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Tuesday 15 December 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.11 - Questions And Answers

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Chapter No.11
Chemical Industries In Pakistan
Questions And Answers

By Sir Asif Izhar (Anees Hussain)


  • Fertilizers
  • Detergents
  • Glass
  • Rayon (Fibre)
  • Plastic
  • Paints

Q.1: What is a fertilizer? Give names and uses of some of the fertilizers.


"Fertilizers are the substances which contain elements essential for the plant growth and which are introduced into the soil to obtain increased amount of crop regularity."
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium containing salts are specially important for the plants.
"Fertilizers are commonly inorganic salts and containing elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium etc, which are very essential for the growth and development of plants. The yield of agricultural crops can be increased by introducing fertilizers to the soil."

Fertilizers stimulate the process of metabolism is the plant cells. The need of fertilizers are due to three reasons.
  • To make up the deficiency of elements (like N, P, K) and become fertile again.
  • To give an additional supply of food.
  • To maintain pH of the soil near neutrality or slightly alkalinity i.e from pH 7 to 8. The soil having pH above 10 or below 3 is sterile.

There are two types of fertilizers, depending upon the source and chemical nature:
  1. Natural or Organic Fertilizers
  2. Synthetic or Mineral Fertilizers

These are derived from Plant and animals and may be organic or inorganic. They includes manures and peats for e.g
  • Plant matter like oil cakes of cotton seed meal.
  • Animal manure and peats like cow dung, sheep dung, and human excretion.
  • Animal matter like ground fish and other animal products.
  • Example of inorganic natural fertilizers are rock phosphate and Chillie salt peter etc.

Uses: Natural fertilizers provide more nutrient than synthetic fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers are obtained from mineral raw materials. These are preferred on natural fertilizers because they contain exact percentage of elements (e.g. Nitrogen and Phosphorus) as required for an specific crop. They are also called artificial fertilizers.
The important mineral fertilizers are:

a) Nitrogen Fertilizers:
Fertilizers containing nitrogen as essential elements are called "Nitrogenous Fertilizers". These fertilizers are Water soluble. Important nitrogen fertilizers are given below:

  1. Urea (NH2 - CO - NH2): It contains 46% nitrogen.
  2. Ammonia NH3: It has 82 % nitrogen.
  3. Ammonium Nitrates (NH4NO3): It has 33 % nitrogen and is an ideal nitrogen fertilizer.
  4. Ammonium Sulphate {(NH4)2SO4}: It is a favored fertilizer because it is less hydroscopic and can be handled safely. It contain only 21% nitrogen.

Importance or Uses of Nitrogen:
  1. It is necessary in the early stage for the rapid growth of plants.
  2. It is main constituent of proteins.
  3. It imparts green color to the leaves.
  4. It increase the yield and quality of plants.
  5. These help in the developments of root leaves and stem.

b) Potassic Fertilizers:
Fertilizers containing potassium as essential element are called "Potassic Fertilizers", such as:
  1. Chile saltpeter or Potassium Nitrate, KNO3.
  2. Potassium Sulphate K2SO4.

Importance or Uses of Potassium:
  1. It provides potassium to the plant or soil.
  2. It is required in the formation of starch, sugar and fibrous material.
  3. It resist plant diseases.
  4. It makes plant strong by making root healthy.
  5. It helps in ripening of seeds, fruits and cereals.

c) Phosphatic Fertilizers:
Fertilizers containing phosphorous as essential element are called "Phosphatic Fertilizers." The raw material for these fertilizers is phosphate rock or phosphorite, [Ca3(PO4)2]3CaF3, which being water insoluble can not be assimilated directly by the plants. Therefore it should he converted into soluble form before it can be taken in through the roots. The important phosphorus fertilizers are given below:

  1. Super Phosphates:
    The mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate Ca(H2.PO4)2 and gypsum or calcium sulphate (CaSO4) is called super phosphate. It contain 18-20% phosphorous in the form of assimilable P2O5, and also called phosphate of lime.
    It is obtained by mixing phosphorite with sulphuric acid in special chambers. Following reaction takes place:

  2. Triple phosphate:
    It is also a good phosphorus fertilizer and prepared by the reaction of phosphorite rock with phosphoric acid.

    Ca3(PO4)2 + 4H3PO4 ⟶ 3Ca(H2PO4)2

It contain about 48% phosphorus in the assimilable form of P2O5 which is nearly three time that of ordinary super phosphate.

Importance or Uses of Phosphorus:
  1. It provides phosphorous to the plant soil.
  2. It stimulates the early growth and development of plants.
  3. It accelerates the seed and fruit formation processes.
  4. It also resist plant against diseases and frost.

Pakistan is an agricultural country It does not only prepare fertilizers of its own demand but also exports in a bulk.

The important fertilizer factories of Pakistan are enlisted below:-
  1. TSF Plant and urea fertilizer plant, Hazara.
  2. Faisalabad Fertilizer Ltd.
  3. Pak American Fertilizer Ltd. at Daud Khel.
  4. Single Super Phosphate Plant at Jaran Wala.
  5. Natural Gas Fertilizer Factory, Multan.
  6. Dawood Urea Plant, Lahore.
  7. Dhariala Potash Fertilizer Project, Dhariala.
  8. Fauji Urea Complex, Sadiqabad.
  9. Exxon Fertilizer Co. Dahrki.
  10. Urea Plant, Mirpur Mathelo.

Q.2: What is a detergent? Describe the cleaning action of detergent.


"Detergents are complex organic salts with a long carbon chain and defined as Sodium or potassium salt of alkyl or aryl sulphonated acid."
Detergents are soapless cleansing agents. They react with the ions of the salts that cause hard water, thereby producing soluble compounds in which dirt and grease are readily carried away.


All the detergents have the same basic structure. They are made up of two parts:
  1. Hydrophobic (Water repelling group):
    Hydrophobic part is the long hydro carbon chain which is covalently bonded. Being nonpolar in nature, it attracts oil and grease which are also nonpolar.
  2. Hydrophilic (Water loving or attracting group):
    Hydrophilic part is small ionic group like sulphonate (SO3-1 ), sulphate (-O-SO3-2 ), quaternary ammonium groups (NR4+1 ) or hydroxyl groups (-OH-1 ). 

Difference between Soap and Detergent

1.Calcium and magnesium salts are insoluble in water.Calcium and magnesium salts are soluble in water.
2.Hydrophilic part contains long chain of carboxyl group (C00-).Hydrophilic part contains sulphonate (SO3-1 ), sulphate (-O-SO3-2 ), quaternary ammonium groups (NR4+1 ) or hydroxyl groups (-OH-1 ) etc.
3.Hydrocarbon chain of hydrophobic part can be broken down by bacteria.Hydrocarbon chain of hydrophobic part cannot be broken down by bacteria.
4.It can be obtained by the natural resourcesThey are the synthetic materials.
5.They produces scum in hard waterHard water do not effect its cleansing.
6.Examples are Lux, Palmolive, Capri etc.Examples are Surf, Arial, Lquid handwash etc.

Cleansing Action Of Detergents:

Remove Oil Or Grease stains:
A detergent removes dirt very easily. The presence of two groups (hydrophobic and hydrophilic) allows the mixing of water with non-polar substances such as oil and grease. Grease is an organic covalent compound. The hydrophobic part of the detergents readily dissolves in grease (both being non-polar). The hydrophilic part of the detergent dissolves in water (both being polar) so that slight agitation removes the grease and it is carried away with the water along with dirt.

Merits Of Detergents:

The calcium and magnesium salts of detergent are soluble in hard water whereas corresponding salts of soaps are insoluble and reduces the foaming and cleansing action. This means that a detergent can be used in hard water and resulting products are soluble. Therefore, there is no wastage in the shape of scum (Precipitate).

Demerits Of Detergents:

One disadvantage of detergent over soap is that hydrocarbon chain, unlike those of soaps which are derived from food substances (fats and oils) cannot be broken down by bacteria and dispersed. Therefore, bacteria remains in water.

Scope In Pakistan:

Pakistan has developed a large detergent industry. These detergent are used as washing powder and washing liquids and sold under various brand names.
Examples: Brite, Surf etc.

Q.3: What do you know about glass ? Describe in detail.


"Glass is one of the most important artificial silicates. Glass is a super cooled liquid i.e. a solid solution without crystallization. The molecules are arranged in random position that's why a glass does not show sharp melting point."


Ordinary soft glass or soda glass is a mixture of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and calcium silicate (CaSiO3). It is produced by heating sand, soda (Na2CO3) or sodium sulphate and lime stone (CaCO3) in a furnace at 1400°C.
Na2CO3 (s) + SiO2 (s) ⟶ Na2SiO3 (s) + CO2 (g)
CaCO3 (s) + Si02 (s) ⟶ CaSiO3 (s) + CO2 (g)
Na2CO3 + CaCO3 + 6SiO2 ⟶ 2CO2 + Na2O.Ca0.6SiO2
Where Na2O.Ca0.6SiO2 is glass.


  1. Glass is not a true solid because molecules are not arranged in a definite pattern.
  2. It is a super cooled liquid i.e a solid solution without crystallization.
  3. The molecules of glass are arranged in random position as in case of liquids that's why a glass does not have sharp melting point.
  4. On heating it gradually becomes more and more plastic in nature.
  5. Glass is attacked by hydrofluoric acid. This acid is used to make designs on glass. This process is called etching.

Types of Glass:

There are several types of glass:
  •  Ordinary window glass:
    is a mixture of sodium and calcium silicates. It is manufactured from sand, soda and lime-stone. It is further classified as:
    a. Common Glass: It is used in making bottles.
    b. Soda Glass: It is fusible and also called soft glass. It is expensive type of glass. We can use these type of glasses in bottles, windows and glass sheets.
    c. Water Glass: It is a thick liquid and used as adhesive in paper as fire proofing.
    d. Quartz Glass: It is used in making dishes, tubes etc. It resist heat upto 1000 °C.

  • Refractory potassium glass:
    is obtained by using potash K2CO3 instead of soda. This is used for making chemical glass ware.

  • Pyrex glass:
    is a borosilicate mixture which is produced by using boron oxide place of some of silica; this glass can withstand sudden changes of temperature. Pyrex glass is used in manufacturing of apparatus in laboratory. In fact pyrex glass has a very low coefficient of expansion i.e it expands greatly when heated. Pyrex glass is not manufactured in Pakistan.

  • Crystal Glass:
    It is prepared by silica, lead oxide (PbO), Potassium carbonate and CaCO3. It is very expensive and a heavy glass. It is used in decorative show pieces.

  • Coloured glass:
    is manufactured by adding certain transition metal oxides in ordinary glass. For example CuO gives light blue, CoO dark blue and Cr203 green. Addition of selenium oxide and zinc oxide gives red coloured glass.

Position Of Glass Industries In Pakistan:

In Pakistan there are about 25 glass Industries which arc producing about 75.000 tons of glass per year. Now a days, there Is definite improvement in the quality of glass.
The names of some of the glass producing factories are:
  • Indus Glass Work. Hyderabad.
  • Toyo Nasik Glass Factory, Lahore.
  • Khawaja Glass Works, KPK.

Q.4: Write short note on synthetic fibers.


There are two types of fibres:
1. Natural Fibre:
Silk is a natural fibre obtained by silk worm.

Synthetic Or Artificial Fibre:
Synthetic fibres are the man made polymers which consist of macro-molecules (Poly = many; macros = parts).
The polymers are built by linking together of many smaller units called monomers. This process is called polymerization. Synthetic fibres are usually prepared by condensation polymerization in which linking of two different substances occurs with the elimination of water. The resulting polymers are known as copolymers.
The examples of important synthetic or artificial or man-made fibres are Nylon, Rayon, Dacron,Terylene etc.
Among the advantages of synthetic fibers are:
  1. Lightness of weight
  2. Ease of ironing
  3. Softness and
  4. Heat retention or heat conductivity.

Position Of Synthetic Fibre Industries in Pakistan:
The manufacture of synthetic fibers is one of the branches of the chemical industry that has been developing at a very fast rate in our country.
Govt. of Pakistan is taking all the measures to increase the production of all kinds of artificial and synthetic fibers in the coming years. A number of industries have been established to manufacture synthetic fibers.


"Rayon is synthetic cellulose fibre and is considered as the man-made fibre. It has soft silky appearance and commonly use as silk apparels."
A French scientist "Chardonnet". discovered it in 1884, while he was investigating the silk worm disease.
Rayon is a fibre obtained mechanically from silk worms. The starting material is cellulose. The silk worm on mulberry tree eats cellulose, digests it and changes it into silk which comes out in a viscous form and solidifies on contact with air and becomes silk thread. Man does the same with cellulose, when preparing silk mechanically.
Preparation Of Viscose Rayon:
is manufactured from cellulose when it is digested with sodium hydroxide solution. When carbon disulphide is passed through the solution, a mixture of sodium cellulose xanthate is formed which is soluble in NaOH.

Due to very high viscosity, the silk thus obtained is called viscose rayon. The solution is forced through a spinneret into H2SO4 bath where cellulose is precipitated as fine threads. This artificial silk is cheaper than cellulose acetate silk or nitrocellulose silk. It is produced in the largest quantity.

Q.5: How nylon is prepared and state its characteristics?


(The name come from New York and London)
"It is a synthetic fibre and developed for the production of stackings and other wearing apparel. It was introduced to public at New York worlds fair 1939."
Nylon is the type of polymer in which amide linkages (-CONH-) hold the chain together. Chemical structure of nylon is not similar to that of material silk but resembles it to certain extent.
Nylon is made of diamines and dibasic acids which can be synthesized from the common raw materials i.e coal, water and air.
Adipic acid (hexan dioic acid) when heated with hexamethylene diamine under nitrogen at 200 °C. a polymerization process occurs to give hexamethylene di-ammonium adipore commonly known as Nylon-6,6. The name Nylon-6,6 is also derived from the fact that both the components consist of six carbon atoms each.

Elimination of water forms the amide linkage. This is the same type of linkage found in proteins.

1. It is stronger than other natural fiber.
2. It has good flexible tenacity

It is mostly used:
  • for stacking and other wearing apparel.
  • to make fibre for clothing and carpeting.
  • to make filaments for fishing lines and ropes.
  • to make bristles for brushes tires.
  • to make parachute fabrics.
  • to make moulded objects such as gear and bearings.


Terylene is the most important polyester fabric which is formed from many ester molecules. It is a synthetic fibre.
It is obtained by heating ethylene glycol and tereph-thalic acid at 300 °C in the presence of metal oxide. During condensation polymerization, water molecule is eliminated giving rise to ester linkage.

It is commonly called Dacron or Polyester.

Terylene is mainly used:
  • in making bottles and sheets.
  • in making clothing and fishing lines.
  • in water tanks.

Q.6: What do you know about plastics?


These are synthetic polymers and physically solid material which contract on heat and then cast into moulds.
Physical State: These are macromolecules, formed by addition or the condensation polymerization of simple, organic molecules. In other words, plastics are also polymers formed from monomers.
For example: polyethylene or polypropylene

Common Plastics:
1. Polyethylene Or Polyethene:
Ethylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon polymerized in presence of suitable catalysts at 200 °C and 1000 atmospheric pressure. The extra bond opens, forming an unstable molecule which joins with many others of its own kind to form macro molecules called polyethylene or Polyethene.

n = degree of polymerization. (here n= 600 to 1000)
Polyethylene is the most common plastic used:
  • to form polythene bags and to package foods.
  • in making bottles and pots.

2. Poly propylene:
It is superior to polyethylene in its resistance to breakage and to temperature. Polypropylene is prepared by addition polymerization of propene at 200 °C and 1000 atmospheric pressure.
Polypropylene is the most common plastic used:
  • to form polythene bags and to package foods.
  • in making bottles and pots.

3. Perspex Or Transparent Plastic:
It is a polymer of (or prepared by addition polymerization) of methyl methacrylate, an ester of an unsaturated acid.

Glass like transparency and resistance to weathering make it useful as a glass substitute.
The transparent plastic or perspex is used to make:
  • combs and hair brushes
  • in aircraft windows
  • reflectors on auto vehicles
  • T.V guard screens and
  • Street light fittings.

4. PVC or Poly vinyl chloride:
It is the polymer of vinyl chloride (CH2 = CHCl).
In the presence of catalyst hydrogen peroxide at the temperature of 80°C, vinyl chloride polymerizes to poly vinyl chloride.


PVC is used:
  • for the insulating., covering for electrical cables
  • for the manufacture of gramophone records, suit-case coverings etc.
  • for making imitation leather.
  • for making floor covering
  • for making rubber like texture

5. PVA or (Poly vinyl acetate):

It is the polymer of vinyl acetate (CH2 = CHO.CO.CH3).

It is used:
  • as an adhesive material
  • as a binder for emulsion paints
  • in the manufacture of chewing gum
  • in the water proofing industries and in the textiles industries.

6. Bakelite:
It is a polymer of phenol and formaldehyde.

Bakelite is used to make:
  • buttons, switches, electrical boards
  • cameras, radio and
  • telephone components.

Components Of Plastics:
Plastics entirely consist of high molecular compounds (polymers).To produce specific properties, various compositions are used by mixing the polymer with the following substances.
1. Plasticizers:
Addition of plasticizer reduces the brittleness and improve the elasticity of plastics. They are organic substances in nature. One disadvantage of artificial plasticization is an increase in the rigidity and loss of elasticity when solvent evaporates.

2. Fillers: Usually increase the mechanical strength of plastics and resistance to fire. It also make the savings of the more costly polymer. Various fillers which are used are wood flour, saw dust.

3. Stabilizers:
It is antioxidant and prevent the chemical degradation of plastic.

4. Pigments:
These are used to color the plastic.

Properties Of Plastic:
  • Plastics are generally tough, resistant to the action of acids and alkalis and not very much affected by the change of temperature.
  • The plastics have a fair range of deformability and mouldability due to which articles of any desired shape and form can be manufactured.

Plastic Industry in Pakistan:
Plastic industry in Pakistan essentially consists of moulding of plastic powders into various articles of daily use. Modern plastics are assuming an ever increasing importance in our economy.

Types Of Plastic:
Plastics are of two types:
  1. Thermoplastic
  2. Thermosetting
(i) A Thermo plastic or thermosoftening plastic:
is a material which softens on heating and hardens on cooling. This process of heating, softening, moulding and cooling can be repeated and it does not affect the properties of plastics. Such plastics are easily moulded into shapes but are not very heat resistant.
The examples are:
  • nitro cellulose
  • cellulose acetate and
  • vinyl polymers.

(ii) Thermosetting plastics:
are those materials which can be heated only once before they set i.e they can not be reworked. In other words, thermosetting plastics do not soften on reheating.
The examples are:
  • phenol formaldehyde or Bakelite
  • urea formaldehyde
  • silicones etc.

Q.7: Write short notes on:
(i) Paints
(ii) Varnishes


Paints may be defined as liquid products which held in suspension solid colouring matter known as pigments, so blended that such mixture can be applied evenly to a surface for protective and decorative purposes.
The material used to coat over metals (iron articles) to prevent them from corrosion or rusting, and the walls, doors, windows, etc. for the decorative and protective purposes are called "paints".

Components Of Paint:
Paints can be formulated with fantastic variety of colours, textures and resistances. A paint is usually composed of three components:-
  1. BINDER (Drying Oil):
    i) A binder which hardens to form a continuous film on a surface.
    ii) It suspends or adhere coloring particles (pigments) in paints.
    iii) It is also known as vehicle.
    iv) In an oil-based paint, linseed oil is often used as a binder.

    i) A pigment which supplies the desired colour and opacity to the paint.. 
    ii) These are finely powdered materials and insoluble in organic solvents.
    iii) They protect against weather and provide impermeability to moisture.
    iv) The pigment may be Titanium dioxide, TiO2 (White), Carbon black (C), Chrome yellow (PbCr02), oxides of iron (brown or red) or organic dyes of various colours.

  3. VOLATILE SOLVENT (Thinner):
    i) A volatile solvent which evaporates after application.
    ii) It decreases the viscosity of paints.
    iii) The solvent is usually turpentine, a mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from pine trees.

  4. DRIERS:
    They accelerate the drying of film and make it hard.

    i) These are low refractive index inorganic material.
    ii) They are used to reduce the cost of paint.

    They stabilize the film and prevent its composition.

Classification Or Types Of Paints:
1. Oil - based Paints:
In an Oil - based paint, Linseed oil is often used as a binder. The solvent is volatile with some pigments as dispersed medium.

2. Water Based Paints:
In Water based paint (Emulsions) a synthetic polymer with rubber like properties is used as the binder. These "Latex" paints are emulsified in water to give a variety of spreading characteristics.
e.g: resin in water, distempers are water - based paints which are consists of pigments compounded with water and adhesive Zinc oxide casein.

3. Latex Paints:
Among the plastics used in latex paints are polyvinyl acetate, polymethyl methacrylate, polystyrene, styrene - butadiene copolymers and polytetrafluoro ethylene (Teflon).

4. Varnish:
Varnish is a mixture of resins, a volatile organic solvent such as ether, and a drying oil such as linseed oil. when it is applied on a surface, forms tough, solid, durable and a glossy film

Paint industry in Pakistan:-
A number of multinational companies are involved in the preparation of paints of various kinds.
Names of some of industries in Pakistan are given below:
  1. Berger Robbialac, Karachi.
  2. I.C.I. Dulux, Lahore.
  3. Buxly's paints, Karachi.
  4. Nelson paints, Karachi


Varnish is a mixture of resins, a volatile organic solvent such as ether, and a drying oil such as linseed oil. when it is applied on a surface, forms tough, solid, durable and a glossy film.
Resin is dissolved in a volatile organic solvent and then a drying oil is added when varnish is obtained.
Method OF Varnish Making And Applying:
  • A varnish contains a mixture of resins, a volatile organic solvent drying oils.
  • The drying oils (linseed oil) consist of esters of highly unsaturated acids containing two or more double bonds.
  • When it is applied on a surface, It exposed to air and absorbs oxygen.
  • The volatile organic solvent evaporates quickly.
  • It dried up forming tough solid water insoluble film on the surface.
  • The glossy appearance is due to the presence of resin.

Q.8: Why white lead has been banned as pigment for paints. Give reason?
White lead having approximate composition [Pb(OH)2 . 2PbCO3] was once extensively used, but it has now been banned for interior use due to high toxicity of lead. Infant illnesses have been attributed to the ingestion of chips of old lead paint.

Q.9: What is the difference between a manure and a fertilizer?
Ans: Difference between a Manure and fertilizers:

S.NO. ManureFertilizers
1. Manure is a natural substances. They are also known as organic fertilizers. Fertilizer is a human-made or natural substances. They are known as minerals fertilizers.
2. It is obtained by decaying plant and animal waste They are obtained from mineral raw materials
3. Manures are not very rich in essential plant nutrients Fertilizers are rich in plant nutrient like nitrogen, phosphorous or potassium.
4. Manure provide a lot of humus to the soil. Fertilizers does not provide any humus to the soil.
5. They can be prepared in the fields They are prepared in factories.
6. Manure can applied to the soil to enhance its fertility They can be applied to the soil to improve its fertility and increase the productivity.

Monday 14 December 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 8 - People And Places - Questions And Answers


Gazi's Diary

Questions And Answers

Q.1: What are the things that the writer was missing?
Ans: The writer was missing his village, the simple, mud house that he lived in, the simple toys that gave him so much pleasure, and the simple, carefree people amongst whom he lived.

Q.2: Why did the lanes in the village become slippery in the rainy season?
Ans: Village did not have roads or streets; there were just narrow lanes covered with mud, so they became very slippery in the rainy season.

Q.3: Is the writer happy with his present life? Why? Why not?
Ans: He is not happy with his present life because he prefers the simple life and things of the village to the comforts of the present life and is disgusted with the artificial things of modern life.
No, the writer is not happy with his present life because he feels that luxurious life style of city people has compromised their health. The availability of devices has distanced them from people. The access to technology has replaced the human touch. So, he prefer his village life and wish for a time machine to take him back to his simple life, simple people, simple interests, and simple wants and needs.

Q.4: Why do most parts of Pakistan have flood problem in summer?
Ans: Because of poor water management system, in the rainy season, Pakistan's rivers overflow their banks and create havoc far and wide. The population is dense and most of the population is inhabited near rivers.
In Pakistan, floods create havoc when rivers over flow their banks during the monsoon season, because there is no proper management to store excess rain water. The population is dense and most of the population is inhabited near rivers.

Q.5: Why did people start building barrages?
Ans: Rivers flood during the rainy season and run dry or have very little water sometime after the rains. So, there is one way that people started building barrages to capture and retain the rain water for later use and to prevent it from flooding.

Q.6: Do you agree / think that we should build bridges? Why? Why not?
Ans: I think we should build more barrages than bridges. Bridges are very useful for transportation but in the current situation we need more barrages to overcome the water shortage. By building barrages to hold or retain rain water in monsoon or rainy season, floods can be avoided and retained water can be used throughout the year for growing food. By doing so, we will take the country towards development.
Q.6: Do you agree / think we should build bridges in our country? Support your answer by providing two reasons?
Ans: I think we should build more barrages than bridges in our country because:
i) Bridges are very useful for transportation but in the current situation we need more barrages to overcome the water shortage.
ii) By building barrages, we can hold or retain rain water in monsoon or rainy season, floods can be avoided and retained water can be used throughout the year for growing food. By doing so, we will take the country towards development.

Q.7: What do you know about the life of the writer's village?
Ans: The villagers were very simple and carefree people. They had simple things. They sat and slept on floor. The houses were simple, small and made of wood, straw and mud. The village had narrow mud lanes. The environment of the village was peaceful and pollution free.

Q.8: Why were the villagers healthy and strong?
Ans: The villagers walked a lot. They sat and slept on floor. They worked hard from dawn to dusk, so all this exercise kept them healthy and strong.

Q.9: What was 'Otaq'? What did people do there?
Ans: Otaq was the meeting place for men in the village. The village men used to meet there in the evening or in leisure. They used to share news, jokes and gossips. They used to talk about weather, crops and village affairs and enjoy the folk songs sung to the tune of the ghaghar and tamboora.

Q.10: What was the meeting place for women in village?
Ans: The village well was the meeting place for village women, It is the center of all their activities. They share their news and issues and enjoy with each other's company.

Q.11: Why does the author dislike new technology in this lesson?
Ans: The author says that our luxurious life style has compromised our health. The availability of modern technology and new devices has distanced us from people. The access to technology has replaced the human touch. That is why the author dislikes new technology.

Q.12: What is a barrage? What are the benefits of a barrage? Why are barrages built? OR How can we get benefits from a barrage?
Ans: A barrage is a kind of wall constructed across the river. It has gates through which water passes in a limited quantity. A barrage controls the flow of water in floods and thus protects life and property. A barrage also retains water which is used for irrigation through canals throughout the year.

Q.13: What are the benefits of Guddu Barrage?
Ans: Benefits of Guddu Barrage are:
(i) A flood of about 1.2 million cusecs can pass through the Guddu Barrage.
(ii) The barrage irrigates an area of 2.7 million acres mostly in Sukkur and Jacobabad districts of Sindh.
(iii) It will increase the grain output by half a million tons.
(iv) It has reduced the distance between Lahore and Quetta while the distance between Rahim Yar Khan and Kashmore has almost been halved.

Q.14: Name the canal system of the Guddu Barrage. Which areas are being irrigated by this system?
Ans: The Guddu Barrage has three main canals. They are one of the biggest feeder canals in the world. The Bigari Sindh Feeder and the Desert Pat Feeder are on the right bank and the Ghotki Feeder on the left bank of the Indus river. This system irrigates most of the area of the Sukkur and Jacobabad districts of Sindh and some are of the Kalat division of Baluchistan province.

Q.15: Why were most towns in ancient times built near rivers?
Ans: Before the building of roads and railways, most trade was done by boats and ships. This is the reason for most towns in ancient times were built near rivers. Besides this, rivers provide water for irrigation.

Q.16: What are the two problems posed by rivers? What is the solution to these problems?
Ans: The two problems posed by rivers are:
How to get water from the rivers throughout the year and
How to escape the fury of floods.
A barrage is the solution to these problems. Barrages store water and control the flow of water.

Q.17 Write down a few sentences on the Guddu Barrage?
  • The Guddu Barrage is one of the biggest barrages in Pakistan, which has been built on the Indus river.
  • It is built at a place where the river is fourteen kilometres in width. It is designed to force the water, spread over fourteen kilometres, to pass through a narrow barrage, about one kilometre wide.
  • The barrage is 1355 kilometres in length.
  • It is made in such a way that a flood of about 1.2 million cusecs can pass through it.
  • The Guddu barrage has a system of three main canals. Two of these are on the right bank and one on the left. The Began' Sindh Feeder and the Desert Pat Feeder, are on the right bank. The third canal, the Ghotki Feeder is on the left bank. The three canals are amongst the largest feeder canals in the world.
  • The barrage is meant to irrigate an area of 2.7 million acres. Most of this area lies in the Sukkur and Jacobabad districts of Sindh, and the rest in the Kalat division of the Baluchistan province.
  • More than 5000 engineers, technicians, and labourers worked day and night to complete it. It was put into operation on 4th February, 1962.

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 8 - People And Places - MCQs and Fill In The Blanks

Gazi's Diary

MCQs and Fill In The Blanks
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Read the text and tick (✓) OR circle the correct answer:
1. The writer 'Ghazi' is living in:
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Karachi ✓
(c) Lahore
(d) Sukkur

2. The writer, Ghazi, is desperately missing his:
(a) wife
(b) childhood
(c) daughter
(d) village ✓

3. Village houses were made of:
(a) mud ✓
(b) leaves
(c) blocks
(d) cement

4. The villagers are very simple and:
(a) talkative
(b) fat
(c) carefree ✓
(d) tall

5. Village people did not need vehicles, they just walked and this exercise kept them:
(a) wealthy
(b) smart
(e) tired
(d) healthy ✓

6. In the village, the meeting place for men was:
(a) Otaq ✓
(b) village well
(c) fields
(d) school

7. In the village, the meeting place for women was:
(a) Otaq
(b) village well ✓
(c) fields
(d) school

8. Rivers have served as:
(a) traffic routes
(b) trade routes ✓
(c) travel routes
(d) transit routes

9. Most towns in ancient times were built near:
(a) seas
(b) canals
(c) rivers ✓
(d) lakes

10. There is a shortage of water in the rivers during the:
(a) summer season
(b) autumn season
(c) spring season
(d) winter season ✓

11. A barrage which blocks the flow of water is a kind of:
(a) wall ✓
(b) dam
(c) slope
(d) barrier

12. A barrage has gates through which water passes in a:
(a) plentiful quantity
(b) large quantity
(c) limited quantity ✓
(d) small quantity

13. The purpose of a dam is to control the flow of water in floods and:
(a) deposit
(b) collect
(c) store it ✓
(d) accumulate

14. The Guddu Barrage is built on the river:
(a) Jhelum
(b) Chenab
(c) Indus ✓
(d) Satlej

15. In length, the Guddu Barrage is:
(a) 1155 m
(b) 1255 m
(c) 1355 m ✓
(d) 1455 m

16. Through the Guddu Barrage, can pass a flood of:
(a) 1.2 cusecs ✓
(b) 2.2 cusecs
(c) 3.2 cusecs
(d) 4.2 cusecs

17. The Guddu Barrage has a system of:
(a) 3 main canals ✓
(b) 4 main canals
(c) 5 main canals
(d) 6 main canals

18. The barrage is meant to irrigate an area of:
(a) 1.7 million acres
(b) 2.7 million acres ✓
(c) 3.7 million acres
(d) 4.7 million acres

19. Most of the area irrigated by the Guddu Barrage lies in Sukkur and:
(a) Khairpur districts
(b) Mirpur districts
(c) Tharparkar districts
(d) Jacobabad districts ✓

20. The Guddu Barrage also irrigates some areas of:
(a) Kalat ✓
(b) Zhob
(c) Ziarat
(d) Punjab

21. The Guddu Barrage was put into operation on 4th February:
(a) 1960
(b) 1961
(c) 1962 ✓
(d) 1963

22. Begari Sindh Feeder and Desert Pat Feeder are on the:
(a) right bank ✓
(b) left bank
(c) north bank
(d) south bank

23. Ghotki Feeder is on the:
(a) right bank
(b) left bank ✓
(c) north bank
(d) south bank

24. The engineers, technicians and labourers worked day and night to complete the Guddu Barrage were:
(a) 3,000
(b) 4,000
(c) 5,000 ✓
(d) 6,000

25. The villagers in Pakistan are very simple and ____.
(a) Honest

(b) Satisfied
(c) carefree ✓
(d) Hardworking

26. The houses in villages of Pakistan are:
(a) Lime - plastered
(b) Cemented
(c) Mud - plastered ✓
(d) Wooden

27. In villages, the meeting place of men in the evening or in their leisure hours is the:
(a) Field area
(b) Otaq ✓
(c) Baithak
(d) Well

28. Ghaghara and Tamboora are:
(a) Farming tools
(b) Musical instruments ✓
(c) Simple machines
(d) Industrial tools

29. ____ had always served as trade route:
(a) Trees
(b) Rivers ✓
(c) Highways
(d) Mountains

30. In ancient times, man was dependent on ____ for growing crops:
(a) Fertilizers
(b) Rains ✓
(c) Sunlight
(d) Tools

31. The system of canals had ___.
(a) Several problems
(b) No problem
(c) One defect ✓
(d) Two defects

32. The problems of the canal irrigation have been solved by constructing:
(a) Tanks
(b) Wells
(c) Barrages ✓
(d) Dams

33. A wall which helps in blocking the flow of water is called:
(a) Barrage ✓
(b) dam
(c) tank
(d) reservoir

34. The width of the River Indus where Guddu Barrage has been built is:
(a) 14 kilometers ✓
(b) 15 kilometers
(c) 13 kilometers
(d) 16 kilometers

35. The Guddu Barrage can hold the pressure of flood of about ____ million cusecs:
(a) 1.1
(b) 1.2 ✓
(c) 1.3
(d) 1.4

36. The road over the Guddu barrage was put into operation on:
(a) 4th February, 1962
(b) 14 February, 1952
(c) 4th February, 1950
(d) 4 February, 1972 ✓

37. The barrages have ____ the rivers:
(a) Controlled
(b) Tamed ✓
(c) Divided
(d) Dried

38. Most of the area irrigated by Guddu Barrage is in Sukkur and Jacobabad districts of Sindh and the rest is in the Kalat division of:
(a) Punjab
(b) Balochistan ✓
(c) Sindh
(d) KPK

Saturday 12 December 2020

Unit 8 - People And Places - Words / Meanings and Summary - English (Compulsory) For Class IX


Gazi's Diary

Words / Meanings and Summary

Words / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1.AccessApproach OR Be within reach for use.
2.CaptureCatch, Seize OR Get control over something.
3.CarefreeFree from anxiety or responsibility
4.CommuteTravel some distance
5.CommutingTravelling from one place to another.
6.CompromiseSettle a dispute by mutual concession
7.CompromisedAdversely affected.
8.CreditMoney available for a client to borrow OR Sell something for which the buyer pays later.
9.CusecA unit of flow
10.DesperatelyGravely, Critically OR Very much.
11.DevastationGreat destruction or damage
12.DevicesGadgets, Appliances OR Things used for a particular purpose
13.DistancedWent far ahead of OR Taken away.
14.FacilitiesThings provided for a particular purpose
15.Flesh and bloodUsed to emphasize that a person in physical
16.FolkRelating to the traditional art or culture
17.ForceThe strength or power of something.
18.GossipsLittle talks OR Stories about other people's lives.
19.HavocWidespread destruction OR Great damage or destruction
20.IrrigationThe supply of water to land OR Supplying water for the growth of crops.
21.LocalityVicinity, Site
22.LuxuriousExtremely comfortable
24.QuiltA warm bed covering made of padding
25.ReleaseSet free OR Let go
26.ReplacedTook the place of OR Taken the place of.
27.RetainKeep OR Hold back.
28.Self-sufficientNeeding no outside help in satisfying one's basic needs OR Have enough to meet one's needs.
29.SiblingsBrothers or sisters
30.StructuresMake up , Arrangement of parts OR Things made of several parts.
31.SurplusExcess, Extra OR More than the amount needed.
32.Tamed Domesticated, Subdued OR Made easy to control.
33.UnmarriedNot married
34.WoodMaterial made from the trunk and branches of a tree.


In this lesson, the pages of the diary of a man named Ghazi are given. Ghazi now lives in Karachi where all the comforts of life are available but he misses the simple life of his village, the simple living and simple people. He remembers his three-room house where he used to live with his parents, siblings, aunts, uncle and his family. People sat on the floor and slept. They used to travel on foot which kept them healthy.
He remembers the village shops whose shopkeepers knew all the villagers and used to give goods on credit. Men shared news, gossips, spent their free time and had fun in the village Otaq. The village well was the center of all their activities. Ghazi complains that today's man has become so addicted to television, Facebook and YouTube that he has forgotten the people of flesh-and-blood.
On the second page of the diary, Ghazi talks about the devastation caused by the rains and the Guddu Barrage.
Rivers have been used for trade and irrigation since ancient times. That is why the most towns in ancient times were built near rivers. Man learned to control rivers by building barrages. Barrages store flood water and provide us with water all year round. Guddu Barrage is one of the largest barrages in Pakistan. It was built on the Indus River. Its length is 1355 km. 1.2 million cusecs of flood water can pass through it. It has three main canals, two on the right bank and one on the left bank. Most of the area of this barrage is in Sukkur and Jacobabad districts of Sindh but some part is also in Kalat division of Baluchistan. It has also been the most difficult to complete.
Finally, to avoid rain disasters and to supply water all year round, Ghazi advises the government to build more barrages.

Friday 11 December 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7 - Life Skills - Text Book Exercise 7.1 - 7.3


The Secret Of Success

Text Book Exercise 7.1 - 7.3


Discuss together the following points and be ready to explain to your classmates what ideas you came up with.
Q.1: What is success?
Ans: Success is achieving or reaching a desired aims or goal, accomplishing something that is of value or important to someone which he / she had set out to do in the past.

Q.2: What are the qualities of a successful person?
Ans: Some of the qualities of successful persons are:
  • Set aims or goals and develop life plans.
  • Focus and work hard to achieve their goal.
  • Genuine desire or willingness to learn.
  • Have patience
  • Have Discipline
  • Read every day
  • Compliment
  • Embrace change
  • Forgive others
  • Accept responsibilities for their failure.
  • Have a sense of gratitude

Q.3: How do you think you could become successful?
Ans: We could become successful if we:
  • Believe our-self
  • Set powerful goals
  • Work hard
  • Start living our dreams
  • Keep positive thinking and attitude always
  • Never take failures or setback personally, because these are teachable moments.
  • Take pride in what we do
  • Build self-respect
  • Never give up
  • Take care of our-self through a healthy life style.

While Reading
Exercise 1:
The king asked the following people the three questions. However, the order in which these people were asked is jumbled up. Read the text and put them in the right order, by writing the number in the blank space. One has been done as an example for you.
(a) Common people 5
(b) Ministers 2
(c) Saint 6
(d) Scholars and wise-man 4
(e) King Himself 1
(f) Courtiers 3

Exercise 2
(1) Did the king find his answers?
Ans: Yes, the king found his answers.

(2) Who gave him the answers?
Ans: The saint gave him the answers oh his questions.

Exercise 3
Read the text. Find the following words / phrases and underline them.
Work with your partner and guess the meanings of these words. Then check the meanings given in the glossary at the end of the book to see if you have guessed correctly.

Words Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1.BitterResentful OR Feeling great dislike or anger.
2.Break of dayDawn
3.ConsultSeek advice
4.Count on meRely on me
6.DestituteExtremely poor OR Very poor/ not having any money
7.DeterminedHaving made a firm decision
8.DisappointedSad or Displeased
9.DiscoverFind - located OR Find out.
10.EvadedDid not come within reach.
11.FrequentlyRepeatedly OR Very often.
12.GlancedTook a brief look OR Gave a quick look.
13.GriefSorrow OR Deep sadness.
14.HospitalityGenerous reception OR Treating guests in a generous and welcoming manner.
15.PonderedThought carefully OR Think carefully for a long time before deciding
16.StraightawayImmediate OR Immediately.

Exercise 4:
Work in pairs and see how many of the given words in exercise 3 you can use in your own sentences. The pair who will make the most correct sentences will be the winner.


S.NO. WordsSentences
1.BitterFalse friends are worse than bitter enemies. OR Mostly medicines are bitter in taste.
2.Break of dayWe set out at break of day. OR The clouds which filled the sky at break of day have disappeared.
3.ConsultI persuaded him to consult a doctor.
4.Count on meYou can count on me. OR I was counting on the money from the insurance to buy a new house, after my house burned down.
5.DepartedHe departed for Lahore the day before yesterday.
6.DestituteThe floods left thousands of people destitute. OR The local government provided relief for the destitute.
7.DeterminedWaseem was a poor boy who was determined to learn. OR He determined to travel no further that night.
8.DisappointedI was disappointed that you didn't call. OR He was disappointed of his purpose.
9.DiscoverDid you discover something new today? OR Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for Aids.
10.EvadedShe evaded the direct question. OR The lion evaded the hunter.
11.FrequentlyMaria and Sana spoke frequently on the phone. OR Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.
12.GlancedShe glanced briefly at the newspaper. OR The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.
13.GriefHe hid his grief behind a smile. OR The sudden death of her mother caused her grief.
14.HospitalityAll the guests were touched by her hospitality.
15.PonderedHe pondered the question before he answered.
16.StraightawayHe needs to see a doctor straightaway.

Exercise 5:
The following are statements about the story The Secret of Success'. Read them and write (T) if the statement is true and (F) if the statement is false, in the blanks provided. The first one has been done as an example for you.
a. The King wanted to find answers to 5 questions. F
b. The answers were important for him to be able to control his army. F
c. The king was looking for the answers in order to succeed in life. T
d. The king was happy with the answers that the group of learned men found. F
e. The saint was living in the jungle with his family. F
f. The king accepted the saint's invitation to visit him in the jungle. F
g. The bearded man wanted to kill the king. T
h. The bearded man had been injured by the king's servants. T
i. The saint asked the king to look after the bearded man. F
j. The bearded man became the king's loyal citizen. F

Post Reading
Exercise 6:
Work with a partner, and tick(✓)the right answer.
1. Which one of the following statements best summarizes the story?
a) The present has all the answers.
b) The present is not what matters.
c) The present is the most important time. ✓
d) The present gives you the most joy.

2. The saint who lived in the jungle was a very:
a) rich man
b) poor man
c) severe man
d) wise man ✓

3. The king went to see the saint:
a) all alone ✓
b) with all his soldiers
c) along with his family
d) with all his courtiers

4. Who warned the king that the bearded man was coming?
a) his soldiers
b) the saint ✓
c) his servants
d) his minister

5. After the bearded man left the saint told the king that:
a) he would not answer his questions
b) his questions were too difficult
c) the bearded man had answered his questions
d) all his questions had been answered ✓

Exercise 7:
Read the text and complete the following sentences. Write the completed sentences in your notebook.
a. The king wanted to find the answers to the three questions because he thought if he could find out the answers to three questions he would discover the secret and never fail.
b. The wise and learned men were unable to give the answers because they could not see eye to eye with each other, and ended up arguing amongst themselves.
c. The king dressed himself in rags to meet the saint because the saint did not mix with rich and wealthy.
d. The king told his servants not to go with him because he wanted to appear poor and destitute.
e. The king realized the saint's tired easily because he was old and weak.
f. Although the saint did not answer his questions the king waited because he hoped that he would find the answers to his questions.
g. The bearded man was running towards the king because he wanted to kill the king.
h. The bearded man fainted when he reached the king because he was wounded and bleeding.
i. The king agreed to stay the night in the saint's hut because he was too tired to return home.
j. The bearded man became the king's loyal servant because the king bandaged his wounds, took care of him and saved his life.


Translating from one language to another requires special skills. One cannot translate word for word, as words take different meanings in different contexts, even in the same language.

Look at the following examples and translate them into Urdu/Sindhi.

S.NO. EnglishUrdu
1. I will go to Murree in spring.  میں موسم بہار میں مری جاؤں گا / گی۔ 
2. There is a spring of hot water at Manghopir, in Karachi. کراچی میں، منگھو پیر میں گرم پانی کا ایک چشمہ ہے ۔ 
3. Since a spring is broken, this clock is not working. چونکہ اسپرنگ ٹوٹ چکا ہے ، اس لئے یہ گھڑی کام  نہیں کررہی ہے۔
4. With a spring, the runner crossed the winning line. دوڑ  تے ہوۓ کھلاڑی نے جوش وخروش سے فاتح لائن کو عبور کیا۔

Exercise 1:
Translate the following sentences into Urdu/ Sindhi. Write the translated sentences in your notebook. After completing, share your work with your partner. Make any changes needed and rewrite the sentences.

2. Translate literally the following two sentences into Urdu/ Sindhi.

S.NO. EnglishUrdu
1. a) She has a sweet tooth.  اسے میٹھا کھانوں کا بہت شوق ہے۔
2. b) This news is music to my ears. مجھے یہ خبر سن کر خوشی ہوئی۔

The actual meaning of these sentences is as follows. Now, translate these two sentences:

S.NO. EnglishUrdu
1. a) She loves sweet things. اسے میٹھی چیزیں پسند ہیں۔
2. b) I am very pleased to hear this news. مجھے یہ خبر سن کر بہت خوشی ہوئی۔

Exercise 2:
Work in pairs and translate the following sentences into Urdu/ Sindhi, such that you bring out their real meaning.

Exercise 3:
This is a translation competition between groups. Here are the steps:
  • Your teacher will divide you into groups of four.
  • Each group will select 10 sentences from the story The Secret of Success' and write them on a piece of paper.
  • Once all the groups have written, the teacher will collect all the papers and redistribute them to the other groups.
  • These groups will translate them into Urdu/ Sindhi.
  • After the translation has been done, one member from each group will come up, read the sentence and its translation.
  • If the translation is correct, the group gets a point.
  • The group(s) with the most points will win.

 Ans:To View Translation of Chapter CLICK HERE

Prefixes Continued:
We sometimes add a pair or group of alphabets at the beginning of a word to add something to the meaning of a word. As discussed in Unit 4.3, these are called prefixes.

Exercise 4:
A. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the prefix 'un' with the appropriate given words.
happy, friendly, wise, healthy, grateful
1. An unhealthy person often falls sick.
2. Saba is very unfriendly and does not like meeting people.
3. People who are ungrateful never thank others for helping them.
4. Badar was very unhappy because he lost his favourite watch.
5. My uncle took an unwise decision due to which he suffered a big loss.

B. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the prefix 'in' with the appropriate given words.
correct, sufficient, active, attentive, complete
1. This small boy is very inactive and does not take part in any work.
2. The judge was upset with the prisoner for giving an incorrect statement to the court.
3. Don't leave your work incomplete or the boss will be angry.
4. Sajid is very inattentive in class; hence, he often fails in the tests.
5. This amount of money is insufficient if you want to buy a new computer.

Note: 'if clause will be In the past tense and the main clause will have the modal (would, could, might) along with the verb.'

C. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the prefix `dis' with the appropriate given words.
satisfied, obedient, honest, loyal, agree
1. We sometimes disagree even with our very close friends.
2. We cannot trust dishonest people as they can cheat us.
3. A disobedient child can cause many problems for the whole family.
4. Our teacher was dissatisfied with our performance in the competition.
5. We should never be disloyal to our country.


Pure & Binomial Idioms

  • All and sundry:
    Meaning: (every one / ہر ایک)
    * All and sundry attended the meeting called by chief of the organization.
    * All and sundry were invited to the function.

  • All in All:
    Meaning: (authoritative / مختار کل)
    * The chairman of a institution is supposed to be all in all.
    The headmaster is all in all in the school.
    * Our principal is all in all in the college.

  • All At Once (immediately, abruptly):
    * The whole situation happened all at once and no one could help it.

  • Along with (in the company of):
    * She went to the park along with parents and enjoyed a lot.

  • An apple of one's eye (to be favorite):
    * He is an apple of his mother's eye.

  • An axe to grind:
    Meaning: (اپنا الو سیدھا کرنا)
    * A selfish man always has an axe to grind.

  • Apple of discord (a cause of envy):
    * The inherited property was an apple of discord between the two brothers.

  • At all events (in any case):
    You will have to remove all those false blames at all events.

  • At any rate (in any case):
    * He was so desirous that he wanted to achieve success at any rate.

  • At bottom (really, essentially):
    * She is generous lady at bottom.

  • At length (at last, after along time):
    * At length the bus arrived, forty minutes late.

  • At sixes and sevens:
    Meaning: (بکھری ہوئی)
    * All the books were at sixes and sevens in the room.

  • At the outset (in the beginning):
    At the outset of the meeting, the chairman decided the points of discussion.

  • At times (occasionally):
    He comes to see us at times.

  • Bag and baggage:
    Meaning: (ساز و سامان)
    * He left Karachi with bag and baggage.

  • To beat about the bush:
    Meaning: (To go around the topic in order to avoid the point. / اِدھر اُدھر کی باتیں کرنا)
    * Say exactly what you mean and stop beating about the bush.
    * If you have got bad news, don't beat about the bush come straight to the point.
    * Do not beat about the bush, please come to the point.

  • Bed of roses:
    Meaning: (پھولوں کی سیج)
    * Life is not a bed of roses, it is a hard job.

  • Bird's eye view:
    Meaning: (اچٹتی نظر ڈالنا)
    * He had a bird's eye view of England.

  • A Black sheep:
    Meaning: (a bad character in an otherwise good group /نا قابل اعتماد / بد کردار)
    * Satish is a black sheep of the family.
    * All others are respectable, but he's the black sheep in the family.
    * Our school has produced very good citizens but there are black sheep too.
    * We should point at the black sheep of the society.

  • Bosom friend:
    Meaning: (جگری دوست)
    * Kashif is my bosom friend.

  • To break the ice:
    Meaning: (to overcome shyness and put people at ease with one another. / خاموشی توڑنا)
  • Sentence:
    * Each felt shy to talk till one of them offered tea to the other and break the ice.
    * Both person keep quiet, each waiting for the other to break the ice.
    * At last, Maria broke the ice and started the discussion.

  • To bring to an end:
    Meaning: (ختم کردینا)
    * The speaker brought his speech to an end.

  • To bring to book:
    (باز پرس کرنا)
    * The judge will bring him to book.

  • To bring to light:
    Meaning: (ظاہر کرنا)
    * I have brought to light the fact.

  • Burning question:
    Meaning: (گرما گرم موضوع)
    * Kala Bagh dam is still a burning question.

  • Bury the hatchet:
    Meaning: (صلح کرنا)
    * Let's bury the hatchet and be friend again.

  • By and by:
    Meaning: (آہستہ آہستہ)
    * By and by he recovered from illness.

  • By and large:
    Meaning: (ہر طرح سے)
    * By and large he is a good man.

  • By fits and starts:
    Meaning: (Not steadily or regularly / بے ضابطگی سے)
    * He worked by fits and starts so it was doubtful.
    * He can never hold a steady job since he works by fits and starts.
    * This watch works sometimes, by fits and starts.

  • By hook or by crook:
    Meaning: (جائز یا نا جائز طریقے سے)
    *By hook or by crook, he wants to achieve his goal.

  • By leaps and bounds:
    Meaning: (تیزی سے)
    * Science is making progress by leaps and bounds.

  • To call a spade a spade:
    Meaning: (صاف گوئی، حق بات کہنا)
    * John always calls a spade a spade.

  • Cast an eye on:
    Meaning: (ایک نظر ڈالنا)
    * The principal cast an eye on my application.

  • Catch at a straw:
    Meaning: (حقیر سی شۓ کا سہارا لینا)
    * It is said that drowning man catches at a straw.

  • Catch red handed:
    Meaning: (رنگے ہاتھوں پکڑنا)
    * The thief was caught red-handed.

  • To come to blows:
    Meaning: (ہاتھا پائی پر اترجانا)
    * At first they abused each other and then came to blows.

  • To come to grief:
    Meaning: (مصیبت میں پھنسنا)
    * If you do not mend your way, you will come to grief.

  • To come to light:
    Meaning: (ظاہر ہونا)
    * Many new realities came to light during recent years.

  • To come to pass:
    Meaning: (واقع ہونا)
    * It is really sad thing that such a thing came to pass.

  • Cry for the moon:
    Meaning: (ناممکن بات کی خواہش کرنا)
    * To be a millionaire, is just crying for the moon.

  • Cry over spilt milk:
    (To grieve over something uselessly. / وقت گزرنے کے بعد پچھتانا)
    * It is no use crying over spilt milk.
    * He damage has been done, but instead of crying over spilt milk, do something to repair.
    * There's no sense in crying over a spilt milk. If the glass is broken, just buy another one.
    * It is useless crying over spilt milk.

  • Cut a sorry figure:
    (شرمندگی اٹھانا)
    * He cut a sorry figure as a politician.

  • Day in and day out:
    Meaning: (Daily, day after day / روزانہ)
    * He works day in and day out to get first division.
    * I worked day in and day out, for a whole month to prepare for the exams.
    * I've been warning you day in and day out, that you should bring all your books to school.

  • Die in harness:
    Meaning: (To die while on duty / دیوٹی دیتے ہوۓ مرجانا)
    * He died in harness.

  • End in smoke:
    Meaning: (To have no result, to come to nothing / ٹائیں ٹائی فش ہونا)
    * The meeting ended in smoke.
    * All his efforts ended in smoke.
    * Unless you preserve, your work will end in smoke.
    * The soldiers struggled hard to destroy the foe’s base but it ended in smoke.

  • Fall to the ground:
    (اثر نہ رکھنا)
    * As he failed in the exams, all his plans fell to the ground.

  • Fair play:
    Meaning: (انصاف پسندی)
    * We should not forget the rules of fair play.

  • A fair weather friend:
    Meaning: (مطلبی دوست)
    * We should be aware of our fair weather friends.

  • Far and wide
    Meaning: (دور دور تک)
    * They searched far and wide for the missing child.
    * We searched far and wide but couldn't find the lost child.
    * This tour will take you over far and wide of the country.
    * People from far and wide places came to see to newly born baby of the Kangaroo in the zoo.

  • A far cry:
    Meaning: (ناممکن)
    * The solution of the inflation is still a far cry.

  • To feel like fish out of water
    Meaning: To feel out of place
    *  Being the only educated man in that village, I feel like a fish out of water there.
    * I was the only one who spoke English and felt like a fish out of water in that group.
    * Aslam was the only member of Women rights association and felt like a fish out of water.

  • Few and far between:
    Meaning: (بہت کم)
    * My visits to his house are few and far between.

  • Fool's paradise:
    Meaning: ( احمقوں کی جنت)
    * He lives in fool's paradise. French leave:Meaning: (بغیر اطلاع کے چھٹی)Sentence:* He often takes French leave from the office. from hand to mouth:Meaning: (تنگدستی سے)Sentence:* The old man is living from hand to mouth.

  • Give ear to:
    (کان دھرنا)
    * You should not give ear to his foolish talk.

  • Go hand in hand:
    (ساتھ ساتھ ہونا)
    * Health and beauty go hand in hand.
    golden age:Meaning: (سنہری زمانہ)Sentence:* I spent the golden age in my native village.

  • Hard and fast:
    Meaning: (جچے تلے)
    * There are no hard and fast rules for moral judgments.

  • Hard nut to crack:
    Meaning: (ایک مشکل مسئلہ)
    * The problem of load shedding in our country is a hard nut to crack.

  • Hair-breadth escape:
    Meaning: (بال بال بچنا)
    * Hurrah! I had a hair breadth escape in the accident.

  • Hand to mouth:
    Meaning: (بمشکل گزارہ ہونا)
    * The poor live from hand to mouth.

    To have a bone to pick with someone:
    Meaning: (کسی کے خلاف شکایت ہونا)
    * I have a bone to pick with you about cruelty and injustice shown by you.

  • To have the lion’s share
    Meaning: To take the biggest share of something.
    * Divide the cake into equal slices and don’t have the lion’s share for yourself.
    * The stronger person generally have the lion's share.
    * Divide the profit share equally and don’t have the lion’s share.

  • Heart and soul:
    Meaning: (پوری طاقت)
    * He put his heart and soul into the work.

  • Here and there:
    Meaning: ( ادھر ادھر)
    * I looked for my last book here and there.

  • Hue and cry:
    Meaning: (شور وغل)
    * The people raised a hue and cry against new tax proposals.

  • In black and white
    Meaning: (in writing / تحریر میں).
    * I will not accept your offer until I see it in black and white.
    * I cannot accept Our oral complaint. It must be in black and white.
    * The teacher rejected the student’s oral application by saying that it must be in black and white.
    * He gave me a warning in black and white.

  • An iron will:
    Meaning: (مضبوط عزم)
    * David has an iron will to finish his work in time.

  •  Its high time
    Meaning: The moment has already come.
    * The exams begin next month as its high time by now.
    * The movie will start in fifteen minutes so it's high time we left.
    * The cricket match will start in twenty minutes so it’s high time we should leave for the stadium.


  • Keep body and soul together:
    (زندہ رہنا)
    * We should eat as much as would keep our body and soul together.
  • To kick up a row
    Meaning: To make a disturbance or noise
    * You need not kick up a row. Ask politely.
    * If you don’t kick up a row, you will not be paid attention to.
    * The young boys started kicking up a row, when Michael Jackson began to sing.

  • Kith and kin:
    Meaning: (قریبی رشتہ دار)
    * We should always be kind to our kith and kin.
    * We should help our kith and kin.

  • The lion's share:
    Meaning: (سب سے بڑا حصہ)
    * As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for politicians.

  • To make one’s mouth water:
    Meaning: (To cause someone to desire something intensely, especially food.)
    * As soon as we got the smell of food, it made our mouth water.
    * The sight of the food was enough to make his mouth water.

  • To make the both ends meet
    Meaning: (To be able to live within one’s income)
    * I had to take up a part time job to be able to make the both ends meet.
    * Due to inflation, salaried people can't make both ends meet.

  • To make the most of
    Meaning: (To take the fullest advantage of the circumstances)
    * He let me use his bicycle for a month so I’m going to make the most of it.
    * Youth is the best time of one's life so make the most of it.

  • Make room for:
    (جگہ بنانا)
    * Please make room for this boy.
    man of parts:Meaning: (قابل آدمی)Sentence:* Major Aziz Bhatti was a man of parts.

  • Mind one's own business:
    (اپنے کام سے کام رکھنا)
    * At last, I asked him to mind his own business and not to quarrel with me.

  • More or less:
  • Meaning: (تقریباً)
  • Sentence:
  • * There are more or less twenty thousand people in the park.

  • Narrow escape:
    Meaning: (بال بال بچنا)
    * He had a narrow escape in the accident.

    Nip the evil in the bud:
    (To stop evil in the early stages /برائی کو ختم کرنا)
    * We must nip the evil in the bud.
    * The plot to overthrow the government was detected and nipped in the bud.
    * Bad behaviour in children must be nipped in the bud.
    * He should not prevail the bad atmosphere in the society and try, to nip in the bud of crimes.

  • Now and then:
    Meaning: (کبھی کبھار)
    * We go to the opera now and then.

  • Null and void:
    Meaning: (کالعدم)
    * This law is null and void these days.

  • Odds and ends
    Meaning: (A collection of objects not belonging to any group of order / left over and discarded / متفرقات)
    * I have no complete sets of text-books, only odds and ends.
    * That shop does not sell anything in particular. It has only odds and ends.
    * He claims that he is very fond of collecting precious stones, but his collection contains only odds and ends.
    * There are just a few odds and ends left in the room.
    once and again:Meaning: (بار بار)Sentence:* He repeated the same mistake once and again. once in a blue moon:Meaning: (کبھی کبھار)Sentence:* He comes to college once in a blue moon. on and off/off and on:Meaning: (وقتًافوقتا)Sentence:* It rained on and off all day.
  • An open secret:
    Meaning: (کھلا راز)
    * Her marriage is an open secret.
    out and out:Meaning: (مکمل طور پر)Sentence:* He is evil out and out out of date:Meaning: (پرانا)Sentence:* This fashion is out of date.

  • part and parcel:Meaning: (لازمی جزو)Sentence:* Discipline should be a part and parcel of every student's life.
    Poison the ears:
    (بد ظن کرنا، کان بھرنا)
    * Who has poisoned the ears of my office against me?

  • Poke one's nose into:
    Meaning: (To meddle or interfere / خواہ مخواہ دخل دیتے پھرنا)
    * Do not poke your nose into my business.
    * Don't poke your nose into other people's affair.
    * She has the bad habit of poking her nose into the matters that are not her concern.
    * According to the charter of U.N. no country is allowed to poke her nose into the personal affairs of any country.

  • Pull one's leg:
    (سخت مخالفت کرنا، سازش کرنا)
    * Someone is trying to pull his leg.


  • A rainy day:
    Meaning: (مصیبت کا دن)
    * Every wise man saves something for the rainy day.

  • A red letter day:
    Meaning: (بہت خوشی کا دن)
    * 14th August is a red letter day for us.

  • Safe and sound:
    Meaning: (بخیر و عافیت)
    * We reached home safe and sound.

  • To save something for rainy day
    Meaning: To keep for some future necessity which may arise.
    * He wasted all his savings and has save nothing for a rainy day.
    * Don't spend all your money. Save something for a rainy day.
    * He lost all his money in gamble and didn’t save anything for a rainy day.

  • To see eye to eye with someone
    Meaning: to have the same opinion or to agree with.
    * I don't see eye to eye with my friends specially when they ask me to stop further studies and join some service.
    * Management seldom to see eye to eye with labour.
    * The opposition saw eye to eye when the Government is passing the bill against 8th amendment.

  • To shed crocodile's tear:
    Meaning: (to weep insincerely, or hypocritically / جھو ٹے آنسو / مگرمچھ کے آنسو)
    * The Miller, shed crocodile's tear over little Han's death.
    * They were not all sorry when he died. They just shedded crocodile tears.
    * Don't be deceived by that beggar's crying. They just shedded crocodile tears.

  • A short cut:
    Meaning: (آسان طریقہ)
    * They took a short cut across the fields.

  • Slow and steady:
    Meaning: (مستقل مزاج)
    * Slow and steady wins the race.

  • Spill the beans (راز فاش کرنا):

  • Step by step:
    Meaning: (آہستہ آہستہ)
    * China made progress step by step.

  • A thankless task:
    Meaning: (ایسا کام جس کا احسان نہ مانا جائے)
    * Teaching is becoming a thankless task.

  • Through and through:
    Meaning: (مکمل طور پر)
    * Mr. Latif is a reliable man through and through.

  • Time and again:
    Meaning: (بار بار)
    * Fahad visited us time and again while he was in Karachi.

  • To and fro:
    Meaning: (آگے پیچھے)
    * The children are running to and fro.

  • Tooth and nail:
    Meaning: (پوری طاقت سے)
    * Our soldiers fought tooth and nail.

  • To turn a deaf ear to
    Meaning: To pay no attention.
    * Never listen to rumors. Turn a deaf ear to them.
    * The employee kept pleading his case but the manager refused to turned a deaf ear to it.
    * Pakistan has raised Kashmir issue several times in the United Nations but it had turned a deaf ear to it.

  • To turn over a new leaf
    Meaning: To reform, to behave better
    * The teacher pardoned the boy on the condition that he promised to turn over a new leaf.
    * The criminal promised the judge that he would turn over a new leaf.
    * The death of his parents turned over a new leaf in his life.
  • Turn over a new leaf:

  • Turn the tables:
    Meaning: (change the situation completely / حالات کا رخ بدلنا)
    * Heroes of the nation turn the tables
    * Fortune turned the tables and she won the table tennis final.

  • Under one’s nose
    Meaning: (Immediately with reach / براہ است کسی کے سامنے)
    * He searched all over for it, though it was lying under his nose all the time.
    * You don’t have to go far. It’s under your nose.
    * I looked for my English copy everywhere and it was under my nose all the time.
    * I put the bill under his nose so that he could not miss it.
  • ups and downs:Meaning: (نشیب وفراز)Sentence:* There are many ups and downs in my life.


  • A wild goose chase
    Meaning: An enterprise which will not succeed.
    * The thief let the police on a wild goose chase.
    * The old man ran after the boy but a wild goose chase him.
    * The coast guards ran after the criminals in their boats on a wild goose chase.
  • With a high hand
    Meaning: Disregarding the feeling of other.
    * He settled matters with a high hand and ignored the requests of all concerned. / He is most unpopular because he decides matter with a high hand.
  • With flying colours
    Meaning: To emerge successfully from some difficult task.
    * He passed his examination with flying colors.
    * Our team returned from the match with flying colours.
    * Pakistan succeeded in the 1965 war against India with flying colours.
  • With heart and soul
    Meaning: All one’s energies and interest.
    * That teacher is very popular because she works with heart and soul.
    * It's no use having an employee who does not put heart and soul in his work.
    * We should serve our country with heart and soul.