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Wednesday 21 December 2022

Unit-6 - Character Building - Unit 6.3: Language Practice - Text Book Exercise 1 -8

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Unit-6 - Character Building
Language Practice

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Transitional Devices Showing Order And Reason

Transitional devices showing order and reason
Transitional devices are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. They link sentences and paragraphs together so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks. There are several kinds of transitional devices. Here we will discuss two categories.

 Showing Order first, second (etc.), finally, next, then, after, before, as soon as, in the end, after that, meanwhile, later on, etc.
 Showing Reason because, as, for, since, due to, owing to, etc.


Work individually and underline the words showing order in passage 1 and connectors of reason in passage 2 given below. Discuss your answers with your partner.
Saturday was a great day! First, I met my friends at the sports centre. Then, we had lunch at Chez Café. Next, we went to a museum and saw some amazing dinosaurs. After that we went to see a fantastic science fiction film. As soon as the film ended, we all went home.

Bilal was an hour late because he had missed the train. I did not bother him as he was worried. I offered him lunch since it was lunch time, but he refused. Owing to staff shortage at the office, everyone was very busy due to which nobody was able to ensure that he had had his lunch.

Saturday was a great day! First, I met my friends at the sports centre. Then, we had lunch at Chez Café. Next, we went to a museum and saw some amazing dinosaurs. After that we went to see a fantastic science fiction film. As soon as the film ended, we all went home.

Bilal was an hour late because he had missed the train. I did not bother him as he was worried. I offered him lunch since it was lunch time, but he refused. Owing to staff shortage at the office, everyone was very busy due to which nobody was able to ensure that he had had his lunch.


Work individually and complete the passage with the words showing order. Discuss your answers with your partner.
Yesterday was my birthday, and it didn't start well. I went to the park to meet my friends, but they weren't there. So, I decided to look for them. First, I went to the shopping centre opposite the park, but they weren’t there. Then, I looked for them in the library, but they weren’t there. After that, I tried the sports centre and the restaurant near the park, but my friends weren't there. In the end I went home, and my friends were there, with a birthday cake, ice cream, music, and games. It was a surprise party for me! Finally I had a great birthday.


Work individually and fill in the blanks with the most suitable words showing order from the brackets. An example has done. Discuss your answer with your partner.
1. My sister was in the dentist's office for ten minutes. ______ I sat in the waiting room with an old magazine in my hands.
(First, Meanwhile, Later)

2. An hour passed, but there was no sign of Mujahid. ____ we decided to go home.
(Until, Before, Finally)

3. We bumped into Salim during our trip to Keenjhar Lake. A few weeks _____ we met him again.
(after, then, later)

4. She had finished her lunch _____ I had even started.
(later than, before, after)

5. They went to a nearby restaurant for breakfast, ____ they drove off towards the River Indus.
(after that, afterwards, meanwhile)

6. The football coach announced to play with Sindh ____ and ____ with Baluchistan.
(first - then, later - after, lastly - eventually)

7. As we are all hungry, we will go to the park ____ taking lunch.
(before, after, first)


The following statements describe the process of frying an egg but the steps are all mixed up. Work with your partner and select the appropriate words for each blank to describe the process of frying an egg. After filling the blanks, write these steps in the correct order, in the form of a paragraph, in your notebooks.
Next, Step three, after that, first, Finally, Step two, then, step one
1. Then, cook for a while.
2. Step two, put some oil in it.
3. Step three, break the egg.
4. First, take a frying pan.
5. In the end, sprinkle salt and pepper over it.
6. Finally, eat it with bread.
7. Step one, put it on the stove.
8. After that, put the fried egg on the plate.
9. Next, put it in the heated oil.

First, take a frying pan. Step one, put it on the stove. Step two, put some oil in it. Step three, break the egg. Next, put it in the heated oil. Then, cook for a while. After that, put the fried egg on the plate. In the end, sprinkle salt and pepper over it. Finally, eat it with bread.

Revision of Direct/ Indirect Questions

You have already learnt in earlier classes about the two types of questions: 'Yes/ No' questions and Wh-questions. When changing 'Yes/ No' type of questions from direct to indirect speech if or whether is added.
  • Direct: Rehana said "Can you fetch me some water?"
    Indirect: Rehana asked if I could fetch her some water.

  • Direct: Parvez said, "Are you from Australia?"
    Indirect: Parvez asked whether I was from Australia.

However, when changing the Wh-questions from direct to indirect speech, the Wh' word used in the direct speech is used in the indirect speech.
Moreover, the person who is being asked the question is either mentioned directly or there is an indirect reference.

  • Direct: Mother said, "How is the chickens?"
    Indirect: Mother asked me how the chicken was.

  • Direct: Haseeb said, "When will we go to the stadium, Tahir?"
    Indirect: Haseeb asked Tahir when they would go to the stadium.


Work in pairs. orally discuss and change the following from direct to indirect speech. After discussing, write the correct responses in your notebook.

1. Ali's friend said, "Can you spare me your book for a week?"
Indirect: Ali’s friend asked if I could spare him my book for a week.

2. She said to him, "Do you sell seafood?"
Indirect: She asked him if he sold seafood.

3. Have you visited Mohatta palace in Karachi, Charles?" said Behram.
Indirect: Behram asked Charles if he had visited Mohatta palace in Karachi.
Indirect: Behram wanten to know whether charles had visited Mohatta palace in Karachi.

4. Rehan said to his sister, "Was your friend's birthday on Friday or Saturday?"
Indirect: Rehan asked his sister if her friend’s birthday was on Friday or Saturday.

5. The doctor said to his patient, "Are you taking medicine regularly?"
Indirect: The doctor asked his patient if he was taking medicine regularly.

6. "Can we take photographs here?" the students asked the caretaker.
Indirect: The students asked the caretaker if they could take photographs there.

7. Ashok said, "Is there a petrol pump nearby, Sunil?"
Indirect: Ashok asked Sunil if there was a petrol pump nearby.

8. Mother said, "Do they know the date of our visit?"
Indirect: Mother asked if they knew the date or our visit.


Work in pairs, orally discuss and change the following from direct to indirect speech. After discussing, write the correct responses in your notebook.
1. "When will your results be announced?" said Jason.
Indirect: Jason asked when my result would be announced.
Indirect: Jason asked when our result would be announced.

2. "What time will the match start, Zaheer? said Zaman.
Indirect: Zaman asked Zaheer what time the match would start.

3. "The old woman asked, "Where is the nearest hospital?"
Indirect: The old woman enquired where the nearest hospital was.

4. The climber said, "How quickly can we climb this hill?”
Indirect: The climber asked how quickly they could climb that hill.

5. "What is the price of this article?” the customer asked the shopkeeper.
Indirect: The customer asked the shopkeeper what the price of that article was.

6. "Why are you angry with me, Zahida?" said Sabiha.
Indirect: Sabiha asked Zahida why she was angry with her.

7. The policeman said, "Whose car is this?"
Indirect: The policeman enquired whose car that was.

8. The old man said, "Children, who broke this windowpane?"
Indirect: The old man asked the children who had broken that windowpane.


When Faiz returned from the interview, his friends wanted to know the details. He reported what the interviewer had asked him. Work individually and write what Faiz said to his friends:
(Note: In indirect speech you can use both 'She' or 'The interviewer' for speaker.)
1. "What is your name?"
Indirect: The interviewer asked me what my name was.

2. "What is your qualification?"
Indirect: She asked me what my qualification was.
Indirect: She asked me my qualification.

3. "Do you know how to type?"
Indirect: She asked me whether I knew how to type.
Indirect: She asked me if I knew how to type.

4. "Can you use the computer?"
Indirect: She /(The interviewer) asked me if I could use the computer.

5. "How good is your English?"
Indirect: She asked me how good my English was.
Indirect: The interviewer wanted know how good my English was.

6. "Have you worked anywhere else before?"
Indirect: She asked me whether I had work anywhere else before.
Indirect: She asked me if I had work anywhere else before.

7. "Why do you want to work in this factory?"
Indirect: She asked me why I wanted to work in that factory.

8. "Where do you live?"
Indirect: She asked me where I lived.
Indirect: The interviewer asked where I lived.

9. "How far is this factory from your house?"
Indirect: She enquired how far that factory was from my house.
Indirect: She enquired how far that factory was from my house.

10. "Is there any question that you want to ask?"
Indirect: She asked me if I wanted to ask any question.
Indirect: She wanted to know me if I wanted to ask any question.


Work individually and rewrite the passage in the form of reported speech.
Nadeem went to his boss and said, " Will I get a promotion this year?" His boss replied that he would. Nadeem said, "When will I get it?" His boss said that he would, but on one condition. "What is that?" said Nadeem. The boss replied, "Can you answer some questions?" Nadeem said, "If I answer correctly will I get the promotion?" The boss confirmed it and said, "Should I ask you three easy questions or one difficult question?"

"Can you give me some time to think?" said Nadeem. The boss gave him two minutes to decide. "Is the difficult question very difficult?" asked Nadeem. The boss replied that it would depend on what you think is difficult. Nadeem said, "What if I cannot answer?” Then he further asked, "Will I get another chance?" The boss replied in the negative.

Nadeem thought for a minute and agreed to be asked one difficult question. The boss said, " Are you sure?" Nadeem said, “Do I have a choice?" The boss said that he could try the three easy questions. Nadeem said that he would like to answer the difficult question. So, the boss said, " What came first, day or night?" Nadeem thought for a minute and replied that day came first. The boss said, "How do you know?" Nadeem said “Have I not answered one question as per our agreement?” The boss was pleased with his quick thinking and gave him immediate promotion.

Nadeem went to his boss and asked if he would get a promotion that year. His boss replied that he would. Nadeem asked when he would get it. His boss said that he would, but on one condition. Nadeem asked What that was. The boss enquired him if he could answer some questions. Nadeem asked if he answered correctly would he get the promotion. The boss confirmed it and enquired if he should ask him three easy questions or one difficult question.
Nadeem asked if he could give him some time to think. The boss gave him two minutes to decide. Nadeem asked if the difficult question was very difficult. The boss replied that it would depend on what he think was difficult. Nadeem asked what if he could not answer. Then he further asked if he would get another chance. The boss replied in the negative.

Nadeem thought for a minute and agreed to be asked one difficult question. The boss asked him if he was sure. Nadeem asked if he had a choice. The boss told that he could try three easy questions. Nadeem said that he would like to answer the difficult question. So, the boss asked what had come first, day or night. Nadeem thought for a minute and replied that day came first. The boss asked how he knew. Nadeem asked if he had not answered one question as per their agreement. The boss had been pleased with this quick thinking and had given him immediate promotion.

Monday 12 December 2022

Unit-7 - Praising Nature - Unit 7.3: Language Practice - Text Book Exercise 1 -8

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Unit-7 - Praising Nature
Language Practice

Revision Of Prepositions (Movement And Directions

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)


Work individually, choose the correct option from the preposition of movement and direction given in parenthesis. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.
1. Let's go for a walk ____ the river. (across/under/by)
2. I'm going ____ (to/ past/around) the shop to buy some grocery.
3. We sailed _____ ( over / under / around) the bay today.
4. Let’s walk ____ ( under / over / through) the forest.
5. I’m going ___ ( over / into / to) Paris in May.
6. We walked all ____ (around /under/to) the city centre but couldn’t find the store.
7. He put the open book ____ ( at / on / in ) the desk and asked the child to read.
8. The lion walked in a circle ______ ( across / around / into ) the baby giraffe before attacking it.
9. The train passed ____ ( onto / into / through) nine tunnels on the way to Peshawar.
10. His dog is always trying to escape ____ ( from /on /past ) the backyard.


Work individually, choose the right option to complete the sentences. After completing, comapre your answers with your partner.
1. Be careful when you walk ____ the street. You may encounter stray dogs there.
a) Through
b) above
c) across
d) up

2. The car is going ___ the tunnel to reach the station.
a) around
b) below
c) at
d) through

3. A flock of birds is flying ____ the trees under the blue sky.
a) over
b) through
c) onto
d) on

4. She walked ___ the kitchen and put her packages on the table.
a) in
b) into
c) onto
d) on

5. River Kunhar flows ___ the lake.
a) towards
b) over
c) up
d) on

6. While waiting for my train, I took a walk ___ the station.
a) on
b) around
c) onto
d) in

7. A formation of twelve airplanes flew ___ our houses.
a) up
b) down
c) over
d) past

8. The door was locked, so I shoved the letter ____ the door.
a) Around
b) under
c) on
d) into

9. The poachers go ____ the forest to hunt animals for their hides.
a) on
b) through
c) in
d) over

10. I slipped as I stepped ___ the platform.
a) into
b) onto
c) around
d) across

Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are composed of two or more prepositions to function as one preposition. Compound prepositions must not be joined together as they are two separate words that function as one word.
  • According to his mother, he often talked in his sleep.
  • We waste a lot of time arguing instead of agreeing.
  • They continued with their search and rescue mission in spite of the bad weather.
  • They had to paint their office in addition to their usual work.

Some Compound Prepositions
 according to in favour of due-to
 as to in front of next to
 opposite to on account of in between
 away from on behalf of in case of
 aside from in addition to along with
  because of in case of apart from
 close to in return for out of
  depending on in spite of instead of


Work individually Use an appropriate compound preposition from the list given above to complete the sentences below. After completing, comapre your answers with your partner and make correction where necessary.
1. He can't perform any more because of his failing health.
2. The villagers had to carry pails of water close to /due to their work in the fields.
3. Sameer was never in favour of his parents going to the city.
4. This theory is wrong according to his philosophy.
5. The match was delayed due to / because of rain.
6. This dog has been sitting next to me for one hour.
7. I gave him a new book in return of the one I lost.
8. We will inform you later, depending on the situation.
9. The van stopped opposite to / in front of the hospital.
10. You will have to leave your position in case of any change in the plan.


Look at the picture above and fill the blanks in the following passage with one of the prepositions given in the box. Each preposition may be used only once.
According to, down, through, in spite of, around, past, on top of, up, in, to, at, from, into, out of, over, due to, on
One hot summer morning, in spite of the intense heat, we decided to take a trip out of the city and go to the ocean. We got into the car and drove down the highway, which went on one side of the mountain and came up the other side. Then the highway went around a part of the lake and over the bridge. After that we drove through the forest and past the big water tower. We arrived at the beach by noon due to the heavy traffic.
According to the map, the water that flowed in the river came from the melted glaciers. One of my friends also told me that natives preferred to live on top of the mountain as they felt safe there.

Type 3 Conditional Sentences

There are three main types of conditional tenses. Look at the table below.

Type 1 Present action leading to future results If the team plays well, they will get into the finals. If... present simple verb ... will/can/ might + verb
Type 2 Past action leading to present results If I worked harder, I could get better results. If... past simple verb ... would/ could/ might + verb
Type 3 Past action leading to past results If he had listened to his parents, he would have got the job.  If ... past perfect verb ... would have/ could have / might have + verb

The Type 3 conditional is used when talking about something that was not done, which led to results about which nothing can be done now.
  • If I had studied more, I would have passed my exams.
    (but I didn’t, and so l failed and nothing can be done about it)


Work with your partner. Orally discuss the following Type 1 Conditional Sentences exercise by using the words provided. Then, do it your notebook. You may refer to the table given at the beginning of unit as and when needed.
1. We will destroy all our wildlife if we are not careful. (destroy / be)
2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we will pollute them. (dump / pollute)
3. If we cut trees at the present speed, we will endanger our oxygen supply. (cut / endanger)
4. If the global temperature increases, the sea levels will rise. (increase / rise)
5. We'll threaten our own existence if we will produce waste at the present rate. (threaten / produce)
6. The traffic flow will be better if everyone follows the traffic rules. (be / follow)
7. If I give you some chocolates, I will have very few left for the party. (give / have)
8. You will get better marks next time if you spend less time on video games. (get / spend)
9. If you shout so loudly during the match you will disturb our neighbours. (shout / disturb)
10. We will visit Eiffel Tower if we go to Paris. (visit / go)


Work with your partner. Orally discuss the following Type 2 Conditional Sentences exercise by using the words provided. Then, do it in your notebook. You may refer to the table given at the beginning of this section as and when needed.
1. If you wore dark glasses, you could protect your eyes. (wear / protect)
2. It would be impossible to enter the building if the porter stopped us. (be / stop)
3. I could do this work for you if time permitted. (do / permit)
4. If I won a lottery I would buy a new computer. (win / buy)
5. He might take leave if he caught cold. (take / catch)
6. If the police tried hard enough they would send the thief to prison. (try / send)
7. My friend could get you a concession if you purchased the oven from him. (get / purchase)
8. If I were you, I would apply for the job. (be / apply)
9. If the doctor allowed him he would go to work. (allow / go)
10. It would give me a lot of pleasure if they accepted the gift. (give / accept)


Work with your partner. Orally discuss the following Type 3 Conditional Sentences exercise by using the words provided. Then, do it in your note book. You may refer to the table given at the beginning of this section as and when needed.
1. If the flight had arrived n time, my boss would have come to the meeting (arrive / come)
2. They would have eaten all the food if I had kept it on the table. (eat / keep)
3. If the driver had stopped at the turning, the old woman could have crossed the road easily. (stop / cross)
4. If you had taken your umbrella, you might have avoided getting wet in the rain. (take / avoid)
5. I could have escaped the storm if I had been more cautious. (escape / be)
6. The people could have left if they had known that there was no food. (leave / know)
7. The child might have forgotten the punishment if the scars had disappeared (forget / disappear)
8. If their new player had performed as expected they could have won the match. (perform / win)
9 There might had been no fight if the police had arrived in time. (be /arrive)
10. If he had attempted the question the teacher would have given him some marks (attempt / give)


Sheeba won the Provincial folk songs competition and was interviewed by a reporter. She mainly responded by using the Type 3 conditional sentences. The pair verbs used in each response are given below in a jumbled order. Complete her responses in the following dialogue. After you have completed, compare your answers with you partner and make corrections where needed. The first one has been done as an example.
Be /perform, select / think, lose/ cry, make / encourage, fail/ be
Congratulations, Ms Sheeba. You have won!
Sheeba: Thank you. If I had stopped practicing, I would have lost.
Reporter: What if you had lost?
Sheeba: If I had lost the competition, I might have cried.
Reporter: How would your parents have felt?
Sheeba: If I had failed, my parents would have been very disappointed.
Reporter: What about your friends?
Sheeba: Some might have made fun of me while a few would had encouraged me to try again.
Reporter: What could you have differently to make sure you won?
Sheeba: I might have selected a different song if I had thought about it.
Reporter: Anything else that you would like to say?
Sheeba: My self esteem could have been badly affected if I had performed badly.
Reporter: Any message that you would like to give to others?
Sheeba: Work hard, prepare well, and you will succeed one day. Don't ever give up.
Reporter: Thank you.
Sheeba: Thank you.

Sunday 11 December 2022

Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities - Unit 8.3: Language Practice - Relative Pronouns - Text Book Exercise 1 -7

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Unit-8 - Civic Sense And Civics Activities
Language Practice

Revision: Relative Pronouns

The relative pronouns are ‘who, whom, whose, which, and that’. The relative pronouns go after the noun and the pronouns at the beginning of the relative clause. Generally:
  • who refers to people and
  • that and which refer to things.
Here are some examples:
  1. Ali respects my brother, who is seniorsto him.
  2. He is the one whom I met yesterday.
  3. There are children whose parents never come to school.
  4. The house, which is next to my school, looks spooky.
  5. This isthe pen that I gifted you.

Unit 8.3 - Text Book Exercise 1 -3

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)


Fill the following blanks by choosing the right option. After completing your work, compare it with your partner and make corrections where necessary.
1. The festival ______ that lasted all day, ended with a banquet.
  1. that
  2. who
  3. which
  4. what

2. I am looking for someone ______ can watch my dog while 1 go on vacation.
  1. which
  2. who
  3. whom
  4. that

3. The police needed details _____ could help identify the robber.
  1. who
  2. whatever
  3. that
  4. what

4. I'd like to take you to a cafe ______ serves excellent coffee
  1. that
  2. what
  3. which
  4. who

5. This is the house _____ Jamil built.
  1. which
  2. where
  3. that
  4. whom

6. I cannot say goodbye to one _____ personality I have always liked.
  1. whose
  2. that
  3. which
  4. whom

7. I saw the shoes _______ you bought last week on sale for less this week.
  1. where
  2. that
  3. who
  4. whom

8. We met our friend ____ father passed away last month suddenly.
  1. whose
  2. who
  3. when
  4. that

9. This is the person _____ we met last week.
  1. where
  2. whom
  3. Who
  4. that

10. I have a watch _____ is ten years old.
  1. whose
  2. whom
  3. whom
  4. which


Fill the following blanks with that, which, who, whose, and whom. After completing your work, compare it with your partner and make corrections where necessary.
1. A pencil is something that every student needs.
2. Pizza is a popular food that was first made in Italy.
3. Mr. Liaquat whose house is next to our house is an engineer.
4. I bought a cell phone which has 5G internet access.
5. Mosquitoes are insects which like to bite people.
6. Albert Einstein was a scientist who made many important discoveries.
7. My uncle whom we met last night helps us with our homework.
8. A helicopter is a machine that can fly.
9. Shah Inayat Shaheed is a famous Sufi saint who has millions of followers.
10. A blanket is something that people use in winter.


Work in pairs. Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns. Write the combined sentences in your notebook.
1. Shahid gave a long and tedious speech . He won the prize.
Ans: Shahid, who won the prize, gave a long and tedious speech.

2. A chain of stores wants to open new stores across the province. It does business all over Pakistan.
Ans: A chain of stores, which does business all over Pakistan, wants to open new stores across the province.

3. Social network sites will change business. They are trendy.
Ans: Social trendy network sites that are will change business.

4. Scientists are working on stem cells . Stem cells will revolutionize medicine.
Ans: Scientists are working on stem cells that will revolutionize medicine.

5. Last week, Rizwan interviewed Sana. She is my neighbour.
Ans: Last week, Rizwan interviewed Sana, who is my neighbour.

6. Yesterday I met a talented man. He works in a circus.
Ans: Yesterday I met a talented man who works in a circus.

7. Bano signed autographs at tower records yesterday . She is a famous musician.
Ans: Bano, who is a famous musician, signed autographs at tower records yesterday.

8. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. He was the president of the USA.
Ans: John F. Kennedy, who was the president of the USA, was assassinated in 1963.

9. The prime minister will inaugurate a new hospital. It is on 6th street.
Ans: The prime minister will inaugurate a new hospital, which is on 6th street.

10. He sat on the wooden chair. The chair was broken.
Ans: He sat on the wooden chair that was broken.

Direct And Indirect Speech
Commands And Requests Revision

Normally, ‘to’ is used as a joining clause before the reported command or request, and the a verb is changed according to the mood of the sentence (e.g., told, ordered, asked, requested, advised).
In direct speech, often the person addressed is not clearly mentioned; however, it is generally clear who is being addressed. In such case, while changing sentences from direct to indirect speech the person addressed often needs to be mentioned.

Direct: The man said, “Please bring me a chair.”
Indirect: The man requested his son to bring him a chair.

Unit 8.3 - Text Book Exercise 4 -7


Change the following orders into indirect speech. Compare your answers with your partner, after completing. Make corrections:where needed. You can use words like tell, ask, order/ command.
1. The teacher said to the students, "Do not talk during the assembly.”
Ans: The teacher forbade the students to talk during the assembly. OR
The teacher ordered the students not to talk during the assembly.

2. Mother said to her son, "Work hard or else you will fail."
Ans: Mother advised her son to work hard or else he would fail.

3. The guard said to us, "Stand in the queue and wait for your turn."
Ans: The guard asked us to stand in queue and wait for our turn. OR
The guard requested us to stand in queue and wait for our turn.

4. She said to her maid, "Bring for me a glass of water."
Ans: She ordered her maid to bring for her a glass of water.

5. The officer said to the peon, "Let the visitor come in."
Ans: The officer ordered the peon to let the visitor go in. OR
The officer commanded the peon to let the visitor go in.

6. "Stay indoors during the storm," the government authorities advise the people.
Ans: The government authorities advised people to stay indoors during the storm.


Change the following requests into indirect speech. Compare your answers with your partner, after completing. Make corrections where needed. You can use words like tell, ask, request.
1. "Try to speak gently when talking to old people," the manager said to his staff.
Ans: The manager asked his staff to try to speak gently when talking to old people.

2. "Please turn out the lights, team, when you leave the room," said the organizer.
Ans: The organizer requested the team to turn off the light when we leave the room.

3. "Give me a glass of water, Yusuf," said grandfather.
Ans: Grandfather asked Yusuf to give him a glass of water.

4. "Sana, please put this plate on the table," said Mrs. Sultan.
Ans: Mrs Sultan requested Sana to put that plate on the table.

5. "Make sure that the children are in bed by eight o'clock," said father.
Ans: Father asked her wife to make sure that the children were in bed by eight o'clock. OR
Father asked to make sure that the children were in bed by eight o'clock.

6. The doctor said to the patient," Take your medicines on time."
Ans: The doctor advised the patient to take his medicines on time. OR
The doctor told the patient to take his medicines on time.


Change the following into indirect speech. Compare your answers with your partner, after completing. Make corrections where needed.
1. "Go away and never come back again,” said his boss.
Ans: Boss ordered his worker to go away and never come back again. OR
His boss ordered to go away and not to come back again.

2. The principal said to the naughty student, "Come after school hours."
Ans: The Principal ordered the naughty student to come after school hours. OR
The Principal asked the naughty student to come after school hours.

3. "Please be seated," said the announcer.
Ans: The announcer requested the guests to be seated. OR
The announcer requested to be seated.

4. "Never say no when someone asks for help," the preacher said in his speech.
Ans: The preacher forbade in his speech to say no when someone asks for help. OR
The preacher advised in his speech not to say no when someone asks for help.

5. "Be quiet, please, children," said the mother.
Ans: The mother requested the children to be quiet. OR
The mother asked the children to be quiet.

6. "Aunt Sakina, please tell me where to find the keys," said Maqbool.
Ans: Maqbool requested aunt Sukaina to tell him where to find the keys. OR
Maqbool politely requested Aunt Sakina to tell him where to find the keys.

7. "Please shut the window," said the little girl to her sister.
Ans: The little girl requested her sister to shut the window.

8. "Water the plants before you go," said my father to the gardener.
Ans: My father ordered the Gardener to water the plants before he went.

9. "Soldiers, march quickly to the exit," said the commander.
Ans: The commander commanded the soldiers to march quickly to the exit.

10. The clerk said to the man, "Do not disturb me."
Ans: The clerk forbade the man to disturb him. OR
The clerk ordered the man not to disturb him.


Work in pairs and change the following dialogue into indirect speech.
Teacher: Hurry up, class, we are getting late.
Tahira: Uzma, put these books in the cupboard and tidy up the desk.
Aliya: Put up that picture on the wall, Shazia, and Umaima, give me the brush.
Laila: Saima, take the dustbin out and empty it while you are there.
Anjum: Just leave everything and start putting the chairs in order.
Anila: Shehla, blow up the balloons and put them on the string.
Teacher: Get out of the classroom before the guests come.
Farah: Pick up all the extra things before going out.
Teacher: Wait outside until all the guests are seated.

  • The teacher asked the class to hurry up as they were getting late.
  • Tahira asked Uzma to put those books in the empty cupboard and tidy up the desk.
  • Aliya ordered to put the picture on the wall and asked Shazia, and Umaiama to give her the brush.
  • Laila asked Saima to take the dustbin out and empty it while she was there.
  • Anjum told them to leave everything and start putting the chairs in order.
  • Anila asked Shehla to blow up the balloons and put them on the string.
  • Teacher ordered them to get out of the classroom before the guests came.
  • Farah asked them to pick up all the extra things before going out.
  • Teacher ordered to wait outside until all the guests are seated.
  • The teacher commanded the class to hurry up as they were getting late.
  • Tahira requested Uzma to put those books in the empty cupboard and tidy up the desk.
  • Aliya asked Shazia to put the picture on the wall and Umaiama to give her the brush.
  • Laila requested Saima to take the dustbin out and empty it while she was there.
  • Anjum advised everyone to leave everything and start putting the chairs in order.
  • Anila requested Shehla blow up the balloons and put them on the string.
  • Teacher ordered the students to get out of the classroom before the guests come.
  • Farah requested all to pick up all the extra things before going out.
  • Teacher ordered the students to wait outside until all the guests are seated.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Chapter No.12 - Protection Of Human Rights - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Protection Of Human Rights


By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Q.1: Define human rights?
Ans: Human Rights:
Human rights are all those the fundamental rights which are essential for the protection and maintenance of the dignity of individuals and to create conditions in which every human being can develop his personality.
According to Black's Law Dictionary,
" human rights can be described as the freedoms, immunities and benefits that all human beings should be able to claim as a matter of right in the society in which they live".
They are also known as natural or basic rights. They are based on mankind's increasing demand for civilized life. Human rights are fundamental to our very existence, without which, we cannot live in as human being. Life would be meaningless if individuals are unable to practice their natural rights.

Q.2: State the obligations or duties of citizens in Pakistan?
Ans: Obligations of Citizens in Pakistan:
  1. As a responsible citizen of Pakistan we need to follow certain obligation. These include:
  2. Defend the country.
  3. Participate in local community development positively and clean our neighbourhood.
  4. Respect and obey federal, provincial, and local laws.
  5. Respect honourable courts.
  6. Caste vote during elections.
  7. Respect the rights, norms, beliefs, social and cultural values, and respect diversity of opinions.
  8. Save Water and Electricity.
  9. Promote Pakistan in a positive way.
  10. Support plantation drive.
  11. Respect senior citizens.
  12. Promote dignity of teachers.
  13. Respect rule of law.

Q.3: What do you know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
Ans: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
UDHR stands for Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The development of the idea of human rights was started in the eighteenth century. However, the concept of human rights acquired significance in the wake of second world war.
 It is a historic document which outlined the rights and freedoms everyone is entitled to. It was the first international agreement on the basic principles of human rights.
The modern concept of human rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th December 1948. This document is considered a milestone in the history of human rights.
According to UDHR
all people and all nations must aim to achieve certain goals and the same standards exist for all human beings across globe“.

Q.4: Describe the development of an understanding of human rights at the International level?
Ans : Developing An Understanding Of Human Rights At The International Level:
The development of understanding the human rights at the international level is being done by the United Nations. The United Nations (UN) is a world organization. This organization aims to maintain peace and stability in the world. It also works for the betterment of human beings. It has a mandate to investigates the violations of human rights.
The Human Rights Council is a subsidiary body of the General Assembly and reports directly to it. It ranks below the Security Council, which isa the final authority for the interpretation of UN's Charter.
47 out of total number of members can deliberate on the issues in the council. The Council is based in Geneva. It meets three times a year with additional meetings to respond to urgent situations.

Q.5: Describe the development of an understanding of human rights at the national level?
Ans: Developing An Understanding Of Human Rights At The National Level:
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan obligates the State of Pakistan to protect and promote the human rights of all its citizens without any discrimination. Furthermore, Pakistan being a responsible member of the international community has to honour its obligations.
Pakistan, as a signatory to the core international human rights conventions, is committed to uphold the universal human rights standards and to implement them at the national level.

Chapter No.12 - Protection Of Human Rights - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Protection Of Human Rights


1) Dignity are those rights which are inherent in every person by virtue of being a human being.
2) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th December 1948.
3) The Article 26 of UN Human Rights Declaration states about Right to Education.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

1. _______ is celebrated as a Human rights day across the world.
  • 10th December
  • 15th December
  • 10th November
  • 10th April

2. Human rights are also known as _____ or basic rights.
  • Unnatural
  • real
  • natural
  • artificial

3. ________ are those rights which are inherent in every person by virtue of being a human being.
  • Civil rights
  • human rights
  • natural demands
  • basic demands

4. UDHR stands for:
  • United Nation’s declaration for Human rules
  • United Nation’s demand for Human rights
  • United Nation’s declaration for Human rights
  • United Nation’s declaration for healthy rules

5. The development of idea of human rights was started in the  ____ century.
  • 19th
  • 18th
  • 20th
  • 17th

6. The concept of human rights gained significance during ______.
  • 1st world war
  • 2nd world war
  • French revolution
  • war of Independence

7. UDHR was adopted by United Nations _______.
  • Constituent Assembly
  • General Assembly
  • General body
  • National Assembly

8. UDHR was adopted in ______.
  • 11th December 1948
  • 10th December 1949
  • 10th December 1948
  • 10th December 1946

9. This document is considered as a milestone in the history of human rights.
  • USSR
  • UNOD
  • UDHR
  • UDHP

10. The article ____ of UN human rights declaration states about right to education.
  • 24
  • 26
  • 25
  • 23

11. ____ organisation maintains peace and stability in the world.
  • UNO
  • UN
  • UP
  • US

12. The protection against harassment of women at workplace act was passed in ______ by the government of Pakistan.
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2009
  • 2010

13. ________ is the final authority for the interpretation of the United Nations charter.
  • General Assembly
  • Security Council
  • General council
  • Security Assembly

14. _____ out of total number of members of UN can deliberate on the issues in the Human Rights council.
  • 47
  • 42
  • 40
  • 43

15.  The Human Rights Council is based in ______.
  • Switzerland
  • London
  • Washington DC
  • Geneva

16. The article _____ of UN human rights declaration states about right to rest and leisure.
  • 24
  • 26
  • 25
  • 23

17. The article _________ of UN human rights declaration states about right to freedom of belief and religion.
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19

18. The article _______ of UN human rights declaration states about right to equality before law.
  • 3
  • 7
  • 5
  • 6

19. The article _________ of UN human rights declaration states about right to own a property.
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19

20. The article _______ of UN human rights declaration states about right to equality.
  • 5
  • 1
  • 4
  • 8

21. Human Rights are also known as:
  • Natural rights
  • Basic rights
  • Both "a" & "b"
  • None of them

22. Human rights are based on mankind's increasing demand for a:
  • Civilized life
  • A luxurious life
  • Healthy life
  • Free Life

23. The modern concept of Human Rights has been taken from the
  • American Declaration of Human Rights
  • British Declaration of Human Rights
  • From America's Declaration of Independence
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

24.  The Human Right Council is a subsidiary body of the:
  • US Senate
  • General Assembly of UN
  • International Court of Justice

25. This organisation or institution is the final authority for the interpretation of the United Nation:
  • General Assembly
  • The Human Rights Council
  • Security Council
  • The International Court Of Justice

26. Human Rights Council meetings are held once a year.
  • Two times
  • Three times
  • Four times
  • Five times

Fill In The Blanks

1. Human Rights are those rights which are inherent in every person by virtue of being a human being.
2. Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the united nation General Assembly on 18th December 1948.
3. The Article 26 of UN Human Rights Declaration states about Right to Education.

Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others - A Bad Dream - Reading Comprehension - MCQs

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Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others
Reading Comprehension
A Bad Dream
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Choose the correct answer, for each from the given options:
1. Mr Aziz and his family had planned and waited for this holiday for nearly:
(a) two months
(b) three months
(c) four months
(d) five months

2. The name of Mr Aziz's brother was:
(a) Mr. Karim
(b) Mr. Rahim
(c) Mr. Saleem
(d) Mr. Shamim

3. Mr Aziz's and Mr Karim's families often went on picnics together, but this was the first time that they had decided to spend:
(a) 5 days together
(b) 7 days together
(c) 10 days together
(d) 15 days together

4. The house that Mr Ariz had booked was:
(a) near the station and the fields
(b) far from the station and near the fields
(c) near the station and far from the fields
(d) far from the station and fields

5. In the morning, they reached:
(a) Datni
(b) Satni
(c) Watni
(d) Patni

6. The Patni station was:
(a) small and dusty
(b) small and cleaned
(c) big and dusty
(d) big and cleaned

7. At Patni station, there was/were:
(a) one porter
(b) two porters
(c) three porters
(d) No porter at all

8. When Mr. Aziz told the porter where to go, the porter:
(a) looked happy
(b) looked sad
(c) looked at him in a strange manner
(d) had a strange, frightened look on his face

9. When Mr. Aziz told the van driver where to go, the van driver:
(a) looked happy
(b) looked sad
(c) looked at him in a strange manner
(d) had a strange, frightened look on his face

10. The house that Mr. Aziz rented was:
(a) small and narrow
(b) small but airy
(c) big and airy
(d) big but strange

11. The house Mr Ariz rented had:
(a) 2 bedrooms
(b) 3 bedrooms
(c) 4 bedrooms
(d) 5 bedrooms

12. Who was dreaming in the story 'A Bad Dream'?
(a) Mr. Karim
(b) Mrs. Karim
(c) Mr. Aziz
(d) Mrs. Aziz

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Unit-6 - Character Building - Reading Comprehension - Speak Gently (Poem) - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Unit-6 - Character Building
Reading Comprehension
Speak Gently (Poem)

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Q.1: Who has written this poem? What did poet / poetess in the poem 'Speak Gently' tell us? OR What is the message of the poem “Speak Gently”? OR Why should we speak gently to others or to all? OR What lesson we learn from the poem "Speak Gently"?
Ans. The poem has been written by David Bates. This poem convey a lasting message based on the supreme virtue of life. The poet tells that the selective and chosen words should be used as words spoken with love in a polite and mild tone not only leave a great impression but also earn respect and love. We can win the hearts of others with sweet and soft words.
The message of the poem is that “we should speak gently to everyone because we can win the heart of the people by speaking gently and politely”.
The central idea or message of the beautiful and heart touching poem "Speak Gently" is that speaking harshly hurts the feelings of our fellowmen and make them unhappy. While speaking gently and using soft word them make happy. We should speak sweetly and gently. This is the lesson what we earn from the poem "Speak Gently".
The message of the poem is that we should always speak gently to others. It is a great virtue. We will be rewarded for speaking gently to people in the eternity. Everybody loves and respects a persons who speaks gently.

Q.2: What is the result of adopting harsh attitude? OR What are the disadvantages of speaking harshly?
Ans. To speak harshly is a kind of ethical and social sin which can deprive our all good deeds, so we should produce mildness in our character. This is the only way through which we can provide security to our good deeds which we have done in this mortal world.
Speaking harshly to people will deprive us of all the good we do here. It is far better to rule by love than fear. If we speak harshly, we will have more enemies than friends. Besides nobody will like us.

Q.3: Why should we speak gently to the aged one or old people?
Ans. We should speak gently to the aged one or old people because they are already worried, we should not increase their sorrow. They are not going to live for a long time.  They must be given love, care and concern. Soft and polite tone will help their soul to depart in peace.
We should speak gently to the aged or old people because they are going to die soon. We should make them sad by speaking harshly. If we speak gently to them, they will be happy and die in peace.

Q.4: Why should we speak gently to the little children?
Ans. We should speak gently to the little children  so that they can also learn to speak gently.  We can win their hearts by speaking in soft and mild accent because they are like the blooming flowers.
We should speak gently to children so that they can also learn to speak gently. Childhood does not remain for a long period, so we should teach them softly and mildly. We can get their love only by speaking gently.

Q.5: What resemblance does he find between hearts and the deep well?
Ans. The poet finds resemblance between hearts and deep well because like deep well we cannot assume what is deeply within human heart. One thing is sure that the soft words go deeply in the heart and we cannot assume these words out of the hearts.

Q. 6: What are the advantages or benefits of speak gently? OR  With whom should we speak gently as referred to in the poem?
We should speak gently to everybody.  One can rule over others only through love.  Harsh and cruel words can spoil our good deeds. If we want to win the love of children, we must speak to them gently, we should speak gently to the old ones also because they are going to leave this world very soon. They should be allowed to die peacefully. We should be kind and gentle in our dealing with all. God will be pleased and will reward us in the eternal world.
" Gentle words unlock the iron gates."
We can win people's heart by speaking gently. Speaking gently is a little thing, but it has so many good effects. God likes it too, we will be awarded for it in the life hereafter.

Q.8: What does the poet say about eternity?
Ans: The poet says that we shall be rewarded in the world hereafter by God, if we speak gently to everybody, It is the everlasting reward one can achieve easily.

Q.9: How can we win the heart of the people?
Ans: Speak gently and using soft words please the others so we can win their hearts.

Q.10: Why do you think that speaking gently is a heavenly quality?
Ans: In my opinion speaking gently is a heavenly quality because it pleases the others so we can win their hearts. It has so many good effects. God likes it too. We will be rewarded  for it in the life hereafter.

Text Book Exercise
Unit 6.1


Work in pairs and discuss the followings
1. Who do you like most among your family members?
Ans: I like my parents Or my sister Or my brother or my aunt or my uncle.

2. Why do like him/her.
Ans: Because he /she always talks with lots of love and care.

3. How can we earn more respect from people?
Ans: We can earn more respect from people only, if we also give them respect, behave kindly and talk with softly.


Answer the following questions and then share your answer with your partner.
1. The main idea of the poem is to speak gently with:
a) children
b) young people
c) all people
d) old people

2. By speaking gently, we attract people's:
a) attention
b) love
c) care
d) help

3. Speaking gently is something:
a) big
b) difficult
c) small
d) impossible

4. We shall have good results of speaking kindly in the:
a) shortly
b) world
c) deeply
d) keenly

5. We should speak kindly to the old people because they will leave the world:
a) after a long time
b) shortly
c) deeply
d) none of these


Work in pairs and underline the following words in the poem. Next choose the suitable meanings from the box below and write it against the words:
Unending time/forever, Tone of voice, Tired, Spoil, Cause unhappiness, Rude or rough, Softly and kindly, Old
S.NO. Words Meanings
1. Gently softly and kindly
2. Harsh rude or rough
3. Mar Spoil
4. Accents tone of voice
5. Aged Old
6. Grieve cause unhappiness
7. Careworn Tired
8. eternity Unending time/ forever


Read the text and match sentences in column A with column B. Write the answers in column C. Compare your answers with your partner.
S.NO. Words Meanings S.NO.
1. Speak gently to everyone So as not cause them unhappiness1A-5B
2. Speak gently so as not to its impact on people's lives2A-4B
3. Speak gently to little children and small but important3A-6B
4. Speak gently to old people wipe out all the good work done4A-1B
5. Speak gently as it is something to win people's love5A-3B
6. Speak gently as only time will show teach them in a soft manner6A-2B


Work in pairs and find out the reasons why the poet asks us to speak gently. First discuss the reasons orally and then write the answers in your note book.
a) We should speak gently to everyone because
Ans: it is far better to rule by love than by fear. OR
soft and kind words leave a deep and lasting impression.

b) We should not speak in a harsh manner because
Ans: we are here to do good things. OR
it will deprive us of all the good we do here we will have more enemies than friends.

c) We should teach children in a soft manner because
Ans: they will response as we teach them. OR
they can also learn to speak gently, We can get their love by speaking gently with them.

d) We should not cause unhappiness to older people because
Ans: they are near to death and they should leave the world happily. OR
let them die in peace, we should not make them sad by speaking harshly.

e) Speaking gently is a small but important thing because
Ans: it leaves a long lasting effect on one’s life OR
it touches the depths of the heart. The good and the joy it brings eternity shall tell.


Write in pairs and list down two things for each verse that the poet mentions people should do and what would be the result of doing each thing:
Verse 1:
a) We should speak gently. Our words should be soft, kind and loving
b) It will spread goodness everywhere in the world.
a) Speak gently to everyone
b) Rule by love
Result: By speaking softly we win people's heart. We rule the hearts.

Verse 2:
a) We should teach soft and gentle accent to children
b) As they may learn the way and apply it in their life to come.
a) Speak gently to children
b) Teach them soft and mild accent
Result: Children's childhood will soon be over. They will learn to speak softly and we will get the love of children.

Verse 3:
a) We should speak gently to the old one and make them not happy
b) Their time of life is too short. They should be departed peacefully
a) Speak gently to old persons
b) Let them die in peace
Result: Older person don't know what they have endured in their lives. Do not grieve their broken hearts. Make it easy for them to leave the world.

Verse 4:
a) Speak gently is little thing
b) It remains forever and its reward is also eternal.
a) Speak gently to everyone
b) Speak gently is a small thing but do it
Result: It touches the depth of the heart. The good and the joy it brings Eternity shall tell.


Based on answers in exercises 3, 4, 5, write the summary of the poem. look at the summary writing tips in Unit 3.1 and 3,4.
Ans: For the summary of the poem CLICK HERE.


work in groups of three. Discuss and list some of the small things that one can say or do to make people happy and some small things that one may say or do that can hurt people:
S.NO. Things related to happiness Things related to hurt
1. Speak gently Speak harshly
2. Love Fear
3. Softness Strictness
4. Kindness Lie
5. Truthfulness Misery
4. Simplicity Arrogance
5. Good character Greed


Select any three things from each of the section, i.e., happiness and hurting, and discuss what you can you do to provide happiness and to avoid things that hurt people. Each one of you will have to speak in front of the class stating one thing that you will do to give happiness and one thing that you will do to avoid hurting people.

Sunday 4 December 2022

Unit-6 - Character Building - Reading Comprehension - Speak Gently (Poem) - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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Unit-6 - Character Building
Reading Comprehension
Speak Gently (Poem)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
1. The poem "Speak Gently" is written by:
(a) David Bates
(b) Louis I. Newman
(c) Eliza Cook
(d) Anonymous

2. It is good to rule by:
(a) power
(b) love
(c) fear
(d) tactic

3. Harsh word:
(a) pleases
(b) causes enjoyment
(c) mars
(d) makes people happy

4. We should speak:
(a) roughly
(b) speedy
(c) harshly
(d) gently

5. To gain love of a little child we should:
(a) speak gently
(b) speak speedy
(c) give in toys
(d) sing

6. The good we may do while talking is:
(a) exchanging gifts
(b) speaking gently
(c) giving money
(d) singing

7. We should teach or tell something to a child in:
(a) local accent
(b) British accent
(c) soft and mild accent
(d) American accent

8. To the aged people, we should not:
(a) show films
(b) give fat orienting foods
(c) give money
(d) grieve them

9. "Sands of life are nearly run" means:
(a) the big part of life is spent
(b) sands of desert
(c) a big desert
(d) a hot desert

10. He should be let depart in peace.
(a) A sick man
(b) The aged one
(c) A quarrelsome
(d) A nasty man

11. A "little thing" is:
(a) a needle
(b) a particle
(c) speaking gently
(d) a mobile phone

12. This drops in the hearts deep well.
(a) Water
(b) Blood
(c) Medicine
(d) Gently speaking

13. This may bring the good, the joy.
(a) A friend
(b) A relative
(c) Gently speaking
(d) A season

14. 'Eternity' means.
(a) retirement
(b) entire
(c) entrance
(d) the life after death

15. The poem tells about:
(a) moral
(b) fluently speaking
(c) world
(d) discussion

16. The main idea of the poem is to speak gently with:
(a) children
(b) young people
(c) all people
(d) old people

17. By speaking gently, we attract people's:
(a) attention
(b) love
(c) care
(d) help

18. Speaking gently is something:
(a) big
(b) difficult
(c) small
(d) impossible

19. We shall have good results of speaking kindly in the:
(a) shortly
(b) world
(c) deeply
(d) keenly

20. We should speak kindly to the old people because they will leave the world:
(a) after a long time
(b) shortly
(c) deeply
(d) none of these

21. "Speak gently; it is better far,
To rule by love than ____."

(a) fear
(b) dear
(c) hatred
(d) power

22. "Speak gently, let no ____ word mar,
The good we may do here'

(a) severe
(b) stern
(c) harsh
(d) bad

23. "Speak gently to aged one,
Grieve not the careworn ___'

(a) soul
(b) heart
(c) people
(d) guys

24.  "Whose sands of life are nearly run,
Let such in peace ____'

(a) leave
(b) go
(c) depart
(d) die

25. "Speak gently, this a little thing
Dropped in the heart's deep ___'

(a) room
(b) cavity
(c) chamber
(d) well

26. The good, the joy, that it may bring,
____ shall tell'

(a) life hereafter
(b) endless future
(c) eternity
(d) Doom Day

27. "Speak gently to the little child,
Its ____ be sure again'

(a) love
(b) confidence
(c) determination
(d) resolution

28. "Teach it in accents soft and ______
It may not long remain'

(a) kind
(b) mild
(c) pleasant
(d) good

29. The theme of the poem " Speak Gently" is that we should be very careful in our ____. We will be rewarded for speaking gently.
(a) talking
(b) speech
(c) conversation
(d) chatting

Fill In The Blanks

1. This poem has been written by an anonymous poet.
2. An anonymous poem does not bear the name of its poet.
3. "Speak Gently" is a poem about the value of kind words.
4. Speak gently to a child if you want to gain his love.
5. We should speak gently in everybody because it is better to rule by love than by fear.
6. It costs nothing to speak gently.
7. If you speak kind and gentle words, you would be rewarded in the nest world.
8. The word "Eternity" means the world hereafter.
9. We should speak gently to the aged once because their hearts are full of worries.
10. "Whose sands of life are nearly run". This line refers to the old people.

Saturday 3 December 2022

Unit-6 - Character Building - Reading Comprehension - Speak Gently (Poem)- - Reference To Context

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Unit-6 - Character Building
Reading Comprehension
Speak Gently (Poem)
Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context.

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X 
Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)
Poem: Speak Gently
Poet: David Bates (1809 - 1870)

1. Speak gently; it is better far
To rule by love than fear.
Speak gently; let no harsh word mar
The good we may do here.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What is the result of adopting harsh attitude?
(iii) What advice has been given by the poet in this poem?

(i) Poem: Speak Gently
Poet: David Bates (1809 - 1870)
(ii) We should use polite words and not harsh and unkind words, because harsh words are kind of moral sin which may spoil our good deeds.
(iii) The poet advises us to speak gently to every one. Words spoken with love in a mild and polite tone not only leave a great impression but also earn respect and honour.

Words / Meanings
1. Gently: softly; kindly
2. Harsh: cruel; angry.
3. To mar: to spoil.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by a poet David Bates (1809 - 1870).
In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.

In these lines poet says that when we speak with others we should use kind words. If we want to rule the people, we should get their obedience by love. Because obedience secured by love is better than that which is the result of fear. He further says that we should use mild words and not harsh and unkind words, because harsh words may spoil our good deeds.

2. Speak gently to the little child;
Its love be sure to gain;
Teach it in accents soft and mild,
It may not long remain.
(i) Name the poem and write the correct and actual name of your text book from which has these lines been taken.
(ii) Why should we speak gently to the little children?
(iii) What is the central idea of the poem?

(i) Poem: Speak Gently
Poet: David Bates (1809 - 1870)
(ii) We should speak gently to the little children because they are like the blooming flowers. We can win their hearts by speaking in soft and polite tone.
(iii) The message or central idea of the poem is that “we should speak gently to everyone because we can win the heart of the people by speaking gently and politely”.

Words / Meanings
1. Accents: tone of voice.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by a poet David Bates (1809 - 1870).
In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.

In these line poet says that one should speak to a little child in soft and mild tone, it is certain that he will love him. If some one is teaching some thing to him, it might be taught in polite manner and soft accent, because who knows how long he will remain here.

3. Speak gently to the aged one;
Grieve not the careworn heart;
Whose sands of life are nearly run;
Let such in peace depart.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Why should we speak gently to the aged one?
(iii) What does 'careworn' mean?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?

(i) Poem: Speak Gently
Poet: David Bates (1809 - 1870)
(ii) We should speak to the aged one in polite manner and should use kind words with them. They are already sad and tired, and have completed their time here in this world. So they must be given respect, love, care and concern. Soft and polite tones will help their soul to leave this world in pleasant mood.
(iii) Careworn means worried, anxious, tired.
(iv) This simple and short poem conveys a lasting message based on the supreme virtue of life. The poet stresses that selective and chosen words should be used as " words cost nothing but create a lot'. We can win the heart of everyone with polite and soft words.

Words / Meanings
1. To grieve: to cause unhappiness to.
2. Careworn: worried; anxious, tired.
3. Whose sand of life is nearly run: Whose years of life are nearly spent. This is a metaphor taken from an old fashioned way of telling the time. Sand was dripped through a glass container called an hourglass. When the sand had passed through, it showed an hour had passed.

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by a poet David Bates (1809 - 1870).
In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.

In these lines poet says that senior citizens be spoken in polite manner. One should use kind words while speaking to them. They are already sad and tired, so they may not be sadden. They have completed their time here in this world; they are here for very brief time. So they may be allowed to leave this world in pleasant mood.

4. Speak gently; 'tis a little thing
Dropped in the heart's deep well;
The good, the joy that it may bring

Eternity shall tell.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What resemblance does he find between hearts and the deep well?
(iii) What does the poet say about eternity?

(i) Poem: Speak Gently
Poet: Poem isDavid Bates (1809 - 1870)
(ii) The poet finds resemblance between and deep well because like deep well we cannot assume what is deeply within human heart. One thing is sure that the soft words go deeply in the heart and we cannot assume these words out of the hearts.
(iii) He said that we shall be rewarded in the world hereafter by God. If we speak gently to everybody. It is everlasting award one can achieve in the next world also.

Words / Meanings
2. Eternity: The life after death, Endless future

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by a poet David Bates (1809 - 1870).
In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.

In these lines poet says that kind words, though they seem insignificant but they have magical effect on people. Because kind words touch the depth of human hearts. The reward of speaking gently will be gained in the next world.

Unit-6 - Character Building - Reading Comprehension - Speak Gently (Poem) - Words/Meaning, Central Idea and Summary

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Unit-6 - Character Building
Reading Comprehension
Speak Gently (Poem)

Words Meaning

S.NO. Words Meanings
1. Accents Tone of voice, Way of talking
2.  Achieve Attain
3. Aged Elderly
4. Anonymous Unknown
5. Careworn Worried, Anxious, Tired
6. Depart Leave
7. Eternity The life after death, Endless future, Perpetual life
8. Fear Threat
9. Gently Softly, Kindly
10. To Grieve To cause unhappiness to, Give sorrow, To be sad
11. Harsh Cruel, Angry, Hard, Rude, Stern
12. To Mar To spoil
13. Mild Soft
14. Nearly Run Almost spent
15. Rule Rein
16. Whose sand of life is nearly run Whose years of life are nearly spent. This is a metaphor taken from an old fashioned way of telling the time. Sand was dripped through a glass container called an hourglass. When the sand had passed through, it showed an hour had passed.

About Poet

The writer of this poem is David Bates (1809 - 1870).

Central Idea

The writer of this poem is David Bates. The tone of the poetry represents the poem is a part of Moorish poetry.
Central Idea
Speaking gently to everyone is a good trait in our character. By being gentle we are likely to loose nothing and gain much in terms of friendship. Good will and even material rewards. It places our character and personality in a very good light and creates an everlasting impression in the minds of others.
The central idea or message of the beautiful and heart touching poem "Speak Gently" is that speaking harshly hurts the feelings of our fellowmen and make them unhappy. While speaking gently  and using soft word them make happy. Speaking gently is a great virtue. We will be rewarded for speaking gently in the  life near-after.

“Kindness is more important than wisdom and recognition of it is the beginning of wisdom.”


This Moorish poem is written by an poet David Bates. This poem emphasis upon speaking gently.
By speaking gently we can attain the spiritual power of rule. Treating someone harshly is a kind of moral sin which can devastate our good deeds.
Speak gently is the best way to train a child and win over his love and trust. If you don’t adopt the mild attitude your teachings will not persist for a prolong period.
Our attitude should be soft to the aged and old people in order to create such an atmosphere in which they can pass their remaining days peacefully.
Speak mildly does not cause and burden to you. These soft words create a forever impression on the other’s hearts. The reward of adopting this habit is that in this mortal world is the good deeds and the everlasting pleasure. It also brings reward in the eternal life.


Poet advises us to use kind words. He thinks that obedience secured by love is better than that which is result of fear. He further says that one should win hearts of others by sweet and kind words. King words cost nothing but lead to good results. We should treat little ones kindly. Again we should treat senior citizens kindly because they may leave us soon. Kind, words though they seem insignificant have a great effect on the heart of others. The reward of this will be gained during the life after death in the next world.


This is a beautiful poem by an anonymous poet who give us a very important advice. He tells us to speak gently to everybody.  One can rule over others only through love.  Harsh and cruel words can spoil our good deeds. If we want to win the love of children, we must speak to them gently, we should speak gently to the old ones also because they are going to leave this world very soon. They should be allowed to die peacefully. We should be kind and gentle in our dealing with all. God will be pleased and will reward us in the eternal world.
" Gentle words unlock the iron gates."

In the world we do some good deeds and some bad deeds. Talking is not bad but sometime our way of talking and the words we use are bad and harsh. Pointing on the same, the poet of the beautiful poem, " Speak Gently" says that we should speak gently while we talk and that we should avoid using harsh words as they hurt the feelings of our fellowmen. Speaking gently and using soft words we can please the others and can win their hearts.
While we talk to a little child, our accent should be soft and mild. Teaching or telling something to him, we should not forget that he is just a child so our attitude should be so polite, slow and friendly. This attitude will win his heart and he will feel love for the speaker.
If we talk to an aged person we should think of his old age. As he is weak, broken hearted and near to death so we should have love for him and speak gently. Our good attitude and good way of talking will reduce his grief and he will feel good and happy.
Speak gently is a little thing but its impact is great. Our bad and rough way of talking and harsh words can hurt the feeling of anyone and can  make him sad and unhappy. Our good way of talking  can make anyone  smile and happy. What and how we speak  and behave, its result we will seen life hereafter.