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Monday 25 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.21 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Arrangement Management
 2. Amusement Enjoyment
 3. Choice Selection
 4. Closest Nearest
 5. Clad Dressed up
 6. Council A group of people
 7. Crockery Tableware, Pottery
 8. Cutlery Knives, forks and spoons etc.
 9. Containing Carrying, Holding
 10. Durable Lasting
 11. Eatables Items of foods
 12. Emergency A serious, unexpected and often dangerous situations. 
 13. Frighten Panic
 14. Honour High respect, Great esteem
 15. Joy Delight, Happy
 16. Kit Equipment, Instruments
 17. Look for Search
 18 Layers Coating, Surface
 19. Manner Way, Method
 20. Mend Repair
 21. Menu A list of food
 22. None No body, No one
 23. Process Way of doing something
 24. Parcel Packets carried or sent by post
 25. Puncture A small hole in a tyre resulting in an escape of air
 26. Press depress
 27. Passers-by A person that is passing or going by, esp on foot
 28. Rest Remaining
 29. Riding Travel on horse or bicycle etc
 30. Shallow Not deep
 31. Splendid Excellent
 32. Served Present (food or drink) to some one
 33. Suddenly Immediately
 34. Treasure Valuable jewels and gems etc
 35. Tightness Closed firmly
 36. Vanish Disappear
 37. Whizzing Whistling or buzzing sound
 38. Wrapped Past participle of wrap. Cover or enclosed in paper etc.

Short note Or Summary on How to do Things
(a) Arranging a Party

Shahnaz made arrangement, for her birthday party along with her friend Qaisara. They made most of the food items at home. Shahnaz's father brought the birthday cake. They also arranged some entertaining games for the party. Shahnaz put on a beautiful dress. It was a wonderful party. Shahnaz enjoyed the party along with her guests.

(b) Mending a Puncture

Riding a bicycle is a joy however, this joy vanishes when there is a puncture. The kit for mending a puncture is a solution to the problem. You inflate the punctured tube, put it in water, mark the punctured part and start rubbing it with sandpaper. You cut a small piece of rubber from the old tube and rub it with a sandpaper. Then you put a sticking solution to the tube and the rubber piece and press them together. The puncture is mended.

Monday 18 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.20 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The poem "The Minstrel Boy' was written by _______.
a. Thomas Moore
b. Eliza Cook
c. Charles Macky
d. Robert Louis Stevenson

2. Thomas Moore was born in _______.
a. Wales
b. Dublin
c. Manchester
d. Liverpool

3. Thomas Moore was born in _______.
a. 1778
b. 1779
c. 1852
d. 1853

4. Thomas Moore died in _______.
a. 1778
b. 1779
c. 1852
d. 1853

5. The minstrel boy to the war is gone,
In the _____ of death you'll find him,

a. lines
b. rows
c. ranks
d. files

6. "Land of song!" said the warrior bard,
"Though all the world _____ thee,

a. betrays
b. cheats
c. leaves
d. deceives

7. One _____, at least, thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee!"

a. gun
b. sword
c. cannon
d. dagger

8. The minstrel fell! - but the foeman's ____
Could not bring his proud soul under;

a. gun
b. chain
c. cannon
d. dagger

9. And said, "No chains shall sully thee,
Thou soul of love and ________!

a. boldness
b. triumph
c. bravery
d. gallantry

10. Thy songs were made for the pure and free,
They shall never sound in _____!"

a. bondage
b. slavery
c. chains
d. captivity

11. The main theme of the poem " The Minstrel Boy" is ______.
a. independence
b. patriotism
c. freedom
d. love

12. The _______ he loved ne'er spoke again,
For he tore its chords asunder,

a. guitar
b. flute
c. violin
d. harp

Fill In The Blanks:

1. This poem is written by Thomas Moore.
2. The word "Minstrel" means a singer, an musician.
3. Harp is a musical instrument.
4. Chords means the strings.
5. This poem gives the inspiration of patriotism.
6. "Thou soul of love and bravery!" Here "Thou" stands for the harp.
7. "Is the rank of death" means among the dead.

English X - Chapter No.20 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

Question and Answers:

Q.1: What do you know about the poet Thomas Moore?
Ans. Thomas Moore (1779-1852) was an Irish poet. He was born in Dublin where he studied at the best school. He was admitted to Trinity College at the age of 15 years. He became an enthusiastic Irish patriot. In imitation of Lora Byron, who was his friend, he wrote poem on an oriental theme called "Lalla Rookh." His patriotic feeling is well expressed in this poem.

Q.2: What does Thomas Moore mean when he says as “thought all the world betray thee”?
Ans. Thomas Moore has tried to convey a message by these words to his nation that if you’ve got three things, no matter the whole world turns against you, you are not to afraid of it. Loyal and faithful companions, a beloved motherland and power to protect the privilege.

Q.3: Why did he destroy his harp?
Ans. Before the minstrel boy was died he destroyed the strings of his harp because he sang songs for free people and did not want that the songs of freedom to be sung in a slave country. Moreover, he did not want his harp to be touched by impure hands (foreign hands). This show his love, passion and respect towards his nation and soil.

Q.4 For whom the poet used the words warrior bard and proud soul?
Ans. Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by allotting him the bites of “warrior bard” and the “proud soul”. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of patriotism, loyalty and bravery in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his beloved homeland.

Q.5: For whom were the songs of harp made?
Ans. The songs sung on the tune of harp were the marks of peace and carried out detention against slavery. these songs were made to please the patriots of minstrel boy’s nation. Only faithfully and Loyal companions and the men who were got freedom of their homeland could hear these songs.

Q.6: Who is minstrel?
Ans. The word minstrel was used in the middle ages for singers and musicians. They moved from place to place and entertained the people with their singing. He is such a character who entertains the audience through his wonderful performance.

Q.7: Where did the minstrel boy go? OR What spirit did the minstrel boy take to the battlefield?
Ans. The unique spirit of patriotism take the minstrel boy to the battle-field. He went with the sword of his father. He took with him his harp also which is a musical instrument with strings. It was hung on his shoulder.

Q.8: Who was minstrel boy?
Ans. The minstrel boy was fond of songs and music. He was brave soldier also. That is why he went to the battlefield. He had great love for his country. He fought and laid down his life for his country. He destroyed his harp before his death.

Q.9: What lines tell you that the boy is brave?
Ans. The following  lines of the poem tells us that the boy is brave:
 "Though all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,

Q.10: What word tell you that he was wounded in the battle?
Ans. The following words in the above lines tell that the minstrel boy was wounded:
"The minstrel fell! - but the foeman's chain
Could not bring his proud soul under;

Q.11: What is the message of the poem " The Minstrel Boy"?
Ans.The message of the poem is patriotism. It tell us that brave people defend their country, fighting with their enemy. They prefer death to slavery. they never surrender to their invaders.

Q.12: What had the minstrel bu girded on? What did he say about it?
Ans. The minstrel boy had girded on a sword of his father and his harp slung behind him. He said that the sword would guard the liberty and harp would praise it.

Words / Meanings
1. Minstrel: a singer
2, Girded: worn around the waist
3. Foeman: enemy.
4. Bring his proud soul under: the enemy defeated him physically but could not conquer his spirit.
5. Chords: the strings of harp.
6. Asunder: into separate pieces
7. Sully: defiled, touched by impure hands, disgrace on

Sunday 17 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.19 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Khyber Pass is a narrow mountain valley about ____ kilometres long.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 50

2. The ______ crossed this Pass nearly four thousand years ago.
a. Aryans
b. Mongols
c. Tartars
d. Afghan

3. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi crossed the Khyber Pass ________ times to attack South Asia.
a. 10
b. 13
c. 15
d. 17

4. Formerly the trade was done by _______ through the Khyber Pass.
a. ponies
b. horses
c. camels
d. donkeys

5. Today the trade is carried on mostly by trains, lorries and ______.
a. trucks
b. trailers
c. carts
d. ships

6. About ______ kilometres from Peshawar is the Jamrod check-post.
a. 8
b. 3
c. 14
d. 16

7. _________ the highest place along the Khyber Pass.
a. Jamrod
b. Landikotal
c. Durand Line
d. Torkham

8. Landikotal is _____ km from Peshawar.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40

9. The railway line was laid here in _____.
a. 1925
b. 1926
c. 1927
d. 1928

10. The railway line runs through many ______ in the mountains.
a. underground passages
b. tunnels
c. passes
d. bridges

11. Torkham is ______ km from Peshawar.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40

12. Torkham is the border between Pakistan and ________.
a. Iran
b. China
c. Afghanistan
d. India

13. At ______ Km from Ladikotal is Torkham.
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

14. The road through the Pass is ________.
a. straight
b. winding
c. zigzag
d. bumpy

15. The brave tribesmen of the Frontier are the ____ of the north-western frontier province of Pakistan.
a. custodians
b. guards
c. defenders
d. soldiers

Fill In the Blanks:

1. Khyber Pass is a narrow mountain valley.
2. It is about fifty kilometres long.
3. We have to travel through the Khyber Pass to go to Afghanistan.
4. The Khyber Pass had been a famous trade route.
5. In the Khyber Pass each house has a tower which is used for firing at the enemies.
6. Torkham is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
7. The Khyber Pass has been famous in history for thousands of years.
8. The Aryans crossed this Pass nearly four thousand years ago.
9. After the Aryans came the Mongols and the Tartars.
10. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi crossed the Khyber Pass seventeen times.
11. The Jamrod check-post is about fourteen kilometres from Peshawar.
12. Landikotal is the highest place along the Pass.
13. The students ate TIkkas and Chapli Kababs at Landikotal .

Saturday 16 May 2020

Computer Studies For Class IX (Science) and X (Arts /General /Humanities Group) - Unit 6 -Videos Expalanations- By Sir Moin

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Chapter No.6: Boolean Algebra
Videos Expalanations

By Sir Moin

Note: Double Click to play video

 Boolean Algebra Rule # 10

Rule 10: A + A.B = A

This rule can be proved by applying the distributive law, rule 2 and rule 4 as follows.
A + B = A(1 + B) Factoring A (Distributive law)
= A.1Rule 2: B + 1 = 1
= ARule 4: A.1= A
The proof is shown in the Truth table.
 BA.B  A + A.B


 Boolean Algebra Rule # 11

Rule 11: A + A.B = A + B

This rule can be proved as.
A + A.B = (A + A.B) + A.B Rule 10: A = A + A.B
  = (AA + AB) + AB Rule 6: A = AA

= AA + AB + AA + AB Rule 8: Adding AA = 0
  = (A +  A) (A + B) Factoring
  = 1 . (A + B) Rule 7: A + A= 1
  = (A + B) Rule 4: Drop 1
The proof is shown in the Truth table.


Saturday 9 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.19 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension:

Q.1 What is the Khyber Pass? 
Ans. Khyber Pass is one of the most famous pass which is a narrow mountain valley. It leads the travellers to Afghanistan, At this side of the pass, is the famous and flourishing city of Peshawar and at the other end, is the frontier post of Torkham.

Q.2: How long it is ? 
Ans. It is about fifty kilometres long. 

Q.3: Where do we go through the Pass?
Ans. From Khyber Pass we can go to Afghanistan and on the other side is the famous city of Peshawar.

Q.4: When did Aryans cross it?
Ans. The Khyber Pass has been famous in history for thousands of years. The Aryans crossed this Pass nearly four thousand years ago and entered Pakistan.

Q.5:  How many times did Mahmood Ghaznavi cross it and why?
Ans. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi crossed the Khyber Pass seventeen times to attack South Asia. He did so in order to spread Islam in sub continent. 

Q.6: Has the Khyber Pass been used as a trade route? OR What is the economical importance of Khyber Pass? Or Why it had been a famous trade route in history?
Ans. The Khyber Pass is as busy a trade route today as it was ever in history. Economically, it is also important because it is the most favorable and best connection of East Asian countries with Central Asian countries for trading purposes. Formerly, camel caravans carried bales of cotton, silk, carpets and spices from cities of South Asia and beyond.. They also brought mirrors, furs, skins and fruits.The trade is now carried on mostly by trains, lorries and trucks.

Q.7: What did the camel caravans carry?
Ans. The Khyber pass has been a famous trade route. Formerly the camel caravans carried bales of cotton, silk and spices from India and China to Afghanistan and beyond. They also brought mirrors, furs, skins and fruits from there for India and the countries to the East. 

 Q.8: By what have the camels caravans been replaced?
Ans. The camels caravans have now been replaced by trains, trucks and lorries which are the most advanced and fastest means of transportation.

Q.9: Who lives in the mountains of the Khyber Pass?
Ans. The brave and freedom loving tribesmen of the frontier live in the mountains. who fought with the mighty British Empire for hundred years and defended their freedom. They are now the defenders of North-Western frontier of Pakistan.

Q.10: Which is the highest place along the pass? OR Why Landi Kotal is the famous place along the Pass?
Ans. Landi Kotal is the famous place along the Pass because it is the highest place about thirty km away from Jamrod Check post along the pass. It is also a market place where most of the people enjoy eating Tikkas and Chapli Kabab. Landi Kotal is a beautiful spot from where the road goes down winding through beautiful scenery.

Q.11: What is the historical importance of Khyber Pass?
Ans. The Khyber Pass has been famous in history for thousands of years. The Aryans crossed this Pass nearly four thousand years ago and entered Pakistan. After them came the Mongols and the Tartars. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi crossed the Khyber Pass seventeen times to attack South Asia. Then came other Muslim conquerors - Shahabuddin Ghauri, Babur and Ahmad Shah Abdali.

Q.12: Describe briefly the route from Peshawar to Khyber Pass?
Ans. The route for reaching Khyber Pass starts from the central city of Peshawar. About fourteen km from Peshawar is the Jamrod Check Post from where the permits are issued. It is surrounded by mountains. The road runs zigzag through the mountains. Below the road, run a track for trains or caravans  After covering about thirty km there is highest place of the pass Landi Kotal, from where the road goes down winding through beautiful scenery. Parallel to the road, runs the railway line, which runs through many tunnels in the mountains. At a distance of ten kilometres from Landi Kotal,  there is the frontier post Torkham which lies between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Q.13: Where is Landikotal? Writa a short account of Bilal and his friend's stay there?
Ans. Landikotal is about thirty kilometres from Peshawar, the highest place along the Pass. Here, the students made a short stop and ate some delicious and traditional meal i.e TIkkas and Chapli Kababs. They also had an opportunity to see the beautiful sites and the railway line laid in 1925 by the British Government.

Q.14: Where is Torkham and what did Bilal and his friend see when they reached there?
Ans. Torkham is at a distance of ten kilometres from Landikotal, the highest place along the Pass. It is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. When the students reached there, they saw a chain stretched across the road and the Pakistan flag flying on a hill. The soldiers guarding the frontier welcomed them.

Q.15: What did the boys think standing at the hills?
Ans. As they stood looking at the hills, they thought of the brave soldiers of Mahmood, Babur and Abdali riding along this beautiful Pass. They also thought of the caravans which once carried various goods through the Khyber Pass to and from the cities of South Asia and beyond.

B. Write down the meanings of the following words and used them in your own sentences:

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Beyond Across
 2. Bales A large bundle
 3. Conqueror A person who conquers a place or people, Winner
 4. Defended Try to save oneself
 5. Delicious Tasty
 6. Famous Well known
 7. Frontier post An official place for crossing the border between two areas or countries
 8. Mighty Powerful
 9. Mule trains Rows of mule
 10. Route Path way
 11. Spices A pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food
 12. Stretched Extend
 13 Zigzag Winding


S.No. Words Sentences
 1. Beyond The ship was buried, beyond retrieval, at the bottom of the sea.
 2. Bales He sat on a bale of straw near the fire at night in camping.
 3. Conqueror The Conqueror Ottoman Empire ruled the Turkey in 1700 A.D.
 4. Defended The borders of Pakistan were successfully defended by the soldier during 1965 war.
 5. Delicious My Mother makes delicious cakes of different flavours.
 6. Famous KFC has become very famous in Karachi.
 7. Frontier post An official place for crossing the border between two areas or countries
 8. Mighty He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder.
 9. Mule trains In history, the caravans used mule-train to carry their goods.
 10. Route The route of Saif ul Malook Jheel is beautiful all the way.
 11. Spices Spices give a delicious taste to cooked meal.
 12. Stretched He stretched his arms to hold the pile of books.
 13 Zigzag She drove zigzag, when there was a rash on a road.

C. Complete these sentences from a word from the lesson:
  1. There are many who have traveled through some part of it.
  2. Khyber Pass has been famous in history.
  3. It has also been a famous trade route.
  4. These brave tribes men fought the mighty British Empire.
  5. They are the defenders of the North-Westen frontier of Pakistan.
  6. They ate some Tikkas and Chapli Kabab.
  7. The road goes down winding through beautiful scenery.
  8. It has to run through many tunnels in the mountains.
  9. The students saw a track along which once travelled camel caravans and mule trains.
  10. They were welcomed by the soldiers guarding the frontier.

D. Compound Words:
  • Mountain Valley
  • Frontier Post
  • Trade Route
Exercise: Take one word from list ‘A’ and one word  from list ‘B’ and make suitable compounds words by joining them:

S.No. A  B
 1. Pakistan Flag
 2. Camel  Caravan 
 3. Class Fellows
 4. Check Post
 5. Railway Line
 6. Mule Trains

E. Write down the meanings of following words 

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Travel Move, Make a journey
 2. Travelled Past tense of travel
 3. Traveller A person who is travelling or who often travels.
 4. Frontier A line or border separating two countries
 5. Conquerors A person who conquers a place or people, Winner
 6. Army Military
 7. Armies Plural of army
 8. Cotton A soft fibrous substance obtained from plant and use in textile.
 9. Mirror A glass which reflects a clear image
 10. Country Kingdom, State
 11. Countries Plural of country
 12. Stop Cease, End, Finish
 13. Stopped Past tense of stop
 14. Busy Engage in work
 15. Excellent Best, Superb
 16. Highest High up

F. Composition:
Describe in ten sentences any historical place that you have visited recently

1. Near to/ Not far from
1. The market is not far from here.
2. We came near to the shopping center, which was very crowded.

Exercise: Complete the following with "near to" or not far from".
1. The Khyber pass is not far from Peshawar.
2. The market is quite near to our house.

2. Round / Along / Through / Across
1. Mr. Hassan received them and showed them round.
2. We have to travel through the Khyber Pass.
3. They saw a chain stretched across the road.
4. They thought of the brave soldiers riding along the Pass.

Exercise: Complete the following paragraph by inerting each of the four words  (round, along, through, across):
"As we went round the city we passed through crowded shops, went along narrow lanes and finally we walked across the park to our hotel."

H. Idiomatic structures explained:
  • "Don’t go out alone in the Dark" means "Don’t be out of doors at night alone".
  • "There is such a strong breeze, the candle may go out" means "There is such a strong breeze that the candle may be extinguished."
  • "Clothes go out of Fashion too fast" means "Fashions of clothes last only for short periods of time."
  • "You can see more the land when the tides goes out" means "When the water recedes more the sea-shore is visible."
  • "The party went all out to win the elections" means "The party made strenuous efforts to win the election."
  • "He goes out of his way to help" means "He makes extra ordinary efforts to help
  • "I’m going off to my friend’s house" means "I am leaving for my friend’s house."
  • "How did your interview go off?" means "How did you fail in your interview?"
  • "England has gone off the gold standard" means "England’s currency is no longer solidly backed by gold."
  • "I hope the bomb squad reaches before the bomb explodes" means "I hope the bomb squad reaches before the bomb goes off."

English X - Chapter No.26- Questions-Answers, Text Book Exercise & MCQs

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Exercise:

Q.1: Express line 3 and 4 of the first stanza in your own sentences? OR What happens to a person If he or she thinks that something is not attainable?
Ans. The poet has conveyed a very powerful message through these lines that if you have good facilities to do something but  your thinking is negative, then you will fail to do it. If your thinking is pessimistic and less practical you will get the result in the same way.
A person needs to have a positive thinking to attain some goal in life. Those who think high can get the highest aims in life. One has to be confident for success.

Q.2: What according to the poet qualities needed by a person to get success in life? OR How does success begin?
Ans. The poet has given a good description of the gems of a perfect personality. Will-power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the basic pillars of success. Thus the success begin with a person's will and a man can struggle with the resistance of life.

Q.3: " What are the results according to the poet brought by high thoughts? OR Who wins the battle of life?
Ans. The poet has explained the advantages of high thoughts in a very convincing way that widening of thoughts provides spiritual power to us. Strength of mind and integrity of thoughts are the real rewards of high thoughts. If a person thinks high he can win over the battle of life.
A person who thinks high and believes that he can win. A person who has a will to win, and a person who is sure of his success; only such person wins the battles of life. It begins and ends will fellow will.

Q.4: What is the message or central idea of the poem “The Man who Wins”?
Ans. The poem “The Man Who Wins” discloses the secret of success in life by telling the importance of good, thoughts and will power. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the gems of perfect personality. By thinking high a man can win over the battle of life.
This poem gives us the message of self-confidence and self-reliance. If we want to win but at the same time, we think that it is impossible, then surely nothing will fall into our pocket. On other hand, a good person who may not be in position but still he is determined will surely get success because it all is in the state of mind.

In this poem poet conveys the message that every thing depends upon will, determination and self confidence of a person. He says that if  we think – that we are defeated and have no courage it is sure that we will not get success. If we like to win but we think we don't it is certain that we will lose. Our success or failure depends up on our state of mind. If we start a work with doubt in our mind we will not succeed. But if we begin our work with full confidence we will surely win. We must be sure before starting any task. It is the man who has strong will determination and full confidence always becomes winner in the battle of life.
The message of the poem The Man Who Wins is that we should have a will to do something. We should be sure of ourselves. It is due to our mind and not due to our body that we can reach the highest position in life. Briefly where there is a will, there is a way.

Q.5: Who has written this poem?
Ans. This poem is has been written by anonymous poet. It means that the name of the poet is not known.

Q.6: What is the importance of will in life?
Ans. Where there is a will, there is a way. A Strong will is necessary to be successful in life. One should have a strong will to achieve something in life.

Q.7: How can we rise high in this world?
Ans. We can rise high if we think high. Confidence, resolution and determination play important roles in life. Only those people attain the lofty aims and places in life who are sure of themselves. The success in life is related to mind. We should be clear in mind about our goals.

Q.8: Does a man need to be strong to get his aim in life?
Ans. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. The man who wins is the man who thinks he can. We should build confidence in ourselves. Only then we can be the winner in every field of life.

B. Notes:

Words / Meanings
1. Beaten: defeated
2. Out in the world: in our experience.
3. Outclassed: proved inferior to another

C. Idiomatic structure explained:
1. "Never give up without a fight" means " Never surrender without a fight".
2. "I'm giving up this job for a better one" means ""I'm leaving this job for a better one."
3. She will never seek divorce, since she doesn't want to give up her children." means " She will never seek divorce, since she doesn't want to lose her claim to her children."

MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

1. The poet of the poem " The man who wins" was ______ .
a. Ellen M. H. Gates
b. Ralph Waldo Emerson
c. Anonymous
d. Thomas Moore

2. 'If you like to ______, but you think you can't,'
a. beat
b. triumph
c. win
d. supersede

3. 'Success begins with a fellow's ____, It's all in the state of mind.'
a. determination
b. resolution
c. wish
d. will

4. "You've got to think _____ to rise,"
a. well
b. deeply
c. high
d. twice

5. "You've got to be ______ of yourself before"
a. certain
b. sure
c. positive
d. confident

6. "Life's _______ don't always go, To the stronger or faster man."
a. success
b. achievement
c. battles
d. ambitions

7. "But soon or late the man who wins, Is the man WHO ______ HE CAN!”
a. thinks
b. considers
c. knows
d. desires

8. "If you think you'll lose, you're ______."
a. gone
b. beaten
c. lost
d. loser

9. The theme of the poem "The man who wins" is that where there is a _____ there is a way.
a. will
b. wish
c. desire
d. hope

10. "The man who wins" also shows that we should be _____ of ourselves.
a. optimistic
b. confident
c. cheerful
d. hopeful

Fill in the blanks:
1. The man who wins" is an Anonymous .
2. Nobody can be successful without the power of Will.
3. Will means determination.
4. Outclass means inferior.
5. The man who wins, Is the man who thinks he can.
6. 'Success begins with a fellow's will.

Thursday 7 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.4 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The poem "Little Things was written by ______.
a. Julia Carney
b. William Ross Wallace
c. Ralph Waldo Emerson
d. Eliza Cook

2. Julia Carney was born in ______.
a. 1822
b. 1823
c. 1907
d. 1908

3. Julia Carney died in ______.
a. 1822
b. 1823
c. 1907
d. 1908

4. Julia Carney was ______.
a. American
b. British
c. African
d. Dutch

5. "Little drops of _______ little grains of sand."
a. milk
b. water
c. tears
d. rain

6. Make the mighty _______ and the pleasant land.
a. sea
b. mountain
c. world
d. ocean

7. "Little deeds of _____, Little words of love."
a. sympathy
b. kindness
c. affection
d. virtue

8. Make our world an ______, Like the Heav'n above.
a. inn
b. Eden
c. image
d. example

9. Eden is the garden of _______ where our first parents Adam and Eve lived.
a. heaven
b. flowers
c. paradise
d. place

10. Julia Carney was born in ______.
a. Texas
b. Boston
c. Houston
d. Wyoming

11. The poem "Little Things" was first published in _____.
a. 1745
b. 1845
c. 1945
d. 1985

12. The central idea of Little Things is that even little things are _______.
a. important
b. significant
c. worth caring
d. worth noting

Fill In The Blanks:

1. This poem has been written by American poetess Julia Carney.
2. Little drops of water make a mighty Ocean.
3. Little grains of sand make a pleasant land.
4. Little deeds of kindness and little words of love can make our world an Eden.
5. "Little Thing" was first published in 1845.
6. Eden means the garden of Paradise.
7. Mighty means powerful.
8. The poem is about deeds of kindness and words of love.

English X - Chapter No.3 - Reference To Context

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Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
Lesson Name: Profession

1. The teacher is one who knows how to read God's words be it written on the human heart, or the Holy Book or in nature. Hence, our own language possesses a word "Akhund" which is the best expression of a teacher's status and dignity.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) What does "Akhund" means?
(iii) How does a teacher fulfill, God’s command?
(iv) Where are God's words written?
(i) Lesson: Profession
Text Book: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) “Akhund” is a Sindhi word derived from a Persian word “Khandan” which means “to read”.
(iii) The teacher fulfills God’s command by acting upon the first revelation i.e. “to read” (IQRA). Teacher obey God’s Law by reading from the human heart, the nature and the Holy book.
(iv)  God's word are written :-
(a) On the human 's hearts.
(b) In the nature.
(c) In the Holy Books of God.

2. Another necessary quality of good teachers is thirst for knowledge. Before teaching others to read, they must themselves know how to read. 
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) Write down any two qualities of a good teacher? 
(i) Lesson: Profession
Text Book: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) Qualities of a good teacher
1- The first and most important quality of a teacher is that he or she loves and appreciates the profession.
2- Another necessary quality of good teachers is thirst for knowledge.

3. They practice what they preach, after the examples of the prophet of God, who taught by the words in the Holy Book as well as by his deeds in everyday life.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) How did the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) teach his followers?
(iii) Who are they that practice what they preach after the examples of Prophet of God in above lines?
(i) Lesson: Profession
Text Book: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) taught his followers not only by his words but also by practicing all the good deeds in his daily life.
(iii)They are the teachers who practice what they preach, after the examples of Prophet of God.

4. This is not just a hobby but an occupation and a flourishing trade. 
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) What hobby or occupation is describe in above line?
(iii) What is being done by the government in order to improve this occupation?
(i) Lesson: Profession
Text Book: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) In above line, The profession 'Fishing' is a hobby, an occupation or a flourishing trade.
(iii)The government has taken much interest in improving and modernizing the fish industry
1. Fishermen are given loans to buy bigger and better boats and trawlers.
2. Fishing nets are made available to them at low price.
3. Fish harbors and fish markets have also been set up.
4. Weather stations have been built along the coast and on off shore islands.
5. Some boats are now fitted with wireless receiver sets.
6. The Fisheries Training Institutes and Fisheries Technological Laboratory have also been established at Karachi.

5. The fishermen of Pakistan also engage in both kinds of fishing inland or freshwater fishing, and sea or marine fishing.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) What are the different forms or modes of fishing in Pakistan?
(iii) What is the difference between the two?
(i) Lesson: Profession
Text Book: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) There are two different modes of fishing in Pakistan.
1. Fresh water fishing
2. Sea or marine fishing
(iii) Fresh water fish are caught from fresh water such as rivers, lakes, streams , canals and pounds. They are usually small but good at taste. They are sold locally at high prices. Marine fishing is done in the sea with a lot of risk involved.

6. Fishing is one of our most important industries. But chemical waste and oil thrown in the rivers and the sea are causing damage to the freshwater and marine life.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) Why is fish so important for us?
(iii) What are the dangers of marine fishing?
(iv) Why are the sea life is in danger?
(i) Lesson: Profession
Text Book: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) Fish is so important for us because it is an important source of our food. Several by-products are obtained from fish i.e. glue, manure, liver oil. Catching fish is one of the most ancient and common profession of the world due to which a large number of people are engaged with this profession. It is also a flourishing trade.
(iii) Sometimes, the weather turns rough without any warning. At that time these boats are at the mercy of the storm against which they are quite helpless.
(iv) The sea life is in danger because chemical waste and oil thrown in the rivers and the sea are causing damage to the freshwater and marine life.