. Then, the newly developed plasmodium from the burst red blood cells spreads and infects more red blood cells throughout the body, thus killing all the cells. This can lead to severe liver infection.

Q.4: How is the immune system affected through dengue?
Ans: Once the dengue virus enters the body it circulates around the body, attacking white blood cells and other antibodies, thus affecting the immune system.

Q.5: How often can one get infected with chikungunya? Why?
Ans: One can get infected with chikungunya only one time. Once one recovers from this infection, one is immune to it for the rest of one's life.

Q.6: Which two of the three diseases have similar symptoms? What are these?
Ans: Both chikungunya and dengue have almost identical symptoms and disease processes. The symptomms of these disease are fever, skin rashes, body pain, and headaches.

Q.7: How often does one have fever and chills when one has malaria?
Ans: After one has infected from malaria, these symptoms i.e. fever and chills usually occur every two days.

Q.8: How do all these diseases affect our life?
Ans: All these diseases affect a person's health. They affect the quality of one's work because it takes some time to recover from the weakness caused by them.

Q.9: How can we protect ourselves from these three diseases?
Ans: There are no vaccines or medical ways to prevent these diseases, we can protect ourselves from these diseases by taking precaution.
  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans, or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or any one of the natural repellant products.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Q.10: What should we do if we want to recover quickly from these diseases?
Ans: If we want to recover quickly from these diseases, we should seek immediate medical help when we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Essay On - A Scenic Place

A Scenic Place

There are so many nice places in our country. They are scattered across the country. Every place has its distinct features. Some places have scenic beauty in abundance.

I have visited so many places of historical and tourist interest. But the visit which has a lasting impression on my mind is the visit to Kashmir. It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Kashmir is a paradise on the earth. I was wonder struck to see the ravishing beauty of Kashmir. With snow-clad mountains, tall-trees of Chinar, lush green plains, and valleys. Kashmir is one of the most enchanting places on earth. It has been a great attraction for tourists all across the country and abroad as well.

Azad Kashmir is a land of roaring rivers and majestic lakes, transparent streams, snowy peaks and green mountains, forests, and splendid valleys. It is located in the Himalayan region. It is widely famous for its rich flora and fauna. Kashmir has picturesque spots, enchanting landscapes, and green forests in abundance. Its serpentine rivers, huge calm lakes, waterfalls, tall trees are some of the delightful attractions for the tourists.

Varieties of flowers add to the beauty of Kashmir. It is one of the best natural spots in Pakistan. Its exquisite scenery, superb sights, green fields combine to add to the grandeur of this God-gifted paradise on earth.

Muzaffarabad, the capital city of Azad Kashmir, is located on the banks of the Jhelum and Neelum rivers. Well-known tourist spots near Muzaffarabad are the Red Fort, Pir Chinassi, Patika, Subri Lake, and Awan Patti. Another beautiful place is Neelam valley which is situated to the north and northeast of Muzaffarabad. In Poonch District, the most scenic places are Banjosa Lake, Devi Gali, Tatta Pani, and Toli Pir.

The principal tourist attractions in Bagh District are Bagh Fort, Dhirkot, Sudhan Gali, Ganga Lake, Ganga Choti, Kotla Waterfall, Neela Butt, Danna, Panjal Mastan National Park, and Las Danna.The Leepa Valley is located 105 km (65 miles) southeast of Muzaffarabad. It is the most charming and scenic place for tourists in Azad Kashmir. Mangla Lake and Ramkot fort are other tourist attractions.

Kashmir is abundantly endowed with Allah's bounties. Apart from having great scenic attractions, these places are good health resorts. Indeed, the beauty of Kashmir is enchanting.

Sunday 29 November 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 5 - Healthy Life Style - MCQs and Fill In The Blanks


Health Problems Caused by Mosquitoes

MCQs and Fill In The Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Read the text and tick (✓) OR circle the correct answer:
1. It is important to find out what the exact disease is do that
(a) the patient can rest
(b) we can tell everyone about it
(c) it can be treated properly ✓
(d) the patient can decide what to do

2. The malaria parasite attacks the
(a) white blood cells
(b) brain
(c) stomach
(d) red blood cells ✓

3. Once the dengue virus enters the system it affects the
(a) immune system ✓
(b) digestive system
(c) circulatory system
(d) nervous system

4. In severe cases of dengue bleeding may occur in the
(a) eyes and ears
(b) brain
(c) stomach and intestine
(d) gums and nose ✓

5. Chikungunya patients usually have fever with
(a) shivering
(b) rashes ✓
(c) bleeding
(d) chills

6. Malaria, dengue and chikungunya, all three diseases are spread by:
(a) flies
(b) mosquitoes ✓
(c) dogs
(d) rats

7. It is caused by plasmodium.
(a) Malaria ✓
(b) Dengue
(c) Chikungunya
(d) All of them

8. In malaria, the parasite infects the:
(a) lungs
(b) white blood cells
(c) red blood cells ✓
(d) brain

9. Malaria is recognized through:
(a) headache
(b) body pain
(c) nausea
(d) high fever ✓

10. In malaria, the temperature may reach as high as:
(a) 98°F
(b) 100°F
(c) 104°F ✓
(d) 110°F

11. In malaria, fever is often accompanied by:
(a) chills ✓
(b) headache
(c) body pain
(d) vomiting

12. Dengue viruses are of:
(a) one type
(b) two types
(c) three types
(d) four types ✓

13. In dengue, the virus attacks the:
(a) lungs
(b) white blood cells ✓
(c) red blood cells
(d) brain

14. In dengue, high fever is followed by severe:
(a) headache
(b) skin rash
(c) body pain ✓
(d) back pain

15. Pain behind the eyes and decreased urine output is also common in:
(a) malaria
(b) dengue ✓
(c) chikungunya
(d) all of them

16. Dengue-related eye pain often increases with:
(a) bright light ✓
(b) dim light
(c) white light
(d) darkness

17. Another main symptom of dengue is:
(a) cough
(b) nausea
(c) shivering
(d) excessive bleeding ✓

18. The smallest blood vessels in the body are:
(a) capillaries ✓
(b) intestine
(c) veins
(d) arteries

19. The chikungunya virus infects the:
(a) liver
(b) read blood cells
(c) white blood cells
(d) muscle cells ✓

20. Partial loss of taste is also reported by many:
(a) malaria patients
(b) dengue patients
(c) chikungunya patients ✓
(d) all of them

21. Low platelet count, high bleeding risk and pain behind eyes are main symptoms of:
(a) malaria
(b) dengue ✓
(c) chikungunya
(d) all of them

22. Malaria symptoms usually occur every:
(a) two days ✓
(b) two weeks
(c) two months
(d) two years

Saturday 28 November 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 5 - Healthy Life Style - Lesson with Urdu translation


Health Problems Caused by Mosquitoes

Lesson with Urdu translation

مچھروں کی باعٹ پیدا ہونے والے صحت کے مسائل

Malaria, dengue, and chikungunya, all three diseases are spread by mosquitoes. The symptoms of all these diseases are so similar that it can be quite difficult to identify them for sure without laboratory testing. But it is important to find out what the exact disease is for it to be properly treated. Let us try and understand something about the causes, signs and symptoms, similarities and differences, and the prevention of these diseases.

Malaria Causes
Malaria is caused by Plasmodium, a single-celled parasite, often transmitted by infected mosquitoes. It is injected into a person's circulatory system through the saliva of the mosquito.
The parasite infects the red blood cells until they burst. Then, the newly developed Plasmodium from the burst red blood cells spreads and infects more red blood cells throughout the body, thus killing all the cells. This can lead to severe liver infection. Sometimes the infected red blood cells become "stickier" than usual and clot easily, which can lead to stoppage of blood flow to the brain causing cerebral malaria.
Signs and symptoms
Malaria is recognized through high fever. The temperature may reach as high as 40 °C (104 °F). Fever is often accompanied by chills, and may also include sweating. Patients may also suffer from constipation, kidney dysfunction and disorientation.

Dengue Causes
There are four types of dengue viruses, all of which are spread by mosquitoes. An infected mosquito spreads the virus through its saliva when it bites. Dengue can also be transmitted from one human to another. For example, infected blood used in a blood transfusion can cause dengue. It can also be caused by organ donation and can even be transmitted from the mother to tie child.
Once the virus enters the body it circulates around the body, attacking white blood cells and other antibodies, thus affecting the immune system. The virus further replicates within the cell until the cell bursts and dies. The death of the white blood cells results in leakage of other fluids from the cells, leading to low protein, fluid in the lungs and in the stomach area, low blood pressure, shock, and eventually death.
Signs and symptoms
High fever is followed by severe body pain. Pain behind the eyes and decreased urine output is also common. Dengue-related eye pain often increases with bright light. Patients may also feel respiratory difficulties and intense headache. As the fever decreases, skin rashes may start to appear.
Another symptom is excessive bleeding, as the virus attacks the capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body. When the capillaries burst, blood escapes from the blood stream. In severe cases, bleeding is common in the nose and gums. The loss of blood can lead to decreased blood pressure, and may, eventually, lead to internal bleeding, shock, and death.

Chikungunya Causes
This virus is also transmitted through mosquitoes. These mosquitoes live and breed near stagnant or polluted water and infect humans with their bite. Although the disease is not contagious, it can spread from an infected person to others if the mosquito feeds on the infected person first and then bites other people.
The chikungunya virus infects the muscle cells of the body. It stays there and reproduces until the cell dies. It then finds a new host cell to infect.
Signs and symptoms
Chikungunya usually attacks the muscles, joints, skin, connective tissues, and even the central nervous system. It is usually accompanied by fever and skin rash. The skin rashes are almost identical to the dengue rashes. The patients may also suffer from headache, nausea and vomiting. Because the virus destroys cells in the muscles and joints, patients experience muscle weakness and joint pain, which can be severe. Partial loss of taste is also reported by many chikungunya patients.
The disease is rarely fatal and the virus remains in the system for 5-7 days. Once one recovers from this infection, one is immune to it for the rest of one's life.

Similarities and Differences in the Signs and Symptoms of the Three Diseases
The chikungunya virus is transmitted by the same mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus. Both chikungunya and dengue have almost identical symptoms and disease processes; so much so that one can be mistaken for the other. Both display joint pain; however, joint pain and inflammation caused by chikungunya are more intense and pronounced. On the other hand, low platelet count, high bleeding risk, and pain behind the eyes are the main symptoms of dengue.
The main symptoms of malaria are chills/shivering, followed by fever/sweating. These symptoms usually occur every two days.

Since there are no vaccines or medical ways to prevent these diseases, here are a few useful suggestions for protecting oneself from these diseases:
  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible.
All these diseases, that is, malaria, dengue and chikungunya affect a person's health. They affect the quality of one's work because it takes some time to recover from the weakness caused by them. Since they are all preventable and curable, it is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases. Moreover, we should seek immediate medical help if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.


My City

I live in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, and the capital of Sindh Province. My city is Pakistan's main industrial and financial center. It is Pakistan's most linguistically, ethnically, and religiously diverse city. With its location on the Arabian Sea, Karachi serves as a transport hub and is home to Pakistan's two largest seaports, the Port of Karachi and Port Bin Qasim, as well as Pakistan's busiest airport, Jinnah International Airport. Most of Pakistan's public and private banks are headquartered on Karachi's I. I. Chundrigar Road, which is known as "Pakistan's Wall Street",with a large percentage of the cash flow in the Pakistani economy taking place on I. I. Chundrigar Road. Most major foreign multinational corporations operating in Pakistan have their headquarters in Karachi. Karachi is also home to the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

 It is an old city. It was founded as the fortified village of Kolachi in 1729. With the arrival of the British, its importance increased drastically. British made Karachi a major seaport and connected it with the rest of the country with a railway network. After the independence of Pakistan, its population increased. My city experienced rapid economic growth after independence. Karachi is one of the world's fastest-growing cities. My Karachi is also known as the "City of Lights" in the 1960s and 1970s for its vibrant nightlife. It is famous for its beaches.

 Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was born in Karachi's Wazir Mansion in 1876. His tomb is the landmark of Karachi. The most important historical sites in Karachi are the hundred-year old tombs located in the Chowkandi graveyard. Karachi has many beautiful parks. Karachi has a hot desert climate dominated by a long "Summer Season" while moderated by oceanic influence from the Arabian Sea. While the summers are hot and humid, cool sea breezes' typically provide relief during hot summer months.

 There are plenty of schools, colleges, and universities of all kinds. There are medical colleges too. There are many government-run hospitals as well as private hospitals and nursing homes. Getting treated for any disease is not difficult at all. All kinds of specialist doctors are available at a price. Taxis, buses, cars, auto-rickshaws fill the streets. People can travel from one end to the other. The city has now turned into a city of Malls. There are so many beautiful shopping malls in the city.

 Exhibitions, fairs, festivals are a regular feature. There are some problems too like water logging in some areas during the monsoon. The buses are too crowded as the city is overpopulated. Thousands pass through the city during the day adding to the daily throng. There is a garbage disposal system yet the roads are not always clean. People are to blame for this because they litter the place thoughtlessly.

 Despite all the small and big problems, the city is the heartthrob of many. It is a very vibrant metropolis. All types of people live here in harmony. There are many parks and gardens too. I love my city.


I am the resident of the beautiful city of Pakistan called Karachi. I have been born and brought up in this city. It is the provincial capital of Sindh and the biggest city of Pakistan. It is spread over a vast area of about 3,530 km per square. It is a highly populated city of Pakistan with approximately 18.5 million people. Its weather is moderate throughout the year. I am proud of being a Karachi'ite because it is also the birth place of the founder of Pakistan the Quaid-e-Azam. It is the land of great leaders and renowned international scholars. It is the biggest industrial centre of Pakistan and the bock bone of national economy.

 Karachi is commonly known as “The bride of cities” because of its energy. There are a large number of companies, government offices, banks and multinational business organization. It is a house of largest corporations which includes all those involved in shipping, entertainment, arts, advertising, fashion, textiles, publishing, medical research, textiles and software development. Karachi is a hub for higher education in wider Islamic world. There is a long chain of great buildings, hotels, snack-bars, courts, cinemas, parks, libraries, art galleries, beauty parlors, shopping centers, schools. colleges and hospitals.Due to its location the city also enjoys its prominent position on a Bay. This city is blessed with so many beautiful attractions worth seeing, like Sea-breeze at Clifton, Hawks bay, Sandpit Manora, Safari park, Hill park and the mausoleum of the Quaid-e-Azam etc. The life in Karachi is very fast and busy. It has an international airport and seaport.

 Karachi is also a cosmopolitan city and is called "Mini-PAKISTAN", because people from every part of the country come here to live and earn their bread. Therefore, a variety of Pakistani culture can be seen here. it is rightly said that Karachi becomes a home to everyone and anyone. It is also seen as the world’s fourth largest metropolitan area which has expanded by leaps and bounds. Globally it has become the fastest growing city where population is increased dramatically. As a result street crimes like snatching has become a serious issue for the city. This city is also suffering from other uncountable problems, for example transport and traffic problems, water and sewerage problems, health and education problems, pollution problems etc. Different agencies are working to minimize this problems but they are still not over come on such problems. Shortage of water supply, electricity breakdown, electric and gas load-shedding, road accidents and other such problems, are daily listen in news.

 I remember when I was a child Karachi was really a beautiful, clean and less crowded city than it is now. It is known as the “City of Lights”. It is the life of Pakistan as it is the country’s premier centre of trade, industry and banking. If we want to make our beloved city Karachi free from its present problems and bring it back to its past glory, we have to cooperate with the government and also have to contribute our share of efforts towards improving its condition Then and only then, there may be any hope for the dark clouds lifting. In the last, I pray that may God bless my city with peace and prosperity.