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Tuesday 24 January 2023

General Wave Properties - Physics For Class X (Science Group) - MCQs, Fill in the blanks and Concept Map

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Unit 11: General Wave Properties

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Tick mark (✔) the correct answer:
1. A girl throws a small stone into a lake. Waves spread out from where the stone hits the water and travel to the bank of the lake. She notices that ten waves reach the side of the pond in a time of 5.0s. What is the frequency of the waves?
a) 0.50 Hz
b) 15 Hz
c) 2.0 Hz ✔
d) 50 Hz

2. Water waves can be used to show reflection, refraction, and diffraction. For each of these, which row shows whether or not the speed of the water waves changes?
Ans: (a)
- Reflection Refraction Diffraction
a) ✔YesYesYes

3. The diagrams show water waves that move more slowly after passing into shallow water. Which diagram shows what happens to the waves?
Ans: (c)

4. The diagram shows a water wave approaching a barrier with a gap.

The wave reaches point P. What is the name of the effect that causes he wave to reach point P?

a) Diffraction ✔
b) Dispersion
c) Reflection
d) Refraction

5. Water waves pass from deep into the shallow region and are then refracted. The characteristics of waves which will remain constant is:
a) direction
b) frequency ✔
c) speed
d) wavelength

6. Which is not a characteristic of a wave?
a) An amplitude
b) Period
c) Mass ✔
d) Velocity

7. When an oscillating object is in simple harmonic motion, its maximum speed occurs when the object is at its:
a) highest point
b) lowest point
c) equilibrium point ✔
d) extreme point

8. In an oscillating pendulum, the bob accelerates from its extreme position due to:
a) inertia
b) tension in the string
c) wind
d) gravitational force ✔

9. In the ball and bowl system, the mean position is at:
a) the earth
b) floor of the bowl
c) center of bowl ✔
d) extreme position

10. Oscillations are damped due to the presence of:
a) linear motion
b) restoring force
c) frictional force ✔
d) mechanical force

11. A wave transports this from one point to another point.
a) Matter
b) Energy ✔
c) Velocity
d) Amplitude

12. Waves that travel in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave motion.
a) Sound waves
b) Longitudinal waves
c) Transverse waves ✔
d) None of them

13. Which one is NOT a transverse wave?
a) Water wave
b) Vibration in a guitar string
c) Electromagnetic wave
d) Sound wave ✔

14. It is the maximum displacement moved by a point on a vibrating body from the rest or mean position.
a) Amplitude ✔
b) Crest
c) Trough
d) Compression

15. SI unit of amplitude is:
a) second
b) meter / second
c) meter ✔
d) Hertz

16. It is a point on a surface wave where the displacement of the medium is at a maximum.
a) Amplitude
b) Crest ✔
c) Trough
d) Compression

17. Crest is:
a) negative / lower part of wave
b) negative / upper part of wave
c) positive / lower part of wave
d) positive / upper part of wave ✔

18. It is a point on a surface wave where the displacement of the medium is at a minimum:
a) Amplitude
b) Crest
c) Trough ✔
d) Compression

19. Waves that travel in a direction parallel to the direction of wave motion.
a) Electromagnetic waves
b) Longitudinal waves ✔
c) Transverse waves
d) None of them

20. Which one is an example of a longitudinal wave?
a) Water wave
b) Vibration in a guitar string
c) Electromagnetic wave
d) Sound wave ✔

21. This is a region where particles of a medium are closer together than average.
a) Rarefaction
b) Crest
c) Trough
d) Compression ✔

22. This is a region where the particles of a medium are further apart than average.
a) Rarefaction ✔
b) Crest
c) Trough
d) Compression

23. They do not need a medium for propagation.
a) Mechanical waves
b) Electromagnetic waves ✔
c) Sound waves
d) Water waves

24. Which one of them is an example of mechanical waves?
a) Sound waves
b) Water waves
c) Seismic waves
d) All of them ✔

25. Electromagnetic waves are comprised of:
a) transverse wave only ✔
b) longitudinal wave only
c) Both ‘a’ & ‘b’
d) None of them

26. Bouncing back of waves into the same medium by striking another medium surface is called:
a) reflection ✔
b) reflection
c) diffraction
d) None of them

27. Diffraction is only significant if the size of the gap is:
a) larger than the wavelength of the incident wave
b) smaller than the wavelength of the incident wave
c) about the same as the wavelength of the incident wave ✔
d) None of the above

28. The spreading of the waves near an obstacle is called:
a) reflection
b) refraction
c) diffraction ✔
d) None of them

29. What is the relation between frequency and time period of a wave?
a) f = T
b) f = 1/T
c) f = 2T
d) f = T/2

30. The SI unit of frequency is the:
a) second
b) meter
c) meter/sec
d) hertz ✔

31. The SI unit of wavelength is:
a) second
b) meter ✔
c) meter/sec
d) hertz

32. The speed of a wave can also be written as:
a) v = fƛ ✔
b) v = f/ƛ
c) v = ƛ/f
d) v = 2fƛ

33. Which expression represents the simple harmonic motion?
a) a ∝ 2x
b) a ∝ x
c) a ∝ -x ✔
d) a ∝ 1/x

34. Simple pendulum period is affected by: OR The period of a simple pendulum depends upon its:
a) length and gravity acceleration ✔
b) length and mass
c) mass and gravity acceleration
d) mass and amplitude

35. The period of a simple pendulum is independent of:
a) length and gravity acceleration
b) length and mass
c) mass and gravity acceleration
d) mass and amplitude ✔

36. The formula of time-period, T, for the simple pendulum executing SHM is:
a) 2π √g / l
b) 2π √l / g
c) π √g / l
d) π √l /g

37. The waves that require a material medium for their propagation are called:
a) Matter waves
b) Electromagnetic waves
c) Mechanical waves ✔
d) All of them

38. The distance between any two consecutive crests or troughs is called:
a) frequency
b) time period
c) wavelength ✔
d) amplitude

39. The particles of the medium vibrate in longitudinal waves:
a) perpendicular to the direction of the wave motion
b) along the direction of wave motion ✔
c) opposite to the direction of the wave motion
d) do not vibrate at all

40. An example of mechanical waves is:
a) sound ✔
b) heat
c) light
d) All of them

41. A ripple tank is used to study the various forms of:
a) gases
b) solids
c) crystals
d) waves ✔

42. Which statement is TRUE for mechanical waves?
a) carry energy but do not need a medium
b) need medium but do not carry energy
c) carry energy and need a medium ✔
d) None of these

43. At the mean position of the pendulum, the potential energy of the pendulum is:
a) maximum
b) minimum ✔
c) zero
d) None of them

44. Shock absorbers in automobiles are one practical application of:
a) waves
b) SHM
c) damped motion ✔
d) None of these

45. The motion in which the friction reduces the mechanical energy of the system and the amplitude of motion reduces is called:
a) wave motion
b) SHM
c) vibratory motion
d) damped motion ✔

46. Time period is reciprocal of:
a) frequency ✔
b) amplitude
c) wavelength
d) pitch

47. The Water waves obey the laws of:
a) reflection & refraction
b) diffraction
c) Both ‘a’ & ‘b’ ✔
d) None of these

48. Which of the following device can produce both transverse and longitudinal waves?
a) A tuning fork
b) A slinky spring ✔
c) A ripple tank
d) A string

49. In Simple Harmonic Motion, the velocity at equilibrium position is:
a) maximum ✔
b) minimum
c) zero
d) constant

Fill In Blanks:
1. Up-and-down movements in the rope produce oscillations or vibrations.
2. A slinky is a pre-compressed helical or coiled spring.
3. A ripple tank is a glass tank of water used to demonstrate the basic properties of waves.
4. The particle movement is at right angles to the direction of the wave motion is a transverse wave.
5. A transverse wave is comprised of crest and trough.
6. The particle movement is in the same direction as the direction of wave motion, a longitudinal wave.
7. A longitudinal wave is comprised of compression and rarefaction.
8. The wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another.
9. Any substance that a wave can propagate through it is known as a medium.
10. Waves that transfer energy through matter are known as mechanical waves.
11. All mechanical waves travel through their media at different speeds depending upon the elasticity and inertial properties of the respective medium.
12. Waves that transfer energy, without the material medium are known as electromagnetic waves.
13. Ripple tank experiments demonstrate that water waves can be reflected, refracted, and diffracted.
14. When a wave enters from a region of deep water to a shallow, its wavelength and speed decrease.
15. The bending’of waves around obstacles or sharp edges is called the diffraction of waves.
16. When, an object oscillates about a fixed position its acceleration is directly Proportional to its displacement and is directed towards the mean position, its motion is called SHM.
17. A simple pendulum consists of a small metallic bob suspended from a light and in extensible string fixed at its upper end.
18. The period of a simple pendulum depends upon its length and acceleration due to gravity over that place.
19. An oscillating system in which friction has an effect is a damped system.
20. The amplitude of freely oscillating objects progressively decreases.

Saturday 21 January 2023

Parts Of Compound Microscope - Practical No.1: Biology For Class IX (Science Group)

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Compound microscope is an optical instrument which is used to see micro-organisms which cannot be seen by naked eye and works on the principle of magnifying glass.

Compound microscope.

Take a compound microscope and observe its different parts, draw its diagram and label it.

  1. BASE:
    Lower metallic horseshoe shaped foot of microscope is called base.
    Base provides firm support and stability to the microscope.

  2. ARM:
    It is a curved metallic rod which connects the body tube to the base.
    Arm supports the body tube and is used to handle the microscope.

    It is a metallic tube fitted with eye-piece lens at its upper end and revolving nose piece at its lower end on which objective lenses are screwed.
    It is used to adjust the distance between object and objective which in turn focuses the object clearly.

    It is an adjustable or movable joint between arm and base of microscope.
    It is used for adjusting the angle of microscope to a suitable level.

  5. STAGE:
    It is a metallic horizontal, square or rectangular area under the objective.
    Slide is placed on the stage for viewing.

    It is a small piece below the stage which has two components.
    It is a folded circular screen having a hole in the center, which can be increased or decreased by a clip.
    FUNCTION: It is used to adjust the intensity of light.

    B. CONDENSER: It is a convex lens, placed between the holes of the stage.
    FUNCTION: It condenses the light.

    Two shiny adjustable clips present on the stage one on either side of aperture.
    Stage clips are used to hold the slide in place.

    Hole in the center of stage is called aperture.
    Aperture allows light coming from the mirror, for better viewing the specimen.

    It is a movable circular frame having concave mirror on one side and plane mirror on the other side fitted in an adjustable circle bellow the stage.
    It is used to reflect light in proper direction.

    The upper end of body tube holds a small tube fitted with a double convex lens called eye- piece. The eye- piece lenses are of different magnifying power.
    In compound microscope eyepiece serves as a magnifying lens and forms magnified image.

    It is a rotating part of microscope at the bottom of the body tube.
    It holds the objective lens.

    Nose piece holds small tubes fitted with double convex lens called objective.
    Objective forms a real, inverted and magnified image of object.

    It is a large, round knob on the side of microscope.
    It is used for focusing the specimen, it may move either the stage or the upper part of microscope.

    It is small round knob on the side of microscope.
    It is used to fine-tune the focus of specimen after using the coarse adjustment knob.

  • Handle microscope carefully.
  • Adjust the reflecting mirror to get an illuminated screen.
  • First focus the object under low power by using coarse adjustment screw (knob).
  • After focusing under low power, focus the object under high power by using fine adjustment screw (knob).



Thursday 19 January 2023

Chapter No.13 - Protection Of Citizen's Rights And The Role of Institutions - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Elucidate the role of the ombudsperson in redressal of public grievance?
  • The role of ombudsperson is to provide protection against harassment of women.
  • To create a safe working environment for a woman which is free of harassment, abuse and intimidation with a view towards fulfillment of their right to work with dignity.
  • With the help of ombudsperson The aggrieved person can lodge complaint through online mechanism free of cost or by post.
  • The aim of Ombudsperson is to provide justice to the complainants at their door step, equipped with adequate manpower and logistics.
  • The existing law empowers a woman to lodge a complaint to the Ombudsperson. The proposed amendments seek to ensure equality to both sexes to seek redressal of their grievances.

Q.2: Write a short note on following:
➢ What is the role of Women Ombudsperson in Pakistan?

In 2010, the parliament of Pakistan passed an act of regarding “Protection against harassment of women” at workplace. The role of Ombudsperson is to create a safe working environment for a woman which is free of harassment, abuse and intimidation with a view towards fulfillment of their right to work with dignity. The aggrieved person can lodge complaint through online mechanism free of cost or by post to the women ombudsperson in Islamabad or their respective cities. The aim of Ombudsperson is to provide justice to the complainants at their door step, equipped with adequate manpower and logistics. The Federal Ombudsperson secretariat have suggested amendments in the legislation stating that the Constitution of Pakistan recognizes the fundamental rights of citizens to dignity of persons by Article 14. The existing law empowers a woman to lodge a complaint to the Ombudsperson. The proposed amendments seek to ensure equality to both sexes to seek redressal of their grievances.

➢ What is the role of Human Right Cell established in the Supreme Court of Pakistan?
Ans: The role of human right cell is to deal with applications received on daily basis on the basis Of violation of human rights in Pakistan. This cell is established to provide speedy and fair justice to the public without any cost. There are many functions of human right cell. It receives application from public through general post or by email. An overseas complaint cell has also established to deal with the applications of overseas Pakistanis.

➢ What are the functions of Ministry of Human Rights in Pakistan?
Ans: There are several functions of Ministry of Human Rights in Pakistan:
  • To review human rights and protection of labour rights in the country without any delay or discrimination.
  • To coordinate activities of Ministries, Divisions and Provincial Governments in order to facilitate the functions to human rights.
  • To collect information, documents and reports on complaints and allegations of human rights violation from Ministries, Divisions, Provincial Governments and other agencies.
  • To refer inquiries or investigations in respect of any incident of violation of human rights.
  • To pursue or defend issues, complaints representations and matters for and against Pakistan relating to human rights.

➢ Identify various forms of harassment in your area and write a detailed note on any two of them?
Ans: There are various forms of harassment that can be observed in our society.
  • Racial harassment
  • Religious harassment
  • Sexual harassment
  • Disability harassment
  • Political harassment
  • Bullying
  • Stalking

Sexual harassment:
Sexual harassment is the most common harassment on the basis of gender. Mostly females are affected by sexual harassment particularly at workplace or sometimes in public place. The men are less affected by sexual harassment as compare to women. It includes physical contact, verbal contact, or sometimes inappropriate use of gestures.

Racial harassment:
Racial harassment also exists in our society and it has several bad impacts on the people who are being harassed. This harassment occurs due to the superiority complex on the basis of race, language and culture. This social ill can be diagnosed and treated through proper counseling.


1) The institution of Ombudsman (Mohtasib) is generally referred as the poor man’s court.
2) The Ombudsman has the same powers, mutatis mutandis, as the civil court has to punish any person for its contempt.
3) Parliament of Pakistan passed the Protection against Harassment of Women at workplace Act in 2010.

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Chapter No.12 - Protection Of Human Rights - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Write in your words the basic features of human rights?
Human rights can be describes as freedoms, immunities and benefits that all human beings should be able to claim as a matter of right in the society in which they live. Human rights are supreme inherent and inalienable rights to life, dignity and self-development.
There are several basic features of human rights:
  • The right to your own thoughts
  • Freedom of expression
  • The right to democracy
  • Be equally treated
  • Universal acceptance
  • Liberty
  • Right to education

Q.2: Discuss in detail the rights and duties of citizens of Pakistan?
There are several rights and duties of citizens of Pakistan:
  • Participate in community development program and try to clean our neighborhood.
  • Save water and electricity.
  • Be loyal and patriotic to the homeland.
  • Spread positive image of Pakistan worldwide.
  • Remove discrimination on the basis of gender, race, culture and language.
  • Respect government institutions such as army, judiciary and teachers.
  • Respect and follow rule of law.
  • It is our national duty to caste our vote during elections.
  • Promote brotherhood, peace and acceptance.
  • Keep our environment clean and plant more trees.

Q.3: Critically evaluate the state of human rights in Pakistan and suggest measures to safeguard them?
Ans: The constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan obligates the State of Pakistan to protect and promote human rights of all its citizens without any discrimination. Over the years the general rule of basic human rights has broken down and alarmingly diminished in Pakistan. Humanitarian crime is on the increase especially against the vulnerable, the poor, the women and the children. On the account of facts the violation of human rights has increased over few years. Following human rights violation has been observed:
  • Sectarian violence and religious crime
  • Honour killing
  • Child abuse and rape
  • Illegal village courts and trial
  • Child and slave labour
  • Extra Judicial killings
We can overcome this problem by making severe punishment to the culprits through implementing law and order. No space would be given to the criminals and make the people aware of their rights and how to curb the violation of human rights. Make coordination with different stakeholders by making strict policies without any discrimination. 

Q.4: Describe UN Human Rights Declaration, 1948?
Ans: According to UN human rights declaration 1948, all people and all nations must aim to achieve certain goals and the same standards exist for all human beings across the globe. Everyone has right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of family. Including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services. Everyone has right to education. The universal declaration of human rights is a symbol of freedom, equality and justice in the world. It emphasizes the universality, indivisibility, inter-relatedness and interdependence of all human rights.


1) Dignity are those rights which are inherent in every person by virtue of being a human being.
2) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th December 1948.
3) The Article 26 of UN Human Rights Declaration states about Right to Education.

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Chapter No.11 - The Civil Life in Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Describe the right and obligation (duties) of a citizen?
  • Personal Freedom:
    Everybody has a right to be free in his thoughts and deeds provided they are not harmful to others. He has the right to move, reside anywhere in the country, to trade, get employment, etc.
  • Freedom of Expression:
    Everybody has a fundamental right of freedom of expression. Newspaper, magazines, TV channels should be free.
  • Freedom of Religious:
    Everybody has the right to practice any religion but nobody has the right to speak against any religion.
  • Access to Education and Health:
    Every child has the right to get education and health care. The government is responsible for providing these facilities to its citizen.

  • Respect for law:
    Every citizen should have respect for law and avoid breaking the law.
  • Perception for the rights of others:
    Every citizen is under obligation to care for the rights of others.
  • Loyalty to the country:
    Every citizen should be loyal to one’s country. A citizen who is not loyal to one’s country should be considered as traitor and will be duly punished.

Q.2: Being a student, what are your duties/responsibilities?
The responsibilities of a student are as follows:
  • It is the duty of every student to completes his education with devotion.
  • During vacations, a student should devote his time to promote adult education, civil defense or other welfare work.
  • A student should refrain from malpractices such as copying in the exams or indulge in narcotics or addiction to drugs or smoking.

Q.3: What is the meaning of corruption? What are its harmful effects on the society?
  • Any malpractices or any wrong doing is corruption.
  • All violations of laws come under the corruption.
  • Corruption is a crime and there is a punishment for it in all the countries of the world. Harmful effects of corruption on the society:
  • There is an increase in lawlessness.
  • There is social and moral damage to society.
  • The government does not get the money needed to build more schools, hospitals and roads.
  • People have to suffer more burdens on bills, taxes, and lack civic amenities due to others’ corruption.
  • There is injustice with people in every walk of life.


1) In democracy there is freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
2) The people elect their representatives by elections.
3) National interests should be preferred over personal interests.

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Chapter No.10 - Pakistan - A Welfare State - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: What is meant by a welfare state?
A state that cares for the basic needs of its citizens and enables them to live a peaceful life is called a welfare state.

Q.2: Describe the duties of a welfare state?
  • The objectives of such a state to eliminate illiteracy, poverty and in justice from the society and provide its citizens opportunities to help create environments conducive to the development of their innate potential.
  • The opportunities are provided to all the citizens on equal terms.
  • The duties of the state were confined to the security, maintenance of law and order and general administrations of the country. But the duties of a welfare state include protection of life and property of its citizen on the one hand and on the other hand protection of their basic or fundamental rights the state helps the backward and the handicapped on account of economic and other reason.
  • In a welfare state basic needs of the citizens are fulfilled and their welfare is the primary duty of the state. The people in a welfare state are, therefore, patriotic, bold and outspoken.

Q.3: What is the concept of an Islamic welfare state?
Ans: Islam presented the concept of welfare state fourteen hundred years ago which was fully practiced during period of Righteous Caliphs (Khilafat-e-Rashida 639-661AD). The concept of Islamic welfare state includes:
  • Sovereignty in Islam belongs to Almighty Allah. The state protects the life property and honor of its individuals. Justice is for all without any discrimination. All are equal before law. The superiority among the individuals is based on Taqwa (Fear of Allah).
  • It is necessary for the one who runs the affairs of the Islamic welfare state to adhere to the basic tenets of Islam. He should be a God-fearing Muslim and act as a trustee only.
  • The head of an Islamic welfare state is the servant of the people. He always thinks about the welfare of its people he lives a simple life like an ordinary man.
  • The Islamic welfare state is always accountable to its people. The rule is not beyond question or criticism. Such a state develops a prosperous society free of exploitation. It provides equal opportunities of progress to all the individuals. It provides all basic facilities to the individuals including the non-Muslims.
  • The concept of an Islamic welfare state is that it maintains “Musawat” i.e. (Equality at all levels).

Q.4: What are the natural goals of Pakistan?
Pakistan is a sovereign Islamic state and its national Goals are:
  • Setting upon Islamic society:
    The foremost national objectives of Pakistan is the setting up of an Islamic society as per the teachings of Islam and principles of democracy Quaid-i-Azam had said that the purpose of the creation of Pakistan was not to just obtain a piece of land but then objective was to establish a laboratory where we could practice principles of Islam.

  • Struggle against exploitation:
    It is also our national objective to establish an Islamic policy, based on the principles of equality, social justice, mutual respect and cooperation. This is possible when people get equal opportunities for progress and prosperity and do not fall victim to ignorance poverty and exploitation.

  • State Security:
    It is the collective responsibility of the people and the government to safeguard the country from Internal and external dangers. The protection of national identity and freedom is another important national.

  • Self-Sufficiency:
    Pakistan must be made economically self-sufficient. This would require sustained efforts at national level to work hard depend upon our own resources and promote education and scientific knowledge. A sense of “Pakistanism” is to be developed to become self-reliant.

  • Unity with Muslim countries:
    It is also our national objective to promote unity among the Islamic countries and unite them on none platform we have to strengthen the role of organization of Islamic countries (OIC) so that a uniform stand is taken on the issues concerning the interests of Muslim Ummah.

  • Struggle for welfare state:
    The Most important objective is to make Pakistan a welfare state. Our resources are limited. They only hurdle in making Pakistan a welfare state is that it has scantly resources we should. Therefore develop our resources by improving literacy rate, promoting scientific and technical education and increasing industrial products Elimination of social evils and corruption in veritable for making Pakistan a welfare state.

Q.5: Why is the self-sufficiency in food necessary?
Ans: Food is the basic need of the people. Lack of proper or sufficient food for the people is the main cause in poor health. When people are not healthy, their efficiency to work will decrease. The development and construction process of the country will go down. Import from food of other countries will affect other factors of development; especially the industrial development become valuable foreign exchange will be spent on the import of food items. Pakistan’s economy depends upon its agriculture Majority of the population of Pakistan is engaged in agriculture Major part of national income is obtained from the agricultural products and industries based on agricultural output. The government has been paying special attention to the development of agriculture sector with an objective to make the country self sufficient in food.

Q.6: Why peace in the world is necessary?
Ans: Modern scientific invention has linked all the nations together. The whole world has become a global village. The events of one country affect the other countries immediately. It is necessary for the maintenance of peace and stability that all the nations keep close ties and relations with one another. As people have problems and misunderstandings among themselves, nations of the world have various conflicts and misunderstandings. Peaceful means should be sought to resolve those problems so that mankind could be prevented from the horrors of war. A lot of institutions and organizations are working for the cooperation and contact among the states. UNO is playing a key role in this connection. Peace in the world is must.

Q.7: What is the role of an individual in a welfare state?
Ans: When a welfare state is supposed to meet all the basic needs of its citizens, the citizens are also required to fulfill obligations towards the state following are some important duties of an individual.
  • To remain loyal to the state and get ready for sacrifice at the time of a test.
  • To show respect to the rights of the fellow citizens and protect their life honor and property.
  • Not to misuse the facilities provided by the state for general public like electricity, gas, water, supply system, Public parks. Means of transport and public property.
  • To take part individually or collectively in a welfare activities.
  • Pay the taxes regularly and not to damage government or private property at the time of protest or agitation. For example damaging vehicles, traffic signals shops, etc.
  • To keep the environment clean.
  • To help poor, handicapped and needy people in the elements.
  • To receive education, learn skills and utilize natural resources to accelerate the peace progress.

Q.8: What steps have been taken by the Government for universal education?
Ans: Education is recognized as a basic and fundamental right of the individual in Islam as well as in the UN character. Education should be free and compulsory up to a specific level for all citizens.
After this level, equal opportunities are provided for all individuals for receiving higher education. This requires increase in the number of educational institutions and other facilities. In Pakistan efforts are in progress for attaining the target of universal education following have been taken to spread education in a country.
  • In education known as Education Sector Reforms (ESR) have been introduced. The purpose of these reforms is to introduce a system which fulfills the need and obligation of independent ideological state of Pakistan. The new system will ensure access to every citizen to receive education.
  • Reforms in education: The study of Islamiyat and Pakistan studies is compulsory to make the children enlightened and better individuals by understanding the real spirit of Islam and the importance of Pakistan.
  • Steps are being taken to discourage the tendency of business in education. A plane is under way to provide free education up to class X in a phased manner.
  • The service structure and service conditions of the teachers are being made better, enabling them to work with interest and devotion.
  • A program of award a scholarship to the meritorious and poor students has been started by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal.
  • Awareness campaign has been started to Radio and Television to create interest among the people to educate their children especially in the girls.
  • A program namely “Education for All” “EFA” has been started throughout Pakistan under his scheme non format basic education at institutions has been opened in the rural areas. Books and educational material are in these institutions.

Q.9: Write a note on egalitarian society?
Egalitarian society upholds the principle of equality among the people. It remains stable and progressive so long the rights of the individuals are safeguarded. A society where social justice does not exist, remains disturbed and eventually vanished out. Social justice calls for the protection of life and property of the people preservation of their honor and provision of basic civic facilities of education, health and recreation are provided without discrimination this will promote national integrity love and cooperation among the individuals.
The government of Pakistan has been making all out efforts to promote social justices for the establishment of an egalitarian society.

Q.10: Why are the sustained constructive efforts necessary for Pakistan?
  • Awareness about the National Goals:
    Only those nations can make progress which is aware of their national goals which determine their priorities.
  • Dignity of Labour:
    Hard work is necessary for progress. We should have the dignity of labour.
  • Nature of Education:
    We should try to increase our literacy rate.
  • Guidance and Encouragement:
    We need proper guidance and encouragement to develop our nation.


1) Government is making efforts to establish an egalitarian society in Pakistan.
2) Majority of the population in Pakistan is associated with agriculture.
3) Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of rice and wheat.
4) Sovereignty in Islam belongs to God.
5) Economic development leads to prosperity.

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Wednesday 18 January 2023

hapter No.9 - Education In Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Describe the importance of education in the development of a country?
Ans: Education occupies a fundamental place in the development and progress of a country and thereby the individuals are enriched with the wealth of knowledge.
  • With the help of education knowledge and culture of the people is transferred from one generation to coming generation.
  • It helps in understanding the ideology of a nation and suggests ways to strengthen this ideology.
  • It develops a sense of nationhood and patriotism among the individuals.
  • It helps in understanding the rights and duties of a citizen to perform his or her role for the welfare and progress of the society.
  • It helps in developing creative abilities of people to accelerate the process of healthy and constructive change in the society.
  • It helps to understand that educational development and economic progress are linked with each other with a high standard of education more skilled people will be produced who will work for the progress and development of the country.

Q.2: Highlight the important aspects of education as mentioned in the National Education policy 1998-2010?
Ans: National Education policy 1998-2010 stressed the need and importance of the following aspects of education:
  • Future of youth is based on education.
  • Universal primary education is formal and informal way.
  • Promotion of vocational and professional education.
  • Out of school children would be given high priority.
  • At least one model Secondary School at district level.
  • Multiple Textbooks would be introduced at secondary level.
  • Project method of Teaching at secondary level would be introduced.
  • Education card for needy students at secondary level.
  • Salary of Teachers would be based on qualification.
  • Education Service Commission would appoint Teachers.
  • A Teacher service Training Academy for In-Service Teachers.
  • System of Assessment for Teachers.
  • Autonomy given to the colleges.
  • Status of Madarasa is equal to Degree.
  • According to this policy 19,000 Primary, 750 Secondary Schools, 1500 degree colleges, 250 vocational colleges and 23 universities will be opened.

Q.3: Mention the socio-cultural importance of education?
Illiteracy is the root cause of all social evils. A number of social and cultural traditions are in practice due to lack of education. There are a number of customs and traditions which are contrary to Islamic teachings and values, for example, air shooting at the time of marriages quarrel’s on the appearance of moon and the use of drugs. The intellectual level of people is manifested in their culture hence cultural values can only be purposeful if people have certain level of education. The art, poetry, literature and music cannot be appreciated without education. The decency in the daily affairs and dealing with others will be possible with instrument of education. An educated person is distinguished by his manners. The wealth alone cannot raise the culture life but it is education which makes the people cultural and civilized. So education is an important agent of change in the attitude, behavior and the way to live. It is help in eradicating social evils.

Q.4: Describe the structure of formal education in Pakistan?
Formal system of education means provisions of education by establishing different educational institutions prescribing textbooks appointing teachers establishing a system of education awarding certificates and degrees. The spirit of formal system lies in management control and discipline the formal system is fully controlled by the government.
Formal education system is categorized as follow:
  • Primary Stage:
    Its starts from class I to V. Its total duration is 5 year. Children are admitted in class- I at the age of 4 + or 5 years of age.

  • Middle Stage:
    It duration is 3 years. Children after passing primary stage are admitted in class VI. A certification is issued by the school after passing middle stage.

  • Secondary Stage:
    It starts from class 9-10 with the duration of 2 years students who have passed middle stage are admitted in class IX. The board issued a certificate on passing secondary school examination.

  • Higher Secondary Stage:
    It starts from class IX to XII students after passing Secondary School examination are admitted in the higher secondary class. Its duration is 2 years.

  • Degree Level:
    It starts after the students pass higher secondary level of education and are admitted in a college to earn a degree. The government has raised its duration from 2 to 3 years. Now it starts from the 13thyear to 15th year of studies. University issues a degree to successful candidates however in many parts of the country the Degree course is of duration of two years.

  • University Level:
    It starts after the students pass degree level examination from the college. Its duration is 2 years. Degree is issued by the university on successful completion of the course and passing the examination.

Q.5: What are the main components of the scheme of studies at secondary level of education?
Ans: Scheme of studies means the courses syllabi prescribed at different levels. Scheme of studies at different level of education are quite distinct from each other:
  • Primary Level:
    Subjects include: Regional languages, Urdu, Counting, Simple Arithmetic, Nature Study and Islamiyat.

  • Middle Level:
    Subjects include: Regional languages, Urdu, English, Algebra, Geometry, Science, Social Studies and Islamiyat.

  • Secondary Level:
    At this level Urdu, English, Islamiyat, Pakistan studies are the Compulsory subjects for all groups of students. Humanities group of students opt for the General Science as compulsory subject. A part they opt for Mathematics and two other subjects in humanities Science students study physics chemistry Mathematics and Biology along with compulsory subjects.

  • Higher Secondary Level:
    Urdu, English, Islamiyat, Pakistan studies are the Compulsory subjects for both Science and Arts groups. Science group students take 3 science subjects and arts group students take 3 arts subject. Science group is further divided into: Pre-engineering, Pre-medical group and General Science group, Commerce group students take commerce subjects.

  • Degree Level:
    Compulsory subjects are Functional English, Pakistan studies, and Islamiyat at B.A/B.SC level. Students also choose 2-3 optional subjects along with compulsory subjects.

  • University Level:
    At master level, students select one discipline. Each discipline has 7-8 subjects.

Q.6.: Write a note on Teacher-Training Program in Pakistan?
Ans: No system of education is above the level of its teachers. Teachers play a crucial role in the system of education. It is important that these teachers are equipped with proper knowledge, skills and attitudes in carrying out the goals of education and fulfilling their obligations. Teacher training has certain levels which correspond with the general education ability of the teachers. There are three levels of teachers training.
  1. Primary School Teachers:
    Teachers for the primary schools are trained and must have passed secondary school examination they are provided one year training after completion of this training they are awarded a certificate called primary teachers certificate (PTC).

  2. Middle School Teachers:
    Those who possess FA/F.Sc certificate are given one year training and warded a certificate called certificate in education (CT).

  3. Secondary School Teachers:
    Those who possess BA/B.Sc degree are provided one year training called “Bachelor of education” (B.ED) at the government college of education. These colleges are at a few selected places in each province of the country. Those who further want to specialize in the subject of education under go one year course called master in education (M.ED) this course is conducted by the colleges of education and in the Institutes of education in the universities.

Q.7: Describe the importance of Technical and Vocational education in Pakistan?
Ans: The present era is that of technical and Vocational education which helps in sustainable economic and industrial development, Therefore government has paid attention to improve technical and Vocational education in the country polytechnic institutes have been set up at the level of each district head quarter. Matric pass students are admitted in these institutes one the basic of their Merit. The students are awarded Diploma in Technical Education. Government has started technical projects in the country that objective is to provide physical facilities for technical education institutions provide equipment, improve courses of technical education and prepare teachers for imparting technical education. A science education project has also been started by the government of Pakistan. The ojective is to improve standard of education in the courses of Mathematics Science and computer science. About 6 million students will benefit from these courses.

Q.8: What are the educational problems of Pakistan?
  • Attitude of the Feudal:
    The feudal system in the main hurdle to our education system. The feudal lords do not want that the poor people’s children get education. They fear that if people are educated, they will lose the cheap labor so they discourage people and stop them to get education.

  • Dropouts:
    Each stage of the education of the children dropout rate has increased. About 85% children are admitted in primary schools but hardly 56% children complete the 5 years cycle of primary education.

  • Teacher Absenteeism:
    In rural area teacher Absenteeism has adversely affected the progress in education.

  • High Fees of Private Educational Institution:
    Private sector educational institutions charge high fees as compared to the facilities provided there. Teachers are over worked but paid low salaries Government should exercise control over these schools Registration fee in the private school.

  • Shortage of Physical Facilities:
    The shortage of physical facilities and equipment in the primary schools has resulted in the decline in the level of education about 25,000 primary schools are without proper buildings. Most of the schools have no boundary walls, no toilets and no water facilities. There is shortage of furniture I these schools. The quality of education is poor in their schools.

  • Non Availability of Textbooks:
    Many pupils do not afford the higher cost of textbooks. Textbooks prescribed by the private and English medium schools are very expensive.

  • Political Interference:
    Public representative interfere in the administration of educational institutions especially in the appointment and transfer of teachers. Merit ignored and appointments are made on favoritism or political recommendations.

Q.9: Mention the objectives of IT education in Pakistan?
  • To modernize the educational system of Pakistan by introducing information technology at all levels.
  • To provide access to research and modern information through the internet.
  • To familiarize information technology among the children of all ages and prepares them for.
  • To emphasize the varied roles of computer as a leaning tool in the classroom.
  • To employee communication technology for the training of teachers and other education activities.


1) No real progress is possible without education.
2) First educational conference in Pakistan was held in the year 1947.
3) Compulsory Primary Education act was enforced in Pakistan in 2004-2005.
4) The first step of formal system of education in Pakistan is Primary Stage.
5) Professional education includes diploma, engineering degree, medical degree, and commerce fields.
6) Sindh Textbook Board is responsible for the preparation and development of textbooks in Sindh.

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Chapter No.8 - Culture Of Pakistan -Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)
Q.1: Describe the characteristics of culture?
The way of living of people is called culture. There are following characteristics of culture:
  • A culture which has positive a force influences the other culture.
  • New culture might emerge on contact with other culture.
  • The individual identity of culture makes it popular among others.
  • The culture with strong and permanent values absorbs the weak cultures.
  • The Islamic culture prevailed in the past because the Muslim followed their religion and its great value.

Q.2: Why language is an important element of culture?
Ans: Language is an important element of culture for following reasons:
  • • Language is the most important part of culture.
  • • Language is the most effective means of expressing ideas, feeling, and emotions.
  • • Language is the identity of a nation.
  • • Every nation loves its language and takes all possible steps for its development.
  • • All the languages spoken in a country form part of its culture.

Q.3: Write a note on the languages of Pakistan?
Ans: Languages of Pakistan:
There are more than 30 languages are spoken in Pakistan. The major provincial languages of our country include Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi and Brahvi these languages represent their respective provinces are known as provincial languages.

1) Urdu:
The Aryans spoke Sanskrit Urdu derived from Sanskrit. Sanskrit changes under the influence of people living in south Asia and came to be known as Prakrit. With the passage of time Prakrit took four from. One of them was called brijbhasha which the Hindus and Muslims spoke. Brijbhasha changes so much during Shah Jahan’s rule that it became a new language called to be Urdu.

2) Sindhi:
Sindhi is one of the oldest south Asian languages. With the arrival of the Muslims the Sindhi language started taking strides and several Arabic Persian and Turkish words entered this language Sindhi is written in modified Arabic script Sindhi language has the distinction of being the first local language in which the Holy Quran was translated during the Muslim rule.

3) Punjabi:
The Language of the Punjab province is “Punjabi”. The Punjabi vocabulary includes words from Arabic, Turkish and Persian languages although there are minor differences of dialect in the Punjabi spoken in different part of Punjabi.

4) Balochi:
The Language of the Balochi tribes of Balochistan is Balochi. Besides, Balochi, Pashto, Brahvi and Sindhi language are also spoken in this province. Balochi is linked with the ancient languages that were spoken in the southern and Eastern Iran. The Baloch tribes came from north eastern Iran and settled in that region of south Asia which is now called Balochistan. They brought with them the ancient Balochi Language.

Q.4: Describe the importance of Urdu as a national language?
  1. Source of contact:
    Urdu is spoken in all the four provinces of Pakistan. It is the source of national unity, solidarity and stability.
  2. Role in Pakistan Movement:
    In Pakistan movement Urdu was the most favored language.
  3. Media communication:
    Urdu creating harmony among the people through television and radio.
  4. International language:
    It is understood by a lot of people outside Pakistan too.
  5. Common medium:
    It is common medium for people to talk and get education.
  6. Coordination:
    Urdu serves as the medium of coordination between different provinces.

Q.5: What are the common cultural manifestations in the national life?
Ans: Islam has united the people of Pakistan in a fraternal relation. The following cultural manifestation is common in the national life.
  • Mixed Culture:
    People from different regions having different cultures are settled in Pakistan. With the passage of time mixed culture is emerging now.
  • Status of Men and Women:
    Men are the head of family and women are the head of home. The rights and duties of men and women are determined in our religion.
  • Social Life:
    Joint family system is common in Pakistan. Men earn the livelihood and women take care of the children at home.
  • Food:
    Wheat, rice, meat vegetables, pulses. Eating habits are also common.
  • Entertainments:
    Our entertainments are also common like Cricket, Hockey, and Football. Beside people watch T.V and Radio.
  • Religious Events: We have religious events; e.g. Eid-ul-Fitar, Eid-ul-Adha. Besides, the occasion of birth and deaths are similar.
  • Media of Communication: Radio, T.V, Newspaper, Magazines and means of transport all are playing their part in developing common nation culture.
  • Single message of love and brotherhood: All the writers convey the message of higher aims of life to people so that there is Love, Peace, harmony, brotherhood, justice, tolerance and humanity among them.

Q.6: Write down a note on the arts and crafts of Pakistan?
Ans: Arts of Pakistan:
Arts or fine arts include painting, calligraphy, architecture and music. Pakistani artists are famous for their painting, calligraphy, Quranic calligraphy, traditional architecture, music, stone carving and preparation of ornaments with metal and iron. TV and stage drams have also promoted fine arts.

Crafts of Pakistan:
Pakistan is also famous for its handicrafts. Sindhi ajrak and glass cutwork on clothes are very fine and popular. Embroidery and glass cutwork of K.P.K are also very popular. Multan is famous for camel skin lamps. Bahawalpur is famous for its painted vessels. Chiniot is famous for engraved furniture. The handicrafts of Pakistan are also a source of earning foreign exchange.

Q.7: Describe the importance of festivals as a part of our culture?
Ans: Many festivals are held in Pakistan every year. These occasions provide entertainment and joy to the people of Pakistan.
(1) Eid-ul-Fitr:
It is celebrated after the month of Ramadan ends and on the first of Shawwal. This is a reward in the form of blessings of Allah to those Muslims who fasted for the whole month of Ramadan. People wear good dresses eat vermicelli’s and exchange gifts poor people are helped in cash and kind by the rich.

(2) Eid-ul-Azha:
It is celebrated on the 10th of the month of Zil-Hajj in the memory of the great sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim when he offered to sacrifice the life of his dearest son Hazrat Ismail to fulfill the decree of Almighty Allah on Eid-ul-Azha people sacrifice animals and distribute meat among their relatives, friends, neighbors and the poor. The sacrifices is offered for three days i.e. 10th, 11th, and 12th Zil-hajj

(3)Eid Milad-un-Nabi:
It is celebrated on 12th of the Islamic month of Rib-ul-Awwal with great love and devotion. It is celebrated to express happiness on the birth of our Holy prophet. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.S) Homes, streets and bazaars are decorated and illuminated Religious meetings are held it is celebrated with great devotion and zeal.


1) Pakistan’s national language is Urdu.
2) Pakistan’s culture is a mixed culture.
3) The national dress of Pakistan is Shalwar and Kameez.
4) In Pakistan more than 30 languages are spoken.
5) In Balochistan two languages Balochi and Pashtu are spoken.
6) The two great poets of Balochi are Mast Tawakkali and Gul Khan Naseer.
7) Shah Husain was a great Punjabi poet.
8) After independence Sindhi language has made a lot of progress in prose and poem.
9) Most of the people in Pakistan eat simple food.
10) A single message of love and brotherhood has been conveyed by our saints in different languages.
11) Eid-ul-Fitar is celebrated in the month of Shawwal.
12)Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25.

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Chapter No.7 - The Population of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Describe the size and composition of the population of Pakistan?
Ans: The study of the changing numbers of births and deaths in a society over a specified period of time is called demography. Pakistan is a densely populated country, with a density of 166 people per square kilometer. In Punjab 358, in Sindh 218, in KPK 238, in Balochistan.

Q.2: What is the literacy rate in Pakistan? How does it affect national development?
Ans: Literacy Rate: Literacy rate in Pakistan remains quite low because of slow economic progress; the literacy rate of Pakistan is 54% in 2014. Literacy Rate affects National Development:
If a society has a high literacy rate, it can make progress fast. A good literacy rate is a sign of good standard of living. The development of a country depends on the educational skills and scientific and technical expertise and know-how. Singapore has total population 3.5 million, its exports are 150 billion dollars worth annually. Pakistan’s population now is 151 million but its exports are worth 12 billion dollars per annual.

Q.3: How does the growth and migration of population affect the country’s development?
Ans: Pakistan is a densely populated country. Its total resources are not increasing in proportion with the rate of growth of population. The rate at which the population is increasing has caused a population explosion. It has resulted in the rise of unemployment, and a decrease in the facilities of sanitation, health and education. It is necessary to reduce the rate of population growth and to increase the national resources.
The majority of the Pakistanis live in rural areas. As a result of fast increase in population and less chances of employment in the villages, people have started moving to the cities. In spite of employment, there are other attractions for people in cities, e.g., better opportunities of education and health, cultural activities and recreational facilities. Therefore, people’s trend to migrate to cities from villages is increasing day by day.

Q.4: What are the causes of growth of population in Pakistan?
Following are the causes of growth of population in Pakistan:
  • Social factor: Majority of the people believe that ALLAH is the sustainer and provider. Many people think that having a large family is a source of strength.
  • No to family planning: People do not think and take interest in family planning.
  • Poverty: Poverty is yet another reason. People think that they get rid of poverty by having a large family.
  • Early marriages: Early marriages also added to the growth of children.
  • Lack of education: The low literacy rate also contributes to the higher population growth.
  • Desire: The desire for a male results in producing more children.

Q.5: How can a balance be maintained between the growing population and the national resources?
Ans: There must be a balance between national resources and population for the economic and social progress and development. In case of low population, natural resources cannot be exploited. If the population is high and growth rate is also high, undue pressure falls on the natural resources and prosperity cannot be maintained.

Steps That Might Reduce Pressure of Population on Resources:
  • A balance must be maintained between population and resources. It is possible by decreasing the population growth rate and increasing the national resources.
  • The productive resources should be developed at a fast rate including industry, handicrafts, cottage industry, agriculture and trade.
  • Technical education and training should be encouraged. There is a shortage of skilled people in the country.
  • New land should be brought under cultivation.

Q.6: Describe the effects of growing population on health and education?
Ans: We have a lack of government hospitals and health facilities. People have more health problems in villages than in cities. Our doctors do not want to work in villages. The villagers are, therefore, bound to go to the quacks for treatment. In cities, people are having difficulties in connection with treatment facilities because private doctors charge very high fees. Private hospitals and clinics also charge a lot of fees while the condition of government hospitals beyond description.

Effect of Growing Population on Health:
The government’s efforts to promote primary education have failed and the literacy rate is still low. The standard of primary education is very low. The standard of education at all level is low. The reasons for that are low standard of academic programs, old methods of exams, lack of schools and teachers in rural areas etc. These trends are lowering our level of education day by day. The fast population growth rate is also hindering the elimination of illiteracy and non standard education. Government should raised the budget to Rs. 5 billion for the promotion of science and technology in the country.


1) The last Census of Pakistan was held in the year March 2017.
2) The density of population in Sindh is 218 persons per Square Kilometers.
3) Total population of Karachi according to the 1998 Census is 10 million.
4) The majority of Pakistanis lives in rural areas.
5) The female literacy rate in Pakistan is 36% according to 1998 Census.
6) Population growth is the main problem of Pakistan.
7) Urdu is the common language of understanding throughout Pakistan.

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Chapter No.6 - Industrial Development in Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers

Q.1: What is meant by industry?
Industry is the work and process involved in the making of things in factories is called industry. In a wide sense, industry means preparation of commodities from raw materials which have some utility to human beings.

Q.2: Define National Development?
National Development is a process and advancement in economic and social sectors. The resources have been discovered and exploited to the maximum utility of the masses. The people have a standard living which guarantees economic and social protection in other words it can be said that national development reflects strength of human and natural resources which makes the life rich and easy. Industry is one of the factors necessary for national development.

Q.3: What is the importance of industry for National Development?
Industry is an essential component for the development of a country with the discovery of agricultural and natural resources. Industry is important due to the following reasons:
  • It is the source of economic development of a country those countries are considered developed which are developed in industry.
  • Commodities are manufactured on large scale to fulfill local and national need and also are exported to other countries to meet their needs. Value able foreign exchange is also earned.
  • Value of raw material is raised by manufacturing them into finished goods. Cotton as a raw material has less value a compared to cotton yarn or cotton cloth.
  • People get employment according to their skill or expertise and earn money.
  • Industry has added to the comfort and human beings. Radio T.V. Air condition, refrigerator and many other goods have added to the comfort of the people.
  • Industry makes the country economically strong. Economy helps in Political and strategic stability.
  • Country becomes self-reliant and prosperous standard of living is improved.

Q.4: Write a note on Cotton and Sugar Industries in Pakistan?
This is an important industry among the cottage and small industries. This industry includes handlooms whose network is spread in Punjab and Sindh. The number of these handlooms is in thousand. These provide a big source of local employment. These cotton handlooms produce a variety of beautiful blankets (Cotton shawls), bed sheets cotton rugs etc. In Punjab center of cotton handlooms are at Faisalabad, Multan, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sargodha, and Sialkot. Hyderabad and Sukkur are the centers of cotton handlooms in Sindh.

It is one of the biggest industries in the country Pakistan started with two sugar factories at Rahwali near Gujranwala Punjab and TakhtBai Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa in 1947. Sugar is made out of sugar cane, which is cultivated in large quantity in the three provinces, namely, Punjab Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Therefore, government decided to set up sugar factories in the areas where sugarcane is cultivated. There are 78 sugar mills in country (40 in Punjab, 32 in Sindh, 6 in Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa) with capacity to produce 5 million tons of refined sugar annually. Pakistan is not self-sufficient in the production of sugar but also earns valuable foreign exchange through export of sugar. Pakistan sugar is of best quality.

Q.5: How do means of communication help?
Ans: Means of communication are very important for the development of the country. They help in economic development. The material is carried to factories and manufactured goods are taken to the market. They reduce unemployment as people can seek employment at distant places and also travel frequently in brief means of communication help to. Pakistan has all the three means of communication, namely land (roads) sea and air let us take an account of our means of communication.
  • Develop both agriculture and industry of the country.
  • Promote national and international trade.
  • Promote unity and national solidarity as people travel to different parts of the country.
  • Strengthen defense of the country through quick mobilization of armed force.
  • Promote knowledge and art and make their benefits available to other parts of the country.

Q.6: Which important cities are situated on the National Highway from Karachi to Peshawar?
Ans: Following cities are situated on the national highway from Karachi to Peshawar:
  • Karachi
  • Hyderabad
  • Nawabshah
  • Sukkur
  • Bahawalpur
  • Multan
  • Lahore
  • Rawalpindi
  • Peshawar

Q.7: What are the uses of E-Commerce?
E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce. It is carried out by computer and internet. Its uses are given below:
  • The uses of include fast dollars and maintenance of an updated business record.
  • It makes imports and export very easy.
  • Payment has been made through internet.
  • E-Commerce had made trade and business quicker and easier.
  • It helps in maintaining an updated correct record of trade and business.

Q.8: What steps can be taken for increasing the industrial development in Pakistan?
Ans: Following steps will be increasing the industrial development.
  • Law and order situation in the country should be improved enabling the investors to invest money without fear of loss of life or assets.
  • Rules and Regulations for trade should be made easier and simplified.
  • Smuggling should be eliminated.
  • Quality control of products should be guaranteed.
  • A sense of dignity of labor should be created while training the staff in order to create sense of devotion to work and doing hard work for more production.
  • Industrial policies should be well-defined and stable.
  • Government should provide incentives to the industrialists.
  • The working conditions of the workers are improved and their wages be increased.


1) Industry is the source of economical development.
2) Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of sugar.
3) Sialkot is famous for sport goods.
4) Negative attitude of trade union is also a problem for our industry.
5) Three means of communication in Pakistan are roads, Seaways and airways.
6) Carpet making is cottage industry of Pakistan.
7) Cotton and rice are the important exports of Pakistan.

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