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UNIT 06. DIGITAL LOGIC AND DESIGN - Text Book Exercise And Question Answers - Computer Science For Class X


Computer Science For Class X
Unit 06: Digital Logic And Design
Question Answers

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
Vice Principal
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Q.1: What is data representation ?Also define Truth Table?
Data representation refers to the form in which data is stored, processed and transmitted. All digital devices such as smartphones, iPads, and computers store data in digital formats that can be handled by electronic circuitry. These circuits work on two logical binary states i.e, Low and High (1 & 0) pulses.

The table that shows the tabular representation of all the possible combinations of the values for inputs and their corresponding outputs is called the truth table.
Truth table is a systematic listing of the values for the dependent variable in terms of all the possible values of independent variable. Truth table representing the condition of input and output circuit which involves two or more variables.
Formula: of truth table is 2n.
Where 'n' is the number of variables used in operation.

Q.2: What are Logic gates, explain their function in detail.
Boolean functions are implemented in digital computer circuits called gates.
A gate is an electronic device that produces a result based on two or more input values. In reality, gates consist of one to six transistors, but digital designers think of them as a single unit. Integrated circuits contain collections of gates suited to a particular purpose.

Logic gates are electronic circuits in a digital diagram. They perform logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR etc.

Logical gates are divided into two categories:
  1. Basic Logical Gates
  2. Universal Logical gates

The logic gate is the basic unit of digital logic circuits. There are mainly three basic gates:
  1. AND
  2. OR
  3. NOT

Logic gate Operation Symbol Used
ANDAND Dot(.), or insertion ( )
OROR Plus (+) or union (U)
NOTNOT Prime (`) or Bar ( )

I. AND Gate:
  • An AND gate is a digital circuit that has two or more inputs and a single output.
  • It operates on logical multiplication rules.
  • AND operation using variables A and B is represented “A.B”, here (.) dot is a logical multiplication sign.
Boolean Expression of AND gate: Y = A.B

Truth Table of AND Operation Using Two Input Variables
A B Y = A.B

  • Truth Table of AND gate using two input variables A, B and output is Y.
  • If any input is 0, then output Y becomes 0.
  • If all inputs are 1 then output Y becomes 1.

Truth Table of AND Operation Using Three Input Variables:
A B C Y = A.B.C

  • Truth Table of AND gate using three input variables A, B,C and output is Y.
  • If any input is 0, then output Y becomes 0.
  • If all inputs are 1 then output Y becomes 1.

II. OR Gate:
  • An OR gate is a digital circuit that has two or more inputs and a single output.
  • It operates on logical Addition rules.
  • Logical OR operation using variables A and B is represented as “A+B”, here (+) is a logical Addition sign.
Boolean Expression of OR gate is Y = A + B.

Truth Table Of OR Gate Operation Using Two Input Variables
A B Y = A + B

  • Truth Table of OR gate using two input variables A, B and output is Y.
  • If any input is 1, then output Y becomes 1.
  • If all inputs are 0 then output Y becomes 0.

Truth Table Of OR Operation Using Three Input Variables
A B C Y = A+B+C

  • Truth Table of OR gate using three input variables A, B,C and Y is output.
  • If any input is 1 then output Y becomes 1.
  • If all inputs are 0 then output Y becomes 0.

III. NOT Gate:
  • A NOT gate is a digital circuit having single input and a single output.
  • It is also known as an INVERTER.
  • The output of NOT gate is the logical inversion of input.
  • It is symbolically represented by complement sign (‘) Right side on top of the input variable or bar (-) sign on top of the variable.
Boolean expression of NOT gate is Y = A’ or Y = A

Truth Table Of Not Gate Operation Using Two Input Variables
Y = A

  • Truth table of NOT gate is A as input and Y = A is output.

The logic gate which can implement any Boolean function without the need to use any other type of basic gate is called Universal gate. There are two universal gates.
  1. NAND Gate
  2. NOR Gate

  • This Gate is a collection of two logic gates the AND gate and the NOT gate, connected in series.
Boolean expression of NAND gate is Y= (A.B)’or Y = AB.

Truth Table Of NAND Operation Using Two Input Variables
Y = AB

  • The Truth table of the NAND gate using two input variables A, B and Y is the output.
  • When all inputs are “1”, the output, Y is “0”.
  • If any one of the inputs is “0”, then the output Y is “1”.

II. NOR Gate:
  • It is the collection of OR Gate and NOT Gate. The output of NOR gate is inverter OR.
The Boolean expression of NOR gate is Y = (A+B)’or Y = A+B.

Truth Table Of NOR Operation Using Two Input Variables
Y = A+B

  • The Truth table of the NOR gate using two input variables A, B and Y is the output.
  • If both inputs are “0”, then the output, Y is “1”.
  • If any one of the inputs is “1”, then the output Y is “0”.

Q.3: Differentiate between universal and basic gates?
Ans: Difference Between Universal And Basic Gates
1. AND,OR and NOT are the most basic logic gates. NAND and NOR are called the universal gates.
2. By using basic logic gate it is possible to implement all possible Boolean expressions. Collection of universal gates can be used to achieve any basic AND, OR and NOT operation.
3. Individual logic gate can be connected to form a variety of different combinational logic circuits. These gates can implement any Boolean expression without using other type of gate.

Q.4: What is Boolean Algebra? Prove the rules of Boolean Algebra.
The Boolean algebra was developed by the English mathematician George Boole in 1954. It deals with statements in mathematical logic, and it can be used to describe the logical operations and processing binary information (i.e. puts them in the form of algebraic equations). It is based on true or false input values to produce a true or false output value.

Logical Algebra:
Boolean algebra is used in designing of logic circuits inside the computer. These circuits perform different types of logical operations. Thus, Boolean algebra is also known as logical algebra or switching algebra.

Boolean Expression:
The mathematical expressions of the Boolean algebra are called Boolean expressions. Boolean algebra describes the Boolean expressions used in the logic circuits. The Boolean expressions are simplified by means of basic theorems.
Boolean Algebra is a convenient and systematic way of expressing and analyzing the operations of logic circuits. It is a mathematical system that contains a set of rules to perform logical operations, whose outcome would be either in the form of true or false.
With regard to digital logic, these rules used to describe circuits state that can be either, 1 (true/on) or 0 (false/off). The Boolean algebra was developed by the English mathematician George Boole in 1847's. Boolean Algebra is applied in the design and analysis of digital system such as computer etc.

The Boolean arithmetic rules are pre-defined rules that help to simplify the logical expression. There are 12 basic rules which are invented to simplify the gates. To reduce the number of logic gates needed to perform a particular logic operation we can apply a set of rules. These rules are commonly known as the Laws of Boolean Algebra Expressions.

The following table shows the Boolean algebra rules for Boolean Expression Simplification:

These rules are used to simplify and manipulate expression, as:
RULE 1: A + 0 = A
  • L.H.S: 0 + 0 = A
  • R.H.S: 0+1 = A

RULE 2: A + 1 = 1
  • L.H.S: 0 + 1 = 1
  • R.H.S: 1 + 1 = 1

RULE 3: A.0 = 0
  • L.H.S: 0. 0=0
  • R.H.S: 1.0 =0

RULE 4: A.1 = A
  • L.H.S: 0.1 = 0
  • R.H.S: 1.1 = 1

RULE 5: A + A = A
  • L.H.S: 0 + 0 = 0
  • R.H.S: 1 + 1 = 1

RULE 6: A.A = A
  • L.H.S: 0. 0 = A
  • R.H.S: 1. 1 = A

RULE 7: A+A=1
  • L.H.S: 0 + 1 = 1
  • R.H.S: 1 + 0   = 1

RULE 8: A.A = 0
  • L.H.S: 0.1 = 0
  • R.H.S: 1.0 = 0

RULE 9: A.A = A

RULE 10:  A = A.B = A

Rule 11:  A + A B = A + B
A + AB

Rule 12:  (A + B) (A + C) = A + B.C

Q.5: Simplify the following Expressions by using Boolean rules.
(i) AB + AB = A
(ii) (A + B) + (A + B) = A

Ans: Simplification of Expression by using Boolean rules:
(i) AB + AB = A

AB + ABTake L.H.S
A(B + B)Here take common variable A from both terms
A . (1)Rule 6th: A + A = 1 So, B + B = 1
ARule 4th: A . (1) = A
A = A
Hence L.H.S = R.H.S
A = A

(ii) (A + B) + (A + B) = A

(A + B) + (A + B)Take L.H.S
AA + AB + BA + BBANDing (Multiplication ) of both expressions
A+ AB + BA + 0Rule 7th: A.A = A and Rule 8th: A.A = 0 or B.B
A + A (B + B) + 0Take common variable A from A + AB + BA expression
A + A.(1) + 0
Rule 6th: A + A = 1 or B + B = 1
A + A + 0Rule 4th: A.(1) = A
A + 0 = ARule 5th:A +  A = A
Hence L.H.S= R.H.S
A = A
( proved)


Hence L.H.S= R.H.S
A = A proved

Q.6 (a) : Draw the Logic circuit diagram that implements the expression Y = ABC (A + D) using gates having no more than three inputs.

  • Above logic circuit consists of AND, OR and, NOR gates.
  • The expression A NOT B, C gate connected with AND gate.
  • A, D is a connected with OR gate and converted in NOR gate.
  • Finally ABC and A + D connected to AND gate.

Q.6 (b): Draw logic circuit of expression X = AB (C + D).

Q.6 (c): Draw logic circuit of expression Q = (A.B) + (A + B).

Q.7: Derive the Boolean expression from the given circuit and make a truth table of that Boolean expression.


1. Explain all logic gates and their operations.
Ans: See above "Q.2" - Basic Logic Gates.

2. Differentiate between NAND and NOR gates.
Ans: Difference Between NAND And NOR Gates:
1. The NAND gate represents the complement of the AND operation The NOR gate represents the complement of the OR operation.
2. Its name is an abbreviation of NOT AND. Its name is an abbreviation of NOT OR.
3. The graphic symbol for the NAND gate consists of an AND symbol with a bubble on the output, denoting that a complement operation is performed on the output of the AND gate. The graphic symbol for the NOR gate consists of an OR symbol with a bubble on the output, denoting that a complement operation is performed on the output of the OR gate.

3. Why do we use Boolean Algebra?
Ans: Boolean algebra is a branch of mathematics. The two-valued Boolean algebra has important application in the design of modern computing systems. We use it for the following purposes.
  • It can be used to describe the manipulation and processing of binary information.
  • It provides a concise way to express the operation of a logic circuit formed by a combination of logic gates so that the output can be determined for various combinations of input values.
  • We use it to analyse digital gates and circuits.
  • We use the “Laws of Boolean” to both reduce and simplify a complex Boolean expression in an attempt to reduce the number of logic gates required.

4. Explain the function of Inverter.
Ans: The Not Gate is a digital circuit that has a single input and single output. It is also called inverter because it performs a basic logic function called inversion or complementation. The Inverter has the following functions:
  • The purpose of the inverter is to change one logic level to the opposite level.
  • In terms of bits, it changes a 1 to 0 and vice-versa.
  • NOT gate is called the inverter because output state is always opposite to the input state, so when the input is low signal, output is high signal and vice-versa.
  • In digital logic, an inverter is a logic gate which implements logical negation.

5. Explain the purpose of Truth table.
Ans: A truth table shows the relationship, in tabular form, between the input values and the result of a specific Boolean operator or function on the input variables. It has following purposes:
  • It displays the logical operations on input signals in a table format.
  • Every Boolean expression can be viewed as a truth table.
  • The truth table identifies all possible input combinations and the output for each.
  • We can prove that two different logical statements are equivalent or not equivalent to one another.
  • We can test the validity of the structure of logical arguments.

6. Simplify the following Boolean Expression.
Z= AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C)

  • Step 1: Apply the distributive law to the second and third terms in the expression, as follows:
    Z= AB + AB + AC + BB + BC

  • Step 2: Apply rule 7 (BB = B) to the fourth term.
    Z= AB + AB + AC + B + BC

  • Step 3: Apply rule 5 (AB + AB = AB) to the first two terms.
    Z= AB + AC + B + BC

  • Step 4: Apply rule 10 (B + BC = B) to the last two terms.
    Z= AB + AC + B

  • Step 5: Apply rule 10 (AB + B = B) to the first and third terms.
    Z= B+AC
At this point the expression is simplified as much as possible.

Solution (Of Q.6):
AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C)Take L.H.S
AB + (B + C) (B + A)Take (B + C) common
According to the Rule 12th: (A + B) (A + C) = A + BC. so, (B + A) (B + C) = B + AC
AB + B + ACRule 12th: (B + A) (B + C) = B + AC
B(A + 1) + ACTake B common
B (1) + ACRule 2nd: (A + 1) = 1
B + ACRule 4th: B.(1) = B
Hence L.H.S= R.H.S
Z = B + AC
( proved)

Source: Special Thanks To Sir Syed Arif Ali

Thanks You So Much Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio For Special Feedback

Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 9 - Pharmacology - Text Book Chapter


Text Book Chapter

Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 9 - Pharmacology - Question Answers

Questions And Answers

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
Vice Principal
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Q.1: What is pharmacology? Pharmacy and pharmacist.
"Pharmacology is the branch of biomedical science which is concerned to the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs. This branch is studied under the discipline of pharmacy."
In other words,
"Pharmacology is the study of drug composition, properties, medical applications and sources of drugs."

"Pharmacy is the study of preparation of medicines and drugs."

"One who studies pharmacy responsible for dispensing prescription medications to patients and advising them are called pharmacists."

Q.2: Who is recognized as the founder of modern pharmacology?
Ans: Oswald Schmiedeberg 1838 - 1921) is generally recognised as the founder of modern pharmacology. He studied the pharmacology of chloroform and chloral hydrate.

Q.3: Define Drug. What are its types?
"A drug is a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent a disease or to promote well-being or artificial pleasure."
"It is defined as any chemical substance used in the diagnosis, cure, treatment or prevention of diseases."
"Any substance that is absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal body function is known as a drug."

Drugs can be derived from plants and animals. There are two categories of drugs:
  1. Pharmaceutical drug OR Medicinal drug:
    are used to treat the diseases and make the patient physically normal.

  2. Addictive drugs:
    which make the person person relaxed by feeling of pleasure, acting on the CNS of the person, finally the person become dependent on it.

Q.4: What are medicinal drugs? Write its sources and also describe main uses of important medicinal drugs?
Medicinal drugs are beneficial for patients as these drugs treat the diseases to prevent them, so many of the diseases can easily be cured.

These beneficial drugs are obtained from various sources. They are as follows:

1. Drugs from Plants:
Many important medicines are obtained from plants . Plants produce special substances in their roots, leaves, flowers or seeds that help to form drugs in laboratory or can be used directly as herbs to treat certain diseases.
  • Cinchona tree contains Quinine in its bark which is used in the prevention and treatment of malaria.
  • Opium is used as pain-killer drug extracted from unripe seed pods of the opium poppy.

2. Drugs from microorganisms:
Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi not only produce primary metabolites but are also capable of making secondary metabolites, which constitute half of the pharmaceutical on the market as antibiotics and antifungal drugs.
  • Tetracycline is produced by bacteria.
  • Lovastatin are produced by fungi.

3.Drugs obtained from animals:
Certain animal parts and animal products are used as drugs in therapeutics. The major group of animal products used in medicine is hormones, enzymes, animal's extractive, organs and bile acids.
  • Gonadotropin hormone is prepared commercially from either horse serum or from the urine of pregnant woman. They controlled the production of sex hormone in the body.
  • Hyaluronidase enzyme is produced by some microorganisms found in the heads of leeches, in snake venom and in mammalian testes.
  • Drugs produced by animals are usually their glandular products. Fish liver oil, musk, bees wax, certain hormones and antitoxins are also obtained from animal sources.
  • Now a days, scientists are more excited about drugs derived from the sea anemone.

4. Drugs from minerals:
Some of the drugs are synthesized from minerals or can be given with minerals as supplement.
  • Iron is used in treatment of iron deficiency (anemia).
  • Zinc is used to make zinc oxide paste which is used in wounds and in eczema.
  • Gold salts are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis etc.

5. Synthetic Drugs:
Synthetic drugs are synthesized in labs by using man-made chemicals rather than natural ingredients. A number of synthetic drugs are available in the market . There are almost 200 identified synthetic drug compounds and more than 90 different synthetic drugs.
  • Synthetic marijuana goes by many names: K2, Spice, fake pot, potpourri, legal weed, and more.

Drugs are classified on the basis of their chemical properties and modes of action. Their uses are as follows:
  • Analgesic (Painkillers):
    Reduce pain by acting on CNS.
    Aspirin, Paracetamol and Panadol etc. (A recent study found that aspirin may be most effective when taken at night, rather than in morning.)

  • Antibiotics:
    Are work against bacterial infections. It either kills or inhibit the bacterial growth.
    Tetracycline, Cephalosporin, Penicillin etc.

  • Vaccines:
    The vaccine is vital for one's life, vaccines prevent the living body from the microbial diseases by developing in the body.
    Hepatitis vaccine, rabies vaccine, covid-19 vaccine etc.

  • Sedatives:
    Sedative drugs are helpful for treating anxiety and sleep problem.
    Diazepam (Valium), Alprazolam (Xanax) and Clonazepam( Klonopin).

Q.5: What things must be kept in mind while using medicines? Or What are the side effects or danger zone kept in mind while using medicines?
Ans: While taking medicines we should keep the following things in mind:
  • An allergic reaction could happen with any drug. That can range from itching and rash all the way to a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction.
  • Overdose of painkillers and sedatives can make a person addictive which on leaving causes severe risk factors.
  • One cannot the 'catch' the disease from the vaccines. Some vaccines contain “inactive” virus, and it is impossible to get the disease from them. Other have active but weakened virus designed to prevent the disease.
  • The children who are given antibiotics for routine upper respiratory infections are more susceptible to aggressive antibiotic-resistant strains of the bacteria.
  • Aggressive antibiotics which are helpful in treating a serious infection, can wipe out many useful gut bacteria.

Q.6: Describe the discovery of antiseptics? OR Who is called as "Father of Antiseptic Surgery" OR Write about the contribution of Joseph Lister in the field of pharmacology.
Ans: Discovery Of Antiseptics OR Contribution of Joseph Lister:
  • Joseph Lister is called the “Father of Antiseptic surgery”. Joseph Lister's contribution paved the way to safer medical procedures. His introduction of the antiseptic process dramatically decreased deaths from childbirth and surgery. 
  • Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissues or skin to prevent microbial infections.
  • Lister used carbolic acid as disinfectant and used it for washing hands and instruments.
  • He also designed spray machine with carbolic acid to kill airborne germs.

Q.7: Who discovered antibiotics and how? OR Write about the contribution of Sir Alexander Fleming in the field of pharmacology.
Ans: Contribution of Alexander Fleming:
  • Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish researcher, is credited with the discovery of Penicillin in 1928.
  • Fleming was experimenting with influenza virus in the Laboratory of the Inoculation Department at St. Mary's Hospital in London.
  • After two week vacation when Fleming returned he found a mold had developed on an accidentally contaminated staphylococcus culture plate.
  • Upon examination of the mold, he noticed that the culture prevented the growth of staphylococci. This accident led the discovery of antibiotic named as Penicillin.
Q.8: Define antiseptic?
Ans: Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissues or skin to prevent microbial infections.

Q.9: Define addictive drugs and describe their major categories?
"One drug often make person dependent on them or addicted. By using such drugs, the person's body become familiar to it and the user cannot function well without it. This is called drug addiction."
Addictive drugs acts on the pleasure center in the brain, causing a shortcut to reward that, when repeated, can change the way person processes information.
Drugs' addictive qualities may be enhanced by make a person feel good when using them and they may make user feel bad when they wear off.

The major categories of addictive drugs are as follows:
Sedative drugs are central nervous system (CNS) depressants. They have following effects:
  • Slows normal brain function.
  • One of the most marked effect of sedatives is their potential for abuse and addiction.
  • It can cause drowsiness (dizziness) and sleepiness and are used to reduce anxiety.
  • They also reduce heart rate and breathing and can reduce them to the point that death occurs, If there is an overdose.

Narcotics are also called painkillers. These drugs are often prescribed in conjunction with other less potent pain killers (paracetamol or aspirin). These drugs bind with the pain receptors present in CNS and reduce the pain.
Uses and effects:
  • These are used to treat moderate to severe pain that may not respond well to other pain medication such as patients with chronic diseases (cancer).
  • These are also used to relieve acute pain after operations.
  • The short term effects of opiate use can include feelings of euphoria, pain relief, drowsiness and sedation.
  • Narcotics can be dangerous not only because of their potential for abuse and addiction, but also because they can sometimes lead to overdose and death.

The most abused narcotics are the following:
  1. Heroine:
    * Heroine is considered highly addictive.
    * Heroine and other opioid drugs interact with dopamine levels in brain, therefore causes burst of pleasure associated with their use.
    * Abuse of heroine can lead to drug tolerance, dependence and addiction.

  2. Morphine:
    * It is used to relieve moderate to severe pain.
    * It remains active in blood stream upto 6 hrs.
    * It acts on the CNS and causes relief from pain.
    * Overdose can cause  many side effects including nausea, vomiting, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness and sweating.

Hallucinogens are the class of drugs that hallucinations-profound distortion (cause changes) in a person's perception of reality.
  • Increased breathing rate.
  • It affects Sympathetic nervous system.
  • It causes dilation of pupils.
  • Constriction of some arteries.
  • Rise in blood pressure.
  • Increased heart rate and irregular heartbeats.
  • Palpitations
  • Blurred visions.
  1. Marijuana:
    Marijuana (Hashish) is a hallucinogen which is smoked. It is the most commonly used illicit drugs in the world. It is obtained from the flowers, stems and leaves of the marijuana plant (Cannabis indica). People smoke it in hand rolled cigarettes or in pipes.
    • Small doses of marijuana result in a feeling of well-being that lasts two to three hours.
    • High doses produce immediate sensations - increased heart rate.
    • It weakens the short term memory.
    • Reduces coordination and balance.
    • Affects brain development.
    • Produce a "dreamy" unreal state of mind.
    • If teenagers are using marijuana, the drug may impair thinking, memory and learning functions and the affect the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions.

Q.10: What are the symptoms of addiction?
Ans: The following are the signs that can help us identify a addictive person.
  • When a person is addicted to a substance, such as a drug, alcohol or nicotine, they are not able to control the use of that substance.
  • When body levels of that substance go below a certain level the patient have physical and mood-related symptoms.
  • There are cravings for drugs, bouts of moodiness, bad temper, poor focus, a feeling of being depressed and empty, frustration, anger, bitterness and resentment.
  • Sometimes the addict may engage in risky activities, such as driving fast.

Q.12: Why addiction is considered as harmful condition? Or What are the problems associated to drug addiction?
Ans: Drug Addiction:
Addiction is considered to be a very harmful condition because addictive drugs act on pleasure center of the brain and therefore affects the way a person processes information.
Drug abusers go through withdrawal of social contact or communication. Many studies by the experts of social sciences prove that there exists a close relationship between drug addiction and crime.

Problems Associated To Drug Addiction:
The problem associated with drug abuse extend beyond immediate personal impact.
  1. Weakened Immune System & Health Issues:
    Due to weakened immune system, addictive people suffer with health issues which increases the risk of illnesses and infection. Such as heart and lung diseases, liver failure, blood vessels infections etc.
  2. Damage Social Life:
    Addiction can damage the one's social life. They face social stigma i.e. the society dislikes them because of their unpredictable behaviours. The addictive people are short tempered and mostly their violent acts results in harm to others or society.
  3. Involvement in Crimes:
    Addictive people can easily involved in various crimes e.g. Robbery, stealing / snatching, law violator and a criminal.
  4. Brain Damage & Psychic Patients:
    Seizures, stroke, mental confusion and brain damage. Problems with memory, attention and decision making, which make daily living more difficult. Drug addicts may become psychic patients also.
  5. Disturbed Family Life:
    The family of an addict person is also affected, when the addict does not get its need he become, angry, aggressive, harsh, short temper and does not behave well, ultimately lose relations.
  6. Death Occur:
    The most severe effect of drug abuse is death, if overdosed.

Q.13: List some hallucinogens and narcotics obtaining plants found in Pakistan?
Ans: Hallucinogens And Narcotics Obtaining plants found in Pakistan are:
  1. Salvia divinorum
  2. Datura
  3. Opium poppy
  4. Willow Bark (Salix)
  5. Cannabis
  6. Psilocybin mushroom

Q.14: What are antibiotics? How do they work OR Discuss their uses and misuses?
Antibiotics are chemical substances mostly used to fight infections caused by bacteria. They treat infections by killing or decreasing the growth of bacteria. They are the chemicals can be produced naturally by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) or can be derived by microorganisms in laboratory or can be synthesized in labs.
Antibiotics are used to treat only bacterial infections. They can treat viral or fungal infections.

There are two types of antibiotics:
  1. Bacteriostatic Antibiotics:
    which means they inhibit (work by stopping) the bacterial growth.
  2. Bactericidal Antibiotics:
    Some antibiotics are "bactericidal",  which means these can kill bacterial cell.

Antibiotics can cause side effects based on they work. Antibiotics are prescribed for a particular infection, but can harm to normal flora which is beneficial to our body. Some of the harmful side effects are as follows:
  • Antibiotic resistance
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Thrush, which is a fungal infection that can affect the mouth or digestive tract.
  • Vaginal yeast infection caused by Candidia albican (discharge, burning, pain, itchiness).
  • Can cause yellowing of teeth.

Q.15: How bacteria produce antibiotics resistance?
Antibiotics are most important in medicine but overuse of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance. Unfortunately bacteria are capable of developing resistance to them. Such bacteria are not affected by commonly used antibiotics; this condition is called antibiotic resistance.

Ways Of Resistance:
Bacteria have number of ways of developing resistance.
  • Sometimes bacteria become habitual for that antibiotic or alter strategy to hinder the effect of antibiotic.
  • The change either protects the bacterium from the action of the medication or neutralized the medication.
  • They can acquire resistance by getting a resistance gene encoded to its chromosomes.
  • Another cause of antibiotic resistance is their use in diseases in which they have no effect (e.g. antibiotics are not effective against infections caused by viruses).

Q.16: What are vaccines? Illustrate mechanism of vaccination?
A vaccine is a biological preparation that improve immunity to a particular disease.  A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins on one of its surface proteins. A vaccine can confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to attack the agent.

  • Antigens: Pathogens contain special proteins called antigens.
  • Antibodies: When pathogens enter the body (blood) of host, these proteins stimulate the immune response in host i.e. synthesis of antibodies. Antibodies bind to pathogens and destroy them.
  • Memory cells: These cells are produced which remain in blood and provide protection against future infections with the same pathogen.
When a vaccine i.e. weakened or dead pathogen is introduced into bloodstream, the white blood cells are stimulated; B-Lymphocytes recognize the weakened or dead pathogens as enemies and start producing antibodies against them. These antibiotics remain in blood and provide protection against pathogens. If real pathogens enter blood, the already present antibodies kill them.

Q.17: Who introduced world's first vaccination?
Ans: World's First vaccination.
The first vaccine was introduced by British physician, Edward Jenner, who in 1796 used the cowpox virus (vaccinia),  to confer protection against smallpox, a related virus in human.  This method was named vaccination and the substance used to vaccinate is called a "vaccine".

Q.18: Define Immunization?
Immunization is the process in which a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease by administering a vaccine.

Source: Special Thanks To Sir Syed Arif Ali

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 9 - Pharmacology - Review Textbook Exercise

Review Textbook Exercise

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
Vice Principal
(Jauhar Progressive School)


Choose the correct answer:
1. Who is called father of antiseptic?

a) Alexander fleming
b) Edward Jenner
c) Lister ✓
d) Oswald Schmiedeberg

2. Drugs for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis can be obtained from:
a) Animals
b) Minerals ✓
c) Plants
d) Micro organisms

3. Drugs that slow normal brain functioning are categorized as:
(a) Narcotics
(b) Hallucinogen
(c) Marijuana
(d) Sedatives ✓

4. Vaccination can be administered:
(a) After infection
(b) Before infection
(c) During infection
(d) All are Correct ✓

5. The substance which inhibit the growth of bacteria can be considered as:
(a) Vaccine
(b) Bactericidal
(c) Bacteriostatic
(d) Antibiotics ✓

6. Haris is addicted to a drug , which left the following effect on Haris:
i. Blurred vision
ii. Making unseen faces in imagination
iii. Euphoria
Identify the drug, to which Haris is addicted?

(a) Narcotics
(b) Hallucinogen ✓
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Antiseptic

7. Which one is not the effect of misuse of antibiotics?
(a) Diarrhea
(b) Immunization ✓
(c) Stomach upset
(d) Antibiotic resistance


Q.1: Why antibiotics are not effective against viral infection?
Ans: Antibiotics are useless against viral infections mainly due to the following reasons:
  • Antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses because they are different from bacteria; they have different structure and different way of surviving.
  • Viruses don't have cell walls that can be attacked by antibiotics, instead they are surrounded by protective coat.
  • Unlike bacteria, viruses are simple that they use their host cells to perform their activities for them.
  • Antibiotics work by targeting the growth machinery in bacteria. While virus cannot reproduce on their own, instead they attach themselves to healthy cell and reprogram those cells to make new not virus.
  • The antiviral drugs work differently to antibiotics; by interfering with the viral enzymes instead.

Q.2: Why the sedative is used for?
Ans: Sedatives drugs are central nervous system (CNS) depressants, a category of drugs that slow normal brain function. Sedatives are used for the following purposes:
  • To reduce heart rate and breathing
  • To reduce anxiety and tension
  • To treat seizures
  • They are helpful in panic disorders
  • To cure sleep disorders

Q.3: Why addiction is considered as harmful condition? Or What are the problems associated to drug addiction?
Ans: Drug Addiction:
Addiction is considered to be a very harmful condition because addictive drugs act on pleasure center of the brain and therefore affects the way a person processes information.
Drug abusers go through withdrawal of social contact or communication. Many studies by the experts of social sciences prove that there exists a close relationship between drug addiction and crime.

Problems Associated To Drug Addiction:
The problem associated with drug abuse extend beyond immediate personal impact.
  1. Weakened Immune System & Health Issues:
    Due to weakened immune system, addictive people suffer with health issues which increases the risk of illnesses and infection. Such as heart and lung diseases, liver failure, blood vessels infections etc.
  2. Damage Social Life:
    Addiction can damage the one's social life. They face social stigma. i.e. the society dislikes them because of their unpredictable behaviours. The addictive people are short tempered and mostly their violent acts results in harm to others or society.
  3.  Involvement in Crimes:
    Addictive people can easily involved in various crimes e.g. Robbery, stealing / snatching, law violator and a criminal.
  4. Brain Damage & Psychic Patients:
    Seizures, stroke, mental confusion and brain damage. Problems with memory, attention and decision making, which make daily living more difficult. Drug addicts may become psychic patients also.
  5. Disturbed Family Life:
    The family of an addict person is also affected, when the addict does not get its need he become, angry, aggressive, harsh, short temper and does not behave well, ultimately lose relations.
  6. Death Occur:
    The most severe effect of drug abuse is death, if overdosed.

Q.4: How drugs (medicine) can be taken from natural source?
Ans: Natural Sources of drugs:
Drugs can be taken from natural sources through plant, animal, micro organisms and minerals.

1. Drugs from Plants:
Many important medicines are obtained from plants. Plants produce special substances in their roots, leaves, flowers or seeds that help to form drugs in laboratory or can be used directly as herbs to treat certain diseases.
  • Cinchona tree contains Quinine in its bark which is used in the prevention and treatment of malaria.
  • Opium is used as pain-killer drug extracted from unripe seed pods of the opium poppy.

2. Drugs from microorganisms:
Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi not only produce primary metabolites but are also capable of making secondary metabolites, which constitute half of the pharmaceutical on the market as antibiotics and antifungal drugs.
  • Tetracycline is produced by bacteria.
  • Lovastatin are produced by fungi.

3. Drugs obtained from animals:
Certain animal parts and animal products are used as drugs in therapeutics. The major group of animal products used in medicine is hormones, enzymes, animal's extractive, organs and bile acids.
  • Gonadotropin hormone is prepared commercially from either horse serum or from the urine of pregnant woman. They controlled the production of sex hormone in the body.
  • Hyaluronidase enzyme is produced by some microorganisms found in the heads of leeches, in snake venom and in mammalian testes.
  • Now a day, scientists are more excited about drugs derived from the sea anemone.

4. Drugs from minerals:
Some of the drugs are synthesized from minerals or can be given with minerals as supplement.
  • Iron is used in treatment of iron deficiency (anemia).
  • Zinc is used to make zinc oxide paste which is used in wounds and in eczema.
  • Gold salts are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis etc.
(Note: Write down any one example only in each heading)

Q.5: Is it possible to get drugs from animals name some of them?
Ans: Yes it is possible to get drugs from animals. The healing of human ailment by using therapeutics based on medicines obtained from animals or ultimately derived from them is known as zootherapy. Certain animal parts and animal products are used as drugs in therapeutics. The major group of animal products used in medicine is hormones, enzymes, animal's extractive, organs and bile acids.
  • Gonadotropin hormone is prepared commercially from either horse serum or from the urine of pregnant woman. They controlled the production of sex hormone in the body.
  • Hyaluronidase enzyme is produced by some microorganisms found in the heads of leeches, in snake venom and in mammalian testes.
  • Drugs produced by animals are usually their glandular products. Fish liver oil, musk, bees wax, certain hormones and antitoxins are also obtained from animal sources.
  • Now a day, scientists are more excited about drugs derived from the sea anemone.

Q.6: Do we have any harm of antibiotics? If, so mention them.
Ans: Yes, antibiotics have some harm because they can cause side effects based on they work. Antibiotics are prescribed for a particular infection, but can harm normal flora beneficial to our body. Some of the harmful side effects are as follows:
  • Antibiotic resistance
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Thrush, which is a fungal infection that can affect the mouth or digestive tract.
  • Vaginal yeast infection caused by Candidia albican (discharge, burning, pain, itchiness).
  • Can cause yellowing of teeth.

Q.7: How vaccines work against pathogen? Explain the process with the help of diagram.
A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins on one of its surface proteins. A vaccine can confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to attack the agent.

Mechanism Or Working of Vaccine:


(i) How bacteria produce antibiotics resistance?
Antibiotics are most important in medicine but overuse of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop the ability to survive exposure to antibiotics that were designed to kill them or stop their growth. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are free to grow, multiply and cause infection within the host even when exposed to antibiotics. As such bacteria are not affected by commonly used antibiotics, so this condition is called antibiotic resistance.
There are two main ways for bacteria to withstand the effects of an antibiotic:

1. Stop the antibiotic from reaching its target:
Pump the antibiotic out from the bacterial cell. Bacteria can produce pumps that sit in their membrane or cell wall. These so-called efflux pumps are very common in bacteria and can transport a variety of compounds such as signal molecules and nutrients. some of these pumps can also transport antibiotics out from the bacterium, in this way lowering the antibiotic concentration inside the bacterial cell.
In some cases mutations in the bacterial DNA can make the bacteria produce more of a certain pump, which in turn increases resistance. Decrease permeability of the membrane that surrounds the bacterial cell. Certain changes in the bacterial membrane make it more difficult to pass through. In this way, less of the antibiotic gets into the bacteria.

2. Modify or bypass the target of the antibiotic:
Camouflage the target. Changes in the composition or structure of the target in the bacterium (resulting from mutations in the bacterial DNA) can stop the antibiotic from interacting with the target. Alternatively, the bacteria can add different chemical groups to the target structure, in this way shielding it from the antibiotic.
Express alternative proteins. Some bacteria are able to produce alternative proteins that can be used instead of the ones that are inhibited by the antibiotic.
Some bacteria are naturally resistant to certain antibiotics. For example an antibiotic that destroys the cell wall of the bacteria. If a bacterium does not have a cell wall, the antibiotic will have no effect. This phenomenon is called intrinsic resistance. When a bacterium that was previously susceptible to an antibiotic evolves resistance, it is called acquired resistance.

  • Sometimes bacteria become habitual for that antibiotic or alter strategy to hinder the effect of antibiotic.
  • The change either protects the bacterium from the action of the medication or neutralized the medication.
  • They can acquire resistance by getting a resistance gene encoded to its chromosomes.
  • Another cause of antibiotic resistance is their use in diseases in which they have no effect (e.g. antibiotics are not effective against infections caused by viruses).

(ii) Describe the mode of vaccination?
There are many approaches to vaccine development, but vaccines can be broadly classified by the antigen(s), the active component(s) that generate a specific immune response against the disease-causing organism, are prepared.

Live attenuated vaccines:

The virus or bacteria is functional/alive but has been weakened so it can replicate in the body several times and generate an immune response without causing the disease, e.g. chickenpox, measles, mumps and rubella, rotavirus, and shingles vaccine viruses. The BCG vaccine contains live weakened tuberculosis bacteria.

Inactivated or dead vaccines:
Inactivated vaccines do not contain live viruses or bacteria. Viruses in these vaccines are inactivated or split, e.g., polio or influenza vaccines in New Zealand, and bacteria killed. New Zealand does not have a killed bacteria vaccine on the Immunization Schedule, but a travel-related vaccine is available for purchase. They cannot cause the disease but the inclusion of adjuvant (immune enhancers) in the vaccine help generate an immune response.

Subunit vaccines:
These vaccines present proteins or sugars derived from the disease-causing organism.

Protein vaccines:
Protein vaccines may include fragments extracted from a virus or bacteria such as inactivated bacterial toxoid proteins, e.g. tetanus and diphtheria vaccines, or be engineered without the disease-causing organism, e.g. virus-like particles in hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines Pure polysaccharide vaccines.
Some vaccines only include sugar/carbohydrate (polysaccharide) molecules found on the outside of some bacteria, e.g. some vaccines to protect against pneumococcal or typhoid disease. This type of vaccine can generate a protective immune response in older children and adults and cannot cause the disease.

Nucleic acid-based vaccines:
At present, different types of nucleic-acid vaccines are in developmental, pre-clinical and clinical evaluation phases, e.g. for prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), influenza and malaria diseases and treat some cancers. This vaccine platform is also being used to develop vaccines to prevent COVID-19 disease.

Source: Special Thanks To Sir Syed Arif Ali

Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 9 - Pharmacology - Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks By Mrs. Ayesha Arif

Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
Vice Principal
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Choose the correct answer:
1. Who is called father of antiseptic?

a) Alexander fleming
b) Edward Jenner
c) Lister ✓
d) Oswald Schmiedeberg

2. Drugs for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis can be obtained from:
a) Animals
b) Minerals ✓
c) Plants
d) Micro organisms

3. Drugs that slow normal brain functioning are categorized as:
(a) Narcotics
(b) Hallucinogen
(c) Marijuana
(d) Sedatives ✓

4. Vaccination can be administered:
(a) After infection
(b) Before infection
(c) During infection
(d) All are Correct ✓

5. The substance which inhibit the growth of bacteria can be considered as:
(a) Vaccine
(b) Bactericidal
(c) Bacteriostatic
(d) Antibiotics ✓

6. Haris is addicted to a drug , which left the following effect on Haris:
i. Blurred vision
ii. Making unseen faces in imagination
iii. Euphoria
Identify the drug, to which Haris is addicted?

(a) Narcotics
(b) Hallucinogen ✓
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Antiseptic

7. Which one is not the effect of misuse of antibiotics?
(a) Diarrhea
(b) Immunization ✓
(c) Stomach upset
(d) Antibiotic resistance

8. He is generally recognized as the founder of modern pharmacology.
(a) Alexander Fleming
(b) Edward Jenner
(c) Lister
(d) Oswald Schmiedberg ✓

9. Cinchona tree contains Quinine in its bark which is used in the treatment of:
(a) malaria ✓
(b) pain
(c) diarrhoea
(d) upset stomach

10. Opium is used as a/an:
(a) antiseptic
(b) antibiotics
(c) pain-killer drug ✓
(d) vaccine

11. Gonadotropin hormones are prepared commercially from:
(a) horse serum
(b) the urine of pregnant woman
(c) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓
(d) None of these

12. Hyaluronidase enzyme is produced by some microorganisms, found in the:
(a) heads of leeches 
(b) snake venom
(c) mammalian testes
(d) All of these ✓

13. Penicillin, Cephalosporin and Tetracycline are:
(a) pain killers
(b) antibiotics ✓
(c) vaccine
(d) sedatives

14. It prevents the living body from microbial diseases by developing immunity in the body.
(a) antiseptic
(b) antibiotics
(c) pain-killer drug
(d) vaccine ✓

15. These drugs help treat anxiety and sleep problems.
(a) Sedatives ✓
(b) Pain killers
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Vaccine

16. Joseph Lister used this as a disinfectant.
(a) sulphuric acid
(b) hydrochloric acid
(c) carbolic acid ✓
(d) oxalic acid

17. He discovered penicillin in 1928.
(a) Alexander Fleming ✓
(b) Edward Jenner
(c) Joseph Lister
(d) Oswald

18. They are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/skin to prevent microbial infection.
(a) Sedatives
(b) Antiseptics ✓
(c) Antibiotics
(d) vaccine

19. In 1796, the first vaccine was introduced by a British physician:
(a) Alexander Fleming
(b) Edward Jenner ✓
(c) Joseph Lister
(d) Oswald Schmiedberg

20. The branch of biomedical science which is concerned with the use, effect and mode of actions of drugs is called:
a) Biotechnology
b) Medicine
c) B-Pharmacy
d) Pharmacology ✓

21. The chemical substance which is used to treat, cure, prevent a disease and used for artificial pleasure is called:
a) Antibody
b) Antibiotic
c) Drug ✓
d) vaccine

22. Drugs can be derived from:
a) Plants
b) Animals
c) Trees
d) Both A & B ✓

23. There are ______ categories of drugs.
a) 1
b) 2 ✓
c) 3
d) 4

24. These drugs are derived from microorganisms, mineral, plants, animal or synthetic.
a) addictive
b) Medicinal ✓
c) Narcotics
d) Antibiotics

25. These drugs may be pain killer, antibiotics, vaccine, sedative, antiseptics.
a) addictive
b) Medicinal ✓
c) Narcotics
d) Antibiotics

26. These drugs may be sedative, narcotics (Heroine, Morphine, Marijuana).
a) addictive ✓
b) Medicinal
c) Narcotics
d) Antibiotics

27. These are bacteriostatic or bactericidal.
a) addictive
b) Medicinal
c) Narcotics
d) Antibiotics ✓

28. It means inhibit growth of bacteria.
a) bacteriostatic ✓
b) Bactiocidial
c) Marijuana
d) Antibiotics

29. It means kill the bacteria.
a) bacteriostatic
b) Bactiocidial ✓
d) Antibiotics

30. They work against wide range of Gram+ve and Gram-ve bacteria called broad spectrum:
a) bacteriostatic
b) Bactiocidial
d) Antibiotics ✓

31. It is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
a) Antibody
b) Antibiotic
c) Drug
d) vaccine ✓

32. It is the process whereby a person is made resistant to an infectious disease.
a) Immunization ✓
b) Vaccination
c) Hallucinogen
d) Infection


1. Oswald Schmiedeberg (1838-1921) is generally recognized as the founder of modern pharmacology.
2. One who studies pharmacy responsible for dispensing prescription medications to patient and advising them are called pharmacists.
3. Cinchona tree contains Quinine in its bark.
4. Quinine is used in the prevention and treatment of malaria.
5. Opium is used as pain-killer drug extracted from the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy.
6. Tetracycline are produced by bacteria.
7. Lovastatin produced by fungi.
8. Gonadotropin hormone are prepared commercially from horse serum.
9. Hyaluronidase enzyme is produced by microorganism, found in the heads of leeches, in snake venoms and in mammalian testes.
10. Iron is used in treatment of anemia.
11. Zinc oxide paste is used in wounds and in eczema.
12. Gold salts are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
13. K2, Spice, fake pot, potpourri, legal weed are synthetic drugs.
14. Paracetamol, Aspirin and Panadol are examples of pain killer.
15. Penicillin, Cephalosporin and Tetracycline are examples of antibiotics.
16. Sedative drugs are helpful for treating anxiety and sleep problems.
17. Diazepam (Valium), Alprazolam (Xanax) and Clonazepam (Klonopin) are examples of sedative drugs.
18. Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish researcher, is credited with the discovery of penicillin in 1928.
19. Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue / skin to prevent the microbial infection.
20. Sedatives are central nervous system (CNS) depressants.
21. Narcotics are also called painkiller.
22. Marijuana can be obtained from the flower, stem and leaves of the Cannabis indica plant.
23. The first beta-lactam antibiotics, penicillin, was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
24. The first vaccine was introduced by British physician Edward Jenner.

Source: Special Thanks To Sir Syed Arif Ali