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Sunday 14 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 8.4 (WRITING) - The Miller of the Dee (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary


The Miller of the Dee (Poem)


Words / Meanings

Exercise 3:
Find out the meanings of the following words used in the poem are given in the glossary at the end of the book and write in your note book.

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Awhile For a short time.
2. Blithe Without cares and worries, Happy
3. Boast Source of pride, Brag
4. Burden Main part, Load
5. Bold Confident and brave
6. Corn Maize
7. Doffed Took off his hat in respect, Take off
8. Dwelt Lived in or at a place
9.  Envy The feeling of wishing to have what somebody else has or to be like somebody else
10. Farewell Parting
11. Feed Give food
12. Grind Make powder
13. Hale Strong and healthy
14. Lark A small brown bird.
15. Light Care free
16. Mealy Shabby, Dirty
17. Miller A person who owns or works a mill for grinding corn.
18. Owe be in debt
19. Quoth Said
20. Sighed Took a long deep breath, Mourned
21. Thee You
22. Thine Your
23. Thou'dst You would
24. Thou'rt You are
25. Worth Value

The Miller of the Dee (Poem)
(Charles Mackay)

There dwelt a miller hale and bold,
Beside the river Dee;
He worked and sang from morn to night,
No lark more blithe than he,
And this the burden of his song For ever used to be,
"I envy nobody, no, not I,
And nobody envies me!"

"Thou'rt wrong my friend!" said old King Hal,
"Thou'rt wrong as wrong can be;
For, could my heart be light as thine,
I'd gladly change with thee,
And tell me now what makes thee sing
With voice so loud and free,
While I am sad, though I'm the king, Beside the river Dee?"

The miller smiled and doffed his cap;
"I earn my bread," quoth he,
"I love my wife, I love my friend,
I love my children three;
I owe no penny I cannot pay;
I thank the river Dee,
That turns the mill that grinds the corn
To feed my babes and me".

"Good friend!" said Hal, and sighed awhile,
"Farewell, and happy be;
But say no more, if thou'dst say true,
That no man envies thee.
Thy mealy cap is worth my crown,
Thy mill my kingdom's fee;
Such men as thou are England's boast,
0' miller of the Dee".


دریاۓ ڈی کا چکی چلانے والا (نظم)
(چارلس میکے)
دریائے ڈی کے کنارے؛
وہ صبح سے شام تک کام کرتا اور گاتا تھا،
کوئی پرندہ اس سے زیادہ زندہ دل نہیں تھا،
اوراس کے گیت میں،
ہمیشہ ہی یہ ہوتا تھا ،
"میں کسی سے حسد نہیں کرتا، نہیں ، میں نہیں ،
اور کوئی مجھ سے حسد نہیں کرتا! "

"میرے دوست! تم نے غلط ہو۔" بوڑھے بادشاہ ہال نے کہا ،
"تم اتنے ہی غلط ہو جتنا کہ کوئی غلط ہوسکتا ہے۔
کیا میرا دل بھی اتنا ہی خوش ہوسکتا ہے جتنا کہ تیرا،
میں خوشی سے اس سے تمہارے ساتھ تبدیل کر لوں گا،
اور اب مجھے بتاؤ کہ تم کس طرخ گاتے ہو،
اتنی بلند اور آزاد آواز میں،
حالانکہ میں بادشاہ ہوں مگر میں اداس ہوں ،
اس دریا ڈی کے کنارے؟"

چکی چلانے والا مسکرایا اور اس نے اپنی ٹوپی اتار دی؛
اس نے کہا "میں اپنی روزی کماتا ہوں ،"
"میں اپنی بیوی سے محبت کرتا ہوں ، میں اپنے دوست سے،
پیار کرتا ہوں، میں اپنے تین بچوں سے محبت کرتا ہوں۔
میں کسی کی ایک پائی کا مقروض نہیں،
میں دریائے ڈی کا شکر گزار ہوں ،
بو میری چکی کو چلاتا ہے جو اناج پیستی ہے
بس سے میں اپنا بور اپنے بچوں کا پیٹ پالتا ہوں"

"اچھے دوست!" ہال نے کہا ، اور آہ بھری،
"الوداع ، ہمیشہ خوش رہو؛
لیکن بور مت کہو۔ اگرچہ تم ٹھیک کہہ رہے ہو،
کہ کوئی بھی تم سے حسد نہیں کرتا ۔
تیرے آٹے سے اٹی ہوئی ٹوپی زیادہ قیمتی ہے میرے تاج سے ،
تیری پن چکی میریسلطنت کے برابر ہے؛
تیرے جیسے آدمی پر انگلینڈ فخر کرتا ہے ،
اے ڈی کے چکی چلانے والے"

Paraphrasing of Stanzas

There was a healthy and happy miller who lived beside the River Dee. He worked day and night in a lively manner. He always sang that he did not envy anyone and nobody envied him. Old King, Hal, said to him that he was wrong. The king told him that he was king even he was still sad. He asked that the miller that how he was so happy and sang that song. The miller replied that he earned his bread; he loved his wife, children and friends. He had no debts. He thanked the River Dee that ran his mills so that he could feed his family. Then the king said farewell to him and told him that his dirty cap had more worth than the king's crown and his mill was precious than his kingdom. The king also said that England was proud of a man like him.

Summarizing a Poem

Exercise 4:
Write the story in your own words, on a sheet of paper. This will be a summary of the poem. Follow the steps given below:
  • Find out meanings of unfamiliar words
  • Look at the title of the poem to see what it is about
  • Read each stanza slowly, at least a couple of times, and try to understand what it means
  • Read the poem as a whole to get the main idea
  • Now start writing the story
  • Begin by giving the title of the poem and the name of the poet
  • After this, write the key message of the poem
  • Finally, write down the story in your own words
  • You can use dialogues in direct speech
Edit your work for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and rewrite the corrected story in your notebooks.

Summary Of The Poem

Reference: The poem " The Miller Of The Dee" is written by Charles Mackay.
The poet Charles Mackay tells the story of a miller in the poem. The miller used to work from morning to night. He kept singing a song while working. The theme of the song was that he envied none and none envied him. The King passed there one day. He said that he was wrong because he envied him. The King was sad while the miller was happy. The King asked the miller why he was happy. The miller replied that he earned his bread with his hands and spent the money on his family. He led a contented life and owed nothing to anyone. The King said that his mealy cap was worth his crown and his mill was worth his kingdom. He also said that men like him were England's pride.

Message Of The Poem

In of the poem "The Miller of the Dee", the poet Charles Mackay, comparing the life of a king and the life of a miller, proves that life of an ordinary man is better than the life of a rich and powerful man. As the life of a common man is care-free and he does not have anything to lose so he is fearless. He has not jealousy for his fellowmen so he enjoys peace of mind. A common man enjoys the beauty and simplicity of life. Contrary to him a rich and powerful man lacks peace of mind. No one has true love and sincerity for him. Inspite of all rich and power his life is not a happy life.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7.5 (STUDY SKILLS) - Abou Ben Adhem (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary



Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)


S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Accord Agreement
2. Angel An innocent creature
3. Bold  Confident and brave.
4. Cheerily Happily
5. Lily a flower
6. Pray Request
7. Presence Attendance
8. Sweet Charming
9. Thee You
10. Vanish Disappear
11. Vision Angel
12. Wakening Dazzling

Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)
(James, Henry Leigh Hunt)

Abou Ben Adhem (May his tribe increase)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An Angel writing in a book of gold.

Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room he said,
'What writest thou?' The vision raised its head,
And, with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord."

"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerily still, and said, "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

The angel wrote, and vanish'd. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And show'd the names whom love of God had bless'd,
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.

ابوؤ بن ادہم
(جیمز ، ہنری لی ہنٹ)
ابو بن ادہم (ان کے قبیلے میں اضافہ ہو)
ایک رات سکون کی گہری نیند سے بیدار ہوۓ ،
اور چاندنی میں اپنے کمرے میں دیکھا ،
جو اسے منور کر رہی تھی ، للی کے تازہ پھولوں کی طرح ،
ایک فرشتہ سونے کی (سنہری) کتاب میں لکھ رہا تھا۔

بڑھتے ہوۓ سکون نے ابوؤ بن ادہم کو بہادر بنا دیا ،
اور کمرے میں موجود ہستی سے اس نے پوخھا ،
'آپ کیا لکھ رہے ہو؟' اس ہستی نے اپنا سر اوپر اٹھایا ،
اور ، ایک دل آویز نظر کے ساتھ ،
جواب دیا ، "ان کے نام جو خدا سے محبت کرتے ہیں۔"
"اور کیا میرا نام ہے؟" ابوؤ نے کہا۔ "نہیں ، ایسا نہیں ،"
فرشتے نے جواب دیا۔ ابوؤ بن ادہم دھیمی آواز سے ،
لیکن زندہ دلی سے بولے، اور کہا ، "تب ، میں آپ سے التجا کرتا ہوں ،
میرا نام ان میں لکھ دیں، جو اس کے بندوں سے محبت کرتا ہے۔ "

فرشتہ نے لکھا ، اور غائب ہوگیا۔ اگلی رات
وہ دوبارہ ایک زبردست بیدار کرنے والی روشنی کے ساتھ آیا ،
اوران لوگوں کے نام دکھائے جن کو خدا کی محبت عطا ہوتی تھی ،
اور دیکھا! بن ادہم کا نام سرفہرست ہے۔

Paraphrasing of Stanzas
One night Abou Ben Adhem woke up from a deep sleep and an angel writing in a book of gold. There was moonlight around him. Abou Ben Adhem asked the angel that what he was writing and he told him that he was writing the names of those who love God. Abou asked the angel whether his name was on the list. The angel said no. Then Abou requested the angel to write his name with those who loved His fellow men. The angel wrote his name and disappeared. The next night the angel came again and showed Abou the names of those whom God loved. Abou saw his name on the top of the list.

Reference: The Poem "Abou Ben Adhem" was written by James, Henry Leigh Hunt.
At one night Abou Ben Adhem awoke from a deep sleep. He saw that there was moonlight in his room. He saw also an angel who was writing something in a book of gold. He asked the angel what he was writing. The angel told him that he was writing the names of those people who loved God. Abou asked the angel whether his name was there. The angel said 'No'. Hearing this Abou was sad. He requested the angel to write his name in the list of those who love their fellow-men. The angel then disappeared. The next night the angel appeared again and showed him the names of those whom God loved. Abou's name was on the top of the list. He was so pleased.

In the eyes of God, the best is he who loves His fellowmen. Our kind and gentle behaviour with other people exalts us in the eyes of God.

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 4.6 (FUN) - A Mountain and a Squirrel (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem, SummaryAnd Message


Unit 4.6 (FUN)
A Mountain and a Squirrel (Poem)

Word / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Arrogant Behaving in a proud manner, Haughty
2. Beetle nut A hard small nut that people in some parts of the world chew, A kind of a plant seed
3. Expel Take out, Remove, Move out
4. Grandeur Great and impressive appearance, Magnificent or Splendid
5. Insignificant Unimportant, having no value, not worthy of notice
6.  Omnipotence Having total power, Having unlimited power
7. Pose Pretend, Exaggerated display
8. Self-respect Having a sense of pride for being, having something, Pride and confidence in oneself
9. Shrewd Clever, Having or showing sharp powers of judgement
10. Splendour Grand and impressive beauty, Quality of being splendid


A mountain was saying this to a squirrel
"Commit suicide if you have self-respect
You are insignificant, still so arrogant, how strange!
You are neither wise, nor intelligent! Not even shrewd!
It is strange when the insignificant pose as important!
When the stupid ones like you pose as intelligent!
You are no match in comparison with my splendour
Even the earth is low compared with my splendour
The grandeur of mine does not fall to your lot
The poor animal cannot equal the great mountain!"
On hearing this the squirrel said, "Hold your tongue!
These are immature thoughts; expel them from your heart!
I do not care if am not large like you!
You are not a little thing like me
Everything shows the Omnipotence of God
Some large, some small, is the wisdom of God
He has created you large in the world
He has taught me climbing large trees
You are unable to walk a single step
Only large size! What other greatness have you?
If you are large show me some of the skills I have
Show me how you break this betel nut as I can."
Nothing is useless in this world
Nothing is bad in God's creation.
(Translation of Allama lqbal's poem "Pahar Aur Gilareeh")

Translation in Urdu

پہاڑ اور گلہری (نظم)

"کوئی پہاڑ یہ کہتا تھا ایک گلہری سے
تجھے ہو شرم تو پانی میں جاکر ڈوب مرے؛
ذرا سی چیز ہے اس پر غرور کیا کہنا
یہ عقل اور یہ سمجھ یہ شعور کیا کہنا!
عجب بات ہے ناچیز چیز بن بیٹھیں!
جو بے شعور ہو یوں باتمیز بن بیٹھیں!
تیری بساط ہے کیا میری شان کے آگے
زمین ہے پست میری آن بان کے آگے
جو بات مجھ میں ہے تجھکو وہ ہے نصیب کہاں
بھلا پہاڑ کہاں، جانور غریب کہاں ! "
کہا یہ سن کر گلہری نے، "منہ سنبھال ذرا!
یہ کچی باتیں ہیں، دل سے انہیں نکال ذرا!
جو میں بڑی نہیں تیری طرح تو کیا پرواہ!
نہیں تو بھی تو آخر میری طرح چھوٹا
ہر چیز کو کیا پیدا خدا کی قدرت ہے
کوئی بڑا، کوئی چھوٹا ، یہ اس کی حکمت ہے
بڑا جہاں میں تجھ کو بنا دیا اس نے
مجھے درخت پر چڑھنا سکھا دیا اس نے
قدم اٹھانے کی طاقت نہیں ذرا تجھ میں
نری بڑائی ہے! خوبی ہے اور کیا تجھ میں؟
جو تو بڑا ہے تو مجھ سا ہنر دکھا مجھ کو
یہ چھالیا ہی ذرا توڑ کر دکھا مجھ کو
نہیں ہے چیز نکمی کوئی زمانے میں
کوئی برا نہیں ہے، قدرت کے کارخانے میں
(علامہ لقبل کی نظم "پہاڑ اور گلہری" کا ترجمہ)

Paraphrasing of Stanzas
A mountain said to a squirrel that the former had no self-respect. He said that the squirrel was insignificant but haughty and had no intelligence. He also said that the squirrel pretended to be significant and intelligent, and the squirrel that he was nothing as compared to him. The mountain said the squirrel could not equal his greatness. The squirrel replied that the mountain had immature thoughts. The squirrel told the mountain that she could not care about that. Everything shows the power and wisdom of God. If God made the mountain so big, then He taught the squirrel to climb on trees. The squirrel said that the mountain had just height but nothing else; he could not even walk a step. The squirrel asked the mountain to show some skills and break the betel nut. God's creations are not bad and useless.
Summary Of The Poem
Reference: The poem " A mountain and a Squirrel" is written by Allama Iqbal.
One day, the mountain and the squirrel argue. The huge mountain calls the tiny squirrel insignificant, arrogant and stupid. The squirrel replies that while it is not as big as the mountain, the mountain cannot climb a tree. The talents of both the mountain and the squirrel differ considerably. If the squirrel has no height, then the mountain cannot crack a tiny nut.

Message of the Poem
This poem is a dialogue between the mountain and the squirrel. The mountain is proud of its towering bigness and looks upon the squirrel. The squirrel justifies its existence. It says that God created this universe in a very orderly way after a good deal of thinking. All big or small, rich or poor have a distinct quality and a definite place. None is superior or inferior. None should be considered as weak or useless.

Saturday 6 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2.6 (FUN) - Rain (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem Or Summary And Central Idea

UNIT 2.6 - FUN
RAIN (Poem)

Word / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Abundance A large quantity
2. Athwart At an oblique angle
3. Blossom Yield Flowers
4. Churn A thing used to made butter from milk
5. Dearth  An insufficient quantity, or number.
6. Garland  A wreath of flowers
7. Gay Bright and pleasant
8. Humming A low continuous sound
9. Merriment Glad or happy feelings
10. Orchestra A group of instruments
11. Thatch Plant stalks used as roofing material
12. Vale A valley

Note: For having fun with language. Not to be formally assessed.
Recitation and Visual Presentation of a Poem

Exercise 1:
Here is one of Shah Latif's poems, translated by Elsa Kazi.
The rain pours on the desert sands
On hills and vales around;
At early dawn we rise to hear,
The churns soft, humming sound-

The hands are full of butter, wives
With merriment abound-
Each buffalo for milking brought;
Athwart the grassy ground;
In thatches here we never found
Mistress and mind so glad!

Season's Orchestra's in full swing,
Fresh showers ease the mind;
On mountain-side so green with grass;
Cattle abundance find;
Gay herdsmen's wives about their necks
Of blossoms garlands wind;

Cucumbers, mushrooms, vegetables
Food of every kind;
Lord! Days of dearth let lie behind,
Ne'er let them reach the earth.

Translation In Urdu
شاہ لطیف کی ایک نظم ، جس کا ترجمہ ایلسا کازی نے کیا ہے۔
بارش برستی ہے صحرا کی ریت پر
ارد گرد پہاڑیوں اور وادیوں پر؛
صبح سویرے ہم سننے کو اٹھتے ہیں ،
مدھانی کی نرم، گنگناتی آواز-

ہاتھ مکھن سے بھرے ہیں، بیویاں
خوشی سے بھری-
ہر بھینس کو دودھ دوہنے کے لئے لاتی ہیں۔
گھاس کے ترچھے میدانوں میں
یہاں گھاس پوس کی چھتوں میں ہمیں کبھی نہیں ملا
مالکن اور اسکا خوش ذہن!

موسم کی موسیقی اپنے جوبن پر ہے ،
تازہ بارشیں دماغ کو سکون دیتی ہیں۔
پہاڑ گھاس سے ہرے بھرے ہیں۔
مویشیوں کو وافر چارۂ مل رہا ہے؛
خوش گلہ بانوں کی بیویاں اپنی گردنوں میں
پھولوں کی مالا لپیٹے ہوۓ ہے؛

کھیرے ، مشروم ، سبزیاں
ہر قسم کا کھانا؛
پروردگار! بدحالی کے دن پیچھے رہ جائیں،
انہیں زمین تک نہیں پہنچنے دینا۔

The poem "Rain" is a Shah Abdul Latif's poem, translated by Elsa Kazi.

Paraphrasing of Stanzas OR Summary of the Poem

It is raining everywhere. We wake up early in the morning to hear the soft sound of churns. The housewives' hands are full of butter, but they seem happy. The weather is on its full swing. Everyone is happy. Even cattle are happy because there is greenery everywhere. The wives of smiling herdsmen are wearing garlands of flowers. There are all kinds of food. 0 Allah! Keep the days of famine away from us.

Central Idea of the Poem

The poem is about how important is the rain for the people who live in Thar, where rarely it pours in a year. After a long period of time when rain pours, the people enjoy genuine pleasure. The main source of their living is rain water. So after it, everyone enjoy the blessing. Men enjoy while singing. Women play with buffaloes and churn milk for butter. The beautiful grassy scene after the rain in Thar is worth seeing. Which is the sole source of pleasure for the folk.

By Sir Ameer Chandio
(M.A. English Literature)

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 4.4 - A Child's Invocation (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary


A Child's Invocation (Poem) 

Unit 4.4

Paraphrasing a Poem
Paraphrasing can help to understand poetry well. The Four R's of Paraphrasing can be very useful while paraphrasing a poem.
  • Reword - Replace words and phrases with synonyms wherever you can.
  • Rearrange - Rearrange words within stanzas/ couplets to make proper sentences. You can even rearrange the ideas presented within stanzas/ couplets.
  • Realize - Realize that some words and phrases (e.g. names, dates, titles, etc.) cannot be changed, but you can present them differently in your paraphrase.
  • Recheck - Check to see that the paraphrase conveys the same meaning as the poem.

Exercise 1:
Underline the following words in the poem:
longing supplication sparkling attain elegance moth supportive suffering
Look up these words in the glossary at the end of the book to its meaning.

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1.AttainSucceed in getting.
3.Longing Deep felt wish/ desire.
4.MothA flying insect that is attracted to light.
6.SufferingPeople having physical or mental pain.
7.SupplicationHumble request/prayer.
8.SupportiveGiving help and sympathy.

A Child's Invocation
Exercise 2:
Next, paraphrase each couplet (two lines in a poem) of the following famous poem of Allama lqbal. The first couplet has been paraphrased for you.
Paraphrasing of Couplets
1. Oh Allah! I pray that my life should be like a candle.
2. Through my light should the world's darkness vanish and every place sparkle with my light.
3. Through me, my motherland should achieve grace and dignity just like a flower gives grace to a garden.
4. I pray that just like a moth I have a love for the lamp of a knowledge.
5. I pray that I become benevolent to the poor and the suffering.
6. 0 God! Save me from wrong ways and show me the straight and right path.

A Child's Invocation (Poem)
My longing comes to my lips as supplication of mine
0 God! May like the candle be the life of mine!

May the world's darkness disappear through the life of mine!
May every place light up with the sparkling light of mine!

May my homeland through me attain elegance
As the garden through flowers attains elegance

May my life like that moth be, 0 Lord!
May I love the lamp of knowledge, 0 Lord!

May supportive of the poor my life's way be
May loving the old, the suffering my way be

0 God! Protect me from the evil ways
Show me the path leading to the good ways

Translation of Allama lqbals Poem "Lab pay ati hai dua".

Translation Of Poem In Urdu
بچے کی دعا
لب پہ آتی ہی دعا بن کے تمنا میری
زندگی شمع کی صورت ہو خدایا میری
دور دنیا کا میرے دم سے اندھیرا ہو جائے!
ہر جگہ میرے چمکنے سے اجالا ہوجائے
ہو مارے دم سے یونہی میرے وطن کی زینت
جس طرح پھول سے ہوتی ہے چمن کی زینت
زندگی ہو میرے پروانے کی صورت یارب!
علم کی شمع سے ہو مجھکو محبت یارب
ہو میرا کام غریبوں کی حمایت کرنا
دردمندوں سے ضعیفوں سے محبّت کرنا
میرے الله! برائی سے بچانا مجھکو
نیک جو راہ ہو اس راہ پہ چلانا مجھ کو

Exercise 3:
Write the paraphrased poem in the form of a paragraph in your notebook.

Paraphrased Poem in the form of Paragraph
Oh Allah! I pray that my life should be like a candle. Through my light should the world's darkness vanish and every place sparkles with my light. Through me, my motherland should achieve grace and dignity just like a flower gives grace to a garden. I pray that just like a moth I have a love for the lamp of knowledge and I become benevolent to the poor and the suffering. 0 God! Save me from wrong ways and show me the straight and right path.

Summary Of The Poem
Poet Reference:
The Poem " A Child's Invocation" is written by the poet of the east SIR MUHAMMAD ALLAMA IQBAL, and it is translated in English by professor G.R. Malik

In this poem, a child is praying that his life will be like a candle, and he will be able to remove the darkness of the world. Because of him, his homeland will get the honour and good name. He prays that Allah may give him the love of knowledge so that he will become the support to the poor, weak and miserable people. He also prays to protect him from evil ways and give him the strength to follow the path of righteousness.

Central Idea Of The Poem
This poem is about the pious and virtual wishes of the child. In the poem, the child prayers to Almighty for fulfill his wishes, so that he could serve the nation and helped the needy.
The poem is about the pious and virtual wishes of the child. He wants to serve the nation and help the needy. The poem is all about the wishes and prayer of the child.
The poem's central idea is the prayer that a child makes for protection against evils and to make him a pious and virtuous individual.

Friday 5 February 2021

Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 2 - Fundamentals of Operating System - Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise


Chapter No.2 - Fundamentals of Operating System
Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise

B . Respond the following:
1. Define Operating System. Give three examples of operating systems?
Ans: Operating System:
An Operating System is a software which performs all the basic tasks like booting the computer, file management, memory management, process management, and controlling peripheral devices such as hard disk, printer, etc. It manages computer resources efficiently.
Most common operating systems are:
  • DOS
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Android
  • Mac OS and
  • IOS.

2. List the functions of an OS? Write briefly about any two.
Ans: Function Of Operating System:
Operating System performs the following functions like:
  • Booting
  • Resource Management
  • User Interface or Command Interpreter
  • Memory Management
  • Input / Output Management
  • File Management
  • Process Management
  • User Management.

(i) Booting:
  • Booting is a process of starting the computer operating system.
  • It checks the computer resources and makes it ready to perform different tasks.

(ii) Resource Management:
  • Operating system automatically manages all the hardware and software resources of a computer when application programs are executed by computer users.
  • This includes allocation and de-allocation of processor, memory, access to shared cache memory and access to network resources.
(Note: For description of rest functions of OS, view Q.No.1 in descriptive question answers)

3. Differentiate between CLI and GUI. Write any two benefits of each.
Ans: Difference between CLI and GUI

1. Command Line Interface Graphical User Interface
2. It is a screen or text based representation in which the user types the commands on place called prompt to operate the computer. It provides a user friendly environment where user can interact with computers through graphical objects (visual) such as windows, menus, icons, buttons and other graphical objects.
3. CLI is difficult to use because the user has to remember the commands and their syntax to perform any task It is easy to use as users do not need to memorize commands to perform any task.
4. It is fast in use because text mode takes less memory and resources. GUI is slower than CLI as graphical mode takes more memory and resources.
5. Commands are given to computer with keyboard  Users are supposed to just click on an icon or make choice in menus using pointing device (such as mouse) to run program
6. CLI does not perform multitasking at the same time. GUI allows users to run more than one program at the same time.
7. In Command Line Interface, the interface is consistent for all the time. GUI interface changes with the update of the software.
8. It was primarily provided to users by computer terminals on UNIX, and personal computers including MS-DOS and Apple DOS. Windows and IOS are the example of GUI.

Benefits Of GUI:
  • User-friendly:
    It provides a user friendly environment where user can interact with computers through graphical objects (visual) such as windows, menus, icons, buttons and other graphical objects.

  • Easy To Use:
    It is easy to use as users do not need to memorize commands to perform any task. Both beginners and experienced professionals can use it. Users are supposed to just click on an icon or make choice in menus using pointing device (such as mouse) to run program.

  • Multitasking:
    In GUI one can do multitasking i.e. GUI allows users to run more than one program at the same time with ease. For example: User can open many windows at a time, In browser user can open many tabs, etc.

Benefits Of CLI
  • Handling Complex Tasks:
    Command Line Interface is best for handling complex tasks. Complicated and long tasks can be well handled by writing some commands.

  • Resource Handling:
    Whether user is writing a code or giving instructions to the computer CLI gives better control to the user. Only keyboard and system are used while interacting.

  • Performance:
    It is fast in use because text mode takes less memory and resources. Use of keyboard for commands makes CLI quicker. Many professionals preferred CLI because of its better speed and performance. It also gives high accuracy as commands are directly given to the computer.

  • Interface:
    Command Line Interface does not change, the interface is consistent and stable for all the time.

4. Which resources are managed by Resource Management function of OS?
Ans: Operating system automatically manages all the hardware and software resources of a computer when application programs are executed by computer users.
This includes allocation and de-allocation of:
  • Microprocessor
  • Memory
  • Access to shared cache memory
  • Access to network resources and
  • All the devices attached to the computer.

5. What is the difference between single user and multi user OS? If you are a manager of a large organization which type of OS will you prefer?
Justify your answer with any two reasons.

Ans: Difference between single-user and multi-user operating systems:
S.No.Single-user Operating SystemMulti-user Operating System
1. A single user can access the computer system at a time. it allows multiple users to access the computer at same time.
2. It allows a single user to login and use the computer at a time. It allows many users to login to a single big computer and run different programs at the same time.
3. Resources of the' computer, such as CPU. memory and input/output devices are not shared with other computers. It shares the resources of the computer with other users over the network.
4. It is used on microcomputers. It is used on minicomputers and mainframes.
5. User can open many programs at the sane time and switch among them as require. A person known as administrator is responsible for assigning and managing user names and passwords.
6. It requires less memory and costs less. It requires a powerful CPU, large memory and large hard drives.
7. Examples: DOS. Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows 7, vista etc. Examples: Windows NT, UNIX and Linux are popular mufti-user operating systems.

If I were a manager of a large organization, I will you prefer Multi user operating system.
1. Multiple users can communicate with each other and share files:
All company’s managers and employees can use the multi user operating system for searching manufacturing records, because this record is stored in one system but staff has no bound on one computer, they can access other terminals for those records.

2. Handled Printing jobs:
Multi user operating system is very useful in offices, educational institutes or library, because it can be handled printing jobs with effective manner. If one computer gets fails in network system, the data can be handled from other computer because entire system does not stop over.

6. What is the purpose of office automation software? With examples, explain how can office automation help employees to be productive and efficient?
Ans: Purpose Of Office Automation Software
  • Office Automation Software is a group of computer programs that help office workers in their daily work.
  • It is the tool that enables accurate data to move from one system to another on its own without human help.
  • Raw data storage, electronic transfer, and the management of electronic business information comprise the basic purpose of an office automation system.
  • An ideal office automation software:
    ➤ Completing office work faster
    ➤ Reducing the need for large numbers of staff
    ➤ Requires less space to store data
    ➤ Retrieves information instantly
    ➤ Eliminates the need to preserve paperwork
    ➤ Allows multiple people to access data
    ➤ Fixing the implementation process office work
    ➤ Increases productivity and effectiveness of work
    ➤ Reduces the possibility of errors
Office Automation Help Employees To Be Productive And Efficient
Office Automation systems can have a positive impact on efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity in the office, as:
(1) Productivity:
  • Systems can improve the overall ratio between input and output in the office.
  • Example: reduce inputs into the office such as costs of labor, materials, services, etc.
  • Result in greater output (with the same or less input) such as more sales, contracts negotiated, accounts processed, Employee analytics, Digital signatures etc.

(2) Efficiency:
  • Systems can reduce the inputs which are internal to the office. Automation also reduces stress, because things will be done and employees don't have to worry about remembering to do them.
  • Examples: Office design, less time spent scheduling, filing, waiting for work, looking for information, auto-filling out forms, Meetings schedule, Hiring process etc.

(3) Effectiveness:
  • Systems can improve the quality of the products of office work.
  • Examples: improved service to customers, better management reports, more effective products, more revenue, etc.

Example of Office Automation:
  1. Office Automation is used in various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers, and heat-treating ovens, switching on telephone networks, steering, and stabilization of ships, aircraft, and other applications and vehicles with reduced human power.
  2. A Microsoft Office suite is also an example of office automation. The software saves time and money by placing all documentation and resources in one place.

In general, office automation is an effort made by utilizing the existing technological development and implement it into the office with the aim to facilitate the business process to work more efficiently and effectively so as to further develop the company.

7. List the programs available in MS Office and write why each program is used?
Ans: Microsoft Office contains: Microsoft Word (word processor)
  • Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (multimedia presentation)
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Microsoft Outlook (email application)
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft Access (database management system)
  • MS InfoPath

Microsoft Word:
  • MS Word is the most widely used word-processing software in the world for Windows and Mac operating systems.
  • It first introduced the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) by introducing text formatting and document preview exactly as we would get it on a paper.
  • It lets users to create and edit text documents, such as reports, letters, design a flyer, and resumes and other text documents and including: Spell-check, a rich text editor, and page features such as justification, paragraphs and indentation.
  • It also has advanced features like tables, images, advanced formatting and reviewing that give its users the ability to customize their documents as required.

Microsoft Excel:
  • MS Excel is an electronic software for Windows and Mac operating systems, that uses spreadsheet system to organize, display, format and calculate data by creating simple to complex spreadsheets.
  • MS Excel also offers advanced features to perform calculations, visualize data in graphs and create pivot tables.

Microsoft PowerPoint:
  • MS PowerPoint allows users to visually display information, using anything from basic slideshows to professional multimedia presentations.

Microsoft OneNote:
  • MS OneNote is a free-form note-taking program for Windows and Mac operating systems. Then, notes can be shared with others.

Microsoft Outlook:
  • MS Outlook: is considered a personal information manager mainly used for emails for Windows and Mac operating systems.
  • It can also be used to store calendars, contact information, notes, journals, and browsing sessions, manage tasks as well as organize meetings.

Microsoft Access:
  • MS Access: is a database management system that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) and software development tools.
  • It allows user to link and use data from other sources, manipulate the data,  gathered it in different ways, as well as create simple business applications.

Microsoft Publisher:
  • MS Publisher is a desktop publishing program for Windows operating systems.
  • It is a graphic design app that gives users creating material for marketing or publications more options in the page layout and design of their documents.
  • The program also includes templates for frequent business needs, like business cards, calendars and brochures/newsletters.

Microsoft OneNote:
  • MS OneNote is a digital alternative to a paper notebook that allows user to create, organize and share notes easily.

Microsoft InfoPath:
  • MS InfoPath is a program that allows you to design, distribute, complete, and submit electronic forms.

8. What is the major difference between Soft Real Time and Hard Real Time systems?
Ans: Difference between Soft Real Time and Hard Real Time systems
S.No.Soft Real Time SystemHard Real Time System
1. A Soft Real Time System does not guarantee that task will be completed in defined time but before a certain time and according to the priority.  A Hard Real Time System guarantees that critical tasks complete on time, even the shortest delay or urgency is not acceptable.
2. In this time constraint is less strict. In this time constraint is very strict.
3. The meeting of deadline is not compulsory for each task, every time. System should meet the deadline.
4. A critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks until it completes. Every data has definite time and all delays in the system be bounded from the retrieval of the stored data to the time.
5. The size of data file is large. The size of data file is small or medium.
6.  Examples:
  •  Online Transaction System,
  •  Airline Ticket Reservation in which reservation could be delayed but should be done after checking available seats and completed before aeroplane flight, etc. 
  •  Missile systems
  • Air Traffic Control System 

9. Why it is important to install an antivirus?
Ans: Importance Of Antivirus Software
1. Save from Harmful Threats
  • To keep our computer secure and free from viruses, we need to install an antivirus software.
  • Antivirus software protects computer from viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans, phishing attacks, rootkits and spam attacks, as well as any other cyber threats. In order to protect business data and its computer systems, antivirus software is necessary.

2. Scan System:
  • Antivirus software provides real-time protection for computer.
  • It scans system quickly to detect and delete infected files or programs.
  • In addition, it allows to arrange drives or files to scan computer.

3. Prevent to Install Malicious Code:
  • Antivirus software also protects online transactions by preventing malicious programs from recording that type on keyboard.
  •  It also actively removes any malicious code, if detected.

Example: McAfee, AVG, Avast, Avira and Kaspersky are some of the free antivirus software available online.

C. Match the columns:

(i) CLI(a) Time bond operating system(i), (f)
(ii) Windows (b)  Office automation(ii), (d)
(iii). Process(c)  Function of operating system(iii). (c)
(iv) Ms Excel(d) Operating system(iv), (b)
(v) Real time processing operating system(e) A job to be performed by the system(v), (a)
(vi) Input / Output Management(f) Interface(vi), (e)


1. Teacher should demonstrate installation process of
  • Windows Operating System (feasible version)
  • Microsoft Office (feasible version)
  • Any free antivirus software
Ans: a) Installation Process of Windows Operating System (feasible version)
The following are the steps involved for installation of Windows 10 operating system.
► Before installing Windows on computer, check the hardware in the computer to make sure it's compatible with that version of Windows.
► Turn on computer and insert the Windows 10 installation  DVD / Flash drive.
► Restart Computer.
► Wait for the rst startup screen.
►Press or hold Del or F2 to enter the BIOS screen.
► Locate the Boot order/ Boot sequence.
► Select Boot order/ Boot sequence as per your installation source.
a. USB Flash/USB Hard Disk
c. Internal CD/DVD ROM

► Save setting and Exit BIOS and restart computer.

► Computer will boot from CD/DVD or USB into Windows 10 installation tools, which will guide through the process of setting up Windows 10 on computer.
► Select the language, Time and currency format, Keyboard or input method and click Next.
► Click install now in the screen to start installation of Windows. Wait for a few second for the setup to start.

► If you have a product key, enter it, otherwise click on skip.
► Accept the license term and click on Next.
►Select any option:
a. Upgrade
b. Customize Installation (Advance)

► Select any drive for installing your operating system.
► Follow the on screen instructions (Note: Make sure drive is formatted before start installation. If not, format it by selecting the format option provided.)
► While you wait, Windows 10 shows you the status of its “Getting ready” activities, letting you follow the progress.
► Once process is complete, PC will restart.
► Choose Windows 10.
► Wait for some more time.

► Enter a serial key, Otherwise click on do this later to skip this option.
► Click on 'Use express setting' to use the recommended setting. Alternatively you can even click on 'Customize setting' to customize the settings.
► Wait for a seconds more.
► Enter a name and password to create your account.

► Wait for a seconds more.
►'There you go'. Finally Windows 10 has installed.

b) Installation Process Of Microsoft Office (feasible version)
MS Office contains word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet (MS Excel), multimedia presentation (MS PowerPoint), database management system (MS Access) and email application (MS Outlook), etc.

  • Before installing MS- Office, make sure that:
  • Hardware and software meet with the minimum requirements for the version of MS Ofce that we want to install.
  • The minimum requirements may differ from version to version.
  • (For MS- Office 2013 the minimum requirements are:
    1.6 GHz processor
    1 GB RAM
    3 GB hard disk free space minimum
    Windows 7 operating system and graphics driver.

Installation Process:
► To install MS- Office package we need to take following steps:
► Run the MS- Office setup from USB, DVD or Hard Disk backup.
► Enter Product Key and click continue button.
► Check the box marked 'I accept the terms of this agreement' and click on 'Continue'.
► Click on Install Now or Customize procedure, to start the installation.
► Select the package which you want to install. Click on 'Install Now'.

► Then installation begins.
► Progress bar indicating how much installation has progressed.
► This may take several minutes to complete.
► MS Office installer will notify automatically after nishing the installation.
► Click the Close button to exit the installation program.
► Ms Office folder appear in Start menu .

c) Installation Process Of Any free antivirus software (Avast):
A number of free antivirus software are available online. McAfee, AVG, Avast, Avira and Kaspersky are some of the free antivirus software.
Installation Process:
► Installation Process is very easy
► Download installation file from respective antivirus software either from internet or CD or DVD.

► Click Continue to run it but make sure that computer has the access of internet.
► Double-click on the installation program.
► Welcome screen will appear. Click the 'Regular installation' or 'Next' button to proceed.

► License Agreement screen will be displayed. Click Continue to accept the installation.
► After running the installation le, antivirus software will be automatically installed on our computer.
► Click 'Done' or 'Finish' to complete the installation.

Note:(Same steps will be followed for AVG or McAfee Antivirus software installation)

2. Students should be given task to make use of antivirus software.
Ans: Antivirus is a utility program, through which we can save computer from virus or malware etc threat.
Process to Scan computer by antivirus software
► Open antivirus software by clicking icon given on task bar.
► Click on Scan in left ribbon.
► Click get started to continue scanning process.

► Antivirus automatically detect, block or remove virus, malware or any threat.
► Click finish when scanning is completed.

3. Student should observe and work with different:
  • Icons on Windows Desktop
  • Start Menu
  • Utility Programs available
Ans: Icon on Windows Desktop:

(a) Recycle Bin:
  • It is a temporary folder.
  • When a file or folder is deleted from a hard disk it goes to the Recycle Bin.
  • The user can restore it to its original location.
  • User can also delete a file or folder permanently from the Recycle Bin.

(b) Computer Icon:
  • Computer icon allows the user to access the contents of computer drives and manage files and folders.
  • When user double-clicks on Computer icon, it will open a window that displays the drives present in the computer in left column.
  • It is used to navigate and manage the computer resources.

(c) Folder Icon
  • Folder icon resembles a physical file folder.
  • It is used to store different files or other folders in an organized manner on a storage device such as hard disk.
  • It can be created as:
    Right click on desk top → Click 'New' in menu → Click on Folder.

(d) File Icon
  • In a GUI, files are also represented by icons.
  • A file may contain text, image, music or video, which can be recognized by its icon.
  • e.g: .txt file, MS word document, Ms Excel file, Audio file .mp3, Video file .mp4 etc.

(e) Program Icon
  • Executable program files are also represented by icons.
  • Different graphical symbols are used for different program icons.
  • e.g. Acrobat reader, Windows media player etc.

(f) Shortcut Icon
  • Shortcut icons are created to access a program, file or folder quickly in any location.
  • They have an arrow at the bottom left corner of an icon and the name below it.
  • e.g: google chrome shortcut on desktop.
  • It can be created as:
    Right click on desktop → Click 'short cut' in menu → Click browse → Click file, folder or Program icon → Click Create.
Create New Folder Or Short Cut Of Any Program On Desktop

Start Menu:
There are two main ways to open Start menu:
  1. Click Windows icon in the lower-left corner of the taskbar.
  2. Press the Windows logo key on your keyboard.
Start Menu Features
Start menu is a table of contents to all the apps (programs), folders and contacts.
The Windows 10 Start Menu features two panes.
  • Left Pane Features:
    ► The left pane shows list of all the applications installed in computer.
    ► Change account settings or log in with another user by click the username at the top of the menu.
    ► Access the applications frequently use.
    ► A small arrow next to an application will open a sub-menu with a list of recent documents opened with that application.
    ► Open the “File Explorer” to navigate folders and files.
    ► Change the settings of computer like Internet connection or changing background.
    ► Different options to shut down computer.
    ► The “Search box” on the Taskbar will allow to search within documents and files or on the Web for anything we write.

  • Right Pane Features:
    ► The right pane features a varied array of live tiles.
    ► Tiles can be moved and dragged to different places by holding the mouse button.
    ► Configure them by right-clicking on them to see options to resize them or “unpin” them (remove them) from the Menu.
    ► The whole Start Menu can also be resized by dragging the borders with the mouse to the desired size.

3. Utility Program Available:
Ans: Antivirus Software is a utility Program.
For Answer View Q. No.2 (ACTIVITY) 

4. Student should also practice creating, copying, moving and deleting files and folders and create shortcuts.
Ans: Create A New Folder:
The following are the steps to create a new folder.
  1. Go to the location where a folder is to be created.
  2. Right-click in a blank area, point to New in the shortcut menu and then click.
  3. Type a name for the new folder and then press Enter key.
TIP: A new folder can be created in Windows Explorer by simply pressing the Ctrl+Shift+N keys and then rename it.

Copying or Moving a files or Folder:
The following are the steps to copy or move files.
  1. Go to the location from where files are to be copied or moved.
  2. Select the files to copy or move.
  3. Right-click on any selected file icon and then select copy or move from the shortcut menu.
  4. Go to the location where the files are to be copied or moved.
  5. Right-click a blank area and click Paste.
TIP: To copy a file or a folder, select it Press CTRL+C keys.
To move(cut) a file or a folder, select it Press CTRL+X keys, and
To place a copying or cut file or a folder, go in location (folder) where the files are to be copied or moved and Press CTRL+P keys.

Delete Files Or Folders:
The following are the steps to delete files or folders.
  1. Go to the location from where files or folders are to be deleted.
  2. Select the items to delete.
  3. Right-click any selected item and then click Delete in the shortcut menu.
TIP: A file can be deleted by pressing Delete key. OR
A file can be deleted from hard disk without sending it to Recycle Bin by clicking the file and then pressing Shift + Delete keys.

Selecting Files Or Folders:
  • To select consecutive group of multiple files or folders, create a selection around the outside of all the items by dragging the mouse pointer.
  • To select non-consecutive group of files or folders, press and hold down the Ctrl key and then click each item one by one.
  • To select all the items in a window, click Organize on the toolbar and then click Select all. OR press CTRL+A keys

Create A Shortcut:
  • Right click a shortcut icon.
  • Select Properties and click Open File Location to know the location of program, file or folder to which a shortcut belongs.

 5. Teacher should also demonstrate the Task Manager for explaining Task Management concept.

6. Teacher should also demonstrate the BIOS screen.