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Saturday 14 March 2020

Chapter No.11 - The Civil Life in Pakistan - Fill In The Blanks and MCQs - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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The Civil Life in Pakistan


1) In democracy there is freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
2) The people elect their representatives by elections.
3) National interests should be preferred over personal interests.

(Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. Government of the _______  is called Democracy.
  • Rich
  • People
  • Poor
  • Farmers

2. Freedom of expression is accepted in _____________.
  • Kingship
  • Dictatorship
  • Democracy
  • Socialism

3. The group of _____ appointed by the Prime Minister to run government is called Federal Cabinet.
  • Friends
  • Ministers
  • Students
  • People

4. The resident of a ______ is known as citizen.
  • Town
  • Village
  • City
  • Country

5. Education is a _____ requirement of all.
  • Main
  • Basic
  • Necessary
  • Big

6. It is the prime duty of a citizen to respect for the _____ .
  • Government 
  • Teachers
  • Law
  • People

7. Red Crescent works for the  _____ of the people.
  • Betterment
  • Welfare
  • Health
  • Education 

8. The welfare of any society is the responsibility of _____.
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Government 
  • Individuals

9. Each member of a society wants to leads a life of comfort and ____.
  • Joy
  • Entertainment
  • Prosperity
  • Happiness

10. In a democratic government people enjoy a lot of ______.
  • Freedom
  • Prosperity
  • Fun
  • Recreation

11. Corruption takes place when people in authority break a _____ to benefit someone.
  • Rule
  • Law
  • Act
  • Promise

12.  In democracy people elect their representative by ______.
  • Money
  • Elections
  • Draw
  • Selection

13. Civic life means ____ life.
  • Rural
  • Urban
  • Luxury
  • Low standard

14. NAB works to stop _____.
  • Corruption
  • Bribe
  • Theft
  • Robbery

15. The law determines the _____ of freedom.
  • Ways
  • Rules
  • Limits
  • Regulations

Chapter No.11 - The Civil Life in Pakistan - Short Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Short Question Answers

Q.No 1: What is meant by democratic government?
Term “democracy” means people’s government. That type of government in which major share of the government belongs to the people elected by the vote of the people. In a democratic government people have a say in framing and implementing the policies of governments.

Q.No 2: What do you mean by democracy?
Ans: People’s government is called democracy. It means government of the people, by the people and for the people. In democracy people have the major share to run the state through their elected representatives. It has two concepts
  • Western Democracy and
  • Islamic Democracy

Q.No 3: Name three government’s institutions to stop corruption.
  • National Accountability Bureau (N.A.B)
  • Federal Investigation Agency (F.I.A)
  • Provincial and Corporation Department (P.A.C.D)

Q.NO 4: Define corruption in three sentence?
Ans: Corruption means to do illegal work. Corruption takes place when people in authority break the law to benefit themselves or favor someone. Corruption creates complete disorder in society. We must co-operate the government agencies that are working to stop the corruption in our country.

Q.NO 5: State three effects of corruption?
(a) Decrease National Income:-
The Government does not get money needed to build public projects such as schools, hospitals and roads due to corruption.
(b) Increase In Lawfulness:-
Due to corruption lawfulness is increased in society and society becomes a corrupt society.
(c) Social And Moral Damage To Society:-
There is complete social and moral damage to society, when corruption becomes common in a society.

Q.NO 6: State three duties of an individual in a society?
1- To Protect The Rights Of Fellowmen:
An individual always protect the rights of his fellowmen living in the society.
2- Payments Of Taxes And Utility Bills:
An individual; pays income tax and utility bills in time.
3- Proper Utilization Of Facilities:
An individual always utilizes the facilities properly and carefully that are provided to him.

Q.No 7: State three duties of Students as Citizens?
1- Completion Of Education:
The most important duty of a student is to complete his education according to best of his abilities.
2- Adult Education:
Students try to provide education to the adults. In this way literacy rate of the country will be increased.
3- Welfare Work:
Students must do any kind of welfare work for the better meant of society.

Q.No 8: State three main rights of a citizen in Pakistan.
1- Free In Thoughts And Deeds:
It is everybody’s right to be free in his thoughts and deeds without harming anyone.
2- Right Of Education:
It is also the right of every citizen to get any sort of education in any part of the country.
3- Right Of profession:
A citizen has the right to adopt any legal profession he likes for his livelihood.

Chapter No.11 - The Civil Life in Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers

Q. No.1: Describe the rights and obligation of citizen?
Every Government tries its level best to provide all facilities and comforts to the citizens of the state. All rights of the citizens are provided to them by the state. On the other hand citizen have also some duties or obligations.

Following are the main obligations of a citizen.
i) Respect For Law:
A good citizen's prime duty is to have respect for the law. Any society can have the real discipline if everybody follows law.
ii) Loyal And Faithful:
A citizen must be loyal and faithful to the country. He does not work against the national interest.
Each citizen should be ready to sacrifice his life and property for the national defense and survival.
iv) Eradicating The Curse Of Drugs:
It is the duty of a citizen to play an important role in eradicating the curse of drugs and other intoxicants in the country.
v) Safeguards The Rights Of Others:
A good citizen always safeguards or protects the rights of their citizens. He is always honest in business and professional dealing.
Following are the main rights of a citizen.
i) Personal Freedom:
It is the right of a citizen to be free in his thoughts and deeds, provided there do not harm others. It is his right to enjoy freedom. He should not be arrested without proper justification. He has the right to move and reside in any part of the country. He can go anywhere for trade, employment or recreation. He has the right to adopt any profession.
ii) Freedom Of Expression And Religions Freedom:
Every citizen has to enjoy this freedom of speech and writing so that he can express his views but his views should not against the state. Each citizen has the right to adopt any religion.
iii) Access of Education And Health:
As education is a basic requirement so it is necessary that all people have access to education. It is the duty of the state to provide primary education to its entire citizen.  It is also the duty of the state to provide health facilities to the people.


Rights and duties always run side by side. A citizen have many rights but also some duties. A citizen should perform his duties also for a better society.

Q.No 2: Being a student, what are your duties / responsibilities?
Students are also citizen. They are the assets of a nation. They have many obligations and duties to perform. They must fulfill the following duties.

Following are the main duties of a citizen.
i) Compilation Of Education:
It is the duty of student to complete their education with devotion and dedication. They should pay full concentration towards their studies.
ii) National Duties:
During Vacation or free hours , students can undertake such duties as providing adult education or extending help in the task of Red Crescent.
iii) Training in Civil Defence:
It is also the duty of student to get training in civil Defence for the defence of the country.
iv) Work During National Disaster:
Students must perform their duties during natural disasters. They can collect cash and consumable articles for victims of national disasters.
v) Respect For The Teacher And Elders:
Students should respect their teachers and elders. Teachers guide them to get education and elders fulfill their personal needs.
vi) Faithful To The Country:
They must respect laws of the country and have to be faithful to country.


Students are also needs to educate. They have also some duties and obligations. Performing their obligations and duties they can become not only good citizens but good student also.

Q.No 3: What is the meaning of corruption? What are its harmful effects on the society?
Word corruption means dishonest action that destroys people trust. It is a dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people. When there is corruption in any society, there is complete disorder in society. Corruption takes place when people in authority break a law to benefit themselves or favor someone.

Following are the harmful effects of corruption on the society:
1. Shortage Of Money For The National Projects:
Due to corruption of high official government does not get the money needed to build more schools, roads and hospitals.
2. More Accidents On The Roads:
Due to corruption more accidents take place on the roads, as a result of poor conditions of roads.
3. More Payments For Electricity:
We have to pay more for electricity because some people use electricity without paying bill.
4. Injustice For The Deserving Students:
Some students do not get the result they deserve in an examination. They become disappointed.
5. Increase In Lawlessness:
When corruption become a trend in a society. There is an increase in lawlessness, which is very harmful for a society.
6. Social And Moral Damage To Society:
Corruption is very big social evil. Due to it there is complete moral and social damage to society.


Corruption is very big social evil. It is very harmful for a peaceful society/ We must take some steps to end corruption from our system for a better society.

Friday 13 March 2020

Islamic History تاریخ اسلام For Class XII (Arts / General Group) - Iqra Guess Paper 2020

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Class XII (Arts / General)
Islamic History تاریخ اسلام Guess Paper 2020

By Iqra Guess Papers

Source: Special Thanks to Miss Farah Khan

Thursday 12 March 2020

Sindhi For Class IX - Essay On - محنت جي عظمت / محنت ۾ عظمت

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محنت جي عظمت / محنت ۾ عظمت

ھر کاميابي جو ضمانت محنت آھي۰اسلام مان محنت کي ڏاڏو اھميت آھي. اسان جي نبي ڪريم حضرت محمد ؐ جن جي زندگي اسان لاءِ ھڪ مثالي زندگي آھي. پاڻ ؐ ڪامياب زندگي گذارڻ جو نهايت سھڻو طريقو سيکاريو آھي. پاڻ ؐ; ھميشھ سچائيءَ، امانت ۽ محنت جي تلقين ڪئي آھي. پاڻ سڳوراؐ پنهنجو سمورو ڪم پنهنجي ھٿن سان ڪندا ھئا. جتيءَ جو ڳنڍ ٽوپو ڪندا ھئا ۽ ڦاٽل ڪپڙن کي چتيون ھڻندا ھئا. مسجد نبويءَ جي اڏاوت ۾ پٿر ڍويائون ۽ احزاب واري جنگ ۾ کاھي کوٽيائون.
الله تعاليٰ سوره بقره ۾ فرمايو آھي:
”اي انسانو! زمين ۾ جيڪي حلال ۽ پاڪ شيون آھن اُھي کائو.“
قرآن شريف ۾ الله جو ارشاد آھي:
”جڏھن توھين عبادت کان واندا ٿيو ته زمين ۾ ٽڙي پکڙجي وڃو ۽ محنت مزدوري ڪري الله جو فضل تلاش ڪريو.“
حضورؐ جن جو ارشاد آھي ته:
”سڀني کان پاڪ شيءِ جيڪا توھان کائو ٿا اھا توھان جي ھٿن جي ڪمائي آهي.“

ٻئي ارشاد ۾ پاڻ فرمايائون:
”پورھيت الله جو دوست آھي.“
ھڪ ڀيري ھڪ اصحابي سڳوري، حضورؐ جن کي عرض ڪيو ته اي الله جا رسول سڀني کان سٺو روزگار ڪھڙو آھي؟
پاڻ فرمايائون ته ”ماڻھوءَ جو پنهنجي ھٿن سان پورھيو ڪرڻ.“
پاڻ سڳورنؐ جو ٻيو فرمان آھي:
”جنهن شخص محنت ڪري حلال طريقي سان روزي ڪمائي. آخرت ۾ سندس چھرو چوڏھينءَ جي چنڊ جيان ھوندو.“
ھڪ ڀيري ھڪ انصاري پاڻؐ سان ھٿ ملايو ته حضور ؐ جن کي سندن ھٿ کھرو لڳو. پاڻ ؐ ان کان پڇيو ته ڇا ڪندو آھين؟
ھن جواب ڏنو ته محنت ڪندو آھيان. پاڻ ؐ ان جو ھٿ چميو ۽ چيائون ته ”اھڙي ھٿ کي باھ ڇھي نه سگھندي.“
الله سائين ۽ نبي ڪريمؐ جن تجارت، ملازمت، زراعت ۽ زندگيءَ جي ٻين شعبن ۾ محنت ذريعي روزي حاصل ڪرڻ کي عبادت جو درجو ڏنو آھي.  انهي ۾ ڪوبه شڪ ڪونهي ته دنيا جي سموري ترقي انسان جي ذھني ۽ جسماني محنت جو نتيجو آھي. ھي روڊ ۽ شاھراھون، عمارتون، پليون انجنيئرن ۽ مزدورن جي محنت جو نتيجو آھن. ڪارخانن جي پيداوار به مزور جي محنت جي ڪري آھي. ھيءُ اناج، داليون، ڀاڄيون ۽ ميوا ھاريءَ جي ڏينهن رات جي پورھئي جي ڪري ئي اسان کي حاصل ٿين ٿا.  اھي ڳالھ ڪندا غلط نه ھو ته محنت ڪاميابي جي ڪنجي آھي۰  الله سائين اسان کي محنت جي عظمت سمجھڻ ۽ محنت سان زندگي گذارڻ جي توفيق بخشي. آمين.

Sunday 8 March 2020

Mathematics For Class X- Past papers from 2009-2018 - Chapter wise - By Sir Tariq Peerzada

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Source : Special Thanks to Sir Tariq Peerzada

Essay On - Freedom Of Press

Freedom Of Press

Essay On Terrorism In Pakistan

Terrorism In Pakistan

English X - Chapter No.22 - Reference To Context

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Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context.

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X 
Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)
Poem: The Uses of Adversity (Poem)
Poet: Anonymous (Not known)

1. Fairer is the manuscript
When the reed is clipped;
Clearer runs the message, when
There's a trimming of the pen.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii)  What message conveys by the line "There's a trimming of the pen."
(iii) What does manuscript means?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?
(i) Poem: The Uses Of Adversity
Poet: This is Moorish poem and Anonymous
(ii) In these lines poet says that when a person sharpens and trims pen made of reed it writes clearer and beautiful. similarly adversity or misfortune has its own merits. It helps in making things perfect.
(iii) Manuscript means document written by hand.
(iv) This poem gives us the message of perseverance and will-power. Troubles and difficulties in our life make us perfect. The hardships of life develop our efficiency and ability. Success come out of failures.

Words and Meanings
 1. Anonymous: the poet's name is not known.
 2. Manuscript: document written by hand.
 3. Reed: a pen made from a dried reed.
 4. Trimming: the point of the reed needs to be sharpened from time to time

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Uses of Adversity” written by an anonymous poet.
In this poem poet explains that adversity polishes a person. It makes him a perfect and practical man.

In these lines poet says that when a person sharpens and trims pen made of reed it writes clearer and beautiful. The information sent in such writing is more legible and easy to understand.

2. Dimly burns the lantern, but
When its wick is cut
Perfect will its lustre be
Through the wick's deficiency.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What is the main idea of the poem?
(iii) What has to be done to increase the brightness?
Poem: The Uses Of Adversity
Poet: This is Moorish poem and Anonymous.
(ii) The main idea of this poem is that adversity or troubles and difficulties in life polish a person. It makes him a perfect and practical man.
(iii) As a lamp does not give bright light, but when its wick cuts and reduces its length it starts giving perfect and bright light. Similarly a person becomes more efficient after passing through the ups and downs of life.

Words and Meanings
 1. Wick: a bit of cotton or thread in a lamp on which a flame is lit
 2. Lustre: shining light
 3. Deficiency: reduced size

Reference to Context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Uses of Adversity” written by an anonymous poet.
In this poem poet explains that adversity polishes a person. It makes him a perfect and practical man.

In these lines poet says that a lamp does not give bright light, but when a person cuts its wick and reduces its length it starts giving perfect and bright light.

Saturday 7 March 2020

English X - Chapter No.20 - Reference To Context

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Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context.

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X
Poem: The Minstrel Boy
Poet: Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)

1. The minstrel boy to the war is gone,
In the ranks of death you'll find him,
His father's sword he has girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him,
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What do you know about the  poet / poetess?
(iii) Who was the minstrel?
(iv) Where did the minstrel boy go?
(i) Poem: The minstrel boy
Poet: Thomas Moore
(ii) Thomas Moore (1779-1852) was an enthusiastic Irish poet. He was born in Dublin where he studied at the best school.  In imitation of Lora Byron, who was his friend, he wrote poem on an oriental theme called "Lalla Rookh."  He has expressed his patriotic feelings in this poem.
(iii) The word minstrel was used in the middle ages for singers and musicians. They moved from place to place and entertained the people with their singing. He is such a character who has entertains the audience through his wonderful performance.
(iv) The minstrel boy had gone to the battle-field. He went with the sword of his father. He took with him his harp also which which is a musical instrument with strings. It was hung on his shoulder.

Words / Meanings
1. Minstrel: a singer
2, Girded: worn around the waist

2. "Land of song!" said the warrior bard,
"Though all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee!"
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii)  For whom the poet was the words warrior bard?
(iii) For whom were the songs of harp made?
(iv) What lines tell you the boy is brave?
(i) Poem: The minstrel boy
Poet: Thomas Moore
(ii) Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by allotting him the bites of “warrior bard” and the “proud soul”. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of patriotism in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his homeland.
(iii) The songs sung on the tune of harp were the marks of peace and carried out detention against slavery. these songs were made to please the patriots of minstrel boy’s nation. Only faithfully and Loyal companions and the men who were got freedom of their homeland could hear these songs.
(iv) The following lines of the poem tells us that the boy is brave:
"Land of song!" said the warrior bard,
"Though all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee!"

Reference to Context: (Line: 1-8)
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Minstrel Boy” written by Thomas Moore.
In this poem poet explains that it is impossible to bind the soul that is born free.

Explanation: (Line: 1-8)
In these lines poet says that musician boy has gone to fight in the war. He will be seen in the first ranks, where a persons faces death. He has put on his father’s sword around his waist and his rustic harp was hanging behind him. The poet who was writing poetry of war evens wrote that if whole world betrays the mother land but it is sure that there would be a sword that would protect its rights and there would be a harp which would play the songs of freedom of homeland.

3. The minstrel fell! - but the foeman's chain
Could not bring his proud soul under;
The harp he loved ne'er spoke again,
For he tore its chords asunder,
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) why did the minstrel boy destroy his harp?
(iii)  For whom the poet was the words  proud soul?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?
(v) What words tell you that he was wounded in the battle?
(i) Poem: The minstrel boy
Poet: Thomas Moore
(ii) Before the minstrel boy was dead he destroyed his harp because he did not want the song of freedom to be sung in a slavery country. Moreover  he did not want his harp to be touched by enemy hands. He had deep sentiments and emotions of patriotism. This shows his love, passions and respect towards his nation and soil.
(iii) Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by calling him a “proud soul”. It means The enemy defeated him physically but could not conquer his spirit. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of patriotism in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his homeland.
(iv) The message of the poem is that the brave and patriotic people defend their homeland. Such people hate slavery. They prefer to die to maintain their freedom than to live in slavery.
(v) The following words in the above lines tell that the minstrel boy was wounded:
The minstrel fell! - but the foeman's chain
Could not bring his proud soul under;

Words / Meanings
1. Foeman: enemy.
2. Bring his proud soul under: the enemy defeated him physically but could not conquer his spirit.
3. Chords: the strings of harp.
4. Asunder: into separate pieces

4. And said, "No chains shall sully thee,
Thou soul of love and bravery!
Thy songs were made for the pure and free,
They shall never sound in slavery!"
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Who was the speaker by profession and why did he go to the war? Or What spirit did the minstrel bot take to the battlefield?
(iii) Do you agree with the main theme, conveyed through the poem? why?
(i) Poem: The minstrel boy
Poet: Thomas Moore
(ii) The speaker was a minstrel boy who was a singer and musician.. Poet tells that his unique spirit of patriotism carried him to the battlefield in order to fight for his country. The boy was filled with loyalty, faithfulness and sincerity. He believed that " Slavery is a curse and freedom is a blessing."
(iii) Yes, I agree with the theme of the poem, because the true patriotism is the main idea of this poem. It is better to die rather to live as a slave.

Words / Meanings
1. Sully: defiled, touched by impure hands, disgrace on

Reference to Context:  (Line: 9-16)
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Minstrel Boy” written by Thomas Moore.
In this poem poet explains that it is impossible to bind the soul that is born free.

Explanation: (Line: 9-16)
In these lines poet says that the musician boy was killed in the war. But his proud soul was not conquered by the chains of enemy. The enemy defeated him physically but was not able to conquer his soul. His harp which was very dear to him did not sing more, because when he was wounded he tore its strings. He said to it that as it was soul of love and boldness so it could no be in a position to sing for enemy. Because it’s songs were for the pure and free people, not for the tyrant persons. So it’s songs would never be heard in slavery.