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Wednesday 22 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.13 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Beef Meat of a cow 
 2. Butcher Dealer in meat
 3. Cabbage A kind of green vegetable
 4. Calves Young ones of a cow
 5. Carton A cardboard box, usually large
 6. Cauliflower A green vegetable with a white top
 7. Chilies Dried pod of capsicum
 8. Choked blocked
 9. Dressed Slaughtered, Ready to cook
 10. Freezer A chilled unit
 11. Gulped Swallowed very quickly
 12. Grocer Dealer in domestic stores
 13. Hire Employ a person on wages
 14. Kilogram 1000 grams
 15. Kilometer 1000 meters
 16. Live Undressed (Chicken)
 17. Meter 100 centimetre
 18 Mutton Meat of goats and sheep
 19. Onion A swollen edible bulb used as a vegetable
 20. Potato A starchy plant tuber, used as a vegetable
 21. Poultry Birds kept for their meat and eggs
 22. Provisions Household goods
 23. Spices Strongly favoured seeds
 24. Spinach A green leaf vegetable
 25. Turnip A round root with white or cream flesh which is used as a vegetable 

Short note Or Summary on Shopping

While Najma and Ajmal were having their breakfast. Mother asked them to be ready to go with her for shopping. Children were surprised to hear this, because they had never been to the market before. The Mother explained them that in the past all the purchases were made by their father. Now he was away from home and they had run short of groceries and other provisions. So she wants to make all purchases.They went to market in a taxi. They first visited mutton market. The mother explained the difference between beef and mutton. She told them that beef was the flesh of cows and calves while mutton was the flesh of goats and sheep. She bought one kilo of leg and one kilo of minced meat there. After it they went to fruit and vegetable market and bought a kilo of tomatoes, five kilos of onions, two kilos of potatoes, one kilo each of cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, green peas and two kilos of spinach and five kilos of carrots. After buying vegetables they bought bananas and apples. After it came the turn of spices and groceries. They bought one kilo of salt, a quarter of red chilies, a quarter of black pepper and other spices. They bought two carrots of soap flakes, three bars of washing soap, four cakes of toilet soap, a kilo bag of porridge, a jar of honey, one bottle each of tomato sauce and vinegar and two packets of biscuits. At the end they bought one kilo of dressed chicken and two dozens of eggs and returned home. Children enjoyed the shopping very much.

Computer Studies For Class IX (Science) and X (Arts /General /Humanities Group) - Some Important Questions From Book 2 For Theory

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Some Important Questions
From Book 2

Q.1: What are the main steps involved in the preparation of program? Define each step? OR What are the steps required to solve a problem?


Ans: The preparation of program is a problem solving process and it consist of the following steps or stages.
1. Defining the problem
2. Analysis of the problem
3. Flowchart
4. Algorithm
5. Coding
6. Testing and debugging
7. Implementation
8. Documentation

1. Defining the problem:
In this stage we completely define the problem and the type of information, which is required to solve the problem. This steps achieve the following goals.
(i) Problem description
(ii) Determination of the objective
(iii) Analysis of the input data
(iv) Planning of output

2. Analysis of the problem:
The next stage is problem analysis. In this stage the system analyst focuses on input, which is related to collection, verification, classification and organization of the input data. At this stage the life and flow of data is also been decided into an entire system.

3. Flowchart:
The third stage is flowchart, which is a graphical illustration of sequence of the operations and task performed on the data, of what the computer is suppose to do. There are Two types of flow charts,
(i) Program flowchart: It defines the logic of flowchart and the complete execution of a program. It is divided into two types.
(a) Macro Flowchart (b) Micro flowchart
(ii) System flowchart: It describes the movement of data in the whole system.

4. Algorithm:
This is the fourth stage, in which a series of procedural steps required to solve the problem. An Algorithm usually written in ordinary English language and use the mathematical symbols, if required. Algorithm makes coding easier and faster as all the steps and logics are written clearly.

5. Coding:
Once the algorithm has been written it is translated into corresponding statements in an appropriate programming language by the programmer. This process is called Coding, which produce a computer-based solution of a problem in the form of computer program.

6. Testing and debugging:
The nest stage that comes after the preparation and before the implementation is the determination of performance and efficiency of the program according to the requirement of the problem definition. At this stage program is tested. A set of input is given to that program and the output is analyzed.
If the output is not according to the expectation, this means that program contains some Bugs (errors). The process of Elimination of bugs is called Debugging. There are three types of errors those occur in a computer programme.
(a) syntax error (b) logical error and (c) runtime error

7. Implementation:
After successful completion of testing and debugging stage, the program is adopted for implementation. In this stage real data is fed to the system. Processing and output system is critically monitored in order to ascertain its efficiency and accuracy. It has following major activities.
(a) Develop detailed programming specification.
(b) develop Test specification and test data.
(c) Write computer programs
(d) Test computer programs.
(e) User training
(f) System testing
(g) File conversion
(h) Change over to new system.

8. Documentation:
The Last phase of problem solving or program preparation is known as documentation. Documentation. is the process of collecting, organizing, and storing all the related information like flowchart, algorithm, coding sheets, manuals, etc. on the paper. There are following two types of documentation.
(a) Use documentation
(b) Technical documentation

Loops and its type

Q.2: Define Loops and its type?
Ans. Loops:
Loops are the way through which we can cause a statement or group of statements to be repeated for a define number of lines.

Types Of loops:
There are two type of loops

  1. Iterative loop: An iterative loop can be created when the number of repetitions (iterations) are known in advance. In BASIC, FOR...NEXT staement is used for this purpose.
  2. Conditional loop: The loop in which the number of reprtitions to be performed are not known in advance i.e. they depend on some condition (s) to be met, such kind of loops are called conditional loops. In BASIC, WHILE...WEND statements is used for creating conditional loops.

Sunday 19 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.11 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension:

Q.1: Why was the village decorated? OR What did Bilal see in the village when he got down from the bus?
Ans. He saw that the village was well-decorated with colourful buntings and flags because it was the annual fair in its full swing. The streets were crowded with people in a holiday mood.

Q.2: Why was it the best time to visit the village?
Ans. It was the best time to visit the village because the villagers were celebrating annual fair which is held only once in a year. It was the time of fun and enjoyment. Bilal luckily experienced the amazing sights of this fair.

Q.3: What kinds of shops had been setup for the fair?
Ans. A large number of temporary shops had been set up for the fair. All kinds of goods from handkerchiefs to farming tools were available in these shops. In fact, it was a good time to do business as most of the villagers did their shopping at the fair.

Q.4: What was the use of these shops for the villagers?
Ans. These shops are very useful for the villagers because the people came from far off places buy and sell their goods. It was a good time to do business. As most of the villagers do their shopping there, these shops were of great use.

Q.5: What were the different entertainments in the fair for the children?
Ans. There were a lot for the children to be entertained in the fair. These entertainments include Marry-go rounds,  the monkey show, swings,  performances of conjurers, jugglers and acrobats. All these provided great joy and fun to the children.

Q.6: How did the juggler entertain the people?
Ans. The juggler entertained the people through his funny and amazing tricks. He juggled with seven balls at a time without dropping any of them. It was a great game of practice and skill.

Q.7: How did the conjurer perform his tricks?
Ans. The conjurer performed several unbelievable tricks through his clever skill. He took Bilal’s handkerchief and tore it into pieces. When he returned to him, Bilal was astonished to see it undamaged.

Q.8: What is tent-pegging?
Ans. Tent - pegging is a popular sports, in which the wooden pegs are fixed in the ground. The riders have to pull them out with their lances as they rode by at a gallop.

Q.9: What made the dogs run in the dog race?
Ans. Dog race is a kind of fascinating entertainment a rabbit made a dog run. The hound dogs chased a rabbit. They were anxious to catch the rabbit but it reached the mark safely and vanished under cover just when the dogs came near.

Q.10: What was the special announcement?
Ans. There was a special announcement that horse-races were to start in a few minutes. The people rushed there to get a place in the front. Proud owners of beautiful horses were making them walk and dance to the music of drums. The riders took their positions, the whistle blew and the horses galloped off. The people shouted with joy when their favourite horse won the race.

Q.11: Why did the Bilal go to the village?
Ans. Bilal had summer vacation. He got tired of the city. He decided to spend a few days with his cousin Zubair, who lived in the village. 

Q.12: How did the monkey performs his tricks?
Ans. The monkey was imitating an angry husband with a furious face. He also imitated a proud man walking with his hands folded behind his back and his nose up in the air. The clever monkey also performed some other tricks.

Q.13: What was the cruel game which Bilal does not like?
Ans: A bear was tied to a pole. A fight was going on between, the bear and three fierce dogs. Bilal considered it a cruel game and did not like it.

Q.14:  How did the acrobat perform his tricks?
Ans. The acrobat walked on a tight rope to the end. He then started climbing up the pole. He reached, the top end and lay down flat balancing himself on the pole. It was quite a dangerous performance. A little carelessness could result in a fall, but he came down safe and sound and got a big cheer from the crowd. 

Q.15: Write a few lines on a restaurant?
Ans. Restaurants were playing popular music and were serving delicious food. They were a great attraction for those who had come from far, and had no relatives in the village.

Q.16: Write a few lines on the drum beating competition?
Ans: A drum-beating competition was in progress. Eight drummers were beating their drums. Everyone was trying to do his best to get the first prize. The noise was defeating. 

Q.17: What was the different entertainments for the people in the village fair?
Ans. The people in the village fair had a lot of enjoy. A drum-beating competition, shopping of all types, popular music and delicious food, fights between a bear and three fierce dogs, monkey shows, horse races, dog-races, tent-pegging, performance of conjurers, jugglers and acrobats gave the people a worth of their time and money.

Q.18: What sort of shopping were the people able to do at the village fair?
Ans. All types of goods from handkerchiefs to farming tools were being sold in the shops. Girls were buying rings and bangles. Women were interested in household goods, specially pottery milk-churners and toys for the children. Men were buying farming tools and such other articles.

Q.19: How was Bilal's cousin welcomed him in the village?
Ans. His cousin Zubair, who had been waiting for him, gave him a warm welcome with open arms. 

Q.20: What sort of benefits do the villagers get from the village fair?
Ans. The village fair provides many benefits to the village people. It is the best time around the year to make their business and cheer a lot. They might get a chance to meet their relatives coming far off only for the fair.

B. Write down the meanings of the following words from the lesson and use them in your own sentences.

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Acrobat A person who can do clever things with his body
 2. Annual Yearly
 3. Announcement Declaration, Public statement
 4. Colourful Having much or varied colors
 5. Competition The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc, Contesting
 6. Deafening Very noising
 7. Decorated to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming
 8. Damage Harm
 9. Entertainers Performers, A person, whose job is to entertain others
 10. Household A family or group of people living together
 11. Performance An act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment, Presentation
 12. Pottery Pots, dishes, and other articles made of fired clay
 13. Surprise Astonish, Amaze
 14. Temporary Non-permanent


S.No. WordsSentences
 1. Acrobat  The acrobat is good at juggling with plates.
 2. Annual They make an annual visit to hill station.
 3. Announcement The president made an unexpected announcement this morning.
 4. Colourful All students wore colourful national costumes in school function.
 5. Competition A soldier was badly wounded during the shooting competition.
 6. Deafening The noise of the machine was deafening.
 7. Decorated Our school was beautifully decorated on the celebration of 14th August the independence day.
 8. Damage The car was badly damaged in a small accident.
 9. Entertainers Comedians remains one of the top entertainers of all time
 10. Household Cooking, sewing, and house keeping are household arts.
 11. Performance A Major was awarded medal because of his performance during the war.
 12. Pottery There's an exhibition of pottery - making at the fair.
 13. Surprise Her visit did not cause me much surprise.
 14. Temporary Temporary arrangements have been made for the prevention of corona virus.

C. Complete the following sentences with suitable (relative) words given below:
which, who, that, where, whom, when, whose.

1. The drummer who could beat the longest work get a prize.
2. The two friends moved towards a crowd which had gathered in a big circle.
3. The food that we ate was delicious.
4. The man whom we saw climbing the pole had been walking on the tight rope.
5. The rider whose horse had won the race was very happy.
6. I went to the village where my cousin was living.
7. I visited him when the village fair was in full swing.

D. Tense Changing into Past.

1. We do our homework.
Ans. We did our homework at night.

2. The pupils write a composition.
Ans. The pupils wrote a composition in the half-time.

3. My friend walks to school.
Ans. My friend walked to school in the morning.

4. The Headmaster teaches us English.
Ans. The Headmaster taught us English in the last period.

5. The peon rings the bell.
Ans. The peon rang the bell at 1′O clock.

6. My mother does not sleep well.
Ans. My mother did not sleep well.

7. His brother loses his book. Ans. 
His brother lost his book in the assembly.

8. The eagle flies very high.
Ans. The eagle flew very high in the sky.

9. The cobbler sits under a tree.
Ans. The cobbler sat under a tree at noon.

10. They grow rice on this farm.
Ans. They grew rice on this farm in the winter season.

E. Give the degrees of Adjectives

S.No. Adjective Comparative Superlative
 1. Old older oldest
 2. Young younger youngest
 3. Great greater greatest
 4. Big bigger biggest
 5. Far farther or further  farthest or furthest
 6. Famous more famous most famous
 7. Beautiful more beautiful  most beautiful
 8. Popular more popular most popular
 9. Intelligent more intelligent  most intelligent
 10. Delicious more delicious most delicious

F. Give the three forms of Verbs:

S.No. Present Past Past participle
 1. know knew known
 2. heat heated heated
 3. learn learnt  learnt
 4. sing sang sung
 5. read read read
 6. listen listened listened
 7. go went gone
 8. write wrote written
 9. make made made
 10. wear wore worn
 11. live  lived  lived

G. Write a short composition on a fair that you have seen:

 A Village Fair
Last month, we visited a village fair. The fair was representing the festive mood of the rustic people. The village was specially decorated with colourful buntings and flags and was crowded with a large number of people. Many temporary shops had been set up which were the special faculty for the fair. These shops were providing feasibility for the visitors as well as for the shopkeepers. There was a lot of entertainment for different age groups especially children like swings, monkey man show, drum beating competition, horse race etc. The circus people were also presenting their funny and amazing tricks to fascinate people. Tent – pegging and the dog race were two very popular games of the fair. In tent-pegging the training and skill to horse and the rider is examined skill of dogs is examined through the dog race. We were very enchanted to see the beautiful sights of the fair.

H. Non -textual Exercise:
Complete the following sentences with the ordinal numbers:
first, second, third........

1. The first lesson of this book starts on the first page.
2. The second lesson of this book ends on the second page.
3. The third lesson of this book starts on the third page.
4. The fourth poem of this book starts on the fourth page.
5. The fifth picture of this book is on the fifth page.
6. The sixth para of the first lesson starts on the sixth page.
7. The seventh exercise in this book is on the seventh page.
8. The eighth proper noun in this book is on the eighth page.
9. The ninth common noun in this book is on the ninth page.
10. The tenth verb in this book is on the tenth page.

English X - Chapter No.11 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Acrobat  A person who can do clever things with his body
 2. Annual Yearly
 3. Announcement Declaration, Public statement
 4. Astonish Surprise
 5. Buntings Flags
 6. Close by Very near
 7. Colourful Having much or varied colors
 8. Competition The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc, Contesting
 9. Chase To follow
 10. Conjurer Magician
 11. Deafening Very noising
 12. Delicious Tasty
 13. Decorated to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming
 14. Damage Harm
 15. Entertainers Performers, A person, whose job is to entertain others
 16. Fair Exhibition
 17. Far off Far and wide
 18 Furious Very Angry
 19. Gather Collect
 20. Gallop To run fast (of horses)
 21. Handkerchief A piece of cloth
 22. Household A family or group of people living together
 23. In full swing At the peak
 24. Juggler One who plays tricks
 25. Lance A long spear
 26. Performance An act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment, Presentation
 27. Pottery Pots, dishes, and other articles made of fired clay
 28. Safe and Sound Secure
 29. Set up Establish
 30. Surprise Astonish, Amaze
 31. Tool Instrument
 32. Temporary Non-permanent
 33. Vanished Disappeared

Short note Or Summary on A VILLAGE FAIR

Bilal lived in a city and during the summer vacation he decided to go some where, because he got tired of the city life. He decided to pay a visit to his cousin Zubair in the village. It was just by the chance that when Bilal reached the village annual fair was being held in the village. The village was decorated with buntings and colourful flags. A large number of temporary shops are set up, where villagers do most of their shopping. There were so many entertainments in a village fair, every one was enjoying the event according to his taste and age. Children were gathered around merry – go – rounds and swings. There was a drum competition also. They also saw a dog and bear fight. They saw a monkey show. A clever monkey was copying an angry husband it also played many other tricks to amuse the people.
The conjurers, jugglers and acrobats showed their performances. Every body was happy on the eve of a village fair there. Bilal also enjoyed horse races, dog races, tent pegging and such other sports. There were many other things to see but both friends felt tired and turned home ward.

Short Note On Tent-Pegging

Tent-pegging is one of the most popular and famous sport of Pakistan. It is an important heritage of our culture. In this game wooden pegs are fixed in the ground. The riders have to pull these pegs out of the ground with the help of their spear, as they ride by at a gallop. Tent-pegging is a exhibit of skill in which the training invested on the horse and the skill of trainee and the rider is tested. It is great game of joy in addition to practice and skill. 

Saturday 18 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.10 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Question and Answers

Q.1 What words or phrases tell us that they are not pretty in the physical sense?
Ans. The poet uses the words or phrases like "neither white nor small" "fair at all" and "these ages and wrinkled hands" tell us that the hands are not beautiful in their physical appearance. It means that these hands are old and full of wrinkles. They are neither fair not small but rough and big.

Q.2 Why does the poetess praise the hands in the second stanza? OR Why does the poetess praise the mother's hands
Ans. The poetess praises the mother's hands because they always remained busy and carelessly worked hard in order to provide happiness to her children. These are the hands might be tired or sad, but provided comfort and peace. The poetess counts the trouble and pain taken by a mother during her childhood, as she could help her mother in daily life but she did not.

Q.3 In the third stanza, what does “These hands must folded be” mean?
Ans. The words, “These hands must folded be” mean that the death time of the poetess mother was near to come. The poetess is showing her grief because soon her mother would be under the layers of wild flowers in a folding manner.

Q.4 Who does the poetess praise in this poem? OR Why does the poetess praise her mother’s hand in this poem?
Ans. In this poem, the poetess pays a high tribute to her mother’s hands for their spiritual beauty and all mothers in general. She appreciates the services provided by mothers to bring up their children. Mothers bear a lot of hardships restlessly so that her family might enjoy a happy life. Therefore, they are worthy of our praise, love and respect.

Q.5: What do you know about the poet / poetess of the poem?
Ans: This poem is written by Ellen M. H. Gates (1835-1920). She was born in Torington, Connecticut (USA). She wrote religious songs (hymns) like "The Home of the Soul" and "Eternity" for well-known magazines. Collections of her poems were published in 1897 and 1910.

Q.6: What is the message of the poem "Beautiful Hands"?
Ans: In this poem poetess praises mother’s hands for their spiritual beauty. She pays a rich and unique tribute to her mother. According to her, mother’s hands are symbol of love, sacrifice, affection and hard work to bring up her children.
The message of the poem "Beautiful Hands" is that mothers do a lot of work for their children. They take no rest and go on looking after their children patiently. Children should also appreciate mother's services to them.

Q.7: What rewards for her mother does the poet? poetess think of?
Ans: The poetess is fully confident that her mother will go to paradise after death. She will be young again there. The poet says that she will clasp her mother's hand in the paradise. Mothers will be rewarded for their sacrifice in giving birth and bringing up their children.

B. Words and Meanings:
1. Palms of victory: these were given to a soldier or an athlete who was victorious.
2. Crystal: transparent, clearer.
3. Clasp: hold in hand.

C. Idioms
1. With a high hand: Disregarding the feeling of other
He settled matters with a high hand and ignored the requests of all concerned.
He is most unpopular because he decides matter without regarding the feelings of others. (Substitute the idiom)
He is most unpopular because he decides matter with a high hand.

Friday 17 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.9 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Questions / Answers:
Q.1: Who wrote the poem “A Nation’s Strength”
A. The poem “A Nation’s Strength” has been written by “Ralph Waldo Emerson”.
Q.2: What do you know about the poet?
A. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1903-1882)  was born in Boston (USA). He was an essayist, a poet and a philosopher. His philosophy is everlasting, because it arose from a desire to make all things new, to seize life freshly, experience it first hand and use it to build beyond the old.

Q.3: What kind of people can lift the nation or their country to the sky?
A. Brave men who dare while other fly, men who work while other sleep, men who for truth and honor's sake stand fast and suffer long. In brief, men of character can lift their country or the nation to the sky.

Q.4: What is a nation's strength"? OR What makes a nation great and strong?
Ans: A nation's strength is not gold or wealth. A nation's strength depends only on its people. However, those people must be men of character. They must be brave, honest, hardworking, truthful and men of principles. Only such people can make their nation great and strong.

Q.5: What is the message of the poem "A Nation's Strength"? 
Ans: The message of the poem A Nation's Strength is that a nation is strong only by its people. These people should be brave, daring, hardworking, determined and patient. Such people build a nation's pillar deep and lift the nation to the sky.

Q.6: Write five sentences on "Character"?
Ans: Character:
  1. Character means moral qualities which constitute personal or national individuality. 
  2. A nation’s strength rest upon the character of its people, because the character is a mirror of our deeds.
  3. Men of character achieve greatness for their nation through sacrifices and honest deeds. 
  4. They build their nation on foundation of lasting virtue. So character is a parameter which can be used to measure the depth of a man’s personality. 
  5. “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost. When health is lost, something is lost. When Character is lost, everything is lost.

B. Words / Meanings:
1. To suffer long: to face hardships for a long time.
2. To fly: to run away from.
3. A nation's pillars: columns; here it means foundations at tasting virtue.
4. Lift them to the sky: make their nation famous.

C. Idioms 1. With Heart and Soul : All one’s energies and interest.
It's no use having an employee who does not put heart and soul in his work.
1. That teacher is very popular because she uses all her energy and takes great interest in her work.  (Substitute the idiom)
That teacher is very popular because she works with heart and soul.

D. Non-textual Exercise:
Telling the time:

Latif has breakfast at seven o'clock and lunch at one o'clock, but he has a snack at about ten o'clock. At half-past four he has tea. His favourite TV programme is at twenty-past nine. The news is much easier, at twenty-five minutes to six. There is another good programme at a quarter to ten. The transmission ends at midnight.

(a) Answer the question on the above passage.
1. At what time does Latif have breakfast?
Ans: Latif has breakfast at seven o'clock.

2. When does he have lunch?
Ans: He has lunch at one o'clock

3. In between, he has a cup of tea. At what time?
Ans: In, between, he has a snack at ten o'clock.

4. At what time does he have his afternoon tea?
Ans: He has his afternoon tea at half-past four.

5. When is his favourite TV programme?
Ans: His favourite TV programme is at twenty-past nine.

6. At what time is the news?
Ans: The news is much easier, at twenty-five minutes to six.

7. There is another good programme later. At what time?
Ans: There is another good programme at a quarter to ten.

8. When does the transmission end?
Ans:  The transmission ends at midnight.

(b) Make the answer from Column B with the question from Column A.

 1. When is Latif's breakfast time?  It's at seven o'clock
 2. When is his tea time? It's at half-past four
 3. When is his favourite TV programme?  It's at is at twenty-past nine
 4. When is the other good programme ? It's at  quarter to ten 
 5. When is the TV news It's twenty-five minutes to six 
 6. When is the closing time  It's at at midnight

Wednesday 15 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.7 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

B.Questions And Answers:

Q.1: What does the poet see from a railway carriage?
Ans. The poet sees a variety of charming sights while travelling by a railway carriage. Houses, hedges, ditches, bridges, meadows, a cart, a child, a tramp, the cattle, a mill, a railway station, a river, hills and mountains etc. He carried a lot of pride by travelling through a speedy train.

Q.2: What pleasures does the railway journey give to the poet?
Ans. The railway journey brings a lot of joy and gives pleasure to the poet. It proves to be an exciting and pleasure experience to him. When so many things which includes the sights of meadows, daisies, mill, river, hill plain etc running backwards, each a glimpse and gone forever. He is pleased because a thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Q.3: What type of experience has been described in this poem?
Ans: In this poem, the poet has described a very exciting experience. He tells us what we see and how we feel when we travel by a train. It sounds so good that one enjoys every bit of travelling. Over all it was a tremendous journey which forced the poet to express it poetic form. The reader too enjoy every bit of it.

Q.4: What is a tramp? What was he doing when the railway carriage passed by?
Ans: A tramp is a homeless person who goes from place to place and does no regular work. He was starring at the carriage as he was looking for some one to come.

Q.5: Who wrote the poem " From a railway carriage"? What do you know about the poet of the poem?
Ans: The poem " From a railway carriage" is written by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894). He is a Scottish novelist, poet, and essayist He was born in Edinburgh. His formal education was greatly interrupted by illness, and was frequently taken for holidays. He tried to study engineering, then law. But in 1873, he decided to embark upon a literary career. His novels "Treasure Island" and "Kidnapped" are well known. In another one, "Dr. Jekytt and Mr. Hyde," he shows how every individual has tendencies to do both good and evil He really loved children and understood them. This poem shows his skill as a poet.

Q.6: What was child doing?
Ans: The child was clambering and scrambling. He was alone. He was busy gathering brambles.

Q.7: What was the cart's scene?
Ans: The cart was running away on the road. It had a load and a man was also sitting in the cart. The cart was lumping along due to heavy load on it.

Q.8: What is the message of the poem 'From a railway carriage'?
Ans: The message of the poem is that a railway carriage is a source of happiness. It presents a constant changing scene.  It provides a chance to see natural beauty and to enjoy watching them. As " A beauty of nature is a joy forever".

C. Idiomatic Structures:
1. In all
"We are six children in all." means
The total number of children is six.

2. All at once
"All at once a light began to shine." means
Suddenly a light began to shine.

3. All the same
"It's all the same to me". means
It makes no difference to me.

4. All alone
"He's all alone in the world". means
He has no relatives or friends.

5. All about 
"What is all about". means
What's the matter.

D. Words / Meanings
1. Fairies: beautiful imaginary beings who have magical power.
2. Witches: wicked old women who could work magic and fly through the air.
3. Hedge: a row of bushes or tall plants, forming a boundary.
4. Ditch: a narrow channel dug in or between fields, or at the side of a road, to hold or carry off water.
5. Charge: to attack; here if means to rush forward, move fast.
6. Meadow: a grassy field.
7. Fly as thick: pass so quickly as if there was no distance between them.
8. Driving rain: hard, slanting rain.
9. The wink of an eye: the time it takes to shut one eye for a very short time.
8. Whistle by: when the fast train goes past a station, a whistling sound is produced.
10. To clamber: to climb with some difficulty.
11. To scramble: to move with difficulty over rough or steep ground.
12. Brambles: thorny bushes which bear the fruit called black berries.
13. Tramp: a homeless person who goes from place to place and does no regular work.
14. To string: to make a garland of
15. Daisy: it is one of the commonest wild flowers in Britain.
16. The green: a grassy common land in a village.
17. To lump: to move heavily and awkwardly.
18. A glimpse: a brief look.

Monday 13 April 2020

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.6 - Tables and Definitions

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Chapter No.6
Introduction To Organic Chemistry
Tables and Definitions

Fractional Distillation Of Coal Tar


  1. Petroleum means rock oil in Latin.
  2. It is usually found below the surface of earth.
  3. It is a viscous liquid consist of components with different boiling points.
  4. It contains alkanes, alkenes, cyclo-alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, besides some inorganic compounds and is called crude oil.
  5. When subjected to fractional distillation, several groups of products are obtained. This is known as refining of petroleum.

Refining Of Petroleum:

Names Of Some Common Functional Groups And Structure Of Organic Compounds

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.6 - Nomenclature Of Alkanes, Alkenes And Alkynes

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Chapter No.6
Introduction To Organic Chemistry
Nomenclature Of Alkanes, Alkenes And Alkynes

Chemistry For HSC Part 2 - Chapter No.6 - Nomenclature Of Amines And Functional Groups

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Chapter No.6
Introduction To Organic Chemistry
Nomenclature Of Amines And Functional Groups