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Wednesday 4 January 2023

Biology For Class IX - Chapter No.4 - Cells And Tissues - Text Book Exercise



1. Encircle the correct answer:
(i) What is responsible for the high resolution of the electron microscope?
(a) High magnification
(b) Short wavelength of the electron beam ✓
(c) Use of heavy metals strains
(d) Very thin section

(ii) What is a function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
(a) Aerobic respiration
(b) Intracellular digestion
(c) Synthesis of steroids
(d) Synthesis of protein ✓

(iii) Which statement about the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure is correct?
(a) The less unsaturated the fatty acid, the more fluid nature. ✓
(b) The more unsaturated the fatty acid, the more fluid nature.
(c) Higher the temperature, less fluid nature.
(d) The lower the temperature, more fluid nature

(iv) Which process allow movement in and out of cell
I. Osmosis
II. Diffusion
III. Active transport

(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only
(d) I, II and III ✓

(v) All are postulates of cell theory except
(a) New cell is derived from pre-existing cells.
(b) Cell does not contain the hereditary material. ✓
(c) All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.
(d) Cell is the fundamental unit of life

(vi) Secondary wall is made up of
(a) Pectin and cellulose
(b) Cellulose and protein
(c) Cellulose and lignin ✓
(d) Lignin and pectin

(vii) Select the odd one
(a) Active transport ✓
(b) Diffusion
(c) Facilitated diffusion
(d) Osmosis

(viii) Trace the correct pathway of protein produce from protein factories
(a) RER → Ribosome → Golgi body → Lysosome
(b) Ribosomes → RER → Golgi body → Lysosome ✓
(c) Golgi body → RER → Ribosome → Lysosome
(d) RER → Ribosome → Lysosome → Golgi body

(ix) Cell organelle found in animal cell and help intracellular digestion
(a) Lysosome ✓
(b) Ribosomes
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Golgi apparatus

(x) Select the mismatched
(a) Plastids → Storage of chemicals
(b) Centriole → Help in cell division
(c) Ribosomes → Synthesis of steroids ✓
(d) Mitochondria → Synthesis of ATP

2. Fill In The Blanks

(i) Microscopes are instrument designed to produce magnified visual image.
(ii) Resolution of a microscope is defined as the smallest distance between two points.
(iii) Magnification of a light microscope is formed by using mixture of the power of the eyepiece and the objective lens.
(iv) Electron has a much shorter wavelength than visible light, and this allows electron microscopes to produce higher-resolution images.
(v) In plants, the cell wall is composed mainly of strong fibers of cellulose.
(vi) Cell membrane is composed of double layer.
(vii) Diffusion is a passive process, which does not require energy input.
(viii) Plant cell loses water and cytoplasm shrinks in a process called plasmolysis.
(ix) Special type of movement of specic substances through carrier protein is facilitated diffusion.
(x) The microtubules arranged in a very particular pattern to form centriole are 27 in number.

3. Define the following terms:
(i) Exocytosis, (ii) Vesicles, (iii) Cartilage, (iv) Nucleoplasm, (v) Cyclosis, (vi) Plasmolysis, (vii) Resolution, (viii) Tissue, (ix) Magnification, (x) Cisternae, (xi) Micropgraph (xii) Hereditary Information (xiii) Endocytosis

Ans: Definition:
(i) Exocytosis:
The process through which bulky material (e.g. neurotransmitters and protein) is exported outside the cell by secreting them through an energy dependent process is called exocytosis. It is a form of active transport.
Significance: This process add new membrane which replaces the part of cell membrane lost during endocytosis.

(ii) Vesicles:
Vesicles are small, membrane-bound spherical sacs. Many vesicles are made in the Golgi body and the endoplasmic reticulum, or are made from parts of the cell membrane.
Vesicles can be classified according to their contents and function, such as Transport vesicles.
  • Vesicles facilitate the metabolism, transport and storage of molecules.
  • Transport vesicles transport molecules within the cell.

(iii) Cartilage:
  • Cartilage is a type of supporting connective tissue.
  • It is a dense connective tissue.
  • Cartilage has limited ground substance and can range from semisolid to a flexible matrix.
  • e.g: Cartilage present in pina of ear.

(iv) Nucleoplasm:
Inside nuclear envelope of  a nucleus, a granular fluid is present called nucleoplasm. Nucleoplasm contains one or two nucleoli (singular = nucleolus) and network of thread like structure called chromatin network. The genetic material DNA is found in chromatin network.

(v) Cyclosis
Under light microscope, cytoplasm appears as a semi-fluid colloid that fills the cell. The cytoplasm exhibits active streaming movements around the inner surface of the cell. This movement is known as cyclosis.
Cytoplasmic streaming also called protoplasmic streaming, and cyclosis is the flow of the cytoplasm inside the cell, driven by forces from the cytoskeleton. It is likely that its function is, at least  in part, to speed up the transport of molecules and organelles around the cell.

(vi) Plasmolysis:
Plant cells use osmosis to absorb water from the soil and transport it to the leaves. In hypertonic conditions a plant cell loses water and cytoplasm shrinks and shrinkage of cytoplasm is called plasmolysis.

(vii) Resolution:
The resolution of a microscope is defined as the smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate objects.
It helps to measure clarity of object.

(viii) Tissue:
A group of similar cells that work together to perform a common function is known as a tissue.
For example: The cells in the small intestine that absorb nutrients look very different from the muscle cells needed for body movement.

(ix) Magnification:
"The enlargement of an image is called magnification." By combining a number of lenses in the correct manner, a microscope can be produced an image that will yield very high magnification values.

(x) Cisternae:
Cisternae are sacs found in ER as well as in Golgi bodies.
  • The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has a double membrane consisting of a network of hollow tubes,  flattened sheets, and round sacs. These  flattened sheets, hollow folds and sacs are called cisternae.
  • The Golgi body consists of a stack of flat membrane-bound sacs called cisternae. The cisternae within the Golgi body consist of enzymes which modify the packaged products of the  Golgi body.

(xi) Micrograph:
A photograph of an image taken through a microscope is called micrograph.

(xii) Hereditary Information:
Cells contain the information necessary for the creation of new cells. This information is known as 'hereditary information' and is contained within DNA. DNA (the hereditary information of cells) is passed from 'parent' cells to 'daughter' cells during cell division. The contents of cells from similar species are basically the same.

(xiii) Endocytosis:
  • It is the process of cellular ingestion of bulky materials by the infolding of cell membrane.
  • The two forms of endocytosis are phagocytosis (cellular eating) and pinocytosis (cellular drinking).
  • In phagocytosis cell takes in solid material while in pinocytosis cell takes in liquid in the form of droplets.

4. Distinguish between the following in tabulated form:
(i) Prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell
(ii) Mitochondria and Chloroplast
(iii) Lysosome and Ribosomes

Ans: (i) Difference Between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Cellular StructureProkaryotic cellEukaryotic cell
ExampleBacteria and CyanobacteriaAnimals and plants
NucleusWithout membraneProper Nucleus and Membrane bounded
Number of chromosomes One but not true
More than One
Number of cellsUnicellularUnicellular and Multicellular Present
True membrane bound organellesAbsent Present
Lysosomes and PeroxisomeAbsentPresent
MicrotubulesAbsent or rare Present
Endoplasmic reticulumAbsent Present
Mitochondria AbsentPresent
RibosomesSmaller 70S Larger 80S
VesiclesPresent Present
Golgi ApparatusAbsent Present
ChloroplastsAbsent Present (in plants)
Plasma membrane with steroidUsually noYes
Permeability of nuclear membraneNot presentSelective
Cell Size1-10 µm1-1000 µm
FlagellaSubmicroscopic in size,
composed of only one fiber
Microscopic in size;
membrane bound

S.NO. Prokaryotic CellEukaryotic Cell
1. Nuclear membrane is absent therefore prokaryotic cells do not possess distinct nucleus. A double nuclear membrane is present. They have well developed nucleus.
2. They do not have many membrane bound structures e.g. Mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus etc. They have membrane bounded structures (organelles).
3. Ribosomes are of small size and freely scattered in cytoplasm. Ribosomes are of large size and present either on endoplasmic reticulum or free in cytoplasm.
4. Nucleoplasm is absent.Nucleoplasm is present.
5. Single chromosome is found. Proper chromosome in diploid numbers are present.

(ii) Mitochondria and Chloroplast
S.NO. MitochondriaChloroplast
1. A mitochondrion is a membrane bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells only. The chloroplast is a double membrane organelle found in cells of plants and algae.
2. They are Bean-shaped. They are Disc-shaped.
3. It is a colourless organelle. It is a green-coloured plastids.
4. Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration.  It is the site where photosynthesis takes place.
5. During aerobic respiration energy is produced in the form of ATP. Therefore it is also called ‘Power house’ of cell. Chlorophyll absorbs (uses) energy from the sun for photosynthesis.
6. Matrix and Cristae are the two chambers present in a mitochondrion Stroma and thylakoid are the two chambers of a chloroplast
7. During aerobic respiration, It consumes oxygen and release carbon dioxide. During photosynthesis, it releases oxygen and consumes carbon dioxide.
8.  Mitochondria do not possess any pigments. Chloroplast is composed of pigments such as chlorophyll etc.


S.NO. MitochondriaPlastids
1. A mitochondrion is a membrane bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells only (Both animal and plant cell). Plastids are double membrane organelle found in plants and algae.
2. They are Bean-shaped. They are Disc-shaped.
3. They do not contain pigments They contain different types of coloured pigments..
4. Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration.  They are the site where photosynthesis takes place.
5. They produce energy.  They capture (use) energy..
6. They contain enzymes which break the food..  They do not contain enzymes..

(iii) Lysosome and Ribosomes
S.NO. LysosomeRibosomes
1. The lysosome is present in the cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cell (animal cell) only. The ribosome is present in the cytoplasm of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell (plant and animal cell).
2. It is membrane-bound organelle. It is non-membranous organelle.
3. Lysosomes are formed by the Golgi body  Eukaryote ribosomes are produced and assembled in the nucleolus.
4. Lysosomes contain powerful digestive enzymes and membrane protein Ribosomes are composed of RNA and ribosomal protein.
5. These are evenly and freely distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Ribosomes may occur singly in the cytoplasm or in groups or may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.
6. Lysosomes can digest cell structures and food molecules such as carbohydrates and proteins. Ribisomes are the sites where protein synthesis occurs .
7. It is larger in size than ribosomes, Its size ranges from 0.1 to 1.2 micrometer. It is comparatively smaller in size than lysosomes, Its size ranges from 20 to 30 nm.

5. Write short answers of following questions:
(i) Why mitochondria is also called power house of cell?
Ans: Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration. During aerobic respiration energy is produced in the form of ATP. Therefore the Mitochondria is also called ‘Power house’ of cell.

(ii) Why iodine used to stain the onion peel?
Ans: Iodine is often used to stain onion cells before microscopic examination to enhance the visibility of the cell. It is used in staining cells of an onion peel on the slide due to following reason.
  • Onion bulb is made up of scaly leaves which store starch granules in their cytoplasm of the cells.
  • Iodine binds to starch in the granules and develops blue black colour.
  • This procedure of staining onion cells with iodine makes the onion cells visible clearly. It also confirms the fact that onion stores reserve food material in the form of starch.

(iii) How electron microscope is different from simple compound microscope?
Ans: (i) Difference Between Light microscope (Simple and Compound) and Electron microscope
S.NO. Light microscope (LM)
(Simple And Compound Microscope)
Electron Microscope
1. They produce an image of a specimen by using a beam of visible light. They produce an image of a specimen by using a beam of electrons
2. A live cell can be imaged by light microscope. A live cell cannot be imaged by electron microscope.
3. Magnification of light microscope is lower i.e. 1500 X Magnification of electron microscope is higher i.e.  250,000 X
4. It achieves a resolution above 0.2 µm (micrometer). It  achieves a resolution of about 0.2 nm (nanometer), a thousand times improvement over light microscope
5. Visible light have longer wavelength (400-700 nm). this allows LE to produce lower-resolution images. Electrons have much a shorter wavelength (1 nm), this allows EM to produce higher-resolution images.
6. Light microscopes are smaller and lighter, so its easier to move and set-up. Electron microscopes are large and heavy, so its hard to move and set-up.
7. Light microscopes are less expensive. Electron microscope are very expensive.
8. Light microscope uses glass lenses for magnification. Electron microscope uses electromagnetic lenses instead of glass lenses.
9. The images of the specimen is projected into the human eye. The image can not focus in human eye, therefore, screen or photographic plates are used to review and focus the image.
10. Simple and compound microscopes are example of light microscopes SEM and TEM are examples of Electron microscope

(iv) Why cell membrane is semipermeable in nature?
Ans: All the living organisms are made up of cells. All the exchanges between the cell and its environment have to pass through the cell membrane. The cell membrane is selectively permeable in nature because by process of osmosis it regulates selective movement of molecules i.e ions (e.g. hydrogen, sodium), small molecules (oxygen, carbon dioxide) and larger molecules (glucose and amino acids) while fencing a majority of chemicals inside the cell. In this way, it controls the movement of substances in and out of the cells and maintains its internal composition.

(v) How facilitated diffusion is different from active transport?
Ans: Difference Between Facilitated Diffusion And Active Transport

S.NO. Facilitated DiffusionActive Transport
1. It is the transport of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration through the plasma membrane. It is the transport of molecules from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration through the plasma membrane.
2. Facilitated diffusion is a passive process and does not require energy.  Active transport is an active process. Thus, it requires energy.
3.  Facilitated diffusion is the movement of substances through a concentration gradient  Active transport is the movement of substances against a concentration gradient
4. Facilitated diffusion uses both gated channel proteins and carrier proteins in transport.  Active transport uses carrier proteins. Energy is used in the form of ATP to change the shape of the carrier protein.
5. Facilitated diffusion is used for mainly large, polar molecules which can not cross the phospholipid bilayer  Active transport is used to transport molecules against their concentration gradient.

(vi) Why cell is considered as the structural and functional unit of living things?
Ans: A cell is considered as the basic structural and functional unit of organisms.
Cell As Structural unit of organisms:
  • Microscopic studies reveals that all living organisms are made of one or more cells.
  • Therefore, cell is the fundamental and structural unit of all living organisms or the building block of which living things are made.
  • Cells are of many different shape and size.

Cell As Functional unit of organisms:
  • Cell  have to perform different functions.
  • All basic functional activities, characteristics of living things, occur in the cell and cell also have ability to reproduce itself.
  • Therefore, cell is also a functional unit in all living organisms.

6. Write detailed answers of the following questions:
(i) Describe structure and function of nucleus with the help of diagram.
The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains the entire cell's genetic information in the form of DNA.

  • The presence of a nucleus is the primary factor that distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes. A prominent nucleus occurs in eukaryotic cell.
  • In animal cell, it is located in the center.
  • In plant cell due to presence of a large central vacuole, it is push towards cell membrane.

  • Nuclear Envelope:
    Nucleus is covered by two phospholipids membranes known as nuclear envelope that separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm.
  • Nuclear pores:
    Nuclear pores are found in the nuclear envelope and help to regulate the exchange of materials (such as RNA and proteins) between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
  • Nucleoplasm:
    Inside nuclear envelope, a granular fluid is present called nucleoplasm.
  • Nucleolus:
    In nucleus an aggregation of RNA is also present called nucleolus.
    It is a dark spot. 
  • Chromatin Net Work:
    In non-dividing cell the genetic material is found in the form of net work in the nucleus called chromatin net work.
  • Chromosomes:
    Chromosomes are visible only during cell division. They are composed of DNA and protein.

  • It stores the cell's hereditary material, or DNA.
  • It controls all the activity of a cell.

(ii) What is microscope? Describe types of microscopes?

Microscope was simply a tube with lenses at each end and its magnification ranged from 3X to 9X.
It is define as:
Microscopes are instruments designed to produce magnified visual or photographic images of objects too small to be seen with the naked eye.

There are two microscopes are used in microscopy i.e:
  1. Light microscope (LM)
  2. Electron microscope (EM)

(a) Light Microscope:
  • Source:
    In a light microscope, visible light passes through the specimen (the biological sample under observation).
    A photograph of an image taken through a microscope is called micrograph.

  • Visibility:
    A live cell can be imaged by light microscope.

  • Resolution:
    The light microscope can magnify the object up to 1000 times

  • Magnification:
    The magnification of a light microscope is formed by using a mixture of the powers of the eye piece and the objective lens.
    Total magnification of an image with a compound light microscope = power of the objective lenses X power of the eye piece.
    If the power of the objective lenses is at 4x, 10x, 40x and
    The power of the eye piece is (typically) 10x.
    That is the object can be magnified, 40x, 100x or 400x.
    Similarly, a 10x eyepiece used with a 10x objective lens will produce a magnification of 100x.

Electron Microscopes:
  • Source:
    Electron microscopes are differ from light microscopes.
    They produce an image of a specimen by using a beam of electrons rather than a beam of light.
    Electrons have a much shorter wavelength than visible light, and this allows electron microscopes to produce higher-resolution images than standard light microscopes.

  • Visibility:
    Electron microscopes can be used to examine not just whole cells, but also the subcellular structures and compartments within them.
    A live cell cannot be imaged by electron microscope.

  • Resolution:
    Electron microscope has a resolution as small as 0.2 nanometer (nm)
  • Magnification
    Magnification upto 250,000 times.

(iii) Describe fluid mosaic model of cell membrane also draw the diagram.
Ans: Structure of the cell membrane - the fluid mosaic model:
S.J. Singer and G.L. Nicolson proposed the Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane in 1972.
This model describes that:
  • Phospholipid acting like matrix and conjugated glycoproteins (glucose and protein together) may float freely in this matrix.
  • This model describes the structure of the cell membrane as a fluid structure with various protein and carbohydrate components floating freely in the membrane. Therefore, it is also called unit membrane.

  • Protect:
    ► The cell membrane surrounds and protects the cytoplasm.

  • Perform Exchange of Substances:
    ► All the exchanges between the cell and its environment have to pass through the cell membrane.
    ► It performs many important functions within the cell such as osmosis, diffusion, transport of nutrients into the cell, processes of ingestion and secretion.

  • Semi-permeable barrier:
    ► The cell membrane is selectively permeable to ions (e.g. hydrogen, sodium), small molecules (oxygen, carbon dioxide) and larger molecules (glucose and amino acids) and controls the movement of substances in and out of the cells.


Q.1: What is Cell?
Ans: Cell:
"Cells are the smallest form of life i.e cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living things and all tissues and organs are composed of cells." It is a set of organelles made up of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.
The contents of cells from similar species are basically the same. The activity of an organism depends on the total activity of independent cells.

Q.2: Who discovered the neucleus?
Ans: In 1833, Robert Brown, an English botanist, discovered a spherical body called nucleus in the cell of orchids.

Q.3: Name the types of animal tissues.
Ans: Animal Tissues:
Humans and other large multicellular animals are made up of four basic types of tissue:
  1. Epithelial tissue
    a) Simple
    i. Squamous
    ii. Cubodial
    iii. Columnar

    b) Startified
    i. Squamous
    ii. Cubodial
    iii. Columnar
    iv. Transitional

  2. Connective tissue
    a) Supporting
    i. Cartilage
    ii. Bone
    iii, Adipose

    b) Fluid
    i. Blood

  3. Muscular tissue,
    a) Skeletal
    b) Cardiac
    c) Smooth

  4. Nervous tissue.

Q.4: Name The types of plant tissues?
Ans: Plant Tissues:
Plants cells are made up of two basic types of tissues
  1. Meristematic tissues
    a) Apical Meristematic Tissue
    b) Lateral Meristematic Tissue

  2. Permanent Tissues
    a) Simple Permanent Tissue
    i. Epidermal
    ii. Ground
    iii. Supporting

    b) Complex or Compound Or Vascular Tissues
    i. Xylem
    ii. Phloem

Q.5: What is the difference between cell wall and cell membrane?
Ans: Difference between cell wall and Cell membrane:
S.No Cell Wall Cell Membrane
1. It is the outer most boundary of plant cells, bacterial cells and fungal cells. It is the membrane which surrounds cytoplasm, but in plant cell it is surrounded by cell wall.
2. It is mainly composed of cellulose and pectin. It is mainly composed of lipids and proteins.
3. It is made up of three main layers primary wall, middle lamella, secondary wall. It is made up of protein and lipid bilayer in which protein molecules float.
4. It is permeable membrane. It gives definite shape and rigidity to plant. It is selectively permeable membrane; In animal cells infolds of cell membrane take in materials in the form of vacuole.

Saturday 31 December 2022

Four letters words From S - Scrabble Game Valid Vocabulary From All Dictionaries

Scrabble Game Valid Words From All Dictionaries
'4' letters words From S

Four Letters Words

Note: Words in red are not valid in some Scrabble Game Applications

Wednesday 28 December 2022

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2.6 (FUN) - Rain (Poem) - Question & Answers And MCQs

UNIT 2.6 - FUN
RAIN (Poem)

Question & Answer

Q.1: Where does the rain pour?
Ans: The rain pours on the desert sands, on hills and vales around.

Q.2: When do the folk (Tharis) wake up?
Ans: The folk (Tharis) wake up early in the morning.

Q.3: What do the wives do at the early dawn in thatches?
Ans: The wives bring the buffaloes from grassy ground for milking. They churn the milk and make the butter in merry mood.

Q.4: What is Season's Orchestra?
Ans: Seasons Orchestra is a group of people who sing seasonal songs as during rain they sing rainy song. They were in full swing.

Q.5: How herdsmen and their wives enjoy the weather?
Ans: The herdsmen graze their sheep on grassy mountain and the wives wear beautiful garlands of flowers.

Q.6: Which vegetables grow up after rain in Thar?
Ans: Cucumbers, mushrooms and so many others vegetable grow up after rain in Thar.

Q.7: What is the supplication at the end of the poem?
Ans: The poet prays to God that cloudy weather should be ever in Thar. May Thar and Tharis remain happy for ever.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

i) The poem "Rain" is translated by:
a. Wordsworth
b. Elsa Kazi ✔
c. Hamaida Khuro
d. Imdad Kazi

ii) Originally the poem was composed by:
a. Shah Latif ✔
b. lqbal
c. Blake
d. Elsa

iii) _____ animal is mentioned in the poem.
a. Cow
b. buffalo ✔
c. lion
d. sheep

Special Thanks To Sir Ameer Chandio (M.A. English Literature)

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2 - Role Model - Text Book Exercise Unit 2.2 - 2.3


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai



Focus: Asking and answering questions of a social nature.
Exercise 1:
Work in groups of six. First, read the following questions silently. Write down the questions and note down their answers in your notebook. Here are some key words/ phrases that you can use while asking questions. Use the actual names of the students instead of the names used here.

1. What are some of the harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke?
Ans: 1. Shahina, what do you think, what are some of the harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke?
Shahina: There are some harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke are:
a) Junk or fast food like fried and grilled food and fries potato chips, Sugary foods such as pastries cookies and cakes, Spicy meals etc
b) Similarly Preserve juices and sweet drinks, soda and energizing drinks as well as sugary drinks etc.
c) Tobacco usage like Cigarette, Cigar and Sheesha etc.
are all harmful things for people.

2. How does the use of these harmful things affect their physical health?
Ans: 2. Farah, in your opinion, how does the use of these harmful things affect their physical health?
Farah: We know that excess of anything in meal can affect our physical health.
Fried and junk food are a poor quality of our die. Excess of oil may cause obesity and heart diseases, while too much sugary salty and spisy food have higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, etc
Sugary drinks may also cause weight gain/obesity, diabetes, heart, kidney and liver diseases, tooth decay and cavities etc.
The primary risks of tobacco usage include many forms of cancer in different organs especially Lungs, different disease may also caused by tobacco usage like heart and kidney failure etc.

3. How does their use affect their relationships with their friends and other people?
Ans: 3. Gulnar, according to you, how does their use affect their relationships with their friends and other people?
Gulnar: Use of such harmful things may affect one's social life as those people have health issue, they always seem lazy and tired and can not enjoy with their friends and relatives.
Similarly smokers have the smell of smoke on their clothes and on their breath. Plus, social smoking means the people you're with are exposed to secondhand smoke and pollute surrounding environment.

4. How does their use affect their family life?
Ans: 4. Tahira, what do you say, how does their use affect their family life?
Tahira: Junk food, unbalanced diet and smoking, all may cause health issues. And smoking is the most dangerous and addicting habit. The life of such people become complicated. Such habits can build pressure on a person to create an emotionally stressful and unhealthy environment for their family members also. These people not only waste money but their personality and health both are damaged as well. These people also can not enjoy and participate in family activities.

5. How does the cost of these things affect a person's life style?
Ans: 5. Mahira, can you tell me, how does the cost of these things affect a person's life style?
Mahira: Yes, the cost of these things affect a person's life style. As he spends much money on his trifle addicting eating and smoking habits, than he can not save money. He will not even have much money for his basic needs of life. He also do not want to bring improvement in life style because he is used to spend money on his eating, drinking or smoking habits.


Using Modals for Ability
The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will and would.
Modals are used for different language functions; like talking about ability, asking permission, making requests, giving suggestions, etc. Here, we will learn about using the modals can, could, may for ability and permission.

We use can to talk about someone's skill or general abilities at a given time in the present or future:
He can swim like a fish.
They can't speak Punjabi very well.
You can get good marks in the exams.

We use could to talk about past time:
She could speak several languages.
They couldn't write very well.

Exercise 1:
Fill in the blanks with the positive or negative form of suitable modal verbs: can/ could.
a) I couldn't swim when I was a child but I can swim now.
b) My brother could not run fast when he was five years old but he can run fast now.
c) They could come early but they couldn't find a bus earlier.
d) Nowadays, Sana can speak English fluently but she could not speak so well a year ago.
e) Sameer could speak several languages when he was young but now he can speak only English fluently.
f) Little Shahzain can crawl but he still can not walk.
g) Sara can embroider and stitch clothes but her sister can not.
h) We can play after completing our homework but we can't play before that.

Exercise 2
Write about your abilities/ inabilities in the following blanks.
You should share what you were/were not able to do when you were younger, what you can do now and what you will be able to do when you grow up.

You may use sentences like:
When I was younger/ When I was nine years old.

  • I could ride a bicycle when I was five years old.
  • But, I couldn't ride a bicycle when I was five years old.
  • Now. I can ride a bicycle.
  • However. I can't drive a car.
  • When I grow up, I can become a famous doctor.

Now ask two of your class mates what they could/ couldn't do when they were younger. what they can/ can't do now and what they think they can do in the future.
Follow the same pattern as you did for yourself and write their responses in your notebook.
Ask your classmate:

"What could you do when you were seven years old?"
Ans: Ahmed: I could swim when I was seven years old.
Zehra: I could fried egg when I was seven years old.

"What couldn't you do when you were in class six?
Ans: Shazaib: I couldn't speak English fluently when I was in class six.
Zehra: I couldn't write sindhi very well when I was in class six.

"What can you do now?"
Ans: Farhan: Now, I can make building models.
Madiha: Now, I can bake birthday cakes.

"What can't you do now?"
Ans: Kamran: Now, I can't swim
Hania: Now, I can't stitch clothes.

"What can you do in the future?"
Ans: Babar: I can become a famous Journalist.
Sara: I can become a famous interior designer.


We also use can to ask for permission to do something:
  • Can I borrow your pencil, please?
  • Can we go home now?

The use of could is more formal and polite than can:
  • Could I borrow your pencil, please?
  • Could we go home now?

Another more formal and polite way of asking for permission is with the use of may.
  • May I borrow your pencil, please?
  • May we go home now?

We use can to give permission:
  • You can go home now if you like.
  • You can borrow my pencil if you like.

We can also use may as a more formal and polite way of giving permission:
  • You may go home now, if you like.

Exercise 3:
Work in groups of six; three of you should complete Dialogue A given below, while three should complete Dialogue B. Add at least 10 lines in both the dialogue. You can change the names or add more names.

Dialogue A:
Using can/ could for ability
Zahra: Can you speak Chinese, Najma?
Najma: No, but I can speak Persian.
Zahra: Wow! What about you Farah?
Farah: I can't speak Chinese or Persian, but I can speak English and Arabic fluently.
Najma: Can you? It means you can understand the Quran Majeed.
Farah: Yes, I can by the grace of Allah.
Zara: I could speak Arabic a little bit but now it's rusty.
Najma: 1 wish I could understand the Quran Majeed in its language.
Farah: You can learn Arabic if you want to.
Najma: Can I? Isn't it too late?
Farah: It's never too late. You can do whatever you want and whenever you want.
Zara: If Najma can learn, I can too.
Farah: Of course, you can do that. Everyone can do that whoever wants to understand the Quran Majeed.
Note: Below are more dialogues for practice
Ahmed: Could you play Basket ball, Babar?
Babar: Yes, I could play basket ball very well.
Ahmed: Great, What about you, Junaid?
Junaid: No, I couldn't play basket ball.

Nabila: Can you make Pizza dough, Hiba?
Hiba: No, I can not make pizza dough.
Nabila: Could you make Pizza without using oven, Sehrish?
Sehrish: Yes, I could make Pizza without using oven.

Dialogue B:
Using can/ could/ may for permission
Areeb: I have completed my work. Can I play now?
Mother: Yes, you can, but come back soon.
Areeb: May I take my new bat with me?
Mother: Yes, you can if you like.
Bilal: Mama, Could I go with brother Areeb?
Mother: No, you can't go. You will annoy him.
Bilal: No, I won't. Let me go.
Mother: No, you will stay at home.
Areeb: Mamma, May I put on this shirt?
Mother:Yes, you can. Can you bring some sweats and biscuits for Bilal?
Areeb: Of course, I can.
Mother: What would you like Bilal?
Bilal: May I have chocolate cake and chips?
Mother: Yes, son. You can have them.
Areeb: Could I go now?
Mother: Yes, son. You can.
Note: Below are more dialogues for practice
Areeb: May I take my new bicycle for riding?
Mother: Yes, you may, but don't ride too fast.
Bilal: Could I make myself a cup of coffee, Mother?
Mother: Yes, You can, but don't add much sugar into it.

Zohaib: Can I open my birthday presents now?
Father: Yes, you can, but open it one by one.

Haris: My Mobile charger is run out, Could I use your phone charger?
Jamil: Sure, you can use it.

Ahsaan: May I borrow your car, tonight?
Ahmed: No, you may not.


We sometimes add a pair or group of alphabets at the end of a word to add something to the meaning of a word. These are called suffixes. We can use suffixes to make many new words, including nouns.
  • agree + ment = agreement
  • postpone + ment = postponement
  • willing + ness = willingness
  • frank + ness = frankness
  • arrive + al = arrival
  • profession + al = professional

Exercise 4:
A. Fill the blanks in the following exercise with nouns formed by using the suffix `ment' with the appropriate given words. One has been done as an example.
employ treat manage pay retire judge

1. As soon as the judgement, was given, the reporters left the court room.
2. Zaman is back to work after his treatment.
3. The workers receive their weekly payment every Friday.
4. My son is looking for employment as he lost his job last week.
5. After his retirement at the age of sixty he has decided to write a book.
6. The management of the school announced their new admission policy yesterday.

B_ Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the suffix 'ness' with the appropriate given words.
ill bold neat kind soft

1. Her illness has made her weak.
2. I love the softness of our new sofa set.
3. Our neighbour's son, who is a soldier, fought the enemy with boldness.
4. The principal of our school treats everyone with kindness.
5. My mother taught neatness us in all our work.

C. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the suffix 'al' with the appropriate given words.
sign survive approve propose remove

1. The survival of the green turtle is in danger on the Karachi beaches.
2. Our proposal for setting up a dispensary was accepted by the minister.
3. The removal of garbage is the responsibility of the government.
4. The train moved out of the station as soon as the guard gave the signal.
5. I needed my parents' approval for going to friend's wedding.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Biology For Class IX - Past Years Questions Distribution According to the Chapters.


Past Years Questions Distribution According to the Chapters.

Note: This Distribution is carried out According to NEW BOOK OF BIOLOGY.

  • 2. Define: Paleontology, Environmental biology, Genetics. 2022
  • 5. Describe the relationship of Biology with any three branches of science. 2022
  • 7.Define Pharmacology, Cell Biology and taxonomy. 2021
  • 9. Make a flow chart, showing different levels of organization of living things. 2021
Section C

Section B
Section C

Section B
  • 4. Define classification. Names units of it and explain any one. 2022
  • 6. Write three characteristics of members of Kingdom Monera (Prokaryote). 2021
Section C

Section B
  • 2. Define: Diffusion, Osmosis and Endocytosis 2022
  • 3. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Animal cell. 2022
  • 6. Define plastids and write two types of it. 2022
  • 7. Write three differences hefts een prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell. 2022
  • 4. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of mitochondria. 2021
  • 5. Name different types of animal tissues and describe any one. 2021
  • 10. Write any three fundamental postulates of cell theory. 2021
Section C
  • 16. Define tissue. Explain muscle tissue and its types in detail. 2022
  • 11.What are tissues? Name different types of plant tissues. Describe simple permanent tissues in detail. (Diagram is not necessary) 2021

Chapter 5: CELL CYCLE
Section B
  • 8. Define chromosome. Name the types of it. 2022
  • 3. What is mitosis? Name four stages of it and define anyone. 2021
Section C

Chapter 6: ENZYMES
Section B
  • 9. Define enzyme. Write any two uses of enzymes. 2022
Section C

Section B
  • 10. Write three differences between light reaction and dark reaction. 2022
  • 8. What is Photosynthesis? Define light dependent reaction (light reaction) and light independent reaction (dark reactions). 2021

Section C
  • 16. Define respiration. Describe the usage of respiration energy in the body of organism. 2022
  • 14. Define respiration and explain anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration. Also write chemical equation fur each. 2021

Chapter 8: NUTRITION
Section B
  • 11. Define heterotrophic nutrition and explain its types. 2022
  • 12. Define vitamin and explain its two types. 2022
  • 13. Write any three effects of malnutrition on human 2022

Section C
  • 14. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of human alimentary canal. 2022
  • 12. Define autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition. Explain different methods of hetetorphic nutrition in plants.2021
  • 13. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Digestive of man (Human alimentary Canal) 2021

Chapter 9: TRANSPORT
Section B
Section C
  • 15. Define transpiration and explain factors which affect its rate. 2022
  • 13. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of internal Structure of Human Heart. 2021

Biology (حیاتیات) For Class IX (Science Group) - Past Paper 2022

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Biology (حیاتیات)
Past Paper 2022

Biology (English) For Class IX (Science Group) - Past Paper 2021

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Biology (English)
Past Paper 2021

Biology For Class IX (Science Group) - Past Paper 2022

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Past Paper 2022

Sunday 25 December 2022

Four letters words From T - Scrabble Game Valid Vocabulary From All Dictionaries

Scrabble Game Valid Words From All Dictionaries
'4' letters words From T

Four Letters Words

Note: Words in red are not valid in some Scrabble Game Applications

Thursday 22 December 2022

Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right - Reading Comprehension - Dignity Of Work - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right
Reading Comprehension
Dignity Of Work

MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Akhtar was _____ because he was asked to clean cupboards and desks.
a. happy
b. upset
c. angry ✔
d. none of these

2. The head master did menial work, which made Akhtar feel _____.
a. Excited
b. sad
c. ashamed ✔
d. worried

3. At the time of battle of ____, our Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (رسول اللہ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) took part in digging a trench.
a. Uhad
b. Badar
c. Khandaq ✔
d. Tabooq

4. Sultan Nasir Uddin earned his living by making ______.
a. Caps ✔
b. pots
c. armours
d. jewellery

5. A business tycoon did not have any ______ for work.
a. Plumber
b. carpenter
c. servant ✔
d. chef

6. Developed countries ______ the dignity of work.
a. Plan
b. request
c. understand ✔
d. explain

7. In China it is mandatory for everyone to work in the field or in a ______.
a. School
b. factory ✔
c. restaurant
d. government office

8. The son of a high US government official used to deliver news papers to be _______.
a. Useful
b. independent 
c. dependent
d. punctual

9. Successful people believe that people who do all kinds of jobs should be treated _____.
a. Neutrally
b. unequally
c. equally ✔
d. none of these

10. Akhter realized that all workers should be respected without ______.
a. Discrimination ✔
b. manipulation
c. supervision
d. administration

11. Mr. Inayat, the children's uncle, told them ____ things about foreign countries.
a. boring
b. interesting ✔
c. fascinating
d. thrilling

12. Akhtar was feeling cross because the teacher made him _____.
a. eat food
b. dust the cupboard and desks ✔
c. read a book
d. stand outside his class

13. The teacher himself swept the room and emptied the ____.
a. desks
b. dustbin ✔
c. classroom
d. bags

14. The headmaster _____.
a. cleaned the bathroom ✔
b. sat in his office
c. was teaching
d. was not at school

15. The headmaster cleaned the _____.
a. classroom
b. bathroom ✔
c. school
d. sanitary

16. Aktar was / They were having ____ at school.
a. some function
b. a party
c. social service work ✔
d. nothing

17. Our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) loved doing work for himself and for:
a. people
b. widows
c. neighbours
d. others ✔

18. During the battle of Khandaq, The Holy Prophet (رسول اللہ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) joined his companion in digging a trench.
a. outside Makkah
b. in Makkah
c. outside Madina ✔
d. inside Madina

19. The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) joined his companion in digging a ______ outside Madina on the eve of battle of Khandaq.
a. canal
b. hole
c. road
d. trench ✔

20. Hazrat Abu Bakar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) fetched water for:
a. widows and neighbours ✔
b. poors
c. orphans
d. relatives

21. Hazrat Ali (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) gave away his wages:
a. the jew
b. a friend
c. a charity ✔
d. his neighbour

22. Hazrat Fatima (Razi Allah Tallah Unha) fetched water, ground corn and ______.
a. cooked meals
b. swept the house ✔
c. sewed clothes
d. helped her husband

23. Caliph Mamun-ur-Rasheed served himself and his _____.
a. friends
b. relatives
c. neighbours
d. guests ✔

24. Sultan ___ earned his living by making caps.
a. Tameez Uddin
b. Nasir Uddin ✔
c. Sharif Uddin
d. Aleem Uddin

25. Sultan Nasir Uddin earned his living:
a. selling fruits
b. teaching pupils
c. labouring
d. making caps ✔

26. Emperor ______ earned his living by transcribing the Quran.
a. Babar
b. Aurangzeb ✔
c. Bahadur Shah Zafar
d. Akber

27. Emperor Aurangzeb earned living by:
a. transcribing the Quran ✔
b. teaching pupils
c. selling wood
d. making boats

28. They have learned the dignity of work:
a. The African countries
b. The advance countries ✔
c. The Asian countries
d. The poor countries

29. Once _____ carried a large sack of flour for a needy family on his shoulder.
a. Hazrat Ali (Razi Allah Tallah Unho)
b. Hazrat Abu Bakar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho)
c. Hazrat Omar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) ✔
d. Hazrat Usman (Razi Allah Tallah Unho)

30. During the construction of the mosque at Madina, The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) carried:
a. wood
b. mud ✔
c. stone
d. bricks

31. The children and their uncle were discussing about:
a. dignity of work ✔
b. education
c. politics
d. hunting

32. The children were happy to see:
a. a beautiful scene
b. their teacher
c. neighbour
d. their uncle ✔

33. We have forgotten our Prophet's (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم):
a. way
b. noble example ✔
c. instructions
d. companions

34. The companions of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) were:
a. a head of him
b. not like him
c. weaker than him
d. like him ✔

35. Once Hazrat Omar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) carried a large sack of flour for a:
a. King
b. needy family ✔
c. merchants
d. students

36. Caliph Umar Bin Abdul Aziz refused to hire a:
a. camel
b. horse
c. servant ✔
d. house

37. They spend some time each year, working in the fields or in a factory:
a. The Bristish
b. The Saudis
c. The Chinese ✔
d. Japanese

38. The Prime Minister and his wife do work in:
a. Burma
b. Sri Lanka
c. USA
d. China ✔

39. In the USA, a high US government official's son went out early in the morning to sell:
a. Newspaper ✔
b. Fruit
c. vegetables
d. cloth

40. He took the job of white washing:
a. A high USA official
b. USA president's son ✔
c. The Canadian Prime Minister
d. The Chinese president

Fill In the Blanks:
1. Akhtar was in a bad mood because he had been made to work like a servant.
2. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) loved to work for himself and for others.
3. Hazrat Ali laboured in the garden of a Jew and gave away his wages in charity.
4. Hazrat Abu Bakar fetched water for widows.
5. Hazrat Fatima ground corn and swept the house.
6. Emperor Aurangzeb earned his living by transcribing the Holy Quran.
7. "Feeling cross" means being angry.
8. We should not be ashamed of cleaning what we ourselves have made dirty.
9. We have forgotten the dignity of work.
10. When the Mosque at Medina was being built, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) also carried mud and building material.
11. During the battle of the Khandaq, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) joined his companions in digging the trench outside Medina.