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Sunday 13 August 2023

Weather Vocabulary

Weather Vocabulary

  1.  Air Conditioner / Air conditioning (Noun):
    Meaning: An appliance that cool down the air in a home or building.
    Sentence: The air conditioner keep the office nice and comfortable even when it's very hot outside.

  2. Avalanche (Noun):
    Meaning: A dangerous slide of snow down a mountain.
    Sentence: The skier were warned about a possible avalanche.

  3. Ball of ice (Noun):
    Meaning: floating balls of slushy ice form on sea.
    Sentence: If weather forecast predict hail, you will likely see some ball of ice fall from sky.

  4. Below Freezing (Preposition / Adjective):
    Meaning: Temperature less than 0 degrees Celsius / 32 degree Fahrenheit.
    Sentence: It's suppose to go below freezing before the weekend.

  5. Bleak (Adjective):
    Meaning: When the weather is cold, harsh an quite unpleasant.
    Sentence: People often say that it's bleak.

  6. Blizzard (Noun):
    Meaning: A storms with lots of snow and wind.
    Sentence: The air plane couldn't take off because of the blizzard.

  7. Boiling hot (Adjective + Noun):
    Meaning: Common expression for describing a very hot day.
    Sentence: It was boiling hot, so we all jumped into the lake.

  8. Breeze (Noun):
    Meaning: Light wind.
    Sentence: Don't bother with a hat, there is always a breeze near the ocean.

  9. Celsius (Noun):
    Meaning: measurement of temperature (0 degree is freezing point / 100 degree is boiling point of water, Human body temperature is 37 ℃)
    Sentence: In the summer the average temperature is 25 degree celsius.

  10. Chilly (Adjective):
    Meaning: Cold
    Sentence: It's a bit chilly todays, so i think you should wear a coat.

  11. Clear (Adjective):
    Meaning: When the sky is blue because no clouds are blocking the sun.
    Sentence: On a clear night you can see a lot stars.

  12.  Cloud / Cloudy (Noun / Adjective):
    Meaning: Water in the sky that appears as a white or grey mass.
    Sentence: It may cloudy in the morning, but the sun always comes ut by afternoon.

  13. Cold spell (adjective + noun):
    Meaning: A period of colder than average weather.
    Sentence: They are calling for a cold spell, so we put off our camping trip.

  14. Cool (Adjective):
    Meaning: Temperature in between warm and cold.
    Sentence: The days were boiling hot, but the nights were cool and comfortable for sleeping.

  15. Degrees (Noun):
    Measurement of temperature.
    Sentence: I don't feel the heat, it's about forty degree celsius outside.

  16. Drizzling (Continuous verb):
    Meaning: Raining slightly.
    Sentence: I think I'll take the dog for a walk. It's only drizzling now.

  17. Drought (Noun):
    Meaning: A long period with no rainfall.
    Sentence: Forest fires a serious danger during a drought.

  18. Fahrenheit (Noun):
    Meaning: Measurement of temperature (32 degree is freezing point / 212 degree is boiling point, Human body temperature is 98.6 ℉).
    Sentence: It was 100 degree fahrenheit when we went to San Francisco.

  19. Flood (Noun):
    Meaning: Overflow of rain water.
    Sentence: The flood was so bad, our basement was full of water.

  20. Flurries (Noun):
    Meaning: Very light snowfall.
    Sentence: there a few flurries but the snow is not sticking on the road.

  21. Fog / Foggy (Noun / Adjective):
    Meaning: Thick water vapour that blocks one's vision.
    Sentence: We couldn't see the bridge because there was too much fog.

  22. Forecast (Noun / Verb):
    Meaning: The expected weather for the future.
    Sentence: According to the five day forecast, it's going to rain on our wedding day.

  23. Freezing cold (Adjective / Noun):
    Meaning: Common expression used to describe a very cold day.
    Sentence: It was a freezing cold day for the Santa Claus parade.

  24. Frost (Noun):
    Meaning: Ice crystal on a frozen surface.
    Sentence: Some flowers are so strong that they can stand with frost.

  25. Frostbite (Noun):
    Meaning: A skin condition caused by over exposure to the cold (typically reddish skin with with spot.
    Sentence: I lost my hat while I was skiing and I ended up with frostbite on my ears.

  26. Hail (Noun):
    Meaning: Small piece of ice that fall during a storm.
    Sentence: There was so much hail that some of the trader homes were destroyed.

  27. Heat Stroke (Noun):
    Meaning: A flu-like condition can acquire after spending too long in the sun.
    Sentence: Drink lots of water and wear a hat to avoid heat stroke in this weather.

  28. Heat wave (Noun):
    Meaning: Extremely hot weather that is much higher than average usually lasts a short time.
    Sentence: During the heat waves we cooled our beds down with ice pads.

  29. Humid / Humidity (Adjective / Noun):
    Meaning: Moisture in the air.
    Sentence: It feels hotter than it actually is because of the humidity.

  30. Hurricane (Noun):
    Meaning: A tropical storm with very strong wind and rain.
    Sentence: Half of the buildings on the island were flattened by the hurricane.

  31. Icicle (Noun):
    Meaning: In winter the dripping water freezes and change into long ice balls that hang off roof-eaves and windows ledges.
    Sentence: Icicles hang from tree branches in winter.

  32. Icy (Adjective):
    Meaning: Slippery because of ice.
    Sentence: The roads are icy so please avoid driving down any hills.

  33. Lightning (Noun):
    Meaning: Electric flash caused by two clouds hitting.
    Sentence: The outdoor pool always closes when the lifeguards suspect lightning.

  34. Mild (Noun):
    Meaning: Temperature that is warmer than average (In a cold season).
    Sentence: It is quite mild out so I didn't bother with a hat or mitten.

  35. Meteorologist (Noun):
    Meaning: A person who studies weather pattern.
    Sentence: The meteorologist predicted that the cold spell cold spell would be over by now.

  36.  Minus / negative (Adjective):
    Meaning: Indicate that temperature is below zero.
    Sentence: It was minus twenty degrees at the top of the Ski hill.

  37. Overcast (Adjective):
    Meaning: No sun is visible.
    Sentence: The sky is overcast this morning, but the sun is supposed to come out by late afternoon.

  38. Partly cloudy (Adverb + Adjective):
    Meaning: Term often used in a weather forecast to indicate that the skies are sunny and cloudy at the same time.
    Sentence: Tomorrow's forecast is partly cloudy with clear skies by night fall.

  39. Precipitate (Noun):
    Meaning: Rain or snow that falls on an area.
    Sentence: There is very little precipitation in the desert.

  40. Puddle (Noun):
    Meaning: Collection of rain water.
    Sentence: Children love to splash in puddles when they are wearing rubber boots.

  41. Rain / raining / Rainy (Noun / Continuous verb, Adjective):
    Meaning: Water that falls to earth from clouds
    Sentence: My hair are all wet and messy from the rain.

  42. Raindrop (Noun):
    Meaning: A single measurement of rain.
    Sentence: I love catching raindrop on my tongue.

  43. Rainbow (Noun):
    Meaning: A band of colors find in the sky after a rain fall.
    Sentence: According to legend you can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

  44. Raining cats and dogs (Idiom):
    Meaning: raining heavily
    Sentence: They had cancelled the football match because it was raining cats and dogs.

  45. Scorching / A scorcher (Adjective / Noun):
    Extremely hot temperature / A very hot day.
    Sentence: It was a scorcher so the whole family slept in the cool basement.

  46. Season (Noun):
    Meaning: Time of year characterised by certain weather, i.e. spring, summer, fall (or autumn) and winter.
    Sentence: My favourite season is fall because I love to watch leaves changing colours.

  47. Shower (Noun):
    Meaning: Quick / light rainstorm
    Sentence: They 've calling for showers all  week, but so far its been dry.

  48. Sleet (Noun):
    Meaning: Rain that freezes as it falls. (Similar to hail)
    Sentence: All weather tires are best if you have to drive in sleet.

  49. Slush / Slushy (Noun / Adjective):
    Meaning: Snow on the ground that has been rained on. 
    Sentence: The snow turned to slush as as soon as it started to rain.

  50. Smog (Noun):
    Meaning: Heavy, dark cloud cover caused by pollution.
    Sentence: You really noticed the smog downtown in this type of humidity.

  51. Snow / Snowy / Snowing (Noun / Adjective / Continuous verb):
    Meaning: Frozen water that warms slightly as it falls to earth.
    Sentence: It is already snowing up in the mountain, so the sky season should be great this year.

  52. Snowflakes (Noun):
    Meaning: Mass of small delicate arrangement of ice crystals that fall as snow on the ground.
    Sentence: The air was cold and brisk and  the snowflakes gently fell from the sky, creating a winter wonderland.

  53. Snowstorm (Noun):
    Meaning: Large amount of wind and snow.
    Sentence: All of the schools were closed because of the snowstorm.

  54. Sun / Sunshine / Sunny (Noun/ Noun / Adjective):
    Meaning: the gassy stars that warms the earth.
    Sentence: We hope to have sunshine on the day of the beach picnic.

  55. Sun burn (Noun):
    Meaning: Painful red /pink skin caused by being in the sun too long. 
    Sentence: The bald man got a sunburn on his head.

  56. Sunglasses / Shades (noun):
    Meaning: Dark eye wear that protect you from the sun.
    Sentence: I forgot my shades and I was driving right into the sun.

  57. Suntan / Tanned (Noun (also verb) / Adjective (also verb):
    Meaning: Brown or golden skin caused by long period of sun exposure
    Sentence: I got a suntan on the cruise, but it has already faded away.

  58. Sunscreen / Suntan lotion (Noun):
    Meaning: Cream that protect your skin from sun damage.
    Sentence: Don't forget to reapply your sunscreen when you get out of the lake.

  59. Temperature (Noun):
    Meaning: How warm or cold the air is / Measurement of heat.
    Sentence: Can you check the temperature before we get dressed for our walk?

  60. Thermometer (Noun):
    Meaning: Instrument for measuring the temperature of the air.
    Sentence: When I checked the temperature this morning, the thermometer said it was already thirty degree celsius.

  61. Thunder / Thunderstorm (Noun):
    Meaning: The crashing of clouds (often followed by a strike of lightning and heavy rain).
    Sentence: Lets close all of the windows, it looks like a thunderstorm is coming.

  62. Tornado / Twister / Cyclone / Swindler (Noun):
    Meaning: Violently spinning windstorm
    Sentence: The tornado picked up everything in his path, including animals and cars.

  63. Typhoon (Noun):
    Meaning: A giant rotating storm that brings wind, rain an destruction in ocean. (found in pacific ocean)
    Sentence: The cruise is cancelled because of the typhoon storm.

  64. Umbrella (Noun):
    Meaning: Held over one's head and body for rain protector.
    Sentence: I always keep an umbrella in my car in case of rain.

  65. UV (Ultra violet rays) (Noun):
    Meaning: The damaging rays from the sun.
    Sentence: Ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer, if you don'y wear sunscreen.

  66. Wind / Windy (Noun / Adjective):
    Meaning: Blowing air outside.
    Sentence: It's to windy to play golf today.

  67. Wind Chill factor (Noun):
    Meaning: When the winds makes the air feel colder than the actual temperature.
    Sentence: It's minus two, but with the wind chill factor it's minus fifteen.

Tuesday 8 August 2023

English Vocabulary - Words Start from Letter 'G'

English Vocabulary
Words Start from Letter 'G'

  1. GARNISH: To trim or decorate
    * Dishes garnished attractively with greens.
    Synonyms: adorn, deck

  2. GENEALOGY: A record of a person's or a family's ancestors or relatives
    * An interesting genealogy, including saints and sinners.
    Synonym: lineage

  3. GENESIS: Origin
    * Chemistry, which had its genesis in alchemy.
    Synonym: inception

  4. GESTICULATE: To make gestures, or indicate feelings by motions.
    * Gesticulated wildly to show his distress.

  5. GHASTLY: Horrible, deathlike
    * A ghastly disaster which shocked the world.
    Synonyms: gruesome, grisly, pallid, macabre, grim, lurid

  6. GIBE (variant spelling: JIBE):
    (1) (Verb):  To laugh at; to utter with scorn
    * Gibed at his enemy mercilessly.
    Synonyms: mock, sneer, jeer, scoff, flout, deride
    (2) (Adj.: derisive) rail, taunt

  7. GLIB: Smooth-spoken, fluent
    * A glib liar, distorting the truth effortlessly.

  8. GLUTTONOUS (Noun. GLUTTON; Verb: GLUT): Inclined to cat to excess
    * Gulped down his food in gluttonous fashion.
    Synonyms: voracious, intemperate

    (1) (Noun): A very thin gauze like fabric or structure
    * A poem so delicate that it seemed an unreal gossamer
    (2) (Adj.): Thin and light
    * The gossamer wings of a dragon fly.
    Synonyms: diaphanous, flimsy, gauze like.
    Antonyms: substantial, ponderous

  10. GREGARIOUS: Habitually fond of associating in a company or herd
    * Gregarious sheep; that gregarious animal, man.
    Antonyms: lone, aloof

  11. GRIMACE: A distortion of the face to express an attitude or feeling
    * A grimace that was more expressive than words.

Adj. = Adjective

Thursday 27 July 2023

Play - A Visit To A Small Planet - English (Compulsory) For Class XI - Exercise 1-5

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A Visit To A Small Planet
Exercise 1-5

Exercise 1:

Work in pairs and scan the text to write the synonym of the following words contextually. Use them in sentences. After completing, share your work with your partner.
S.NO. Words Meanings & Sentence
1. Impromptu Meaning: Unprepared
 * She made an impromptu speech about honour and responsibilities.

2. Lunatic Meaning: A person who is mentally ill.
 * Some lunatic rushed into the store and stole food items of worth 5000 rupees.

3. Blazing Meaning: Very hot OR Extremely hot
* Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.

4. Giddy Meaning: feeling silly, happy, and excited and showing this in your behaviour OR Faint OR Light headed OR Dizzy
 * She was giddy with excitement. OR
 * She felt giddy due to the loud sound of the music.

5. Reconnoitring Meaning: Surveying OR To obtain information about its geographical features or about the size and position of an army there.
 *He was sent to Eritrea to reconnoiter the enemy position. OR
 * They reconnoitred the beach some weeks before the landing.

6. Disposition Meaning: The particular type of character that a person naturally has. OR Temperament OR Nature
 * She is of a nervous disposition.

7. Primitive Meaning: of belonging to, or seeming to come from an early time in the very ancient past.
 * They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunk. OR
 * He made a primitive boat out of some pieces of wood.

8. Seethe Meaning: to feel very angry but to be unable or unwilling to express it clearly.
 * The rest of the class positively seethed with indignation when Julia won the award. OR
 * He seethed at his brother's success.

9. Unctuous Meaning: excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily.
 * He seemed anxious to please but not in an unctuous way. OR
 * His impression of the president was unctuous and poorly done.

10. Fidgets Meaning: uneasiness or restlessness as shown by nervous movements.
 * There were two new arrivals, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions. OR
 * During the interview, she was fidgeting nervously with her fingers.

11. Sordid Meaning:dirty and unpleasant.
 * There are lots of really sordid apartments in the slam areas of the city.

12. Resonant Meaning: continuing to sound.
 * He has deep resonant voice. OR
 * The Murree valley was resonant with the sweet voices of birds in morning.

Exercise 2:

Read the statements and encircle the correct option
1. The play takes place in a small suburb in ______.
a. Maryland ✔
b. Washington
c. Virginia
d. Indiana

2. Spelding _____ flying object in space.
a. accepts
b. denies ✔
c. doubts
d. confirms

3. Spelding criticizes John for growing ______ .
a. cabbage
b. walnuts
c. corn
d. peanuts ✔
(Note: In Novel, Spelding Used word 'Peanut' But his daughter Ellen correct it by telling him that It is 'walnut'.)

4. Kreton appears to be in his _______.
a. twenties
b. thirties
c. forties ✔
d. fifties

5. The impression of Kreton on seeing the inside of the house was ____.
a. disgusted
b. delighted ✔
c. callous
d. sorrowful

6. The spaceship landed in Mrs. Spelding's _____.
a. rose garden ✔
b. petunia bed
c. greenhouse
d. vegetable garden

7. Kreton said that the earthmen were his _____.
a. hobby ✔
b. ruination
c. hope
d. models

8. Kreton mistakenly thought that he had come to earth in the ______.
a. 18th century
b. 19th century ✔
c. 20th century
d. 21st century

9. The first person who arrived to investigate the spaceship was _____.
a. Powers ✔
b. Laurent
c. President of the United States
d. neighbour

10. Kreton said people on his planet did not ______.
a. did not fight
b. did not speak
c. did not die ✔
d. did not love

11. Kreton's space ship was of shape _____.
a. elliptical ✔
b. oval
c. circular
d. triangular

12. John could not use the telephone because _____.
a. Kreton had cut communication
b. Spelding did not have any
c. Powers declared martial law ✔
d. Spelding wouldn't give him permission

13. General Powers was thinking about _____.
a. his promotion ✔
b. security of the country
c. arrest of Kreton
d. murder of the visitor

14. According to Kreton, civilization is just ____.
a. at the ending
b. at the beginning ✔
c. full bloom
d. creeping

15. The elements of science fiction in this passage are most pronounced in ____.
a. Kreton's supernatural abilities
b. reactions to Kreton
c. Kreton belongs to another breed of human ✔
d. hobbies of Kreton

16. Kreton placed an invisible wall around his spaceship because _____.
a. the army told him to.
b. the army was going to take it apart. ✔
c. the earth's atmosphere was damaging it.
d. his own people had suggested it.

17. Powers accused Kreton of coming to earth ______.
a. 100 years too soon
b. to spread a mysterious disease
c. to discover some natural resources
d. to reconnoitre before an invasion ✔

18. Kreton said John's thoughts about Ellen were ______.
a. black
b. red
c. purple ✔
d. yellow

19. Kreton considers human civilization _____.
a. modern
b. primitive ✔
c. conservative
d. rational

20. Kreton intends to take charge of ______.
a. rose garden
b. Spelding's house
c. USA
d. world ✔

Exercise 3:

Work in pairs. Skim through the text. First, write the name of respective character who said the following dialogues in Column B, and write the context of the dialogues in which character had said that particular dialogue in Column C. First one has been done as an example. After completing, share your work with your partner.
Column A
Column B
Column C
In the Context of
 Fair enough. All right, I'll stay on for a while.Kreton This statement or dialogue is said to Spelding when Spelding instructed him to stay because of General Power's interview.
 He has no get-up-and-go.Spelding This statement or dialogue is said to Ellen. Her father Spelding criticizes her Fiance John who is lazy.
 I am a hobbyist. I love to gad about. Kreton This dialogue is said to Powers by Kreton in order to inform him his reason of visiting the Earth.
 But I prefer the ones made of metal, the ones you used to wear, you know: with the feathers on top. Kreton This dialogue is said to Powers by Kreton. Kreton tells him about the costumes he wants to wear.
 Poor fragile butterflies, such brief little moments in the sun...Kreton The dialogue is said to Powers by Kreton, when he asks Kreton about the place from where he comes.
 I like his whiskers. They're so very... comforting.Mrs. Spelding This statement is said to Spelding when they were discussing about the alien and its physical appearance.

Exercise 4:

Work individually and make a list of the elements of science fiction you find in the play. After you have done, compare your list with your class fellows.
Ans: List Of Elements:
1. Setting:
Setting of the play is America, which is perfect for science fiction.

2. Plot:
The plot of the play revolves around the Kreton (an alien) and his spaceship (a technological machine).

3. Characters:
(Kreton, Spaceship)

4. Other Elements:
  • Kreton uses his scientific powers to land on the Earth.
  • He uses his technological powers to make an invisible wall around the saucer.
  • His scientific powers to stun the people.
  • The play also start with the broadcasting telling about the science and it's importance.

Exercise 5:

Work in pairs and arrange the scrambled events in the order of their occurrence in the play by giving the number. After you have completed, share your work with your partner.

NO. Events Order
1. Kreton arrives on the earth.03
2. General Powers comes with his Aide.04
3. Kreton reads the mind of General Powers.07
4. General Powers orders to grab Kreton.10
5. John spots a spaceship.02
6. Kreton announces to take over the world.09
7. Spelding makes a broadcast and denies any spaceship landing on earth.01
8. Aide stops Spelding from making a call.05
9. Kreton reads the minds of John and Ellen.08
10. General Powers and Kreton have a conversation in the study. 06

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Real Games Versus Virtual Games (ESSAY)



Real games and virtual games are two different forms of gaming that have become increasingly popular in recent years. Real games are those that are played in the physical world, such as sports, board games, and card games. Virtual games, on the other hand, are played in a digital environment, such as video games, online games, and mobile games.

One of the main differences between real games and virtual games is the level of physical activity involved. Real games require physical movement, which can be beneficial for the body and mind. For example, playing a game of basketball can help improve cardiovascular health and hand-eye coordination. In contrast, virtual games are often played while sitting in front of a screen, which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and health problems such as obesity and eye strain.

Another difference between the two forms of gaming is the level of social interaction involved. Real games often require players to interact with each other in person, which can lead to the development of social skills and the formation of strong relationships. Virtual games, on the other hand, can be played alone or with others online, which can be less fulfilling in terms of social interaction.

Real games also have a certain level of unpredictability that virtual games lack. In a real game, unexpected events can occur, such as weather changes or injuries, which can add to the excitement and challenge of the game. In virtual games, the game play is often scripted and predictable.

However, virtual games have their own advantages as well. They offer a wide range of options and can be played at any time and from anywhere in the world. They also provide a level of immersion and escapism that real games cannot match.

In conclusion, while real games and virtual games differ in terms of physical activity, social interaction, and unpredictability, they both offer their own unique advantages and disadvantages. It is up to everyone to decide which type of gaming they prefer, depending on their personal preferences and goals.

Special Thanks To READS COLLEGIATE Nazimabad Campus:
1-A, 1/7 Nazimabad # 1
Tel: 021-36620040-41
Whatsapp# 03171067164

Sakhi Hassan Campus
C-24 Block J, North Nazimabad, Karachi.
Tel: 021-36620047-48
Whatsapp# 03171067164

Essay On - Electronic Media Versus Print Media - By Hamad Khan (Read Collegiate)


By Hamad Khan
Electronic media and print media are two distinct forms of media that have evolved over time. While print media has been around for centuries, electronic media is a relatively new concept that has taken the world by storm.

Print media is any form of media that is printed on paper, such as newspapers, magazines, books and brochures. It has been around for centuries and has been an important source of information for people all over the world. Electronic media, on the other hand, refers to any form of media that is created, edited, and distributed electronically, such as TV, radio, social media, and websites.

One of the main differences between electronic media and print media is their reach. Electronic media has a wider reach as it can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, while print media is limited to those who have access to printed material. Electronic media is also more interactive, allowing users to engage with the content by leaving comments and sharing their thoughts.

Another difference between the two forms of media is the cost. Electronic media is generally cheaper to produce than print media as it does not require the use of paper, ink, or printing presses. This makes it easier for smaller businesses and individuals to create and distribute content.

However, print media has its advantages as well. It is often seen as more credible and trustworthy than electronic media, which can be subject to manipulation and fake news. Print media is also more accessible to those who do not have access to the internet or electronic devices.

In conclusion, while electronic media and print media may have their differences, they both play important roles in the world of media. Electronic media is more interactive and has a wider reach, while print media is often seen as more credible and trustworthy. Both forms of media have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to everyone to decide which one they prefer.

Special Thanks To READS COLLEGIATE Nazimabad Campus:
1-A, 1/7 Nazimabad # 1
Tel: 021-36620040-41
Whatsapp# 03171067164

Sakhi Hassan Campus
C-24 Block J, North Nazimabad, Karachi.
Tel: 021-36620047-48
Whatsapp# 03171067164

Thursday 13 July 2023

Essay On - City Life vs Village Life - By Hamad Khan (Read Collegiate)



City life and village life are two vastly different life styles. While one offers modern amenities and fast-paced living, the other is characterized by simplicity and traditional values. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the two ways of life to gain a better understanding of their unique features.

City life is often described as fast paced and busy. There are a multitude of job opportunities in cities, and people often move there for work. The city offers modern amenities such as shopping malls, cinemas, restaurants, and high-quality healthcare facilities. The availability of public transportation is also a significant advantage of living in the city. The downside of city life is the high cost of living, pollution, and the lack of green spaces.

On the other hand, village life is characterized by simplicity, tranquillity, and traditional values.Villages are usually small, close-knit communities where everyone knows each other. People in villages often work in agriculture, and their daily lives revolve around farming and taking care of livestock. The slow pace of life in the village allows people to enjoy nature and develop strong interpersonal relationships. However, access to modern amenities and healthcare facilities can be limited in villages.

In terms of education, cities offer more opportunities for higher education and specialized training, while village schools may have limited resources and fewer opportunities for career development. However, village life offers a strong sense of community and a sense of belonging that can be difficult to find in the bustling city.

In conclusion, both city life and village life have their unique advantages and disadvantages. While the city offers modern amenities and job opportunities, village life offers a peaceful and simple way of life. Ultimately, the choice between the two ways of life depends on individual preferences and priorities.

Special Thanks To READS COLLEGIATE Nazimabad Campus:
1-A, 1/7 Nazimabad # 1
Tel: 021-36620040-41
Whatsapp# 03171067164

Sakhi Hassan Campus
C-24 Block J, North Nazimabad, Karachi.
Tel: 021-36620047-48
Whatsapp# 03171067164

Essay On - Cricket VS Football - By Hamad Khan (Reads Collegiate)

Cricket Versus Football


Cricket and football are two of the most popular sports played around the world. Both these sports have their own unique charm and fan following. Cricket is a bat-and-ball game where as football is a ball game played between two teams.

Cricket is usually played on a large oval-shaped field, with the batters standing at each end of the pitch. Football, on the other hand, is played on a rectangular field, and the goal is to score a goal into the opponent’s net. Cricket matches can last for several days, and football matches usually last for 90 minutes.

Cricket is a sport where a lot of strategy is involved. The bowlers try to outwit the batsman by delivering different types of deliveries, and the batsman try to score as many runs as possible. On the other hand, football is a fast-paced sport with a lot of action happening on the field. Players need to be quick, agile and have good coordination.

In terms of popularity, cricket is more popular in countries like India, Pakistan, Australia, and England, whereas football is more popular in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Spain, and Germany.

In conclusion, both cricket'and football have their own unique characteristics and fan followings. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and cultural factors to decide which one is better.

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Tuesday 11 July 2023

English Normal - I (Compulsory) For Class XI (All Group) - Paper Setting Scheme & Solved Model Paper for Annual 2023 Examinations

Class XI (All Group)

Model Paper & Paper Setting Scheme
For Annual Examination 2023
Subject: English Normal - I (Compulsory)

Solved By Malik (Whatsapp # 0312 6823187)
Special Thanks To Sir Syed Wajid Hussain

Solved Model Paper

  1. Conscience
  2. The abbot of Canterbury
  3. Success
  4. Alliteration
  5. Reality
  6. Kreton
  7. Purple
  8. Primitive
  9. People
  10. Kreton
  11. Summer
  12. Borrowed the necklace
  13. Ignorance
  14. Analogue
  15. Caravan
  16. Dis
  17. Native
  18. Intransitive
  19. Transitive
  20. less

(Reading Comprehension)

2. (i) Which is the greatest curse according to the Quaid-e-Azam? Explain.
Ans. According to the Quaid-e-Azam, Pakistan had inherited several curses i.e black marketing, nepotism, jobbery etc. To him, one of the greatest curses was bribery and corruption. He called it a poison and urged the nation to put it down with an iron hand. He was also hopeful that the government would take adequate measures for its solution.

2. (ii) What are the benefits of E-Commerce in today's world?
Ans. Today, technological revolution is giving people a wide variety of choices, enabling them to get the kinds of products and services that fit their needs. Telework and telemarketing have giving people the chance to move beyond the limits. E-commerce lets people buy a vast array of goods and services that previously might have been difficult to find at local stores.

2. (iii) What mistake did Stephen Leacock make when he wrote the cheque?
Ans. The author deposited 56 dollars in his new account. He wanted to withdraw 6 dollars for personal use. But in fear, he wrote 56 dollars instead of 6 dollars. In such way, he withdraw all his amount.

2. (iv) Why should you choose a career that interests you?
Ans. The first thing you should do while choosing a career is to make sure it interests you- something which brings you satisfaction and happiness. You will be more successful, fulfilled, and productive if you are enthusiastic about your chosen part. Every field offers potential growth, success and satisfaction if you excel in it by putting your heart and soul into it.


2. (v) Discuss the poem ‘The Character of a Happy Life' with reference to the line; “And having nothing yet hath all."
Ans. The poem wants to say that the happy man is free from all kinds of the worldly restraints. He is contended within his means. He is the master of his will. He has a spiritual power. He has no wealth, land and property, but he has a constant conscience that keeps him happy in condition of life.

2. (vi) What irony has been presented in the poem Ozymandias?
Ans. The condition of the statue and the inscription on the pedestal are ironical. The statue was completely shattered. Only two vast legs stood on the pedestal and the head was lying in the sand. Whereas the inscription said ‘look upon my work ye mighty and despair’ and ‘king of kings’.

2. (vii) What reward does a Khahori get after his hard work?
Ans. A Khahori always tries to remain in search of spiritual power. He wants to make his soul permanent by giving up the desires of the world. In order to pious search, he sacrifices his worldly pleasures for the sake of his soul. He also gives pain to his body as though he can achieve the internal happiness. At all, a Khahori's gets reward of spiritual power after hard work.

2. (viii) Identify the poem and the poetic devices used in the following lines:
Where thickest lies the forest growth
We find the patriarchs of both.
whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife.
This is the common law of life.

Ans. The stanza given above is from the “Good Timber". The following poetic devices are used in the stanza.
1. Alliteration.
Whose broken branches show the scars.
In the line alliteration is used ‘broken branches’. Same sound is repeated.

2. Metaphor.
In the stanza the trees are compared metaphorically to human beings.

(Play- “A visit to a Small Planet")

2. (ix) Why was kreton interested in visiting the planet “Earth"?
Ans. Kreton visited the earth to see the civil war in 19th century. Mistakenly he came one century later. To visit the Earth and her inhabitants was his hobby. Therefore, he took a lot of interest in Earth. He visited the Earth as a tourist, then he decided to take the charge of the world.

2. (x) Describe the reactions of different characters to Kreton's visit?
Ans. The reaction of the different characters to the Kreton's visit:
  1. Roger Spelding believes it as a meteor.
  2. Mrs. Spelding likes it personality but does not like its way of landing on her Rose Garden. He worries about her beautiful garden.
  3. Ellen is fearful and excited to know about Kreton and his spaceship. She enjoys to be with the alien.
  4. John also want to be with the new strange thing. He wants to examine Kreton and his spaceship just for having fun. He is really excited to know more and more about the alien.
  5.  General powers excepts Kreton as a spy or a hostile enemy of men. He takes him as an invader.
  6. Aide becomes confused and excited after looking the strange creature.

2. (xi) How is media portrayed in the play?
Ans. In the play, freedom of media is criticized. It is depicted as an unfair. The higher authority can control and use it as they want. The play starts with the broadcasting of Roger Spelding. In his whole broadcasting, he says those things which are instructed to him by General Powers. He does not feel freedom to say what he wants to say. As his wife says that they always like his broadcasting. He also uses the world starve. It means if he does not follow the instructions during broadcasting, they will die of hunger.

2. (xii) Which character in the play “A visit to a Small Planet" do you like most and why?
Ans. Ellen, the daughter of Mr. Spelding is my favorite character. She is energetic, caring and true lover. She becomes excited when she sees Kreton. She calls many times to John (her finance) as he can not be harmed by the strange creature. She cares a lot for her future husband because she loved him by heart. She teaches lesson that everybody should be caring and loving.


2. (xiii) Change the narration:
a) The manager said to the customer, “Get out of my office."
Ans. The manager ordered the customer to get out of his office.

b) He said, “The earth is round."
Ans. He said that the earth is round.

c) Raza said, “I must arrange a couple of things."
Ans. Raza said that | had to arrange a couple of things.

d) She said, “Be quite and listen to my words."
Ans. She wanted me to be quite and listen to her words. OR
She advised to be quite and listen to her words.

e) She said to me, “What are you doing now?"
Ans. She asked me what | was doing then.

2. (xiv) Change the voice:
a) He has to purchase a car.
Ans. A car has to be purchased by him.

b) Let her write a poem.
Ans. Let a poem be written by her.

c) Why did you help her?
Ans. Why was she helped by you?

d) Who did this?
Ans. By whom was this done?

e) Someone killed the criminal.
Ans. The criminal was killed (by someone)

2. (xv) Spot the errors and do the correction of verb, preposition, and adjective in the following sentences:
a) He does his homework at the afternoon.
Ans. He does his homework in the afternoon.

b) The lamp will me lit on 8.00 pm.
Ans. The lamp will be lit at 8.00 pm.

c) She clean her room every day.
Ans. She cleans her room every day.

d) They have make a cake on their birthday.
Ans. They have made a cake on their birthday.

e) My bed is more big than my desk.
Ans. My bed is bigger than my desk.

2. (xvi) Do as directed:
a) Do you play tennis said Bilal (Punctuate)
Ans. “Do you play tennis?" said Bilal.

b) If I were you, .......... (Complete the sentence)
Ans. If I were you, I would not marry with him.

c) My brother does not write letters to his friends. (Put the adverb ‘usually’ in the right place)
Ans. My brother usually does not write letters to his friends.

d) He could not win a scholarship. He is careless. (Make a compound sentence)
Ans. He could not win a scholarship because he is careless.

e) You ___ visit your dentist at least twice a year. (Insert modal verb showing advice)
Ans. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.


Q.3: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
a) How long did it take Sanders to develop his secret chicken recipe?
Ans. Sanders took nine years long to develop his secret chicken recipe.

b) What did Sanders do after he had sold his company?
Ans. After he had sold company, Sanders continued to work as KFC's public spokesman and visited restaurants all over the world.

c) Give a suitable title to the passage.
Ans, “Much Effort, Much prosperity” OR "Dignity Of Work"

d) identify regular and irregular verbs.
(i) left (ii) went (iii) needed (iv) stayed

Ans. Irregular:
i) left
ii) went

iii) needed
iv) stayed


Q.3: Make a précise of the passage and suggest a suitable title to it.
Ans: Much Effort, much prosperity OR "Dignity Of Work"
Harland Sanders was born in a poor family of the USA in 1890. His father died when he was six. So his mother did a job in a factory and he had to remain at home with his younger siblings, where he learnt to cook. He left home when was twelve and started to work on different places. In 1950 he became a service station manager in Corbin Kentucky where he used to serve the hungry travellers. Soon the people came just to eat his delicious food, resultantly Harland had extended the space in the street where he could serve the customer easily. After nine years, he learnt the chicken recipe which made him famous. In 1950, he closed the restaurant and started work to open KFC. From 1952 to 1964 he succeeded to open more than 600 KFC's in North America. In that year he sold the company in 2 million dollars but continued to work as a spokesperson. He usually visited the KFC's branches company to country till his death in 1980. Now the branches of KFC are more than in 80 countries these serves the dinner to billions of the people.

Q.4: Write a formal email to your collage Principal asking / requesting him to allow your team to participate in Sindh Inter. Collage Cricket Tournament.
To: abcschoolprincipal
bcc: sanihaincharge@gmail com
Subject: Request for permission to participate in Sindh Inter-Collage Cricket Tournament.

 Dear Sir,

 I am writing this email requesting you to grant us permission to our school cricket team to participate in Sindh Inter-Collage Cricket Tournament.
 As you may be aware of that our collage has a good cricket team and I am the captain of the team. We are very much passionate about cricket. We recently got the information that the sports department of Sindh has arranged ‘Sindh Inter-School Tournament’ at National Stadium Karachi. The tournament will start from the coming week. In this regard, being a captain, I would like to seek for your permission for our team to participate in this particular event. We will do our best to represent our school positively.
 Therefore, we request you kindly grant us permission as we may participate in the event. I look forward to your careful consideration of this matter.

 Your Sincerely,


Q.4: Write a report about student week held in the collage (including events, days and dates)
Ans: Report

Reported by Suleman Malik

The student week was Monday 20 November 2022 at Government Degree Collage Landhi with much grandeur. The time for each day was fixed. The day started at 9:30 am and ended at 2:30 pm. The week was divided into the following activities i.e the speeches, debates, tableaus, food galas, sports, awards giving, parade, tributes to teachers and so on...

The function was started on Monday 20 November at 9:30 am and ended at 2 pm. The principal of our collage inaugurated the ceremony, while all the teachers and students were present. Around 2000 students and other participants attended the week. The whole campus was decorated with festoons and placards. A committee was formed headed by principal to celebrate the program. The day started with the recitation, then the inaugural speech of the principal, after that the tableaus, speeches and debates were performed by the students.

On the next day (Tuesday 21 November 2022) the food gala day was performed. The whole day, the students remained busy in making foods. They prepared different types of delicious dishes and served these to the teachers and guests. All types of food stalls were settled.

The third day (Wednesday 22 November 2022) was just for the sports activities. All types of indoor and outdoor games were played by the students amid the clapping and cheers.

On the fourth day (23 November 2022) the student were giving prizes for their best academic and non-academic performance. The prizes, with the certificates, were given by the principal.

On the last day of the function, the education minister was invited as a chief guest. At the start of the day, he delivered his valuable speech. In his speech he gave much importance for the need of arranging such a programme in the collage premises. He encouraged the students for their laudable performance. Then the teachers were awarded performance certificates. Somehow, the special parade and performances were performed by the students. At last principal thanked all the participants and promised to hold such program in the future. At the end the lunch was served to the all participants.

However, everybody enjoyed the week and highly appreciated the organizers. This function revealed many lessons before the audience.

Q.5: Write a narrative account of an incident that influenced you greatly.
Ans: Incident:


The Hook’
“Practice makes man perfect.” Said Kamala to Muhammad Ali

Set the scene
Muhammad Ali and Kamala (Brother and sister) were the neighbors to my mamu's house. I usually visited my mamu’s house during summer vacation. That time I was at their house when they were communicating with one another in English. I listen to the comment given by Kamala while speaker with her brother in English. She tried to convince her brother that without practicing English it was impossible to learn how to speak in foreign language.

Thesis Statement
“I have to learn English." I thought and made up my mind to learn English. What may happen I made myself ready to learn the language.

Body Paragraph
‘Show, Don't Tell’
Supporting Evidence.
Passage of Times

“Wake up ameer, take the buffalos to the field of grazing." My mother wake me up from a deep sleep. It was the winter season. I was at my natal home. I picked my English book and notes with me and took buffaloes to the field. I made my habit of taking books with me during the grazing of buffaloes. I used to memorize the words and rules whenever I went. I made the habit of speaking English. “I will learn English one day." After memorizing same words and rules of English I always encouraged myself by thinking of the idea. I conntinued the routine for a long time.

I usually went to my mamu's house in Karachi during summer vacation Kamala and Muhammad Ali inspired me a lot when they communicate in English. After completing my intermediate. I forced my parents for admission in University of Sindh. They refused because they could not pay my fees. My sister saw me while weeping. “Ameer is totally disappointed, kindly do something for him." My elder sister said to my cousin brother who was in charge our home. It was my last night. Next day i have to submit my fees for the confirmation of my admission in Political Science, Sindh University Jamshoro.


Moral Of The Story
“Wake up Ameer, your Brother has gone to submit your fees." My sister said to me after waking me from sleep. I can't express how much happy I was after listening it and the quote of Bacon that Kamala said to her brother Muhammad Ali, “Practice makes man perfect” hit my mind again. I followed it, after completion of my bachelor degree in Political science. I got admission in English to complete my Master. I worked hard and completed my master's and learnt how to read, understand, speak and write English. I never forget the conversation of the siblings. I never forget the quotation of the Bacon. I was inspired; I tried and proved that practice makes man perfect.

Q.6: Write an essay to compare and contrast on any one of the following:
(i)Physical Classes v/s Online Classes
(ii)Football v/s Cricket

(i) Physical Classes v/s Online Classes

Education is an.important part of our lives, and it has come a long way since the days of chalkboards, textbooks and physical classrooms. Today, there is an abundance of learning options available, from physical classrooms to online classes. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and can be used to facilitate learning depending on the needs of the student.

Physical classes are typically held in a classroom setting, with a teacher leading the class in person. This allows for immediate feedback and can be beneficial for those who learn best through face-to-face interaction. Physical classes also allow for students to build relationships with their peers, which can be beneficial for their social development. On the other hand, physical classes are often more expensive and can be time consuming if they are not held close to where the student lives.

Online classes are becoming increasingly popular, as they provide a more convenient alternative to physical classrooms, Online classes are typically held online, with the teacher leading the class through video conference or other forms of communication. Online classes are often more affordable than physical classes, as they do not require any physical space or transportation to attend.

Furthermore, online classes are more flexible, allowing students to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes. This can be especially beneficial for those who have busy schedules or need to fit learning into their lives in a different way. However, online classes can lack the personal interaction that physical classes provide, and can be difficult for those who learn best through face-to-face interaction.

Overall, both physical classes and online classes have their advantages and disadvantages, and the decision of which type of class to take should be based on the individual needs of the student. Physical classes are great for those who learn best through face-to-face interaction, while online classes are better suited for those who need more flexibility in their learning schedule.

(ii) Football v/s Cricket

Sports have always been a part of human life, and two of the most popular sports in the world are football and cricket, Despite the fact that they are both sports, they are quite different in many ways.

The first major difference between football and cricket is the size of the playing field. Football is played on a rectangular field that is typically 120 yards long and 53 yards wide. On the other hand, cricket is played on a circular field, and the size of the field depends on the type of game being played.

Secondly, the amount of players on each team also differs. Football is usually played with 11 players on each team, while cricket is usually played with 11 players on one team, and 10 players on the other team.

Thirdly, the type of equipment used in each sport is also different. Football players use a ball, while cricket players use a bat and a ball. Additionally, football players wear protective gear, such as helmets and shoulder pads, while cricket players do not usually wear any protective gear.

Finally, the rules of the two sports are also different. Football is a game of possession, where the team with the ball tries to move it down the field and score points by getting it into the opponent's end zone. On the other hand, cricket is a game of runs, where the team with the bat tries to score runs by hitting the ball away from the fielders and running between the wickets.

In conclusion, football and cricket are two very popular sports, but they are quite different in many ways. Football is played on a rectangular field with 11 players on each team, while cricket is played on a circular field with 11 players on one team and 10 players on the other. Football players use a ball and wear protective gear, while cricket players use a bat and a ball and do not usually wear protective gear. Lastly, the rules of the two sports are also different.

Monday 10 July 2023

Economics I (معاشیات) (Eng & Ur) - For Class XI (Arts / General / Humanities Group) - Guess paper 2023 - By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain

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Economics I (معاشیات)
For Class XI (Arts / General / Humanities Group)
Guess paper 2023

By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain
Special Thanks to Malik Official

Education I (تعلیم) (Eng & Ur) - For Class XI (Arts / General / Humanities Group) - Guess paper 2023 - By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain

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Education I (تعلیم)
For Class XI (Arts / General / Humanities Group)
Guess paper 2023

By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain
Prepared By Sir Rafat Sami Khan
Special Thanks to Team Professor

Islamic Studies I (اسلامک اسٹڈیز) For Class XI (Arts/General Groups) - Guess paper 2023 - By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain

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Islamic Studies I (اسلامک اسٹڈیز)
For Class XI (Arts / General / Humanities Group)
Guess paper 2023

By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain
Special Thanks to Team Professor

General History - For Class XI (Arts/General Groups) - Guess paper 2023 - By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain

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General History
For Class XI (Arts/General Group)
Guess paper 2023

By Sir Syed Wajid Hussain
Special Thanks to Malik Official