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Friday 7 August 2020

Chapter No.9 - Education In Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers

Q.1: Describe the importance of education in the development of a country.
Education is a social instrument through which man can guide his destiny and shape his furure. An uneducated man can not become a part of development.
Islam makes it compulsory for every man and woman to get education. In the modern age, nations desirous of progress spend huge amounts on education.
Education occupies a fundamental place in the development of a country. With low literacy rate progress and development remains a dream.

There is no concept of progress and development without education. All developed countries have high literacy rate.
The importance of education is as under:

1 . Source of Evolution:
Education is a big source of evolution. It helped mankind to pass through many stages of revolution and reached to the present age of science and technology.

2. Helped to Conquer the Forces of Nature:
It helped the mankind to conquer the forces of nature on the earth and also explored a number of secrets of space.

3. To Train People to Understand and Protect Environment:
It helped the man to understand and protect environment for healthy atmosphere.

4. Helps to Understand the Ideology of a Nation:
It helps to understand the ideology of a nation and also suggests different measures to strengthen this ideology.

5. Develops a Sense of Nationhood and Patriotism:
It creates love for the state and it is also great source of patriotism, which helps a nation to get progress.

6. Source of Understanding the Rights and Duties of a Citizen:
It is a source of understanding the rights and duties of a citizen, which run side by side and without them society cannot run smoothly.

7. Helpful in Developing Creative Activities and Abilities:
It is a big source of developing creative abilities of a person for the betterment of society.

8. Helpful to Understand Economic Progress:
Economy of any country can not get progress until citizens don't understand the economic progress of a country. Secondly economy is the base of development and progress.

9. Production of Skilled People:
Through education more skilled people can he produced, who can make the country developed.

10. Helpful for Exploration and Utilization of Mineral Wealth:
Mineral wealth of a country contributes a lot for the development of a country. Education helps to explore and use of minerals for national development.

11. Best Investment in Human Resource:
No development is possible without a skillful and trained human resource. Education plays leading role to train human resource. It is. the best investment in human resource.

12. Helpful to Understand Democratic Values:
It is very helpful to understand and protect democratic values.

Education is the most important technique through which we can solve our problems.
For the development and progress of state education plays leading role. It is the best investment in human resource. Economy of a country will not be better without trained and skillful people.
Unfortunately our education system failed to fulfill its objectives. Education policy should be reshaped and literacy rate must be increased for a strong Pakistan.

Q.2: Highlight the important aspect of education as mentioned in the National Education Policy 1998-2010.
Pakistan came into being in 1947. From the beginning the government of Pakistan tried to form an education policy to upgrade the educational level in Pakistan.
Pakistan Education Conference was held in 1947 to find the ways to improve education in Pakistan. In 1972-1980 Education Policy was given.
Education is- vital for the development and progress of any state, that is why education policy of Pakistan had very high aims and objectives which was given in 1998-2010.

Following were the main aims and objectives of the Education Policy of Pakistan which was introduced in 1998-2010.

1. Education for All:
According to the importance of education, it will be accessible to all the citizen because to get proper education is the right of every citizen of Pakistan.

2. To Increase Low Literacy Rate:
In order to increase the low literacy rate of Pakistan all possible formal and informal means will be fully utilized.

3. Compulsory Primary Education:
Primary education is the most important part of education. So in 2004-05 a new act was introduced for compulsory primary education.

4. Attention towards Technical Education:
Special attention is being paid towards technical education. A separate scheme of (Matric) technical will be introduced to general education. Facilities for technical education will be enhanced. Technical teachers will also be trained.

5. Technology and Scientific Knowledge Through Computer Education:
With the help of computer, technology the scientific knowledge will be expanded in all the fields of Education.

6. Teachers Training Institutions:
The existing capacity of teacher training institutions shall be fully utilized. The quality of teacher education programmes will be raised by prescribing the qualification of primary teachers from Matric to intermediate. Two parallel programmes of FA/F.Sc. Education and B.A./B.Sc. Education will be launched. The curricula of teacher education will be revised to bring it at par with other programmes in the region.

7. :Establishment of Education Foundations:
Education Foundation has been established for the provision of financial assistance to the private sector for opening non-commercial education programmes.

8. Establishment of District Education Authority:
District Education Authority has been established in each district to ensure public participation in monitoring and implementation of educational programmes.

9. National Budget Has Been increased:
National budget for education will be increased from 21% to 4% of the total national income.

10: New Policy for Deeni Madaris:
New education and syllabus policy has been introduced for Deeni Madaris of the country to bring Deeni Madaris and modern schools close to each other.

Education is a neglected department in Pakistan. Literacy rate of the country is very low, so it was necessary to frame a comprehensive education policy for the country. Development and progress of a country totally depends on educational standard and after implementation, of this policy educational standard will be raised in the country.

Q.3: Socio cultural importance of Education.
Education has great importance in our society. Without education there is no concept of a better society. Illiteracy is the root cause of all problems and evils of our society.
Education has great socio, cultural importance because a number of unwanted social and cultural traditions are in practice due to lack of education.

There are a number of customs and traditions which are against the teachings of Islam.

1. Air Shooting at Marriages:
Air shooting at the marriages is a general trend of our society, which is only due to lack of education. Islam is against such pump and show.

2. Quarrels on the Appearance of Moon:
Every year on the events of Eid-ul-Ftir and Eid-ul-Azha quarrel can be seen in different parts of the country due to illiteracy of the people.

3. Use of Drugs:
Use of drugs is a big evil of our society because the person who uses drugs, his family suffers a lot and it is also against the teachings of Islam. It is very rare among the educated people.

4. Appreciation of Art, Poetry, Literature and Music:
In our society art, poetry, literature and music can not be appreciated without education.

5. Ill-mannered People:
In our society an educated person is distinguished by his good manners. Uneducated people generally possess ill-manners.

Education is the base of a cultured society. There are many social evils which are only due to lack of education. In Pakistan, many social evils have not vanished due to illiteracy. We must increase our literacy rate for a better society.

Q.4: Structure of formal education in Pakistan.
The education which is provided through different educational institutions is called formal education. It is the base of education whose important parts are the prescribed books, appointment of teachers, system of examination and awarding certificates and degrees.
Formal education provides foundation to education.

In Pakistan the formal system is categorized as follows:-

1. Primary Stage:
It starts from class I to 5. Its total duration is 5 years. Children are admitted in class-I at the age of 4 or 5 years.

2. Middle Stage:
It starts from class 6 to 8. Its duration is 3 years. Children after passing primary stage. are admitted in 'class 6. A certificate is issued by the school after passing middle stage.

3. Secondary Stage:
It starts from class 9 to 10. Its duration is 2 years. Students who have passed Middle Stage are admitted in class 9. The Board issues a certificate on passing Secondary School Examination (SSC).

4. Higher Secondary Stage:
It starts from class 11 to 12. Students after passing secondary school examination are admitted in the higher secondary class. Its duration is 2 years. A certificate is issued by the Board after passing the examination of this stage.

5. Degree Level:
It starts after the students pass higher secondary level of education and are admitted in a college to earn a degree. The government has raised its duration from 2 to 3 years. Now it starts from the 13th year to 15th year of studies. University issues a degree to successful candidates. However, in many parts of the country, the Degree course is of a duration of two years.

6. University Level:
It starts after the students pass degree level examination from the college. Its duration is 2 years. Degree is issued by the University on successful completion of the course and passing the examination.

7. Professional Education:
Professional education, which is also called formal education is divided into the following:-

  • a) Diploma:
    The students who pass the Secondary School Certificate examination, get admission. Diploma courses are taught in the Polytechnic institutions in the area of electrical, mechanical, automobile, civil engineering and computers. The students who do not want to get higher education for any reason join diploma courses.

  • b) Engineering degree:
    After passing Higher Secondary level examination the students who opted Mathematics at higher secondary level get admission in different branches of engineering in the Engineering College or University. They study in electrical, mechanical, chemical, electronics, mining, textiles, petroleum and computer science. Their duration of study is 4 to 5 years.

  • c) Medical Degree: 
    After passing Higher Secondary examination the students who opted Biology as a subject at higher secondary level seek admission in MBBS to become a doctor. The duration of studies at MBBS is 5.years.

  • d) Commerce:
    The students after passing secondary school examination are admitted in the first year commerce class. They pass Inter Commerce and further B. Commerce (B.Com) and M. Commerce (M.Com). The subjects of study include business administration, management sciences, information technology, economics, accounting etc.

  • e) Agricultural Degree:
    After passing higher secondary examination in science, students are admitted for B.Sc (Agriculture) and after that to M.Sc (Agriculture). Some go for degrees in Agricultural Engineering.

8. Higher Education:
Higher Education can be had after passing M.A. or M.Sc or M.Com degree examinations. The degree of Ph.D can be obtained after earning Master degrees. Similarly, after MBBS doctors specialize in a number of branches of medicine. They are called specialist doctors.

In Pakistan formal education provides base to the education. In. a country like Pakistan, where education level is very low and literacy rate is only 45%, formal education should be common and free, so that literacy rate should be increased and experts and skilled people can play their role in the progress of the country.

Q.5: What are the main components of the scheme of studies at secondary level of education?
In every educational system, different courses, syllabus and books are prescribed at different levels.
The scheme of studies at different level of education is different.
In Pakistan special attention has been paid towards scheme of studies. In Pakistan literacy rate is only 45%, that's why government of Pakistan has given a new scheme of study to increase the literacy rate in Pakistan.

Following are the main levels of the main components of studies in Pakistan.

1. Primary Level:
The subjects at the primary level include the regional languages, Urdu, Counting, Simple Arithmetic, Nature study and Islamiat.

2. Middle Level:
The subjects included in the scheme and taught are Regional Languages, Urdu, English,-Algebra, Geometry, Science, Social studies and Islamiat.

3. Secondary Level:
At this level. Urdu, English, Islamist, Pakistan Studies are the compulsory subjects for all groups of Students. Humanities group of students opt for General Science as compulsory subject. Apart, they opt for Mathematics and two other Subjects of Humanities. Science students study Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology along with compulsory subjects.

4. Higher Secondary level:
At this level Urdu, English, lslamiat and Pakistan studies are compulsory subjects for both Arts (Humanities) and Science groups of students. Science group students opt for 3 Science subjects and Arts group 3 Arts subjects. Science has further 3 groups namely pre-medical group, Pre-engineering group and General Science group. Students of Commerce group also opt for 3 commerce subjects.

5. Degree Level:
Functional English, Pakistan- Studies and Islamiat are compulsory at B.A./ B.Sc and B.Com level. Two to three optional subjects are taken by the students of all the groups from the list of optional subjects.

6. University Level:
At master level the students study in any one of the disciplines in education. In each discipline, they study 7 to 8 subjects. Here students have variety of choices or subjects of their interest.
After the University level (M.A/M.Sc) the students can go for M. Phil or Ph.D in the subject they had chosen at M.A./M.Sc level. Those taking degrees of professional nature are also allowed to go for M.Phil or Ph.D in their respective fields.
Engineering, Medical, Agriculture and Commerce are specialized areas. The choice is not much wider for students. They have to study fixed subjects.

For the success of any educational system, scheme of studies play vital role. Great attention is paid in Pakistan towards the scheme of studies at different level of education. The main objective behind these schemes of studies is to raise the educational standard in Pakistan which is very low. People must get benefit from different schemes of'studies.

Q.6: Write a note on teacher-training in Pakistan.
Teachers are the main part of any educational system. No system of edueation is above the level of its teachers.
For the success of any educational system, teachers play leading role. They must be equipped with proper knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Teachers training is important part of education without proper teachers training literacy rate can not be increased.

In Pakistan there are three levels of teacher training.

1. Primary School Teachers:
Teachers for the primary schools are trained, and must have passed secondary school examination. They are provided one year training. After completion of this training they are awarded a certificate called Primary Teachers Certificate (PTC).

2. Middle School Teachers:
Those who possess F.A / F.Sc certificate are given one year training and awarded a certificate called Certificate in Education (CT). PTC and CT training is provided by the Government Colleges of Elementary Education (GCE). There are separate Elementary Colleges of Education for girls and boys which have been established at all the district headquarters within the country.

3. Secondary School Teachers:
Those who possess BA/B.Sc degrees are provided one year training called, "Bachelor of Education" (B.Ed) at the Government Colleges of Education. These colleges are at a few selected places in each province of the country. Those who further want to specialize in the subject of education undergo one year course called Master in Education (M.Ed). This course is conducted by the colleges of Education and in the Institutes of Education in the Universities. Teachers also do M.Phil and Ph.D Education from a University. Those who possess M.Ed or M.Phil teach in the college of Education. At the University level Ph.Ds are employed to train teachers.

4. Allama lqbal Open University Teachers Training Course:
Allama Iqbal Open University has started teacher training courses through its distance education system for those students who cannot afford to attend formal regular courses in the teacher training institutions.

5. National Education Policy (1998-2010):
National Education Policy (1998-2010) provides for modernizing the courses in teacher training. Accordingly, the duration and period of training at all levels of training is being increased, including better salaries for the teachers.


Trained and skilled teachers are the need of our educational system. In Pakistan educational standard is very low because of our limited resources and lack of good trained teachers. The main problem of our teacher training programme is the non-availability of qualified and trained teachers.
Government of Pakistan has started many programmes for the training of teachers for the development of education.

Q.7: Describe the importance of technical and vocational education in Pakistan.
In Pakistan, education standard is very low and many steps have been taken by the government to upgrade the level of education.
The present era is that of technical and vocational education, which is very important for the industrial and economic development.
Government of Pakistan is paying a lot of attention towards the progress of technical education.

The students are awarded Diploma in Technical Education. Government has started technical projects in the country whose objective is to provide physical facilities for technical education institutions, provide equipment, improve courses of technical education and prepare teachers for imparting technical education.

1. A Science Education Project:
A Science Education Project has also been started by the Government of Pakistan. The objective is to improve standard of education in the courses of Mathematics, Sciences and Computer Science. About 6 million students will benefit from these courses.

2. Ghulam Ishque Khan Institute of Technology (GIKIT):
Government of Pakistan has established Ghulam Ishaque Khan (GIK) Institute of Technology at Topi in N.W.F.P., which is the highest modern institute of technical education. Its standard is of international level but the children of only rich people can afford to study in this institute.

3. Vocational and Training Institute:
A professional and vocational training institute and textile institute has been established at Faisalabad, which prepares experts for Textile industry. As Pakistan wants to become and industrial country so more vocational institutions are needed in the country to prepare the skillful people.

4. Polytechnic Institutes/Colleges:
In Sindh, Polytechnic Institutes/Colleges are at Karachi, Hyderabad, Badin, Nawabshah and Sukkur. Technical institutes are also at the district headquarters in Sindh. The polytechnic institutes are insufficient for a big population so more such institutions should be established in the country for the provision of technical education.

5. Technical and Vocational Education:
Government is stressing on technical and vocational education to prepare qualified and educated technical hands for improving the standard and level of our technical products for competing in the international market. Government is spending huge funds for the improvement of technical and vocational education.

Technical education prepares the skilled people who work in different fields specially in industries.
Pakistan wants to become an industrial country, so skilled workers are needed in Pakistan for the progress and development of the country.
Technical education is a great source of reducing unemployment in the country because a technical hand person can start his practical life better than others.

Q.8: What are the educational problems of Pakistan?
Pakistan is a country of limited resources. Due to limited resources different departments face many problems, education department is that department, which is facing many problems due to limited resources of the country. Due to the following problems, country has low literacy rate.

Following are our main problems in education:

1. Attitude of the Feudal:
The feudal system is the major obstacle in the way of education of the poor children. The parents are poor and can hardly afford educational expenses of their children. On the other hand feudal lords in the rural areas have discouraged education of the children of poor parents. They want to employ poor children on low wages. This is the reason that literacy rate in the rural areas has not increased, specially the education of female children has suffered much.

2. Attitude of Politicians and High Officials:
Politicians in general are not in the favour of promoting and spreading education due to the reason that awakening in the people through education will expose their, irregularities.

3. Dropouts:
At each stage of the education of the children dropout rate has increased. About 85% children complete the 5 years cycle of primary education. At the middle stage a significant majority dropouts in the middle of their education cycle. The economic condition of the parents is the main reason of dropouts because they cannot afford the educational expenses of their children.

4. Teacher Absenteeism:
In rural areas, teacher absenteeism has adversely affected the progress in education. Shortage of teachers in rural areas, ghost schools and lack of supervision of rural schools have resulted in low progress in the promotion of education and eradication of illiteracy.

5. High Fees of Private Educational Institutions:
Private sector educational institutions charge high fees as, compared to the facilities provided there. Teachers are overworked but paid low salaries. Government should exercise control over these schools. Registration fee in the private schools is from Rs.200 to Rs.10,000 and monthly fee structure extends from Rs.200 to Rs.1000 and even more. Teachers in the private schools are less qualified and hence their standard is less than the teachers in the government schools.

6. Shortage of Physical Facilities:
The shortage of physical facilities and equipment in the primary schools has resulted in decline in the level of education. About 25,000. primary schools are without proper buildings. Most of the schools have no boundary walls, no toilets and no water facilities. There is shortage of furniture in these schools. Most of the schools in the rural area are of one room school and are made of a mixture of mud and wood. These are known as Katcha Schools. These are in a very bad shape. The quality of education is poor in these schools.

7. Non-availability of Textbooks:
Many pupils can not afford- the high cost of textbooks. Textbooks prescribed by the private and English medium schools are very expensive. Textbooks of higher education and professional courses are mostly imported arid are very expensive.

8. Accommodation for Students:
Hostel accommodation for the students of Technical and Medical Colleges has become a problem. Hostels are not available as compared to the increasing number of students of these institutions. Students especially belong to rural areas can not get proper education due to the lack of accommodation.

9. Political Interference:
Public representatives interfere in the administration of educational institutions especially in the appointment and transfer of teachers. Merit is ignored and appointments are made on favouritism or political recommendations.

There are many problems in the field of education due to which our literacy rate is not increasing. Education has great importance for any nation. With education there is no concept of progress and development. We must remove all problems related to education for a better literacy rate in Pakistan.
In Pakistan education is a neglected department. More positive steps are needed to overcome the problems we are facing to increase the literacy rate in Pakistan. National budget should be increase to provide more facilities to the people for getting education.

Q.9: Mention the objectives of IT education in Pakistan.
World is getting progress day by day. It is the era of computer and information. Information Technology is an innovation in the field of telecommunication. IT has great use in trade, industry business and educational field.
The important challenge in the IT in Pakistan is the availability of experts in the field. Other countries have got great progress in IT.

The objectives of innovative programme of IT in education in Pakistan are:

1. To Modernize the Educational System:
To modernize the educational system of Pakistan by introducing information technology at all levels. Today is called the age of computer so computer centers should be opened in all school and colleges to common the computer literacy.

2. To Provide Access to Research and Modern Information:
To provide access to research and modern information through internet. More facilities should be provided to those students who want any type of research in information technology.

3. To Familiarize Information Technology among the Children:
To familiarize information technology among the children of all ages and prepare them for the future, Computer literacy should be compulsory from primary level to common computer literacy.

4. To Emphasize the Varied Roles of Computers:
To emphasize the varied roles of computers as a learning tool in the classroom. Qualified computer teacher should guide the students for computer training.

5. To Employ Communication Technology:
To employ communication technology for the training of teachers and other educational activities.

Information Technology has great importance in the entire world. Great. investment has started in this field. Computer hardware and software are being prepared. Seven IT universities have been established in Public and Government sectors. It has a bright future in Pakistan. A large number of foreign companies are making investment in this field on large scale.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Chapter No.10 - Pakistan - A Welfare State - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers

Q.1: What is meant by a welfare state?
Welfare means betterment. "A State that cares for the basic needs of its citizens and enables them to live a peaceful life. OR When a state works wholeheartedly for the betterment of a welfare of a state and the citizens of that state, it is called a welfare state."
In a welfare state, it is the state's duty to provide all basic facilities, justice and basic rights to all the inhabitants of the state. So, we can say that a welfare state is one where there should be no poverty, hunger and unemployment. Equal opportunities are provided to all the citizen in a welfare state by the government.

Islam is a conceptual way of life. So, it gives a clear concept of welfare state. Our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was the first to introduce the welfare concept and practice, not only this, he also founded the first welfare state of the world at Medina. A welfare state in Islamic service is based on the principles of equality, justice, brotherhood and betterment of people. In the Islamic concept of a welfare state, it is the primary duty of an Islamic government that no one, living under its limits, should remain hungry, unemployed or poor. Basic necessities should be provided to all the people by the government.

Following are the main objectives of a welfare state:

Importance of Resources in National Development:
The resources of a country have great importance for that country. Following are the main features of the resources for national development.

1. Role of Natural Resources in the National Development:
Natural resources play great role in the national development. They are the real wealth of a country. All the developed and prosperous states of the world achieved development by utilizing their natural resources. Natural resources must be used with sound planning for the good of the country.

2. Public Education:
Education has great importance for any country but, unluckily; the-majority of the population is illiterate. If we want to turn Pakistan into a welfare state, literacy rate must be increased.

3. Provision of Justice:
Justice is the main pillar of any society specially, an Islamic society, Justice must be provided to all the people of the country, to make Pakistan a welfare state.

4. Equal Opportunities for All:
We know that many people are jobless in Pakistan. So, equal opportunities should be provided to all the people to make Pakistan a welfare state.

5. Provision of Utilization of Resources of Country:
To make Pakistan a welfare state, it is the duty of the government to utilize all the resources of the country for the good of the country.

6. Unity among the People:
No progress will be fruitful without unity among the people. More work is needed in Pakistan for national unity.

7. Relations with Islamic Countries and Efforts for International Peace:
To complete some projects of Pakistan for the progress of the country, strong relations with Islamic countries must be improved. Government of Pakistan must take efforts for international peace.

The main objective of the creation of Pakistan was to establish Islamic welfare state in the country. Still this target has not been achieved. The Government of Pakistan is working very hard to make Pakistan a welfare state. People of Pakistan must co-operate with the government to achieve this goal. We must take guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunah to achieve this target.

Q.2: Describe the duties of a welfare state.
Welfare state means that state, which works only for the development and betterment of the people. It works against poverty, illiteracy, misery and injustice.
It is the prime duty of a welfare state to provide all basic needs to its citizens. The basic aim of a welfare state is the welfare of its citizen by utilizing all the resources of the country.

Following are the main duties of a welfare state:

1. Self-Sufficiency in Food:
In order to make Pakistan a welfare state, self-sufficiency in food is necessary. Provision of food facilities is the first duty of government in a welfare state. The Government of Pakistan must take some steps to make the country self-sufficient in food.

2: Public Education:
Education has great importance for any country but unluckily, the majority of the population is illiterate. If we want to convert Pakistan into a Welfare state, literacy rate must be increased.

3. Provision of Justice:
Justice is the main pillar of any society specially, an Islamic society. Justice of all types must be provided to all the people of Pakistan to make Pakistan a welfare state. Without provision of justice to all classes of society, there is no concept of a welfare state.

4. Equal Opportunities for All:
We know that many people are jobless in Pakistan, so equal opportunities should he provided to all the people to make Pakistan a welfare state. In Pakistan, mostly people belong to poor class. Without providing them with equal opportunities, we can not convert our country into a welfare state.

5. Utilization of Resources of Country:
To make Pakistan a welfare state, it is the duty of the government to utilize all resources of the country for the good of the country. More and more industries must be established in the country for a better economy by utilization of minerals and other resources. Agricultural output must be increased to increase the national income.

6. Unity among the People:
No progress will be fruitful without unity among the people. More work is needed in Pakistan for national unity. Pakistan is a multi-nation country. That is why there is a great need of unity among all the nations living in Pakistan for the development of the country.

7. Relations with Islamic Countries and Efforts for International Peace:
To complete some projects of Pakistan for the progress of the country, relations with Islamic countries are necessary and vital. So, the government must establish stronger relations with Islamic countries. The Government of Pakistan must make some efforts for international peace.

Welfare state is that state, which provides all basic needs of life to its Citizens. Self-sufficiency in food, public education, provision of justice, opportunities for all and relations with Muslim countries are the main duties of a welfare state.
Pakistan is not a welfare state, but the government of Pakistan is trying its level best to convert Pakistan into one. All the governments of past tried their level best to convert Pakistan into a welfare state. More sincere efforts are needed to attain this goal.

Q.3: What is the concept of an Islamic Welfare State?
Welfare means Betterment. When a state works wholeheartedly for the betterment its citizens, it is called a welfare state. In a welfare state it is the state's duty to provide all basic facilities, justice and basic rights to all the people of the state.

Islam is a complete way of life. So, it gives a clear concept of a welfare state. Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), for the first time, introduced the concept of welfare state. Not only this, he also founded the first welfare state of the world at Medina. A Welfare state in Islamic sense is based on principles of equality, justice, brotherhood and betterment of the people. In an Islamic concept of a welfare state, it is the primary duty of an Islamic government that no one living under its limits should remain hungry, unemployed or poor. Basic necessities should be provided to all the people by the government.


1. Sovereignty of State Belongs to Allah:
Sovereignty in Islam, belongs to Almighty Allah. The state protects the life, property and honour of its individuals. Justice is for all, without any discrimination. All are equal before law. The superiority among the individuals is based on Taqwa (fear of Allah).

2. Laws According to Holy Quran and Sunnah:
In an Islamic welfare state, all the laws are always according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah because the government takes full guidance only from the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

3. A Trustworthy Government:
It is necessary for the one, who has the affairs of the Islamic Welfare State in his hand, to adhere to the basic tenets of Islam. He should be a God-fearing Muslim and act as a trustee only.

4. Head of an Islamic States Works as Servant of the People:
The head of an Islamic Welfare state is the servant of the people. He always thinks about the welfare of its people. He lives a simple life like an ordinary man.

5. The Concept of Accountability:
The Islamic Welfare State is always accountable to its people. The ruler is not beyond question or criticism. Such a state develops a prosperous society, free of exploitation. It provides equal opportunities of progress to all the individuals. lt provides all basic facilities to the individualS, including the non-Muslims.

6. Society Based on Musawat-e-Muhammadi:
In a nutshell, the concept of an Islamic Welfare State is that it maintains "Musawat" i.e., (Equality at all levels). In Pakistan, society has been divided into many classes specially, the poor are living a miserable life. To solve all problems of the poor, our society should be based on Musawat-e-Muhammadi.

7. A Crime-Free Society:
A crime free society is another objective of an Islamic welfare state. When punishments will be given to the criminals according to Holy Quran and Sunnah, society will be changed in to a crime-free society.

The Islamic concept of a welfare state is entirely different from the Western concept of welfare state. In an Islamic welfare state, it is the very first duty of the ruler to provide all basic necessities of life to all the people and the ruler works according to the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. In an Islamic concept of a welfare state, the Islamic ruler works as a servant of the people and he utilizes all resources of the country only for the betterment of the people. There is a concept of equality in this system.

Q.4: State the important national goals of Pakistan and review them in detail.
We got Pakistan after a hard struggle, and Pakistan is the only country in the world which came under the ideology of Islam. Islam is a complete code of life and the best system to lead a life. Quaid-e-Azam and Muslim leaders attained Pakistan after great struggle and sacrifices. The ideology behind the creation of Pakistan was to form an Islamic society and a welfare state. To achieve this target, Pakistan has some aims and objectives. All the governments of the past tried their level best to achieve their goals. Still the government is sincerely doing its best to reach this target.

Following are the main goals of Pakistan.

1. Protection of the Ideology of Pakistan:
Pakistan is the only country in world which came into being under the ideology of Islam. It was demanded to introduce the Islamic teachings and Islamic way of life. So, to maintain our separate identity and to convert Pakistan into a welfare state, we must protect and save the ideology of Pakistan.

2. Strong Defence:
To protect our national identity and our sovereignty, it is the most important joint responsibility of both the government and the people to defend our country. So the government of Pakistan is trying its level best to build a strong defence of the country.

3. Formation of an Islamic Society:
The very first objective of the creation of Pakistan is the formation of a society, based on Islamic teachings. In Pakistan, this target has not yet been achieved. For this, the government is trying to implement Islamic teachings and laws to establish an Islamic society in Pakistan. Islamic Ideological Council is a good example of that effort.

4. Welfare State:
To make Pakistan a welfare state is an important goal of the government. So, the Government of Pakistan is working very hard to convert Pakistan into a welfare state. People must co-operate with the government for achieving this goal.

5. Struggle Against Corruption:
It is the worst problem of Pakistan. In almost all the departments of Pakistan, corruption is rampant. So, Jihad is needed against this evil. The Government is taking many positive steps to erase this evil from the society to have a strong Pakistan.

6. Struggle Against Illiteracy:
Illiteracy is the base of many problems in Pakistan. More than 55% of the total population living in Pakistan is illiterate. So, the government of Pakistan has established many schools and colleges to spread education in Pakistan as it is the first sign of development.

7. Work for Industrial and Agricultural Progress:
To make Pakistan a welfare state, the government of Pakistan is trying very hard to have industrial and agricultural progress. Our farmers and experts should know the modern technology and use new machines to increase agricultural and industrial production for the betterment of the country.

8. Work for Sound Economy:
To convert Pakistan into a welfare state, economic development is very important. For this, the government is trying to boost our exports to get more foreign exchange, by setting more and more industries for strong economy.

9. Work for Rural Development:
More than 67.5% of population of the Pakistan is living in rural areas. Most of them are jobless. The Government is introducing many reforms to uplift the poor class and is trying to mobilize them by providing jobs and education for the progress of the country.

10. Work to Decrease the High Birth Rate of Population in Pakistan:
As Pakistan is a country of limited resources, we cannot manage the high growth rate of population. So, the government of Pakistan is trying to educate the people by introducing many schemes to decrease the high growth rate of population for the good of the country.

11. Participation of Women in All Fields:
As women are one half part of the population, their participation in all fields is equally important. For this purpose, the government has fixed 5% jobs for women in all the departments. In this way, women can also take part in the progress of the country.

12. National Unity:
To make Pakistan a welfare state in the real sense, there must be unity among the people. So, the government is doing much to promote Islam and Urdu language in Pakistan which are the great sources of unity among the people. For the progress and development of the country, national unity must be strengthened.

13. Formation of Friendly Relations with All Islamic and Important Countries of the World:
As an Islamic country, the government is trying to form brotherly and friendly relation with all Muslim countries of the world to promote "Islamic unity". Along with this, the government is also strengthening the relations with all the other countries of the world, to maintain peace and to promote universal brotherhood in the world.

Muslims of south Asia attained Pakistan after great struggle to practice Islam. If we want Pakistan to be strong, we must achieve the objective of the formation of an Islamic society. The Government of Pakistan is working sincerely to achieve all the main objectives, which are set by the government. It is also the duty of the citizens of Pakistan to help the government to achieve these targets and goals.

Q.5: Why is self-sufficiency in food necessary?
In whole world, food is the basic need of the people. Due to the lack of food, health of the people is affected.
Pakistan is an agricultural country, but our agricultural output is very low due to lack of resources of the country, so self-sufficiency in food is necessary.

Self-sufficiency in food has great importance for any country, due to the following reasons.

1. Saves Foreign Exchange:
Through self-sufficiency in food, less food items are imported. So, foreign exchange is saved which is important for development projects.

2. Establishment of More Industries:
By self-sufficiency of food, with the agricultural products, more industries are established and more foreign exchange is earned.

3. Decreases Foreign Loans:
When foreign exchange is earned through agricultural products, loans of the country are paid. In this way, foreign loans decrease.

4. Increase People's Purchasing Power:
When agricultural output of the country increases, people's purchasing power also increases. Nowadays, there is great dearness in our country and items of daily use are out of the reach of the people. Self-sufficiency in food will increase people's purchasing power.

5. Flourish Trade and Business:
When agricultural output increases, country gets progress and then, trade and business also flourish. When trade and business flourish, trade activities are increased, due to which people get more and more jobs.

6. Reduces Unemployment:
Self-sufficiency in food brings prosperity in the country and new industries are established in which people get jobs and unemployment is reduced.

7. Living Standard of the People Increases:
When self-sufficiency in food is achieved, country gets progress and standard of living increases. When country gets progress, more industries are setup,in which people get jobs. They earn more and their living standard is increased.

Pakistan is an agricultural country but its agricultural output is very low More steps are needed for better agricultural output to get self-sufficiency in food.
Self-sufficiency in food leads to development and progress of a country. Progress of industries, trade and business is also due to self-sufficiency in food.

Q.6: Why is peace in the world necessary?
Today, our world is like a global village, because science and technology have reduced the distance. After the lst and 2nd World Wars, many peace efforts were made in the world for international peace. Now, due to quick means of communications, nations of the world have come closer.
Today, there is a great need of world peace because many countries of the world have limited resources and they need the help of different countries for their progress.

Today, there is great need of co-operation and brotherhood among the countries of the world, due to the following reasons.

1. To Create Goodwill:
International brotherhood is needed to create goodwill among the countries of the world. Many countries of the world are rich and resourceful, they can help the poor and underdeveloped countries for their progress.

2. To Solve Common Problems of the World:
Illiteracy, hunger, poverty, and pollution are the common problems of the world. Co-operation of all countries is needed for the solution of these problems. It is the duty of the developed and resourceful countries to help the poor countries to overcome the above mentioned problems.

3. To Stop the Nuclear Weapons:
Nuclear weapons are very harmful for whole world. Joint efforts of the countries of the world are needed to solve this great problem.

4. Expansion of Modern Technology:
Modern technology is the need and right of every country. International brotherhood can help in the expansion of modern technology. Today, it is the right of every country to get nuclear technology for its energy problems, advanced countries must help the underdeveloped countries for nuclear capability.

5. To Solve Main Issues of the World:
Today, many issues of the world are unsolved. More peace efforts and co-operation is needed for international peace. Countries of the world should help the U.N.O. to solve the main issues of the world like Middle East problem, Kashmir issue, Iraq issue and Afghanistan issue.

6. Co-operation among the Islamic Countries:
All the Islamic countries are part of the Muslim Umma. There should be great co-operation among all Islamic countries to reduce the problems of the world. Islamic world is rich in natural resources. Their resources must be used for the good of the Muslim world.

Pakistan is a peace-loving country. It has always maintained good relations with All the countries of the world and made many efforts to bring closer the countries of the world for international brotherhood. Today, to solve the main problems like illiteracy, hunger, poverty and diseases world co-operation is necessary.

Q.7: Explain the character of an individual in a welfare state.
As far as the welfare-state is-concerned, it is the duty of the government to provide all basic needs to all the people living in that state. But no government can run the affairs of that state without the co-operation of the citizens of the state. It means the role of an individual in a welfare state has great importance. Without the co-operation of the people, no state can become a welfare state. Along with the rights, there are many duties of an individual which are very important.

The rights and duties of an individual in a welfare state run side by side. The main duties of an individual in a welfare state are as under:

1. Loyalty and Faithfulness:
It is the duty of every individual to be loyal and faithful to his country. We should be prepared to offer any kind of sacrifice for the sake of our country and nation.

2. Safeguard Of the Rights Of Fellow Men:
All the people, who are living in the country, have their rights and interests. So, it is the duty of every citizen to respect the rights of his fellow men and should also safeguard the life, honour and property of other citizens.

3. Proper Use of Public Facilities:
In a welfare state, it is the duty of every individual to make proper use of the public facilities, provided by the government, without any wastage.

4. Participation in the Welfare Work:
It is the duty of every individual, living in a welfare state, to take part in all types of welfare activities and also pursue others to join him for the good of the citizens and for the country.

5. Performance of Legal and Moral Duties:
It is also the moral duty of every citizen, living in a welfare state, to respect and obey the laws of the country. We should also fulfill our moral responsibilities. If we will perform all our legal and moral duties in a nice and efficient manner, no doubt the country will get progress.

6. Payment of Taxes and Utility Bills:
It is our duty to pay the various taxes and all types of utility bills honesty, timely, fully and promptly so that we may enjoy all social benefits, facilities and luxuries, provided by the government to make the state an ideal welfare state.

7. Progress in the Field of Science and Technology:
Progress in the field of science and technology leads to progress of the country. So, it is the duty of every individual to take scientific education and learn some skill. So, whenever the government needs them, they are available for the betterment and development of the country.

We achieved Pakistan with the promise that Pakistan will be an Islamic welfare state. So, it is our first duty to make Pakistan a welfare state. It is not only the government's duty to convert Pakistan into a welfare state. All the people must co-operate with the government to reach this goal. Everyone must realize his duties and responsibilities as a citizen of Pakistan. If all the people co-operate with the government, soon Pakistan will be a welfare state.

Q.8: What steps have been taken by the government for universal education?
Education is the basic right of every individual Our religion, Islam accepts this basic right of man. That is why education is compulsory for every man and woman. The U.N.O. has also recognized it as the basic and fundamental right of man. So, it is the duty of every government to provide education to all individuals, for receiving higher education. In Pakistan, efforts are in progress for attaining this target.


1. Reforms in Education:
Reforms in education known as Education Sector Reforms (ESR) have been introduced. The purpose f these reforms are to introduce a system which fulfils the need and obligation of independent ideological state of Pakistan. The new system will ensure access to every citizen to receive education.

2. Pakistan Studies and Islamiat as Compulsory Subjects:
The study of Islamiat and Pakistan Studies is compulsory to make the children enlightened and better individuals by understanding the real spirit of Islam and the importance of Pakistan.

3. Discouragement of Tendency of Business in Education:
Steps are being taken to discourage the tendency of business in education. A plan is underway to provide free education upto class X in a phased manner.

4. Better Service Conditions of the Teachers:
The service structure and service conditions of the teachers are being made better, enabling them to work with interest and devotion.

5. Scholarships for Students:
A programme of award of scholarships to the meritorious and poor students has been started by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal. More scholarship schemes should be started for the higher studies also, even in the foreign countries.

6. Awareness Campaign through Radio and Television:
Awareness campaign has been started on Radio and Television to create interest among the people to educate their children especially in the girls.

7. Education for All Programme:
A programme namely, "Education for All" (EFA) has been started throughout Pakistan. Under this scheme, Non-formal basic education classes at institutions have been opened in the rural areas. Books and educational material are provided in these institutions. The number of these institutions, at present, is around ten thousand (10,000 which will gradually rise to about eighty thousand (80,000).

8. Scheme of Public Private Partnership:
A scheme of public-private partnership has been started. Under the scheme, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CHOs) will establish institutions in the rural areas to help the government promote education and literacy.

9. Education Foundation:
Education Foundations have been set up in all the provinces and at the Federal level to provide financial help to the private educational institutions. It is one of the great steps of the government of Pakistan to spread education in Pakistan.

In the whole world, education is recognized as the basic and fundamental right of an individual.
Islam and U.N.0., the both have recognized this right of man. Keeping this in mind, the government of Pakistan has taken many steps for the provision and promotion of education. Literacy rate in Pakistan will be increased after these steps.

Q.9: Write a note on egalitarian society.
Pakistan is an Islamic country, and Islam gives the concept of Justice. Without justice, there is no concept of Islamic society. Social and legal, both types of justice is the foundation of Islamic society.
Egalitarian society is a known term used for that society which is based on social justice and provides all basic rights of the people for the progress of the country.

In Pakistan, the government wants to convert our society into an egalitarian society. Following steps are necessary for the formation of such society.

1. Protection of Life and Property of the People:
It is the first duty of every government to protect the life and property of the people. It is very harmful for any society that people feel insecurity in it.

2. Preservation of Honour of the People:
Honour and dignity of die people must be preserved. All rights of the people must be given to them, according to their abilities.

3. Provision of Civic Facilities:
The government must provide all civic facilities to the people.

4. Provision of Education and Health Facilities:
Education and health, both are very important for a welfare society. Government must provide education and health facilities to its citizens.

5. National Unity:
National unity is the basic need of an egalitarian society. The government must take steps for the promotion of national unity.

6. Provision of Recreation Facilities:
Recreation facilities are the basic need of man. The governinent must provide recreation facilities to the people for a healthy atmosphere.

Islam has given the concept of a society based on social justice. Without social justice, there is no concept of an egalitarian society.
The government of Pakistan should take steps for the provision of basic needs, justice, education and health facilities to the people for the formation of an egalitarian society in Pakistan.

Q.10: Why are sustained constructive efforts necessary for Pakistan?
The main objective of every state is the progress and prosperity of the people of that state. The nation, which has the will to progress, continues its efforts by using all available resources of the country. So, there is need of sustained constructive efforts for the progress of the country.

To make Pakistan a welfare state, following efforts are necessary.

1. Awareness about National Goals:
Only those nations get progress whose people are aware of their national goals. These goals are always pre-fixed and help in determining the national priorities for speedy development. This can be achieved by careful planning and proper implementation. This process continues for ever. Also, constant struggle and strong will is necessary to achieve the goals.

2. Dignity of Labour:
It means that the people should be made conscious of the value and dignity of labour. The younger generation should be taught that progress and development, without devotion and hard labour, would merely be a dream. Quaid-e-Azam had advised the youth to feel dignity in work and make it their aim in life. The sense of dignity of labour should generate and start from home.

3. Scientific and Technical Knowledge:
Progress cannot be achieved through general education alone. National resources can be properly utilized through advancement in scientific and technical knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the pace of national construction with the help of technical education and training.

4. Guidance and Encouragement:
Since the independence of Pakistan in 1947, different sectors of our economy have shown a lot of progress. Agriculture and industry have progressed. A number of mega projects have been completed and some are in the process of completion. However, these guide and encourage the people of Pakistan to undertake progressive methods of production. But the need is to continue our struggle for more development and make Pakistan a welfare state.

5. Welfare Programmes:
As a part of constructive effort for sustained development, some welfare programmes for the disabled and needy people have been started within the country such as,
  1. Establishment of industrial homes for females.
  2. Establishment of health centers.
  3. Educational institutions for the deaf and dumb.
  4. Training centers for physically handicapped persons.
  5. Recreational spots for general public.
  6. Establishment of anti-begging centers.

No country can be converted into a welfare state without continuous efforts of the government and co-operation of the people of that state.
It is the main objective of government of Pakistan to make Pakistan an Islamic welfare state. For this purpose, awareness must be created among the people about national objectives and welfare programmes must be started. Attention should be paid towards education also.

Sunday 26 July 2020

English Grammar - Active and Passive Voice - Exercise Practise For Class X

Active And Passive Voice
Exercise No.1

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Simple present tense).

1: He opens the door.

2: We set the table.

3: She pays a lot of money.

4: I draw a picture.

5: They wear blue shoes.

6: They don't help you.

7: He doesn't open the book.

8: You do not write the letter.

9: Does your mother pick you up?

10: Does the police officer catch the thief?

Exercise No.2

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Simple past tense).

11: She sang a song.

12: Somebody hit me.

13: We stopped the bus.

14: A thief stole my car.

15: They didn't help him.

16: She didn't win the prize.

17: They didn't make their beds.

18: I did not tell them.

19: Did you tell them?

20: Did he send the letter?

Exercise No.3

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Present perfect tense).

21: Kadir has paid the bill.

22: I have eaten a hamburger.

23: We have cycled five miles

24: I have opened the present.

25: They have not read the book.

26: You have not sent the parcel.

27: We have not agreed to this issue.

28: They have not caught the thieves.

29: Has she phoned him?

30: Have they noticed us?

Exercise No.4

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Exercise with Auxiliary Verbs).

31: I can answer the question.

32: She would carry the box.

33: You should open the window.

34: We might play cards.

35: You ought to wash the car.

36: He must fill in the form.

37: They need not buy bread.

38: He could not read the sentence.

39: Will the teacher test our English?

40: Could Jenny lock the door?

Exercise No.5

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Mixed Exercise on Passive Voice).

41: John collects money.

42: Anna opened the window.

43: We have done our homework.

44: I will ask a question.

45: He can cut out the picture.

46: The sheep ate a lot.

47: We do not clean our rooms.

48: William will not repair the car.

49: Did Sue draw this circle?

50: Could you feed the dog?

Exercise No.6

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Passive Voice with two objectives).

51: Rachel will give you some advice.

52: I sent him a letter.

53: The police officer showed us the way.

54: Our neighbour gave me a lift.

55: We have asked him a favour.

56: She told me a lie.

57: They have written her a postcard.

58: Kadir will make you a cup of tea.

59: The waiter has not brought us the coffee.

60: They did not offer her a seat.

Exercise No.7

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Future tense).

61: Frank will have ordered the drinks.

62: You will have spent all the money.

63: I will have taken the dog for a walk.

64: She will have sold the car.

65: They will have solved the problem.

66: She will not have read the book.

67: They will not have trusted him.

68: He won't have rung Barbara.

69: Will they have paid the bill?

70: Will you have washed my socks?

Exercise No.8

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice ( Conditional I).

71: Jenny would congratulate you.

72: We would pick you up.

73: She would order a pizza.

74: He would build a new house.

75: They would take the opportunity.

76: You would not recognize Jim.

77: I would not do that kind of job.

78: Would they decorate the room?

79: Would the DJ play this song?

80: Would Simon open the window?

Exercise No.9

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Conditional II).

81: They would have told you.

82: We would have spoken English.

83: Mario would have bought a paper.

84: She would have called the police.

85: We would have painted the walls green.

86: She would not have noticed the mistake.

87: I would not have given this book away.

88: Would my mum have packed the bag?

89: Would you have accepted that offer?

90: Would they have given the right answer?

Exercise No.10

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (IMPERATIVE SENTENCES).

91: Open the door.

92: Lock the door.

93: Iron my clothes.

94: Ring the bell.

95: Clean your teeth.

96: Copy this letter.

97: arrest them.

98: Forget your differences.

99: Post this letter.

100: Punish him.

101: Open the books.

102: Send him a message.

103: Take a bath daily.

104: Stop the car.

105: Put out the lamp.

106: Guide the stranger.

Exercise No.11

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE SENTENCES).

When the active voice is in the negative, the passive voice takes the form:
Let + object + not + be + past participle.
Note: that do is not used in the passive form.

107: Do not ring the bell.

108: Do not beat the dog.

109: Do not post this letter.

110: Do not open your book.

111: Do not tell a lie.

112: Do not shut the door.

113: Do not arrest him.

114: Do not punish them.

115: Do not open the gate.

116: Do not steal his pen.

117: Do not pluck the flowers.

118: Do not catch the birds.

119: Do not promote him.

120: Do not make a noise.

121: Do not wind the watch.

Exercise No.12

From Passive Voice To Active Voice

122: Let the door be opened.

123: Let the game be played.

124: Let her be promoted.

125: Let the fire not be put out.

126: Let them be sent to Karachi.

127: Let this story be told.

128: Let the book not be opened.

129: Let him be declared successful.

130: Let this road be repaired.

131: Let mangoes be eaten.