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Tuesday 17 January 2023

Chapter No.5 - Resource Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Describe the importance of resources?
Ans: Importance of Resources:
The countries having plentiful humans and natural resources make great progress. Following are the importance of resources:
  • These resources are the real wealth of nation. However, a wise use of these resources is needed for progress.
  • Human and natural resources make the defense of a country strong. They are the means of a country’s Security and Protection.
  • These resources help make quick progress and development.
  • These resources meet all the material needs of a country including all the amenities, comforts and luxuries of life.
  • These resources provide jobs to people and help in increasing trade and business.

Q.2: Name the different kinds of resources?
Ans: There are two kinds of resources:
  1. human resources
  2. natural resources
a) Human Resources:
The human resources mean capacity and capability of human beings for doing certain tasks. The type of profession differentiates human beings from each other.

b) Natural Resources:
Natural resources are provided by nature. Allah Almighty has given these resources to different countries of the world in the form of minerals, soil, forests, water etc.

Q.3: What are the advantages of forests?
  • Forests make the weather pleasant by moderating temperature.
  • Forests bring rains by increasing the water vapor in the air • Forest keeps the level of Carbon dioxide down by absorbing it.
  • Forest stops quick melting of snow on the mountains.
  • Forests prevent soil erosion as roots of the trees firmly stick to the soil.
  • Forests provide natural herbs which are used as medicines.
  • Forests are natural pastures providing food to animals.
  • Forests protect us from floods.
  • They are the source of growth and breeding of different kinds of animals.
  • Forests provide us timber which is used for construction and making furniture.
  • Forests provide jobs and are important for economy.
  • Forests keep the atmosphere clear by adding oxygen to the air.

Q.4: Name the mineral resources of Pakistan?
There are several mineral resources of Pakistan:
  • Mineral Oil
  • Natural Gas
  • Coal
  • Iron ore
  • Chromites
  • Copper
  • Gypsum
  • Salt
  • Limestone
  • Marble

Q.5: What are the agricultural problems of Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan is an agriculture country 55% people are related to agriculture. However, the agriculture yield is very low. The reasons for low production are given under:
  • Low literacy rate:
    There is low literacy rate in the country Majority of the farmers is uneducated. Their cultivation is traditional and they don’t know the use of insecticides the selection of standard seeds, and the proper use of artificial fertilizers.

  • Increasing number of farmers:
    The process of bringing more area under cultivation is slow. Therefore the number of people who depend on agriculture is increasing.

  • Soil Erosion:
    Rains, windstorms, snowfall and earthquakes etc cause soil erosion by removing the fertile topmost soil. Soil erosion lowers the yield.

  • Non-mechanized cultivation:
    Our farmers are using non-mechanized cultivation methods. There are many reasons for this: example: lack of financial resources small land holdings and conservative ideas etc.

  • Limit of agricultural land:
    The landlords have vast areas of land but they don’t cultivate themselves so most remains uncultivated and barren.

  • Water logging and salinity:
    Large canal areas of Punjab and Sindh have become barren due to water logging and salinity.

  • Insufficient Means of transport: There are not roads to carry the agricultural production to the market. The crops go waste before reaching the market.

  • Unsuitable conditions: Life is very hard in villages. There are not any medical facilities. The farmers are not healthy so they cannot work hard or produce more.

  • Difficulties in the Marketing crops: Farmers do not get the proper price for their products. The middle men get the maximum profit while the Farmers don’t get.

Q.6: What are the sources of agriculture in Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan is an agricultural country. A large variety of crops, fruits and vegetable are grow in Pakistan agriculture sector produces about 30% of the total raw materials and is a source of providing Employment to 55% of the population. Agricultural export earns 70% of the foreign exchange. There are two kinds of crops in Pakistan:
  1. Rabi crops:
    The Rabi crops are grown in October and November and are harvested in April and May. Important Rabi crops are wheat, barley, gram, oil, seeds, and tobacco.

  2. Kharif crops:
    The Kharif crops are grown in May June and is harvested in October and November. Important Kharif crops are: rice, maize, cotton sugarcane, sorghum (Jowar) and millet (Bajra). These two crops are further divided into two types:
    (i) Food crop:
    These crops provide food to the people. It includes wheat rice, pulses, maize etc.

    (ii) Cash crop:
    These crops earn foreign exchange for the country. These crops include cotton, sugar, tobacco etc.

Q.7: Write a note on Nuclear Energy in Pakistan?
Ans: In Pakistan there are two atomic power houses are working. One is KANUPP at Karachi which started working in 1971. The second is Chashma Plant (Mianwali), which started working in 2002. It produces 300MW electricity. A third atomic power project is also being constructed at Chashma with the Chinese assistances. Pakistan has become the 7th nuclear power of world. On May 28, 1998, Pakistan made nuclear tests at Chagai. The credit for this goes to team of Pakistani scientists. The government has changed the name of Kahuta research Laboratories as “Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan (A.Q) Research Laboratories.

Q.8: How are human and other resources interdependent?
Ans: Human resources and other resources have their independent and separate value as well as utility. However, these resources are interdependent. The basic necessities of life include food, clothing and shelter. Then there are other necessities which are not included in the basic necessities but they are related with the comforts and luxuries of life. These necessities can be fulfilled with the help of other resources which include the agricultural and mineral resources.
Human efforts play an important role to benefit from these resources. If human knowledge, expertise and labor are excluded the other resources will become useless. The natural resources of oil, gas, gold etc. became wealth because man discovered them and used them for benefits. Thus we can say that human resources and other resources are interdependent.

Q.9: Write a note on moderation in life?
Ans: Moderation in life means to live within the available means. There is a saying “excess of everything is bad”. Moderation is a way of proper thinking, behaviour and actions. Those who do not moderate their lives are exposed to trouble and hardships. Moderation demands reasonable attitude towards actions in all matters economic, social and political. Islam taught moderation in all walks of life and has always stressed on self control.


1) The people involved in a number of tasks are called human resources.
2) The soil formed from the flooded layers of silt and loam is called Khaddar soil.
3) Mountain forests are found in north and northern western areas.
4) The natural gas was first found in Pakistan at a place called Sui Balochistan in 1952.
5) Moderation in life means to live within available means.

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Monday 16 January 2023

Chapter No.4 - Land and Climate of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: What do you understand by climate?
Ans: The long lasting conditions of weather in a particular area such as air pressure, temperature, humidity and rainfall are termed as the climate of an area. The climate of Pakistan is dry and hot.

Q.2: What are the different climate regions of Pakistan?
Ans: Different Climate Regions Of Pakistan:
  • Sub-Tropical Continental Highland:
    It includes Pakistan’s north eastern and north western mountain ranges. Here the winter is extremely cold. Summer season is cool. In spring and winter season, it is mostly foggy and rainy.

  • Sub-Tropical continent Plateau:
    In this climatic region most of the parts of Baluchistan are included from May to the mid of September hot and dust winds continuously blow. The hottest areas of Pakistan Sibbi and Jacobabad are located in this region.

  • Sub-Tropical continental lowland:
    It consists of Punjab and Sindh. The summer season is very hot here. The north of Punjab receives late summer monsoon rains while the rest of Punjab receives less fall. Thal, Kachhi, Sibbi and south eastern plains are dry and a large area in desert.

  • Sub-Tropical Coastland:
    This climatic region includes the coastal areas of Sindh and Baluchistan provinces, or the southern part of Pakistan. The temperature is moderate. Annual average temperature is 32°C and rainfall is 180 mm. May and June are the hottest months.

Q.3: How does climate affect human life?
Ans: Effects of climate on human life:
Human life is greatly affected by the influence of climate. Pakistan is a vast country and there is much variation in climate which affects the customs and ways of living of people. In cold areas, people confine themselves to their homes. They store all the food and other necessary things and are busy in cottage industry. In hot areas people are busy with agriculture and other jobs but their work efficiency greatly decreases in summer. People wear clothes with respect to weather. Their health, colure, life, style and activities depend on the climatic conditions.

Q.4: What is Environmental Pollution?
Ans: Environmental Pollution:
The Environmental Pollution means such changes in the Earth, water and air which are harmful to human life as well as animals. When different elements bring unhealthy changes in our Environment is known as Environmental Pollution. It has three types:
  • Air Pollution:
    The coil and oil used for running vehicles, railways and industries, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases produced. Smoke, poisonous moisture and atomic waste damaging atmosphere. This is called air pollution.

  • Water Pollution:
    When unclean bodies and toxic material is released untreated from factories into the rivers, oceans, lakes and canals etc. This cause water pollution.

  • Land pollution: Land is polluted through floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and fire. When human bury harmful material into earth it damages its composition. Insecticides, pesticides and the use of artificial fertilizers are causes of land pollution.

Q.5: What is the relationship between the population growth and the environmental pollution?
Ans: The main cause of environmental pollution is the growth in population. To feed the increasing population, artificial fertilizers are being used extensively. To protect the crops from insects and pests, insecticides and pesticides are being used. It is increasing land pollution and also use of chemicals in the crops. In the densely populated areas, the sewerage water mixes with drinking water. As a result, water borne diseases are increasing.

Q.6: Describe the importance of the location of Pakistan in the south Asian Region?
Ans: Importance Of The Location Of Pakistan In The South Asian Region:
  • Pakistan has great importance on the basis of its location not only in South Asia but also in the world.
  • It is connected with china in the north the Karakoram Highway connects China and Pakistan by land this highway is an important trade route between Pakistan and china.
  • Pakistan provides transit route to Afghanistan for its trade through land and sea.
  • India lies in the east of Pakistan while Iran lies on the south west of Pakistan.
  • Pakistan Iran and Turkey along with Pakistan are the members of ECO (Economic co operation organization).
  • Pakistan is situated near the oil producing gulf countries.
  • Pakistan is a nuclear power and is playing a great role against terrorism.

Q.7: Give a brief account of the physical features of Pakistan?
Ans: The land of Pakistan is divided into the following four physical features:
Any part of land which is 3,000 feet high and whose sides are steep is called a mountain. The mountain of Pakistan is divided into two parts:
  • ➢ Northern and North Eastern Mountains:
    This include
    a) Himalayas
    b) Karakoram

  • ➢ North-Western and Western Mountains:
    Western mountains are less in height than northern mountains. These ranges are divided into following parts:
    a) The Hindukash Mountains
    b) The Koh-i-Safed Range
    c) The Waziristan Hills
    d) The Suleman Hills

The following two plateaus are located in Pakistan:
  • ➢ The Potwar Plateau:
    This plateau lies between the river Indus and Jhelum.

  • ➢ Balochistan Plateau:
    It is located in the west of Kirthar and Suleman range.

The plains are divided into three parts.
  • ➢ The upper Indus plain:
    It is the part of Indus plain above Mithan Kot.

  • ➢ The lower Indus plain:
    It is the area of south of Mithan Kot.
  • ➢ The Indus delta:
    The River Indus forms its delta near Thatta.

  • ➢ Thal:
    It includes Mianwali, Muzaffargarh, and Dera Ghazi Khan. Huge sand dunes are found here.

  • ➢ Cholistan:
    60% of Bahawalpur area comprises Cholistan.
  • ➢ Thar and Nara Desert:
    It includes Khairpur, Tharparkar, Umer Kot and Sanghar.

  • ➢ Chagai and Kharan Desert:
    It is located in Balochistan are extremely dry.

  • ➢ Coastal Area:
    Pakistan has 700 square kilometers long coastal area.

Q.8: Mention the benefits of the Northern-eastern mountainous region?
Ans: Benefits Of The Northern-Eastern Mountainous Region:
  • They provide natural defense to Pakistan from the North due to their height.
  • They protect from the cold freezing winds from the North Pole.
  • They are covered with snow during the winter which melts in the summer and raises the underground water level making water available for irrigation.
  • They cover 80% forest of our country although 4.5% of the country’s area is under forest.
  • They cause rainfall in Punjab and NWFP in the summer.

Q.9: Name the Neighboring countries of Pakistan?
Ans: There are four neighbouring countries of Pakistan:
  • China
  • India
  • Iran
  • Afghanistan


1) The long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called Durand Line.
2) Pakistan is divided into four climatic Regions.
3) The coastal areas of Pakistan are Sindh coast and Makran coast.
4) The climate of upper Indus plains of Pakistan is hot and dry.
5) The water evaporation is about 4% in the atmosphere.
6) Water maintains 7% of the total weight of human body.
7) People of the Northern region in Pakistan perform household activities during winter.
8) In the South-West of Pakistan, Iran is our neighboring country.
9) Balochistan has an area of 347190 sq. kilometers.
10) The word FATA means Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
11) Hub and Lyari rivers flow in The Kirthar range of mountains.
12) The biggest salt mine in the world is in Pakistan’s Punjab province.

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Chapter No.3 - Constitutional Development in Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Why is a constitution necessary for a country?
Ans: A Constitution means a set of series of basic laws, rules and regulations which are necessary for running the administration of a state with an objective that people may lead an independent, disciplined, peaceful and happy life. The main reasons behind constitution are as follows:
  • To run the affairs of government.
  • People may live their lives independently.
  • Due to the constitution rights of the citizen are preserved.
  • In the world country cannot survive without a constitution.
  • The constitution in needed so that people abide by the laws and those who violate the laws are punished so that society can make progress with peace and calm.

Q.2: What are the salient features of the objective Resolution?
Ans: Salient Features of Objective Resolution:
The constituent assembly passed objective resolution on 12th March 1949. Following are the main objectives:
  • Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah.
  • The political power is a sacred trust which shall be exercised by the representatives of the people within the limits prescribed by Islam.
  • Federal system of government shall be introduced in Pakistan and provincial government was granted autonomy.
  • Principals of democracy, equality, freedom and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed.
  • Muslims shall be enabled to lead their individual as well as collective life according to the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah.
  • The rights of the minorities shall be protected. They will have the freedom to follow their religion and promote their own culture.

Q.3: Describe the salient features of the constitution of 1956?
Ans: Salient Features Of The Constitution Of 1956:
  • The preamble of the constitution embodied the sovereignty of Allah.
  • The name of country will be Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  • The head of the state shall be Muslim.
  • Federal parliamentary system was introduced in the country.
  • Governor General was replaced by the president.
  • The powers were distributed between the centre and two provinces of Pakistan, namely, East Pakistan and West Pakistan under the federal system of government.
  • Maintain close relations with the Muslims countries of the world.
  • The rights of the non-Muslims minority were given due to protection.
  • Urdu and Bengali were declared as the national languages of Pakistan.

Q.4: Why did East Pakistan separate from West Pakistan?
Ans: Following are the main causes for the separation of East Pakistan:
  • West Pakistan’s attitude towards East Pakistan looked like a master slave relation.
  • The Bengalis were looked down upon. They were denied provincial autonomy, power, equal status, democracy and other privileges, etc.
  • India took the full advantage of the situation with the backing of Ten Million Hindus of East Pakistan and with the full support of Both Russia and America India succeeds in dismembering Pakistan.
  • The repeated martial laws, look of democracy the wrong behavior of the West Pakistan bureaucracy, international conspiracies, foolish military action in East Pakistan and above all India’s determination to dismember Pakistan led to the fall of East Pakistan.

Q.5: What role should Pakistanis play for the prosperity of the country?
Ans: Pakistan’s stability and prosperity is the joint responsibility of all the Pakistanis. Following are the main role of Pakistanis for the peace and prosperity of the country:
  • We should work hard in all the fields of national development to make the country prosperous and economically independent.
  • We should think of ourselves above ethnicity and regionalism.
  • We should help others and promote brotherhood.
  • We should show patriotism though words and deeds.
  • We should earn our livelihood with honesty.
  • We should honor the laws of the country and eradicate corruption in all its forms.

Q.6: Describe the salient features of the constitution of 1973?
Ans: Salient Features Of The Constitution of 1973:
  • The foundation of 1973 constitution was also laid on the objective resolution.
  • The country was declared as Islamic republic of Pakistan and was made the official religion of the state.
  • The definition of a Muslim was made part of the constitution. “A person who has faith in oneness of Allah and Prophet hood will be considered as a Muslim”.
  • The offices of president and prime Minister of Pakistan were restricted for the Muslims only.
  • A parliament consisting of two houses was established for the first time. The upper house was called the senate and the lower house was called the National Assembly.
  • The provincial governments were granted autonomy.
  • In order to protect rights of the people necessary safeguard were provided to ensure independence of judiciary.


1. Primitive man lived in small family units.
2. After it was established, Pakistan needed a constitution.
3. In the preamble of 1956 constitution, it was stated that sovereignty rests with Almighty Allah.
4. About 40 heads of Muslim states participated in the second Islamic summit conference.
5. Bangladesh was recognized by Pakistan during the 2nd Summit.
6. The foundation of the constitution of 1973 was laid on the Objective Resolution.
7. The first constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad.
8. In all the three constitutions of Pakistan, it has been said that the sovereignty belongs to Almighty Allah.

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Chapter No.2 - Making Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Outline the main features of the Two-Nation Theory?
Two-Nations Theory was firstly given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. He tried to remove the difference between Hindus and Muslims and create unity among them. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the first leader who used term nation for the Muslims of sub continent. The controversy between Hindi and Urdu Language changed Sir Syed Ahmed Khan''s mind. Hindus and Muslim are two different nations with respect to their religion and culture. Two nations mean two big nations Hindu and Muslim. Two-Nations Theory basis of Pakistan and we achieved Pakistan on their basis.

Q.2: What were the main objectives of the Fariazi Movement?
Haji Shariatullah was the founder of Fariazi movement. Following are the main objectives:
  • To eliminate the Un-Islamic customs and tradition this prevailed among Bengali Muslims.
  • He emphasized on the need to act on Islamic injunctions or obligation (Faraiz) so his movement was called Fariazi movement.
  • He organized the Muslim tenants against the Hindu landlords. As a result of his efforts the Muslims in Bengal got rid of the persecution of Hindu landlords.
  • After this the religious and moral status of Bengali Muslims was improved.

Q.3: Mention the role of Shah Waliullah in the Revivalist movement?
Shah Waliullah analyzed the factors of the downfall of the Muslims in the Sub-continent. He convinced the Muslims to strictly follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet. He educated the Muslims soldiers on the importance of Jihad and asked them to go for Jihad for the glorification of Islam. He invited the great Afghan Ahmed Shah Abdali to attack India and the Muslims from Maratha’s domination. Shah Waliullah translated the Holy Quran into Persian language and wrote books on Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqha), and Tafseer (exegesis). His most famous book is Hujjatul Baligha. He also tried to remove social evils through various reformist movements which started from his Madrasa Rahimiya in Delhi.

Q.4: Describe the struggle of Syed Ahmed Shaheed in eliminating the social evils from the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa?
Syed Ahmed Shaheed wanted to eliminate domination of Sikhs in Punjab and KPK to revive Islamic values. He started Jihad in Punjab and KPK. Shah Ismail Shaheed along with his six thousand followers joined him in this Jihad against evil forces. Syed Ahmed Shaheed believed if Punjab and KPK were liberated from the Sikh domination, the Muslim would regain their old position. Jihad movement was initially very successful but soon conspiracies began against Syed Ahmed. Muslims fought with great courage but Syed Ahmed Shaheed and his companions were martyred on 6th May 1831. Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed were buried near Balakot.

Q.5: Describe the achievement of Aligarh Movement?
The services which Sir Syed Ahmed rendered for renaissance of the Muslims are known as Aligarh Movement. Aligarh movement became instrumental in the awakening of the Muslims in the Sub-continent. Sir Syed took practical steps for the improvement of educational standard of the Muslims. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan told the Muslims to forget the golden era of the past and to look at the present and to plan for the future. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan asked the Muslims to learn English so that they could learn modern scientific knowledge and make progress. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan set up a scientific society at Ghazipur in 1862 which translated western books into English then he set up a school at Aligarh which was later upgraded to college named Muhammad Anglo Oriental College (MAO College) this college later became a university.

Q.6: Describe the role of Muslim league in the struggle for Pakistan?
Muslim league become a platform for the Muslims of the subcontinent since its establishment in 1906. The role of Muslims league in the struggle for Pakistan is given below:
  • The immediate target of Muslim league was to safeguard the rights of the Muslims of the subcontinent.
  • Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim league in October 1913. Owing to Quaid’s efforts Muslims league and congress made “Lacknow Pact” in December 1916.
  • The Hindus accepted the separate status of the Muslims and accepted a separate electorate for the Muslims.
  • The number of Muslims in Central Legislative Assembly was agreed to be one-third.
  • In the Muslim majority provinces of Punjab and Bengal, the majority of the Muslims in the legislative assemblies were confirmed.
  • In the Muslims minority province, their representation in proportion to their population was doubled.

Q.7: What role was played by the provinces in the struggle for Pakistan?
  • PUNJAB: The people of Punjab especially the students and the women took active part in politics. Pakistan Resolution was passed by in Lahore in 1940. In the 1945-46 provincial elections Muslim league got 75 seats out to 86 seats. Punjab made a great contribution to the Pakistan Movement.

  • SINDH: Sindh made great contribution to making Pakistan Sindh was the first province in which Muslim league passed resolution demanding for an Islamic government in the Muslim majority areas. Syed Sibghatullah Shah fought with the British government and got martyrdom which strengthened Pakistan Movement.

  • BALUCHISTAN: Qazi Muhammad Isa of Balochistan established Muslim league in Balochistan which became a popular party soon. The Khan of Kalat, Mir Ahmed Yar Khan of Kalat also supported Pakistan movement. In 1947, Shahi Jirga decided to join Pakistan.

  • KHYBER PAKHTUN KHAWA: Sardar Aurangzeb of K.P.K supported Pakistan resolution in 1940. Muslim league started civil disobedience movement in the province in 1947. The students of Islamia College Peshawar and Edward College played an important role in the Pakistan Movement along with religious leaders.

Q.8: What are the responsibilities of a citizen of an ideological State?
  • People should lead their lives according to the teaching of Islam.
  • They should struggle for democracy founded on the Islamic principles.
  • They should be loyal and patriotic to their country.
  • They should earn their livelihood honesty.
  • They should get education as it is essential to progress.
  • They should be law abiding people.
  • They should work for the country and helps the government in curbing the antisocial elements.
  • They should be hard-working and fulfill their duties.
  • They should be cooperative and promote brotherhood.

Q.9: Highlight the main points which make the character of Quaid-e-Azam a model for others?
  • He was a man of principle and acted upon whatever he said or promised to do.
  • He was an intelligent political leader.
  • He was a very bold person, he was never afraid of others.
  • He possessed statesmanship, courage, sense of responsibility, integrity, forwardness and dedication to his cause.
  • He was a great supporter and admirer of young generation of students.
  • He never compromised on the cause of Muslims and Pakistan.

Q.10: Describe the role of Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan?
After the establishment of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam had to face a number of problems. Under these circumstances, the role of Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General was as follows:
Quaid-e-Azam worked as a governor general of Pakistan for 13 months. His role can be summed up as follows:
  • National Integrity: He worked for the national integrity and solidarity of Pakistan.
  • Settlement of Refugees: The first and immediate problem of Pakistan was rehabilitation of refugees. India pushed 6.5 million refugees to Pakistan Quaid-e Azam made arrangements for their settlement very bravely and kindly.
  • Change in the Attitudes of Government Officers: Quaid-e-Azam told the government servant to work like people’s servant so they changed their attitudes.
  • Negation to Provincial and Racial Discrimination: Quaid-e-Azam told the people to feel pride in being called a Pakistan. He told the people to refrain from any kind of discrimination.
  • Foreign Policy: Quaid-e-Azam made friendly relations with a number of countries especially with the neighbours and Muslim countries.
  • Determination of Guiding Principles of Pakistan’s Economy: Inaugurating the state Bank of Pakistan on July 1, 1948, Quaid-e-Azam advised them to evolve an economic System based on Islamic equality and social justice.

1. Muslim League was established in 1906.
2. Muslim league was establishment in Baluchistan by Qazi Muhammad Isa.
3. Shah Waliullah died in year 10th August 1762.
4. Sindh became a separate province in the year 1935.
5. Pakistan was established on the 27th of Ramadan.

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Sunday 15 January 2023

Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: What are the sources of an ideology?
Ideology is a French word. It is made up of two parts idea and logy. Ideology is a systematic form of concepts a system of human life whose essential elements are faith, beliefs, and aims of life. There are three main sources of Islamic Ideology:
    Allah has defined all the rules to lead life in the Quran it contains complete guidance relating to peoples social and economic laws.

  2. SUNNAH:
    Sunnah is an Arabic term which means the way to follow the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) that gives complete explanation of Quran teaching for example Prayer (Salat), Charity (Zakat), Fasting, and Pilgrimage (Hajj) etc.

    The values and tradition such as festivals, gathering and ceremonies are run according to the teaching of Islam.

Q.2: Why is and Ideology important to a nation?
  • It reflects the ideas of people and their attitudes.
  • It is a source of national unity-uniting people on one platform.
  • It gives a motivating force to work for the social welfare.
  • It helps maintaining freedoms, culture, and traditions.
  • It helps mating right decisions especially choosing the right traders.

Q.3: Mention the principles of democracy in Islam?
In Islamic democracy the sovereignty over the whole universe belongs to ALLAH. Therefore ALLAH is the supreme ruler of the whole universe. People’s representatives and legislature assemblies exercise this power within the limits imposed by Islam.
    Justice means to keep the right things at right place. It is the foundation of divine law. Islam emphasized on Justice and a society having justice is peaceful and prosperous.

    Islam rejects the discrimination on the basis of colour, race, language, faith, wealth and poverty. Islam stands for equality among the people. All human being are equal before law.

    It means brotherhood according to the Quran all Muslims are brothers to one another. The people of Medina shared their business and property with the people of Makkah. The prophet (P.B.U.H) said that a Muslim does not cause trouble to Muslim he also told them to exchange gifts as it cause love.

    Tolerance is a great virtue it saves man from hardships and trouble it is a cause of love and avoids conflicts with others. It develops peace. The Prophet (PBUH) has taught tolerance through his word and deeds. An Islamic society honors and protects the right of non-Muslims.

Q.4: What is role of ideology in building National Character?
Habits attitudes and the way of living of an individual collectively make the character of an individual. Ideology also influences character. The elements of national character are given below:
    If a person does not have firm belief in the national ideology he will not work in the national interest. This was people’s firm belief in the ideology of Pakistan that they sacrificed their lives and properties for the achievement of Pakistan.

  • COMMITMENT: Commitment means devotion one who sticks to the national ideology devotes oneself to the nation.

  • HONESTY: Islam stresses on honesty. People worked with honesty at the time of establishment of Pakistan so Pakistan survived and stood on its feet.

  • PATRIOTISM: Love for ones country is an element of religion. At critical times or when their freedom is endangered, people show patriotism.

  • HARD WORK: Nations make progress through hard work it requires sense of duty, commitment to work and honest performance.

  • NATIONAL INTEREST: Personal interests should never be superior to national interests only those nations survive whose people do not compromise on their national interests.

Q.5: Outline the statements of Quaid-e-Azam on the Ideology of Pakistan?
Ans: Quaid-e-Azam frequently emphasized on the ideology of Pakistan at several occasions. Here are some clear views of Quaid-e-Azam on the ideology of Pakistan:
  • Our demand for Pakistan is not for a piece of land but we want to setup a laboratory where we could implement a system based on Islamic principles.
  • Hindu and Islam are not were two religions but they are two separate social systems it would be a dream to think that the Muslims and the Hindus will form a common nation.
  • Both nations belonged to two different civilizations which are opposed to each other Pakistan had come into being the day the first non-Muslim converted to a Muslim in India.

Q.6: Briefly describe Allama Iqbal’s views on the ideology of Pakistan?
Ans: Allama Iqbal was one of those Muslim leaders of the sub-continent who gave the Muslim a concept of separate state. He awakened the Muslims through his poetry and politics. First he was a supporter of Hindu Muslim unity but the narrow-mindedness and prejudice of the Hindus compelled him to think of demanding a separate state for the Muslims. Allama Iqbal demanded for a separate state for the Muslims first of all at the All India Muslims League meeting at Allahabad in 1930. In his presidential speech he said that:
“India is subcontinent and not a country where people belonging to different religions and speaking different Languages live”.
The Muslims have a unique religion and cultural identity so all civilized nations should respect their right of self determination. He suggested uniting Punjab, NWFP, Baluchistan, and Sindh into a Muslims state.

Q.7: Discuss the contents of an Ideology?
Ans: Following are the contents of an ideology:
  • COMMON RELIGION: Religion is a binding force for the nations in the world. Nations in the world are distinctive on the basis of their religion.

  • COMMON CULTURE: Generally the people sharing a common culture follow the similar way of life. Normally they do not compromise on their customs and tradition.

  • COMMON CAUSE: A common cause unites the people for example the achievement of Pakistan was a common cause under the influence of an ideology.

  • DEDICATION: The dedication of the people to some noble cause energizes and enriches an ideology Muslims of South Asia were highly dedicated to the common cause of seeking freedom and establishing a separate Muslim state.

  1. The basis of the ideology of Pakistan is Islam.
  2. Islam is the most democratic System.
  3. To keep the things at their appropriate place is called Justice.
  4. Allama Iqbal stated about the Ideology of Pakistan in his presidential address at Allahabad in 1930.
  5. Quaid-e-Azam said that Islam and Hinduism are the two separate social systems.
  6. The basis of faith is unicity of Allah and Prophet-Hood.
  7. Fraternity means brotherhood.
  8. Character is sum total of habits.
  9. The sources of Islamic ideology are the Quran and the Sunnah.

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Unit 1: Real And Complex Numbers - Mathematics For Class IX (Science Group) - Solved Exercise 1.6

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Unit 1: Real And Complex Numbers
Exercise 1.6

1. Perform the indicated operations of the following complex numbers.
(i) (3, 2) + (9, 3)
∴ (a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + d)
⇒ (3, 2) + (9, 3)
⇒ (3 + 9, 2 + 3)
⇒ (12, 5) Ans.

(iv) (15, 12) - (10, -9)
∴ (a, b) - (c, d) = (a - c, b - d)
⇒ (15, 12) + (10, -9)
⇒ [15 - 10, 12-(-9)]
⇒ (5, 12+9)
⇒ (5, 21)Ans.

(vi) (1, 2) (1, -2)
∴ (a, b)(c, d) = (ac - bd, ad + bc)
⇒[(1)(1) - (2)(-2) , (1)(-2) + (2)(1)]
⇒[1 + 4, - 2 + 2]
⇒[5, 0]Ans.

(1, 2) (1, -2)
⇒ (1 + 2i) (1 - 2i)
⇒ [(1)(1) - 2i + 2i + (2i)(-2i)]
⇒ [12 + (-2 + 2)i - 4i2]
⇒ [1 + 0i- 4(-1) ] (∴ i2 = - 1)
⇒ (1 + 4 + 0i)
⇒ (5 + 0i)
⇒ (5, 0) Ans

(vii) (4, -5) (5, -4)
∴ (a, b)(c, d) = (ac - bd, ad + bc)
⇒[(4)(5) - (-5)(-4) , (4)(-4) + (-5)(5)]
⇒[20 - 20, - 16 - 25] ⇒[0, 41]Ans.

(4, -5) (5, -4)
⇒ (4 -5i) (5 - 4i)
⇒ [(4)(5) +(4)(-4i) + (-5i)(-4i) + (-5i)(5)]
⇒ [20 -16i + 20i2 - 25i]
⇒ [20 -16i - 25i + 20(-1)] (∴ i2 = - 1)
⇒ (20 -20 -41i) = (0 - 41i
⇒ (0, -41) Ans.
⇒ (5, 0) Ans



Example No.1: If z1 = 6 + 9i and z2 = -1 + 2i, find z1 + z2
Given that
z1 = 6 + 9i = (6, 9) and
z2 = -1 + 2i = (-1, 2)
We know that z1 + z2 = (a + c) + i(b + d) = (a + c, b + d)
∴ z1 + z2 = (6, 9) + (-1, 2)
⇒ z1 + z2 = (6 - 1, 9 + 2)
⇒ z1 + z2 = (5, 11) Ans.

Example No.2: If z1 = -7 + 2i and z2 = 4 - 9i, find z1 - z2
Given that
z1 = -7 + 2i = (-7, 2) and
z2 = 4 - 9i = (4, -9)
We know that z1 + z2 = (a - c, b - d)
∴ z1 + z2 = (6, 9) + (-1, 2)
⇒ z1 - z2 = (-7 - 4, 2 + 9)
⇒ z1 + z2 = (-11, 11) Ans.

Example No.3: If z1 = 3 + 4i = (3, 4) and z2 = -3 - 4i = (-3, -4), find the product z1z2
Given that
z1 = 3 + 4i = (3, 4) and
z2 = -3 - 4i = (-3, -4)
We know that z1 + z2 = (ac - bd, ad + bc)
∴ z1 . z2 = (3, 4) . (-3, -4)
⇒ z1 . z2 = (-9 + 16, -12 -12)
⇒ z1 . z2 = (7, -24) Ans.

English Vocabulary - Words Start from Letter 'D'

English Vocabulary
Words Start from Letter 'D'

  1. DEARTH: Scarcity
    * A dearth of news brought about by censorship.
    Antonyms: plethora abundance.

  2. DEFERENCE: Submitting to the wishes or judgment of another
    * Yielded out of deference to the old man.
    Synonyms: respect, complaisance, veneration
    Antonym: recalcitrance

  3. DEITY: A god
    * The sun was a deity to ancient peoples.
    Synonym: divinity

  4. DELECTABLE: Very pleasing
    * A delectable meal, tastefully prepared.

  5. DELETE: To erase or cancel, take out or remove
    * Delete the offensive phrase.
    Synonyms: expunge, censor, efface, eradicate

  6. DELINEATE: To sketch or portray
    * Striking features, delineated by a master artist.

    (1) (Noun): An offender
    * Found to be a delinquent by the court.
    (2) (Adj.): Failing to fulfill an obligation
    * Too many people who are delinquent in meeting their civic duties.
    Synonym: derelict.

  8. DELUGE: A great flood; downpour
    * A spring deluge which caused the river to overflow.

  9. DEMAGOGUE: A leader who tries to stir the passions of people for his own purposes
    * The mob roused by an unprincipled demagogue.

  10. DEMEANOR: Behavior; bearing
    * Carrying himself with a proud demeanor.
    Synonyms: deportment, mien

  11. DEMURE: Affectedly or falsely modest or prim;
    * Serious demure as a Victorian maiden.
    Synonyms: sedate, staid, decorous, prudish, coy
    Antonyms: immodest, frivolous

  12. DENOUNCE (Noun: DENUNCIATION): To speak against
    * Denounced by the press as a traitor.
    Synonyms: stigmatize, censure, reprehend, castigate
    Antonyms: laud, eulogize

  13. DEPLETE: To empty or to use up
    * Depleted the public treasury by vast building programs.
    Synonyms: exhaust, drain
    Antonyms: replenish; (adj.) replete

  14. DEPLORE: To express sorrow or grief over
    * A lamentable situation deplored by all parties.
    Synonyms: lament, decry, grieve

  15. DEPRAVED: Of low morals, corrupt
    * A depraved mind devising evil.
    Synonyms: debased. wicked. vicious, perverted.

  16. DEPRECATE: To plead or argue against a certain course of action.
    * Deprecated the proposal severely
    Synonyms: remonstrate, protest. decry expostulate
    Antonym: sanction.

  17. DEPRECIATE: To belittle or speak slightingly of
    * Depreciated John's acting ability
    Synonyms: disparage. derogate (ad) derogatory).
    Antonyms: enhance. magnify, extol, laud, eulogize

  18. DEVASTATION: Widespread ruin
    * The city left in utter devastation by war.
    Synonyms: destruction, desolation

  19. DEVIOUS:
    (1) Winding; indirect
    * Took a devious, rather than the direct way home.
    Synonym: circuitous
    (2) Straying from the right course
    * Used devious means to attain his wicked ends.
    Synonyms: crooked, erring

  20. DEVOID: Lacking in: not possessing
    * A speech devoid of even a trace of
    Synonym: destitute
    Antonyms: abounding, prevalent

  21. DEVOUT: Devoted to religious observances
    * Devout in his regularity of attendance at worship.
    Synonyms: pious, religious.
    Antonym: impious

  22. DICTUM: Art authoritative statement;
    * A saying-an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.

  23. DIDACTIC: Designed to teach, imparting a lesson
    * A poem with a didactic purpose.
    Synonym: pedagogical

  24. DIFFIDENT: Lacking in self-confidence.
    * Too diffident to lead a group.
    Synonyms: shy, timid, reserved, reticent, retiring
    Antonyms: forward, aggressive

  25. DILEMMA: A situation calling for a choice between two equally difficult alternatives; hence, a difficult or perplexing situation
    * Faced with a dilemma defying solution.
    Synonyms: predicament, quandary, plight

  26. DILETTANTE: One who dabbles in the fine arts for amusement only and without concentrated study
    * A doctor by profession, a dilettante in art.
    Synonyms: amateur, connoisseur

  27. DISCONCERT: To confuse; to embarrass
    * Disconcerted by his suspicious stare.
    Synonyms: perturb, discomfit, discompose, abash, disquiet, fluster.

  28. DISCONSOLATE: Depressed; without hope or possibility of consolation
    * Made disconsolate by abject poverty.
    Synonyms: inconsolable, dejected
    Antonyms: blithesome, carefree

  29. DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss
    * Discoursed at length on the rise of political parties.

  30. DISCRETE: Separate
    * Two discrete issues, totally unrelated.

  31. DISCURSIVE: Rambling from one subject to another
    * A discursive letter, covering many topics.
    Synonyms: desultory, digressive

  32. DISPARITY (adj: DISPARATE): Inequality; difference in image, quantity, character, or rank.
    * Great disparity between promise and performance.

  33. DISPASSIONATE: Free from feeling or partiality
    * Coldly dispassionate as the chairman of the meeting
    Synonyms: palm, impartial
    Antonym: partial

    (1) (Verb) : To do speedily; to send off.
    * Dispatched with remarkable promptness.
    Synonym: expedite.
    (2) (Noun): A speedy performance; the sending off of something
    * Done with all possible dispatch.
    Synonyms: celerity, alacrity.

  35. DISPEL: To drive away; to scatter
    * Dispelled a doubt that had lingered.
    Synonyms: dissipate, disperse, diffuse.

  36. DISSENT (Noun: DISSENSION): To disagree; to differ in opinion.
    * He dissented violently, rejecting compromise.

  37. DISSOLUTE: Living loosely; unrestrained in conduct or morals.
    * His life wasted by dissolute conduct.
    Synonyms: debauched, dissipated, profligate.

  38. DISTRAUGHT: Mentally distressed; distracted
    * Distraught by trials and tribulations.
    Synonym: harassed.

  39. DIVERSE: (Verb: DIVERSIFY; Noun: DIVISIBILITY): Varied; different.
    * Two diverse characters; one candid, the other insincere.
    Synonym: multifarious

  40. DIVERTING: Entertaining
    * A diverting one of the most amusing I've ever seen.

  41. DIVULGE: To make public or reveal
    * Refused to divulge his source of information.
    Synonyms: disclose, impart.

  42. DOGMATIC: Positive in expressing an opinion; asserting an opinion as though it were an undisputed fact
    * Spoken dogmatically, as if the speaker considered himself infallible.
    Synonyms: overbearing, opinionated, peremptory, dictatorial

  43. DOLOROUS: Sorrowful; mournful
    * A dolorous song full of sorrow for past joys.
    Synonyms: doleful, lugubrious, grievous
    Antonyms: jocund, blithe, mirthful

  44. DYNAMIC: Forceful
    * Possessed dynamic energy, tireless and powerful.
    Synonym: energetic
    Antonyms: static, inert, dormant, torpid, sluggish, quiescent

Adj = Adjective

Saturday 14 January 2023

Unit 1: Real And Complex Numbers - Mathematics For Class IX (Science Group) - Explanation Of Exercise 1.6

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Unit 1: Real And Complex Numbers
Explanation Of Exercise 1.6

Operations on Complex Numbers:

At complex number all basic mathematical operations are performed. i.e. Carry out all Basic Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division).

(1) Addition of complex number:
Real part addition in real and imaginary with imaginary.
z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id be any two complex numbers.
∀ a, b, c, d ∈ R. then, their sum,
z1 + z2 = (a + ib) + (c + id)
z1 + z2 = (a + c) + i(b + d) = (a + c, b + d)
Remember that: (a + c) + (b + d) = (a + c, b + d)

Example: If z1 = 6 + 9i and z2 = -1 + 2i, find z1 + z2
Given that
z1 = 6 + 9i = (6, 9) and
z2 = -1 + 2i = (-1, 2)
We know that z1 + z2 = (a + c) + i(b + d) = (a + c, b + d)
∴ z1 + z2 = (6, 9) + (-1, 2)
⇒ z1 + z2 = (6 - 1, 9 + 2)
⇒ z1 + z2 = (5, 11) Ans.

(2) Subtraction of complex number:
Real part subtraction in real and imaginary with imaginary.
z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id ∀ a, b, c, d ∈ R.
z1 - z2 = (a + ib) - (c + id)
z1 - z2 = (a - c) + i.(b - d) = (a - c, b - d)
Remember that (a, b) - (c, d) = (a - c, b - d)

Example: If z1 = -7 + 2i and z2 = 4 - 9i, find z1 - z2
Given that
z1 = -7 + 2i = (-7, 2) and
z2 = 4 - 9i = (4, -9)
We know that z1 + z2 = (a - c, b - d)
∴ z1 + z2 = (6, 9) + (-1, 2)
⇒ z1 - z2 = (-7 - 4, 2 + 9)
⇒ z1 + z2 = (-11, 11) Ans.

(3) Multiplication of complex number:
Normal multiplication applied and removed i2 by substituting its value.
z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id, be any two complex number.
∀a, b, c, d ∈ R
z1 . z2 = (a + ib).(c + id)
z1z2 = c(a + ib) + id(a + ib)
z1z2 = ac + bci + adi + bdi2
z1z2 = ac + (ad + bc)i + (-1)bd (∴ i2 = - 1)
z1z2 = (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i = (ac -bd, ad + bc)
Remember that: (a, b)(c, d) = (ac - bd, ad + bc)

Example: If z1 = 3 + 4i = (3, 4) and z2 = -3 - 4i = (-3, -4), find the product z1z2
Given that
z1 = 3 + 4i = (3, 4) and
z2 = -3 - 4i = (-3, -4)
We know that z1 + z2 = (ac - bd, ad + bc)
∴ z1 . z2 = (3, 4) . (-3, -4)
⇒ z1 . z2 = (-9 + 16, -12 -12)
⇒ z1 . z2 = (7, -24) Ans.

(3) Division Of complex number:
In this we solve by the multiply and divide by the denominator of complex number conjugate and solve.
Let z1 = a + ib = (a, b) and z2 = c + id =(c, d), z2 ≠ 0